Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 2"

Summer plan

educational work.


early age

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2


Pronyaeva O.V.

Moskaltsova A.I.

Ardatov, 2017

Tasks for the summer wellness period:

  1. Organization and conduct of a summer health campaign aimed at protecting and promoting health, comprehensive physical development, and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.
  1. Creating pedagogically appropriate conditions for the socio-emotional artistic and aesthetic development of children.
  1. Organizing interaction with parents of pupils in order to ensure continuity in matters of improving the physical development of the child.

Goals and objectives for the quarter

(June July August)

Develop cultural, hygienic and self-care skills.

Teach children to be neat and tidy.

Develop basic skills of cultural behavior.

Expand awareness of the environment.

Health-improving and hardening procedures. It is necessary to carry out health-improving and hardening procedures using natural factors: air, sun, water.

During the walk, provide for short-term (3-5 minutes) exposure of children to direct sunlight. At the end of the walk, allow you to walk barefoot on the warm sand for 2-3 minutes (after making sure it is clean and safe). After finishing the walk, combine hygiene and hardening procedures when washing and washing your feet. Take into account the health status of each child and the degree of his adaptation to the effects of water.

Physical education and health work


Develop the ability to act together;

Learn to actively perform exercises together with a teacher.


Ensure the full physical development of children, their timely mastery of basic movements and cultural and hygienic skills;

Strengthen existing skills in performing basic movements;

Strengthen healthy children, harden them;

Develop the ability to respond to the teacher’s signal during movement.


Protect and strengthen the health of children, harden them;

Consolidate acquired skills when performing basic movements;

To achieve an emotional response from each child and a desire to participate in outdoor games and play exercises.

Complex of morning exercises for the month of June

General developmental exercises

1-2 week

3-4 week

Complex No. 1


Walking in any direction; on the spot;turn to an adult

1. "BIRDS"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along the body.

Performance : spread your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: feet wider than shoulders, hands below.

Performance: lean forward, move your arms back, straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: arbitrary.

Performance: jumping in place.

Repeat: 6-8 times, alternating with walking

Complex No. 2


Walk in any direction, run slowly, walk in place, turn to an adult.

1. "SUN"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along


Performance: raise your arms up, stretch, lower your arms. Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: feet wider than shoulders, hands below

Performance: lean forward, tap your palms on your knees.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down

Performance: squat down, place your hands on your knees.

"the children hid"

Repeat: 4-5 times.

Walking in any direction, on the spot

A complex of “invigorating” gymnastics for June.

  1. Exercises in bed:
    There is a tower in the field

He is neither low nor high

(Raising hands up and down)

Who - who lives in the little house

(Turn your head right, left)

Someone who lives in no high place

(Clapping under bent knees)

Animals live in the little house

(Raising legs in order)

They cook porridge, cook cabbage soup, these are great guys

(Stroking the belly in a circular motion)

  1. Walking along massage paths, walking around the group room to music, dance movements.

Washing hands up to the elbows with water at room temperature.

Plan of educational work with children for June

June 1 week

Days of the week



Game-fun “Let's catch the balls!” ( air balloons)

Excursion to a sports festival for older children.

Musical and rhythmic game “The bunny is dancing on the lawn, the turtle is on the sand...”;

Entertainment “Everyone clapped their hands”


(Little Book Day)

Examination of plot paintings by A. Barto

Reading poems by A. Barto

Games-fun “Top, top, stomp”

Didactic game “Who dances where” and

Outdoor game “Catch the Bunny”

Exhibition of books “Russian folk tales”


(We are designers)

D/i: “We treat the animals”

Construction: “Teremok for animals”, “My house”,

Sand buildings

June 2 week

Days of the week



(Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes)

Reading: “The cat went under the bridge”, “Pussy, pussy, scatter!”, “Like our cat”

Singing the song “Like a cat has a mustache”

Listening to audio recordings

Dramatization game “Who’s meowing at the door?”

Outdoor game “Balls and kittens”, “Catch and collect”

Playing out the nursery rhyme “Truck” by A. Barto


(water games)

Reading the nursery rhyme: “Water, water...”

Looking at illustrations

Game – fun “Water Duck”

Didactic game “Who can swim?”

Game exercise“Hands splashed merrily...”

Games - experiments with water


(social games)

Looking at illustrations

Didactic game “Help the animals find their mother”

Game exercise “Visiting the dolls”

Game - dramatization “The doll is sleeping and the bunny is jumping”

P/n: “Kids are catching up with the beam”, “Girls are walking with dolls”, “Mousetrap”, “Traps”, “carousels”


(favorite toy day)

Didactic game “Who lives in the house?”, “Look and name our toys”

Looking at illustrations depicting different toys

Reading fiction: “Toys” by A. Barto

Car games

D/i: “We’ll feed the guests”

P/n: “Bunnies are jumping on the lawn”, “Ball games”


(playing with sand)

Game “We’ll take spatulas and start digging sand”

Game “What kind of car do we use to transport sand?”

Didactic game “Wet, dry”

Game exercise “Up, down”, “Far”, “Catch up”

Reading the poem “They wash themselves in a puddle and dig in the sand”

June 3 week

Days of the week



(We listen and watch fairy tales)

Telling a fairy tale with a show of the “Repka” puppet theater

Game exercise “Pull-pull”

Fun game “Where did the mice run?”

Game exercise “Take out the ribbon”, “We’ll play with a handkerchief”, “Knock-knock”

P/n: “The dog, the cat Murka and the mice are playing”


(Game entertainment for the development of movements)

Fun game with soap bubbles

Game exercises with balls “Throw the ball into the distance”, “Collect the balls in the basket”, “Roll the ball”

P/n “Catch the ball”

D\i "High - low"

Story-based outdoor games


(observations in nature)

Entertainment game “Catching, catching a mosquito in a yellow meadow”

Observation "Ant crawls", "Ant workers"

Game exercise “Run to the doll”

Game instructions “Find pebbles in the grass”, “Let’s pet the grass - ant”


(bird watching, looking at paintings)

Individual conversations: “Birds”

Reading the poem "Sparrow"

Game exercise “Ghouls have arrived”

Game – fun “Little Bird”

Game exercise “Let’s feed the birds”

P/n: “Small and big”

Reading a poem while looking at the painting “High in the blue sky...”


(animal day)

D\i “Who lives where?” (bear, fox, hare, cow, horse, dog) “Find - name”

Game exercise “We are dancing”

Game with balls “Throw and catch”

June 4 week

Days of the week



(Hello tree)

Individual conversations “Everything is alive, everything is growing”

Game exercise “Hello, Christmas tree...grass, birch tree” - walking to the goal in a straight line

Looking at birch leaves and spruce needles

Game - fun “Let's take a walk here and there, everything is green around”

Game exercise “Grasshopper jump”

P/n: “1-2-3-run to the tree”



Game exercise “Hello, golden sun!”

Reading "The sun shines on everyone, everyone, everyone"

Game exercise “Warm palms”

Singing the song “Radiant Sun”

Fun game “Catch a sunny bunny”



Individual conversations “I love water”, “We know how to wash”

Game - fun “A drop catches up with a drop”

D\i "Warm - cold"

Game exercise “This morning we wash ourselves early from the tap...”, “Hands splashed merrily”

Didactic game "Pour - Pour"


(Games with toys)

Observation “All the children were walking slowly, suddenly they saw a hedgehog...”

Game exercise “f - f - f” “The hedgehog snorted and scared the kids”, “The hedgehog stretched sweetly”

Story with showing “The Hedgehog and the Sun”

Game - fun “Look for the sun”, “Run and come”

Didactic game “Soft - Prickly”


(Games for developing motor skills)

Didactic game “Multi-colored rug”

Games with small objects

Board game “Laces”

Exercise with stuffed bags

P/n: “Catch up and collect”

Didactic game: “Small - big”

Plan of work with parents for June.

Forms of work



"Hello, summer is red."

Summer sports festival.

Parent meeting

"Organization of work with children in summer period».

Visual information

“How to dress a child in summer?”

Prevention of food poisoning and intestinal diseases.

"Children's Trauma"

“Caution, poisonous plants!”

"Children's safety in summer"


Consultation and


“The sun, air and water are ours best friends»

“How to prevent food poisoning?”

"Children overheating"

“Games with children in the summer on the street”

« Bad habits children"

“We dress children according to the weather”


Photo competition “This is what our summer is like”

Complex of morning exercises for the month of July

General developmental exercises

1-2 week

3-4 week

Complex No. 1

1. "Sparrows"

Birds are sitting in nests

And they look at the street.

They want to go for a walk

And they fly quietly

Let's fly, fly

Feathers cleaned

The tail was shaken.

They flew again.

They sat down on the path,

Jumping, chirping

The grains are pecked.

(Children, squatting, turn their heads, stand up, run, waving their arms right and left. The pace is average. They sit on benches, rub their shoulders with their hands, twist their butts. Again they “fly, squat down, turn their heads left and right, imitate the action chicks")

2. Walking (30 seconds)

3. Outdoor game “Vanya is walking.”

Complex No. 2

1. “Grey bunny.”

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears

(The children crouched down and moved their raised hands)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

(The children sat down,

move the hands of the raised arms).

Clap-clap, clap-clap -

I need to warm my paws

(Stand up and clap their hands)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

(Children jump in place on

both on their feet, average pace)

The bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny.

Bunny jump -

And he galloped away!

2.Walking (30 seconds).

3. Outdoor game “Cat and Mice”.

A complex of “invigorating” gymnastics for July.

  1. Waking up after sleep to music.
  2. Exercise in bed:,
  • Pull-up
  • Wrapping your arms around your shoulders
  • Patting yourself on the head
  • Stroking the belly
  • Stroking feet
  1. Walking along massage paths, in a group room to music (dance movements)
  2. Washing hands up to the elbows with water at room temperature.

Plan of educational work with children for July

July 1 week

Days of the week



(observations of living objects)

Observations: “The birds flew in and sat on a branch...”, “Where is the cat?”, “Ants are workers”

Didactic game based on pictures “Big - small”

Reading of I. Tokmakova’s poem “Pigeons”

Game exercise “Birds flap their wings”


(Games with musical instruments)

Game “I play the drum loudly...”

Walking and running with a change of direction to the beat of a tambourine.

D/i: “Loud - quiet”

Game – fun with rattles “Our rattle is dancing near the ear”

Game exercises “Run with a rattle”


(Games with building materials, mosaics)

Let's build a little house for animals "Who, who lives in a little house..."

Construction of a narrow and wide path (from floor building material)

Reading the poem “Our cars are different”

Game exercise “Our feet will walk along a wide path...”


(Games to develop logical thinking)

Transformers toys

Playing with inserts (shape, color)

D/i: “Arrange by color”, “Find something similar”

Game “Collecting the red ball”


(games with pictures)

Didactic games: “Toys”, “Clothes”

Reading a poem by A. Barto from pictures

Game exercises “Run and run...”

Obstacle course

July 2 week

Days of the week



(Ball games)

Game "Everything round rolls"

Didactic game “Find and bring round objects”, “Rolls - doesn’t roll”

P/n: “My funny ball”

Reading A. Barto “Ball”



Didactic game “To whom should I give what?”, “Guess and name”

Game exercise “Crawl under an arc”, “Throw the ball up”

Examination of subject pictures: “Fruit”

Drawing: “Planes took off into the sky”, “Across the seas - along the waves”

P/n: “Train with stops”


(Water games)

Throwing objects into the distance


(Game exercises)


(Games and game assignments to strengthen your form)

Game exercise “Straight to the target”

Game assignment “Roll the ball into the goal”

Didactic game “Find your house”

Board game "Inserts"

July 3rd week

Days of the week



(Sand games)

Surprise moment “The animals came to visit us”

Game exercise “River and stream”

Didactic game “Dry sand”

P/n: “Catch the ball

Playing with sand on the site


(Bird Day)

Looking at pictures of birds

Bird watching

D/i: “Guess what kind of bird it is?”

P/n: “Birds in nests”, “Birds and chicks”





“This is how we dance” Belarusian n.m., arr.

R. Rustamova.

“The bird is flying”, “The bird is pecking”

G. Frida.

“That’s how good” T. Popatenko

P/n: “Find where it’s hidden”

Games with balloons


(Flowers Day)

Plant Observations

P/n “Find your color”, “Such a flower run to me”

D/i: “Gather a bouquet”

Drawing with palms

Game "Red, Yellow..."


(Games, entertainment)

Outdoor game "Cucumber"

Outdoor games

July 4 week

Days of the week



(Sunny mood)

Funny Games with fingers

Playing with sand “Cake for Katya’s doll”

Artistic creativity “Rays for the sun”

P/i: “Sunny Bunnies”, “Crested Hen”, “Locomotive”


(Water games)

Didactic game “Light - Heavy”, “Heavy Pebbles”

Game assignment “Pour full buckets of water and water the grass”

Throwing objects into the distance


(Game exercises)

Exercise “Chicks jumping from nest to nest”, “Cubes and balls”

P/n: “Magic wand”, “Take an object”

D/i: “Colorful water”


(Games, entertainment)

Entertainment “Parsley came to visit”

Outdoor game "Cucumber"

Musical and didactic game “Birds in Nests”


(We are explorers)

Plan of work with parents for July.

Forms of work



"Holiday soap bubbles».

Ecological holiday

"We are friends of nature."

Visual information

"Play with the kids"

"Nature Observations"

"Rules of conduct near the water"

"Beware of poisonous berries"

"Child in the Country"

"Wild and domestic animals"

“Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is an indispensable condition healthy image life"

“First aid for bee and wasp stings”


Consultation and


"Festival of Soap Bubbles"

"Green world on the window"

« Summer rest with the baby"

"Drug poisoning and first aid"

"Poisoning household chemicals and emergency assistance"

"Nosebleeds and First Aid"

"Burns by Flame"

"Hats for children in summer"


“Homemade toys from waste and natural material»

Complex of morning exercises for the month of August

General developmental exercises

1-2 week

3-4 week

Complex No. 1

1. "Squirrels"

Red squirrels jumping along the branches

(Movements according to the text)

Fluffy ponytails

Flashing here and there

Little squirrels froze in the snow

How to warm their little paws in a winter snowstorm?

The paw hits the paw

Warms up quickly

Jump and jump, jump and jump,

And we'll curl up into a ball

2. Walking (30 seconds).

3. Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”

Complex No. 2

1. “Our legs”

On a flat path

Our feet are walking.

Our feet are walking.

(Children follow each other

by exposing the legs, they make “springs”)

don't get tired at all.

Here the kids will dance

And they wave their hands,

(They make lanterns with their hands,

spin and squat)

Spin around in place

They will sit down and rest.

2. Walking (30 seconds).

3. Outdoor game “Chicken - Corydalis”

A complex of “invigorating” gymnastics for August.

  1. Waking up after sleep to music.
  2. Exercise in bed:

You're breathing, you're not breathing

(breathing exercise 3 times)

It's okay take a rest

(get out of bed)

Raise your hands together!

Great, let go!

Get up, bend over, straighten up.

Stand up straight, smile

  1. Walking on a correctional path.
  2. Washing hands up to the elbows with cold water.

Plan of educational work with children for August

August 1 week

Days of the week



(Insect Day)

Conversations about insects

Reading fiction

D/i: “Collect a flower”, “Transformation of a caterpillar”

Game with butterflies

P/n: “The butterflies have flown”, “Catch the mosquito”

Insect observations on a walk


(Flower fantasies)

Guessing riddles



P/n: “Shaggy Dog”, “”, “Horned Goat”, “Cat and Mice”

Guessing riddles

Didactic games: “Who said meow?”, “Find the baby”

Modeling “Bowl for pussy”


(Gardener's Day)

Reading fiction, solving riddles

Didactic game "Vegetables"

D/i: “Wonderful bag”

P/n: “Cucumber”


(Bird yard)

Didactic games “Find where it’s hidden”, “Collect a picture”, “Chicken house”

Water games "Ducks are swimming"

Drawing “Grains for chicken”

P/n: “Two Geese”, “Hen and Chicks”, “Birds and Rain”

August 2 week

Days of the week



(Sports summer)

Games with water “Boat”, “Hit the Ring”

Sand games “Find the toys”

Entertainment “Visiting Petrushka”

Theater on flannelograph "Kolobok"

P/n: “Catch up with the hoop”, “On the path”, “Roll the ball into the goal”


(Health Day)

Games with water “Balls in the water”, “Katya’s doll bathing”

Breathing exercises

Playing with sand “Footprints in the sand”

Physical education"My ball"

Guessing riddles

P/n: “On a narrow path”, “Inflate, my balloon!”


(We are explorers)

Water games “Swim or sink”

Game exercise “Catch a mosquito”

P/i “Beads”, “Sunny Bunnies”, “Let’s go to the forest”, “Find your house”


(Flower fantasies)

Water game “Let’s water the flowers”

Guessing riddles

D/i: “Plant flowers”, “House for a bee”

P/n: “Bees and Bear”, “Find Your Flower”


(Water - water)

Experiments with water

Reading nursery rhymes

P/n: “Through the stream”, “The gray bunny washes itself”, “Sun and rain”

Drawing "Rain"

August 3rd week

Days of the week



(Feathered friends)

Looking at illustrations

Reading nursery rhymes and poems

Entertainment “In a forest clearing”

P/n: “Birds and rain”

D/i: “Birds”

Exhibition “Our little birds”


(Colorful day)

Water games “Colorful fish”

Playing with sand “Little Artists”

Didactic game “Multi-colored train”, “Collect by color”, “Pyramid”

Board game “Colored lacing”

P/n: “Find your house”


(Forest dwellers)

P/n: “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”, “The Fox and the Chickens”

D/i: “Who lives where?”, “Find mom”

Reading nursery rhymes and poems about forest animals

Playing with sand “Minks for little mice”


(Russian Folk Toy Day)

Games with nesting dolls, pyramids, folk toys

P/i with balls, pins, hoops


(Day of theatrical toys and dramatization)

Looking at story pictures

Table theater "Ryaba Hen"

Puppet theater "Teremok"

Russians folk games

August 4 week

Days of the week



(Musical Games Day)

Musical and didactic games “They came to visit us”, “Which bird is singing?”

Outdoor games using musical instruments: tambourine, drum, maracas, noise boxes

Individual games with musical toys: tumblers, tops, bells, rattles

Outdoor game with rattles


(Day of the sun)

Reading: Armenian nursery rhyme “Where the sun sleeps”

Walking game: “Sunny Bunnies”

D/i: “Put out the sun”

Drawing the sun - in unconventional ways

Watching the sun while walking

P/n: “Sunshine and rain”, “Find your house”


(Once upon a time there was a fairy tale)

Looking at books and illustrations

Reading Russians folk tales

Puppet theater show for children senior group

D/i "Magic cubes"

P/n: “Games with balloons”


(Sensory Day)

Game "Colored inserts"

D/i “Assemble by color”, “Pyramid”

P/n: “Games with colorful balls”

Board games with pictures


(Gathering the harvest)

Playing with water “We went to the garden”

Didactic games “One - many”, “The apples are ripe”, “Harvesting”

P/n: “Chickens in the garden”, “The children went out into the green garden”

Puppet theater "Repka"

Making riddles

Modeling “Carrot for a bunny”

Round dances

Plan of work with parents for August.

Forms of work



"Thanksgiving holiday for new harvest. Spas."

Ecological holiday

“What grew in the garden?”

Visual information

"Summer Infections"

"Children's Games with Sand"

"Baby Games with Water"

“If a child is stung by a bee”

"Mushroom poisoning"

“Teach children to save nature”

"How to play with sand ( sand games, wet games)"

"Summer holiday in the south"

"Overheating, first aid"

"Games for children in the summer"

Consultation and


“Red summer is a great time for health”

"Summer is red and... dangerous"

“Nature and children (involving children in working in nature, observations)”

"Educational summer"

“How to protect your child from sunburn”

“Ensuring the safety of children in the summer (bruises, dislocations, fractures, wounds, bleeding)”

“What should be in a home medicine cabinet”

"Food poisoning"

Musical leisure

"Bye, summer!"

Calendar-long-term plan for the summer period in the second group of early age

Teachers: Pomogaikina N.E., Kutuzova V.Yu. 2018

1-2 week of June Subject: "Hello, summer is red."

Final event: « Soap Bubbles Day"

Tasks: Give children an idea of ​​summer. Create a joyful mood, develop friendly relationships in the game.

Conversation “Red summer has come!”


"Shifting sand", "Wet sand".

Breathing exercises “Soap bubbles”

Game "On our site"(Article 97 Development of gaming activities)

Reading poems about summer

Drawing “Radiant Sun”

"Drawing in the sand."Drawing “Grains for the chicken”, modeling “Grass for the geese”.

P.i. "Musical Guys" (Art. 133 Games - activities during a walk)

P.i. "Beads"

( Art. 137 Games - activities during a walk)

“Chicks and a dog”, “Two geese”, “A hen and chickens”, “Ducks and a dog”, “Birds and rain”.

Looking at pictures about summer...

Finger games: “Insects”

"Bucket sun."

Teamwork: drawing with crayons on the asphalt

Games with water: “Poured and poured.”

Sand games: “We’re baking Easter cakes.”

Didactic games : “One-many”, “Find where it’s hidden”, “Collect a picture”, “Houses for chickens”.

: Entertainment “Machine Morning”.

Working with parents: Consultation "Summer is red and dangerous"Community work day for landscaping (repairing the sandbox, filling the sandbox with sand),crafts.Participation of parents in the improvement and landscaping of the site.

3rd week of JuneSubject: "Insects"

Final event: design of a thematic corner on the residential area

Tasks: to form elementary ideas about insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper, their structure, methods of movement, to develop speech, motor and creative activity of children, to cultivate a caring attitude towards living things.

" Insects"

Conversation “Insects”

D.I. “Which insect flies and which crawls”

    Life Lifestyle “Dangerous Insects”

Di. "Lace" Insects

Modeling "Caterpillar"

Reading "Fly-Tsokotukha"

Reading poems and nursery rhymes about insectsDrawing with chalk on asphalt. Modeling according to your own design.

P.i. "Bubble"

“Catch up with the hoop”, “On the path”, “Roll the ball into the goal”, “From hoop to hoop”, “Magic wand”.

Examination of thematic paintings

Sound pronunciation work:"The dog barks, the cat meows"

Purpose: to practice sound pronunciation

Creating conditions for self. activities

Teamwork: Application “Butterfly”

Games with water: “Ships”, “Get into the Ring”.

Sand games: “Hide the toys.”

Didactic games : “Collect a picture”, “Who can do what”.

Cultural and leisure activities, holidays, entertainment : Sports entertainment “Visiting Kolobok”.

Working with parents: Design of a sliding folder “First aid for insect bites”Individual conversations “Child’s clothing for a walk.”

4th week of JuneSubject: "It's fun to walk together"

Final"Visiting the Riddle Grandmother" event:

Tasks: Promote the development of motor independence, develop children's abilities in various types artistic and aesthetic activities.

“The two of us are in the sandbox, we’ll build a house out of sand...”

Di. "Magic chest"

“We undress ourselves”

Goal: To promote the development of the ability to remove some items of clothing, seek help from adults

Reading "Three Merry Brothers"

Drawing “Beautiful Flowers”, modeling “Stalks and Leaves for Flowers”.

P.i. "Kids and the Wolf"(Article 134 Games - activities during a walk)

P.i. "Cat and Mouse"(Article 136 Games - activities during a walk)“Bees and a bear”, “Find your flower”, “We are funny guys”, “Let's go to the forest”.

Dramatization game “How a naughty kitten burned its paw”

(Article 96 V.V. Gerbova)

Creating conditions for self. activities

"Balloon Games"

Games with water: “Water the flowers.”

Sand games: “Beautiful flowers” ​​(drawing with handprints in the sand, laying out flowers with pebbles).

Didactic games : “One-many”, “Warm-cold”, “Plant flowers”, “Find a house for a bee”, “Flower meadow”.

Cultural and leisure activities, holidays, entertainment : Flower Festival “Bouquet”

Working with parents: Making musical instruments,Competition-exhibition “Flowers”.

1-2 week of JulySubject: "Sun, air and water our best friends »

Final event: collective work “Give a ray of sunshine.”

Tasks: expand your understanding of the properties of water and sand; develop coordination and fine motor skills hands; expand sensory forms of contact with nature, the objective and social environment; encourage children to do a variety of activities with water and sand; increase the level of parental competence in the field of children's physical development.



Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Speech development

"Sun, air and water our best friends»

Conversations with children about water, ohSun, about the air.

experiments with water

Life Safety Guide “Poisonous Plants”

Water games “Ducks are swimming”

D.i.sclothespins :

Sun, cloud.

Experience: « Hello sunny bunny"(with mirror)

Drawing "Rain, more often, drip - drip - drip!"

draw on wet “Waves”

Reading the nursery rhyme “Water-Water”

« Bucket sun»

Reading« Uthe sun is visiting»

Drawing “Rain”, modeling “Cup for water”.

P. and “Sun and Rain”

“Across the stream”, “Sun and rain”, “Cross the river”, “The gray bunny is washing himself”, “Musical guys”.

Reading Brodsky's poem« Bucket sun»

Creating conditions for self. activities

Drawing with crayons on the asphalt« The sun is radiant».

Games with water: “Squeeze the sponge”, “Rain for the doll”.

Sand games: "Road of Sand"

Didactic games : “Guess by the voice”, “Warm and cold”, “Collect a picture”, “Colorful fish”.

Cultural and leisure activities, holidays, entertainment : Water Day “Rucheek”

Working with parents: Conversations with parents: “Toughening up a child in the summer”

3rd week of JulySubject: « In the world of fairy tales"

Final event: "A Journey through Fairy Tales."

Tasks: To promote the formation of interest in books and fairy tales, to develop elements of children's creativity in productive activities, to cultivate the skills of careful communication with books.

Finger games

D.I. "Domino-Teremok"

“We wash our hands with soap”

Goal: To promote the development of the skill of soaping hands, thoroughly rinsing soap, and using an individual towel.

Reading fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”

Construction of houses for animals based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

Modeling bowls for bears

P. and “At the bear in the forest”

« Sabantuy" - a holiday for children

P. game "Train"

Reading, telling stories. View illustrations of Russian folk tales.

Viewing the table theater "Turnip"

Creating conditions for self. activities

Table theater games. Didactic game “Tanya the doll is going for a walk”

Listening to children's songs.

Working with parents: Making a screen:"Daily routine in summer time of the year",Consultation “The influence of natural factors on a child’s health.”

4th week of JulySubject : "Poems, nursery rhymes for children"

Final event: “Staging of children’s songs and nursery rhymes”

Tasks: Excursion to the music hall. Introducing children to musical instruments. To develop in children the ability to listen to children's songs, nursery rhymes, poems, literary works of various genres, and to take part in the storytelling of familiar works. Strengthen the ability to run quickly.

Game “Grey Bunny” (Article 135 Games - activities for a walk)

Situation games: “Horned goat”,

Reading nursery rhymes: “Bay-bye”, “Pancakes”, “Like our cat”, “Like our cat”, “Pussy, pussy, pussy scat!”, “Ladybug”.

Modeling: “Let’s bake pancakes”

P. and “A goat walked through the forest”

“Merry Starts” is a sports festival.

Entertainment “Parsley came to visit”

Saying nursery rhymes

    Sound pronunciation work:

"Song of Water"

Purpose: to practice pronouncing the sound “s”.

Creating conditions for self. activities

Looking at illustrations for nursery rhymes

Entertainment "Rattles"

Games with building material “Merry Meadow”

Working with parents: Reading nursery rhymes to children at home.

Memo for parents “Children’s clothing in the summer”

1st week of AugustSubject: "My favorite toys"

Final event:Entertainment: fun game “Teddy Bear”.

Tasks: Continue to develop gaming, cognitive, sensory, speech abilities, taking into account individual and age characteristics child. To form in children an emotional, aesthetic and caring attitude towards toys. Artistic and creative activity.

Game "Bathing the doll Katya."

D/i “Wonderful bag” (in the bag there is a small ball, a car, cubes, etc.).

D/games “Feed the Doll”, “What has changed?”, “Guess what sounds?”

Modeling "Ball"

Reading the poem by A. Barto “Ball”, “Bunny”, “Bear”, “Horse”, “Truck”, “Boat”

P.i. "My funny ringing ball"

P.I. “Catch the ball”

Looking at pictures of toys

    “Find the same picture”

Goal: To promote the development of the ability to compare similar objects.

Creating conditions for self. activities

Playing with your favorite toys

Musical and didactic game “Birds in Nests”

Working with parents: Design of the photo exhibition “Me and my favorite toy.”Conversation on the topic: “Development of independence of young children”

2-3 weeks of August Subject: "In the animal world"

Final event:Theater production based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

Tasks: Generalize and expand children's knowledge about animals. Foster a caring attitude towards animals.

Cat watching

D. and “Whose head, whose tail?”

    Lifestyle "Rules of behavior in nature"

Construction of a “fence for a cow and calf”

D.I. “Whose baby?”

Di. "Find Mom"


Goal: To promote a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults.

Drawing “Kolobok rolled along the forest path”

Modeling “Let’s feed the chicken”

P/i "Sparrows and the cat"

P.i. "Chicks and the Dog"(Article 133 Games - activities during a walk)

P. and "Vaska the cat"Outdoor game “Catch the butterfly”

P.i. "Geese"(Article 135 Games - activities during a walk)

"Riddles about animals"(Article 155 Games - activities during a walk)

"Who's screaming"

    "Wonderful bag"

Goal: To promote the development of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and size and name them: cube, ball, big, small.

Creating conditions for self. activities

Drawing with pencils, wax crayons, pastels, candles

Asphalt drawing competition "Childhood's Rainbow".

Working with parents: Joint creative activity “Such different animals”(crafts from waste material)

4th week of August Subject: "Bye, summer!"

Final event: entertainment “Goodbye, summer, goodbye!

Tasks: Expand children's understanding of behavior in nature. Develop children's cognitive motivation and activity, interest in different types joint activities, creative and communication skills

Form friendly, friendly relationships between children.

Conversation “The red summer has passed.”

    Life safety "On the rules of behavior on the stairs"

Game “We hear - we do” (Art.

138 Games - activities for a walk)

“We wash ourselves clean and wipe ourselves dry”

Goal: To promote the development of the ability to use an individual towel.

Reading the poem “So summer has arrived” by V. Danko.

Outdoor game “Knock down the pin.”

Outdoor game "Cucumber"

Di. “What will I build from sand?

Game "Edible, Inedible".

    "Looking at Illustrations"

Goal: To promote the development of the ability to look at a picture, enjoy what is depicted, and answer the teacher’s questions about its content.

Creating conditions for self. activities

Fun games with soap bubbles. Provide prevention of emotional stress.

Working with parents: Photo exhibition “This is our summer!”Design of a corner for parents “Recommendations for cognitive and speech development”

Hardening procedures:

1. Breathing exercises “Veterok”, “Dudochka”

2.Walking on a massage mat. "Path of Health".

3. Air and sun baths. (during the summer)

4.Foot massage« Merry path »

1.Finger massage. Finger game“We baked pancakes”

2. Psycho-gymnastics “Sun”

3. Extensive washing.

4. Open-air switchgear “Funny Animals”

5.Breathing exercises

“Breeze”, “Ball”, “Geese are hissing”,

1. Game exercise “Swimming and sunbathing.”

2.Foot massage “Merry path”

3. Breathing gymnastics “Cockerel”, “Inflating the balloon”.


« Visit the bunny"

"The Cowardly Bunny and the Bug's Dog"


"Wonderful carousel"

“Fairytale guests”, “Dance baby”,

"Goodbye summer!"

Long-term work plan for June with young children
Topic: “Hello, long-awaited summer”
Objectives: 1. To form elementary ideas about summer changes in nature, people’s clothing, and in the kindergarten area.
Cognitive - speech
Social – personal
Artistic and aesthetic
Physical development

spruce areas
Reading literature
Artistic creativity
Physical training

Types of joint activities

subject pictures with weather phenomena “rain”, “sun”

speech game
“Tell me what sunshine” (selection of epithets)

Finger games
"Fingers are walking"

“Tell me what it feels like”

"Weather and Fashion"

"Which?" (emotional state)

“Flowers and butterflies” (color, size)

“Find the same” (color, size)

"Find the tree"

Nursery rhymes
"Rain, rain more"
“The sun is a bucket”

Slovak fairy tale
"Visiting the Sun"

R.n. fairy tale "Teremok"

Game situations

"Greasy girl"

“Let’s water the flowers in the flowerbed”

Observation of: the work of a janitor,
Watching the flowers in the flowerbed being watered

“It’s possible - it’s not possible”

Drawing, sculpting
paper plastic

"Dandelions in the Grass"
"Happy Rain"
"Dress for Mashenka"
"Colored Umbrellas"

"The Hen and the Chicks"
"Hares and Fox"
"Rays of Sunshine"
"We went to the meadow"

Finger games
"Sounding drops"

"Sun and Rain"
"Through the Stream"
"Along the Path"
"Catch the Bubble"

Logorhythmic exercises
"The grass is turning green"
"Rain, rain"
"Beetle, beetle"

“Why do we wash our hands when we come in from the street?”

Illustrations, plot pictures on the theme “summer”, “weather phenomena” (rain, thunderstorm), the emotional state of people, children's literature, books for viewing, weather calendar, desktop - printed games, wax crayons, crayons for drawing on asphalt, cars, animal figurines, dolls with clothes, attributes for game situations: dishes, aprons, plumes, pinwheels, soap bubbles, balls, cords, a pool for playing with water, strainers, funnels, cones, pebbles, boats;

Interaction with family
Conversation “What do you know about hardening kids?”, “Gymnastics in the garden and at home”
Folders - moving: “Summer vacation”, “How to provide first aid”, “Medicinal herbs”, “With a baby in the country”, “Read with us”

Long-term work plan for July with young children
Topic: “We are coming to the clearing”
Objectives: 1. Enrich children's ideas about flowers, insects, birds.


Cognitive - speech

Social – personal

Artistic and aesthetic

Physical development

nal areas
Reading literature
Artistic creativity
Physical training

Types of joint activities

Examination of pictures depicting insects, flowers, birds, plantings “What grows”.

speech game
"Butterfly, fly"

Finger gymnastics
"Let's feed the birds"

"Collect a flower"

“Plant a beetle on your leaf” (large, small)
“Match the butterfly to the flower” (color, size)
“Find what I name”
"Guess whose voice"

V. Zhukovsky “Bird”

N. Kalinina “About a beetle”

"Three Bears"

Z. Aleksandrova “Daisies”

Game situations
We walked and walked and found something.”
(flowers, insects)

“We are waiting for little friends to visit us”

"Bathing Mashenka"

watering plants in a group and in a flower bed

"Good bad"
(behavior on the street)

Drawing, sculpting
paper plastic
"Rays of Sunshine"

“This is what our summer is like”

"In a forest clearing"
"Game with a bear"

Finger games

"Butterflies (birds) fly"

"Visiting the dolls"


"Catch a mosquito"

"Birds in Nests"

“The bear was walking towards the ford” “Our ducks”

“Why do we wear a Panama hat on the street”

Creating conditions for children’s independent activities

Illustrations, story pictures depicting insects, flowers, birds, the emotional state of people, children's literature, books to look at, weather calendar, printed board games, wax crayons, crayons for drawing on asphalt, cars, animal figurines, dolls with clothes, attributes for play situations: dishes, aprons, plumes, pinwheels, soap bubbles, balls, cords, a pool for playing with water, strainers, funnels, cones, pebbles, boats;

Interaction with family

Conversation: " Environmental education children in the family"
Folders - moving: “Holidays with a small child”, “If a child is stung by a bee”
Exhibition creative works children and parents “We draw summer”

Developed by the teacher of GBDOU d/s No. 16 Drozdova Elena Anatolyevna

Long-term work plan for August with young children
Topic: “Gifts of Summer”
Objectives: 1. Enrich sensory ideas about vegetables and fruits.

Cognitive - speech
Social – personal
Artistic and aesthetic
Physical development

nal areas
Reading literature
Artistic creativity
Physical training

Types of joint activities

Pictures depicting vegetables and fruits, a plot painting “In the garden”,

"We care about nature"

speech game
"Funny Balls"

Finger gymnastics
“Fingers woke up”

“Recognize and name vegetables” (fruits)
"Wonderful bag"
"Let's plant a garden"
"Let's make soup"
"Cut pictures"
"Who eats what"

Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”
Fairy tale "Turnip"

Ya.Tayts “For mushrooms”

Suteev “Under the mushroom”

Game situations
"We are friendly guys"

We walked and walked and found something.”
(vegetables in the garden)

watering vegetables in the garden,
collecting pebbles

"Good bad"

Drawing, sculpting
paper plastic
"Carrot for the Bunny"
"Mushrooms in a Basket"
"Flower - seven-flowered"
"Clear sun"
“Apples are ripe in the garden”

“This is what our summer is like”

"In a forest clearing"
"The bear is coming to visit"
"Cat and kittens"
"Merry Musicians"

"Sun and Rain"
"Through the Stream"
"Roll the ball"

"We were making soup"
"Owl - owl"

"Who takes care of us in kindergarten"

“What do we know about vegetables and fruits”

Creating conditions for children’s independent activities

Illustrations, story pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, berries, the emotional state of people, children's literature, books to look at, weather calendar, printed board games, wax crayons, crayons for drawing on asphalt, cars, animal figurines, dolls with clothes, attributes for play situations: dishes, aprons, plumes, pinwheels, soap bubbles, balls, cords, a pool for playing with water, strainers, funnels, cones, pebbles, boats;

Interaction with family
Parent survey “Let’s get to know each other”
Conversation: “Dressing children for the weather”, “Food poisoning”, “Scratches and abrasions”
Folders - moving: “August”, “Gymnastics in the garden and at home”, “Green plants in the apartment”
Exhibition of creative works of children and parents “Gifts of Summer”

Developed by the teacher of GBDOU d/s No. 16 Drozdova Elena Anatolyevna

Comprehensively – thematic planning in the early age group for the summer.
Final event

Hello summer!
1.Form basic ideas about changes in summer:
in nature - bright sun, hot, summer rain, thunderstorm, clouds, clouds, warm wind, after rain there are puddles on the site, the ground is wet, in windy weather listen to the sound of leaves;
people's clothes - clothes lightweight shorts, dresses, panama hats, sandals, socks, etc.
in the kindergarten area there is green grass, flowers grow in the flower beds, the leaves on the trees are large, compare the appearance in winter and spring, butterflies fly, a lot of insects.
2. Continue to cultivate interest in folk art with different visual aids (toys, pictures, theater)

Drawing on the asphalt “Radiant Sun”
Musical leisure “Visiting the horse”

We arrive at a clearing.
1.Enrich children’s ideas:
about flowers - distinguish parts of plants (stem, flower), name their color, develop the ability to look at flowers and not pick them;
insects, birds - observe, call them: butterfly, beetle, ladybug, ant - behave calmly near them; imitate the voices of familiar birds (crow, sparrow), compare them by size;
2. Develop speech activity, the ability to observe, name characteristic features.
3. Foster a kind, caring attitude towards natural objects.

Musical leisure “Palms - palms”
Group work “This is what our summer is like”

Gifts of summer.
1. Enrich your understanding of vegetables and fruits. Examine the vegetables growing in the beds, consolidate the ability to distinguish vegetables and fruits by appearance, mark shape, color, size
2. Develop speech and motor activity.
3. To develop a caring attitude towards nature, to introduce some of the behavioral features of birds and animals in the summer.


Leisure “Don’t be lazy. Don't waste your time and collect the harvest"
Collective work “Our Harvest”

Developed by the teacher of GBDOU d/s No. 16 Drozdova Elena Anatolyevna

Normal, For work15

Plan summer



early age No. 2

GDOU No. 19

Kurortny district

St. Petersburg


Educator :

Stefanko Alexandra Viktorovna

Started: 06/1/2011

Finished: 08/31/2011

Setfrom morning exercises to Junemonth

General developmentalexercises

1-2 week

3-4 week

Complex No. 1


Walking in any direction; on the spot; turn to an adult

1. "BIRDS"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along the body.

Performance: spread your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: legs wider than shoulders, hands below.

Execution: bend forward, move your arms back, straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: arbitrary.

Execution: jumping in place.

Repeat: 6-8 times, alternating with walking

Complex No. 2


Walk in any direction, run slowly, walk in place, turn to an adult.

1. "SUN"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along

Execution: raise your arms up, stretch, lower your arms. Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: feet wider than shoulders, hands below

Execution: bend forward, tap your knees with your palms.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands down

Execution: squat down, place your hands on your knees.

"the children hid"

Repeat: 4-5 times.

Walking in any direction, on the spot

Complex"invigorating" gymnasticsfor June.

Exercises in bed: There is a tower in the field

He is neither low nor high

(Raising hands up and down)

Who - who lives in the little house

(Turn your head right, left)

Someone who lives in no high place

(Clapping under bent knees)

Animals live in the little house

(Raising legs in sequence)

They cook porridge, cook cabbage soup, these are great guys

(Stroking the belly in a circular motion)

Walking along massage paths, walking around the group room to music, dance movements.

ABOUT washing hands up to the elbows with water at room temperature.

Tasks for the summer wellness period:

Organization and conduct of a summer health campaign aimed at protecting and promoting health, comprehensive physical development, and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

Creating pedagogically appropriate conditions for the socio-emotional artistic and aesthetic development of children.

Organizing interaction with parents of pupils in order to ensure continuity in matters of improving the physical development of the child.

Goals and objectives for the quarter

(June July August)

Develop cultural, hygienic and self-care skills.

Teach children to be neat and tidy.

Develop basic skills of cultural behavior.

Expand awareness of the environment.

Health-improving and hardening procedures. It is necessary to carry out health-improving and hardening procedures using natural factors: air, sun, water.

During the walk, provide for short-term (3-5 minutes) exposure of children to direct sunlight. At the end of the walk, allow you to walk barefoot on the warm sand for 2-3 minutes (after making sure it is clean and safe). After finishing the walk, combine hygiene and hardening procedures when washing and washing your feet. Take into account the health status of each child and the degree of his adaptation to the effects of water.

Physical education and health work


– develop the ability to act together;

– teach how to actively perform exercises together with a teacher.

July :

– ensure the full physical development of children, their timely mastery of basic movements and cultural and hygienic skills;

– consolidate existing skills in performing basic movements;

– strengthen healthy children, harden them;

– to develop the ability to respond to the teacher’s signal during movement.


– protect and strengthen the health of children, harden them;

– consolidate acquired skills when performing basic movements;

– to achieve an emotional response from each child and a desire to participate in outdoor games and play exercises.

Plan of work with parents for June.

Forms of work



"Hello, summer is red."

Summer sports festival.

Parent meeting

"Organization of work with children in the summer."

“How to dress a child in summer?”

Prevention of food poisoning and intestinal diseases.

"Children's Trauma"

“Caution, poisonous plants!”

"Children's safety in summer"


Consultation and

“Sun, air and water are our best friends”

“How to prevent food poisoning?”

"Children overheating"

“Games with children in the summer on the street”

"Bad habits of children"

“We dress children according to the weather”

Children's drawing competition on asphalt

Setfrom morning exercises for Julymonth

General developmentalexercises

1-2 week

3-4 week

Complex No. 1

1 . "Sparrows"

Birds are sitting in nests

And they look at the street.

They want to go for a walk

And they fly quietly

Let's fly, fly

Feathers cleaned

The tail was shaken.

They flew again.

They sat down on the path,

Jumping, chirping

The grains are pecked.

(Children, squatting, turn their heads, stand up, run, waving their arms right and left. The pace is average. They sit on benches, rub their shoulders with their hands, twist their butts. Again they “fly, squat down, turn their heads left and right, imitate the action chicks")

2. Walking (30 seconds)

3. Outdoor game “Vanya is walking.”

Complex No. 2

1. “Grey bunny.”

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears

(The children crouched down and moved their raised hands)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

(The children sat down,

move the hands of the raised arms).

Clap-clap, clap-clap -

I need to warm my paws

(Stand up and clap their hands)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

(Children jump in place on

both on their feet, average pace)

The bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny.

Bunny jump -

And he galloped away!

2.Walking (30 seconds).

3. Outdoor game “Cat and Mice”.

Complex"invigorating" gymnasticsfor July.

Waking up after sleep to music.

Exercise in bed: ,


Wrapping your arms around your shoulders

Patting yourself on the head

Stroking the belly

Stroking feet

Walking along massage paths, in a group room to music (dance movements)

Washing hands up to the elbows with water at room temperature.

Plan of work with parents for July.

Forms of work


"Festival of Soap Bubbles"

Ecological holiday

"We are friends of nature."

Visual information

"Play with the kids"

"Nature Observations"

"Rules of conduct near the water"

"Beware of poisonous berries"

"Child in the Country"

"Wild and domestic animals"

“Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is an indispensable condition for a healthy lifestyle”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 2"

Summer plan

educational work.


early age

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2


Pronyaeva O.V.

Moskaltsova A.I.

Ardatov, 2017

Tasks for the summer wellness period:

    Organization and conduct of a summer health campaign aimed at protecting and promoting health, comprehensive physical development, and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

    Creating pedagogically appropriate conditions for the socio-emotional artistic and aesthetic development of children.

    Organizing interaction with parents of pupils in order to ensure continuity in matters of improving the physical development of the child.

Goals and objectives for the quarter

(June July August)

Develop cultural, hygienic and self-care skills.

Teach children to be neat and tidy.

Develop basic skills of cultural behavior.

Expand awareness of the environment.

Health-improving and hardening procedures. It is necessary to carry out health-improving and hardening procedures using natural factors: air, sun, water.

During the walk, provide for short-term (3-5 minutes) exposure of children to direct sunlight. At the end of the walk, allow you to walk barefoot on the warm sand for 2-3 minutes (after making sure it is clean and safe). After finishing the walk, combine hygiene and hardening procedures when washing and washing your feet. Take into account the health status of each child and the degree of his adaptation to the effects of water.

Physical education and health work


Develop the ability to act together;

Learn to actively perform exercises together with a teacher.


Ensure the full physical development of children, their timely mastery of basic movements and cultural and hygienic skills;

Strengthen existing skills in performing basic movements;

Strengthen healthy children, harden them;

Develop the ability to respond to the teacher’s signal during movement.


Protect and strengthen the health of children, harden them;

Consolidate acquired skills when performing basic movements;

To achieve an emotional response from each child and a desire to participate in outdoor games and play exercises.

Complex of morning exercises for the month of June

General developmental exercises

Complex No. 1


Walking in any direction; on the spot;turn to an adult

1. "BIRDS"

AND. P.: legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along the body.

Performance : spread your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: feet wider than shoulders, hands below.

Performance: lean forward, arms back, straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 once.


I. p.: arbitrary.

Performance: jumping in place.

Repeat: 6-8 times, alternating with walking

Complex 2


Walking in any direction, slow running, walkingba in place, turn to the adult.

1. "SUN"

AND. P.: legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along


Performance: raise your arms up, stretch, lower your arms.Repeat: 4 times.


AND. P.: feet wider than shoulders, hands below

Performance: lean forward, tap your palms knees.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


AND. P.: legs slightly apart, arms down

Performance: squat down, place your hands on your knees.

"the children hid"

Repeat: 4-5 times.

Walking in any direction, on the spot

A complex of “invigorating” gymnastics for June.

    Exercises in bed:
    There is a tower in the field

He is neither low nor high

(Raising hands up and down)

Who - who lives in the little house

(Turn your head right, left)

Someone who lives in no high place

(Clapping under bent knees)

Animals live in the little house

( Raising legs in sequence )

They cook porridge, cook cabbage soup,these are great guys

(Stroking the belly in a circular motion)

    Walking along massage paths, walking around the group room undermusic, dance moves.

ABOUTwashing hands up to the elbows with water at room temperature.

Plan of educational work with children for June

June 1 week

Days of the week



Game-fun “Let's catch the balls!” (air balloons)

Excursion to a sports festival for older children.

Musical and rhythmic game “The bunny is dancing on the lawn, the turtle is on the sand...”;

Entertainment “Everyone clapped their hands”


(Little Book Day)

Examination of plot paintings by A. Barto

Reading poems by A. Barto

Games-fun “Top, top, stomp”

Didactic game “Who dances where” and

Outdoor game “Catch the Bunny”

Exhibition of books “Russian folk tales”


(We are designers)

D/i: “We treat the animals”

Construction: “Teremok for animals”, “My house”,

Sand buildings

June 2 week

Days of the week



(Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes)

Reading: “The cat went under the bridge”, “Pussy, pussy, scatter!”, “Like our cat”

Singing the song “Like a cat has a mustache”

Listening to audio recordings

Dramatization game “Who’s meowing at the door?”

Outdoor game “Balls and kittens”, “Catch and collect”

Playing out the nursery rhyme “Truck” by A. Barto


(water games)

Reading the nursery rhyme: “Water, water...”

Looking at illustrations

Game – fun “Water Duck”

Didactic game “Who can swim?”

Game exercise “Hands splashed merrily...”

Games - experiments with water


(social games)

Looking at illustrations

Didactic game “Help the animals find their mother”

Game exercise “Visiting the dolls”

Game - dramatization “The doll is sleeping and the bunny is jumping”

P/n: “Kids are catching up with the beam”, “Girls are walking with dolls”, “Mousetrap”, “Traps”, “carousels”


(favorite toy day)

Didactic game “Who lives in the house?”, “Look and name our toys”

Looking at illustrations of different toys

Reading fiction: “Toys” by A. Barto

Car games

D/i: “We’ll feed the guests”

P/n: “Bunnies are jumping on the lawn”, “Ball games”


(playing with sand )

Game “We’ll take spatulas and start digging sand”

Game “What kind of car do we use to transport sand?”

Didactic game “Wet, dry”

Game exercise “Up, down”, “Far”, “Catch up”

Reading the poem “They wash themselves in a puddle and dig in the sand”

June 3 week

Days of the week



(We listen and watch fairy tales)

Telling a fairy tale with a show of the “Repka” puppet theater

Game exercise “Pull-pull”

Fun game “Where did the mice run?”

Game exercise “Take out the ribbon”, “We’ll play with a handkerchief”, “Knock-knock”

P/n: “The dog, the cat Murka and the mice are playing”


(Game entertainment for the development of movements)

Fun game with soap bubbles

Game exercises with balls “Throw the ball into the distance”, “Collect the balls in the basket”, “Roll the ball”

P/n “Catch the ball”

D\i "High - low"

Story-based outdoor games


(observations in nature)

Entertainment game “Catching, catching a mosquito in a yellow meadow”

Observation "Ant crawls", "Ant workers"

Game exercise “Run to the doll”

Game instructions “Find pebbles in the grass”, “Let’s pet the grass - ant”


(bird watching, looking at paintings)

Individual conversations: “Birds”

Reading the poem "Sparrow"

Game exercise “Ghouls have arrived”

Game – fun “Little Bird”

Game exercise “Let’s feed the birds”

P/n: “Small and big”

Reading a poem while looking at the painting “High in the blue sky...”


(animal day)

D\i “Who lives where?” (bear, fox, hare, cow, horse, dog) “Find - name”

Game exercise “We are dancing”

Game with balls “Throw and catch”

June 4 week

Days of the week



(Hello tree)

Individual conversations “Everything is alive, everything is growing”

game exercise “Hello, Christmas tree...grass, birch tree” - walking to the goal in a straight line

looking at birch leaves and spruce needles

game - fun “Let's take a walk here and there, everything is green around”

Game exercise “Grasshopper jump”

P/n: “1-2-3-run to the tree”



Game exercise “Hello, golden sun!”

Reading "The sun shines on everyone, everyone, everyone"

Game exercise “Warm palms”

Singing the song “Radiant Sun”

Fun game “Catch a sunny bunny”



Individual conversations “I love water”, “We know how to wash”

Game - fun “A drop catches up with a drop”

D\i "Warm - cold"

Game exercise “This morning we wash ourselves early from the tap...”, “Hands splashed merrily”

Didactic game "Pour - Pour"


(Games with toys)

Observation “All the children were walking slowly, suddenly they saw a hedgehog...”

Game exercise “f - f - f” “The hedgehog snorted and scared the kids”, “The hedgehog stretched sweetly”

Story with showing “The Hedgehog and the Sun”

Game - fun “Look for the sun”, “Run and come”

Didactic game “Soft - Prickly”


(Games for developing motor skills )

Didactic game “Multi-colored rug”

Games with small objects

Board game “Laces”

Exercise with stuffed bags

P/n: “Catch up and collect”

Didactic game: “Small - big”

Plan of work with parents for June.

Forms of work



"Hello, summer is red."

Summer sports festival.

Parent meeting

"Organization of work with children in the summer."

Visual information

“How to dress a child in summer?”

Prevention of food poisoning and intestinal diseases.

"Children's Trauma"

“Caution, poisonous plants!”

"Children's safety in summer"


Consultation and


“Sun, air and water are our best friends”

“How to prevent food poisoning?”

"Children overheating"

“Games with children in the summer on the street”

"Bad habits of children"

“We dress children according to the weather”


Photo competition “This is what our summer is like”

Complex of morning exercises for the month of July

General developmental exercises

Complex No. 1

1. "Sparrows"

Birds are sitting in nests

And they look at the street.

They want to go for a walk

And they fly quietly

Let's fly, fly

Feathers cleaned

The tail was shaken.

They flew again.

They sat down on the path,

Jumping, chirping

The grains are pecked.

(Children, squatting, turn their heads, stand up, run, waving their arms right and left. The pace is average. They sit on benches, rub their shoulders with their hands, twist their butts. Again they “fly, squat down, turn their heads left and right, imitate the action chicks")

2. Walking (30 seconds)

3. Outdoor game “Vanya is walking.”

Complex 2

1. “Grey bunny.”

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears

(The children crouched down and moved their raised hands)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

(The children sat down,

move the hands of the raised arms).

Clap-clap, clap-clap -

I need to warm my paws

(Stand up and clap their hands)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

(Children jump in place on

both on their feet, average pace)

The bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny.

Bunny jump -

And he galloped away!

2.Walking (30 seconds).

3. Outdoor game “Cat and Mice”.

A complex of “invigorating” gymnastics for July.

    Waking up after sleep to music.

    Exercise in bed:,


    Wrapping your arms around your shoulders

    Patting yourself on the head

    Stroking the belly

    Stroking feet

    Walking along massage paths, in a group room to music(dance moves)

    Washing hands up to the elbowwater at room temperature.

Plan of educational work with children for July

July 1 week

Days of the week



(observations of living objects)

Observations: “The birds flew in and sat on a branch...”, “Where is the cat?”, “Ants are workers”

Didactic game based on pictures “Big - small”

Reading of I. Tokmakova’s poem “Pigeons”

Game exercise “Birds flap their wings”


(Games with musical instruments)

Game “I play the drum loudly...”

Walking and running with a change of direction to the beat of a tambourine.

D/i: “Loud - quiet”

Game – fun with rattles “Our rattle is dancing near the ear”

Game exercises “Run with a rattle”


(Games with building materials, mosaics)

Let's build a little house for animals "Who, who lives in a little house..."

Construction of a narrow and wide path (from floor building material)

Reading the poem “Our cars are different”

Game exercise “Our feet will walk along a wide path...”


(Games to develop logical thinking)

Transformers toys

Playing with inserts (shape, color)

D/i: “Arrange by color”, “Find something similar”

Game “Collecting the red ball”


(games with pictures)

Didactic games: “Toys”, “Clothes”

Reading a poem by A. Barto from pictures

Game exercises “Run and run...”

Obstacle course

July 2 week

Days of the week



(Ball games)

Game "Everything round rolls"

Didactic game “Find and bring round objects”, “Rolls - doesn’t roll”

P/n: “My funny ball”

Reading A. Barto “Ball”



Didactic game “To whom should I give what?”, “Guess and name”

Game exercise “Crawl under an arc”, “Throw the ball up”

Examination of subject pictures: “Fruit”

Drawing: “Planes took off into the sky”, “Across the seas - along the waves”

P/n: “Train with stops”


(Water games)

Throwing objects into the distance


(Game exercises)


( Games and game assignments to strengthen your form)

Game exercise “Straight to the target”

Game assignment “Roll the ball into the goal”

Didactic game “Find your house”

Board game "Inserts"

July 3rd week

Days of the week



(Sand games)

Surprise moment “The animals came to visit us”

Game exercise “River and stream”

Didactic game “Dry sand”

P/n: “Catch the ball

Playing with sand on the site


(Bird Day)

Looking at pictures of birds

Bird watching

D/i: “Guess what kind of bird it is?”

P/n: “Birds in nests”, “Birds and chicks”





“This is how we dance” Belarusian n.m., arr.

R. Rustamova.

“The bird is flying”, “The bird is pecking”

G. Frida.

“That’s how good” T. Popatenko

P/n: “Find where it’s hidden”

Balloon games


(Flowers Day)

Plant Observations

P/n “Find your color”, “Such a flower run to me”

D/i: “Gather a bouquet”

Drawing with palms

Game "Red, Yellow..."


(Games, entertainment)

Outdoor game "Cucumber"

Outdoor games

July 4 week

Days of the week



(Sunny mood)

Fun finger games

Playing with sand “Cake for Katya’s doll”

Artistic creativity “Rays for the sun”

P/i: “Sunny Bunnies”, “Crested Hen”, “Locomotive”


(Water games)

Didactic game “Light - Heavy”, “Heavy Pebbles”

Game assignment “Pour full buckets of water and water the grass”

Throwing objects into the distance


(Game exercises)

Exercise “Chicks jumping from nest to nest”, “Cubes and balls”

P/n: “Magic wand”, “Take an object”

D/i: “Colorful water”


(Games, entertainment)

Entertainment “Parsley came to visit”

Outdoor game "Cucumber"

Musical and didactic game “Birds in Nests”


(We are explorers)

Plan of work with parents for July.

Forms of work



"Festival of Soap Bubbles."

Ecological holiday

"We are friends of nature."

Visual information

"Play with the kids"

"Nature Observations"

"Rules of conduct near the water"

"Beware of poisonous berries"

"Child in the Country"

"Wild and domestic animals"

“Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is an indispensable condition for a healthy lifestyle”

“First aid for bee and wasp stings”


Consultation and


"Festival of Soap Bubbles"

"Green world on the window"

"Summer holiday with a baby"

"Drug poisoning and first aid"

“Household chemical poisoning and emergency care”

"Nosebleeds and First Aid"

"Burns by Flame"

"Hats for children in summer"


“Homemade toys from waste and natural materials”

Complex of morning exercises for the month of August

General developmental exercises

Complex No. 1

1. "Squirrels"

Red squirrels jumping along the branches

(Movements according to the text)

Fluffy ponytails

Flashing here and there

Little squirrels froze in the snow

How to warm their little paws in a winter snowstorm?

The paw hits the paw

Warms up quickly

Jump and jump, jump and jump,

And we'll curl up into a ball

2. Walking (30 seconds).

3. Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”

Complex 2

1. “Our legs”

On a flat path

Our feet are walking.

Our feet are walking.

(Children follow each other

by exposing the legs, they make “springs”)

don't get tired at all.

Here the kids will dance

And they wave their hands,

(They make lanterns with their hands,

spin and squat)

Spin around in place

They will sit down and rest.

2. Walking (30 seconds).

3. Outdoor game “Chicken - Corydalis”

A complex of “invigorating” gymnastics for August.

    Waking up after sleep to music.

    Exercise in bed:

You're breathing, you're not breathing

(breathing exercise 3 times)

It's okay take a rest

(get out of bed)

Raise your hands together!

Great, let go!

Get up, bend over, straighten up.

Stand up straight, smile

    Walking on a correctional path.

    Washing hands up to the elbows with coldwater.

Plan of educational work with children for August

August 1 week

Days of the week



(Insect Day)

Conversations about insects

Reading fiction

D/i: “Collect a flower”, “Transformation of a caterpillar”

Game with butterflies

P/n: “The butterflies have flown”, “Catch the mosquito”

Insect observations on a walk


(Flower fantasies)

Guessing riddles


(Pets )

P/n: “Shaggy Dog”, “”, “Horned Goat”, “Cat and Mice”

Guessing riddles

Didactic games: “Who said meow?”, “Find the baby”

Modeling “Bowl for pussy”


(Gardener's Day)

Reading fiction, solving riddles

Didactic game "Vegetables"

D/i: “Wonderful bag”

P/n: “Cucumber”


(Bird yard)

Didactic games “Find where it’s hidden”, “Collect a picture”, “Chicken house”

Water games "Ducks are swimming"

Drawing “Grains for chicken”

P/n: “Two Geese”, “Hen and Chicks”, “Birds and Rain”

August 2 week

Days of the week



(Sports summer)

Games with water “Boat”, “Hit the Ring”

Sand games “Find the toys”

Entertainment “Visiting Petrushka”

Theater on flannelograph "Kolobok"

P/n: “Catch up with the hoop”, “On the path”, “Roll the ball into the goal”


(Health Day)

Games with water “Balls in the water”, “Katya’s doll bathing”

Breathing exercises

Playing with sand “Footprints in the sand”

Physical education “My ball”

Guessing riddles

P/n: “On a narrow path”, “Inflate, my balloon!”


(We are explorers)

Water games “Swim or sink”

Game exercise “Catch a mosquito”

P/i “Beads”, “Sunny Bunnies”, “Let’s go to the forest”, “Find your house”


(Flower fantasies)

Water game “Let’s water the flowers”

Guessing riddles

D/i: “Plant flowers”, “House for a bee”

P/n: “Bees and Bear”, “Find Your Flower”


(Water - water)

Experiments with water

Reading nursery rhymes

P/n: “Through the stream”, “The gray bunny washes itself”, “Sun and rain”

Drawing "Rain"

August 3rd week

Days of the week



(Feathered friends)

Looking at illustrations

Reading nursery rhymes and poems

Entertainment “In a forest clearing”

P/n: “Birds and rain”

D/i: “Birds”

Exhibition “Our little birds”


(Colorful day)

Water games “Colorful fish”

Playing with sand “Little Artists”

Didactic game “Multi-colored train”, “Collect by color”, “Pyramid”

Board game “Colored lacing”

P/n: “Find your house”


(Forest dwellers)

P/n: “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”, “The Fox and the Chickens”

D/i: “Who lives where?”, “Find mom”

Reading nursery rhymes and poems about forest animals

Playing with sand “Minks for little mice”


(Russian Folk Toy Day)

Games with nesting dolls, pyramids, folk toys

P/i with balls, pins, hoops


(Day of theatrical toys and dramatization)

Looking at story pictures

Table theater "Ryaba Hen"

Puppet theater "Teremok"

Russian folk games

August 4 week

Days of the week



(Musical Games Day)

Musical and didactic games “They came to visit us”, “Which bird is singing?”

Outdoor games using musical instruments: tambourine, drum, maracas, noise boxes

Individual games with musical toys: tumblers, tops, bells, rattles

Outdoor game with rattles


(Day of the sun)

Reading: Armenian nursery rhyme “Where the sun sleeps”

Walking game: “Sunny Bunnies”

D/i: “Put out the sun”

Drawing the sun - in unconventional ways

Watching the sun while walking

P/n: “Sunshine and rain”, “Find your house”


(Once upon a time there was a fairy tale)

Looking at books and illustrations

Reading Russian folk tales

Puppet theater show for senior children

D/i "Magic cubes"

P/n: “Games with balloons”


(Sensory Day)

Game "Colored inserts"

D/i “Assemble by color”, “Pyramid”

P/n: “Games with colorful balls”

Board games with pictures


(Gathering the harvest)

Playing with water “We went to the garden”

Didactic games “One - many”, “The apples are ripe”, “Harvesting”

P/n: “Chickens in the garden”, “The children went out into the green garden”

Puppet theater "Repka"

Making riddles

Modeling “Carrot for a bunny”

Round dances

Plan of work with parents for August.

Forms of work



“Thanksgiving holiday for the new harvest. Spas."

Ecological holiday

“What grew in the garden?”

Visual information

"Summer Infections"

"Children's Games with Sand"

"Baby Games with Water"

“If a child is stung by a bee”

"Mushroom poisoning"

“Teach children to save nature”

“How to play with sand (sand games, wet games)”

"Summer holiday in the south"

"Overheating, first aid"

"Games for children in the summer"

Consultation and


“Red summer is a great time for health”

"Summer is red and... dangerous"

“Nature and children (involving children in working in nature, observations)”

"Educational summer"

“How to protect your child from sunburn”

“Ensuring the safety of children in the summer (bruises, dislocations, fractures, wounds, bleeding)”

“What should be in a home medicine cabinet”

"Food poisoning"

Musical leisure

"Bye, summer!"