1. Improper child care: the mother does not monitor his hygiene, does not regularly clean his nose with cotton wool.
  2. In the room where the baby is, the air is dry and warm.
  3. The child often burps, especially through the nose; milky crusts form in his nose, making breathing difficult; in addition, it is possible to develop swelling of the nasal mucosa upon contact with milk that has been in the stomach and contains enzymes and gastric juice.
  4. Viral, bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. The baby is infected from a sick mother or relatives and friends who come to visit.

How does it manifest?

If nasal breathing is impaired, the baby is restless, sniffles, has difficulty sucking milk, is forced to pause to breathe during feeding, and sometimes even refuses to eat altogether. In this case, the air inhaled through the mouth often enters the stomach, causing belching and regurgitation during feeding or shortly after it. The baby's sleep is restless. With rhinitis, first there is sniffling, “squelching” sounds when breathing, and only then - transparent mucous discharge and difficult nasal breathing. If there is copious mucous discharge from the nose, the baby may develop a cough due to mucus flowing down the back wall of the throat, since most of the time the child is in a horizontal position (sleeping on his back).

What to do?

Use mucus suction only if there is heavy discharge that makes it difficult for your baby to breathe. You should not suction out the mucus frequently, as this dries out the nasal mucosa.

The procedure for rinsing the nose should be performed on the baby before each feeding. Even if there is no heavy discharge from the nose, regular rinsing will moisturize the mucous membrane and remove multiplied microbes from it.

  1. Ventilate the room and humidify the air in it. To do this, you can hang several wet diapers in the room and place containers with water. Most convenient way- special air humidifier.
  2. Free the child's nasal cavity from thick discharge and crusts. To do this, drop a few drops of saline solution into each nasal passage, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt (about 9 g) in a liter of boiled water. It is better to use for these purposes a specially designed sterile solution of natural sea water in the form of a spray or drops. These could be solutions AQUAMARIS, PHYSIOMER. After a few minutes, by sneezing, the baby will remove the liquefied discharge from the nose.
  3. If after rinsing your nose, breathing is still difficult, you can use vasoconstrictor drops. But it should be noted that such drops (NAZIVIN, VIBRATION, OTRIVIN) do not treat rhinitis - they only reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, making breathing easier. Instilling them will help the baby calm down, eat, sleep, and improve the outflow of accumulated secretions from the nose. They can be used as needed and no more than 2-3 times a day. If purulent discharge appears (a bacterial infection is associated), drops can be used PROTARGOL.

To instill drops, swaddle your baby with his arms. The drops should be administered to the child while lying on his back with his head slightly tilted back, alternately dripping 1-2 drops into each nasal passage. When instilling drops into the right nostril, slightly tilt the baby's head to the right, when instilling in the left nostril - to the left. The baby should have his own pipette.

It is better to wipe the nose of a baby suffering from rhinitis with soft paper or rag handkerchiefs, which must be thrown away after use or replaced with clean ones. This will help prevent further spread of the infection.


Do not force liquid into the child's nose using a bulb or enema. Fluid from the nasal cavity can easily enter the Eustachian tube, which connects the nose and ear, leading to the development of otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear).

Do not put it in your baby's nose breast milk, since it is an excellent breeding ground for the growth of microbes and can only delay recovery.

Nasal drops should not be instilled for longer than 3-4 days. If there is no effect during this time, then you should think about re-consulting a doctor who will prescribe another treatment.

You should not put oils in your baby's nose, as they can enter the lungs and lead to the development of severe lipoid (fatty) pneumonia.

One of the painful topics for new mothers is the baby’s runny nose or simply the need to wash/rinse the baby’s nose. In the first days of life, the baby is so helpless and reacts differently to every touch. Of course, even an adult will not like it if someone starts up something in his nose. But a mother’s thoughts and actions should be aimed at maintaining the health of her baby, so she will have to overcome all her fears and go to meet the necessary, albeit unpleasant, manipulations.

All parents want to achieve the truth and find out how to properly rinse a child’s nose so that he does not cry and, most importantly, how this can be done. During this procedure, mucus and crusts come out of the nasal sinuses, pathogenic microbes are killed, along with which the virus begins to die.

Constant procedures enable the nasopharynx to moisturize and become a good barrier against various infections.

Read how to properly rinse your child’s nose.

The drugs prescribed by your doctor (vasoconstrictors) will begin to act much more effectively after the rinsing procedure.

Here's what you'll need to carry out the procedure correctly and painlessly:

  • Cotton wool or cotton pads.
  • Sea salt.
  • Vaseline oil.
  • Infused solution of chamomile or sage.
  • Vaseline oil.
  • A syringe or syringe without a needle.

Find out how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.

It is believed that it is best to rinse when the child is in an upright position, but for this he must already be able to confidently hold his head. The washing procedure for infants is slightly different from that for older children.

  1. The rinsing agent must be prepared in advance. Our remedy will be a saline solution, which is prepared by mixing 1 cup of warm boiled water and 2 teaspoons sea ​​salt. After this, you can rinse again, but not with the addition of salt, but with medicinal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus). You can repeat the procedure an hour after salt rinsing. Double action will help not only remove swelling and congestion, but also cope with infection.
  2. The mixed solution is drawn into a bulb or syringe, the child sits over a basin or bowl, opening his mouth slightly so that the water does not flow down the throat, but flows down. The adult begins to gradually introduce liquid into the nose, slowly, observing the baby’s behavior.
  3. To control the flow of the solution, it is better to take a syringe; at first, the pressure should be minimal. As soon as the child gets used to these sensations, the flow of the solution can be increased. After washing the first stream, you can take on the second.

Read how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the 1st trimester.


Rinsing the baby's nose is akin to execution for both the mother and him. The procedure should be carried out only after a doctor’s prescription. Even if there is no temperature, the doctor must examine the child and make the correct diagnosis. It is possible that a runny nose does not at all relate to any virus or disease and may be functional. Therefore, it will go away on its own just as it started. But, if a sufficient amount of mucus has accumulated in the spout and the child cannot breathe fully because of this, then the spout will still have to be washed.

A baby's nose should always be in perfect condition. It doesn't depend on whether he is sick or not. Therefore, the mother should regularly examine the baby. If you find small crusts, you can use a cotton swab moistened with a cotton swab.

You will find a list of effective remedies for runny nose and nasal congestion.

What you need to have for this: saline solution, a bulb and a syringe without a needle.

  1. Every young parent should have a small rubber bulb in their first aid kit. Using it, you can rinse the spout, removing any remaining crusts or mucus from it. Your child will react negatively to such actions, but you will have to be patient, otherwise it will not bring the desired effect.
  2. This saline solution can be purchased at any pharmacy. From its varieties, you will need to choose the one that best suits your goals and the age of the baby. If for some reason you cannot purchase it, then prepare it yourself: mix 1 teaspoon of salt with a liter of boiled water. It will be more convenient for the mixture to dissolve in hot water, but before rinsing, be sure to cool the salted water to room temperature.
  3. Take the syringe. It’s better if you have a small insulin for 2 ml of liquid, remove the needle from it. If you find a much larger syringe, monitor the flow of the solution into the baby's nose.
  4. We place the baby on his side and apply a thin stream of liquid into the upper nostril. Usually, a child’s mouth with a stuffy nose is always open, but to be more careful, check again - the solution should pour out through the oral cavity.

If your doctor has prescribed nasal medications, they should be used only after rinsing to achieve maximum effect.

Do not self-medicate, because such a small, weak and fragile body can react differently to the “wrong” drugs. Medicines for adults or for older children may not give any result other than negative ones.


If your baby has a runny nose, then measures should be taken immediately. Keep in mind that such young children do not yet know how to breathe through their mouth, so they will not be able to fall asleep or eat in peace.

You will need: chamomile decoction, salt, pipette, thermometer. Syringe, nasal drops for children.

  1. If a runny nose is accompanied by a fever, then an infection has entered the body. But you can cope with this in just a week if you regularly use decoctions of medicinal herbs or. But before you start treatment, be sure to consult your pediatrician.
  2. An allergy to flower dust or animal dander can also cause a runny nose. At the same time, the temperature may even rise. Allergic discharge is watery in nature and appears in large quantities. When visiting a doctor, the specialist will pay attention to the condition of other mucous membranes and only after that will make a final diagnosis. Usually this type of runny nose is treated with antihistamines (syrup, drops for infants).
  3. Help your child cope with an unpleasant runny nose even faster - rinse with chamomile or saline 5-6 times a day. To do this, you need to inject a few drops of liquid into each baby’s nostril with a special baby pipette, and then use a pear to remove the remainder.

When performing any manipulation with small children, remain extremely careful, since even one extra touch can injure the walls of the nose or damage the mucous membrane.

2-3 months

  1. Using a moistened flagellum or pear, remove crusts and remaining mucus from the child’s nose.
  2. Prepare the medicinal liquid that you are going to instill into your baby. This can be a saline solution or an infusion of medicinal herbs. It is possible that you can prepare such a simple mixture yourself, without leaving your home.
  3. Fill a syringe or baby pipette with the solution, lay the child on his side and place a few drops in each nostril.
  4. To prevent the drug from getting into the ear or throat, lightly hold the baby's head with your hand.
  5. Tilt your head back to prevent the solution from flowing out of the spout.
  6. If the product still gets into the throat and the child begins to choke, turn him over onto his stomach and pat him on the back.

Sometimes, on the advice of loved ones, parents begin to drip various oils to ease their baby’s breathing. Be extremely careful with this, since most of these products are used only for 2 years.

You will find a list of nasal congestion remedies for children.

4-5 months

At this age, almost every child holds his head well enough, so you can use the vertical flushing method, that is, in a vertical position.

  1. A solution of herbal decoction or saline is drawn into a syringe.
  2. The child is positioned over a bowl into which the liquid that has passed through the nasopharynx will drain.
  3. Introduce the liquid in a thin stream at first so that the baby gets used to the sensations. Then the pressure can be increased.
  4. How to rinse from 6 months to one year

    The whole difficulty of rinsing the nose is in this early age The problem is that the septums in the nose are located too close to each other, until the baby grows up a little, any runny nose will cause terrible discomfort, the baby will have difficulty sleeping, eating, etc.

Saline solution, not every parent knows, and this is a big minus. Washing the nasopharynx or nose is not just effective hygiene procedure, but also a good preventative measure against viral respiratory diseases.

How to rinse a child's nose correctly?

To begin with, crusts and mucus that have accumulated there are removed from the nasopharynx and nose. This, firstly, will improve the main function of the nose - warming and purifying the atmospheric air, and secondly, it will make breathing free.

With the help of rinsing, you sanitize the child’s nasal cavity - kill microorganisms and remove dust. Such measures reduce the likelihood of acute respiratory infections in a child. It turns out that even if your child does not suffer from a chronic runny nose or other respiratory tract disease, rinsing his nose will not harm him, but on the contrary, will help. Doctors recommend performing this procedure on each child occasionally, for example once a week.

So for a child? There are three different ways to do this:

1. For very young or capricious children.

Or a capricious child? This question is asked by many young parents. Everything is very simple - use warm boiled water or You need to put the child on his back and drop the solution into the nostrils with a pipette. The liquid will go first into the nose and then into the nasopharynx, where the child can swallow it. Any mucus that remains is removed from the nose using a rubber balloon, better known as a bulb. This method is not the best for rinsing the nose, but if such a procedure is required, then it is better to do it this way than not to do it at all.

2. The second method of rinsing the nose is designed for older children.

How to rinse the nose of a child 2 years old and older? Children of this age already understand why this procedure needs to be done, and they can be asked to help you. Having noticed an improvement in their breathing, over time the children themselves will be able to ask you to repeat the procedure of rinsing the nose.

Sea water is an ideal solution for sanitizing the nasal cavity. It is made from (take 1 - 2 tsp) and 1 glass of boiled, still warm water.

Sea salt is easy to buy at the pharmacy or can be replaced with other means. For example, in 1 glass of warm boiled water, dilute 1 teaspoon table salt, baking soda and add a couple of drops of iodine. From decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, St. John's wort and calendula you can also prepare an excellent one. About 150 ml of any solution is enough for one time.

Now let’s take a closer look at the procedure itself, how to rinse a child’s nose. Step one: go with your child to the bathroom and put his hair in a bun so that it doesn’t get in the way. The child tilts his head and opens his mouth with his tongue hanging out. First, you fill a rubber bulb with a solution that you will inject into the child’s nose.

The liquid should flow from the nose through the mouth or through an adjacent nostril. Thus, all the dirt from the nose comes out. Rinse the two nostrils one by one, and then ask the child to blow his nose thoroughly.

This method is the most effective and efficient.

3. The third method of nasal rinsing is designed for a child to carry out the procedure independently.

How to teach a child to do this procedure on his own? It's very simple - ask your child to take warm water into his hands and inhale it through his nose, then spit it out through his mouth. Immediately after the procedure, the child should blow his nose.

After rinsing the nose, all medicinal drops or ointments intended for the nose act much faster and more effectively; they act directly on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. In conclusion, we note that rinsing the nose is important not only in the presence of a runny nose, but also for other methods.

Rinsing the nose with saline is a simple procedure that is carried out for hygienic and medicinal purposes. Due to its composition, saline solution is the optimal remedy for the complex treatment of runny nose in people of any age.

Children under one year of age often have problems with nasal breathing. The child is in a horizontal position most of the time, which complicates the natural outflow of mucus. Nasal rinsing is safe and effective procedure, which allows you to help newborns and young children in case of physiological, cold or allergic rhinitis.

In accordance with the instructions for infants, the nose is washed while lying down.

Why rinse your child's nose?

The causes of nasal congestion in young children can be completely different. The condition is provoked by colds, allergic reactions, too dry air in the room, the beginning of teething (we recommend reading:). Excessive nasal discharge greatly complicates the baby's life. To solve the problem, you need to establish the exact cause and take effective measures:

  1. If a runny nose occurs as a response to dry air, you need to purchase a hygrometer and adjust the air humidity using a humidifier and frequent ventilation.
  2. If the runny nose is of an allergic nature, you need to get rid of the irritant and carry out wet cleaning in the house every day.
  3. In the presence of a viral disease, mucous secretions are a protective reaction of the body. In this case, nasal discharge may be especially thick. It is necessary to provide the child with plenty of fluids and frequently ventilate the room.

If a child has a stuffy nose, then he begins to breathe through his mouth (we recommend reading:). Babies breastfed or artificial feeding They become capricious and whiny because they cannot eat and breathe at the same time. Sleep is disturbed - with nasal congestion, infants sniffle and grunt in their sleep.

Congestion can trigger the development of a cold. During normal physiological breathing, the air passing through the nasal passages is cleaned and warmed. During mouth breathing, cold air immediately enters the bronchi.

To help your baby get rid of discomfort and restore nasal breathing, it is necessary to rinse and clear the nose of liquid and thick secretions.

Indications and contraindications for rinsing the nose with saline

Saline solution is a sterile low concentration sodium chloride solution. Saline solution is often used in medicine:

  • dilution of powder preparations for use as injections;
  • removal of toxic substances from the body during various types of poisoning;
  • replenishment of fluid deficiency due to dehydration;
  • rinsing the mouth, eyes, and genitals.

Although low-concentration sodium chloride is a safe substance, there are contraindications to its use. Nasal rinsing with saline solutions is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in the presence of polyps and other neoplasms in the nasopharynx;
  • fragility of the capillaries of the nasal cavity;
  • severe swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • individual salt intolerance.

How to prepare saline solution at home?

A saline solution in a 400 ml bottle costs from 30 to 60 rubles, and can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. If it is not possible to buy the solution at the pharmacy, it can be prepared at home.

You can easily and quickly prepare your own saline solution

To make a solution for washing you will need 1 liter of water and 1 teaspoon of kitchen salt. When adding 1 drop of iodine, the solution acquires antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Procedure for preparing the solution:

  1. to boil water;
  2. dissolve salt in it;
  3. carefully strain the resulting liquid through a cloth;
  4. cool to room temperature.

How to perform the procedure correctly?

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to properly rinse the child’s nose with saline. The method of execution depends on age - washing the nasal passages of a one-month-old baby differs from treating a child older than one year. Before the procedure, you need to visit a doctor - the pediatrician will give the necessary recommendations and explain what equipment will be needed for the procedure.

Instructions for rinsing the nose of a newborn baby

To rinse the nasal passages of a newborn, you will need to purchase cotton wool, a sterile pipette, a special children's aspirator or a small rubber bulb. The solution can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared yourself.

First, the child’s nose is cleaned of dried crusts. To do this, you need to lay the baby on his back, lightly moisten cotton wool in boiled water, and carefully remove dirt from the outside. After this, you need to drop 1-2 drops of rinsing solution into each nostril with a pipette. You need to wait a while for the liquid to dissolve the dried mucus in your nose. Using an aspirator or rubber bulb, you need to suck out the softened mucus from the right and left nostrils.

The final stage is cleaning the nose with dry cotton wool. Particular care should be taken when performing manipulations, since newborns have narrow nasal passages and delicate, vulnerable nasal mucosa.

Performing the procedure on a child over one year old

You can rinse the nose of a child under 3 years of age as follows. If the baby already knows how to blow his nose, you need to ask him to blow his nose and help him clean the right and left nostril alternately. For babies older than one year, you can drop 2-4 drops of saline solution into the nose to soften dried crusts.

To rinse the nasal passages, you will need to prepare a rubber bulb with a soft tip or a syringe without a needle. The child should bow his head over the sink and turn it to the side so that one nostril is slightly higher than the other. The baby's mouth should be slightly open during the procedure.

It is necessary to slowly, without creating pressure, pour the prepared saline solution into the “upper” nostril with a rubber bulb or syringe. The injected liquid should pour out from the “lower” nostril along with the mucus that has accumulated in the nose. In this way, the right and left nostrils are cleaned alternately.

After completing the procedure, you should invite the child to blow his nose well or remove the remaining liquid with an aspirator.

How often can I wash?

You should not wash your child’s nose on your own initiative. A doctor must prescribe medical procedures. The frequency of procedures is affected by the degree of nasal congestion and the intensity of mucus production.

It is recommended to resort to rinsing in cases where nasal congestion worsens the baby’s quality of life - sleep and nutrition are disrupted, anxiety and moodiness appear. It is allowed to use a saline solution to rinse the nasal passages in newborns up to 3 times a day for no more than 7 days in a row. Uncontrolled procedures destroy the natural protective barrier of the mucous membrane and cause increased dryness in the nasopharynx.

Too frequent rinsing in older children causes:

  • decrease in local immunological reactivity of mucous membranes;
  • irritation of the nasal passages;
  • psycho-emotional discomfort in the baby;
  • increased swelling of the mucous membrane and worsening congestion.

What other drugs can be used to rinse the nose?

Sodium chloride solution has many effective analogues. The most popular substitutes for saline solution are pharmaceutical liquids containing purified sea water. Wash products are available in sprays and bottles equipped with pipettes. Parents can use Aqualor, Otrivin, Quix, Dolphin (we recommend reading:).

Among pharmaceutical preparations, Aquamaris, containing isotonic sea water with minerals, has proven itself well. For babies in the first years of life, Aquamaris is available in the form of moisturizing drops; it is absolutely safe to use (we recommend reading:). Aquamaris spray is recommended for use in children aged 3 years and older.

You can see how to properly rinse your nose with saline in the video accompanying the article.

A runny nose causes a lot of trouble for an adult, and even more so for a child. The baby himself cannot do anything with the excess mucus. But this greatly prevents him from breathing normally. When feeding, inhalation becomes completely impossible, because the mouth is busy and the nose is clogged. When swallowed, air enters the stomach, which leads to regurgitation, belching or abdominal pain.

Because of a runny nose, a baby becomes whiny, capricious, eats poorly or refuses to eat at all. In this situation, pediatricians recommend rinsing the nose. This will greatly alleviate the baby’s condition, but will not cause harm. However, many young mothers and fathers do not know how to properly rinse their child’s nose.

What to use for rinsing?

Currently there are a variety of options to choose from pharmaceuticals very wide. However, it is not necessary to spend money on medications, the composition of which is unknown to us for certain. good and effective means can be done at home. This can be saline solution or sea water. They can be used for all ages: for infants up to one year old and for the parents themselves. The only way the solutions will differ is the concentration: for children a weaker one is needed, for adults it is recommended to be stronger.

  • Sea water

To prepare it at home, you will need 15 g of sea salt and a glass of distilled or purified water. You can also use boiled water, but it is better to filter it. The resulting solution can be used to clear your baby’s nose. Sea water contains a lot useful substances. Therefore, it not only rinses the nostrils, removing a runny nose, but also disinfects, destroys harmful microbes and relieves swelling. In this case, the likelihood of discomfort and irritation is minimized.

  • Saline solution

Saline solution is also great for fighting a runny nose. This is the name given to a weak mixture of water and sodium chloride. Dissolve 10 g of salt in a glass of boiling water. The solution is cooled to body temperature. Now you can use it. For children under 1 year of age, a weaker concentration is used: a pinch of sodium chloride is needed for 200 ml of water.

  • Soda and iodine solution

At home, you can make a saline solution with the addition of soda and iodine. Its chemical composition is similar to natural sea water. To prepare it, you need to mix 200 ml of water, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda and 2 drops of iodine. All this needs to be shaken well. When the substances disperse, you can use the rinsing solution.

  • Medicinal herbs

For a runny nose, decoctions of various medicinal herbs help well. You can use chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, calendula, etc. You can prepare them as follows: pour 1 spoon of medicinal herb (of your choice) into a glass of water, put it on the stove and boil. Remove from heat and place in a dark place to allow the broth to infuse. Then it is filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. The decoction is ready for use. However, you need to be careful with this remedy if your child is prone to allergies.

Nasal rinsing technique for children

Infants have the hardest time dealing with a runny nose, because they have very narrow nasal passages, and even a small amount of mucus instantly clogs them, and the slightest swelling does not allow them to breathe. Young parents are sometimes unaware of how to properly rinse their child’s nose. Because of the fear of doing something wrong and lack of confidence in their abilities, they often do not perform the procedure well enough.

You should not use saline solutions more than 5 times a day or for more than a week, as there is a risk of damaging the mucous membrane. It is very vulnerable in babies. But herbal decoctions and saline solutions can be used without restrictions, as much as needed to eliminate a runny nose.

How to rinse a child’s nose - procedure:

  • Lay the baby on his back and clear his nose of dried crusts. To do this, you can use cotton wool slightly moistened in warm water or ear cleaning sticks.
  • Place 1-2 drops of the chosen product into each nostril.
  • Wait a little so that the solution flows into the nasopharynx.
  • Squeeze the rubber bulb so that all the air comes out of it.
  • Insert the tip into the baby's nostril.
  • Smoothly but immediately unclench your hand; the rubber bulb will absorb mucous secretions.
  • Repeat all steps with the 2nd nostril.
  • Complete the procedure by clearing the nasal passages using dry cotton swabs or swabs.

Attention! Before rinsing your child’s nose for the first time, you need to practice with an empty rubber bulb in order to grasp the necessary squeezing force and learn how to properly relax your hand.

A greater effect from the procedure can be achieved if it is carried out when the child is in high spirits, for example, after a game or a walk in the fresh air. If the baby behaves well, he needs to be praised, then he will be calmer.

How to rinse the nose of a child aged 1 year and older

It is easier, better and more convenient to do this procedure when the child grows a little and the nasal passages widen a little. The mucous membrane will become less vulnerable. Yes and explain one year old baby why rinsing is necessary for a runny nose will be easier, because he himself will feel that after the “execution” he can breathe better.

The procedure at home is performed in the bathroom:

  • The baby should be placed over a sink or basin. It must be in a strictly vertical position, with the head tilted slightly forward.
  • Before rinsing, it is necessary to remove dried crusts from the nose; you can use cotton swabs or flagella.
  • The product must be prepared in advance; it is considered optimal if its temperature is 36-37 °C.
  • The liquid is drawn into a syringe without a needle or into a rubber bulb with a soft tip.
  • The child should tilt his head and open his mouth.
  • Carefully, a little at a time, you need to press the syringe or bulb so that the solution flows into the baby’s nose.
  • When the child gets comfortable, you can press a little harder to make the stream more intense. However, it is important not to overdo it, as fluid can get into the middle ear area and cause inflammation.
  • Repeat all steps with the second nostril.

It is very important to accustom your child to washing at home, as this is an important part of personal hygiene. They can be carried out not only for a runny nose, but also for the prevention of ENT diseases, as well as for daily cleansing nose