If you and I finally manage to raise a new generation, whose representatives will not litter during their trips to nature, then the task of environmental education can already be considered successfully completed. The earth is our common home, and we must take care of its natural resources. This conscious attitude must be based on a system of competently presented knowledge about the world around us, on the one hand. On the other hand, on the moral ideals of the “reasonable man”, living in harmony with nature, appreciating its beauty - in their contrast with consumerism and barbaric attitudes.

You will learn how to combine the cognitive and instructive aspects of environmental education in your work from the materials in this section. Choose and use ready-made solutions for Earth Day and other environmental holidays; environmental quizzes and entertainment, including “fashion shows” of outfits made from waste material.

Raise true nature lovers with MAAM!

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Costumes made from waste material. Eco-friendly fashion, clothes and dresses made from waste for children

Showing publications 1-10 of 3204.
All sections | Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet Earth.

Scenario of ecological and educational leisure “Zaya Morkovkin and his friends” for children of the senior group Target: - Formation of children’s interest in nature through ecological tales; - Give children the idea that a forest is a community of plants and animals that live together and need each other - continue to foster a caring attitude towards nature. Preliminary Job: - conversation with...

Scenario for an environmental quiz in the preparatory group “Nature Experts” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 3 of the city of Sychevka Ecological quiz V preparatory group "Experts nature» . Prepared by Smirnova Irina Aleksandrovna Target: Recess environmental knowledge in children; formation ecologically...

Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet Earth. - Scenario for an environmental holiday

Publication “Environmental Scenario...” To the music, children go out onto the kindergarten playground, and Mother Nature awaits them there.” Mother Nature: The sun is shining for you and me, the sky is blue above us, the green grass is rustling. That's all guys, I am Mother Nature! - Hello my friends! Guys, do you like to walk in nature?...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario for the environmental holiday “Save the Forest” Scenario of the sports and environmental holiday “Let's Save the Forest” Sports and environmental holiday “Let's Save the Forest” (for children 5-7 years old) Preliminary work: conversations about living and non-living nature, establishing connections between; reading stories by V. Bianchi; watching videos on the topic “Protection...

Physical education entertainment with environmental elements “Fairytale Fairy and Clean Air” Purpose: physical entertainment- Maintaining interest in physical culture and sports, individual achievements in the field of sports, developing interest in sports games and exercises Tasks: 1....

Scenario of an ecological quest game for children of senior preschool age “Journey to visit the Old Man-Lesovich” Progress of the quest game: (Gathering of children and teachers near the main entrance on the street) Presenter: - Hello, guys! Today we have gathered you all together for this reason. When I came to work today, the postman met me at the door of the kindergarten, and he asked me...

Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet Earth. - Scenario for the environmental game “Think Green”

Scenario ecological game“Think Green” Goal:  to promote the development and deepening of students’ knowledge about natural processes;  create conditions for the development of observation and creative imagination;  provide conditions for the development...

Recently, skits on environmental themes have become very relevant. With the help of environmental scenes, you can early age teach children to take care of nature and love all life on Earth. Today's schoolchildren are future adults. Perhaps some of them will become ministers, deputies or directors of industrial enterprises. And in just a few years, the environmental situation in the country and throughout the world will depend on them.

Skits on an environmental theme clearly explain to children why they need to take care of the cleanliness of the environment, and what consequences can result from neglect of nature.

Ecological skit for schoolchildren

From the plot of this sketch on an environmental theme, schoolchildren will understand that the planet’s natural resources are not endless, and they must be used sparingly. In particular, no one thinks about what will happen if the supply of drinking water on the planet decreases hundreds of times! After staging this environmental skit for primary classes, the children will learn to use natural resources carefully.

Presenter 1:
We live strangely and incorrectly on Earth: we protect what is valuable and precious, but we do not preserve what is priceless. Diamonds, diamonds, gold, money are protected, but lakes, springs, clouds, areas of clean air, deserted places are not. This is completely incomprehensible if you look at the life of earthlings from somewhere from the outside. We do not want to learn the most important thing: Air is our father, Water is our mother, Earth is our home.

Presenter 2:
The world of living nature is beautiful, and we are part of it. Let's protect and multiply together!

Presenter 1:
Nature has vibrant colors
Millions of radiant inflorescences.
Why are miracles from fairy tales,
If you can meet them in life

Presenter 2:
Miracles, big and small, funny and not so, await us everywhere. And our nature gives us these miracles. Be attentive and you will hear the cheerful song of a stream, the singing of birds, the chiming of raindrops, the blowing of wind, the dance of flowers.

(There are flowerpots (vases) with fresh flowers on the stage. To the music “How beautiful this world is,” a carefree girl comes out and reaches out her hand to pick one flower.)

Presenter 1:
Stop! How much joy there is at the sight of flowers! How much tenderness is in the heart. How many sincere exclamations!

Presenter 2:
And how many flowering plants were torn out by their roots. How many withered, tortured and thrown bouquets on the ground.

(Primary school students come on stage one by one and recite poems.)

Student 1:
She picked a flower and threw it right away,
She carelessly pressed it down with her foot.
You stand and don’t worry about anything
And mechanically you tear another one.

Student 2:
How can you? How dare you?
He was blooming now... He was alive...
I breathed... I looked at the sky boldly,
He stretched his head towards the sun.

Student 3:
He believed in human friendship,
I did not know the cruelty of the hand,
I trust you to meet me
He raised his petals.

Student 4:
And he is for you and everyone who is nearby,
Who didn't look at him?
Will give beauty and joy -
Everything - everything that is full and rich.

Presenter 1:
Lists known species animals and plants of the area that are listed in the Red Book.

Presenter 2:
Protected by the Red Book
So many rare animals and birds,
For the multifaceted space to survive
For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.

Presenter 1:
We offend forests and fields,
The rivers groan from bitter grievances
And we forgive ourselves, and we forgive ourselves,
And the future will not forgive us.

(The melody from the movie Terminator 2 plays.)

Voice behind the scene :
2148 After the global environmental disaster that broke out on Earth, fresh water reserves decreased by 50 times. In this regard, every inhabitant of the planet received a special electronic key, through which he could receive his daily norm - 350 ml of water.

(On the stage there is a water distribution point. At the point there is a dispenser and two police officers in uniform (a guy and a girl). They have a laptop on the table. The line reaches the mother and son. The mother hands the policeman two electronic keys (flash drives). The policeman checks keys by inserting them into the laptop.)

Policeman (addressing the distributor):
700 milliliters for two.

(The distributor measures water into the mother’s can. He and the boy move away from the distribution point, the woman slips, falls and spills water. The boy helps her get up.)

Boy :
Mom, are you hurt?

Mother :
It doesn't matter, son, I spilled all our water. What to do now? How to live today without water?

Boy :
Let's try to ask for water a second time, because everyone saw that you didn't fall on purpose.

(They approach the water distribution point again.)

Mom (addressing the police girl):
Miss, can we get some water again, I accidentally fell and spilled everything.

Police Girl:
I saw it, ma'am, but I can't help it. You have already received your quota today. I'm really sorry.

(Mom sits at the edge of the stage and cries.)

Boy (addressing the policeman):
Excuse me sir, why can't we get some more water?

Police officer :
It's just that in this case someone else won't get their portion.

Boy :
And my mother said that once there was enough water for everyone, and it even flowed from the taps in every house.

Police officer :
It really used to be like that.

Boy :
So what happened?

Police officer :
If you want, I can tell you.

(Only the boy and the policeman remain on stage. A large poster is brought to the middle of the stage, on which a lake with clear water is drawn.)

Police officer :
Not so long ago there was enough fresh water on the planet for everyone. You could enter the water without special protective clothing, you could even swim in it. But a person rarely appreciates what he has. And especially when it came to water. After all, there is so much of it on the planet. But only 2% of this amount was fresh water suitable for drinking. Springs, rivers, lakes were its repositories. Man used them at his own discretion.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of the enterprise to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Industrial enterprises grew up on the banks of reservoirs and discharged untreated wastewater into the water.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of agricultural land to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Rains washed away pesticides and fertilizers from the fields, which were widely used in agriculture.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of a gas station to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Numerous car washes and gas stations continuously supplied highly toxic petroleum products to groundwater.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of a tanker to the drawing of the lake and paints over the remaining part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Frequent tanker accidents led to the leakage of millions of tons of crude oil into the seas and oceans, destroying all life for many square miles around. And one day it turned out that there was practically no potable water left on the planet. And every day its quantity decreases and decreases...

Presenter 1:
The way a person now manages water resources- a crime against humanity.

Presenter 2:
Children, think about it, because what you just saw could really be your future.

Presenter 1:
Our yes: peace and tranquility, love and respect for nature, factories without smoke, factories without toxic drains, cars without suffocating exhaust, silence, reason and science, caution and wisdom.

Presenter 2:
Ours is not: any wars, any battles with nature, illiterate use of nature, everything that threatens the Earth, threatens people, each person - all and separately.

(Students come on stage junior classes and sing a song along the soundtrack “Let there always be sunshine.”)

Student 1:
The circle of the sun, the sky around, -
Do you remember the boy's drawing?

Student 2:
He drew on a piece of paper
And signed in the corner:

Student 3:
May there always be sunshine

Student 4:
May there always be heaven.

Student 5:
May there always be a mother
May it always be me!

Student 1:
The time has come and grown
Lots of talented kids.

Student 2:
Each of us wants to know
Where is that boy now?

Student 3:
He sits in his office

Student 4:
Builds chemical plants

Student 5:
Drains the lakes
Floods forests.

Student 1:
He prepares reports

Student 2:
Speaking from the podium

Student 3:
And then at your leisure,

Student 4:
Sitting in a chair, he sings:
May there always be a position
And a career opportunity,

Student 5:
Office, secretary,
And, of course, me!

Student 1:
Everything would be fine, but he
A stubborn son grew up.

Student 2:
And he wrote on a piece of paper,
Walking out with a poster in hand:

Student 3:
Let's protect this land
From the hands of bureaucrats!

Student 4:
We won't allow you to mock
Above the native nature!

Student 5:
May there always be rivers
May there always be fish
Let there be water in the sea
And in the desert there is a camel!

Student 1:
May there always be groves
May there always be birds

Student 2:
Let there be animals in the taiga,
And there are flowers at home!

Student 3:
May there always be people

Student 4:
May there always be children

Student 5:
May you always be in clear skies
The sun will shine!

Ecological mini-scene

This eco-themed mini skit is perfect for summer camp, school or kindergarten. All children know the characters depicted - three Russian heroes, so every child will be happy to play one of them. Staging an environmental scene takes only a few minutes, but at the same time, it carries a deep meaning. This will allow children to think about the future of the environment on the planet.

Dobrynya Nikitich (looking from under the palm):
Eh, little pole... You stand neither alive nor dead, as if after a massacre...

Ilya Muromets :
There’s something written here: If you go to the left, you’ll end up at a chemical plant... If you go to the right, you’ll be lost in a restricted area..., if you go straight, you won’t be able to pick up any bones on the off-road... Well, here we are!

Alesha Popovich :
Look, a black cloud is spreading over the field - this is not good! Do the dark forces really want to attack Rus'? Let's protect Mother Earth, brothers!

Nikitich :
Wait, don’t get excited, Alyosha! It’s not a cloud of enemies that covers the sky. And the smoke from the thermal station.

Ilya Muromets :
Tell me, Dobrynya Nikitich, why is this field dead?

Nikitich :
Because the battle raged on this field for many years. And this battle was called - the battle for the harvest. All of it, Mother Earth, was tortured with pesticides and nitrates, and now with atoms, radiation...

Alesha Popovich :
What is this! It’s in vain, then, that we, heroes, took away these fields from our enemies and watered them with our own blood?

Ilya Muromets :
No, it’s not in vain, Alyosha, come on, turn your horses, let’s go to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and hold a veche! Apparently, our time has come again - heroic!

Ecological skit for high school students

The following skit on an environmental theme is recommended for high school students. In fact, the script consists of several, in which there are witty jokes and modern humor. High school students are already fully aware of all the consequences of environmental pollution and irrational use of natural resources, so this sketch is more entertaining in nature. Such an environmental skit can be staged at a summer camp or at a themed school event.

Presenter 1:
Dear friends, homo sapiens, how are you feeling? Nothing? I'm sorry, what? My head hurts? Is your heart pounding? Does your side tingle? Well, it’s nothing, tomorrow you’ll see a doctor, and then you can go in for an examination, x-rays, tests, this and that...

Presenter 2:
Now let’s think about who will take Nature to the doctor? Who will listen to her heart? Who, don’t you know?

(A student wearing a white coat and a doctor’s cap comes onto the stage.)

Doctor :
Comrades! I would like to know if there are any smokers among those present? Homo tabacus, so to speak? If you have, raise your hands! However, you don’t have to raise them; they are easy to recognize by their complexion. The news we just received is just for you:
Nicotine is good for you! This discovery was recently made by demographers. Using simple calculations, he proved that thanks to nicotine, the number of smokers poisoning the city's atmosphere is decreasing much faster than it would have decreased without nicotine!

(At this time, several high school students come onto the stage with lit cigarettes, approach the Doctor and blow smoke at him. He faints, they pick him up and carry him away.)

Presenter 1:
Yes, it turns out that nature is kind of an orphan. But she is our mother. And the diseases of nature are instantly transmitted to you and me. For example, in areas adjacent to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the number of severe respiratory tract diseases, cancer and other diseases has recently increased...

Presenter 2:
According to GREENPEACE, every year the children of nature dump millions of tons of garbage into the Pacific Ocean. And even the mighty ocean becomes sick, whales wash ashore, and icebergs are already blackened with mud...

(A student dressed as a scientist comes on stage.)

Scientist :
As you know, science does not stand still! The perpetual motion machine has not yet been invented, but... Finally, a motor ship engine has been invented, powered by waste from the oil and chemical industries dumped into rivers. Scientists predict a long and fruitful life for this invention!

(Several people enter the stage like a train, one after another. They, as they do in a children’s game, imitate the movement of the steamship, imitating the sound of the engine and the whistle. At the same time, they hold their noses with their fingers, wincing with disgust from the smell of the poisoned river.)

Presenter 1:
We once joked: In a dispute with nature, man has not yet said his last word. Now there is no time for jokes. And won't the last word be SOS!?

Presenter 2:
The ozone holes that we look at today with horror are holes in the ship of our planet. Who are we sending SOS signals to? Isn't it to yourself?

(A schoolboy dressed as a sea captain appears on stage.)

Islands untouched by civilization conceal amazing surprises! We recently visited one of these. There was a population explosion there. The population of the uninhabited island of Cappuccino in the Pacific Ocean today numbers already half a million inhabitants!

(Dancers run onto the stage in savage costumes reminiscent of beach ones. They dance a lambada, the Captain joins them).

Presenter 1:
Attention! Latest issue of the newspaper!

Presenter 2:
You say newspaper? Where is she? Would like to watch...

Presenter 1:
She is here! The title is not catchy, but accurate: “Ecological Truth.”

(A high school student comes out with a large piece of whatman paper and reads out the lines written on it to the soundtrack “Holidays in Prostokvashino.”)

Student :
Comrades, we are starting an oral special edition of the newspaper "Ecological Truth"! This is the message we received from the village of Verkhnyaya Lepetikha! (is reading):
Albino fox. Experienced hunter Pavel Samokhin shot a fox white. Imagine the surprise of the 75-year-old hunter when at the reception point it turned out that the fox fur was... synthetic! Over the past season, this is already the second case of foxes with artificial fur being shot!

As the information is read, a miniature is shown on stage.

Characters: Hunter and Receiver.

The hunter dumps the fur out of the bag and is surprised to discover that it is not a fox skin, but a factory synthetic fur coat. The receptionist, who is no less surprised, coquettishly tries on this fur coat, then takes the Hunter by the arm, and they leave together.

Also, school humorous skits on an environmental theme can be supplemented with rhymes, riddles and competitions. But the main idea they carry is the preservation of natural balance, and careful attitude towards environment, with the goal of ensuring the best future for the next generations.

Ecological scenario. Tournament of environmental experts at school.

Development of an ecology event for high school students.

Tournament of Experts.
I. Organizational moment.
II. Introduction.

Against the background of the music “Wanderers” the poem sounds:

We cut down forests, arrange landfills,
But who will take everything under protection?
The streams are empty, there are only sticks in the forest.
Think about it, what awaits us next?
It's time for humanity to understand
Wealth from nature, taking away,
That the Earth also needs to be protected:
She is just like us - alive!

In recent years, the word “ecology” has been heard more and more often, more and more alarmingly. If earlier we did not really delve into the meaning of this concept, today we shudder at the terrifying facts of criminal persecution and murder of nature, and this means ourselves. This information bombards us daily, hourly, every minute. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat do not in any way correspond to what eliminates illness, lifts our spirits, and gives us confidence in the future. Alas, the situation in Russia is so alarming that I want to shout: “Come to your senses, people, rumors about a global environmental catastrophe are not at all exaggerated!” And in response there is silence...

Poem to the sound of bells:

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding reaching out
To meet the sun and winds.
He is light at any time of the day,
Open to us in the heat and cold,
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate her shrines!

Today I suggest you hold a tournament of experts on nature, its protection and conservation. Three teams will participate in our tournament. The jury will judge the correctness of answers and completion of tasks.

III. Main part.
Round 1. Presentation of teams.
We will begin our tournament with the introduction of the teams. The logo will be evaluated, the name must be on an environmental theme, and the representation of the teams. Evaluated on a five-point system.

Round 2. Warm-up.
Each team is given four clues in turn. If a team answers with 1 clue, it gets 4 points, if with 2 - 3, if with 3 - 2, if with 4 - 1 point. If a team does not answer a question, but another team does, it receives 1 point.

1. It can live up to 2000 thousand years.
2. The trunk does not rot in water, but only turns black and becomes stronger.
3. Barrels and parquet are made from it.
4. Pushkin wrote that a mermaid was sitting there. (Oak)

1. It is always green or blue.
2. Stringed musical instruments are made from it.
3. In winter, birds build nests on it and hatch chicks.
4. It is shade-tolerant. In such a forest it is always dark and damp. There are a lot of lichens there. (Spruce)

1. It releases phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria.
2. It makes the best firewood.
3. Many useful things are made from its bark.
4. This is the most beloved Russian tree. (Birch)

1. Its leaves are green on top and velvety and silver underneath.
2. It sucks negative energy, so it is useful for sick people to stand under it.
3. It populates the bet the fastest.
4. Beavers love it and store it for the winter. (Aspen)

1. The berry is good to eat with honey, but after frost it is delicious on its own.
2. There are many songs written about her.
3. The bark is more healing than the berry.
4. She has a relative with shiny black fruits - gorodik. (Kalina)

1. The best honey comes from its flowers.
2. Spoons and bast shoes are made from it.
3. Blooms in summer and is very fragrant.
4. A decoction of flowers cannot be replaced for a cold. (Linden)

This concludes our warm-up.

Round 3. Baba-Yaga's story.

Let's move on to the third round.

The appearance of Baba Yaga.

B.Ya. Hello, here I am.
Q. Where did you come from?
B.Ya. Guess where it came from. Now I’ll tell you a riddle.
Its spring and summer
We saw him dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off.
B.Ya. Of course I came to you from the forest.

Oh, how I remember. Recently Leshiy and I went to a nearby forest for a picnic. We had such a great time.
Q. I have already heard your story and was horrified. What did you do in the forest? The children will have the task of listening carefully to the story and finding out what Baba Yaga and Leshy did in the forest. Whoever finds the most errors wins. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.
B.Ya. So it is!

With cheerful music we notified the forest that we had arrived. (Loud music scares away animals and birds). The days were hot, but the heat was not felt so much in the forest. A familiar path led us to a birch grove. Along the way we often came across mushrooms - porcini, boletus, russula. The goblin and I pulled mushrooms out of the ground for distillation. All the mushrooms that we didn’t know were knocked down with sticks. (You should not pull out and knock down mushrooms - the mycelium is destroyed).

Halt. They quickly broke branches and lit a fire. (Dry wood is collected for the fire. In hot and dry weather, fires should not be lit.) We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and moved on. Before leaving, Leshiy and I had a competition to see who could throw away the empty cans and plastic bags next. Well, the microbes will destroy them anyway. (These substances take 100-200 years to break down) the burning coals of the fire winked at us goodbye. (The coals should be covered with earth or filled with water) in the bushes we found the nest of some bird. They held the warm bluish testicles and put them back. (You should not touch bird eggs) The sun rose higher above the horizon. It was getting hotter. We found a small hedgehog at the edge of the forest. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them, maybe he would come in handy. (There is no need to take chicks and animals from the forest) we are already pretty tired. There are quite a lot of anthills in the forest. Leshy decided to show how formic acid is extracted. He planed some sticks and began to pierce the entire anthill with them. A few minutes later we were happily sucking on the ant sticks. (You should not push anything into the anthill.)

Gradually, clouds began to roll in, it began to get dark, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. It started to rain quite heavily. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to a lonely tree and hide under it. (It is dangerous to hide under a lonely tree during a thunderstorm.) We returned to our forest with armfuls of meadow and forest flowers. (Meadow and forest flowers should not be picked.) The day passed happily.

Student answers.
V. Now you are B.Ya. I realized what you and Leshiy did.
B.Ya. Yes, sure. I’ll run to him right now and tell him everything.
Let's relax a little and listen to ditties about ecology:

You and I didn't know before
Ecology my friend
Now at school we study -
Everything around became clear.

On the way past us
You can't stop the cars rushing,
Exhaust fumes are everywhere
The air cannot be breathed.

Who will clean our rivers?
Who is that kind person?
Is it really forever?
Will we leave a terrible mark?

Are our children really
Will they suffer because of us?
What will happen to the whole planet?
Slowly die.

Ecology is important
People all need it.
Take proper care of nature
Fortunately, it is coming back into fashion.

Jury scores.

ROUND 4. Game of strands.
Find the hidden flower and bird in each expression given. This can be done only by connecting and separating words in a line, but without changing their places. For each correct answer, the team receives an Olin point. Time for the task is limited.

1. We will go along the path past the fence, are you Pierre? (mimosa, bittern)
2. We thought about walking for twenty minutes, but there was a mistake - at least forty. (chamomile, magpie)
3. I look out the window: I don’t want to read or draw. Cozy in the compartment. The night will fly by and you will be home. (iris, warbler)
4. We sail to Zhiguli. There is a thunderstorm over the mountains, the Volga is moving in waves. (rose, oriole)
5. Who are you today? I'm a spy today, - Password? - U-two, shell. (peony, bluethroat)
6.But the problems are good. Get over it, get over it - this is no joke. (rose hips, ducks)

Playing with the audience. Is it true...
1. Can crocodiles climb trees? (Yes)
2. Snakes can jump up to a meter in height. (Yes)
3. Do swifts even sleep on the fly? (Yes)
4. Do blue roses only grow in China? (No, they don't exist at all).
5. Are green potatoes so poisonous that they can kill a child? (Yes)
6. Do zebras have striped fleas? (No)
7. Are orchids used to make ice cream? (somewhat yes)
8. Do butterflies live only one day? (No)
9. Can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, because he can't talk.)
10. When is a bird’s body temperature higher in winter or summer? (Same all year round)
11. Which bird determines the number of children in a family? (from the stork)

Checking answers.

ROUND 5. And we sing.
After a certain time, each team in turn must sing at least 4 lines from the song, which mentions plants, flowers, trees, animals.

ROUND 6. Captains competition. Flower - seven flowers.

The captains take turns answering questions. For each correct answer 1 point.
1. Natural resources located deep in the earth that people use in farming? (fossils)
2. Human activities aimed at protecting living and non-living nature? (security0
3. A common substance found on earth in 3 states? (water)
4. upper layer land in which plants grow? (the soil)
5. A living creature that actively and consciously influences living and inanimate nature? (Human)
6. Organisms found in all natural areas that cannot live without light and air? (plants)
7. What is the name of the line that limits the visible part of the earth's surface? (horizon)
8. What device can you use to navigate in any weather? (compass)
9. What is the ability to find the sides of the horizon called? (orientation)
10. Which side of the horizon can be found using the shadow at noon? (north)

Checking the song competition.

TOUR 7. Legends.

We have all known for a long time
What since the birth of the planet.
They write poems and songs about everything,
But above all was the legend.

Now the teams will receive a task - legends. They must guess what these legends are about.
1. According to legend, these flowers arose from the tears of Eve, who was expelled along with Adam from the Garden of Eden. The ancestor of the human race wept bitterly, and wherever her tears fell, these flowers bloomed. It was with this flower in his hand that the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary on the day of the Annunciation to announce to her the birth of a Son who would be great and would be called the Son of the Most High. This flower was on the banners of the French knights. (lily)

2. Its name comes from the word “dulbash” - Turkish turban. In the 17th century, these flowers came to Holland. Their bulbs were terribly expensive. In England, it was believed that their flowers served as cradles for little elves and fairy children, who were rocked and lulled by the wind in these flower cradles. (tulip)

3. An ancient Greek legend tells: the God of forests and meadows, Pan, once met the beautiful river nymph Sirina, the gentle messenger of the morning dawn. And I was so enchanted by her gentle grace and beauty that I forgot about everything. Pan decided to speak to Sirina, but she got scared and ran away. Pan ran up behind her, wanting to calm her down, but the nymph suddenly turned into a fragrant bush with delicate purple flowers. These bushes are beautiful at night, when it seems that spring itself has plunged into their fragrant sea. They are also good at dawn, when the furry clusters seem to grow from dawn to fog. Lilac.

IV.Final part. Summarizing.

Olga Bogun
Ecology entertainment scenario for older children preschool age « Educational lessons Ekolenka"

Target: To form an ecological culture in children. a system of value relations to nature, a careful attitude towards it.


1. Develop cognitive interest in the natural world.

2. Form the basics ecological culture and a culture of nature-loving.

3. Foster a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the environment in general.

4. To develop the development of basic norms of behavior in relation to nature, the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it.

5. To develop initial skills in environmentally literate behavior that is safe for nature and for the child himself.


Prohibition signs in nature, presentation “Rules of behavior in nature”, audio recording

“Fidgets”, flower stencils, capsules from kinder surprises, black and white plasticine, household waste, 2 baskets. For the experiment: glasses, muddy water, a paper funnel, pebbles, sand.

Characters: Fairy-tale hero "Ekolenok", children leading.

Progress of entertainment:

Children are standing in the hall.

Leading: Guys, I suggest you go to the forest today. Do you want to visit the forest? Then let’s turn behind each other and walk along the path into the forest. (The song “We are going to the rainbow” in Spanish is played. “Fidgets”, the children walk one after another).

Leading: Here we are in the forest. Children, it’s good, in the forest, it’s beautiful, clean air, the singing of birds soothes and pleases the ears. Listen to the birds singing in the forest. (The recording of “Voices of the Forest” is played).

The forest has its own rules and laws for maintaining order in nature. Animals all follow them, but humans sometimes violate them. Do you know the rules of behavior in the forest? Let's repeat them. I will tell you how some people behave in the forest, and you will determine the correctness with the answers “Yes” and “No”.

1. We sat in the clearing,

Everyone drank and ate,

And then we went home -

They took the trash with them! Right?

2. You can walk through the forest

Break branches from a tree?

3. The girls picked flowers

And they wove them into wreaths.

And the clearing is all empty -

Not a flower left! Right?

4. You can go home

Taking the hedgehog with you?

5. The children walked through the forest,

They didn't make noise, they didn't shout,

The berries have been collected

The bush was not broken! Right?

Leading: Well done, what is that noise there? : It seems someone is calling for help.

Eco-kid: Help! Help! (Ekolenok runs in)

Leading: Meet me guys - this is my friend Ekolenok. What's happened?


Hello guys.

Trouble happened in the forest,

Everything has changed around:

The birds don't sing

Flowers don't bloom

The wind doesn't make noise

The river does not gurgle...

Leading: Guys, let's help Ekolenok save the forest! Do you agree? Then let's go!

(Children walk to “We are going to the rainbow” in Spanish “Fidgets”).

Leading: Here we are in a forest clearing. Look at this dirty clearing, what happened here?

Eco-kid: People scattered trash

They didn’t clean up after themselves,

All the flowers have withered

The butterflies are gone...

Leading: Guys, let's put things in order in the clearing, and then the clearing will bloom again, and they will fly to it beautiful butterflies!

A game-competition “Who is faster” is being held

Household waste is scattered on the floor: capsules from Kinder surprises, bags, sticks, jars, etc. Children are divided into 2 teams, and each team, at the signal of the leader, collects household waste in its basket.

Eco-kid: Thank you guys. Now relax and look at what beautiful butterflies have flown into the clear clearing.

(Children sit on the carpet and perform a butterfly dance)

Leading: Guys, we collected all the garbage in the clearing. This garbage is called household waste.

Do you know that all these items can be given a second life. Today I will teach you how to make a bee from a Kinder Surprise capsule.

Making bees from Kinder Surprise capsules.


1 Make stripes. Roll two long thin sausages out of black plasticine, press them firmly to the container and press down with your finger.

2. Making the wings. Roll two balls of the same size from white plasticine and flatten them with your fingers, trying to give them an oval shape. Glue to container.

3. Make a muzzle. Roll and glue two identical small black balls (eyes) and a small sausage - nose (sting) to the container.

Eco-kid: And a stream in the forest became clogged. There is nowhere for the animals to even drink water.

Leading: Guys, how can we help Ekolenok?

Leading: Yes, right. We need to teach Ekolenok to purify the water, But we don’t have a filter, but we can make one from natural material which is around us.

Experience: Water purification.

Leading: Guys, there is a method of water purification - this is cleaning with sand and pebbles. Why does water from a spring, which passes underground through a layer of mud and sand, not only not become polluted, but also becomes crystal clear? Let me now show you how you can purify water. Look, I got water from a polluted spring. What kind of water?

Children: dirty.

Let's take a funnel, place sand in it and slowly pour out the contaminated water (We will put pieces of paper and small sticks in it)

What happens to the water?

Where does the trash stay?

Children's answers:(the debris stays on top of the sand and the water passes through it).

Leading: Let's conclude: What do sand and pebbles do to water?

Children's answers:(sand is permeable, can allow water to pass through and purify it)

Eco-kid: Thank you for teaching me how to purify water in a stream. Let's hear how the stream babbles merrily!

(Children listen to the audio recording “The Murmur of a Brook”).

Eco-kid: And now I invite you to look at interesting pictures about the rules of behavior in nature.

(Children watch the presentation.)

Leading: Our journey through the forest is coming to an end, you did a good job, helped the forest inhabitants, and now let's repeat the rules of behavior in the forest.

1 child:

The order in the forest is as follows:

If you sit, clean up after yourself!

2nd child:

Don't touch the anthills

Go your way!

3rd child:

Don't break trees

And don’t pick flowers in vain!

4th child:

You can't make noise or shout in the forest,

Take animals from the forest

5th child:

I decided to start a fire,

Don't forget to put everything out,

It's not far from trouble here,

Putting out fires is not easy!

Eco-kid: Well done, you know the rules of behavior in the forest, just don’t forget to follow them! And I will place your signs in the forest,

And then your reward is

Birds, animals - everyone is welcome!

Butterflies flutter

Flowers are blooming

The berries will sing for you,

Come, good time!

Leading: Now the time has come to say goodbye to Ekolenok, we need to return to kindergarten.

Let's hold hands friends

And along the forest path,

Let's go to our home.

(Children leave)

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Relevant! 2017 has been declared the year of ecology. All schools have events dedicated to this topic, so I decided to write a script that primary school teachers can use.

This is not the scenario of a theatrical show that takes place on stage, and not a mass holiday for hundreds of children. This game program for one class (20-30 people), which can be carried out in a small room.

The props are very simple; the main role can be played by a guest animator, the teacher himself, one of the parents or a high school student.

In the script I mention several environmental problems: destruction of forests, climate change, shortage of drinking water, accumulation of garbage, extinction of rare species of animals, air pollution. Children, together with the main character, are looking for ways to save a distant planet, but at the same time they understand that all these problems exist on Earth, so urgent measures need to be taken.

If you only have 45 minutes, cut down on creative assignments.

We hold environmental holidays in Moscow for children in grades 1-2 with the participation of 2 different characters (2 librarians or scientists from different planets, Snow White and the Bunny, Troll Tsvetan and Troll Rozochka, Dunno and Znayka, Simka and Nolik).

Trouble has happened on the distant planet Novus. There is nothing to breathe there, there is no drinking water, there are heaps of garbage all around, all the animals have disappeared, the plants have disappeared, and because of the smog nothing can be seen even at arm's length. The librarian Flos decided to find a book that says how to save his home planet, but found only the cover and a blank page with the title “Table of Contents”. It turned out that the cosmic wind carried away the pages, and now they are stored in some library of the Universe. Flos has been everywhere, and now his last hope is for a library on planet Earth in the city (name of your city) at school No. (your school number). Gradually, Flos and the children find 6 pages, the children perform different tasks. At the end, the results are summed up, the “Table of Contents” is filled in, Flos returns to Novus, leaving earthlings with seeds from his planet as a gift.

Main character:

The program is conducted by the librarian Flos (he is from another planet, you can come up with any image). It's fussy shaggy man in a nondescript robe. Some glasses are on the forehead, others are on the bridge of the nose. He is holding a book cover (hard folder) in his hands.

There is only one main character, but it would be nice if a second character helped him in some episodes. Let's call him the “staff librarian.” His role can be played by a real librarian, a teacher, or one of the parents. Those. a person who is well known to the children accompanies during the holiday. It has almost no text, it just helps with some tasks.


A folder (a book cover in which all the pages have disappeared), the pages themselves (they can be printed for free), cards with team names, board game“Firemen” (can also be printed and cut out), any vase, 4 A3 sheets and colored crayons, a roll of foil, old newspapers, plastic basket or cardboard box, 4 Stuffed Toys(can be rubber or plastic), 4 blindfolds or special bandages, disposable plates and glasses, details of eyes and mouths cut out of colored paper, double-sided tape, 4 books about animals. As gifts - germination kits with seeds and soil in a beautiful package.

Preparing the room:

The action takes place in the library. There will be no running around, so it is quite possible to spend it in the reading room of the school library. If this is not possible, in a couple of minutes any classroom can easily be turned into a library - place books on the shelf, a drawer with filing cabinets.

The room should have four tables at equal distances from each other for 4 teams (chairs around each table according to the number of children in the team). This will make it easier for children to complete tasks.

Pictures for download: For your convenience, I made a folder with all the necessary files and placed it on Yandex Disk. You must have an account, otherwise you will not be able to download. The pages look like this, and you can download them from the links under these pictures (the blank page will come in handy if you decide to replace the text):

Detailed description of the children's environmental holiday:

Children go to the library. You can divide teams into teams in advance or invite each child to draw a card with one of 4 images of the elements: Fire, Earth, Water, Air. I placed the cards in the same folder (24 circles fit on an A4 sheet).

They are greeted by the school librarian (a teacher who plays the role of a librarian) and shown a stand decorated in the library on the theme “Ecology”. There may be a Red Book there, you can tell why some pages are called “black”, “red”, “green”, “white”.

Suddenly, an excited man suddenly runs in with an empty folder (book cover) in his hands.

“Help, please, help! I've been to every library in the universe. Your library is the last hope. The fact is that my planet Novus will soon completely die. For too long, the inhabitants of the planet have not noticed the environmental problems that have accumulated over the years. And now the planet is mired in garbage waste. There is no drinking water, there are terrible fires all around, acrid smog, all animals and plants have died.

I'm a librarian. My name is Flos. I wanted to find a book in my old library that contained instructions on how to save the planet, but it turned out that all the pages were blown away by the cosmic wind! All I have left is the cover, one page with the title “Table of Contents” and a note: “The pages are stored on the green planet in the library.” Imagine how many libraries I had to visit. Yours is the last one. The pages can only be here!”

(Flos begins to search, run around the room, look on the shelves, finds some page).

Flos: "Yes! That's her! I'm on the right track! Here's the problem... Half of the text has been destroyed! I beg you, help me restore the instructions.”

Page 1 - "Forest Fires"

Flos: “Here it was written how to fight forest fires (there are missing words in the text, you need to add):

  1. Stew…. after a picnic (bonfire)
  2. Do not burn dry... (grass)
  3. Do not throw burning cigarette butts
  4. During …. small fires (extinguish)"

The children help restore the text, Flos writes: “Thank you, there is one page! (puts it in a folder) Now let’s check which team could put out the fire faster.”

The teams take their places at the table. There is a playing field there, along the edges of which firefighters are drawn. Children receive cards with individual pieces of a fire hose that must be connected to form a complete hose. The beginning is with the first fireman, the end is with the second.

Here, as an example, I folded it differently. There are infinitely many options, for some the path will be shorter, 5 minutes is enough to complete the task.

Flos gives the first team (the one that completed the task the fastest) the word “Look” on the card. The second is the word “page”. The third team gets the word “in”, the fourth - “vase”. This text is also in the folder for printing.

The result is the phrase “Look for the page in the vase.”

In any room there can be a vase on the window, and there will be a new page.

Page 2 - “Climate Change”

Flos reads the second page: "Changing of the climate. Soooo. Oh, happiness! The text can be read in full here. Prohibit the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere. And we must not destroy ecological systems. Do not cut down forests or dry up rivers. It's terrible, we did everything the other way around!

Just imagine... On my planet Novus, people have long forgotten what the seasons look like. Everything is mixed up! In place of hot deserts there are glaciers. There is monstrous heat at the poles. I definitely need to take with me paintings depicting winter, spring, summer and autumn.”

Flos gives each team a task and 5 minutes of time to create collective paintings with wax crayons. A3 format. Children should have time to draw the most characteristic features of each season. To make it easier, make the same sketches on all sheets, and the children will simply fill in the details:

Flos asks to take the finished drawings to the stand with books on ecology, where the children “accidentally” find the 3rd page.

Page 3 – “Lack of drinking water”

Flos reads: “So, there are also gaps here. Do not pollute fresh water sources: …. And …. (children suggest that these are rivers and lakes). Save water. How is that? (children suggest that there is no need to waste water from the tap and repair broken taps). Build desalination plants…. (salt) water.

Yes, but what to do if drinking water on my planet has completely disappeared. Maybe it's worth bringing it from other planets? For example, from Earth. I figured it out! It’s better to freeze it first, and then transport the ice balls to Novus! Let's practice!"

Flos shows how to wrap a wad of newspaper in foil (this will be our fresh water ice bombs). Each team makes 5-7 attempts to get a ball of foil into a plastic bucket or box. Let's call this the delivery of fresh water to the planet Novus.

Flos thanks for the help.

Page 4 - Smog (air pollution)

Our regular librarian or teacher may accidentally find a new page in his file cabinet. He calls Flos and the children to look at the find.

Flos reads: "Air pollution. Why is this happening and what should the inhabitants of my planet do? Cars on the roads that produce a lot of exhaust gases in the air. What should I do? (brings to mind environmentally friendly transport - electric cars, bicycles)

Flos: “I want you to imagine how hard it is for the inhabitants of my planet! Not only is it difficult to breathe dirty air. We still can’t see anything around us because of the smog. Even what we hold in our hands.”

Flos puts a tight bandage on one representative of each team (a total of 4 children participate) and gives them some kind of toy (soft or rubber). You need to determine what it is by feeling the object. A fun task, since it is often difficult to guess by touch, especially if you come across cats like the ones in the picture on the right.

Page 5 – Sorting and recycling of waste

As soon as the last blindfolded player determines what exactly he is holding in his hands, Flos “accidentally” knocks over a glass of pencils, from which the fifth page rolled up falls out.

Flos: “What do we have here... Ah! Garbage sorting. Yes, this is a huge problem. My whole planet is littered with bottles, packaging, terrible bags. (Reads the page): Garbage needs to be sorted and put in separate containers: paper, ..., ..., ..., ..., (together with the children names glass, plastic, food waste, light bulbs, batteries, writes down).

(Flos reads the second paragraph about recycling plastic and creating useful things from it - brushes for cleaning machines, tiles, paving slabs, workwear): By the way, let's think about what we ourselves can make from disposable plastic tableware."

Here we conduct a simple short master class “Crafts from disposable tableware”. For example, make funny toys from plastic plates, cups, bottles. Stick eyes and hair from strips of plastic onto double-sided tape. In order for everything to go quickly, you need to make paper appliqués (eyes, mouths) in advance.

There are many examples on the Internet. I like these apples from the bottoms of bottles. Let the children simply connect the cut-out pieces with tape and stick on a piece of paper.

Page 6 – “Disappearance of rare animals and plants”

The location of the last page can be reported by the “radio” (suddenly the voice of the announcer says an urgent message for the librarian Flos). Here’s something similar I said into the voice recorder of my smartphone as an example:

Flos reads out the beginning of phrases about poachers, deforestation and the creation of nature reserves, and the children say the rest. He writes it down, folds page 6 into a cover folder.

Flos: "Dear friends. The animals on my planet, alas, have all disappeared long ago. Residents of Novus don't even remember their names. Let the first team name as many forest dwellings as possible, the second - the inhabitants of the desert, the third - the animals that live in the mountains, the fourth - recall the sea inhabitants."

It will be easier if children have books from the “My Planet” or “Planet Earth” series. Let them look through it and find it themselves.

The teams think, take turns naming the animals, Flos writes down. If you have enough time, you can arrange a short round of the game “Crocodile”, in which animals need to be shown with gestures. It's fun. They recognize a hare quickly, but it takes a long time to guess a jerboa or a mountain goat.

Page 7 - “Table of Contents. How to save the planet Novus"

Flos: “Now we can fill out this blank page called Table of Contents together! Let’s just list what needs to be done to ensure that life on the planet continues for many, many centuries.”

The children remember together with Flos, he makes quick symbolic notes:

It is necessary to protect the forest, not cut down trees, put out fires in a timely manner, and not pollute the air and sources of drinking water. It is necessary to sort and recycle garbage to make it out of waste people need things. It is necessary to create reserves for endangered species of animals, not to kill them, etc.

Flos asks if there are such problems on Earth, and advises taking care of the environment so that our planet does not look like Novus.


Flos thanks for the help: "Friends. I am so glad that I visited planet Earth and met you. Thanks for the help! All the pages have been collected, I have a plan to save Novus. In gratitude, I want to give you seeds collected on my planet back in the days when there were no environmental problems. You can plant them and green your home, your school".

Gives gifts. There are a lot of such sets on sale at different prices, they look something like this:

Flos: “Now I have to go! May your planet always be clean and beautiful!”