Astrologer and women's trainer, Channel One expert Yulia Stolyarova talks about exactly how planets influence the success of cosmetic procedures, and how to independently calculate the most favorable days to visit a cosmetologist.

How do planets affect a woman?

The moon has a huge impact on the mood, general condition and well-being of a woman, since in astrology it is considered the main female planet. It is difficult to argue with the physical manifestation of the influence of the Moon: the average female cycle lasts 28 days, which once again confirms the connection between a woman and the Moon. In addition to the Moon in the sky, of course, there are many other planets that determine the state of things, influencing events that can happen to a person. If you want the procedures you do with a cosmetologist to be successful and give the most effective results, you need to take into account both the personal characteristics of the body and the position of celestial bodies in the sky.

When to go to a cosmetologist?

First you need to separate the types of cosmetic procedures. There are “light” ones, which include peeling, facial massage, applying masks, body wraps, and there are procedures that involve some trauma to the skin, for example, injections. In the first case, astrology does not limit you in any way: you can do such procedures on any day, focusing only on your own well-being. But I recommend taking into account that it is best to plan a visit to a cosmetologist in advance, based on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Creating a personal health schedule will help you determine for yourself when it is worth carrying out procedures and when it is better to refrain from doing so.

Phases of your cycle

So, the menstrual cycle can be divided into several phases. The boundaries of the transition from one phase to another can be accurately determined by measuring basal temperature bodies.

    Premenstrual phase: occurs 3-4 days before bleeding. This phase corresponds to the low part of the temperature graph;

    Bleeding phase;

    Postmenstrual phase: begins on the last day of menstruation and lasts another 3-4 days;

    Ovulation: occurs in the middle of the cycle, takes 2-3 days, temperature reaches its peak;

    Postovulatory phase: lasts about a week, this is the most powerful period, the temperature is high.

The most optimal periods for visiting a cosmetologist are the postmenstrual phase and the ovulation period. At this time, the level of female sex hormones increases, metabolism greatly accelerates, and at the same time the regeneration of skin cells increases. Before and during menstruation, peelings, massages, masks, wraps, and microcurrent facial treatments can be performed. In the postovulatory phase, you can do facial cleansing; this procedure can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. During this period, the egg matures, and the skin, as a rule, begins to become oily: red spots, irritation and pimples appear. This is a signal that the skin of the face needs to be additionally moisturized, avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun.

The least favorable time for any cosmetic procedures is the premenstrual phase and the bleeding period. At this time, fluid accumulates in the body and pain sensitivity increases; the woman experiences a decline in mood, nervousness, short temper and irritability. During this period, it is better to avoid any cosmetic surgeries that cause pain.

When to do injection procedures?

As for Botox injections, filler injections, mesotherapy and other injection procedures, you need to be more responsible when choosing a date, since these are a kind of operations. In order to increase the success of their implementation, it is best to calculate favorable dates in advance. I want to give you an algorithm by which you yourself can always create your own individual schedule for such favorable days.

From an astrological point of view, serious manipulations with the skin should not be done on the following days:

    During Venus retrograde. This planet is responsible for aesthetics and beauty. Venus will enter its next retrograde motion on March 4 and end on April 15, 2017. That is, it is better to refuse injection cosmetology on these dates.

    During the retrograde period of Mars. It is responsible for the likelihood of any occurrence negative consequences. Mars goes through its retromotion stage once every two years. The last time this happened was in the spring-summer period of this year, so it won’t happen in the near future.

    On the new moon (the next ones are November 29 and December 29), the full moon (November 14 and December 14) and the eclipse (not until the end of this year).

    During the period of the idle moon. Dates and times can be found online, as can moon phases.

Try to choose the Moon in the signs of Taurus (November 13−15, December 10−12), Cancer (November 17−19, December 14−16) and Virgo (November 21−23, December 18−21).

Do not forget to take into account your own menstrual cycle (see above), excluding all the unfavorable dates I have given in this algorithm.

If you want to create a more detailed individual schedule, it is better to contact a competent astrologer, especially if we are talking about serious interventions that scare or alarm you. Also, never forget that when choosing a date for visiting a cosmetologist, you must also focus on your own feelings. The body of many women perceives any changes quite calmly. hormonal levels, so the list of recommended cosmetic procedures can be expanded if you feel full of strength, energy and want to “work” on your appearance. If your body is weakened, it is better to refrain from performing any procedures and adhere to the above recommendations and advice from your cosmetologist.

The moon is a celestial body with the most powerful energy. It has a strong impact not only on natural phenomena on the planet, but also on the human body. In this article, we will present you with the lunar calendar for 2018, according to which you can plan facial cosmetic procedures on the most favorable day for this.

Astrologers have put forward the point of view that a person, following the lunar phases schedule, can significantly improve his appearance. If you apply the recommendations of the lunar beauty calendar in practice, then self-care will become not only pleasant, but also a very exciting experience.

In order for cosmetic procedures to bring you maximum benefit, you need to choose the best day according to the lunar calendar, and it is important to take into account the phase of the Moon and the influence on it of the zodiac constellation in which it is located.

Now let's look specifically at the impact each lunar phase has on the process of facial skin care:

  1. New moon:

During the days of the new moon, astrologers do not advise carrying out any cosmetic procedures, because the skin, like the entire body, will be very vulnerable to infectious diseases. The only thing you can afford is a facial massage and compresses from natural decoctions.

  1. Waxing Crescent:

This time is the most favorable time to thoroughly moisturize and nourish your facial skin with masks and creams. The moon will help ensure that the vitamins contained in cosmetic products are better absorbed by our skin.

  1. Full moon:

This period is very similar to the new moon in its effect on the skin. Astrologers recommend avoiding any serious cosmetic procedures. It is only permissible to cleanse the skin with tonic and moisturize it with baby cream.

  1. Waning moon:

During this period, our skin cells are slowly restored. This is why it is better not to deep clean your skin pores. Avoid exfoliating with scrubs, as they will only negatively affect the beauty of your face. Better deal with other problem areas if you have them. We are talking about pimples, acne, which are best treated during the waning moon.

Consult a dermatologist if your skin is too dry and flaky. In addition, during this lunar phase, you can visit the spa and apply a self-tanner - it will lie evenly and will not cause harm to your facial skin.

What facial skin care procedures are acceptable when the Moon is in a particular zodiac sign:

  • If the satellite of our planet is in Aries, then it’s time to deep clean the pores of the facial skin, remove warts or papillomas, if any. In addition, surgical intervention is allowed - plastic surgery, which will have a successful outcome.
  • When the Moon is in Taurus, you should pay attention to improving the health of your facial skin. Choose effective cleansers, nourishing creams and lotions. Choose a serum that will have a deep healing effect on the cells and tissues of the facial skin.
  • When the Moon is in Gemini, do facial muscle exercises and visit a massage room. Continue your health-improving cosmetic procedures, but with the help of light creams or natural ointments that are easily and quickly absorbed.

  • If the Moon is in Cancer, feel free to plan plastic surgery on your face and trust your skin to the hands of professionals. If you are not going to take any radical measures, then use soft cosmetical tools, which produce a rejuvenating effect.
  • When the earth's satellite comes under the influence of Leo, postpone activities to cleanse your facial skin. It’s better to devote this time to fighting the signs of skin aging - use creams and masks to eliminate wrinkles and age-related folds on the neck.
  • With the Moon in Virgo, you can experiment with your facial skin. For example, try a new cosmetic product or use essential oils. This is a good time to visit a dermatologist and cosmetologist, who will create an individual skin care plan for you.
  • If the Moon is in Libra, then you are given complete carte blanche. All cosmetic procedures are acceptable and very effective at this time.

  • At a time when the Earth's satellite is under the influence of Scorpio, try to wash your face less with running water. It is better to cleanse your facial skin with special cosmetics, the main thing is that they are not based on hormones.
  • When the Moon is in Sagittarius, replace all your facial skin care cosmetics with regular ones folk remedies, based on honey, yolk and olive oil.
  • If the Moon is in Capricorn, then it’s time to engage in anti-aging procedures that will heal and improve the structure of the facial skin. To do this, use vitamin nourishing creams and masks.
  • When the Moon is in Aquarius, take time to massage your facial skin. You can do Permanent makeup, make an anti-stress mask or apply your own balm to problem areas of the face to make the skin more elastic.

  • When the Moon is in Pisces, astrologers advise using products containing echinacea, aloe and sea extracts for facial skin care. You just can’t carry out, for example, skin cleansing procedures on your own, as this can have an unfavorable outcome.

Based on the foregoing, we have identified favorable and unfavorable days in each month, when it is possible to carry out cosmetic procedures and when it is not.

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for January 2018

Cosmetic procedures are not recommended in the first month of the year. 1-7, 10-13, 16, 17, 24, 30 and 31. Move them to the most favorable dates in January - 14th, 15th, 21st or 22nd.

Depending on what procedure you want to do, keep in mind that the Moon in January will be under the influence of the zodiac constellations in this order:

  • In Aries – January 22-24
  • In Taurus – January 25 and 26
  • In Gemini – January 27, 28
  • In Cancer – January 2, 3, 29 and 30
  • In Leo - January 4, 5 and 31
  • In Virgo - January 6 and 7
  • In Libra – January 8, 9
  • In Scorpio – January 10-12
  • In Sagittarius – January 13
  • In Capricorn – January 14-16
  • In Aquarius – January 17-19
  • In Pisces - January 20-21

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for February 2018

Astrologers have identified several of the most better days in February for cosmetic procedures on the facial skin - this is 1, 3, 5, 8, 13-15, 18-21, 24-26. February 2, 6, 7, 9-12, 17, 22, 23 It is better to refrain from going to beauty salons.

The Moon will be influenced by the signs of the Zodiac in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – February 19 and 20
  • In Taurus – February 21-23
  • In Gemini - February 24 and 25
  • In Cancer – February 26 and 27
  • In Leo - February 1 and 28
  • In Virgo - February 2-4
  • In Libra – February 5th and 6th
  • In Scorpio – February 7-8
  • In Sagittarius – February 9-11
  • In Capricorn – February 12-13
  • In Aquarius – February 14-16
  • In Pisces - February 17-18

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for March 2018

Excellent results in skin care can be achieved by: March 1, 2, 4, 5, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, 30 and 31. 3, 9, 10, 18, 20, 21, 25 and 29– it is better to refrain from any manipulations with your face, otherwise you can seriously harm yourself.

The Moon in March 2018 will be influenced by the zodiac constellations in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – March 18 and 20
  • In Taurus – March 21-22
  • In Gemini – March 23 and 24
  • In Cancer – March 25 and 26
  • In Leo – March 1, 27 and 28
  • In Virgo - March 2, 3, 29 and 30
  • In Libra – March 4, 5 and 31
  • In Scorpio – March 6-8
  • In Sagittarius – March 9-10
  • In Capricorn – March 11-12
  • In Aquarius – March 13-15
  • In Pisces - March 16 and 17

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for April 2018

Great time to get your facial skin in order - April 1, 2, 4-14, 16, 17, 20, 22-25, 27-29. But resort to cosmetic procedures on the 3rd, 10th, 18th and 19th Astrologers do not advise.

The Moon in April 2018 will be influenced by the zodiac signs in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – April 15 and 16
  • In Taurus – April 17 and 18
  • In Gemini – April 19 and 20
  • In Cancer – April 21 and 22
  • In Leo - April 23 and 24
  • In Virgo - April 25-27
  • In Libra – April 1, 2, 28 and 29
  • In Scorpio – April 3, 4 and 30
  • In Sagittarius – April 5 and 6
  • In Capricorn – April 7-9
  • In Aquarius – April 10-11
  • In Pisces - April 12-14

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for May 2018

If you are planning a visit to a cosmetologist, then choose any of the days favorable for this - 1, 3-5, 7, 8, 10-13, 16, 17, 20-22, 24, 26-30 May. May 9 and 19 Astrologers recommend postponing any cosmetic procedures.

The Moon in May 2018 will be influenced by the zodiac constellations in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – May 12 and 13
  • In Taurus – May 14-15
  • In Gemini – May 16-18
  • In Cancer – May 19 and 20
  • In Leo – May 21 and 22
  • In Virgo - May 23 and 24
  • In Libra – May 25 and 26
  • In Scorpio – May 1, 27-29
  • In Sagittarius – May 2, 3, 30 and 31
  • In Capricorn – May 4-9
  • In Aquarius – May 10-11
  • In Pisces - May 12-14

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for June 2018

Improve the condition of your facial skin June 2-4, 6-7, 9, 10, 12 and 17-19, 2018. It is strictly forbidden to visit a beauty salon 1st, 14th, 16th, 21st and 22nd.

The Moon in June 2018 will be influenced by the signs of the Zodiac in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – June 9-10
  • In Taurus – June 11-12
  • In Gemini – June 13-14
  • In Cancer – June 15-16
  • In Leo – June 17 and 18
  • In Virgo - June 19 and 20
  • In Libra – June 21 and 22
  • In Scorpio – June 23-25
  • In Sagittarius – June 26 and 27
  • In Capricorn – June 1, 2, 28-30
  • In Aquarius – June 3-5, 10-11
  • In Pisces - June 6-8, 12-14

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for July 2018

Favorable days for facial cosmetic procedures in July 2018 will fall on 1-6, 11-13, 18, 22, 25-28. Unlucky days in July for these purposes will be 7th, 14th, 16th, 20th, 21st, 29th and 30th.

The Earth's satellite in July 2018 will be influenced by the signs of the Zodiac in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – July 6-7
  • In Taurus – July 8-9
  • In Gemini – June 10 and 11
  • In Cancer – June 12 and 13
  • In Leo – June 14 and 15
  • In Virgo - June 16 and 17
  • In Libra – July 18-20
  • In Scorpio – July 21 and 22
  • In Sagittarius – July 23-25
  • In Capricorn – July 26 and 27
  • In Aquarius – July 1, 2, 28-30
  • In Pisces - July 3-8, 12-14

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for August 2018

Astrologers advise visiting a beauty salon 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16-18, 20, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31 August 2018, A 4th, 5th, 9th, 12th, 14th, 19th, 26th and 28th It is better to postpone any procedures related to facial skin.

The earth's satellite in August 2018 will be influenced by the zodiacal constellations in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – August 2-3, 29-31
  • In Taurus – August 4-6
  • In Gemini – August 7th and 8th
  • In Cancer – August 9 and 10
  • In Leo - August 11 and 12
  • In Virgo - August 13 and 14
  • In Libra – August 15 and 16
  • In Scorpio – August 17 and 18
  • In Sagittarius – August 19-21
  • In Capricorn – August 22-23
  • In Aquarius – August 24-26
  • In Pisces - August 27-28

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for September 2018

According to astrologers, the most favorable days for cosmetic procedures with facial skin in September 2018 there will be 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25, 30. A September 3, 7, 10, 13, 17 and 26 It’s better to avoid going to a cosmetologist.

The Moon in September 2018 will be influenced by the zodiac constellations in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – September 26 and 27
  • In Taurus – September 1, 2, 28, 29
  • In Gemini – September 3, 4, 30
  • In Cancer – September 5 and 6
  • In Leo – September 7 and 8
  • In Virgo - September 9-10
  • In Libra – September 11 and 12
  • In Scorpio – September 13 and 15
  • In Sagittarius – September 16 and 17
  • In Capricorn – September 18-20
  • In Aquarius – September 21, 22
  • In Pisces - September 23 and 25

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for October 2018

Rejuvenating and wellness procedures for facial skin are recommended in October 2018 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 27. Don't plan visits to a cosmetologist 1-3, 6, 10-13, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25 and 31 October.

The Moon in October 2018 will be influenced by the signs of the Zodiac in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – October 22-24
  • In Taurus – October 25 and 26
  • In Gemini – October 1, 27-29
  • In Cancer – October 2-4, 30 and 31
  • In Leo – October 5 and 6
  • In Virgo - October 7 and 8
  • In Libra – October 9 and 10
  • In Scorpio – October 11 and 12
  • In Sagittarius – October 13 and 14
  • In Capricorn – October 15-17
  • In Aquarius – October 18 and 19
  • In Pisces - October 20 and 21

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for November 2018

Astrologers recommend planning cosmetic procedures in November 2018 3, 6, 12-14, 19, 15, 17, 19-22, 25, 26 or 28. Facial skin care will not bring the desired result November 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 21 and 29.

The Moon in November 2018 will be influenced by the signs of the Zodiac in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – November 19-21
  • In Taurus – November 22 and 23
  • In Gemini – November 24 and 25
  • In Cancer – November 26 and 27
  • In Leo – November 1, 2, 28 and 29
  • In Virgo - November 3, 4, 30
  • In Libra – November 5th and 6th
  • In Scorpio – November 7 and 8
  • In Sagittarius – November 9-11
  • In Capricorn – November 12 and 13
  • In Aquarius – November 14-16
  • In Pisces - November 17 and 18

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for December 2018

You will get the best results from anti-aging and other facial skin cosmetic procedures if you carry them out December 5, 7, 8, 10-12, 16, 20, 21, 23,26 and 27, 2018. Astrologers recommend not planning any manipulations with the facial skin for December 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 17, 19, 24 and 29.

The earth's satellite in December 2018 will be influenced by the signs of the Zodiac in the following sequence:

  • In Aries – December 17 and 18
  • In Taurus – December 19 and 20
  • In Gemini – December 21 and 22
  • In Cancer – December 23 and 24
  • In Leo – December 25 and 26
  • In Virgo - December 29-31
  • In Libra – December 1-2
  • In Scorpio – December 3-6
  • In Sagittarius – December 7-8
  • In Capricorn – December 9-11
  • In Aquarius – December 12-13
  • In Pisces - December 14-16

Video: Advice from a cosmetologist. How to properly care for your facial skin?

Did you know that the Moon has a huge influence not only on some processes that occur on our planet, but also on our body? The success of many endeavors depends on the position of this luminary. So, in this article we would like to tell you how and when to correctly carry out cosmetic procedures according to the lunar calendar.

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Photo gallery: Cosmetic procedures according to the lunar calendar

For acne age spots, acne, freckles and other defects are easier to get rid of on the waning moon. These days are also good for fighting the hated cellulite. These are the days when your skin is fully primed for cleansing.

During the waxing moon, try to saturate your skin as much as possible useful substances. The skin accepts nourishing and moisturizing masks and creams with pleasure and gets the maximum benefit from them.

Moon calendar and diet

If you are trying to lose weight, then remember that on the waning moon the diet will be twice as fruitful as at any other time.

Manicure procedures according to the lunar calendar

The best time for nail care, manicure and pedicure is Friday after sunset. A time when both the Moon and Friday are in Capricorn. If the Moon is in Pisces, then manicure is not recommended.

When performing plastic and other operations, you should remember that they work better when the moon is waning. Also, do not forget about your zodiac sign.

Lunar calendar and tanning

When planning a vacation by the sea or ocean, remember that tanning during the waning moon is less dangerous than at any other time.

How to carry out cosmetic procedures according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Aries. Plastic surgery in the facial area cannot be performed at this time, because Aries is the sign that is responsible for the head area. Only external manipulations are allowed. For example, deep cleansing, peeling, removal of papillomas, ingrown nails, warts. It is not recommended to permanently dye eyelashes and eyebrows or pierce ears. Hair styling using special collagen-containing emulsions and wax, and scalp massage will not be beneficial. You cannot perm or lighten your hair.

Moon in Taurus. This is the perfect time to heal your scalp and dye your gray hair. You can deal with cosmetic problems, perform liposuction. A favorable time for dyeing your hair light, plucking your eyebrows, and permanent makeup. Procedures with a deep effect on the tissues and skin of the face are effective during this period. Before applying the mask, you should clean your face. The most suitable creams at this time are fatty ones containing bioactive components.

Moon in Gemini. At this time, it is not advisable to extend artificial nails, cut or dye hair. Water treatments, visits to baths, swimming pools, saunas will have a beneficial effect. If at the same time the moon is waning, then you can correct the shape of the chin. Skin rejuvenation procedures are especially effective when the Moon is in Gemini.

Moon in Cancer. The waning moon in Cancer is a favorable time for plastic surgery on the face. These days it is also good to visit a dentist or a chiropractic session. At this time, it is better to use only mild cosmetics. Breast surgery is not recommended. It is forbidden to cut hair. Skin rejuvenation procedures are effective.

Moon in Leo. This time is favorable for those who want to correct the shape of the chin, eliminate folds and deposits on the neck. But it is better to refrain from deep cleansing the face and steam baths. The fight against moles and warts should be postponed, as well as ear piercing. These are great days for anti-wrinkle treatments and anti-aging treatments.

Moon in Virgo. A favorable time to cut your hair, get a pedicure or get your nails done. All kinds of procedures with the feet (therapeutic baths, removal of calluses) will be beneficial. Cosmetics can be varied, for example, aromacosmetics. Also on these days you can visit a cosmetologist to develop a skin care program.

Moon in Libra. A trip to a cosmetologist, restoration of damaged eyelashes and eyebrows, plastic surgery on the neck and face, a favorable time for these procedures is the waning Moon in Libra. There are great benefits from spinal flexibility exercises, full body massage, and eye exercises. The body will draw everything positive from the procedures accompanied by aromatic essential oils. You can experiment with aromatic oils yourself; most importantly, do not forget that they should not be mixed with cosmetics.

Moon in Scorpio. This time is favorable for oil rubs and beneficial massages. If possible, the number of water treatments should be reduced and washing should be replaced with cosmetic cleansing. The period is suitable for the most gentle procedures in the bust and neck area.

Moon in Sagittarius. Exactly this best time in order to fight cellulite, especially if the Moon is waning in Sagittarius. Even self-massage in problem areas will have a positive effect. Any surgery in the hip area is completely contraindicated.

Moon in Capricorn. This period is excellent for skin care, but plastic surgery is undesirable. If you want to get rid of any cosmetic imperfections, such as warts, tattoos, age spots or scars, then do it during the waning moon in Capricorn. Use the waxing Moon to saturate your body with healthy, moisturizing, nourishing, and vitamin preparations. Treatments that improve skin structure and rejuvenate are effective.

The position of the Moon is favorable for pedicures and manicures.

Moon in Aquarius. This time is suitable for pampering the skin of your hands and feet with massages, pedicures and manicures. Treatment of inflamed cracks in the skin of the legs will be most successful. The stars say “yes” to going to the dentist, as well as permanent makeup. There are noticeable benefits from face balms and anti-stress masks, soothing herbal infusions, vitamins A, E and C, citrus fruits in the form cosmetic masks, creams with silicon. Most plastic surgeries do not have a positive result.

Moon in Pisces. It is worth postponing any operations, because in this position of the Moon our body is most sensitive. Any exercises for the feet and legs in general, as well as massages, are useful. Don't try new ones cosmetic preparations if your skin is sensitive. The most suitable cosmetics for this period should contain echinacea, aloe, and sea plant extracts, because our skin absorbs moisture best and these components are moisturizing. In order to cleanse the skin, you should use only soft products - cosmetic milk, gels, oatmeal.

August 1– 10th lunar day. Bath, sauna, hair cutting and coloring. It is better not to do a manicure or pedicure.

August 3rd– 12th lunar day. Oil baths for hands. Salon treatments It's better to postpone it.

August 4– 13th lunar day. Fruit masks for facial skin. Mani Pedi. Hair cutting is not advisable.

5th of August– 14th lunar day. Dental procedures. It is better to postpone hair coloring.

August 6– 15th lunar day. Mani Pedi. Hair cutting, eyebrow correction. Hair coloring is not recommended.

August 7– 16th lunar day, full moon. Skin whitening. It is better to postpone hair cutting.

8 August– 17th lunar day. Deep cleansing of the skin. Testing of cosmetics is not advisable.

August 9– 18th lunar day. Hair cutting and coloring. Massage, hand baths. Reduce physical activity.

10th of August– 19th lunar day. Eyebrow correction, hair masks, manicure. Hair cutting is not advisable.

11th August– 20th lunar day. Skin whitening, mole removal. It is better to reschedule your visit to the dentist.

12th of August– 20th lunar day. Mani Pedi. Hair cutting and coloring natural means. Surgery is not advisable.

August 13– 21st lunar day. Eyebrow correction, permanent makeup. Epilation is not worth doing.

August 14– 22nd lunar day. Start of the diet. Massage. Mole removal, hair removal. It is better to postpone hair coloring.

August 15– 24th lunar day. Bath, sauna, aromatherapy. Manicures and pedicures are not advisable.

August 17– 25th lunar day. Bath, sauna, aromatherapy. Epilation, anti-cellulite massage. It is better to postpone cutting and coloring your hair.

August 18– 26th lunar day. Manicure, pedicure, eyebrow correction. It is better to postpone complex cosmetic procedures.

August 19– 27th lunar day. Skin whitening, mole removal. Hair removal, permanent makeup, piercing. Hair cutting and coloring are not recommended.

August 20– 28th lunar day. On this day, it’s the best time to do a deep cleansing of the skin: clay masks and scrubs, as well as alginate masks and peeling sheets can help.

August 21– 29/1st lunar day, new moon. Salon beauty treatments will be added Have a good mood. Deep cleansing of the skin, bath, sauna. Testing cosmetics is not advisable: you won’t choose anything worthwhile on this day.

August 22– 2nd lunar day. Choosing new cosmetics. It is better not to do manicures and pedicures, there is a risk of cuts.

August 23– 3rd lunar day. Wardrobe update, bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool. A haircut, perm and hair coloring. It is better to postpone correction of eyebrows and nails.

24 August– 4th lunar day. Soothing masks for skin. It is not advisable to go on a diet - on this day any endeavors will not find support.

25-th of August– 5th lunar day. Hair coloring in dark colors. Epilation, anti-cellulite massage. Hair cutting is not advisable: it does not help your mood.

August, 26th– 6th lunar day. Eyebrow correction, eyelash tinting. Thermal procedures are undesirable.

August 27- 7th lunar day. Epilation. Hair cutting and coloring. It is better to postpone complex procedures.

August 28- 7th and 8th lunar days. Haircut, hair coloring. Mani Pedi. Reduce physical activity: there is a risk of injury.

August 29– 8th and 9th lunar days. Skin whitening, aromatherapy. Eyebrow correction. Hair cutting is not advisable.

August 30- 9th and 10th lunar days. Mole removal, dental procedures. Hair cutting is not advisable.

August 31- 10th and 11th lunar days. Hair cutting and coloring, permanent makeup, piercing. Not the best time to start a diet.

It is no secret that the beautiful companion of our planet, the Moon, has a huge influence on all life on Earth. The human body is no exception. Therefore, for health and beauty, it is important to follow not only the advice of nutritionists and cosmetologists, but also the rules of the lunar calendar. In this article we will talk about our skin - how to properly care for it while remaining in harmony with the Moon?

Skin care according to the lunar calendar - procedure schedule

Skin care includes many different procedures, and for each type the Moon provides its own most appropriate time in the cycle. In addition, there are also lunar days on which certain care procedures are strictly contraindicated. Moisturizing and nourishing masks, water procedures, anti-aging, removal of moles and warts, changing cosmetics... How to choose the most favorable day and get the best result?

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures

In general, any cosmetic procedure can be successfully performed in 7, 8, 16, 20, 25 lunar days. But in 1, 14, 23 lunar day It is better to avoid aggressive effects on the skin. For your facial cleansing procedure, feel free to choose 28 lunar day, and on 9, 14, and 23 There is no need to prescribe cleaning. If you are planning procedures for removing moles or warts, also avoid 2 lunar day, and choose 16th or 26th lunar day. Best suited for scrubs, peelings and other anti-aging procedures 6th and 13th lunar days, and for wraps and relaxation procedures - 9 and 18. No need to visit a solarium 7th lunar day.

Do not forget that the beauty and youth of your skin also depends on the quality of your diet. Use the secret knowledge of the lunar diet to be 100% beautiful 👇

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* which foods are best to avoid on which days
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When to make masks according to the lunar calendar?

Favorable days for applying masks: 2, 4, 11, 14, 18, 20, 27 lunar days. However, if you are going to start the course healing masks, it's better to do it in 2 or 11 lunar day.

Water treatments according to the lunar calendar

For such water procedures as baths, saunas, dousing and hardening, the best period of the lunar cycle will be 3,10, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 29 lunar days. On these days, it’s great to pamper yourself with a massage. IN 19th lunar day Avoid herbal baths.

Changing cosmetic products according to the lunar calendar

As you know, it is better to change cosmetic products periodically. The moon encourages new cosmetics during 2 lunar day, wherein 1 lunar day is the best time to select and plan its acquisition.