Different troops have their own colors of hats. So, paratroopers wear blue berets, infantrymen are black, and special forces are maroon. But in order to look neat and stately, you need to work a little on appearance cleaning For the military, berets are made of light, pliable material. Therefore, it is difficult to give shape to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and airborne beret, as a rule, does not arise.

How to fight off demobilization biret at home: 4 ways

Before you start working, you need to decide which side to beat on. Maroons are usually worn tilted to the left side. Blue and black berets tend to bat to the right. And during military parades, representatives of all units make the edge on the left. Having decided on the form, all that remains is to strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

Method No. 1

  1. Before you beat off your army cap or beret, lightly moisten it.
  2. Iron it through two layers of gauze.
  3. Place the piece on a flat surface and hit the edge with a hammer to make it sharp. To avoid damaging the furniture, use a cutting board.

You can use a steel spoon instead of a hammer. But in this case, it will take much more time to shape.

Method No. 2

  1. To quickly shape a seamless beret (called a “droplet”), wet and shake well to remove excess water.
  2. Place the wet product on your head and give it the desired shape.
  3. Wait for the fabric to dry without removing the product from your head.
  4. To finally fix the shape and make the edge sharper, press it down with pliers.

If you don't want to wear a wet beret, place it on a ball or can or stuff it with old newspapers.

Method No. 3

  1. Carefully prop up the lining.
  2. Place the item in hot water for two to three minutes to soak the fabric.
  3. Put on a wet beret.
  4. Pull the top of your head to the right and smooth it with your palm facing forward to create an arch-shaped fold over the cockade.
  5. Do not remove the headdress for one and a half to two hours so that the shape is fixed.
  6. Remove the beret with a gentle movement and place it on a flat surface, wait until it dries completely.

To fix the shape, use auxiliary “tools”. These could be clothespins or paper clips.

Method No. 4

  1. Soak the beret well in hot water.
  2. Lightly squeeze the product to remove excess water.
  3. Knead the fabric vigorously with your fingers to give the edge a sharp shape.

Means for fixing the shape

Before beating the beret to make it hard, the fabric must be additionally treated with a fixing compound. This will allow wool fabric do not lose shape over a long period of time.

Shaving foam

  1. Putting a damp beret on your head or a dummy, give it the desired shape.
  2. Without removing, coat it thoroughly with shaving foam, without missing the slightest area.
  3. Wait five minutes for the material to soak in the product.
  4. Wet your hands in cold water and begin to rub the foam into the fabric with little effort.
  5. Having got rid of the stains, finally adjust the shape and leave the beret until completely dry. This will take about two hours.

During the application of foam, pellets may appear on the surface of the headgear. To get rid of them, treat the fabric with a disposable razor.


  1. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of sugar in two glasses of water.
  2. Soak the headdress in the sugar solution until the fabric is completely saturated with it.
  3. Beat the beret in the way you like.

A hat treated with sugar syrup will lose its shape upon first contact with water. In addition, the fabric may attract insects.

Hair fixation spray

  1. To keep your military beret in shape, spray hairspray on the inside surface when the item is dry.
  2. When the product is absorbed into the fabric and hardens, repeat the procedure.
  3. You may need to use up an entire bottle of hairspray to get your headdress hard and immovable.

Adhesive layer

  1. Take measurements of the beret and transfer them to a piece of paper or cardboard to draw a template for the part of the headdress that should maintain its shape.
  2. Using a pattern, cut out a part from adhesive fabric (usually bag interlining is used).
  3. Fix the adhesive layer with a hot iron.

The adhesive layer is resistant to water. This way, even after repeated washings, the shape will hold.


  1. Place the wet headdress in the desired position and wait until it dries.
  2. Melt the paraffin and treat the areas that need stability from the inside out.
  3. Adjust the shape if necessary and leave the product to dry.

Rigid frame

  1. To install the beret yourself, cut out the fragments that require fixation from cardboard or plastic.
  2. Place a solid frame inside the product.
  3. Secure the backing with double-sided tape.

Laundry soap

  1. To beat back beautifully suture beret, moisten the areas that need to be shaped.
  2. Rub the material well with laundry soap.
  3. Press the edge with your fingers to make it sharp and secure with clothespins until completely dry.

Normal laundry soap may have a specific pungent odor. When treating headwear, it is better to choose modern products that are odorless or with fragrances. Watch the video to see how to hit the moeno beret.

The beret is worn not only by military personnel or workers, but also by fashionistas and fashionistas at any age. This headdress gives the image a special romantic note and a touch of nobility. Even civilians will benefit from military experience on how to properly beat off and put on a beret with a seam. Wear a beret and give the product a beautiful and stable shape, you will always look irresistible.

You will need

  • Takes a drop (choose your size, take a closer look at 54-55),
  • water (preferably hot),
  • shaving foam or gel,
  • hairspray (colorless),
  • disposable razor,
  • scissors,
  • any plastic card,
  • cockade.


To begin with, we cut out the lining with scissors, but do not cut off the insert for the cockade. Next, immerse the beret in hot water and wait 2 minutes for it to completely soak. We take it out, squeeze it slightly, insert the cockade exactly in the center (we are guided by the insert inside the beret), put it on the head and tighten the ropes at the back of the head, tie it.

Without removing the beret, we begin to smooth it with our hands in the right directions. We smooth the left side back, bringing the hand to the back of the head. We stroke the top of the head to the right side, creating a half-disk near the right ear. We make the arch for the cockade as follows: hold the cockade, and with the right hand we smooth it forward from the top, creating an edging.
Then everything is much simpler, you just need to straighten these sides and remove stains and holes. Don’t be afraid to smooth it harder, the beret won’t tear. Pay special attention to the arch and half-disk at the ear, make them more prominent and even (after its formation, it is advisable to iron the half-disk a little back to the back of the head, press it well to the ear and crush the ends). Your choice of how you want the half disk to look: cover the half disk, lightly touch it, or just hang in the air above it.

After we have made the form, we continue to improve it. Take shaving foam and apply it to the beret large quantities. We coat everything thoroughly, every area (don’t remove the beret!!!). Then wait a few minutes, you can also iron the sides a little, but not too much. Next, we wet our hands with water and begin to rub in the foam (which is on the beret) with movements from side to side, with medium pressure.
Having removed all the stains and white spots, we iron the shape a little more, smooth out the imperfections and leave our creation alone. Under no circumstances do we take off our beret; we walk around in it for about 1.5 hours, or even more. It is advisable to be in a warm place so that it dries on you.

When it's dry on your head, you can put it on a table or on a radiator to dry completely, but so that the half-disc hangs over the edge. Then the beret is completely dry, we must get rid of the pellets that formed from our foam and water. We take a razor and shave in the same directions where we smoothed the creation. We shave so that the surface is smooth and without defects, everything is neat and without rushing.
After this, we take hairspray and spray it on the inside of the beret, that is, where we cut out the lining. Use all the polish, don't waste it, the more the better. All this is done to make the beret harder. You will feel the results after such an operation.

How to properly return a military beret

Part uniforms military - takes. It is practical, beautiful, does not take up much space, and therefore is the statutory headdress of many branches of the military. This is the pride of any soldier. But it comes out in the form of a disk, which does not sit so nicely on the head. In order for it to take the desired shape, you need to beat the beret. Every soldier can do this.

In order for a military beret to fit well, it must be beaten correctly

Types of berets

Berets are worn by many of the world's armed forces. Our army is no exception. Who can you see this headdress on?

  • Speckled. The maroon beret is a form of encouragement for special forces and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To get it, you must prove that a person has all the qualities inherent in a professional. It is presented as a reward for courage. A maroon beret is issued after a series of tests. First, a preliminary stage is carried out, then the main tests, which include a march of at least 10 km, and performing acrobatic exercises, and hand-to-hand combat, etc.
  • Blue. The blue beret is used by many branches of the military. In Russia they wear a blue beret airborne troops(Airborne Forces). At first it was crimson in color, like other airborne soldiers. but in 1968 the color was changed to blue. That's how he remains to this day.
  • Black. The black beret is the symbol of the Marine Corps. This is a compact headgear that does not interfere while moving. It's easy to put headphones on it and hide it in your pocket. The Marine Corps is an elite branch of the military, so wearing a black beret is also an honor.

There is a suture headgear and a seamless one, which is also called a droplet.

Black military beret - elite headdress

How to hit

How to beat off a beret so that it looks beautiful on your head?

Simple ways

Let's look at simple methods that will tell you how to shape a beret.

With a hammer. You need to slightly wet it, stroke it, and steam it. Then put it on a chair and beat it with a hammer along the edge. Then the edge will become sharp.

On the palm. Get it wet. You can use water with sugar, then the product will become hard. But with such a headdress you will have to avoid water and rain, otherwise it will lose its shape. Place it on your palm and beat it vigorously to give it the desired shape and straighten the edging.

On the head. This method is suitable if you are tidying up a droplet. How to return the beret:

  • insert the cockade;
  • wet it and shake the water;
  • Pull it directly onto your head when wet;
  • give the required shape;
  • wait until it dries without removing it so that it retains its shape;
  • Press down the edge with pliers to make it sharper.

To take it correct form, you need to put it on your head wet

The hard way

You can beat off the beret in simple ways which are described above. But they may not work. Then this method is also suitable. If you do everything correctly, it will fit on your head like a glove.

  • Carefully, so as not to spoil anything, we rip the lining with scissors.
  • Place it in water (the hotter the better) and wait a couple of minutes for it to soak. Then we squeeze it out.
  • Replace the cockade and put it on.
  • We smooth it out right on the head, giving it the desired shape. The crown should be pulled to the right so that a half-disc appears. Then - the arch for the cockade. To do this, hold it with your left hand and stroke the top of the head forward. Make sure there are no holes, press harder. Its fabric is strong, it will not tear.
  • As soon as it has taken the desired shape, you need to apply shaving foam to it, lubricating it thoroughly. There is no need to remove your headdress. Then you need to wait a little and rub the foam into the product. Make sure there are no streaks or white spots left.
  • Without taking off your hat, walk in it until it dries (from 1.5 hours). When it dries, you can remove it from your head and leave it until completely dry.
  • Put it in order, remove the pellets of foam and water. To do this, you need to shave the beret with a razor. When the surface is smooth, spray hairspray inside the product. The more varnish, the better.
  • We insert a plastic card under the cockade, cutting it to size.


Looking through the photographs in the Spetsnaz magazine, observant readers probably became interested: why do internal troops have their berets folded to the left side, and, for example, paratroopers and riot police - to the right? Does this make any sense?

Chairman of the Council of the Belarusian Association of Veterans of Special Forces Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Honour", former commander of the SOBR and special forces brigade of internal troops, reserve colonel Dmitry Pavlichenko was at the origins of this tradition. Dmitry Valerievich reminds: "The highest symbol of courage and professionalism in the internal troops is the maroon beret, which is obtained with sweat and blood. The color of the beret symbolizes the color of blood. The owner of such a headdress is different from those who have not yet passed severe tests, and therefore the beret is worn differently. Junior " "brother" of the maroon - olive beret of a serviceman, which symbolizes that its owner belongs to the internal troops and is at any moment ready to show courage when performing official tasks. Following the example of his older maroon "brother", this beret also bends to the left."

But the black berets of the riot police and the blue berets of the paratroopers bend to the right - this is the tradition of these units.

By the way, initially the new berets look like shapeless pancakes. How do these hats acquire such beautiful shape?

Colonel Dmitry Pavlichenko says that there is a special ritual. After passing the qualification tests, the older holders of maroon berets help the younger ones so that their hats acquire the same shape. To do this, the berets are first soaked and then twisted on the heads of the new “speckles”. All this is done by the senior comrades.

Photo from the archive of the magazine "Spetsnaz"

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Berets are a type of rounded headdress without a visor, which are usually made of felt or wool. Berets came into fashion back in the 19th century in France and Spain, but to this day they are quite popular not only in these, but also in other countries. In addition, berets are often used in military uniforms and uniforms of various law enforcement agencies, but they are slightly different in shape from civilian berets. Despite the fact that currently some enterprises have launched the production of berets ready-made forms, many berets produced for various uniforms still require preliminary molding to give them the necessary shape on the head of the direct owner of the headdress.


Wear your beret correctly

    Review your organization's dress code. Although the following recommendations can be considered general rules To wear berets as part of your uniform, it would do you good to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements that will apply to you.

    Position the beret properly on your head. This usually means that the bottom edge of the beret should run horizontally across the forehead. For example, according to the Order of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation dated September 3, 2011 No. 1500 “On the Rules for Wearing Military Uniforms and Insignia of Military Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation...”, berets should be worn with a slight tilt to the right and so that the lower edge is located 2–4 cm above the eyebrows. If your organization wants to differ in some way from the military, it will probably require the beret to be tilted to the left.

    Wear an appropriate hairstyle. Hairstyles that can distort its shape, such as high buns or ponytails, are not suitable for a beret. Your bangs should also not extend beyond the bottom edge of your beret. Some organizations, such as the Royal Air Force of the United Kingdom, require girls with long hair collect them in a net as close as possible to the color of their hair.

    Remove the lining. Cut away the inner black lining of the beret, but be careful not to damage the outer part of the beret. By removing the lining, it will be easier for you to shape the beret into the desired shape. Please note that not all berets have a lining.

    Remove any pellets from the beret. Usually this procedure is performed after molding the beret. However, if there are already obvious areas of pilling on your beret, these will need to be shaved before you get it wet, in addition to shaving after drying. In the case of civilian berets, this step may be the only one necessary. You can remove pellets and fluff from a beret in various ways.

Shape your military beret

    Wet the beret. Soak the beret in warm water. If there is a patch or emblem on the beret, try not to get it wet.