Mothers of newborn children are worried about the hiccups that occur in the baby. After feeding, the baby hiccups for three minutes, sometimes it lasts a quarter of an hour. Hiccups are not a deviation; they are a natural phenomenon that occurs in infants and toddlers. artificial feeding. The article will help you understand the reasons for its occurrence and decide whether it needs to be treated. Parents need to know about the occurrence of hiccups, how to stop them and help their baby.

Hiccups often occur after feeding

How does hiccups occur?

In order to understand why hiccups occur in newborns after feeding, you need to know the elements of the internal structure of the body. The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. Infant hiccups are contractions of the diaphragm that occur involuntarily. In babies, the diaphragm is so sensitive that even small irritating factors lead to its mobility. The person involuntarily makes short breathing movements. After the vocal cords close, a specific sound appears.

Hiccups, in essence, are a reflex designed to remove air from the stomach that the baby has swallowed along with food, or due to excessive formation of gases.

Reasons why a baby hiccups

Moms ask how harmless it is. It is a common belief that children hiccup only from hypothermia. At the same time, parents try to dress their child warmer. But there are several reasons for infants to hiccup:

  • overeating, food too fatty;
  • the baby is cold;
  • intestinal colic due to gases;
  • the baby is thirsty;
  • stress;
  • deviations in the development of the nervous system;
  • pathology of the digestive system.

Pathologies of the nervous and digestive systems can only be determined by a pediatrician after examining the child. Parents can determine factors such as overeating, hypothermia, stress and the baby’s needs themselves to help him.

What does Komarovsky say? When hypothermia occurs, the baby’s muscles become more toned and tension in the abdominal muscles occurs. The stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm and hiccups occur. According to the doctor, the child is not cold, he does not freeze.?

Hiccups mean that the baby’s body is adapting to temperature fluctuations in the room.

More common cause Newborn hiccups include air in the stomach or intestinal gases. They move the stomach upward, put pressure on the diaphragm and hiccups appear.

What causes hiccups in a baby

Caring parents note that the newborn begins to hiccup during or immediately after feeding. The stomach fills with milk or formula, stretches and puts pressure on the diaphragm, then the baby hiccups. The intestines act on the diaphragm in the same way if gases have accumulated there. The baby's swollen tummy will indicate the cause of hiccups. Children hiccup frequently when they are on artificial nutrition, since formula is more difficult to digest than natural breast milk.

Why do hiccups occur?

Watch carefully how the baby attaches to the breast. He should take with his mouth not only the nipple, but also the isola. Then he will not swallow air with the milk. The baby may hiccup from overeating. The stomach overfilled with milk puts pressure on the diaphragm, and it contracts. Long-term feeding breastfeeding for 30 minutes or more also causes hiccups. Fifteen minutes is enough to satiate a newborn. Prolonged feeding can lead to disturbances in the digestive system. Gases in the intestines press on the stomach. As a result, it moves upward, puts pressure on the diaphragm and the baby hiccups.

Remedy for hiccups in newborns

Hiccups in newborn babies after feeding are normal and are determined by the characteristics of the body. In most cases, this goes away on its own and does not cause any inconvenience to the baby. However, if the attacks last a long time, parents worry and ask: what to do, what to do if the baby hiccups for a long time. To prevent your baby from having long bouts of hiccups, they can be prevented by feeding them correctly and performing other simple activities. Below are two cases in which babies need help: 1) the baby is bottle-fed; 2) the baby is breastfed.

Artificial feeding

When a mother feeds her baby formula milk, it can be difficult to tell whether the baby is full or still hungry. The mixture is usually prepared according to a recipe. This portion is enough for one newborn; another baby needs a smaller portion. However, mothers try to give him the whole bottle. The result is overfeeding. He swallows air along with the milk.

Pediatricians advise feeding small portions of formula, but doing it more often. The baby will not have time to get hungry and will begin to eat more calmly and slowly, and will not swallow air. Small portions of food are digested better and more efficiently.

Artificial feeding causes hiccups due to swallowing air

Artificial babies can also be fed on demand, just like those children who are breastfeeding.

After feeding, when the baby's bottle is taken away, you need to hold him in a horizontal position, put his head on your shoulder. Then it will be easier for the excess air that has entered his stomach to escape. Then you can very lightly in a circular motion massage his abdomen clockwise. Two minutes is enough for this. The final stage of feeding a baby is burping. Thus, the stomach is freed from air; this prevents hiccups. If the newborn is restless while eating, moves and begins to cry, it is necessary to stop feeding for a while and let him burp.

Give your baby something to drink to stop hiccups

If the baby's tummy is swollen, gases have accumulated there and are bothering him, the mother needs to put the baby's tummy to her stomach and carry him until he calms down. This will make it easier for gases to leave the intestines, they will stop putting pressure on the diaphragm and as a result the baby will stop hiccupping. The pediatrician will select suitable formulas for the baby that will not cause gas formation.

☝Before feeding, you need to put the baby on his stomach, this way it will help him get rid of accumulated gases in the intestines. After feeding, babies are not placed on their backs. The child needs to be held in an upright position for fifteen minutes. Then the air will come out of the stomach, and the baby will not be bothered by hiccups.☝

A bottle nipple opening that is too large allows your baby to drink more formula than necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to buy nipples with a small hole. When food enters the baby's mouth slowly, during this time he will satisfy the sucking reflex and will not overeat.

Upright position after feeding


A nursing mother must follow a certain diet, eating only those foods that will not cause bloating in the baby.

There are two reasons why a baby may overeat. Firstly, there is severe hunger. The baby should be put to the breast on demand, and not according to a certain regimen. That way he won't get too hungry to overeat. Proper latching will prevent air from being swallowed. It is necessary for the baby to grasp the nipple and areola with his mouth.

How to help if a child hiccups

Experienced mothers advise putting the baby to the breast again if he begins to hiccup after eating. This technique helps get rid of this.

You need to know this. Sometimes babies experience bouts of prolonged hiccups that cannot be calmed by anything. Then you need to seek medical help from a pediatrician. The doctor will examine the baby and prescribe treatment.

Little children cause a lot of trouble for young parents. The main thing for young children is food and good sleep. But there are problems with this too. Immediately after feeding, many mothers often notice that the baby hiccups. But why does a newborn hiccup? Why does hiccups appear in newborns after feeding? What to do if you are visited by this scourge?

Hiccups are common to everyone: adults and small children. This is a phenomenon that occurs due to contractions of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle located between the thoracic and abdominal cavities. In children, it is very sensitive in the first few months of life. This muscle reacts to any impact on it. In this regard, the baby hiccups after feeding, but this is an absolutely natural process. Therefore, reasons to worry do not arise too often.

Often, parents notice that the child hiccups immediately after feeding. There are a number of reasons for this that are important to diagnose. After this, you need to try to take preventive measures. If a child has hiccups after eating, then it is important to do everything to rid him of this.

But initially it is necessary to exclude others possible reasons this phenomenon:

  • Hypothermia of the infant;
  • Overexcitation of the nervous system;
  • Prolonged lack of food and drink.

If you are convinced that the newborn is warm, nothing bothers him, and he begins to hiccup just after he eats, then the reasons are completely different. This begs the question: why does the baby continue to hiccup, and what should be done? Its causes are directly related to milk feeding and how the child eats. Hiccups do not depend on the type of feeding. Breastfed and bottle-fed babies may hiccup frequently.

Why infant hiccups after feeding:

  1. Ingestion of oxygen by a child.
  2. Binge eating.
  3. Bloating.

Why can excess air get into the baby's stomach? There are the following reasons for this:

  • Feeding the baby during the mother's milk flow;
  • Baby drinks milk too quickly;
  • The nipple of the bottle has too large a hole for sucking;
  • The mother places the baby incorrectly to the breast or gives the bottle in the wrong way.

Sometimes the reason that a baby hiccups after each feeding is due to overeating. After the baby has eaten too much milk, the intestinal walls stretch and begin to put pressure on the diaphragm. It begins to contract - the child hiccups.

To make sure that the baby is hiccupping precisely because of overeating, it is necessary to remove the breast at the next feeding before he lets go of it. Or give him a smaller amount of the mixture than before.

Bloating in a newborn may also be accompanied by frequent hiccups. This phenomenon often occurs in children, so it is important for mothers to pay attention to their child’s belly. This is not a direct cause of hiccups, but is related to feeding. The mechanism for the occurrence of hiccups during bloating remains the same as during overeating.

How to get rid of hiccups after eating?

If your newborn hiccups after feeding or while you are feeding him, then it is necessary to take measures to prevent hiccups and get rid of them.

What is important to know when you are breastfeeding your baby?

  • Try to put your baby to your breast more often, but not for too long. Remove the breast before the baby stops eating on his own. This way you will help him not to overeat;
  • When breastfeeding, try to hold your baby as upright as possible. The angle between your chest and baby should not exceed 45 degrees;
  • If your baby begins to hiccup while feeding, stop feeding. It is necessary to take the child so that he is in an upright position and stroke his back. The baby will calm down and the hiccups will stop;
  • If the baby starts to hiccup, you can try breastfeeding again;
  • Try not to feed your baby during the period of milk flow, wait until the flow stops or try expressing it yourself. a large number of milk;
  • Make sure the feeding process is calm. Neither you nor your child should be distracted by various external stimuli;
  • Try to adhere to the special diet prescribed for breastfeeding. Some foods can cause gas in a newborn. Eliminate legumes, tomatoes, cabbage, and citrus fruits;
  • Make sure that your baby's mouth completely encircles the nipple during each feeding. This way you can avoid air getting into the stomach;
  • If lactation is disrupted and the newborn baby is bottle-fed or drinks water from a bottle, then it is important to choose the right pacifier. The hole in it should not be too large. But also too narrow.

Does your baby hiccup for a long time? Give him some warm water to drink.

If hiccups in a newborn are not related to feeding, the reasons may be different. Perhaps your child is simply frozen. Or the newborn stuttered while walking. What to do? You need to dress your baby warmer or take him home. Try not to give him reasons for nervous overexcitation - after all, a hiccupping baby can scare himself.

Causes for concern

Sometimes it happens that a child often hiccups after feeding and this happens for quite a long time. This may last more than a day. The baby begins to feel discomfort and worry. How to deal with such a situation and what to do?

All the excitement about the arrival of a new family member is behind us, and everyday life begins filled with worries and anxieties. Often the cause of concern can be hiccups and regurgitation of the baby. Is this really a reason worthy of attention, how to eliminate as much as possible the likelihood of this phenomenon occurring, how to act if this happens - we will consider the answers to these questions in the article.

One of the first reasons for concern is problems associated with the baby's digestion, in particular hiccups and regurgitation. They are the body’s reaction to some parental mistakes, such as:

  • failure to maintain the correct thermal regime (hypothermia);
  • insufficiently clear dosage of food (overfeeding);
  • inability to create an optimal balance between wakefulness and rest (overexcitation);
  • irritants not noticed in time.

A short hiccup will not cause any harm to the health of your little one. But if you notice that your newborn begins to hiccup after each feeding or that this process lasts for a long time, this is a reason to immediately talk to your pediatrician.

Newborn burps and hiccups after feeding

There are two main reasons considered to explain why a newborn may constantly hiccup after eating:

  1. The child has eaten too much. Excessive amounts of food cause the stomach to become enlarged, and it puts pressure on the diaphragm. This causes her to contract and hiccup.
  2. The baby swallowed air. This happens when there is intense milk production or improper latching on the breast.

If the baby is breastfed, most often he adapts and “regulates” the required amount of food and the way he absorbs it. But the “artificial” gets food without making much effort, so he can simply “enough of the excess.” So it turns out that after feeding with formula, the newborn hiccups more often. To prevent this from becoming the norm, you should carefully select your pacifier.

Regurgitation is a type of vomiting that occurs without any particular discomfort.

The cause of regurgitation may be:

  • a sharp change in the baby’s body position immediately following feeding,
  • tight swaddling,
  • braking of the baby.

In addition, a newborn often burps after feeding for the same reason as hiccups: air intake and overeating.

If your baby has frequent regurgitation and is not gaining weight well, you should show him to your pediatrician.

Although the newborn does not make any special effort to burp, it nevertheless serves as an impetus for the contraction of the diaphragm, which means that after it the baby begins to hiccup. In order to understand how much a newborn burps and hiccups after feeding, count the number of times he urinates per day. If you count twelve or more times, you can rest assured: the baby is not hungry after feeding and is simply emptying the stomach of excess food.

Why does a newborn hiccup after feeding?

Almost all newborn babies hiccup after eating. Some doctors believe that the reason for this is the still unstable connection between the diaphragm and the brain. There is also a judgment that hiccups appear in a baby if a large amount of food has entered the stomach. A full stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, causing it to contract.

Flatulence can also be a cause of physiological hiccups. If you notice that your newborn is hiccupping after each feeding, carefully observe how he eats. When breastfeeding Special attention please note the following:

  • Is the baby holding the nipple correctly?
  • does it fit tightly to his mouth,
  • Is air getting in with the milk?

If your baby is formula-fed, pay attention to the size of the nipple opening. Perhaps it is too large, and the baby receives a large amount of food in a short time, which can also cause hiccups. If a newborn begins to hiccup before feeding, this may indicate that he is hungry or thirsty. Or maybe he was just cold or overexcited.

What to do if a newborn hiccups after feeding

If you are convinced that the child is not cold or overheated and everything is in order regarding nervous excitement, but the newborn still hiccups after the next meal, try the following:

  • give your baby some water,
  • take him in your arms
  • give his body a vertical position,
  • Hold the baby's tummy close to you and carry it in this position for a while.

If even such simple manipulations do not help and every time after feeding the newborn hiccups for a long time, do not ignore it and do not let it take its course. Contact your pediatrician to prevent the development of possible intestinal disease or pneumonia.

Hiccups are a short-term (normal) or pathological disturbance of smooth external breathing, during which contractions of the diaphragm, short respiratory shocks and movements are observed. All parents have encountered this common physiological situation. But few people know what to do if a newborn hiccups and why the hiccups begin. This will be discussed in our article.

From this article you will learn


Hiccups in newborns are often a normal reaction to irritating factors rather than a pathology. It does not cause any particular inconvenience to children and goes away quickly.

The culprits of temporary breathing defects may be:

  • Hypothermia. The diaphragm contracts convulsively from trembling when the baby is cold.
  • Thirst. The baby hiccups due to dryness of the oral mucosa.
  • Excess air in the stomach. The baby takes in air while drinking from a bottle and breastfeeding. It lingers in the esophagus and stomach and tries to come out, which causes hiccups.
  • Colic and bloating. The intestines, swollen with gases, press on the diaphragm.
  • Binge eating. The stomach stretches excessively, pressing against the lower edge of the ribs.
  • Fright. Strong emotions cause tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • Contaminated air. Nicotine, dust, and allergens in the air provoke swelling of the mucous membrane, its drying out, resulting in an attack of hiccups.

If a child often hiccups and the diaphragm contracts intensely for more than 5–10 minutes several times a day, we can talk about diseases of the immune or nervous system. In this case, the cause of hiccups lies in the following congenital and acquired pathologies:

  • GERD. This is acid reflux. Congenital pathology of the development of the gastrointestinal tract. Food cannot be retained in the stomach, it is ejected into the esophagus and provokes hiccups, regurgitation, vomiting, and abdominal pain after feedings. In the first months of life, GERD is often confused with colic.
  • Disruption of the functioning of nerve centers. They are provoked by injuries to the brain and spinal cord, fetal hypoxia during delivery.

Hiccups in different situations

Hiccup attacks occur in small child in the most unexpected situations: in a dream, from the cold, during feeding, after laughter, in conversation. Let's look at the reasons for each of them.

The child hiccups while sleeping or upon waking up

Sleep for newborns is an inactive phase of growth and development. All organs, except the thyroid gland, rest, and the main hormonal gland produces a large amount of hormones necessary for the maturation of the baby.

Hiccups in a dream interrupt this process, the baby wakes up due to a sharp muscle contraction, and may cry from fright. Typically, diaphragm spasm at night lasts no more than 15 minutes and goes away on its own. There is no need to stop it with water or feeding.

This situation can be explained as follows:

  • The baby hiccups in his sleep due to the cold. Thermoregulation in children under one and a half years of age is imperfect. The child could freeze, wet himself, or lean against the cold wall of the bed. To get rid of nighttime hiccups, warm the baby, put on dry and warm pajamas, change the diaper, and carry the baby in your arms.
  • The baby is thirsty. If the room is hot, the heating systems are running, and the mucous membrane dries out quickly. Lack of moisture in the mouth causes hiccups. Give the baby some warm water and put him to bed.
  • The baby's nervous system became overexcited during the day. In a dream, the baby relives the past day if it was full of emotions. The muscles may be slightly tense and cause diaphragm spasm. The baby will wake up frequently. If the situation repeats several evenings in a row, try to make the atmosphere at home calm, avoid noisy guests and stress. This does not mean that you need to stop seeing friends and relatives, but it is advisable to take a break of a few weeks.

Baby hiccups after laughing

This problem is unlikely to affect a one-week-old baby; hiccups after laughing occur in children aged 4–5 months. From a physiological point of view, laughter is an involuntary movement of the muscles of the body and face with the simultaneous pronunciation of specific sounds.

The functioning of the respiratory system also changes during laughter. The child takes a deep breath, the nerve on the diaphragm is pinched, the air remains inside. To exhale, the chest produces sharp shocks. If the air is partially released, the nerve does not relax completely and hiccups will begin. The attack does not last long. Give your child some water after he laughs and calms down.

Child hiccups while talking

It happens that a two-month-old baby wants to coo and begins to hiccup heavily. The cause of involuntary spasms is the strong inspiration before articulation. The baby cannot exhale all the air, his chest expands, and the diaphragm contracts.

Some children, when hiccupping in a conversation, twist their legs and fidget, air comes out along with belching and food debris. This is fine. Articulation will be easier after the baby is verticalized, closer to 6–7 months.

Baby hiccups during and after feeding

Severe hiccups after and during feeding are a sign of errors in caring for a newborn. The mother needs to pay attention to the position of the baby during meals, how many times a day she feeds the baby and the volume of formula drunk. Hiccups are common in babies who are not held properly to give the breast or bottle when they overeat.

There will be no need to stop hiccups if mothers do simple rules:

  • The baby's head should be raised during feeding; he can lie on a pillow or the mother's arms.
  • Allow your body to rest freely, no need to squeeze your tummy, chest, or tighten your legs. Let the child lie down as comfortable and comfortable as possible.
  • Don't be nervous while feeding. It is better if both mother and baby are calm.
  • The baby should grasp the nipple or silicone nipple completely. It will be impossible to swallow air like this.
  • Do not enlarge the hole for rapid flow of the mixture. The liquid should not run quickly.
  • If there is a lot of milk in the breast, the baby cannot cope with its flow, the mother needs to express a little next time.
  • Do not remove the nipple from the baby's mouth by force. He will release the breast on his own when he is satisfied.
  • Don't take too long a break between meals. A hungry baby grabs a bottle or nipple greedily, so he swallows air along with food.
  • Do not force the baby to eat if he cries or hiccups. It's better to calm down and play first.
  • Keep it in a column after meals, let burps and excess milk go away. Air will leave the stomach along with the food.

If a child hiccups after each feeding, behaves restlessly all day, or refuses food, you need to seek medical help.

Hiccups after regurgitation

Regurgitating a small amount of milk after feeding is a normal physiological process for children under one year old, sometimes up to one and a half years old. This is how excess food and air escape. This facilitates the digestion process, the baby will not suffer from colic and bloating.

If a newborn hiccups after regurgitation, it means that he swallowed a lot of air while sucking the breast, the food remained in the esophagus and prevents the air from coming out. You need to hold the baby vertically in your arms for 1–2 minutes, do not give him anything to drink. There is no need to see a doctor in such situations.

Baby hiccups after a bath, while changing clothes

The culprit behind the contraction of the diaphragm muscles is cold. Dry your baby directly in the bathroom, do not change clothes with the windows open.

The fight for warmth should not be fierce. Cool air and air baths are useful for newborns for hardening at home. You need to stop hiccups from hypothermia with the help of warm clothes, water or the next feeding in correct position in mom's arms.

Baby hiccups all day

You can just laugh and say that the baby is remembered by the loving grandmother all day long, according to folk superstition, but prolonged hiccups cause a lot of inconvenience for babies. The baby cannot eat, sleep, or play normally.

Hiccups for no more than an hour, 1–3 times a day for up to six months or a year, are considered normal and are explained by the imperfect functioning of children’s internal organs. If the symptoms of hiccups do not disappear for a long time, the condition continues for several days, you need to deal with the problem together with a doctor. In the first 1–2 days, you can try to reconsider the diet of mother and baby, making sure that the baby does not become overcooled.

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How to get rid of baby hiccups

To understand how to overcome hiccups, you need to understand the causes of spasms in the diaphragm muscles. There is no one universal method for getting rid of discomfort. Mothers have to use a whole range of remedies until the hiccups disappear.

For example, if a newborn hiccups after feeding, parents should do the following:

  1. When the baby has eaten, take him in your arms and hold him in a column. You can walk around the room for 10–15 minutes.
  2. You cannot prevent regurgitation, put the baby on his back or in bed if he feels nauseous. Let the excess come out calmly.

When hiccups are provoked by fear after a fall or meeting an unfamiliar object, or a surge of emotions, you need to:

  1. Calm the baby.
  2. Give me some water to drink.
  3. Pull him close.
  4. Lie down on the bed together.
  5. Minimize the baby's irritation on this day.
  6. Go to bed early.
  7. Remove annoying noisy objects and bright lights from the nursery.
  8. If she wakes up screaming at night, calm her down with a song, walks around the room in her mother’s arms, and rocking the cradle.
  9. Treatment will be required if fear provokes nervous hiccups or tics.

Hiccups from hypothermia can be cured as follows:

  1. Determine the cause of discomfort. Pay attention to the air temperature in the room, outside and the child’s clothing. You need to dress your baby according to the weather, and wrap him warmer at home after a bath.
  2. Close windows, sources of draft.
  3. If your hands and feet are cold, put on a blouse and socks, and wrap the newborn in a warm diaper or blanket.
  4. If your baby starts hiccupping and sneezing at the same time, monitor your baby's body temperature. Perhaps he caught a cold due to hypothermia.
  5. You should immediately remove wet pants and a spilled T-shirt and replace them with dry ones.
  6. Give warmed drinks and milk in small quantities.
  7. If you take a baby hiccupping from the cold from the crib, warm your hands and cover yourself with a blanket.

On a note! Dr. Komarovsky considers hiccups from the cold a myth and gives advice to parents on how to quickly get rid of them in simple ways. The pediatrician's reasoning and recommendations can be seen here.

Folk methods of disposal

Traditional medicine offers its own simple methods of combating hiccups in infants:

  • Chamomile tincture. The herb is brewed strongly, given to the child as a drink at night, or buried under the tongue 2-3 times a day for constant hiccups. Acts as a sedative.
  • Sugar syrup. A piece of sugar is diluted with water. Apply a couple of drops of syrup to your baby's tongue. The muscles should relax, the diaphragm will calm down.
  • Tasty food. Grandmothers explain the occurrence of hiccups by hunger, so they advise giving the baby a snack of applesauce, followed by cookies for 6–8 months.

If hiccups are accompanied by other warning symptoms (vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness) or last more than 1 hour without a break, consult your pediatrician.

How to prevent hiccups

Prevention of hiccups allows you to avoid prolonged bouts of muscle contractions. Mothers need to follow the following simple rules for caring for their infant.

  1. Do not overfeed your baby. At six months the baby can already understand whether he is hungry or already full, and until 6 months he will eat as much as his mother suggests - he will regurgitate the excess. To prevent an overfilled stomach from putting pressure on the lower ribs, feed the baby in doses, on demand or by the hour.
  2. Reduce the time between feedings by reducing portions. It is better for a baby to eat little by little often than rarely and in large portions. In order for the baby to fill up faster during breastfeeding, you need to express the foremilk, leaving access to the fattier hind milk.
  3. Do not give the breast or bottle if the child hiccups a lot or cries. The baby gasps for air, sobbing. To start lunch, you need to calm down. If the baby continues to cry, you can hold him to the breast for a few seconds to calm him down, then remove the nipple and wait for the air to come out. You can offer some water before giving the bottle.
  4. Take the correct position when breastfeeding, feeding milk from a bottle. A breastfeeding baby hiccups less often if the mother ensures that the nipple is fully latched on and does not squeeze internal organs baby, holding him in your arms. Raise your head slightly up. If the baby is artificial, choose a milk nipple with a middle hole so that the food does not flow too much, support the bottle with the mixture at an angle.
  5. Monitor the temperature in the room and the dryness of your baby's clothes. Hiccups are most often triggered by freezing. Wear socks and a warm blouse, if the room is colder than 20°C, the baby is constantly peeing, after the bath, keep it in a warm diaper or towel until the head is completely dry.
  6. Warm the mixture to room temperature for feeding infants. Milk, water, juices should not be cold even for one-year-old and one-and-a-half-year-old children.
  7. Avoid strong emotions. Not only negative, but also positive, if a three-month-old baby reacts violently to any changes, new people and toys.
  8. Follow the timing of the introduction of complementary foods and the diet for a nursing mother. This will help avoid excess gas formation and stomach problems. Gases will not put pressure on the diaphragm, causing hiccups. Ask your pediatrician for permission to introduce complementary foods at six months. During breastfeeding, mothers do not need to eat foods that cause fermentation. This includes cabbage, legumes, carbonated drinks, baked goods, sweets, and smoked foods.

What not to do when your baby hiccups

You need to use safe and proven methods to combat hiccups in young children. The following adult techniques should not be used, as they can have a detrimental effect on the child’s body:

  • Slapping on the back. Dad's hand is too heavy for the baby's skeleton. Even a light blow or cotton can injure weak internal organs and the spine.
  • Fright. A sudden movement or sound will stop the hiccups, but can provoke stress, hysteria, logoneurosis in the future, that is, they will disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Intake of acidic foods. This is lemon, special candy. The aggressive unpleasant taste provokes spasm of the muscles of the masticatory apparatus; the candies contain an additive that is dangerous for allergy sufferers to increase acidity.

When to see a doctor

Pathological hiccups have several additional warning signs:

  • Diaphragm spasm lasts 15–20 minutes and occurs more than 3 times a day for several days.
  • Hiccups are causeless. Mothers try to warm the child, adjust the diet, and prevent other causes of attacks, but nothing helps.
  • The baby is becoming more capricious and whiny every day. Arches her back and cries immediately after feeding.
  • A 1-2 month old baby sleeps too much.
  • During hiccups, the tummy begins to hurt, there is severe flatulence, and regurgitation of liquid.
  • The baby suffers from constipation or diarrhea for a long time.

You need to complain to the doctor about hiccups and other symptoms of the disease quickly, so that you can immediately begin to identify the pathology and not delay in providing therapeutic help. IN childhood It is much easier to cure diseases without consequences for future life. The doctor will prescribe an ultrasound to identify neurological problems, laboratory tests of urine, blood, and feces for scatology in case of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Frequent and convulsive hiccups may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • encephalopathy;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines;
  • spinal cord pathologies;
  • pneumonia.

But more often, hiccups do not require special treatment. There is no need to be afraid of several attacks in infancy and do not panic. The older the baby is, the less often he will hiccup from cold, stress and after feeding.

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