Don’t stuff books with unnecessary pieces of paper, candy wrappers or calendars – make a beautiful bookmark with your own hands that will please the eye every time you see it. Moreover, it is very simple! We have prepared for you a selection of master classes on making a wide variety of bookmarks, most of which are done in less than 5-10 minutes, but the crafts look very presentable.

Satin bookmarks, bookmarks-clips, faces of different animals and much more - all this can easily be made with your own hands. You can also use most of the accessories to separate notes. If you are studying, be sure to take a closer look at these lessons and choose something that will be convenient for putting your notebooks in the right places. In addition, many homemade bookmarks fit perfectly into journals or scrapbooking albums. In a word, they are universal - choose what you like.


It's more likely female version, because such a bookmark should be made from some old pendant or earring that has lost its pair. Well, such an accessory looks very romantic - not masculine.

We will need:

  • satin ribbon (15-20 cm);
  • accessories for bracelets;
  • any pendant;
  • pliers and wire cutters.

One end satin ribbon, which will be placed in the book, it is better to slightly melt it with fire so that it does not fray (observe safety precautions!). We place the second end in the fittings and clamp it. We insert any decoration into the ring where the clasp is placed.

Take a look at the photo: these homemade bookmarks look like a stylish accessory, and not just a ribbon to secure a page.

There is no shame in giving such a bookmark as a gift to someone or using it in creating a notebook if you are involved in such creative work.


This bookmark will appeal to schoolchildren and simply lovers of cute little things. In this example we will talk about how to make a felt bookmark in the shape of a bear cub with your own hands, but you can choose any other template (you can look at our selection of stencils).

We will need:

  • felt of different colors;
  • foam paper;
  • Super glue.

Draw the image or trace it using a stencil. You can cut foam paper stationery knife or thin scissors, and you can sew large felt parts with contrasting threads, making large stitches. Small parts need to be glued with superglue (it is very convenient to use a glue gun).

The base of the bookmark is best made from foam paper, as it is soft and flexible: press the strip between two stenciled shapes and glue it together.

Try adding some interesting decor or embroidery to your homemade felt bookmarks to make them even more colorful and interesting.

From a postcard

Making a bookmark from a postcard is even easier, because it only takes a couple of minutes to create. If you are used to filling books with postcards or cardboard, take the time to make something more original and cute.

We will need:

We take any template of a triangular or rectangular shape.

We cut it out and make sure that our bookmark has “ears” cut out - this will make it more interesting. Next you need to make a fixing part. If the stencil allows, we cut out the edge along the contour to create the back and front parts. If this doesn’t work, you can glue on “legs” or “wings”.

To decorate the bookmark, use colored paper and draw faces with “hairstyles” with a felt-tip pen. By the way, such bookmarks can be made miniature and used instead of stickers or note dividers.


It is very convenient to use magnetic bookmarks. They do not fly out, but at the same time they fix the pages of books, which sometimes like to turn over on their own during the reading process if you do not hold them with your hand.

We will need:

  • magnetic tape;
  • any base;
  • Super glue.

As the main material, you can choose a postcard, colored cardboard with your applique, velvet cardboard and something else. You can make a magnetic bookmark with your own hands from almost any beautiful material, which is most often used to create this accessory.

Cut two pieces of magnetic tape that will be slightly narrower than the workpiece. We attach the tape with superglue. We do not recommend taking magnets that are too long and wide, since this is still a bookmark - too tight a fixation is not needed.

Decorate your bookmark as desired, change its shape (you can make it openwork).

With button

Bookmarks made from paper clips are very convenient for securing the pages of small books and personal notebooks. They turn out to be very bright and original, and even a child can make them with their own hands.

We will need:

  • paperclip of any size;
  • button;
  • a piece of fabric;
  • Super glue.

It's best to use colored paper clips, as they will look more beautiful and won't crease the pages. You can use non-fabric buttons, but bookmarks with patterned fabric look much more interesting. Covering a button is simple: drop a little glue into the center and spread it well over the button so that there are no smudges, and tie it at the back with thread or glue it.

Glue the paperclip by pushing it slightly under the fabric. If you don’t want to use a button, you can glue a piece of cardboard covered with fabric – it will also work out great. Bookmarks with a pearl bead on top also look beautiful.

Children's bookmarks on sticks

If you want to make a bookmark for a child, you can choose almost any image to serve as its base. This is a very simple video master class that even your child can master.

Flip through coloring books, sort through postcards, or simply draw a fairy-tale character (or any other image) on cardboard. It is most convenient to use culinary skewers as a base, as they are very thin.

By the way, you can color the skewers using acrylic paints. But don't do it with gouache or watercolor - the paint will imprint on the book.

As you can see, making a bookmark with your own hands is a simple task, but very useful. We hope you have found your own version or technique for making this accessory in this collection and are ready to complement it with your own ideas. Well, with colorful bookmarks, reading will become much more interesting, and taking notes will be much more pleasant.

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How to make paper bookmarks with your own hands step by step with photos

Kokorina Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher, MBDOU No. 202 General developmental kindergarten, Kemerovo.
Description: This master class will be of interest to educators of older groups, teachers primary classes, mothers whose children read to teach them to use a bookmark.

Purpose: bookmark for a book, notebook, textbook.
Target: training in making bookmarks using the origami technique.
- learn to fold sequentially,
- learn to add details and design a craft;
- promote the development of hand motor skills;
- promote the development of imagination, fantasy, patience, perseverance;
- cultivate interest in origami techniques;
- cultivate a desire to create beautiful crafts.
Required tools and materials:
- colored paper – preferably double-sided, thick;
- scissors;
- ruler;
- a simple pencil;
- black felt-tip pen;
- glue (I have a pencil).

Also grab:
- inspiration;
- good mood(if not, then it will definitely appear in the process);
- skillful hands (if you sculpt, glue and create something, you have them exactly like that!);
- the desire to do something new (they say that every day a person should do something new, then his day will not be in vain!)
So, let's begin. Of course, everyone has heard about origami! And everyone is certainly amazed by the masterpieces that can be made!!! But not everyone does it (((and I was one of them... But.. about half a year ago, I decided to introduce my children to this technique, and since I work with four-year-olds, of course our acquaintance began with the simplest, basic folds. You will read what we learned in other posts, but here is a little about something else.
Bookmarks - origami.
What is a bookmark? And what is it for? Of course everyone knows. By the way, it’s not a bad idea to learn this poem and start making it while reading it:
I am an elegant bookmark.
I'm lying here for order.
Don't flip the pages in vain.
Where is the bookmark, read there!
V. Berestov
I came across the fact that my daughter does not want to use bookmarks and lo and behold! You can make such a masterpiece easily and quickly! I hope that in the coming school year my daughter will finally fall in love with bookmarks, because this
Beautiful! Original! Comfortable!
Bookmark - origami “Hedgehog”

1.Fold a brown square 12x12cm diagonally - we get a triangle.

2. Bend the left corner to the top of the triangle.

3. Repeat the same with the right corner.

4. Expand the resulting part - we have received the fold lines we need.

5. Bend one of the vertices down.

6.Tuck the left corner into the resulting “pocket”.

7.Do the same with the right corner.

8.Draw needles for the hedgehog with a length of 7 cm and an approximate height of 3 cm, leaving below, under the needles, a strip 1 cm high for gluing. Cut and glue.

9.Use a black felt-tip pen to draw a nose.

10.Glue on small white circles for the eyes. Draw the pupils with a black felt-tip pen, the “Hedgehog” bookmark is ready.

Bookmark – origami “Frog”

1. The folding sequence is of course the same. Fold a green square 12x12cm diagonally

2.Fold the left and right corners to the top of the triangle

3. Bend one of the vertices down. Fold the left and right corners into the resulting “pocket”

4.Draw the legs of a frog of a suitable size on a piece of paper folded in half so that when cutting out you get the two parts we need at once

5. Draw the base for the eyes on green paper folded in half, so that when cutting out you get two parts

6.Draw and cut out a slightly smaller piece for the eyes on white paper folded in half, glue the white piece onto the green one

7.Draw the pupils with a black felt-tip pen

8.Glue on the eyes and legs of the frog

9.Use a black felt-tip pen to draw a wide smiling mouth

10. Glue a smile cut out of red paper inside the mouth. The “Frog” bookmark is ready

Bookmark - origami “Chicken”.

1.Fold a yellow square 12x12 cm using the previous diagram.

2.Cut necessary details: beak and scallop.

The debate about whether a classic paper book or an electronic one will win is reminiscent of the story from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”: one of the main characters argued that very soon there will be nothing but television - neither theater nor cinema.

Life proved: he was wrong. It's the same with a book. Yes, some people prefer electronic ones.

However paper version- out of competition. What richness and variety bookstores offer!

How eyes widen as they study the contents of the shelves and counters! And if there is a book, then you need a bookmark for it.

A little history

As soon as people learned how to make books or things that resembled books, they came up with bookmarks. For example, the ancient Egyptians marked the required scrolls with pieces of papyrus.

Later, in handwritten volumes (first parchment, and then paper) it was necessary to somehow mark the necessary pages, so as not to leaf through the voluminous volume from start to finish in search of some selected places.

Precious pages simply had to be taken care of so that they would not fray. Later in the books began to glue silk ribbons.

This technique is still used today, but only in expensive, classic editions. For all the rest you need bookmarks.

They are made from various materials, different ways: leather, plastic, knitted, lace, metal.

However paper ones are more common. The main thing is that you can make them yourself, even involving children in the work.

We teach kids how to make things

Making paper bookmarks is an easy way to teach your sons and daughters how to make things.

The baby will develop hand motor skills and get a taste for creativity., and most importantly, you will see the results very quickly.

Young children do not always have the patience to work on a craft for days or weeks, but a creative bookmark can be made in one evening.

In the process of creativity, skills in handling tools and materials that will be useful in the future are formed.

Here's what you need to prepare before you start:

  • paper (white, colored),
  • thin cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencils, felt-tip pens;
  • glue.

Original performance techniques

You can make a bookmark in the form of an ordinary long strip of paper, or you can show your imagination, then it will be more interesting for you and the children to work. First, choose a craft making technique.


  • applique,
  • scrapbooking;
  • origami;
  • weaving;
  • quilling

Unusual and beautiful ideas: how to make them

Originality can be achieved through the form itself. It doesn't have to be a long strip of paper.

It could betriangle pocket, which is easy to put on the desired page of the book (it can be made from a regular mailing envelope or glued from a sheet of paper).

Master class on how to make a corner bookmark for books out of paper, origami technique:

It can be any figure, as long as it is convenient to use. Here are some examples.

Palm bookmark. Place your baby’s hand on colored thick paper or thin cardboard and trace the contours of the palm.

Draw something funny on it (like a funny face) and cut it out.

Take a strip of paper and glue it to back side cut out palm. The craft is ready.

And it will have no price when a few years later you find it in one of the books and remember how small your son or daughter was, how tiny their fingers were.

Can be done pencil bookmark, using paper of different colors, making one of its ends triangular, like a sharpened pencil.

If your child wants to give gifts to his friends or family, you can make a whole set of colored pencils with him.

In general, targeted crafts are very good. You can do it for dad mustache bookmark, gluing a drawing in the form of a mustache a la Hercule Poirot to the top of a strip of paper.

For grandfather - tea cup, with an infusion bag lowered into it on a thread, the tip of which, together with the tag paper, will look out of the book.

For grandma, who always forgets everything, you can do reel bookmark from cardboard, finishing it with a kind of spool and carefully winding some beautiful threads on it.

If you want to thread the bookmark around its entire perimeter ( it will be very elegant), do this: mom will sew the craft around the edge on sewing machine(without thread, just punching holes with a needle), and the child, using these holes, will very smoothly, beautifully stitch along all the edges.

More important point : on bookmarks, a quote from your favorite writers, a motivating inscription or your wish to the person to whom the gift is addressed will look very organic.

Try to ensure that the crafts you make together with your children do not lie like dead weight at home, like Gogol’s Manilov for two years on page 14 of the same book.

The child must be convinced of their functionality, to see that his relatives live by the principle of not a day without a book. Then he himself will become addicted to reading.

Finally, watch the video on how to make a cool bookmark for books out of paper:

Despite the spread of information technology and the expansion of the capabilities of electronic media, the book still occupies a leading place in our lives, especially when we talk about teaching children to read and forming a reading culture. We adults love to sit in the evenings with a cup of tea and read an interesting book, and children enjoy reading fairy tales and looking at pictures, sitting on their mother’s lap. The book has not left our lives, it remains and requires careful handling. A significant role in this is played by aesthetically designed, beautiful bookmarks for books with origami, made with your own hands from paper.

What are they needed for?

Of course, you can take a regular sheet of paper and put it on the page where you finished reading. But it’s so nice to look at a book again and see a neat bookmark with pictures or origami. That is why we offer homemade bookmarks for your book on our website. They will allow you to organize the reading process and make it enjoyable. Everyone will prefer their own pictures on paper bookmarks. So, boys will like cars and technology. DIY bookmarks for girls will be full of flowers, pretty dolls in dresses, animals or plants, which can be easily made using the origami technique. Making bookmarks is a good reason not only to tell your child about the rules for using the book, but also to make a bookmark yourself. Then he will be doubly pleased to look into the book, knowing that the bookmark he made is there. How quickly, for a short time make dozens of interesting bookmarks out of paper with your own hands? Very simple. You need to go to our website, where you can download bookmarks for books, diagrams and templates for origami and pictures completely free of charge, print them, stick them on a sheet of paper or cardboard and use them in everyday life. Bookmarks with origami, which you can make with your own hands, will be interesting not only for kids, but also for schoolchildren, for whom they will help to successfully organize their studies and the entire educational process, not lose sight of the necessary information, and navigate the textbook. Colorful, unusual bookmarks for books with origami always attract attention to their owner, so your child may soon have many new friends. And not only on bookshelves, but also in life.

Origami (templates and videos)

Step-by-step instructions with video

To make bookmarks and paper origami with your own hands, you need to print out the diagrams and templates that we present on the website. How to make bookmarks or origami for them?

  1. Cut out templates from printouts.
  2. Make a base for the bookmark from thick paper or cardboard.
  3. Combine templates and colored blanks. This way you can make many bookmarks.
  4. You can make a decoration element at the top of the bookmark using the origami technique.

If you decide to make bookmarks for your books with your baby, entrust him with part of the work. If a child is good with scissors, he can make templates with his own hands. If the baby does not yet know how to cut, he can make bookmarks at the stage of gluing the parts.

Handicraft training is an important part of development fine motor skills and the child's thinking. When a baby tries to do something with his hands, he turns on many receptors in his body. The simplest crafts are things made from paper. Bookmarks can be used at the initial stage of learning needlework. The task of parents is to instill in their child a love of creativity and reading. If in every book he sees an interesting, colorful bookmark that he made with his own hands, he will certainly have a desire to create, create, learn new things, and do something original with his own hands.


(Don’t forget to enlarge the picture to its actual size so that the bookmarks are the size of an A4 landscape sheet)

Bookmarks for books with animals.

My little Pony

For fans of the cartoon Sailor Moon Moon in Sailor Suit

Despite the widespread use of electronic media, bookmarks are still in demand and popular. You can bookmark a book different ways: made of paper or felt, with or without patterns, in the shape of an owl or heart, decorated with beads or glitter. Everyone will be able to choose an option that is convenient for themselves.

Photos of original bookmarks for kindergarten

Childhood is a time of adventure. Everything should be bright and interesting, including various paper crafts. You can involve children in the process - they will definitely find it interesting. In addition, this is also a great opportunity to tell kids about the rules for using the book. They will be doubly pleased to open it, knowing that it contains a craft made by their own hands. These product options are suitable for kindergarten.

Funny colorful animals combined with book pictures will help to interest kids.

Spending time with your favorite characters is even more fun.

Such products will be popular in kindergarten.

Templates: how to make a bookmark

Today there are special templates that can be downloaded and printed for free on a color printer. Next is a simple application. It is enough to cut out the blanks and stick them on thick paper. For these purposes, it is best to use cardboard, so the product will be stronger and last longer. Then you can cut out the shapes along the contour.

A wide variety of templates allows you to make a gift for girls and boys. Original, beautiful applications will certainly delight young ladies, especially if their own photos are displayed there.

There are also options with photos for boys.

When making origami with your own hands, you can use a simplified version. For example, using the template below. In this case, you don’t have to paste in a photo of the baby, but this does not reduce the originality of the product.

Mouse bookmark for children

Using the diagram below, you can make a “mouse”.

The contours are transferred to colored paper and the details are cut out. After that, they are glued onto cardboard or a landscape sheet. Then the elements are cut out again and glued together according to the picture below.

For a ponytail, a regular lace or thick thread is suitable. The bow can be made from fabric or cut from colored paper.

Pictures of beautiful bookmarks for books in 1st grade

For children entering first grade, bookmarks for textbooks are especially necessary. This can be done, for example, using the template below.

And this unusual ruler will help schoolchildren not only always find the right page, but also learn the multiplication table.

But it is not necessary to use a special preparation. It is enough to show your imagination and the pictures will become a decoration of the literary publication.

Chicken bookmark for children

For example, origami in the shape of a chicken will appeal to both children and adults. To work you will need scissors, glue and colored paper.

The “Chicken” book craft is made as follows:

It turns out such a cute chicken, with which the lesson at school will be more fun.

On a note! To make decorative parts, it is better to choose thick paper, since they extend beyond the main product and may tear.