Berets were originally invented for the military. Now this headdress is worn by civilian men, women and even children, and the abundance of styles and materials allows everyone to choose a beret to their taste.

A regular wool beret is sold flat. Before you start wearing it, you need to give it a shape - beat it, as they say in everyday life.

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Warm-up with hands

The easiest way to hit a beret is to knead it with your fingers. To do this you need:

  • Moisten the beret (so that the fabric is wet, but water does not drip from the beret);
  • You need to walk along the bend with your fingers, strongly squeezing the edge.

This method is good for shaping soft cashmere berets.


You can beat off the beret with a hammer. To do this you need:

  • Place the wet headdress on a stool with a board underneath it;
  • Tap the edge of the beret with a hammer.

This procedure is suitable for coarser fabrics. If we are talking about a military beret that needs to be prepared for a parade, you can soak it in sweet or starched water to maintain a more stable shape.

Drying on the model

A simple way to give perfect shape beret - dry directly on the head. To do this you will need:

  • Put a wet beret on your head;
  • Give the desired shape with your hands;
  • Wait until the headdress is completely dry.

This beret will fit perfectly on the owner’s head.

Since wearing a wet beret is not the most pleasant procedure, you can dry it on a mannequin, choosing the appropriate size and shape. Or you can independently form a suitable lump from newspapers or pull the beret onto the jar.

Adhesive backing

In order to make an adhesive lining for a beret, you need:

  • Take measurements and draw a sketch of the part that should be resistant;
  • Cut out a part of the appropriate shape from adhesive fabric (for example, lining or bag interlining);
  • Glue the fabric using a hot iron to the inside of the beret.

With this method, the beret will keep its shape even after several washes.

Laundry soap

In order to make a crease along the edge of the beret using laundry soap, required:

  • Moisten the beret;
  • Rub the fabric on the inside where the edge is formed with 72% laundry soap;
  • Knead the edge on the outside until it becomes sharp.

This method is simple and reliable, but will last until the next wash. It is also advisable not to get caught in the rain while wearing a beret.

Nowadays, the beret is associated primarily with the uniform headdress of military personnel of certain branches of the military. The most of them is the blue beret of the paratroopers. Its indispensable attribute is the hall on the right side. Why is this being done?

Sign of the Elite

The armed forces, like any other complex hierarchical structure, have their own insignia. They are used to designate junior personnel - soldiers and sergeants, middle - officers from lieutenant to major, and senior - officers with a rank above lieutenant colonel.

In addition, insignia in the army serve to determine whether a serviceman belongs to a particular branch of the military. One of the most striking and indicative insignia is the beret. It speaks of its wearer’s belonging to the elite of the armed forces. To determine which elite branch of the military a fighter belongs to, a tradition arose of bending the beret to the right or left side.

Right and left

Army berets appeared in the armed forces of our country only in the 1960s. Originally they were crimson in color. The familiar blue beret of paratroopers was introduced into everyday use only in 1969. Until this moment, to indicate belonging to one or another branch of the military, the practice of twisting the beret to the left or right side appeared.

Special forces and internal troops began to bend their berets to the left. They now wear maroon and olive (green) headdresses respectively. In turn, the marines (black berets) and paratroopers (blue) began to push the berets to the right side.

A special case

During parades, military personnel of all branches of the military wear berets slanted to the left. Firstly, this is necessary for the unification and uniformity of the uniform of all military personnel. There is an opinion that this is done in order not to block the face. The fact is that a serviceman tilts his head to the right while walking in parade formation, so bending his beret in the same direction can cast a shadow on his face.

Others argue that the fold to the left is necessary so that the flag-shaped badge, which is attached to the right side of the beret during parades, is visible. After returning to places of permanent combat deployment, the paratroopers recapture their berets back to the right.

Combat berets

Some argue that the tilt of the headdress in elite branches of the military, including the Airborne Forces, depends on whether the wearer of the beret participated in combat operations or not. A bend on the left side supposedly means that the serviceman has been to war or participated in special operations, and if it is on the right, then he has no combat experience.

However, for the most part in the army, such a statement is considered stupid. After all, the most eloquent indicator of the presence or absence of combat experience is still medals and orders, and not the side of the headgear.

Pound test

It is worth noting that taking a beret in the airborne troops is no less a serious test than a forced march or parachute jump. The ability to correctly beat off his headdress has always served as a sign of the experience of a paratrooper, his real belonging to the elite army caste. A real paratrooper always knows how to hit the beret correctly.

Not everyone succeeds the first time. There are different “recipes” for how to break a beret. Experienced paratroopers advise using a sugar solution rather than water to moisten headgear. Others are experimenting with wax. After moistening the beret, it is given the desired shape.

The military uniform for the Airborne Forces was approved back in the late 60s of the last century. Berets were immediately introduced as a single model of headgear for the Airborne Forces. They were worn before, especially berets were common among military personnel of foreign countries.

The fashion for berets in military uniform was introduced almost simultaneously in Britain and France during the First World War. Later, this fashion was adopted by Germany, followed by the United States. After World War II, this tradition spread even further to other countries.

From the history of blue berets

This fashion reached the Soviet Union only in the 60s. Interestingly, the Marines were the first to wear this headdress. Berets appeared in the Airborne Forces in 1967. Few people know that the original berets were not blue, but crimson. Although the color blue was available in the landing uniform even then (edgings and shoulder straps). The crimson color of the berets was proposed by the artist Zhuk, who borrowed this color from paratroopers of other countries.

The crimson color was not the only one. The artist demonstrated two versions color solutions General Margelov. In addition to crimson, there was also a protective color. Berets of this color were planned to be worn as everyday wear, although this remained just a project. Raspberry berets seemed to “Uncle Vasya” more suitable for parades, but he did not approve the everyday version.

In 1967, airborne troops were given the chance to appear at the parade in crimson berets. However, the paratroopers did not wear this color of berets for long. For unknown reasons, the high command decided to change the color of the berets. It is possible that official party leaders were suspicious of the crimson color, and perhaps did not want to have anything to do with the color of the berets of the airborne forces of capitalist countries.

In addition, there is another version that says that the blue color is associated with the sky, which in turn could be most suitable for paratroopers. In general, there is no exact information about the reasons for such sudden changes in the color of the beret.

In 1969, the coloring was changed to the one seen today, blue. In addition, there was no casual and formal version of berets, which could differ in color.

“Guards Corner” - a band on the Airborne Forces beret

Red badges were attached to the paratroopers' berets, which were worn on the left side of the berets in everyday life, and during parades they were tilted to the right side. Later, such an icon - a band on takes the Airborne Forces began to be worn in all formations and units of the Airborne Forces. However, there were no standardized sizes.

And since 1989, the mandatory wearing of uniform badges by all airborne troops has been enshrined at the legislative level. These badges were flags made of brass or rondole.

Since 1995, the band began to be made for the first time with the image of the Russian coat of arms. Subsequently, he was accepted along with a modified military uniform, and this was recorded at the legislative level. Corresponding changes to the military uniform of the paratroopers were made retroactively. This was the decision of the Head of the Central Clothing Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense in July 1995.

Such beads are of great value to their owners. Especially those that were created by skilled soldiers with their own hands even before 1989. Moreover, most of the bands made before 1989 are rare works of folk craft and are highly valued by collectors.

Step-by-step instructions on how to return the beret

Initially, the beret is issued to a serviceman in the form of a disk, which undoubtedly looks very ugly on the head. In order to give it a presentable appearance, soldiers beat off their berets, which is a very simple procedure and is performed using improvised means.

First you need to cut out the lining in the beret with scissors, but leave the liner for the cockade. Then immerse the headdress in hot water for two minutes until it is completely limp. Next, take out the headdress, squeeze it lightly, insert the cockade strictly in the center (you should follow the liner inside the headdress), put it on your head and tighten it with a rope at the back of your head

Without removing the headdress, use your hands to smooth it in the required directions. The left side is smoothed back, the crown is smoothed to the right, thus creating something like a half-disk at the right ear.

The arch for the cockade is made like this: the cockade is held with the left hand, and smoothed from the top forward with the right, forming an edge.

After giving the shape to the headdress, its improvement continues. To do this, take shaving foam and apply it to the headdress, and a lot. Next, you need to wet your hands with water and rub in the foam, without pressing hard on the headdress.

When all the stains with white spots have been removed, a final inspection should be made to look for any defects and eliminate them. Under no circumstances should you take off your beret; you will need to walk in it for approximately 1.5 hours.

After the beret dries on the head, it is dried on a table or radiator. In order for the beret to become as hard as possible and keep its shape longer, folk craftsmen advise spraying hairspray inside the headdress.

That's all, the beret is ready. All that remains is to cut the plastic card so that it matches the size of the cockade. Two holes are made for the antennae of the cockade, the cockade is inserted, after which a cut-off plastic card is secured inside and the antennae are spread out on the sides. This will give the cockade a more stable, stationary position. If you place the flag on the left side, then you need to do it evenly and not very far from the cockade.

Berets in Russian and other security forces

Currently blue berets are the most recognizable attribute of airborne troops, equally with the blue and white vest. Recently, berets in general have become widespread, and the legendary maroon berets have also become especially popular. The latter are entitled to receive military personnel of only a few special units Ministry of Internal Affairs

In addition, maroon berets are worn on the left side, and blue berets are worn on the right. The only exception for blue berets is parades, when absolutely all military personnel have to wear their hats on the left side, in accordance with the event protocol. You should also know that berets with blue colors are present in the armed forces of other states. For example, blue berets are worn by UN military personnel, although the shades of berets of the Russian Airborne Forces are different from all others.

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The beret is a soft headdress without a visor round shape. It came into fashion during the Middle Ages, but for a long time it was considered an exclusively men's headdress, since it was worn mainly by military men. Currently, berets are part of the military uniform of various troops of the Russian Armed Forces, each of which has its own characteristic coloring of berets, which can be used to determine whether the employee belongs to one or another branch of the Armed Forces.

Historical reference

In our country, they began to include this headdress in military uniforms in 1936, following the example of the West. Initially, in the army of the Soviet Union, dark blue berets were worn by female military personnel and only in summer time. At the end of World War II they were replaced by khaki berets.

This headdress began to be widely used in the uniform of the Soviet Army much later, having appreciated all the advantages of the beret: it is able to protect the head from various precipitation, is extremely comfortable to wear, and due to its compact size and soft material, this headdress is extremely convenient to remove if necessary. , for example, in your pocket.

In 1963, the beret officially became part of the uniform of military personnel of certain special forces structures.

Today, in the uniform of the Russian Armed Forces, there are such varieties of headdresses as black, light blue, blue, maroon, green, light green, orange, gray, cornflower blue, crimson, dark olive and olive berets.

  • Black berets indicate that the serviceman belongs to the Marine Corps.
  • Beret blue color on the head of a serviceman indicates that he serves in the Russian Airborne Forces.
  • Beret of blue color refers to the military uniform of the Russian Air Force.
  • - uniform headdress for employees of special forces units of the Russian National Guard.
  • The Green Berets belong to the intelligence elite of the internal forces.
  • Light green headdresses are worn by representatives of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation at ceremonial and official events.
  • Orange berets are worn by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Grays are special military units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Wearing a cornflower blue beret indicates that its owner belongs to the special forces of the FSB of Russia and the special forces of the FSO of Russia.
  • Crimson berets were worn by those representatives of the troops who served in the Airborne Forces until 1968, since they were then replaced by blue berets.
  • The dark olive beret is the uniform headdress of special forces units of the railway troops.

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Military men wearing olive-colored berets are perhaps the most difficult to identify as belonging to any type of military force.

Olive color: belonging to the troops

Olive beret is part of the military uniform of the Russian Guard. Until 2016, it was worn by representatives of the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and special forces of the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense. These troops carry out activities to ensure the internal and public security of Russia from various types of illegal attacks.

The troops have the following purposes:

  • ensuring the territorial integrity of Russia;
  • protection of the country's objects of special importance;
  • interaction with other troops of the Russian Armed Forces;
  • ensuring the safety of Russian citizens;
  • suppression of the activities of terrorist groups.

Very little is known about those who wear olive berets, since information about their activities is classified, wearing such berets is great honor and pride for their owners and it takes a lot of effort to earn the right to own them.

Receiving an insignia

To earn the honorable right to wear an olive beret, you must go through several stages of the most difficult physical and psychological tests, because only the best employees wear olive berets. Submission for olive beret occurs once a year. Absolutely every Russian military serviceman can participate, but not all military participants are able to pass the olive beret exam; the selection of candidates is extremely strict. According to statistics, only about half of the candidates reach the last stage of the examination tests. To pass the standards to receive a beret, you need to be thoroughly prepared, both physically and mentally.

The following requirements are imposed on a military service member applying for the right to own an olive beret:

  • demonstration of physical fitness;
  • passing a forced march through difficult terrain with water obstacles;
  • ambush detection;
  • rescuing the victim;
  • overcoming an assault barrier;
  • demonstration of aimed fire skills;
  • demonstration of hand-to-hand combat skills.

Taking the olive beret begins with a preliminary stage, which includes such types of physical activity as pull-ups, push-ups, and cross-country over a distance of 3 km. At the next stage of the exam, the applicant for the olive beret will have to go through an obstacle course, storm a building and demonstrate hand-to-hand combat skills.

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During the two-hour obstacle course, the applicant, wearing equipment weighing more than 12 kg, must overcome water and other difficult obstacles. This test is carried out without respite or delay. The applicant must then demonstrate marksmanship skills. A 12-minute sparring session with a change of partners ends with a submission for the olive beret. Note that there are some similarities with

Part uniforms military - takes. It is practical, beautiful, does not take up much space, and therefore is the statutory headdress of many branches of the military. This is the pride of any soldier. But it comes out in the form of a disk, which does not sit so nicely on the head. In order for it to take the desired shape, you need to beat the beret. Every soldier can do this.

In order for a military beret to fit well, it must be beaten correctly

Effective ways

How to cut a beret so that it looks beautiful on your head?

3 simple options

Let's consider simple ways who will tell you how to shape the beret.

The easiest option is with a hammer. The headdress should be slightly wetted, ironed, and steamed. Then put it on a chair and beat it with a hammer along the edge. Then the edge will become sharp.

The second method is in the palm of your hand. Get it wet. You can use water with sugar, then the product will become hard. But with such a headdress you will have to avoid water and rain, otherwise it will lose its shape. Place it on your palm and beat it vigorously to give it the desired shape and straighten the edging.

The third one is right on the head. This method is suitable if you are tidying up a teardrop beret.

How to return the beret:

  • insert the badge;
  • wet it and shake the water;
  • pull it wet over your head;
  • give the required shape;
  • wait until it dries without removing it so that it retains its shape;
  • Press down the edge with pliers to make it sharper.

To take it correct form, you can put it on your head wet

Complex method

You can beat off the beret using the simple methods described above. But they may not work. Then this method is also suitable. If you do everything correctly, it will fit on your head like a glove.

  • Carefully, so as not to spoil anything, we rip the lining with scissors.
  • Place it in water (the hotter the better) and wait a couple of minutes for it to soak. Then we squeeze it out.
  • Replace the cockade and put it on.
  • We smooth it out right on the head, giving it the desired shape. The crown should be pulled to the right so that a half-disc appears. Then - the arch for the cockade. To do this, hold it with your left hand and stroke the top of the head forward. Make sure there are no holes, press harder. Its fabric is strong, it will not tear.
  • As soon as it has taken the desired shape, you need to apply shaving foam to it, lubricating it thoroughly. There is no need to remove your headdress. Then you need to wait a little and rub the foam into the product. Make sure there are no streaks or white spots left.
  • Without taking off your hat, walk in it until it dries (from 1.5 hours). When it dries, you can remove it from your head and leave it until completely dry.
  • Put it in order, remove the pellets of foam and water. To do this, you need to shave the beret with a razor. When the surface is smooth, spray hairspray inside the product. The more varnish, the better.
  • We insert a plastic card under the cockade, cutting it to size.

Types of berets

Berets are worn by many of the world's armed forces. Our army is no exception. Who can you see this headdress on?

  • Speckled. The maroon beret is a form of encouragement for special forces and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To get it, you must prove that a person has all the qualities inherent in a professional. It is presented as a reward for courage. A maroon beret is issued after a series of tests. First, a preliminary stage is carried out, then the main tests, which include a march of at least 10 km, and performing acrobatic exercises, and hand-to-hand combat, etc.
  • Blue. The blue beret is used by many branches of the military. In Russia they wear a blue beret airborne troops(Airborne Forces). At first it was crimson, like other airborne soldiers, but in 1968 the color was changed to blue. That's how he remains to this day.
  • Green. Border troops, FSSP special forces, reconnaissance units of various branches of the military.
  • Black. The black beret is the symbol of the Marine Corps. This is a compact headgear that does not interfere while moving. It's easy to put headphones on it and hide it in your pocket. The Marine Corps is an elite branch of the military, so wearing a black beret is also an honor.

There is a suture headgear and a seamless one, which is also called a droplet.