In old age, people often experience a feeling of loneliness. This is due to both the cessation labor activity and a decrease in social activity in general, as well as health problems.

Due to their busy lives, relatives cannot devote enough time to the elderly. Sometimes one phone call or visit is enough to make a person feel loved and needed. This significantly improves his emotional state.

In conditions of lack of communication, older people are susceptible to a number of negative emotions: anxiety, irritation, grief. It is especially difficult for those who have difficulty moving independently. They already feel helpless, and because of their illness they cannot maintain full social activity.

A number of studies involving people aged 60-65 years have shown that at this age a person’s perception changes. It becomes more difficult for him to cope with life's difficulties. In addition, older people often have problems with memory, vision, and hearing. Because of this, they worry even more.

To help to a loved one, you need to give him more attention. It is worth talking with older people more often, being understanding about their forgetfulness and tendency to remember the past.

Be sincerely interested in their affairs, offer support and ask for their help and advice. After all, years are not only a “bouquet” of diseases, but also accumulated worldly wisdom.

An elderly relative in satisfactory health can be entrusted with the care of grandchildren. For grandparents, this is only a joy.

Good distraction from negative thoughts hobbies: knitting, embroidery, reading. Give an elderly person a book with an optimistic plot, knitting threads or a houseplant that he will take care of with interest - this will help him diversify his life.

If possible, involve your relative in cultural life. Offer a trip to the theater or philharmonic. You can just go for a leisurely walk. New events and impressions have an extremely beneficial effect on a person’s mood.

A simple and seemingly insignificant sign of attention from you is a serious reason for the appearance positive emotions with an elderly relative. Don't be stingy, give your loved ones care! They deserve it!

Lesson topic:


Goals: consider what changes occur in the human body in old age; cultivate love and care, respect for older people; development of intellectual skills (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization).

Tasks: study the characteristics of the body in old age;develop the ability to analyze, reason, train memory, develop coherent speech, imagination, and the ability to logically construct sentences; enrich and complicate vocabulary

Epigraph for the lesson:

But the old ones don't have the same strength
The supply of unlived days is small.
Take care of old people
Without which we would not exist...
L. Tatyanicheva

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Good afternoon, guys, what a beautiful morning it is today. Let's give each other good mood. I smile at you, you smile at me.

    Introduction The music of the song “My Dear Old People” sounds

The teacher reads a poem.

My old people have grown old

Unnoticed as it happens

And already with someone light hand

Everyone calls my mother grandma.

And the father worries more and more often,

Even though he pretends to be healthy...

There are no hearts dearer to me,

Than the hearts of these two old men.

What do you guys think, what age of people will we talk about today?


Yes, guys, today we will talk about older people. Let's find out when a person becomes old. Let's talk about why older people need our help.

II I. Formation of new knowledge.

1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

How many of you have grandparents? Please, whoever has only a grandfather, raise right hand Those who have only a grandmother, only the left one, and those who have both grandparents alive, raise both hands.

As it turns out, there are a lot of us. There are probably elderly people in your neighborhood too. (Slide show) It is believed that at the age of 70-75 a person becomes old. As people get older, they change a lot: they get sick more often, they get more tired. His visual and hearing acuity decreases. The hair turns gray, the arms and legs are difficult to obey, the face becomes covered with wrinkles, the body becomes decrepit. Therefore, old people need help, care and attention.

Americans have calculated that by the age of fifty, a person’s heart does the work that is equal to lifting a load weighing 18 tons (a bulldozer) to a height of 227 kilometers.You can get tired! Therefore, we need to pay more attention to our grandparents, pay attention to their health and well-being.

Elderly people often feel lonely, even when living with family. The reason for this is lack of attention from relatives. Meanwhile, it is not so difficult to rid them of this feeling. One of the requirements of human morality is respect for older people and care for the older generation. In the traditions of any people, including Russian and Kazakh, there is veneration and respect for elders. Old man must feel that he is needed by his family, children, grandchildren. Talk more often about how much you love them, how much you couldn’t do without them. Get advice on some issues. Now listen to Aida Zhanaeva’s messageabout the attitude towards older people in the traditions of the Kazakh people.

Elderly people in Kazakhstan were shown deep respect and honor: no one had the right to contradict their elders, their demands were fulfilled unquestioningly.. The closest and dearest people for any person are, of course, “Ata-Ana” (parents). Ake (father) always enjoyed unquestioned authority. His word was law for the whole family. “Ana” (mother, she is also called “Sheshe”) in any more or less significant situations consulted with her husband or left the issue for his decision. As you noticed, the word “Ata” is used to call both grandfather and father. This is because the child could be raised by both his own father and grandfather. Balalar" (children) in a Kazakh family were brought up in an atmosphere of love and respect, they were taught to show respect to their parents and other family members. “Zhaksy bala akesynin basyn torge suireydy, zhaman bala – bosagaga suyreydy” ( good child elevates the father, the bad one degrades) says a Kazakh proverb. And indeed, no matter how bad the parent is, the child must honor and respect him (her), otherwise the child himself will be bad. Every person should strive to receive "Bata" (blessings) from parents and other elder relatives and respected people. “Bata” is pronounced accompanied by the gesture “Kol zhayu” (lit. Spread your hand). The hands are folded together in front of the face, palms open. After pronouncing the wish, the giver of “Bata” says “Allahu Akbar” (Glory to Allah) or “Amen” (from Arabic. End) and runs his palms over his face.

Of course, any parent will give a blessing to their child, but here we are talking about well-deserved gratitude from an old man who is living out his life. To allow one to live out one's old age with dignity, with honor and respect, to see one off with honor on his last journey - this is, of course, not an easy task for supporting their son and daughter-in-law. But, having sincerely fulfilled his filial duty, a person will gain great honor and respect, both among relatives and people around him, neighbors and acquaintances. This is what they later say about such a person, what he received during his lifetime from his ancestors “Bata”.

The opposite case is when a stupid and bad person deserves only curses. Then it happens that the parent, in a fit of anger, gives him “Teric bata” (literally, blessing in reverse). This curse in the hearts is pronounced with the hands clasped together, only in contrast to the “Kill me” gesture, with the backs of the palms facing up.

After death, ancestors are remembered by calling them “Aruak” (Soul of the Ancestor). “Oli riza bolmay, tiri bayymaidy” (Until the deceased receives honor, the living will not get rich) - says another Kazakh proverb.

From time to time, Kazakhs organize memorials for their deceased ancestors. Guests are invited - family and friends, neighbors and acquaintances. After the meal, suras from the Koran are read. For this action, a mullah is invited or someone who knows how to do this reads the prayer. The reading of the Koran ends with the ritual “Bata beru” with the gesture “Kol zhayu”. Thus, those gathered bless the owner of the house for remembering their ancestors, wishing him health and success in life.


Treats for the elderly. This is the name of a special treat for the elderly who need special care. A tasty, soft, high-calorie treat is prepared for them: kazy, butter, zhent, kumiss, cottage cheese, honey, etc. The food is prepared and brought by children, neighbors, and relatives. Grateful and touched by the attention and care of others, the elderly express their gratitude with “bata” (good wishes). This tradition serves as an example of caring for parents and the elderly. “Belkoterer” is also prepared for those recovering from a serious illness.

Guys, how should we treat old people?

Learner's answers:

Well done. I also want to add that:

There is no need to be embarrassed to show tenderness towards your grandparents, to say sweet Nothing, ask them more often if you need help. Remember also that it is already difficult for them to play noisy games with you for a long time, carry heavy things, or run. Try to play quietly when grandma or grandpa is resting.

Do you know how our country cares for older people?

Learner's answers:

That's right, guys. Upon reaching retirement age people begin to receive social benefits - pensions.For lonely old people who are unable to live and care for themselves independently and are deprived of outside care, help and support, carers are cared for by people of a special profession called social workers. And in Novouzensk we have such centers for social services for the population, where social workers work; in the Center for Social Services there are interest groups for the elderly. For completely helpless, lonely elderly people there are nursing homes.

2.Work with the story of L.N. Tolstoy “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters”.

We straightened our posture and sat correctly. And now, children, let’s get acquainted with Leo Tolstoy’s story “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters.” Listen to him carefully.After listening, I will ask you to think and continue in your own words sentences 1 and 2 written on the board.

I felt …

I got lost in thought

1.Checking the primary perception of the text.

Continue the first sentence written on the board.

Learner's answers:“I felt how offended my grandfather was. I felt sorry for him."

Continue with the second sentence.

Learner's answers:“I thought about how we should treat old people.”

I agree with you. This piece gave me the same feelings as you.

2. Definition of the teaching of the story

Can this story be called instructive? What does she teach us?

Learner's answers:“The story teaches us to treat older people with respect, to be attentive and caring towards our parents.”

What is the idea of ​​this piece?

Learner's answers:“As you love and respect your parents, so will your children respect you.”

IV. Working with cards.

Now guys, let's work with the cards.

Each of you has white and blue color. The beginning of the proverb is written on white cards, and the continuation is written on blue cards. You need to find the second part of the proverbs and write them down next to the proverb they correspond to. And then we’ll read it all together.

A family where they help each other... troubles are not terrible.

The family agrees, and….. things are going great.

The young man works... the old mind gives.

Young people have daring……. old people have experience

Physical education minute

On any journey there is a stop - a rest. Let's take a rest and do some physical exercise.

V. Reading poems by students.

Read the poems about grandparents that you prepared at home.

About grandparents

Again the same thoughts

And how are they not tired there?

They stuck in my head:

Someday I'll be old

How is it? Unpleasant?

I'm scared and confused...

What about our grandparents?

Perhaps they are scared too?

But grandparents are kind,

And they walk around, always smiling,

And they walk - cheerful all the time,

Renovations are in full swing:

Both the windows and the floor are painted,

And a new door in the hallway...

So, being old is not scary!

So it’s possible to be old!


I love my old grandma very much!

I will save money for my dear grandmother.

My grandmother's pension is very small.

I want my grandmother to live well.

I'll save money on popsicles,

I won't go with my friend to watch a movie.

So that the grandmother does not know any worries or troubles,

I may not have breakfast or eat sweets.

I will drink tea without sugar in the morning,

To quickly collect a full piggy bank.

I will save money for my grandmother,

So that my grandmother could buy me ROLLERS!

(T. Lavrova)


You are the best grandfather

And I'm proud of you!

Dreams and hopes

I always share with you!

I appreciate your advice

And wisdom and participation.

I wish you longevity,

Health, strength and happiness.

Take care of old people

For spring cheerful branches

Roots are more than relatives...

Take care of old people

From insults, cold, fire.

Behind them is the roar of attacks,

Years of hard work and battles...

But old age has a fragile step

And the breathing rhythm is uneven.

But old age does not have the same strength.

The supply of unlived days is small...

Take care of old people

Without which you wouldn't exist!

VI. Consolidation of the studied material.Work in the section“Picture Gallery” (showing a slide with a picture of a painting)

Consider the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "From apartment to apartment."

What time of year is shown?


Who is depicted on it?

(Poor old people who sadly wander along the frozen Neva in search of a cheap apartment)

How are they dressed? What things do they have with them?

(They are poorly dressed. They have small belongings gathered in a bundle.)

What feelings do you have for them?

(Pity, compassion).

Do you think the words: old age, poverty, frailty fit this picture?


Why were they outside on a cold winter day?

(No money to pay rent).

Do you feel sorry for these old people who have nowhere to live?

What would you do to help such people?

“It is necessary that everyone is satisfied behind the door, happy person someone would stand with a hammer and constantly remind him by knocking that there are unfortunate people, that, no matter how happy he is, life will sooner or later show its claws to him, trouble will strike... and no one will see or hear him, as now he does not see or hear others..."

V II. Lesson summary.


What should each of you do for your grandparents every day?

Listen to the poem


Don't be sorry kind words hi

For sick, tired old people.

So that their soul is warmed,

They don't need too many words.

Sometimes a smile is enough

Or just a look from kind eyes,

So that their world is gloomy and unsteady

That hour was illuminated with joy.

Don't let them be sad

It's sad to go to bed,

These hands once shook

Safely your cradle.

Be a reliable, loyal friend to them.

Let your misfortune not frighten them,

It's creepy when they look at you with fear

Favorite eyes in your face.

Those eyes that are anxious

Peered into child's face,

Or, accompanying you on the road,

They looked after him, going out onto the porch.

Those eyes that stealthily

They hid hope as if in delirium

Cried over crib,

Averting the impending disaster.

The most ridiculous thing in the world

The worst problem is

When old age is offended by children,

Forgetting about the past forever!

But forgetting about the past,

Remember every time:

Old age is merciless, dashing,

Ahead for each of us!

(Show tenderness, say a kind word, ask them more often if they need help).

VIII .REFLECTION."Mood Christmas Tree"

Children are given balls cut out of paper ( Christmas decorations), on which they glue smiley faces (their mood) and attach them to the Christmas tree.

IX .Homework:

1.-Imagine that you are State Duma deputies. What proposals would you make to legislation in relation to the elderly population of our country?

2. And for the next lesson, try to find the meaning of the words “kindness”, “justice”

Annex 1.

Lesson topic:

Goals: consider what changes occur in the human body in old age; cultivate love and care, respect for older people; development of intellectual skills (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization ).

Tasks: study the characteristics of the body in old age; develop the ability to analyze, reason, train memory, develop coherent speech, imagination, and the ability to logically construct sentences; enrich and complicate vocabulary



The level of education:

Primary general education

The target audience:

Teacher: Kharrasova Nailya Indusovna


4th grade


The world

Lesson topic:


Goals: consider what changes occur in the human body in old age; cultivate love and care, respect for older people;development of intellectual skills (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization).

Tasks: study the characteristics of the body in old age; develop the ability to analyze, reason, train memory, develop coherent speech, imagination, and the ability to logically construct sentences; enrich and complicate vocabulary

Epigraph for the lesson:

But the old ones don't have the same strength
The supply of unlived days is small.
Take care of old people
Without which we would not exist...
L. Tatyanicheva

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

Good afternoon, guys, what a beautiful morning it is today. I'm very glad to meet you. And I really hope that it will be mutual. Let's give each other a good mood. I smile at you, you smile at me.

  1. Introduction The music of the song “Blue Car” sounds (music by R. Pauls).

The teacher reads a poem.

My old people have grown old

Unnoticed as it happens

And already with someone’s light hand

Everyone calls my mother grandma.

And the father worries more and more often,

Even though he pretends to be healthy...

There are no hearts dearer to me,

Than the hearts of these two old men.

– What do you guys think, what age of people will we talk about today?


Yes, guys, today we will talk about older people. Let's find out when a person becomes old. Let's talk about why older people need our help.

II. Formation of new knowledge.

1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

– Which of you have grandparents? Please, those who have only a grandfather, raise their right hand, those who only have a grandmother, only their left, and those who have both grandparents alive, raise both hands.

As it turns out, there are a lot of us. There are probably elderly people in your neighborhood too. (Slide show) It is believed that at the age of 70-75 a person becomes old. As people get older, they change a lot: they get sick more often, they get more tired. His visual and hearing acuity decreases. The hair turns gray, the arms and legs are difficult to obey, the face becomes covered with wrinkles, the body becomes decrepit. Therefore, old people need help, care and attention.

Americans have calculated that by the age of fifty, a person’s heart has already done the work that is equal to lifting a load weighing 18 tons (a bulldozer) to a height of 227 kilometers (distance from azn to nab and back) kilometers.You can get tired! Therefore, we need to pay more attention to our grandparents, pay attention to their health and well-being.

Elderly people often feel lonely, even when living with family. The reason for this is lack of attention from relatives. Meanwhile, it is not so difficult to rid them of this feeling. One of the requirements of human morality is respect for older people and care for the older generation. In the traditions of any people, including Russian and Tatar, there is veneration and respect for elders. An elderly person should feel that he is needed by his family, children, and grandchildren. Talk more often about how much you love them, how much you couldn’t do without them. Get advice on some issues.

Guys, how should we treat old people?

Learner's answers:

Well done. I also want to add that:

There is no need to be embarrassed to show tenderness towards your grandparents, say a kind word, and ask them more often if they need help. Remember also that it is already difficult for them to play noisy games with you for a long time, carry heavy things, or run. Try to play quietly when grandma or grandpa is resting.

Do you know how our state cares for older people?

Learner's answers:

That's right, guys. Upon reaching retirement age, people begin to receive social benefits – pensions.For lonely old people who are unable to live and care for themselves independently and are deprived of outside care, help and support, carers are cared for by people of a special profession called social workers. For completely helpless, lonely elderly people there are nursing homes.

III. 1. We straightened our posture and sat correctly. And now, children, let’s get acquainted with Leo Tolstoy’s story “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters.” Listen to him carefully.After listening, I will ask you to think and continue in your own words sentences 1 and 2 written on the board.

I felt …

I thought...

2.Checking the primary perception of the text.

Continue the first sentence written on the board.

Learner's answers: “I felt how offended my grandfather was. I felt sorry for him."

Continue with the second sentence.

Learner's answers: “I thought about how we should treat old people.”

I agree with you. This piece gave me the same feelings as you.

3. Definition of the teaching of the story

Can this story be called instructive? What does she teach us?

Learner's answers: “The story teaches us to treat older people with respect, to be attentive and caring towards our parents.”

What is the idea of ​​this piece?

Learner's answers: “As you love and respect your parents, so will your children respect you.”

IV. Now guys, let's work with the cards.

Each of you has white and blue cards on the table. The beginning of the proverb is written on white cards, and the continuation is written on blue cards. You need to find the second part of the proverbs and write them down next to the proverb they correspond to. And then we’ll read it all together.

A family where they help each other... troubles are not terrible.

The family agrees, and….. things are going great.

The young man works... the old mind gives.

Young people have daring……. old people have experience

Physical education minute

V. Reading poems by students.

Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She's in everything

At the same time with me.

Toasted toast is so delicious,

They sprinkle poppy seeds so thickly,

They rub the steps so roughly,

They caress you tenderly.

I don't know boredom with her,

I like everything about her.

But grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.

Evening will come - shadows

Weave on the wall

And fairy tales and dreams

They tell me.

Oh, how many are these hands?

They are doing wonderful things!

Now they tear, now they sew, now they mark,

They are making something.

By bedtime the night light will be lit -

And then they suddenly fall silent,

There are no smarter people in the world,

And there are no kinder hands.

4. Consolidation of the studied material.Work in the “Picture Gallery” section (showing a slide with a picture of a painting)

– Look at the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “From Apartment to Apartment.”

– What time of year is shown in the picture?

- Who is depicted on it?

– How are they dressed?

– What things do they have with them?

– What feelings do you have for them?

– Do you feel sorry for these old people who have nowhere to live?

– What would you do to help such people?

1. Acting out scenes.

The class is divided into three groups. The first group prepares a skit on the theme “Grandma got sick”, the second - “Grandfather and grandson are making a chair”, the third - “”.

2. Completing the assignment according to the textbook on p. 100.

V. Lesson summary.


– What should each of you do for your grandparents every day?

Elderly and sick people need special care. The time comes when parents, who have raised their children, need the help of their sons and daughters. Age and acquired diseases take their toll. It becomes difficult for older people to take care of themselves, cook food, go to the store, do cleaning, and sometimes they don’t even have the strength to get dressed.

Relatives and loved ones, as a rule, at first take on all the worries of caring for the elderly, but when this continues for months and even years, it would be wiser to turn to specialists.

Caring for an elderly person is not an easy task and requires a lot of time and dedication. And if working relatives take care of an elderly person, then they simply do not have time for rest and personal life. In this case, a social service for caring for the elderly will come to the rescue.

What is it for the elderly?

Such a service exists in any city, even in provincial towns with a very small population. Social workers carry out the following:

  • hygiene care;
  • assistance in adoption medicines and control of the frequency of their reception;
  • carrying out medical procedures or accompanying the ward to the place where they are carried out;
  • purchase of necessary food and medicine, this is at the expense of the client;
  • cooking for an elderly person;
  • assistance in eating (feeding);
  • hygienic cleaning and ventilation of the room where the elderly person is located;
  • washing and ironing clothes and bed linen of the ward;
  • accompaniment on a walk.

This can be provided at various levels. You can seek help for just a few hours to change bed linen or bathe an elderly person. But sometimes the presence of a social worker around the clock is required, and this is also possible. In this case, a social service worker is expected to live on the territory of the ward. Often social care An elderly person is cared for by workers with medical education.

Where is the social service for elderly care located?

How to find a service that provides care for an elderly person? It's very simple - you just need to contact your local municipality. You must come in person or call and say that you need help caring for an elderly person. You will be informed about what needs to be done to achieve this.

Most likely, you will have to answer some questions and fill out the necessary paperwork in order for you to receive assistance. If a person in need of help contacts the social service, and he is not able to go to the municipality on his own, then workers from this service will visit him at home and help him fill out all the necessary documents.

If necessary, social workers will advise relatives on how to deal with elderly people. Sometimes the painful condition of older people greatly spoils their character. They become capricious and intractable. The main thing here is patience and self-control.

Basic rules for communicating with older people

In order to ensure that the psychological atmosphere in the family where the elderly relative is not disturbed, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Avoid criticism conflict situations and disputes in communication with an elderly person.
  2. If an elderly relative is dissatisfied with something and rebels, take it calmly. You need to understand that this is a sign that he is feeling bad. Find out the cause of the discomfort.
  3. Help your old man talk about the fears that bother him, and he will feel better.
  4. Always listen to the elderly person to the end, do not refuse him communication. But you shouldn’t impose your presence if an elderly relative is tired and wants to rest.
  5. If he is not in the mood or in a state of resentment, you should not continue the conversation. Stop him gently and promise to return to the desired topic later.
  6. Pronounce words slowly, clearly and loudly when talking to an elderly person; they often have difficulty hearing. Treat him with respect.
  7. Remember to be affectionate - when talking to an elderly person, sit next to him and take his hand. If he sees and hears poorly, then he needs it in the same way as small children.
  8. Sometimes old people need to have their own little secrets - this could be a secret place to store money or sweets, memorabilia. Don't forbid them to do this.
  9. There is no need to prohibit your elderly relatives from communicating with friends or talking to them on the phone.
  10. Accompany the elderly on a walk.

Why turn to specialists?

Proper care for an elderly person will help improve their quality of life. Contacting a social service to care for the elderly will help maintain psychological balance in the family. There is such a job - caring for the elderly. These are specialists in their field who clearly provide competent care for the elderly. This service has medical workers and psychologists, whose professional help is sometimes very necessary.

#GivingTuesday is an opportunity to do something significant for different people. Fortunately, recently there are more and more people who are ready to help not only children, but also older people.

We have developed special instructions on how to help lonely elderly people with the greatest benefit for them.

Why do you need to help?

Helping the elderly is not the most popular area of ​​charity; people often start thinking about them mainly on May 9 and New Year. People bring or give gifts and again forget about the old people. But the main contradiction is that even in the presence of financial difficulties, what grandparents need most is not gifts and things, but constant attention and participation.

Help is especially needed for lonely elderly people with limited mobility and those living in nursing homes.

Help in nursing homes

Nursing homes are an inevitable phenomenon: some are left without relatives, are weak and cannot take care of themselves, some have relatives who have left for another city, others have relatives, but do not have sufficient living space and the ability to care for the elderly. What is life in a government institution at the expense of the state? This is a roof over your head, breakfast-lunch-dinner and someone else's robe after the general wash.

Old people living in boarding homes are not only left out of life, they cease to exist for the outside world. They live out there somewhere, often forgotten, alone and completely neglected. In total, there are more than 2,000 nursing homes and institutions in Russia, where more than 10,000 lonely old people live.

The main problems of an elderly person in a nursing home are loneliness, lack of personal space and absolute free time with nothing to occupy it. Walkers have the opportunity to go out into the hall to watch the TV or to the store, or take a walk around the territory. Bedridden patients are forced to lie down and, if they are lucky, listen to the radio or TV, whoever has them in the ward. They are visited only by a nurse who brings food and most often silently and hastily spoon-feeds them, because she has 30 more people on the waiting list.

Of course, hobbies and hobbies are not prohibited in a nursing home, and among the grandparents there are real craftsmen. But who, for example, will buy yarn for grandma? And what if 75% of her pension goes to the boarding school, and for the rest she wants to buy something tasty. Or this remaining money can be given to the nurses altogether - for additional services, such as an extra diaper change or a trip to the store.

Help for the elderly at home

Many older people living at home also need help - with housework, medical care, etc. They need attention and communication. But in this case a number of difficulties arise. The first is to find contacts and establish access to the apartment. According to the law on personal data, no services ever provide addresses and telephone numbers of elderly people.

If you did manage to meet your grandfather or grandmother and start helping, then the family may be wary and distrustful of the person who for some reason began to come to their elderly relative. Unfortunately, these fears are not always unfounded, especially when fraudulent schemes are widespread.

In addition, an elderly person may feel that after a volunteer’s visit something is missing in the house, and then the volunteer may have problems - he is in no way protected from such situations. During the visit, the elderly person may become ill. That is, a volunteer must be prepared for many situations.

Thus, if we are talking about a person living at home, it is very difficult to organize constant help; it requires training of a volunteer, contact with social services (most elderly people living at home, if necessary, receive the services of a social worker), and regulation of the “volunteer-ward” relationship. something by agreement. Of course, this can only be done by an organization with experience. For example, the Red Cross organization has developed a network to provide assistance to older people.

What is needed first?

  • Elderly people need personal attention, care and respect, creative employment

One of the most big problems for elderly people in nursing homes is apathy and indifference to the surrounding reality, up to “loss of personality”, when elderly people answer “we will do what they say” and calmly accept the lack of locks on the doors, rude treatment of themselves and poor material conditions.

For the staff, people who have to be cleaned after every day, who also have their own “eccentricities” and whims, also lose their individuality, and coupled with fatigue, sometimes cause neglect. According to the staff, there may be 2-3 nurses in a boarding school for 50 bedridden people, and the staff does not physically have enough strength to communicate and pay attention. So it turns out that a person has no personal space, he is dependent, and no one is interested in his needs.

Older people often withdraw into themselves and soon enough lose the motivation to do anything at all. To avoid this and restore their interest in life and sense of themselves as individuals, communication, comfortable conditions, and proper care are necessary. That’s why it’s so important to communicate with grandparents and give them the opportunity to feel respect for themselves.

It is especially important to give those living in a boarding school the opportunity to be creative and express themselves, to force their brains to work, because after so many years of forced idleness, old people lose the habit of thinking and doing anything. For example, the “Old Age in Joy” foundation hires cultural practitioners and art therapists to work with older people, who at first resist, and then begin to enthusiastically create, prepare for new activities and present their works at exhibitions.

Elderly people living independently also need communication and creative activity. Charitable organizations that help them involve them in various creative and intellectual activities.

  • Material and everyday problems

The conditions in which people live in boarding schools are far from comfortable. Many nursing homes, especially in the regions, are often in almost disrepair. The interior of the institutions is very far from our ideas of comfort - government walls, painted, unrenovated bathrooms, an overgrown yard, as well as 3-4 other roommates. Therefore, any bit of attention and care for these people is real joy and happiness. Older people living independently, especially in small towns or rural areas, have financial and everyday problems that can be helped to solve. For example, often older people need help with their daily needs - cleaning the yard, fetching water, cleaning the apartment/house.

How can you help?

To help effectively, without causing harm or causing difficulties and problems, you need to join experienced organizations or groups. Or start helping a person you know well, a neighbor.

You can:

1. Regularly, and not just on holidays, provide attention and help to some elderly person.

  • Go visit your grandparents in a nursing home. Every weekend you can join a volunteer trip, take part in a concert, sing songs, bring sweet gifts and cheer up your grandparents.
  • Become a “pen pal”. After all, many old people are lonely, and postcards and letters become real threads connecting complete strangers from different parts of the world.

2. Help with purchasing basic necessities (groceries, medicines, care products for bedridden people) or help with cleaning the house, cooking, etc.

  • Purchase necessary items that volunteers can take to boarding homes or donate to those in need:
    - for boarding homes: diapers, personal care items, rehabilitation equipment, etc.), medical equipment;
    - for those living at home, the list is formed in each specific situation upon request.
  • Go to a distant village, bring food to lonely old people, raise funds and buy firewood for the winter.
  • Send food parcels to low-income elderly people living in the village, because in the regions pensions are sometimes minimal, and single grandparents living in their own houses are sometimes below the poverty line. For example, the community offers a variety of initiatives for those who want to specifically help older people. This includes collecting food parcels, home repairs and cleaning, etc. These initiatives work by request, word of mouth, or in cooperation with social protection authorities.
  • You can join the “Give Firewood” campaign