If you have a girlfriend or close relative who is interested in spending salon treatments at home, then performing paraffin therapy for the face will be a feasible task for you. The most important thing here is to choose suitable creams and emulsions for yourself, buy cosmetic paraffin and a brush for applying it. Once you get the hang of it, you can perform an effective anti-aging procedure at home and get salon-like results from it.

Why is cosmetic paraffin so good?

It has several obvious advantages that provide a pronounced effect after the first procedure.

  • Thermal impact.

Despite the fact that paraffin is heated to almost 50 o C before being applied to the skin, the risk of burns is minimal, since the drug slowly releases heat. Under a layer of paraffin, the tissue temperature increases slightly, by about one and a half to two degrees. But this is enough to speed up metabolic processes by 15%, improve blood flow, enhance lymph outflow, and accelerate the removal of excess fluid, metabolic products, and toxins.

Under the influence of soft heat, facial muscles relax, facial wrinkles and skin creases disappear.
  • Ability to shrink when cooled.

As it cools, it decreases in volume, so the paraffin mask on the face tightens and at the same time tightens the skin. This gives a pronounced lifting effect.

  • "Greenhouse effect".

The paraffin layer does not allow moisture to pass out. Under the influence of heat and high humidity, the epidermis loosens, pores open and all the beneficial components of cosmetics penetrate deep into the skin.

Video: Paraffin mask for wrinkles

Necessary things for the procedure

The list of necessary things is small. This:

  • alcohol-free face lotion;
  • a choice of moisturizing cream, special emulsions or serums for the face, ampoule concentrates to solve specific skin problems;
  • a gauze mask with slits for the eyes and nose or fabric bases of Korean face masks (by the way, a very convenient thing);
  • cover cream (aka protective cream) in order to prolong the effect of the procedure;
  • cosmetic paraffin;
  • brush for applying paraffin;
  • a container for heating paraffin in a water bath or a paraffin bath.

An optional component can be a light facial scrub or peeling roll based on fruit acids. Gentle exfoliation will make the procedure even more effective.


  • dry, dehydrated, chapped skin;
  • increased sensitivity of facial skin to frosty air, dry indoor air, wind;
  • the need to “get your face in order” for the event as soon as possible;
  • intense peeling of the skin in winter;
  • the appearance of the first wrinkles and folds of the skin against the background of dehydration;
  • the presence of a double chin, a “floating” oval of the face;
  • loss of skin tone;
  • swelling of the face, its puffiness;
  • the presence of red and hyperpigmented spots in place of healed acne.


  • rosacea of ​​any stage, otherwise there is a risk of rapid appearance of vascular networks or asterisks on the face;
  • the presence of a pustular rash on the face;
  • presence of wounds and scratches on the face;
  • arterial hypertension with high blood pressure numbers and frequent crises;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus.

Video: Facial paraffin therapy at home

How to do it at home

We offer you a universal technology for performing facial paraffin therapy at home, described step by step.

We will need a comfortable chair, table or coffee table to place all the necessary cosmetics and accessories, a water bath or a bath for melting paraffin. It is better to cover the table with a towel or sheet, which you won’t mind throwing away over time, since washing off paraffin from surfaces is not such an easy task.

  • Warm up the paraffin.

If you have a paraffin bath, then simply turn it on and wait for the paraffin to heat up to the set temperature. At this time, you can prepare your workplace or prepare your facial skin for the application of paraffin.

If there is no heating bath, then you will have to heat the paraffin in a water bath. To do this you will need two pans of different diameters. Water is poured into the larger one, paraffin is placed into the smaller one. It is necessary to ensure that no water gets into the paraffin.

The paraffin needs to be stirred periodically wooden stick. It is important not to overheat the paraffin and not let it thicken too quickly.

  • Preparing your facial skin for paraffin application.

We wash and apply a gentle scrub or peeling sheet to the face. In principle, the exfoliation stage is not necessary, but preliminary removal of the layer of dead cells allows you to get a more pronounced effect from the serums or ampoule concentrates used. Wash off the remaining exfoliant with water. Wipe your face dry and wipe with lotion or tonic.

To avoid drying out your skin, do not use alcohol-containing products. Apply cream, ampoule concentrate or serum, distribute the product with soft massage movements and allow to be completely absorbed.

  • We apply paraffin.

To apply paraffin we use a cosmetic brush. If the paraffin was heated in a water bath, then first we do a temperature test on the hand. If the paraffin does not burn, apply a thin layer of it to the face. It’s good to hold your neck as low as possible. The area around the eyes can be protected with cotton pads.

Place a layer of gauze or a fabric mask on top of the first layer of paraffin. We apply several more layers of paraffin on top of the fabric until the thickness of the mask is about 1 cm. Cover the paraffin with a layer of film with cutouts for the nose and eyes. You can put a towel on top of the film. After all the steps are completed, you can move to a chair with a headrest or lie down for 20-30 minutes and relax.

  • Completion of the procedure.

When the paraffin has cooled, it is removed by lifting the edges of the gauze in the direction from the neck to the forehead. The skin is covered with cover cream before it loses moisture.

Any thick cream or protective face cream will be suitable as a cover cream.

When the paraffin therapy procedure is completed, you need to stay warm for at least half an hour and drink hot tea.

Don't miss out on the benefits of relaxation and a sense of peace that comes from any spa treatment, even if done at home.

How often can you do it

Typically, paraffin therapy for the face is prescribed in a course of 10-15 procedures. But at home it can be done as needed, as soon as the skin of the face loses its velvety and smoothness and becomes dry after being in the cold. Usually 1-2 procedures per week are enough.

Until what age will it be effective?

Each age has its own tasks, so facial paraffin therapy will be effective at any age and will provide a significant improvement in skin condition and overall well-being.

Price of paraffin therapy for the face in salons

The cost of home paraffin therapy will be several times less. At first you will have to spend money on cosmetics and paraffin, but then for a long time You will not be required to make any further investments.

When it comes to beauty, women forget about saving and are ready to spend a decent amount on transformation in expensive salons. But such a cosmetic procedure as a paraffin facial mask is also available at home. You will learn how to apply the mask correctly and what materials are needed to complete the procedure by reading the article.

How does paraffin affect skin condition?

The world owes the appearance of paraffin therapy to France, as well as to many other cosmetics. At the beginning of the 20th century, a French doctor first began to use this substance for cosmetic purposes. Now paraffin therapy is very popular and effective method in the struggle for beauty. What are the benefits of a paraffin face mask?

You need to understand that paraffin, from which candles are made, is not suitable for this mask. It contains many impurities. You need special paraffin that has passed good cleaning. You can buy it at a pharmacy at a very affordable price.

When warm paraffin is applied to the skin, the pores expand, which helps remove dirt and toxins accumulated there. Opened pores more easily absorb nutrients contained in paraffin. The procedure activates blood circulation, providing cells with nutrition, which improves complexion.

As it cools, paraffin compresses the skin, which provides a lifting effect. This allows you to smooth out small wrinkles and make the facial contour more expressive. The mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, eliminating flaking.

Who is the mask for?

Due to its unique properties, this cosmetic procedure is suitable for young and mature skin. The mask solves a lot cosmetic problems, among them:

  • oily or dry skin;
  • inflammation and peeling;
  • acne, pimples;
  • loss of tone, double chin;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • black dots.

Who should not make a mask

Take your time to make a paraffin face mask at home. Although the procedure is considered simple, it can be harmful to some people. Conditions for which the mask is not recommended:

  • presence of spider veins;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • purulent and open wounds in the area of ​​application;
  • increased hair growth;
  • raised or hanging moles on the face;
  • pink acne;
  • problems with blood clotting.

If you do not have such contraindications, feel free to use a paraffin face mask.

Materials for performing the procedure

For a paraffin face mask, prepare in advance:

  • cosmetic paraffin;
  • bandage;
  • a small spatula made of wood or silicone;
  • dishes for heating the substance (2 containers);
  • wide brush for applying the product;
  • towel and cotton pads;
  • additional components as desired.

How to carry out the procedure

When everything is ready, it's time to start the procedure. It is better to do it with an assistant. This will make it easier to monitor the temperature of the paraffin, preventing it from solidifying. When applying the product alone, it will be difficult for you to take a horizontal position, and the paraffin will drain from your face. Agree, all this is not very convenient. But in pursuit of beauty and youth, such inconveniences will not stop the fair half of humanity, and, judging by the reviews, many girls and women make paraffin face masks on their own. But we’ll talk about reviews later, and now let’s move on to the stages of the procedure.

Preparatory stage

The face should be as clean as possible. To do this, you need to wash your face with a cleanser, pat your face dry with a towel and apply cream to the skin. Choose a nutrient depending on what result you want to get: rejuvenate, moisturize, nourish, relieve inflammation.

Build a water bath from two containers. The larger container will contain boiling water, and the smaller container will contain paraffin. To determine if the material is ready for application, perform a simple test. Apply a drop of the substance to your wrist. If the paraffin burns, then it needs to be allowed to cool. Paraffin should be at a comfortable temperature, warm.

Application to skin

To apply a paraffin face mask, use a wide brush or cosmetic spatula. In specialized stores you can purchase brushes for applying paraffin. Start applying from the forehead to double-check that the paraffin will not burn your face. The skin there is the least sensitive. But under no circumstances should you apply the product around the eyes.

After the first layer has been distributed over the entire face, apply a gauze bandage or bandages. Then apply several layers of paraffin again. It is recommended to do 4 layers. Hold the product for 20-25 minutes, taking a comfortable position and relaxing. According to reviews, the paraffin face mask is very pleasant to wear. Only a slight tightness of the skin is felt.

End of the procedure

Now all that remains is to remove all the layers. This is done simply - you need to carefully pull the edges of the gauze bandage from bottom to top. Then walk over your face with a cotton pad soaked in herbal decoction, lotion or plain water. Complete the procedure by applying a nourishing cream.

To achieve a good effect, it is recommended to carry out the procedure several times a week for 1-3 months. A paraffin face mask is made more often in winter than in summer or spring. During the cold season, under the influence of frost outside and dry air indoors, the skin loses moisture, becomes flabby, and peeling and redness appear.

Precautionary measures

Let's look at how to make a paraffin face mask to avoid unpleasant moments. Follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Do not apply the product too hot.
  2. Be sure to moisturize your face before applying the mask.
  3. Used paraffin is not suitable for reapplication. However, some people use it to care for their hands and feet.
  4. It is better to apply the mask in the evening before going to bed. After the procedure, the skin remains vulnerable for some time, so you need to limit external influences for 1 hour.

Paraffin mask recipes with various additives

You can add to the workpiece natural ingredients to enhance the beneficial effects of a paraffin face mask. Wax and oil with paraffin are a great combination for the skin. Below are additional components that can be added to a paraffin mask to give it an additional effect.

With added honey

Suitable for dry, sagging skin and those prone to inflammation. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week for one or two months.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt 50 g of paraffin in a water bath.
  2. Pour 1/3 of the product into a separate container.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the smaller portion.
  4. Apply the first layer, consisting of paraffin and honey, to your face.
  5. Let the layer dry a little.
  6. Then apply several more layers of paraffin, without honey.
  7. Keep for 20-25 minutes.

With the addition of propolis

Works well on oily skin prone to rashes and greasy shine. This mask nourishes it and has an antibacterial effect.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the paraffin in a water bath.
  2. In a small container, mix a little melted paraffin and 1/2 teaspoon of propolis.
  3. Spread a layer of propolis over your face, let it cool slightly and harden.
  4. Apply another 3-4 layers of paraffin.
  5. Wait 20-25 minutes and remove the mask.

With added aloe

Cooking method:

  1. Melt 50 g of paraffin as described above.
  2. Pour a little product into another container.
  3. Add a few drops of aloe to the smaller part.
  4. Apply the first layer to the face, consisting of paraffin and aloe.
  5. Allow the layer to cool and harden slightly.
  6. Then apply another 2-3 layers of paraffin without aloe.
  7. Keep the mask on for 20-25 minutes.

With added oil

An oil-based mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, has a lifting effect, removes swelling, and rejuvenates the face.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the paraffin.
  2. Separate a little product.
  3. Add half a teaspoon of oil that suits your skin type to the smaller part.
  4. The first layer will consist of paraffin with oil.
  5. After the first layer has dried, apply several more layers of paraffin.
  6. Keep for 20-25 minutes.

Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months.

With added essential oils

For this mask you can use the following essential oils: lemon, orange and rose. Masks based essential oils relieve inflammation and provide an antibacterial effect.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the paraffin to the desired temperature.
  2. Pour a little product into another container and add 2-3 drops of essential oil.
  3. Apply the first layer containing essential oil.
  4. Let it dry and apply several more layers of paraffin without oil.
  5. Keep the mask on for 20-25 minutes.

Combine a paraffin mask with a steam bath

To enhance the effect of a paraffin face mask, you can create an effect. To do this, you need to make a paraffin mask according to the basic recipe. Place a layer of cotton wool on top, leaving the mouth and nose areas open. Cover the top terry towel. You can keep this mask a little longer than usual, because the layer of cotton wool and the towel retain heat, and the paraffin cools more slowly. After 30-35 minutes, remove all layers and lubricate the skin nourishing cream. It is highly recommended not to go outside for 2-3 hours.

This procedure is suitable for all skin types. Those with dry skin will receive a moisturizing and exfoliating effect. It will protect those with oily skin from greasy shine, and for normal and combination skin types it will serve as an excellent nourishing agent.

Cosmetic procedures can be not only useful, but also enjoyable. Thus, a paraffin face mask has been successfully used for a long time to eliminate cosmetic defects appearance and general health of the skin. To carry out such an effect, no special skills are required, it is safe and does not harm human health, which is why it is so easy to implement without the help of a specialist at home. However, it is necessary to take into account certain nuances, which we will talk about.

Indications and expected results

In what cases is paraffin therapy for the face indicated? First of all, it should be noted that this procedure is universal; it provides additional nutrition, hydration and softening of the skin. Paraffin masks are suitable for absolutely any skin type, especially dry and aging skin. In addition, they are carried out for the purpose of:

  • Eliminate swelling.
  • Reducing ptosis, tightening sagging skin.
  • Slowing down age-related changes.
  • Reducing expression lines, deep folds and creases.
  • Reducing scars.

As a result of paraffin therapy, acne formations decrease or disappear, muscle tone increases, pores expand and sebaceous plugs come to the surface, skin elasticity increases, and the facial contour becomes clearer.

Operating principle

The positive changes mentioned above are achieved due to the complex effect of paraffin on the skin of the face. It is expressed:

  • The saturation of soft tissues with nutrients and vitamins contained in the mass itself (or added to it).
  • In optimizing local processes (blood circulation, lymph flow, metabolism) due to the generated heat from the hot composition.
  • In the redistribution of fluid and the removal of toxins from soft tissues by creating a greenhouse effect (paraffin stimulates increased sweating, but does not allow the liquid that comes to the surface to evaporate, it is reabsorbed, and toxins remain on the skin).

Types of paraffin

For cosmetic purposes, it is customary to use special, purified paraffin. It comes in two types:

  • Hot (sold in solid form, requires pre-heating to a temperature of 53-55 degrees, with such initial data it becomes viscous and viscous).
  • Cold (sold in creamy form, applied to the skin without prior preparation).

Hot paraffin
Cold paraffin

A special device is used to heat hot paraffin. If you don’t want to spend money on purchasing it, use a regular saucepan with boiling water and a ladle to organize a water bath. Apply paraffin heated in this way to the skin with great care to avoid facial burns.

Paraffin bath
Homemade paraffin bath

Paraffin can be classified not only by consistency and temperature, but also by its composition. Ready-made paraffin used for therapeutic baths and masks does not contain harmful impurities or dyes, and is enriched with plant extracts, vitamins and microelements.

If you purchase regular white cosmetic paraffin, then after heating you can add additional components to its composition. Most often, liquid vitamins, essential oils, natural vegetable oils and even some food products (for example, cocoa powder or natural honey).

Algorithm for the procedure

Paraffin masks for facial skin care can be applied in several ways. The most commonly practiced methods are:

  • Applying paraffin in one layer over a moisturizer or collagen-containing composition to enhance their absorption.
  • Applying paraffin to previously cleansed skin in several layers. Each subsequent one is applied after the previous one has hardened.
  • Applying paraffin using a gauze bandage. The first layer of the composition is applied to clean skin, then fixed with a gauze bandage; in the future, it will be necessary to apply paraffin on top of it another 5-6 times, but without the use of additional materials.

Regardless of the paraffin mask method chosen, you must first treat your facial skin with a scrub to cleanse it of surface impurities and dead cells.

The average duration of paraffin exposure is 20 minutes, after which the film from the hot or unabsorbed remnants of the cold paraffin should be removed, the face should be washed and an additional moisturizer should be used to consolidate the positive results.

Masks should be done no more than 2 times a week, with a break of 2 to 4 days. The full course is approximately 15-20 procedures; if necessary, paraffin therapy can be performed once to solve specific problems (for example, eliminating peeling or the effect of chapped skin).

Cosmetic paraffin is an excellent product for skin tightening, its rejuvenation.

With this mask you can smooth out wrinkles and improve blood circulation.

If you choose the right additional components, paraffin will benefit any skin.

What kind of paraffin do you need?

Which paraffin is best for the face? For the procedure you must use special medical paraffin.

It is sold in pharmacies or cosmetics stores.

It is forbidden use regular paraffin from candles - it has a different chemical composition.

Cosmetic paraffin passes special cleaning, after which a minimum amount of impurities remains in it. The purer the substance, the more beneficial it will be.

That is why you need to purchase paraffin only at special retail outlets. The contaminated substance may not only be ineffective, but even harmful.


How to make a paraffin face mask? For one mask you will need 50 grams. paraffin Melt it down in a water bath and heat for 10 minutes after the water boils. While it is warming up, prepare for the procedure. Hide your hair, wipe your face alcohol(at oily skin) or apply a little cream or lotion (at ).

Apply the mask starting from the chin and gradually moving up to the forehead.

During the procedure, do not talk or move your facial muscles. The surface of the paraffin must remain intact.

Paraffin dressing: used to improve facial contour. Folded gauze is dipped in paraffin and applied to a specific area of ​​the face. You can cover the gauze with a pressure bandage.

Simple mask: Dip a cotton pad into melted paraffin and apply the substance to your face.

Wait for it to cool, then apply a second coat. Repeat 3-4 times.

Essential oil mask: add a few drops of oil to the paraffin, etc.

Honey mask: stir 1 tbsp. honey (necessarily natural) with paraffin into a homogeneous mass.

Almond oil mask: add 1 tbsp to paraffin. (can be replaced with olive oil) and 0.5 tsp. lanolin.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from the company Mulsan Сosmetic - a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Efficiency and benefits

A mask with paraffin gradually releases heat to the skin of the face, warming it evenly. Due to this, the pores on the skin open and nutrients are absorbed into it faster.

Metabolism and blood flow accelerate. Fast toxins are eliminated. The resorption of subcutaneous blood accumulations is stimulated (for example, after injuries).

Paraffin masks speed up restorative processes. This is especially useful for resolving scars. Muscles relax and spasms are relieved.

When cooling, paraffin contracts, exerting a mechanical effect on the skin. The result resembles the results of .

Under the influence of paraffin it comes out subcutaneous fat. Dead epidermis peels off faster, making room for new cells.

It is necessary to make masks with paraffin 2-3 times a week.

To consolidate the effect, the procedure must be repeated for 10-12 days.

Then you need to do break at least per month. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

If the desired effect has already been achieved, it is enough to carry out maintenance procedures 1-2 times a month.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Facial skin needs pre-clean using gel or milk for washing.
  2. After removing the mask, you should not go outside for at least 1 hour. It is best to do this procedure before bedtime.
  3. Keep the mask on your face 15-20 minutes. To make the paraffin cool longer, you can put cling film on top and a thick towel on it.
  4. To apply the mask pointwise, you can dip pieces of gauze into hot paraffin and apply them to the skin.
  5. Before applying paraffin, you need to check its temperature to avoid burns.
  6. To do this, you need to apply a little paraffin to your forearm. If it does not burn the skin, you can apply the mask to your face.

  7. Paraffin is possible reuse(if it was applied to the face without additives). To do this, it is heated for 20 minutes in a water bath and mixed in half with fresh.
  8. To paraffin didn't stick excessively to the skin, first apply a little moisturizer to it.
  9. It is advisable to apply the mask in 2-3 layers for better effect.


Precautionary measures

Paraffin must be heated at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. This will help evaporate excess moisture and prevent burns.

Avoid contact of hot paraffin with mucous membranes and eyes.

Cosmetic paraffin is pure product, which may include additives (aloe juice, fruit acid, herbal extracts). With it, the quality of a home procedure will be no different from that done in a beauty salon.

You can learn how to properly make a paraffin face mask at home from the video:

Paraffin face masks, which contain cosmetic paraffin, have recently gained wide popularity among beauties.

It can be bought at a pharmacy or specialized salon. If you have to choose when purchasing from different types, you should give preference to white paraffin, which has a more softening and gentle effect on the skin of the face. What is the reason for the rejuvenating effect of paraffin face masks, which are easy to make at home?

Paraffin is a chemical substance made up of hydrocarbons (alkynes) that make paraffin masks unique cosmetic product. The mechanism of their action on the skin is extremely simple: paraffin forms a layer under which the skin is exposed to a certain thermal effect. As a result, paraffin masks at home can transform your skin in the most miraculous way:

  • compactions and tumors resolve;
  • pores expand;
  • Having the effect of a thermal compress, paraffin face masks contribute to the complete disappearance of acne;
  • muscle tone increases;
  • as part of the mask, paraffin for the face has medicinal properties, as it improves blood circulation;
  • skin elasticity increases;
  • sebaceous plugs soften and easily come out of their nests;
  • the facial contour becomes clearer.

Thanks to all these properties, the paraffin face mask has the most positive reviews. Everyone who has already used it prefers it to all other masks. The main thing is to follow the recipe exactly and have no contraindications.

Paraffin face masks: indications and contraindications

Before reading the instructions and recipes on how to make a paraffin mask yourself, at home, without resorting to a specialist, you need to familiarize yourself with the indications for the use of such masks in order to avoid undesirable consequences and side effects. White cosmetic paraffin for the face is indispensable:

  • for withered, flabby, wrinkled skin;
  • for dry, cracked skin;
  • for tired skin;
  • for inflamed and problematic skin;
  • for faces with double chin effect and large cheeks.

In order for the paraffin mask to have the maximum effect on the skin, study in detail the sequence of steps on how to apply paraffin to the face in layers. And be sure to consider the contraindications:

  • vasodilation;
  • pustular inflammation of the skin;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • hypertension;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • an abundance of warts or moles;
  • pregnancy.

If none of the diseases are familiar to you, start reading recipes on how to make paraffin masks at home.

The best paraffin mask recipes

Any paraffin face mask is applied to cleansed skin (for example, after a scrub).

  • 1. Classic paraffin mask

Melt 50 grams of white paraffin in a water bath. Dip a cotton swab in melted paraffin and apply the mask from the chin to the forehead. After the first layer has cooled, apply another one. The mask will have a greater effect when applying three or four such layers. If the skin is inflamed, it is better to buy paraffin for the face at a pharmacy.

  • 2. Paraffin dressing

You can dip a bandage in melted paraffin and apply it to your face. Next, the mask technology is repeated: apply three or four bandages soaked in paraffin. This bandage is especially good for improving the contour of the face.

  • 3. Complex paraffin mask

Pour olive or almond oil (teaspoon), spermaceti or lanolin (half a teaspoon) and cocoa butter (heaped teaspoon) into melted paraffin (a teaspoon). If you need to get rid of acne, it is better to use medical paraffin for the face in the mask, rather than cosmetic one.

The effect of a classic paraffin mask can be doubled and get an even more amazing result. You need to put a layer of cotton wool on top of the mask, leaving space for the nose and mouth, and cover it with another terry towel on top. These steam paraffin foot masks are good: they perfectly relieve fatigue and swelling.

  • 5. Honey-paraffin mask

You can add liquid honey (a teaspoon) to the first layer of paraffin, which lies directly on the skin.

  • 6. Paraffin mask with aloe

You can add a few drops of aloe juice to the first layer.

  • 7. Paraffin mask with essential oils

You can add a few drops of essential oils such as rose, lemon or orange to the same first layer.

You can use both hot and cold facial paraffin in such masks: both will create a greenhouse effect and promote skin rejuvenation.