1 essay option

Love. Everyone interprets this word in their own way, and for many centuries people have not found a clear explanation of what love is. Does it make a person happy? Should she do this? I think definitely yes. Any love, no matter what it was, makes a person happier, even if sometimes he suffers. I have not yet found a person who would say, I lived my life in vain without loving, on the contrary, many regret that they loved too little. There are millions of answers to this question posed above, since everyone has their own love, each person feels and perceives it in his own way.

This philosophical question, which will have a thousand opinions because people will answer it different ages. After all, it’s true that love is perceived differently depending on age. It’s difficult to admit this, but it is young children who know how to truly love, since they are not burdened by a society that imposes its ideals on them, they love a person because he simply exists, he is nearby. Unfortunately, not every person retains this quality of love.

In pursuit of personal well-being, we perceive the attention of a wealthy person as true love, correct. But will there be happiness after? Probably will be if a person strives for well-being. Therefore, answering the question above, we can confidently answer that yes, love makes a person happy if he achieves what he wanted, and it doesn’t matter what: money, another person, career advancement.

I believe that you should not judge people who choose a career or wealth, this is their life and their path, an outsider can never understand the soul of another person. It is better to choose your love and strive to keep it, this is your path that you will have to go through yourself.

Essay version 2 Does love always make a person happy?


  1. Introduction
  2. Love is on the side of good
  3. Love and emotions
  4. Shades of love
  5. In childhood
  6. Conclusion


There is no such person who has never experienced the feeling of love. It is laid in us from birth and goes with us through life, then flaring up with new strength, then fading. Initially, people are in search of love and strive for it. Love is that feeling that surpasses other emotions in strength and completeness of sensations.

Love is on the side of good

It is generally accepted that love is on the side of good. Growing up, it ennobles the soul, awakens only the positive in a person, gives faith in the good, gives an impetus to awakening best qualities. But how can we explain the fact in the past that wars broke out in the name of love, brother went against brother, and friend became enemy? Throughout history the situation has not changed. And now people are losing their minds because of love. Many are ready to do anything for her. This “everything” includes both self-sacrifice and active work for the benefit of love, and the development of hatred up to and including murder.

Love and emotions

Love attracts many emotions. It is accompanied not only by joy and happiness. Jealousy, sadness and suffering walk around her. Love cannot make everyone equally happy. Just as laughter can be bitter, and tears can be tears of joy, so can love. For one person it is a gift and is the highest good and pleasure. For others - excruciating suffering. Why is that? Yesterday we loved, today we hate. I think everything is very individual and depends on character traits, upbringing and psychological development person.
Throughout life, our love chooses various objects of adoration.

Shades of love

Like all feelings, it is not subject to reason and it is almost impossible to control it. I believe that love has shades. Its strength depends on who we love. Love for mother is one, love for wife is another, love for knowledge is third. If we consider such an option as love for an inanimate object and for a living being, it becomes obvious that love for a living thing is stronger, brighter and more emotional. When losing a loved one, a person does not experience as much grief as when parting with a loved one. It turns out that for happy love the object must be with us. Having lost him, we continue to love, but mixed with a feeling of bitterness. We love, but it hurts us. The person is alive and well, but not with us, and we suffer from this. Maybe it's a matter of excessive selfishness? The Bible says that love forgives everything and does not seek its own. But we cannot let go of the one we love. We cannot be happy for him if he is doing well, but not with us. The passion inherent in love is especially destructive. Passionate natures are more susceptible than others to love that does not bring happiness.

In childhood

We are loved since childhood and inspired to love others, but no one warns about its dark half. We see mothers crying. After all, if they did not love us, no action could bring them pain. We see pride in us and love in their eyes, but if they didn't love us, they wouldn't care. We see a dog squealing with joy that we have come, and its sadness when we are far away. And we see a strange dog who passes by without looking in our direction. Hence the conclusion that love is interconnected with sadness and suffering. Love, of course, is happiness, but it is always mixed with grief and pain. Perhaps, in this way, love is strengthened and tested, but again through pain. No other way. Yes, there are people who are sure that love only brings happiness. But there are others who see in it addiction, loss of self, illness, evil. One enjoys, the other mourns.


I think that love brings happiness only to those who appreciate it and truly love it, no matter what. He loves and rejoices in the fact that he loves another more than himself. Happy in love is the one who is sincere in his feelings and does not think evil. A person is given love, but whether it will bring him happiness depends only on him.

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Topic: "Does love always make a person happy?"

One of the highest feelings that a person can experience is love. She can make a person happy, give him hope and strength to live on. And there is probably no person in the world who would not be “inspired” by love, who would not feel high spirits. But does love always promise a person unlimited happiness?

This question has been asked by philosophers, scientists and writers of all times and peoples. And everyone had their own answer, more or less similar to the others. However, they agreed on only one thing - love can cause not only happiness, but also mental pain, suffering, and a tragic end. I also share this position.

Let us turn to the novel by the famous German writer I.V. Goethe "The Sorrows of Young Werther". In the story, a young man named Werther writes letters to his friend Wilhelm. In addition to describing his daily worries and thoughts that come to his mind, Werther increasingly mentions a certain girl, the daughter of the district commander, Lotte. She becomes an object of love and adoration for Werther. Of course, one cannot help but rejoice with the hero at the emerging feeling, one cannot help but experience emotional tossing and sleepless nights with him. However, we must not forget about the main problem raised by Goethe - the problem of unhappy, unrequited and tragic love. The writer also finds the reason for this phenomenon. It was precisely formulated by the Russian literary critic Yu. Arkhipov: “It only seems that the notorious torment of love comes from inseparability. The torment is that the very bliss of love, by its very excellence, reminds of death... It’s as if one is drawn into the bliss of death like into a pool.” This “pool” also consumed the unfortunate Werther, who could not cope with his overwhelming feelings for Lotte. As a result, the main character commits suicide.

Another example of how love can bring death is N. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza.” Karamzin describes the story of a peasant girl, Lisa, who fell in love with a young wealthy nobleman, Erast. What is the tragedy of the heroes’ relationship? First of all, in the combination of the falsity of Erast’s feelings and the sincerity of Lisa’s feelings. Secondly, the young man deceived Lisa. When the lie was discovered, the girl could not cope with the “storm” of feelings in her heart. This transition from immense happiness to horror and disappointment was too sharp and fast. Yu. Arkhipoval also wrote that death gathers its harvest among slaves of transcendental intensity of feelings. Lisa was that slave. The ending of the work is her suicide.

As a conclusion, I would like to answer the question about the purpose of love with the statement of F. Nietzsche: “Bitterness is contained even in the thicket of the best love.” Love sometimes hurts deeper than we can imagine and can mentally cripple a person. Our main task, and, in my opinion, the task of writers, is to find a way to avoid this.

Power of love

It seems to me that love is one of the most beautiful feelings that a person can experience. So what is this feeling, to which songs of praise have been sung and all sorts of curses have been sent for centuries?
I think a person cannot live happily without love. She has many faces. We love parents, children, husbands and wives, friends - and everyone in different, special ways. But no matter who we feel this feeling for, true love always means understanding, respect, willingness to help, protect, the ability to make a sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.

The power of love lies in the fact that it awakens a reciprocal feeling, heals the soul, and can save lives. This is the state of a person when his soul is most open to the supreme principles of goodness, truth and beauty. He who loves not only demands, but also gives, not only thirsts for pleasure, but is also ready for the highest feats of self-denial. True love is also an expression of creativity; it presupposes care, respect, and responsibility.

Love is an important part of human life. We become what we think about. To love someone or something, you must first respect it. But above all, you need to respect yourself, because if you don’t love and respect yourself, it’s very difficult to love and respect others. You need to learn to accept yourself, value yourself, no matter what others think or say about you.

It seems to me that we create love ourselves - it is not the result of fate or luck. Each of us has the ability to love and be loved. Love must be learned. Real love overcomes everything, covers everything, forgives everything. Love is probably when you love the shortcomings of another person. If a person seems beautiful, smart, talented to you, this is not necessarily love. It's another matter if you know and love the shortcomings that he has. However, it is worth paying attention to the statement about love by V. G. Belinsky: “Love is often mistaken, seeing in a beloved object something that is not there... but sometimes only love reveals in it the beautiful or great, which is inaccessible to observation and the mind.” That is, the power of love is manifested in the fact that it can reveal the dignity of a person, awaken something beautiful in him.

Love gives rise to an uncontrollable desire in us to do good deeds. All the world to a person in love it seems beautiful and significant. Everyday tasks become important and even pleasant and are carried out with some special ease. No wonder love is considered the elixir of life - it awakens hidden forces person.

Of course, true happiness can come from mutual love. But in life it doesn't always happen like this. People, having once felt suffering from love, believe that it only brings pain and should be avoided. By unrequited love they judge love in general - “it’s better not to love and not to suffer”... But is it so good to live “halfway”?

Love is a feat, a sacrifice, the pinnacle of development of the human soul. One of the facets of this feeling - the love of a man and a woman - is captured in many creations of the human spirit, glorified by writers and poets, composers and artists, directors and actors. Love is an eternal source of inspiration.

A monument to such omnipotent love is the beautiful and sad story of Romeo and Juliet - young lovers who, with the power of their feelings, overcame what seemed to be the most insurmountable things - hatred, enmity and even death itself.

In Russian literature you can also find many works that sing the hymn of eternal love. Thus, the pathos of Pushkin’s poem “I loved you...” is a bright sadness about eternal love and the impossibility of happiness with one’s beloved. The lyrical hero is noble and selfless. He timidly hopes that love, perhaps, has not completely faded away, but he renounces his happiness for the well-being of his beloved woman.

In the novel “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov, the main character of her own free will sold her soul to the devil. The spirit of evil helped her take revenge on her lover’s offenders. And before, Margarita, without hesitation, refused, for the sake of happiness with the Master, a secure, quiet life with her husband.

And yet love cannot be deciphered, has no precise definition. Love is the most complex, mysterious and paradoxical reality that a person faces. And not because, as is usually believed, there is only one step from love to hate, but because love cannot be “calculated or calculated”! You can’t be calculating in it – nature will easily upset any calculations! One can only be sensitive to it in order to follow its whimsical flow and in time with the soul guess all its bends, shifts imperceptible to the eye, turns sometimes inexplicable to the mind. In love it is impossible to be petty and mediocre - it requires generosity and talent, vigilance of the heart, breadth of soul, a kind, subtle mind and much, much more that nature has endowed us with in abundance and that we unwisely waste and dull in our vain life.

This high, life-affirming feeling has enormous power. Love is a feeling of togetherness. True love? this is joy! This? giving and receiving joy.

(435 words) Many people equate love and happiness, so they quickly become disappointed in their beliefs when entering into a real relationship. There they are faced with problems that cannot always be solved with one conversation or compromise. In practice, love can only be compared to war, where no one weighs means and ends. I find confirmation of this again and again on the pages of my favorite books.

For example, in the story by I.A. Bunin's "Dark Alleys" the main character found the tragedy of her life in love. She, an unusually beautiful peasant woman, had a long and serious affair with a master, also young and handsome. But Nikolai Alekseevich did not remain faithful to his admirer for long. Soon he forgot about his Nadezhda and left her for another woman - a girl from his circle. The heroine could not accept the betrayal and move on as if nothing had happened. It was not in her character to deceive another man, because she could not forget the one to whom she once devoted herself. So she lived her whole life alone without children, a spouse and family happiness. She did only work and succeeded, but her heart was empty. She loved unrequitedly and at the same time could not forgive her chosen one for his departure. And Nikolai also became a victim of his feelings: fate itself took revenge on him with his wife’s infidelity and disappointment in his son. So, love crossed out happiness for both of them, and each of them endured pain from it that cannot be relieved.

Another example of tragic love was described by A.I. Kuprin in the book “Garnet Bracelet”. Poor and unremarkable telegraph operator Zheltkov fell madly in love with Vera Sheina, a princess from high society. Having seen her by chance one day, he remained faithful to her bright image for seven years and wrote letters to her about his love. But the calm and cold-blooded heroine did not respond to such outpourings and considered it indecent to even think about them. She and her husband treated their secret admirer with humor and did not attach much importance to his messages. But one day Zheltkov plucked up courage and sent the princess a gift - a garnet bracelet. This act outraged Vera’s brother, and he and her husband found Zheltkov and insisted on ending this one-sided correspondence. The telegraph operator asked only for one conversation with Vera, and she said in her hearts that without him she would have lived more peacefully. For loving person There were no more terrible words, and he decided to commit suicide. Thus, love became for George the meaning of life and the cause of death. She did not bring him happiness, because he died in the prime of his life without a single hope for reciprocity.

Thus, love does not always bring happiness, because it is often not reciprocal. In this case, a person loses peace of mind and may even bring himself to complete disappointment in life. But even in this case, it remains the most vivid and significant feeling in people’s lives.

What is love? Love is a tender, wonderful feeling that a person can experience. It ennobles, makes you perceive the world around you differently, admire and admire the one you love, and even perform feats. True love has an inexplicable power over a person, it makes him better and happier. But does love always bring happiness? Unfortunately, not always. A person experiences the greatest suffering when there is non-reciprocal love.

In Alexander Kuprin’s work “Garnet Bracelet” we see an example of unrequited love. Zheltkov is in love with Vera Sheina. He writes her letters that always go unanswered, and on her birthday he gives her a garnet bracelet. The gift causes a storm of indignation. For the little official Zheltkov, love for Princess Vera Sheina became the meaning of life. But when he was forbidden to even think about her, he could no longer live and committed suicide. True love often ends not in happiness, but in a tragic outcome, because it is not always mutual.

Thus, love is an incredible feeling that can control people, it gives happiness to some, and sadness and disappointment to others. Love does not always make a person happy, because it is often unrequited and non-reciprocal. But I believe that it is better to experience the great feeling of love once than to never know it at all, for fear of suffering, disappointment and heartache.

Why is love the main muse of all poets, artists, and sculptors? It represents the foundation on which human life is built in the broadest sense of the word. It is logical that it should be a bright and positive experience. But why doesn't love always bring happiness? An essay by a high school student may well answer this question. After all, entering the period of adolescence, a person first encounters very important aspects adult life- love and romantic relationships.

Why is this feeling necessary?

It's hard to argue about the importance of love. The concept of love is connected with another important point. In order to understand its nature well, you also need to answer the question: An essay-reasoning should also include illumination of this facet. After all, if love can make a person deeply unhappy, then equally because of it he can become happy. This will probably happen in other relationships and with other people. In the course of his development, a person seems to be climbing the steps of the highest ladder. Love is subject to the same harmonious laws. So that life does not look like a dreary show, but is filled with the brightest colors, you need to be very careful with love.

Why do you need to delve into the laws of love?

Without love, the world would have ceased to exist long ago. She is the force through which good is still able to defeat evil. Topic: “Why love doesn’t always bring happiness?” is considered in high school for a reason. After all, a young person must understand for himself why this otherwise positive experience can become a source of suffering.

What is love like?

First we need to consider and then it may be easier to answer the question: “Why doesn’t love always bring happiness?” The essay may include a description of the four types that were identified by the ancient Greeks. And these people knew a lot about the most complex sciences. Why don’t they put everything in its place in such a subtle area as love? This is what they did in earnest, and discovered as many as four types of this feeling, which is detrimental to some.

  1. Eros is love-passion. This type is characterized by a strong desire to undividedly possess a loved one. Falling in love and delight in relation to the object of one’s adoration are its main features. But this sensuality and passion is built on devotion to your loved one. However, it is short-lived. Eros, of course, can develop into something more, depending on the further behavior of the two lovers. But in most cases, eros is the type that drives inexperienced young people crazy.
  2. Storge. Having this type of love is most often the prerogative of older couples who have been together for more than one year. However, it can also be characteristic of young people. Its main feature is a feeling of tenderness towards a loved one; it carries a hint of friendship. It is said that the combination of eros and storge is the basic mixture for relations between the sexes.
  3. Agape. Readiness for complete dedication and sacrifice is what characterizes her. It was especially valued by Christians at the beginning of our era and was considered by them as the most suitable type of love for a man and a woman.
  4. Philia. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato considered philia to be the highest type. It is experienced in relation to relatives, friends, parents and children.

So, now it becomes a little clearer why love does not always bring happiness. The essay may not contain an overview of all these types of love. But for young man It will become obvious that the same word denotes completely different types of experiences. And you can become truly happy only by being in harmony with yourself and your environment.

Why love doesn't always bring happiness: arguments in favor of personal harmony

By experiencing only one type of love - for example, eros - it is impossible to make either yourself or your loved one happy. The desire to undividedly possess another living being will always encounter some obstacles. And if this love does not develop into another type, under the influence of which the lover will be able to sacrifice at least something for the sake of the object of love, then it will make him unhappy first of all. What is happiness? An argumentative essay may contain examples from both literature and real life. But it should also highlight the principle of harmony, a positive attitude both in everyday matters and in relationships with loved ones.

Some of us are taught simple truths from childhood, but we turn out to be deaf and blind to them. One of these immutable and universal truths is the requirement of self-sufficiency for a person who decides to enter into any relationship. He cannot be happy in love if he does not gain an initial sense of integrity of himself. Otherwise, he will be mastered by one of the types of this feeling identified by the ancient Greeks. He will begin to inconsolably ask himself and others why love does not always bring happiness. Writing sad poems and looking like Pierrot is the constant destiny of such people.