Your family will soon have a baby, and you are wondering how best to arrange a sleeping place for the baby? Do you doubt whether it is worth buying a baby cradle or is it better to immediately choose a good and comfortable crib? This article will help you make an informed decision.

Buy a crib or cradle. Why are cribs for newborns bought more often than cradles?

The stores sell both cribs and cradles. However, most often parents decide to buy a bed. And there are at least two reasons for this.

1) The crib is more familiar: most of my friends bought a crib for their children.

2) The crib is more practical: the baby will be comfortable in the cradle for the first few months, and then you will still have to order a crib for newborns.

Why do small children sleep poorly in their crib and often wake up at night?

Many do not see the fundamental difference between a cradle and a crib, believing that for a newborn it makes no difference where to sleep. In fact there is a difference. Let's give a simple example...

If your acquaintances, friends or work colleagues have small children, you have probably heard about how babies do not like to sleep in a crib, that at night they most often wake up and cry until mom and dad take them to them. And it's not difficult to explain.

Being in the mother's tummy, the baby gets used to the cramped space. In his mother's womb he always felt safe, warm and comfortable. Now imagine how scary it is for a baby who has just been born to be left alone for the whole night in a huge crib! You should gradually accustom your baby to free space, and a compact cradle is ideal for this.

In a word, if you want to know what is better to buy for a newborn - a bed or a cradle, the answer is clear - a cradle.

And if you think that buying both a cradle and a crib is too expensive, pay attention to modern models of transformable cribs. These products have a modular design and will “grow” with your baby, easily transforming from a cradle to a spacious crib.

Side beds first appeared in America, because there, following the recommendations of leading pediatric experts, they always practiced separate sleeping for children. Later, such cribs appeared in Western countries. They are increasingly popular with parents. In Russia, such cribs appeared relatively recently, but they have won the hearts of many parents.

A newly born child constantly needs attention from his mother. A separate crib for a newborn creates many inconveniences - the mother has to get up and go to her several times a night, which is why parents cannot have a full rest. Firstly, a newly born baby is used to falling asleep next to his mother, so sometimes it takes a long time to teach him to sleep alone. Secondly, a certain barrier and alienation is created between mother and father. Using a side crib that attaches firmly to mom and dad's bed helps solve all of these problems.
Previously, the father had to remove the wall from a regular crib and figure out how to attach it to his bed. Now, having a baby cot, this problem does not exist. It is only important to choose the appropriate material from which it will be made.
When the child grows a little, an additional crib will very quickly help you teach your baby to fall asleep separately from you, which means that you will be able to teach him independence in time.

What material is best for a newborn crib?

Modern production offers a huge selection of children's products, including side beds. First of all, when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the material from which such a crib is made. Many people have probably noticed that all beds and cribs in hospitals are made of metal. Doctors refer to the fact that metal products are easy to wash and disinfect.
Wooden products, in turn, must be treated with varnish, which can have a harmful effect on the child’s health.

Tip of the day! It is best to choose a crib made of natural wood. Products made from pine, oak or birch are currently very well processed, so they cannot harm the baby’s health in any way.

What are the advantages of side beds for newborns?

Science has convinced parents that Small child should sleep next to you. Doctors have proven that a baby's breathing during sleep depends on how close the mother is to him. When a newborn hears and feels his mother’s breathing, this helps him cope with sudden respiratory arrest syndrome, which does not happen so rarely.

Add-on cots for small children are very practical and convenient:

  1. The child feels that his mother is next to him, so he feels complete peace of mind.
  2. Parents sleep together. Sometimes the father has to go to sleep on the sofa or in another room because the mother puts the child on the bed next to her. This won't happen with a side bed.
  3. For the child to fall asleep, parents will not need to get up and go to his crib. It will be enough just to reach out and gently stroke his head or lightly tap him on the back.
  4. This is very convenient for mothers who had to experience it themselves C-section. To lift the baby into your arms, you will not need to bend over, which is very harmful for a woman after such an operation.
  5. It is easier for a mother to feed her baby when he lies next to her. In such a crib, the baby will be very close to you, so feeding him will be more convenient.
  6. This crib takes up little space in the room and can be conveniently attached to any model of parent bed.

Important to remember! You need to sleep next to your baby very carefully, because in your sleep you can accidentally spank him with your hand, because at this time it is very difficult to control your body.

Side beds: review of models

There are a huge variety of different models of side beds for small children. Below are some of them.
"Elephants" is a young Siberian company that makes simple and inexpensive cots for babies. Material – birch. The crib is suitable for a baby up to 9 months. Included with it you can purchase soft bumpers, which serve not only as decoration, but also help to gradually move the newborn away from the parent’s bed. Cost: 5,000 rubles.
"Sleep Well" is a Russian-American company that also produces side beds for children. They have a very large assortment of different options decoration and elegance of design. The size of the crib is large compared to other similar brands, so it can accommodate children 2-3 years old. It is made from ash, pine and beech. The cribs from this company have a fairly high price: about 13,000 rubles.
"Bednest" is a European company that produces stylish and modern side beds for babies up to 6 months. The main advantage is compactness. This crib can be easily folded and stored in a bag, which will take up very little space. This is provided in case you are going to visit your relatives and friends and stay there overnight. Cost: 400 dollars (approximately 20,500 rubles).
"Cullabelly"- Italian company. Italians know a lot about fashion and style, so the cribs of this The companies are very modern and are completely dressed in a solid color cover. It is suitable in size for a child up to 5 months. These cribs for newborns are made from solid wood, which is very important. Cost: 300 dollars (about 15,500 rubles).
Side beds "Malusha S751" They take up very little space in the room, which is a big plus. It is quite spacious, perfect for a baby up to 8 months. This crib will give both mother and baby a sound and healthy sleep, because it is very comfortable and cozy. Cost: 5,500 rubles.
"Fabimax"- German company. She makes side beds exclusively from natural wood, because this is very important. They have an additional fabric partition, which helps to combine or separate the children's and parent's beds. These cribs are suitable for children up to 8 months. Cost: 169 euros (about 9,000 rubles).
Add-on cot "Ship" has an unusual design. It is made in pastel colors, which makes it suitable for long, sound sleep and relaxation. For its production, only natural wood and environmentally friendly materials are used. The bed can change its size greatly, so it is suitable for a 4-year-old child. Cost: 17,000 rubles.
Crib "Miracle" ideal for a good night's sleep. This side bed is suitable for babies up to 1 year old. The kit includes an additional side, with which it can be used as a full-fledged separate crib. Cost: 3,500 rubles.
An attached crib is a very convenient invention that is in great demand among parents. Following fashion and style, you should not choose a bed only according to appearance. The most important thing is the material from which it is made. After all, the health of your child is much more important than the appearance of his bed!

Add-on cribs for newborns: reviews from parents

  • Danilova Elizaveta, 25 years old. We bought a ComfortBaby Plus add-on crib for our baby. She looks very stylish and inspires confidence. In fact, my daughter is comfortable in it, cozy. It costs a lot (12,000 rubles), but we decided not to skimp on the child. Very happy with the purchase!
  • Sorokina Ekaterina, 28 years old (St. Petersburg). My husband and I spent a long time choosing suitable option. We settled on “Chicco Next2Me”. It looks very compact and convenient, but that's only in appearance! She barely attached herself to our bed. A month later the fastening completely fell off. Horror! This bed costs a lot of money, but the quality is zero.
  • Zakharova Lyudmila, 22 years old (Dnepropetrovsk). We looked at the “Sleep Well” crib in the store. Looks beautiful and takes up little space. The price is reasonable. My son is comfortable and comfortable. It's easy for me to feed him when he's in it.
  • Karpova Angelina, 21 years old (Novorossiysk). We use the Geuther Aladin side bed. We immediately liked the appearance; it is made in light colors, which has a good effect on sound sleep. The basis is only environmentally friendly wood. The price is high, but I am calm about the health of my child.
  • Kharitonova Maria, 27 years old. We use a crib from Bednest. It is quite convenient, stylish, comfortable. Easily attaches to my husband and I's bed. A good choice, we are glad.
  • Alina Zolotukhina, 31 years old (Ekaterinburg). When my daughter was little, she slept in an “Elephant” bed. I liked her madly because she had only virtues. Sturdy frame and good fastening. It was very convenient to feed my daughter in it. I didn't have to bend over as much because the bed wasn't low.

When expecting a baby in an apartment, the main attribute should, of course, be a bed. One of the most popular types recently are attached models, which fit perfectly into the overall interior of the room and bring real comfort not only to the baby, but also to the parents.

This type of bed was invented a long time ago in America. Externally, it differs from the usual one in that it contains there is no longitudinal wall, due to which this type of furniture is closely adjacent to the parent’s sleeping place. Allows all family members to be close to each other, which is very important for a normal and complete life.

Main characteristics

You need to be careful when choosing a crib with great responsibility, paying attention to the main characteristics that will help make your baby’s stay in bed comfortable and safe.

Age. All models of this type of furniture are designed for children from birth to 2 years.

Size There are two types: 85 cm long and 45 cm wide or 90 cm long and 50 cm wide. The maximum height reaches one meter.


  • Very resistant;
  • The walls can be solid or equipped with twigs;
  • They have the ability to adjust the bottom, which allows you to attach the bed to sofas of different heights;
  • May be able to transform into a regular bed with four walls;
  • Some models are equipped with wheels, which makes rocking the baby easier.

Material. When choosing furniture, preference should be given to natural materials (oak, pine or birch), which undergo numerous treatments and are completely environmentally friendly.

Safety. All models of these cribs have no sharp corners, which eliminates the possibility of injury to the child. They are stable, so they cannot tip over.

Add-on cots for babies are made only from natural materials, which prevents the possibility of poisoning the baby harmful substances. They are equipped with curtains that create comfort for the baby and prevent him from hitting the walls of the crib.

Advantages and disadvantages

The side bed has a huge list of positive properties:

  • The crib for a newborn attached to the parents' bed is small in size, which allows it to be placed even in a not very large room.
  • Due to special elements, it can join to a large sofa or bed, which will eliminate the possibility of the baby falling out of his bed.
  • Mom, staying near the child all night, don't have to get up all the time, which ensures a calmer and more even sleep for all family members.
  • To feed a newborn, you do not need to get up, just move him towards you and then transfer him to his original place.
  • The mother does not need to worry about the condition and well-being of the child, because he is constantly next to her.
  • Thanks to this crib, a newborn gets used to sleeping on his own, which he will really need as he grows up and moves to a separate sofa or bed.

As for the disadvantages, this type of furniture has only one – cost. High quality crib made from good materials, which will satisfy all your requirements, sometimes can cost a significant amount of money. That is why you first need to study all the models and options of such beds offered by manufacturers today.

Manufacturers and cost

Thanks to what you can find today a large number of manufacturers of side beds, you will always be able to choose for yourself the option that will suit and satisfy the wishes of all family members.

Let's look at the main companies producing this type of furniture, as well as the cost of their products:

    • "SleepWell"- Russian-American company that produces cribs large sizes(you can put a baby up to 3 years old in it). Its average price is 13 thousand rubles.

    • German company "Fabimax" produces high-quality natural cribs. Due to the fact that they are equipped with a large curtain, which acts as a partition, it is possible to delimit the space between the child and the mother (if there is such a desire). Such furniture costs about 9 thousand rubles

    • Large number of side beds Russian manufacturers can be found in children's stores or at the market. All of them are made from different types of wood and can accommodate children from birth to 4 years. Their minimum price is 3 thousand 500 rubles, and the average cost is 17 thousand rubles.
    • Italian company "Culla Belly" offers small comfortable models. They are suitable for children up to 5 months of age. Their average cost ranges from 16 thousand rubles.

    • Another European company "Bednest" is engaged in the production of cribs for babies up to 6 months of age. Their price in some stores exceeds 21 thousand rubles.

    • "Mozhga" is one of the most expensive Russian companies that produces cribs of the model in question in small sizes. Their cost can reach 42 thousand rubles.

Some side cots may be multifunctional:

Having analyzed the products of various global and Russian manufacturers, we can conclude that domestic companies offer furniture at more affordable prices. In addition, the age of children who can be in such furniture can in some cases reach 4 years, which makes the crib more universal and profitable.

We make it ourselves

Craftsman dads can make an additional crib for a newborn with their own hands.

To make it yourself, you only need natural wood, environmentally friendly, well-polished rods and beams, as well as a set of tools (screwdriver, jigsaw, hammer, etc.).

When choosing components from oak, birch or pine, make sure that they had no sharp corners or chips(this applies to boards and timber).

  • After processing the boards on the machine, they make frame made of beams.
  • In the resulting base, holes are made on the longitudinal bars using a milling machine (about 6 pieces), which will subsequently be inserted into the frame. This is how it will be done crib bottom, on which the mattress is laid.
  • Make frames for side elements and back. They can be solid (without rods). This way the work will be much easier and completed faster, and can be a square into which twigs will then be inserted. Here you should immediately think about the height of the legs of the crib so that it is really comfortable to use.
  • Twigs made from slats, the diameter of which must be at least 2 cm.
  • Having made holes in the side parts and back, thick rods are inserted into them, which will connect the entire structure together.
  • The finished product is coated 2-3 layers of high-quality varnish, which will not emit an unpleasant odor and will not harm the baby’s health.
  • Place the mattress on the bed and hang the curtains.

By making a side bed with your own hands, you will treat your baby with even more care and love. This type of furniture has been around for a long time in demand on the market and won the love of many young and already experienced parents, because raising a child with her becomes really easy and comfortable.


Most parents buy separate cribs for newborns, forgetting that getting up at night every time the child cries is not always convenient. Parents do not get enough sleep, they get tired faster, but they will not have the opportunity to rest the next night again. This is where an add-on crib comes to the rescue.

Special attached models can be a real salvation. Such a crib is placed next to the parent’s, and he is always at arm’s length. However, the baby gets used to sleeping in his own bed, and when he grows up, the bed can simply be moved to another room.

Benefits and Features

Such cribs appeared in their modern form in America, and their function is obvious: to make life easier for mothers who go to calm the baby at night with every child’s cry. Very quickly the invention spread throughout the world.

These beds do not have one of the walls. Previously, you just had to remove one of the walls in cribs that were not designed for this. But this is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. Attachable options are very compact, easy to move, and suitable for very young children.

Children sleep more peacefully if their mother is nearby.

Feeding your baby if he suddenly gets hungry at night is also very simple - you don’t even have to get out of bed. You can calm a child in such a crib by stroking him and without getting up from your own bed. You can install it on the side of the crib, which will entertain the baby.

Before you decide to buy an additional crib, consider the option of a regular crib with one side removed. There is practically no difference in functionality, but the price may vary.

Other obvious advantages of the crib:

  • the mother will always hear her child if he begins to have breathing problems or gets scared;
  • no need to use a baby monitor;
  • The crib will fit perfectly into any interior;
  • It is easier to teach a baby who has been sleeping in an attached model to sleep in his own room since birth.

A properly equipped sleeping area is important for everyone, regardless of age. But it must necessarily meet a certain set of requirements:

  • environmental friendliness,
  • comfort,
  • safety,
  • functionality.

A bed for infants can be equipped: with them the baby will not hurt an arm or leg, and thanks to the delicate tones of the fabric, he will quickly fall asleep and be calm all night.

Be sure to choose easy-to-clean materials. Baby cots can be made from either wood or metal. They are safe if there are no cracks in them, and the varnish does not contain substances harmful to the child.

Before purchasing, ask what materials were used and ask to see a dermatological certificate. This way you will be sure that you bought products that will not cause an allergic reaction in your child.

From wood, it is best to choose pine, oak or birch. This wood is impregnated with safe substances that will not harm the baby.

Shapes and details

Side beds now come in many different shapes and come in a variety of styles. various options designs. You’ve probably noticed more than once how wide the assortment is in modern stores: your eyes are filled with abundance, and customers simply don’t understand what is best to choose.

Important: the baby model should not have any sharp corners; the smoother the lines of the crib, the better. Check that all parts and components of the structure are tightly and securely installed, and that all dangerous fasteners are hidden in the bed body itself.

The gap between the rods is also very important nuance: it should not exceed 7-8 centimeters. Then the child will not get stuck and fall out.

It is best to purchase models with an additional wall, then, if necessary, the furniture can be removed from the parent’s bed if you decide to give the child his own room.

How to decorate the interior for parents and a child in a one-room apartment, read.

By choosing one, you can increase the level of safety for your baby: some mattresses often come in sets, they close the gaps between the rods and soften possible impacts.

There are special side beds with curtains instead of one of the walls. This is also convenient for feeding and soothing the baby - just unzip the zipper.

To avoid having to go up to your baby several times a night, you can purchase an additional crib.

This type of design became widespread in America, and only a few years later appeared in Russia. Professional psychologists say that a baby’s development is much faster if he sleeps close to his mother.

Children are less anxious and cry at night. Also, do not forget that sleeping together is not always comfortable and safe, so side beds are an excellent alternative.

How to choose the right one

Before you buy an attached cradle for baby's sleep and rest, you need to choose the right material from which it is made. It must meet several criteria:

  1. Easy to clean from dirt. The slightest accumulation of dust can harm a still fragile body. For example, hospitals only install metal beds that can be quickly washed and disinfected. You should not buy an attached structure with elements covered in fabric. Of course, they look very attractive, but they can absorb and accumulate dust.
  2. Be safe for the health of the newborn. It is believed that wood is the best natural and environmentally friendly material that does not cause allergies in children. However, solid wood is usually coated with special impregnations and varnish, which extend the service life of the product. You need to pay enough attention to this issue and try to choose the safest design possible.
  3. Be reliable and durable. The attached product is constantly moved to different places in the room, and with age the child begins to become active and loosen the sides. Before purchasing, be sure to check the strength of the fasteners and ask what load a particular material can withstand. It will be more functional

To protect your baby as much as possible and create comfortable conditions for his development, buy a side bed made of natural oak, pine or birch. This is a very strong and durable material. At the stage of furniture production, wood undergoes minimal processing, so no allergic reactions will not occur in a newborn.

The following will help you choose a cradle for a newborn in your car.

Features of finding the ideal option

A small child can easily get hurt on sharp corners, so all design elements should be rounded. Also make sure that the height of the partition is at least 45 centimeters, and the slats are located as close to each other as possible. Side beds can have two base levels, which is very convenient.

When choosing a bedside structure, pay due attention to bedding and. It is very important to purchase a comfortable mattress for your baby, on which he will be very comfortable to rest. In this case, it is important to correctly determine the size of the product. should ideally match the area of ​​the sleeping area. Even the slightest cracks are not allowed to appear.

Mattresses for baby cribs are made from natural hypoallergenic materials. You can choose any type of product, the main thing is that it does not sag under the weight of a newborn and always remains level.

Delicate tones of bedding and furniture frames have a beneficial effect on the baby’s rest

To give preference to one brand or another, read reviews from parents on specialized forums.

Obvious advantages

A child usually does better when he sleeps next to his parents. The thing is that he hears his mother’s breathing and calms down on a subconscious level. It is believed that this arrangement significantly reduces the incidence of sudden respiratory arrest syndrome.

Let's look at the main advantages of side beds:

  1. The product is very convenient and practical. Mom will no longer need to get up at night to calm down crying baby.
  2. The baby becomes calmer and more balanced, as he feels the constant presence of a loved one nearby.
  3. The father will not have to go to sleep in another room if the young mother wants to put the newborn to sleep on a shared bed. Such a need simply will not arise, because it is enough to move the children's structure closer, and the problem will be solved.
  4. You can calm your child down at any time by simply reaching out your hand and patting him on the head. The need to purchase an attachment becomes especially important for mothers who have had a caesarean section and cannot get up and walk around the room too often. You don't even have to bend over to pick up a newborn.
  5. The feeding process is facilitated.
  6. The attached structure takes up very little space and can be easily attached to any adult bed.

Take extra care when sleeping next to your newborn. You can turn around carelessly and accidentally hit your child with your hand or foot.

Chicco Next2Me Dove Gray 2016 (photo)

DIY add-on crib - brief instructions for dads

You can buy a ready-made add-on crib at any furniture store. However, if you want to save a little money, you can put in a little effort and make your own extension crib. To do this, the first thing you need to do is stock up on materials and tools.

Be sure to first determine the dimensions of the product and make a small drawing. If you already have a ready-made crib mattress, create a structure for it.

Most often, side beds are made of natural wood. You can create your own product design. If nothing comes to mind, you can use ready-made pictures and projects, of which there are a lot on the Internet.

You can contact a professional designer who will develop a design for an additional crib for your baby. Such a service is not cheap. But you can compensate for this disadvantage by making the product yourself.

The first step is to process the wood. It is not recommended to use chemical paints or varnish for this purpose. The thing is that when the baby grows up, he will put everything in his mouth, and the bed is no exception. It is enough to sand the solid wood and all structural parts well.

For self-made cribs you will need:

  • rods;
  • wooden blocks;
  • bottom;
  • soft upholstery.

The frame of the structure is created from bars - there should be 11 of them in total (height - 4, width - 4, length - 3). We adjust the resulting elements to the dimensions of the future crib. We outline in advance the places for installing the rods and make holes in them using a drill.

We first calculate the number of rods required for the length and width of the product. Do not forget that the distance between them should not exceed 7 centimeters.

Panels with rods can be placed on one side only; the side parts can be covered with solid elements. Another important point– fastenings. There can be several of them in a side crib. Some are necessary for reliable fixation of the berth, others for attaching the structure to the parent bed.

To prevent the child from accidentally getting hurt, you need soft upholstery. Along the entire length and width of the backs, it is enough to glue a padding polyester ball and cover it with a layer of dense natural fabric that does not cause allergies.

The easiest way is to buy a regular crib, in which you can remove the front panel and adjust the height of the bed. This “transformer” will serve you much longer and will come in handy when the child grows up a little.

To save money and space in the apartment, it is better to choose.

Add-on cribs allow the baby to be in close proximity to the mother while sleeping. At the same time, neither the child nor the parents experience any discomfort, because the main bed does not become smaller. You don’t have to get up at night to calm a crying baby and not be afraid of accidentally crushing him with your hand.