A healthy, athletic, fit body has virtually become a cult today. And as you know, the female desire for ideal knows no limits, therefore for many of us, visiting fitness clubs, gyms or simply playing sports has become, albeit pleasant, but still an obligation. Of course, any activity in any sport begins first of all with the choice of sportswear and shoes, the quality and comfort of which is of great importance. But at the same time, underwear, which is an integral part of a woman’s wardrobe, is completely overlooked. This is especially true for bras, since caring for your breasts during physical activity is extremely important. Therefore, a sports bra should become an integral part of every girl’s sports wardrobe.

Why do you need a sports bra?

It would seem that any physical activity affects the body only in a positive way, strengthening and tightening the muscles. But this rule does not work at all when it comes to breasts. The thing is that it does not contain muscle mass, but consists of fat and mammary glands, which is why the risk of getting stretch marks and sagging breasts during training is so high. Conventional underwear not only fails to provide support, but also aggravates the situation by squeezing and chafing delicate skin.

The solution to this situation is to buy a sports bra. , designed specifically for sports. Professional athletes have long been unable to do without this accessory. It has many advantages compared to its counterparts: it securely fixes the breasts, preventing them from jumping during training, thereby preventing loss of elasticity; allows the skin to breathe, does not absorb sweat, follows the anatomical shape of the breast, prevents the development of bacteria and does not cause allergies. All these properties are simply necessary during the training process.

Types of bras for sports

Many women have a prejudiced attitude towards this accessory for one simple reason - the unaesthetic nature of such models. Of course, this option is not for dates, but it is quite possible to choose a cute enough model. In addition, their main purpose is comfort and level of breast fixation during training, and not temptation at all. It is by this criterion that they are divided into types.

During classes different types sports, the load on certain zones can vary significantly. Therefore, bras have been developed that have several degrees of breast fixation. The smallest one, as a rule, is in demand by lovers of Pilates, yoga or simply active walking, since during such activity the breasts are not too involved, therefore moderate support is sufficient. Medium hold is needed during strength training, dancing, figure skating, and roller skating. The strongest is used by professional athletes or fans of step, aerobics, running or horse riding. Also, such a sports bra is recommended for women involved in freestyle wrestling, tai-bo and other types of martial arts.

The second criterion by which sports underwear is divided is the method of fixation. According to this principle, slimming and supporting bodices are distinguished. The first option is ideal for breasts of size B and smaller, since there is no need for strong support due to the low weight of the breasts. Such bras are more like cropped T-shirts, since they do not have cups, however, the denser fabric, the presence of a bust line and an anatomical back give them away as underwear. Supportive bras are used for cup sizes C and above. The peculiarity of such bras is the presence of cups and a wide bust line, since they are simply necessary for fixing large volumes.

How to choose a sports bra

If many people are accustomed to purchasing underwear “by eye”, focusing solely on knowing their own parameters, then when choosing underwear for sports it is necessary to take into account many more factors. So, how to choose a quality model?

You should start by determining the level of fixation you need; the desired option can be simply determined by the width of the chest line, since the larger it is, the better the supporting effect will be. It is also worth paying attention to the width of the straps: the minimum allowable is 2.5 cm, but wider ones are needed for better support. The photo shows what a good sports bra should look like.

Usually, distinctive feature quality models are considered to have flexible metal or plastic inserts in the cups that act as a frame for the breasts, as well as mesh inserts necessary to improve air circulation and remove moisture. You can determine the type of fabric and the main orientation of the bra based on the markings on the label. Thus, the Anti-Microbial inscription indicates the presence of antibacterial impregnation, Off-Set Seams indicates the absence of internal seams , Moisture Wicking - high moisture-absorbing properties.

Particular attention should be paid to the fitting process. In addition to choosing the right size, you need to evaluate its comfort. The bra should not squeeze or pinch the skin too much; it is also undesirable for it to “bounce” when you raise your arms, since such models will rub the skin. To detect this in advance, try repeating training movements or simply bending or waving your arms. If there is no discomfort while moving, this is what you need.

While wearing it, try to care for your bra properly and wash it taking into account the parameters indicated on the label, otherwise the underwear will quickly lose its elasticity. On average, such a bra lasts about six months with active use.

You may have spent a ton of money on a gym membership and have already purchased fashion sneakers and a new set sportswear. But it’s more than likely that you forgot about such an important wardrobe item as a sports bra. Meanwhile, it is simply necessary to maintain the elasticity of breast tissue during sports.

Why do you need a sports bra?

You may be wondering - is it really that important? But the facts speak for themselves. Breasts are mostly made up of fatty tissue and are supported mainly by skin and fragile ligaments called Cooper's ligaments. If the breasts are not supported or are not supported properly, the breast tissue becomes stretched during repeated rhythmic movements or strong shaking during sports.

The result is every woman's nightmare - sagging breasts. Sports movements without proper support can also cause discomfort and pain in the chest, upper back and shoulders. It has been estimated that without a bra, during active movements, the breasts move up and down on average by 8.5 cm. Wearing a regular bra reduces this phenomenon by 32%. A sports bra reduces wobble by at least another 20%.

Australian study

Scientists from the University of Wollongong and the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra (Australia) tested how sports bras protect the breasts during training. Wearing a sports bra has been found to reduce vertical movement of the breasts by 50% during exercise, compared to exercise without one.

Regular bras reduce the amplitude of vertical movement and discomfort 2 times less than sports bras. Thus, research to date suggests that in order to reduce pain, discomfort and breast movement during exercise, adult women should definitely wear a well-fitting sports bra. And British researchers have proven that even first size breasts (34A) need additional support during sports training.

A well-fitting sports bra serves a number of functions when a woman works out. These include keeping the breasts in place and distributing the weight of the breasts more evenly, preventing deformation and sagging of the tissue.

Types of Sports Bras

There are two main types:

  • those that compress the chest, making it visually flatter. They pull the breasts closer to the body.
  • those that hold the breasts in much the same way as a regular bra.

The type of sports bra you need depends on how active you are during your workouts and the size of your breasts. In general, compression bras provide enough support for women with a size 1 breast (32-34A) who do all types of exercise, and for women with a size 2 (34-36B) who do less intense exercise.

For everyone else, the second type of bra is more suitable. Some sports bras also come in different impact levels. Generally, if you do a gentle activity like yoga and Pilates, you'll want a bra with a lower level of support. But if you do intense sports, such as aerobics, horse riding, jogging, jumping rope, then you need a bra that protects your breasts as much as possible.

Women, in whose lives sport occupies a fairly significant place, know how important it is to have a comfortable sports uniform and look good, even while doing fitness or doing push-ups in the brutal environment of a rocking chair. Everything should be comfortable: from shoes to special underwear for sports. If you are just starting out on the path healthy image life and select the sports option, sooner or later you will be faced with the choice of such a wardrobe item as sports bras. It is worth noting that when choosing a sports bra, first of all, you need to pay attention to comfort and quality and only then to beauty, which cannot be said about everyday underwear.

Features of choice

But they exist. The fact is that a regular bra with foam rubber and underwire is absolutely not suitable for fitness, running, dancing, pole training and other active activities. A sports bra is designed according to this principle to hold the breasts and provide free movement and breathing. A sports bra presses the breasts to the body, but does not squeeze them, securing them securely. When choosing a bra, pay attention to the following nuances:

Playing sports in comfortable clothes

  • firstly, sports bras are designed for different loads: low impact, medium impact and high impact;
  • secondly, do not miss the moment of trying on - this is important even for sports bras. And don’t just look at how it sits on you, but jump, raise your arms, bend at the back, lower your head down to understand that the underwear really fits you well;
  • third, do not hesitate to consult the seller, because there are sports bras, sports bra, sports top, running bra and other underwear options, each of which has its own characteristics;
  • pay attention to the design of the bra: the straps should be wide enough and should not stretch well; if your breasts are large, it is better to choose a model with cups;
  • pay attention to the fabric - it should not retain moisture, should be quite light and, if possible, natural. Although, in general, sports bras are made from lightweight synthetic fabrics that are easy to put on, stretch, but still keep their shape;
  • the selected sports underwear should fit you well, not squeeze your chest, but also not be too big, otherwise it will be of no use;
  • There are push-up sports bras; they lift the breasts, hold them securely, and give beautiful shape. Many of these bras are made of quick-drying fabric that is soft and pleasant to the body. In addition, these tops often have antibacterial properties, which helps protect against unpleasant odors. All such tops have an elastic band along the bottom edge of the top for maximum comfort during sports.

What type of bra to choose

In general, sports bras are divided into two types based on their design:

What type of sports bra is right for you?
  • compression - ideal for girls with small breasts, they press the bust to the chest. It is very important to choose the right type of bra so that it does not put pressure on the breasts or injure them. In addition, this type of bra is best worn exclusively during workouts. In everyday life, such a bra will even be uncomfortable to wear, it is visible through clothes, will injure the breasts and stretch the skin when worn for a long time;
  • encapsulating - bras are created on such a principle that they support each breast separately. It is suitable for all sizes, but primarily will be comfortable for women who have a large bust. These bras can have cups with or without wires. They are made of fairly dense fabric that does not stretch. As a rule, you can wear such a bra longer than the workout lasts, since it does not compress or deform the breasts. Soft plastic plates or thin metal ones can be inserted into the cups of such bras, which will hold the breasts and not cause harm to the body.

Sports bras also vary in their degree of support. For example, for yoga, walking, Pilates and other not too intense sports, models with the least amount of chest fixation are suitable. Usually they have a fairly simple design in the form of a top, without additional holding and fixing elements.

We are not afraid of prices

Sports underwear, by its nature, cannot be too cheap, and you should not skimp on it, because it is your comfort and health. Such underwear is made from the most dense and breathable fabric, sometimes these can be combined bras made from several types of fabric, so the price for them will be a little higher.

If you are familiar with the models famous brands, then you can safely rely on their quality and spare no expense on sportswear. Often, bras come with sports panties, which is also very convenient.

7 good reasons to buy a sports bra

Many women neglect to use specialized sportswear during training. And in vain! Here are 7 good reasons to buy a sports bra for working out.

Sports bras don't restrict movement
  1. In a perfectly selected bra, the breasts do not remind you of themselves during exercise, in addition, they are reliably protected, do not deform, and the skin does not stretch.
  2. Sports underwear is made from fabrics that absorb moisture and allow the skin to breathe. Moreover, many bras use several fabrics at once - each for its own area.
  3. Often, sports tops are seamless, so they do not cause discomfort and provide complete freedom of action. In addition, such underwear does not rub anywhere, does not leave traces of constriction or other unpleasant moments.
  4. Sports bras have maximum strength, are elastic and quite soft. They do not hinder movements, but at the same time reliably perform their main functions.
  5. In the line of this underwear you can choose a sports bra and large sizes. This is very convenient, since sports bras are for big breasts cut in such a way as to maximize breast support.
  6. There is an opportunity to choose a sports top, depending on your sports preferences. These can be tops for running, Pilates, yoga, horse riding, roller skating and so on.
  7. It is possible to buy a combination bra: the back can be made of breathable fabric, the front can be made of moisture-absorbing fabric, the straps can be made of thick straps that support the breasts, and other options.

Let’s consolidate the information with which we can safely choose the appropriate model:

You should be comfortable in a sports bra.
  • Pay attention to the fabric from which the bra or sports top is made: it must be durable, yet elastic, absorb moisture and allow the skin to breathe;
  • the design of the bra should not squeeze or deform the breasts;
  • If possible, choose a model in which you can adjust the length of the straps. In sports bras, this design may be located on the back;
  • choose a bra that fits perfectly in size: no more, no less, remember that this is, first of all, your health, and then only the aesthetic component;
  • consider the intensity of your training when choosing a sports top;
  • actively consult with sellers, believe me, they know everything and even a little more about sportswear;
  • don't save money. Sports underwear is not the cheapest category, but there is no point in saving;
  • Pay attention to seamless underwear - it is extremely comfortable, does not rub or squeeze the skin anywhere.

Be sure to choose sports underwear, love yourself, do not skimp on yourself and your health. Even if you don’t exercise every day, even if your workouts are limited solely to your room, even if it’s just dancing or yoga, your body will definitely thank you for your care and comfort. In special underwear for sports, you can exercise more comfortably, your mood is better, and your self-confidence increases. And with confidence in your abilities, your positive indicators also grow.

Have you ever noticed how your breasts change when you start playing sports? Its reduction, together with the general loss of body weight, is still correctable, but sagging is acquired once and for all. However, you shouldn’t rush to put your sports bag on the far shelf of the closet, because to preserve the beauty of your breasts, it is enough to purchase a sports bra.

What is the name of

A bra is a special sports bra, made of dense fabric and ensuring breast stability while visiting the gym. There are many types of bras, however, each model has the goal of protecting the delicate skin of the breast.

Features and Benefits

The peculiarity of sports underwear lies in the synthetic fabric made using the latest technologies. This material is particularly dense and at the same time elastic. The models are also complemented by flexible bones-frames, so necessary for full breasts.

What does a sports bra look like and how can you recognize it from the great variety of models? The sports bra looks like a cropped top with wide straps. The correct model has a closed neckline area. The model may or may not have bones hidden under the outer tissue.

The type and material of a sports bra does wonders for your breasts, but some people still doubt its necessity. To argue for the importance of a bra, let's start with the reasons for sagging breasts in the gym. The fact is that a woman’s breasts do not have muscles, which means that any movement of them invariably leads to damage to the delicate skin and stretch marks. Now let's remember the chest movements during running, step aerobics or gymnastics. Each jump is a micro-stretch that becomes more noticeable over time.

To ensure that physical activity takes place without consequences for the breasts, sports underwear was invented. It makes the chest immobile, even if the athlete has to run for several hours.

The bra also has other advantages:

  • convenience;
  • a woman’s concentration on her studies, and not on the straps falling off her shoulders;
  • good sweat absorption;
  • quick drying;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • the skin “breathes”;
  • variety of designs;
  • presentable appearance.

Fashion models

A woman inspired by her own beauty and irresistibility is capable of much. To maintain women's inner confidence in sports, every season designers come up with sconces that meet not only practical, but also aesthetic requirements.

For sports

It is worth saying that some women wear elastic bras in everyday life, however, playing sports in them is more relevant. So, sports bras have three levels of fixation. The first degree is suitable for yoga and gymnastics, the second - for Pilates and light fitness, the third - for running, fitness with increased loads and step aerobics. The degrees differ in the density and level of elasticity of the fabric.

Tank top with inner bra

If you want to cut down on the cost of purchasing sports equipment, you can use a comfortable T-shirt with an inner bra. A similar product is worn without underwear.

The cups are built into the neckline of the T-shirt and are securely fixed to the chest thanks to the elastic fabric. The length of the model, in most cases, reaches the hips and is made in the same fabric, however, with a lower level of compression.

The disadvantages of a T-shirt-bra include its excessive fit to problem areas of the abdomen and hips. It will seductively emphasize the slender figure of an athlete, however, it will also expose all the shortcomings of a girl who has just begun her path to a slender figure.

Experts advise women with silhouette imperfections to purchase top bras that reach the length of the middle of the ribs. Such a wide base allows you to hide fat folds on the back and sides, and also combine wearing a top with an open, loose-fitting T-shirt.

For running

Running is a sport that can forever ruin lush and high breasts if there is no the right bra. The bra should have a third degree of compression, wide straps and a sufficient width of the base. There may not be cups for small breasts, however, from size C+ they are required.

Push up

According to experts, a sports bra and push-up cups have absolutely no need for each other. But what can’t you do for the feeling of irresistibility of a woman who is actively involved in sports? Soft cups have a small layer of foam rubber or gel and perfectly lift and enlarge the breasts. At the same time, the presence of elastic fabric tightly fixes the model on the body.

There is also a significant drawback to a push-up sports bra. Air circulation in it is difficult, and sometimes completely absent, but the key to healthy skin is its breathing and sweat evaporation.

With cups

A sports bra with cups implies the principle of breast separation. The presence of bones provides the mammary glands with their place in the underwear, which has a beneficial effect on air circulation inside the underwear.

A bra with cups is indicated for women with a full bust, and can also be used by girls with a small size who want to give their breasts a natural shape even in the gym.

Most often, the cups of a sports bra are hidden under several layers of fabric and are outwardly visible only due to the rounded breasts, however, there are also those where the cups are open. The latter are popular for branded clothing that pays little attention to comfort in the gym; just like regular bras, they do not protect the breasts.


Bras in the form of tops without cups are made of uniform compression fabric. They compress the chest, thereby ensuring it remains motionless. Bras of this type are recommended for women with breast size up to B.

Today, experts have proven that the flat chest effect is not the only drawback of the compression model. The fact is that the bra does not separate the mammary glands, which in turn causes sweat, the growth of bacteria, and can lead to irritation of delicate skin.

With front clasp

Bras with a front closure are a godsend for girls who get annoyed at the thought of putting on a tight and very tight sports top. Indeed, putting on high-compression compression garments requires a lot of effort, but it can be avoided.

Models with hooks and buttons in the center of the chest help you quickly put on a sports bra, positioning your breasts in the correct and comfortable position. The advantage of this fastener over hooks on the back is the high speed of putting it on, as well as comfort during movements performed on the back.

For pregnant

It is worth saying that not only athletes appreciated the convenience of a sports bra. Elastic fabric is also indispensable for the growing breasts of pregnant girls. It is this model, from the point of view of doctors, that makes it possible to definitely establish breastfeeding.

Sports bras used by pregnant girls have a low degree of compression, which allows the breasts to expand along with the bra.

For nursing

Having gone through pregnancy in a sports bra, young mothers do not refuse it during the feeding period. Thus, a sports top is comfortable for sleeping and waking, because it does not have hooks or fasteners on the back. In addition, the breasts are supported in the bra, but are not compressed, which ensures breast milk free access to channels.

Nursing mothers choose sports bras with deep zone neckline Such models allow you to move the fabric away from your chest and feed your baby on demand without removing your bra or completely exposing your breasts.


Sports bras are made in various shades, because choosing underwear for the gym to match the equipment is completely optional. On the contrary, fashionistas complement the fashionable raspberry and light green shades of sconces with white alcoholic T-shirts, openly demonstrating rich tones.

However, if you plan to wear the bra at home and in everyday life, you can pay attention to universal basic shades. Thus, a black bra finds a response in the hearts of nursing and pregnant women, because it effectively hides traces of milk leaks. A white bra is essential for light-colored clothing. Beige sconce blends into the skin and is an invisible tone.


Sportswear manufacturers are constantly searching for new fabrics. Today the most popular are:

  • polyester - this synthetic material is responsible for air circulation;
  • elastane – present in almost every type of underwear, which ensures a high degree of elasticity;
  • supplex is a synthetic analogue of cotton. The material dries quickly, is pleasant to the touch and allows the skin to “breathe”.

Natural materials are rarely used for sports bras. Thus, cotton, beloved by many, quickly stretches under active loads, ceasing to protect the chest. In addition, cotton fabric absorbs moisture, but does not remove it, making clothes wet and unpleasant to the body.

How to choose the right one

When going in search of a sports bra, it is important to determine the exact bust size. It is important to measure the bust and underbust circumference and refer to the size chart.

If the right size is found, it's time to try it on and test it for strength. To do this, you need to make several sports movements, jump, swing your arms, and bend over. The bra should restrain the breasts from any movement, without squeezing or rubbing the skin.

It’s worth talking about skin chafing separately, because breast comfort directly depends on it. The seams of the bra should be covered with a fabric lining. They should not interact with the delicate skin of the breast during increased sweating they will inevitably lead to irritation.

The band under the bust for a plus size should be wide and elastic. Small breasts need less support, however, even in this case the base should not be too narrow.

Can I wear it every day?

According to experts, sports underwear can become everyday wear, but subject to certain conditions. So, the second and third compression levels are best left exclusively for sports. They will tighten the chest and interfere with proper blood circulation, and also look unaesthetic under regular clothes. Lightweight first level compression can be worn at home or outdoors.

If you are purchasing a sports bra for use at home, you can pay attention to models with natural fibers. They will pleasantly envelop the chest, allowing the skin to breathe. Good as a lining everyday option will become terry cotton.

What to wear with

Sports bras different types worn with different wardrobes. So, if you have chosen a bra-top in a bright shade with a fashionable print and are the owner perfect figure, you can combine it with shorts and sweatpants, showing off your luxurious abs to the envy of others. If your figure is not yet good enough, feel free to wear sports jerseys and T-shirts. They can be made of elastic material or a dense synthetic loose fit. T-shirts made from natural materials can be present in a sports wardrobe, however, they will have to be changed very often, because cotton or knitwear quickly stretches from constant wetting.

Brand new items

Sports bras from famous brands are available in various models. The first of them are aimed at practicality, the second - at external beauty, the third - combine convenience, while at the same time emphasizing the natural beauty of the female breast.

Once you start playing sports and acquire the necessary equipment, take care of purchasing special underwear. A sports bra is an integral part of the wardrobe of women who lead an active lifestyle. Today on the “Lose Weight Without Problems” portal you will find out what the advantage of such underwear is and how to choose the right bra so that you can feel comfortable and comfortable during active physical activities.

Why is it not advisable to exercise in regular underwear?

At first glance, it seems that an ordinary bra is quite suitable for physical exercise. However, this is not at all true. Let's figure out why regular underwear is not suitable:

  • A bra with foam inserts and underwires secures the breasts well only at rest. Most bras are not at all suitable for even raising your arms in them without feeling discomfort. Not to mention sports such as running, martial arts or dancing;
  • Lace looming through a T-shirt or the appearance of hook fasteners cutting into the body would not be entirely appropriate in the training room;
  • The fabric of a regular bra cannot handle heavy sweating. As a result, after a few minutes of exercise you will feel that your underwear is stuffy and unpleasant;
  • Add to everything the cutting underwires and chafing straps.

What is the way out? Right! You need to choose and buy yourself special underwear for sports activities.

Sports bra: differences and advantages

Let's start with the fact that this type of underwear is primarily distinguished by its cut. The sports bra has two wide straps instead of thin ones. In other words, this is a short top that, without being too tight, presses the chest tightly to the body.

When engaging in active sports, such as volleyball or trampolining, the chest must be securely fixed. This is due to the fact that this organ consists of glandular and adipose tissue. During sudden and rhythmic movements, the mammary glands lose tone, this can lead to them sagging.

Another plus is that for sewing a sports bra it is used best material, as for sewing any fitness clothing. This means what underwear is:

  • takes the shape of the body without restricting movements;
  • allows moisture to pass through, protecting the skin from irritation;
  • allows sweat to gradually evaporate without feeling discomfort;
  • protects from drafts.

The sports bra is designed in such a way that it has different degrees of fixation of the mammary glands. For lovers of calm sports: yoga, active walking, Pilates, a bra with the least amount of fixation is suitable. After all, during these sports, moderate support will be enough for a chest that is not too involved.

The best bra for figure skating, dancing, etc. is the one that has medium breast support.

A sports bra designed for running, aerobics, horse riding, various types martial arts, has a strong fixation.

Making the right choice

A properly selected piece of sports clothing will make your workouts not only comfortable, but also bring maximum benefits. The option of buying linen “by eye” will not work here. If you want to choose the best bra for yourself, there are many factors to consider.

As you already understand, the degree of breast fixation plays an important role. This criterion is determined by the width of the straps. The wider they are, the stronger the degree of fixation of the bra.

Be sure to pay attention to the fabric markings of the model. It goes like this:

  • Off-Set Seams – underwear is made using a seamless method. These clothes are ideal for women with sensitive skin;
  • Compression – a bra with a tightening effect. An ideal solution for ladies with curvy figures;
  • Molded Cups – strong chest fixation, good for those who like to run or;
  • Moisture Wicking - the bra contains material that absorbs moisture well. Suitable for intense sports;
  • Anti-Microbial – protection against unpleasant odors during intense sweating due to impregnation of the fabric with a special antibacterial substance.

The portal site reveals one little secret especially for you about how to choose a sports bra so as not to make a mistake with the size: it is not advisable to buy a sports bra during your period or a couple of days before it starts. This is due to the fact that these days the breasts tend to increase. Therefore, a perfectly fitted bra may end up feeling loose after a while.

The best choice is two different models: for training on menstrual days and for sports on regular days.

Of course, you should definitely try on a bra before purchasing. A thing that is beautiful on display can look ridiculous on a person when trying it on. Even if you know exactly your size, when choosing a sports bra, you need to try it on to make sure it is comfortable and convenient.

The best sports bras, according to experts, not only make exercise comfortable, but also take care of your breasts.

Before purchasing, it is advisable to read reviews about the main brands of sportswear on the Internet. This knowledge will help you navigate and make your choice taking into account all the requests and requirements for this product.

Armed with this knowledge, you can easily do right choice and buy something that will last you for a long time"faithfully and truly." The main thing is not to rush. Choose carefully, taking into account all the criteria, measure it, trusting your feelings, and only then buy.