Raised by hermits. For seventeen years he lived in a dugout, where he was later abandoned by his parents. The young man himself said that, according to his parents, he was born in 1993 in the vicinity of the village of Kaitanak outside a medical institution. He has not received any education, has no social skills or understanding of the outside world.

IN November 2011 In the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, Mowgli girls were discovered - two sisters, six and four years old. They never ate hot food, did not know how to speak, and expressed gratitude like dogs, trying to lick adults' hands. The girls' parents are experienced alcoholics.

IN February 2010 employees of the juvenile affairs inspectorate - without the necessary education and in unsanitary conditions. The owner, born in 1971, lived in a private house, her daughter was born in 1989, an eight-month-old grandson and two granddaughters, one of whom was two years old and the other two months old. At the same time, the older girl at two years old did not speak, but only mooed, the boy at eight months looked like a five-month old, and the younger girl was emaciated. The police did not find any documents on the children.

IN February 2010 in one of the apartments in the Sormovsky district, about which his parents did not care. He was not fed or clothed, his health was not monitored, and his development and training were not taken care of. He was born with mental disabilities and previously attended a special school. Due to inadequate care, his health condition deteriorated significantly.
The child was found thanks to neighbors who began to feed him and showed him to the doctors. The boy spoke poorly and did not remember the last time he washed himself.

IN July 2009 The Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Chita deprived the parents of parental rights. According to the Internal Affairs Directorate, the five-year-old girl has never been outside. The owners of the house where she lived did not let anyone into the apartment, did not communicate with neighbors, and appeared on the street mainly to walk their pets. Despite the fact that the baby lived in a three-room apartment with her father, grandparents and other relatives, she hardly spoke, although she understood human speech.

IN February 2009 Juvenile inspectors in one of the houses in the Leninsky district of Ufa found a three-year-old girl who was eating and sleeping with dogs. Her mother drank and lived in a garbage dump. The girl was afraid of people and strove, like a dog, to get on all fours. She didn't know what a spoon was.

IN February 2008 a six-year-old child with Mowgli syndrome was discovered in Volgograd. He was nicknamed “bird boy” - he could not talk, he only chirped like a bird. According to social workers, the boy chose parrots as a role model. According to social service workers, his mother isolated the child from the world, locked him in the apartment, did not let him go for walks, did not send him to kindergarten. She motivated her refusal to allow her son to communicate with other children and adults by saying that she was afraid of human cruelty.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

As children, we all watched a cartoon about a little boy, Mowgli, who was raised by a pack of wolves. And then it seemed to all of us that this was just a made-up story and that this could not happen in life.

But, unfortunately, this is not so. There are several shocking facts that prove that modern Mowgli can exist in real life. The following 12 facts may just shock you! Do not miss!

1. Madina, Russia, 2013

Another shocking fact is the story of a girl that will amaze you even more! It is known that until the age of 3, the real modern Mugli Madina lived only with dogs, ate the food they caught, slept and warmed herself against them when she was cold. The girl’s mother was drunk most of the day, and her father left the family before she was born. Eyewitnesses say that while my mother had alcoholic guests, Madina was running with the dogs on all fours on the floor and pulling bones. If Madina ran out onto the playground, she was not playing, but simply attacking the children, because she did not know how to communicate in any other way. At the same time, doctors give an optimistic forecast for the girl’s future, assuring that she only needs adaptation and training.

2. Oksana Malaya, Ukraine, 1991

The list of shocking facts about modern Mowgli also includes Oksana Malaya from Ukraine. This girl was found in a dog kennel at the age of 8, of which she lived with four-legged dogs for exactly 6 years. It is known that Oksana’s alcoholic parents threw her out of the house, and her search for warmth and the desire to survive brought her to the doghouse. When the girl was found, she behaved more like a dog than a child - she ran on all fours with her tongue hanging out, barking and baring her teeth. Intensive therapy helped Oksana learn minimal social skills, but her development stopped at the level of a 5-year-old child. Now Oksana Malaya is already 32 years old, she lives in Odessa on a farm under close supervision and care.

3. Bird Boy from Russia, 2008

The story of the modern Mowgli Van Yudin from Volgograd has recently stirred up all the media. It turned out that a boy under 7 years old was locked by his mother in a room, the only furniture in which were cages with birds! And, despite the fact that Vanya was not subjected to violence, and his mother fed him regularly, he was deprived of the most important thing - communication! The boy filled this gap with the help of his roommates... And as a result, Vanya did not learn to speak, but only chirped like a bird and flapped his wings. Now the bird boy is in a psychological rehabilitation center.

4. Ivan Mishukov, Russia, 1998

At the age of 4, having suffered domestic violence, Vanya ran away from home. In order to survive, the boy was forced to wander and beg. Soon a pack of dogs accepted him as one of their own. Vanya ate, slept and played with them. And even more - the dogs “appointed” the boy as their leader! For almost two years Vanya lived a homeless life with four-legged animals until he found himself in a shelter. Today, this modern Mowgli has fully undergone social adaptation and lives a full life.

5. Janie, USA, 1970

Among the shocking facts about modern Mowgli there is another story about the girl Janie. She had bad luck immediately after birth. Her father decided that she was developmentally delayed and isolated her from society. Janie spent most of her childhood alone, sitting on a potty chair in a small room at home. She even slept on this chair! At the age of 13, the girl ended up with her mother in the social service, where workers suspected strangeness in her behavior. And it’s not surprising, because Janie couldn’t utter a single articulate sound, and she was constantly scratching herself and spitting. This case turned out to be tempting for many specialists. Janie immediately became an object for research and experimentation. After some time, she learned several words, although it was impossible for her to put them together into sentences. The biggest achievements were reading short texts and minimal social behavior skills. After a little adaptation, Janie lived a little more with her mother and in other foster families, where she went through humiliation and even violence! After funding for doctors stopped, the girl’s development again experienced regression and complete silence. For some time, her name was completely forgotten, until a private detective discovered that she lived in an institution for mentally retarded adults.

6. Sujit Kumar or Chicken Boy, Fiji, 1978

For bad behavior, this kid's parents locked him in a chicken coop as punishment. This is truly a shocking fact. Well, after his mother shortened her life and his father was killed, he took up raising dear grandfather. However, his methods also cannot be called innovative, because instead of taking care of his grandson, he preferred to hide him with chickens and roosters. Sujeet was rescued from a chicken coop at the age of 8. It is known that the boy could only cackle and clap. He pecked at the food, and slept like a bird - sitting and tucking his leg. Workers at a nursing home took him in for rehabilitation for a while, but there the boy behaved very aggressively, for which he was tied to the bed with a sheet for more than 20 years! Now an adult man is being cared for by Elizabeth Clayton, who discovered him in a chicken coop as a child.

7. Kamala and Amala, India, 1920

Another shocking fact is that 8-year-old Amala and one-and-a-half-year-old Kamala were discovered in a wolf’s den by Pastor Joseph Singh in 1920. He was able to pick up the girls only when the wolves left the house. But his action did not turn out to be successful. The captured girls were not ready for life with people, the joints of their arms and legs were deformed from living on all fours, and they preferred to eat only fresh meat! But amazingly, their hearing, vision and smell were absolute! It is known that Amala died a year after they were found, and Kamala even learned to walk upright and speak a few words, but at the age of 17 she died of kidney failure. Here is such a sad story about two modern Mowglis.

8. John Ssebunya or Monkey Boy, Uganda, 1991

After seeing his own father kill his mother, three-year-old John Ssebunya ran away from home. He found his shelter in the jungle with the monkeys. It was from these animals that he learned survival techniques. His diet consisted of roots, sweet potatoes, nuts and cassava. After people found the boy, he was treated for a long time for worms and calluses on his knees. But, in addition to the fact that John quickly learned to speak, he was discovered to have another talent - a wonderful voice! Now the monkey boy is a real celebrity, and he can often be seen on tour even in the UK as part of the children's choir “Pearls of Africa”!

9. Marina Chapman, Columbia, 1959

At the age of 5, Marina was kidnapped from her home village in South America and abandoned by her captors in the jungle. All this time, the girl Mowgli lived among the capuchin monkeys until she was found by hunters. She ate everything that animals got - roots, berries, bananas. She slept in the hollows of trees, walked on all fours and could not speak at all. But after the rescue, the girl’s life did not get better - she was sold to a brothel, and then ended up as a servant in a mafia family, from where a neighbor rescued her. Despite the fact that he had five children of his own, the kind man took in the girl, and upon reaching adulthood in 1977, he helped Marina get a job as a housekeeper in the UK. It was there that the girl decided to arrange her life, got married and even gave birth to children. Well, with her youngest daughter Vanessa, Marina also wrote an autobiographical book “The Girl with No Name”! This is such an incredible and shocking fact!

10. Savage from Champagne, France, 1731

Marie Angelique Mamie Le Blanc, despite her age, is known and documented! It is known that for more than 10 years Marie wandered through the forests of France alone. Armed with a club, the girl defended herself from wild animals by eating fish, birds and frogs. When Marie was caught at the age of 19, her skin was already completely dark, her hair was one tangled tow, and her fingers were crooked. The girl was always ready for an attack, looked around her and even drank water on all fours from the river. She did not know human speech and communicated using howls and growls. It is known that she could not get used to ready-made food, preferring to independently obtain and eat raw animals! In 1737, rather for the sake of hunting, the girl was sheltered by the Queen of Poland. Since that time, rehabilitation among people has borne its first fruits - the girl learned to speak, read, and even attracted her first fans. The Wild Woman from Champagne lived to be 63 years old and died in 1775 in Paris.

11. Leopard Boy, India, 1912

At the age of 2 years, this baby was dragged into the thicket of the forest by a female leopard. Three years later, the hunter, having killed the predator, discovered her cubs and a five-year-old boy in the den! Then the baby was returned to his family. It is known that for a long time the boy ran on all fours, biting and growling. And out of habit, he bent his fingers at right angles, for comfortable climbing in trees. And despite the fact that the adaptation returned him to his “human” appearance, the leopard boy did not live long, dying from an eye disease (this was not related to his childhood adventures!)

12. Wolf girl, Mexico, 1845/1852

And this girl is a real modern Mowgli, raised by wolves and never allowed herself to be tamed! It is known that she was seen several times, standing on all fours, in a pack of wolves, attacking goats and sucking milk from a she-wolf.

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Each of us read a fairy tale about Mowgli as a child and could hardly ever imagine that something like this could happen in real life.
However, a similar thing happened to the people we will tell you about in this article.

1. Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja, Spanish boy adopted by wolves

Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja was only 6 or 7 years old when his father sold him to a farmer who took the boy to the Sierra Morena Mountains to help an aging shepherd. After the death of the shepherd, the boy lived alone among the wolves of the Sierra Morena for 11 years. He claims that he survived because the wolves accepted him into their pack and began to feed him.

At the age of 19, he was discovered by Civil Guard gendarmes and forcibly brought to the small village of Fuencaliente, where he eventually integrated into civilization and now lives a normal life.
Feature films and documentaries have been made about this amazing story of survival, and Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja himself is currently lecturing children in schools, telling them about wolves and their habits.

2. Oksana Malaya, who lived among dogs for 6 years

Ukrainian Oksana Malaya was found living with dogs in a kennel in 1991. When she was 8 years old, she had already lived among dogs for 6 years. Oksana's parents were alcoholics, and when she was still little, she was left on the street. She climbed into the doghouse for warmth and curled up next to the dogs, which may have saved the girl's life. Soon she began to run on all fours with her tongue hanging out, baring her teeth and barking. Due to the lack of interaction with people, she only knew the words "yes" and "no".
Now Oksana lives and works near Odessa, in a boarding house, caring for farm animals - cows and horses.
The photo above is from Julia Fullerton-Batten's photography project about feral children who were abandoned by their parents.

3. Ivan Mishukov, who survived two winters under the protection of dogs

4. Gazelle Boy

In the 1960s, Jean-Claude Auger, an anthropologist from Basque Country, was traveling alone in the Spanish Sahara (Rio de Oro) when he discovered a boy among a herd of gazelles. The boy ran so fast that he was only caught by an Iraqi army jeep. Despite his terrible thinness, he was extremely trained and strong, with muscles of steel.
The boy walked on all fours, but accidentally got up on his feet, which allowed Auger to assume that he was abandoned or got lost at the age of 7-8 months, when he already knew how to walk.
He habitually twitched his muscles, scalp, nose and ears, like the rest of the herd, in response to the slightest noise. Unlike most feral children known to science, Gazelle Boy was not taken from his wild companions.

5. Traian Caldarar, Romanian Mowgli

In 2002, Romanian Mowgli was reunited with his mother, Lina Caldarar, after several years of living with wild animals in the forests of Transylvania.
Barely alive Trajan (named by hospital workers after the famous Jungle Book character), huddled in cardboard box, naked and outwardly similar to a three-year-old child, was discovered by a shepherd. The boy forgot how to talk. Doctors say he had virtually no chance of survival and believe he was cared for by wild dogs living in the Transylvanian forests.
Lina Kaldorar, who learned about her son from a television news report, said she ran away from her husband's home three years ago after he beat her. She believes that Trajan ran away from home for the same reason.

6Marina Chapman, a woman who grew up among monkeys

Marina Chapman (born circa 1950) is a British-Colombian who claims that most of her early childhood spent alone in the jungle except for the capuchin monkeys.
Chapman claims that at the age of 4 she was kidnapped from her parents from her home village, and then released into the jungle for reasons unknown to her. She spent the next few years in the company of capuchin monkeys until she was discovered and rescued by hunters - by then she could no longer speak human language. She claims she was sold to a brothel in Cucuta, Colombia, forced to live on the streets and enslaved by the mafia.
She eventually moved to England, where she married and had children. Her daughter convinced her to write her life story, and in 2013, Marina Chapman published an autobiography called The Girl With No Name.

7. Rochom P'ngieng, Cambodian Jungle Girl

In 2007, an unwashed, naked and terrified Cambodian woman emerged from the dense jungle of Ratanakiri, a remote province in northeastern Cambodia. According to local police, the woman was “half human, half animal” and could not speak clearly.
She has become the world famous Cambodian "jungle girl" and is believed to be Rochom Pnghien, who disappeared into the jungle 19 years ago while herding buffalo.
In 2016, a Vietnamese man claimed that the woman was his daughter, who disappeared in 2006 at the age of 23 after suffering a mental breakdown. He was able to provide documentation of her and her disappearance and soon after brought his daughter to his home village in Vietnam. He received support from her adoptive family, as well as permission from immigration authorities.

Mowgli is a popular character created by Kipling. For a long time, both book lovers and movie fans continue to admire this hero. And there is nothing strange about this, because Mowgli embodies beauty, intelligence and nobility, while being just a jungle fairy tale.

There is another fairly famous character raised by monkeys. We are, of course, talking about Tarzan. According to the book, he managed not only to integrate into society, but also to marry successfully. At the same time, animal habits almost completely disappeared.

Do fairy tales have a place in the real world?

Naturally, the stories look quite attractive, they take your breath away, take you into a world of adventure and make you believe that the characters will find a place for themselves in any country, in any conditions. But in reality, everything doesn't look so great. There have never been such cases when a child raised by animals eventually became a human being. He will begin to develop Mowgli syndrome.

Main features of the disease

The development of people is characterized by the presence of specific boundaries when certain functions are formed. Learning to speak, imitating parents, walking upright and much more. And if a child does not learn all this, then he will not do it when he grows up. And the real Mowgli is unlikely to learn human speech and will not begin to walk on all fours. And he would never understand the moral principles of society.

So what does Mowgli syndrome mean? We are talking about a certain number of characteristics and parameters that are possessed by those who were not raised in human society. This is the ability to speak, and the fear caused by people, and non-recognition of tableware, etc.

Of course, a “human child” raised by animals can be taught to imitate human speech or behavior. But Mowgli's syndrome turns all this into ordinary training. Naturally, a child is capable of adapting to society if he is returned before the age of 12-13. However, he will still suffer from mental problems.

There was a case when a child was raised by dogs. Over time, the girl was taught to talk, but this did not make her consider herself a human. In her opinion, she was just a dog and did not belong to human society. Mowgli syndrome sometimes leads to death, because children raised by animals, when they get to people, begin to experience something other than just physiological.

Experts know a large number of stories of "human children", and only a small part of them is known to society. This review will look at the most famous Mowgli children.

Chimpanzee boy from Nigeria

In 1996, a boy, Bello, was found in the jungles of Nigeria. It was difficult to determine his exact age, but according to experts, the child was only 2 years old. The foundling was found to have physical and mental abnormalities. Apparently because of this they left him in the forest. Naturally, he could not stand up for himself, but the chimpanzees not only did not harm him, but also accepted him into their tribe.

Like many other feral children, a boy named Bello adopted animal habits and began to walk like monkeys. The story became widespread in 2002, when the boy was discovered in a boarding school for abandoned children. At first, he often fought, threw various things, ran and jumped. However, over time he became calmer, but never learned to talk. In 2005, Bello died of unknown causes.

Bird boy from Russia

Mowgli syndrome made itself felt in many countries. Russia was no exception. In 2008, a six-year-old boy was found in Volgograd. Human speech was unfamiliar to him; instead, the foundling chirped. He acquired this skill thanks to his parrot friends. The boy's name was Vanya Yudin.

It should be noted that the guy was not physically harmed in any way. However, he was unable to make contact with people. Vanya had a birdlike demeanor and used his hands to express emotions. This was due to the fact that the guy lived for a long time without leaving the room in which his mother’s birds lived.

Although the boy lived with his mother, according to social workers, she not only did not talk to him, but also treated him like another feathered pet. At the present stage, the guy is in a center for psychological help. Experts are trying to return it from the bird world.

Boy raised by wolves

In 1867, a 6-year-old boy was found by Indian hunters. It happened in a cave where a pack of wolves lived. Dean Sanichar, which was the name of the foundling, ran on all fours, like animals. They tried to treat the guy, but in those days there were not only appropriate means, but also effective methods.

At first, the “human cub” ate raw meat, refused to eat dishes, and tried to tear off his clothes. Over time, he began to eat cooked meals. But I never learned to talk.

Wolf girls

In 1920, Amala and Kamala were discovered in a wolf den in India. The first was 1.5 years old, the second was already 8 years old. For most of their lives, the girls were raised by wolves. Although they were together, experts did not consider them sisters, since the age difference was quite significant. They were just left in one place at different times.

Feral children were found under rather interesting circumstances. At that time, rumors about two ghostly spirits who lived with the wolves became widespread in the village. Frightened residents came to the priest for help. He, hiding near the cave, waited for the wolves to leave and looked into their lair, where the children who were raised by the animals were discovered.

According to the priest’s description, the girls were “disgusting creatures from head to toe”, they moved exclusively on all fours, and did not possess any human characteristics. Although he had no experience in adapting such children, he took them with him.

Amala and Kamala slept together, refused to wear clothes, ate only raw meat, and howled often. They could no longer walk vertically, as the tendons and joints on their arms became shorter as a result of physical deformation. The girls refused to communicate with people, trying to return back to the jungle.

After some time, Amala died, which is why Kamala fell into deep mourning and even cried for the first time. The priest thought that she too would soon die, so he began to work more actively on her. As a result, Kamala learned to walk, at least a little, and even learned a few words. But in 1929 she too died due to kidney failure.

Children raised by dogs

Madina was discovered by specialists at the age of three. She was raised not by people, but by dogs. Madina preferred to bark, although she knew some words. After examination, the found girl was found to be mentally and physically healthy. It is for this reason that the dog girl still has a chance to return to a full life in human society.

Another similar story happened in Ukraine in 1991. Parents left their daughter Oksana at the age of three in a kennel, where she grew up for 5 years surrounded by dogs. In this regard, she adopted the behavior of animals, began to bark, growl, and moved exclusively on all fours.

The dog girl knew only two words - “yes” and “no”. After a course of intensive therapy, the child nevertheless acquired social and verbal skills and began to talk. But the psychological problems never went away. The girl does not know how to express herself, and quite often tries to communicate not by speech, but by showing emotions. Now the girl lives in Odessa in one of the clinics, often spending her time with animals.

Wolf girl

The Lobo girl was first seen in 1845. She, along with a pack of predators, attacked goats near San Felipe. After a year, the information about Lobo was confirmed. She was seen eating the meat of a dead goat. The villagers began searching for the child. They were the ones who caught the girl and named her Lobo.

But, like many other Mowgli children, the girl tried to break free, which she did. The next time she was seen was only 8 years later near the river with the wolf cubs. Frightened by people, she picked up the animals and disappeared into the forest. No one else met her.

wild child

The girl Rochom Piengeng disappeared along with her sister when she was only 8 years old. She was found only 18 years later in 2007, when her parents no longer hoped for it. The wild cub discovered was a peasant whose girl was trying to steal food. Her sister was never found.

We worked a lot with Roch and tried with all our might to return him to normal life. After a while she even began to say some words. If Rochom wanted to eat, she pointed to her mouth, often crawled on the ground and refused to wear clothes. The girl never got used to human life and ran away into the forest in 2010. Since then, her whereabouts have been unknown.

Child locked in a room

All those who are interested in children raised by animals know a girl named Jean. Although she did not live with animals, she resembled them in her habits. At the age of 13, she was locked in a room with only a chair and a potty tied to it. Father also liked to tie Jean up and lock her in a sleeping bag.

The child’s parent abused his power, did not allow the girl to talk, punishing her for trying to say something with a stick. Instead of human interaction, he growled and barked at her. The head of the family did not allow her mother to communicate with the child. For this reason, the girl’s vocabulary included only 20 words.

The genie was discovered in 1970. At first they thought she was autistic. But then the doctors discovered that the child had become a victim of violence. For a long period, Jean was treated in a children's hospital. But this did not lead to any significant improvements. Although she was able to answer some questions, she still had the habits of an animal. The girl kept her hands in front of her all the time, as if they were paws. She didn't stop scratching and biting.

Subsequently, a therapist began to take care of her upbringing. Thanks to him, she learned sign language and began to express emotions through drawings and communication. The training lasted for 4 years. Then she went to live with her mother, and then ended up with foster parents, with whom the girl was again unlucky. New family caused the child to become mute. Now the girl lives in Southern California.

Wild Peter

Mowgli syndrome, examples of which were described above, also appeared in a child living in Germany. In 1724, people discovered a hairy boy who moved only on all fours. They were able to catch him through deception. Peter did not speak at all and ate only raw foods. Although he subsequently began to perform simple work, but never learned to communicate. Wild Peter died at an old age.


These are not all examples. We can endlessly list people who have Mowgli syndrome. The psychology of wild foundlings is of great interest to many specialists, if only because not a single person raised by animals has ever been able to return to a normal, fulfilling life.

We all know the fairy tale about Mowgli. A little boy fell into a wolf pack and was suckled by a she-wolf. He lived among the animals and became just like them. However, such a plot does not only happen in fairy tales. In real life, there are also children fed by animals. Moreover, such incidents do not happen in remote African and Indian regions, but in densely populated areas, very close to people’s homes.

At the end of the 19th century in Italy, a village shepherd discovered small child who frolicked among a pack of wolves. Seeing the man, the animals ran away, but the baby hesitated, and the shepherd caught him.

The foundling was completely wild. He walked on all fours and had wolfish habits. The boy was placed in the Institute of Child Psychiatry in Milan. He growled and didn’t eat anything for the first few days. He looked to be about 5 years old.

It is quite understandable that a child raised in a wolf pack aroused great interest among doctors. After all, it was possible to study the psyche of a creature born as a human, but who did not receive the appropriate upbringing. And then we could try to make him a normal member of society.

However, nothing worked out. Real Mowgli children are not fairy-tale heroes. The boy ate poorly and howled sadly. He would lie motionless on the floor for hours, ignoring the bed. A year later he died. Apparently the longing for forest life was so great that the child’s heart could not stand it.

The above case is far from isolated. There have been at least three dozen of them over the past 100 years. So in the 30s of the 20th century, near the Indian city of Lucknow (Pradesh), an employee railway I discovered a strange creature in a carriage standing at a dead end. It was a boy of about 8 years old, completely naked and with a bestial look. He did not understand human speech, moved on all fours, and his knees and palms of his hands were covered with calloused growths.

The boy was admitted to the hospital, but a month later a local fruit seller came to the clinic. He asked to be shown the child. This man's infant son disappeared 8 years ago. Apparently, he was dragged away by a wolf while the mother was sleeping with the baby in the yard on a mat. The merchant said the missing child had a small scar on his temple. So it turned out, and the boy was given to his father. But a year later the foundling died, unable to acquire human traits.

Mowgli children move on all fours

But the most famous story, which perfectly characterizes the phenomenon of Mowgli children, fell to the lot of 2 Indian girls. This is Kamala and Amala. They were discovered in a wolf's den in 1920. The children felt quite comfortable among the gray predators. Doctors determined Amala's age to be 6 years old, and Kamala looked 2 years older.

The first girl died soon after, but the eldest lived to be 17 years old. And for 9 years, doctors described her life day after day. The poor thing was afraid of fire. She ate only raw meat, tearing it with her teeth. She walked on all fours. She ran leaning on her palms and soles of her feet with her knees bent. During the daytime, she preferred to sleep, and at night she wandered around the hospital building.

In the first days of their stay with people, the girls howled protractedly every night. Moreover, the howl was repeated at the same intervals. This is around 9 pm, 1 am and 3 am.

The “humanization” of Kamala took place with great difficulties. For a very long time she did not recognize any clothes. Everything they tried to put on her, she tore off. I was truly terrified of washing. At first I didn’t want to get up from all fours and walk on my feet. Only after 2 years she was able to be accustomed to this procedure, which was familiar to other people. But when it was necessary to move quickly, the girl got down on all fours.

After incredible work, Kamala was taught to sleep at night, eat with her hands and drink from a glass. But teaching her human speech turned out to be a very difficult task. In 7 years, the girl learned only 45 words, but she pronounced them with difficulty and could not construct logical phrases. By the age of 15, her mental development corresponded to 2 year old child. And at the age of 17 she barely reached the level of a 4-year-old person. She died unexpectedly. My heart just stopped. No abnormalities were found in the body.

Wild animals are humane towards small children

Here is another case that also occurred in India in the state of Assam in 1925. The hunters found in the leopard’s den, in addition to its cubs, a 5-year-old child. He growled, bit and scratched just as well as his spotted “brothers and sisters.”

In a nearby village, one family recognized him. Its members said that the father of the family, working in the field, walked away for a few minutes from his 2-year-old son, who was sleeping in the grass. Looking back, he saw a leopard with a child in its teeth disappear into the jungle. Only 3 years have passed since then, but how their little son has changed. Only after 5 years did he learn to eat from dishes and walk on his feet.

American researcher Jezell published a book in which Mowgli children became the heroes. In total, it describes 14 similar cases. It is noteworthy that wolves always became the “educators” of these children. In principle, this is not surprising, since gray predators live not far from human habitation. That is why they come across small children left unattended in the forest or field.

For the beast this is prey, and he takes it to the lair. But helpless crying baby is able to awaken the instinct of motherhood in a she-wolf. Therefore, the child is not eaten, but left in the pack. First, the dominant female feeds him with milk, and then the whole flock begins to feed him with semi-digested burps from the eaten meat. On such food, children can eat off such cheeks that it’s just a sight for sore eyes.

True, one nuance arises here. After 8-9 months, the wolf cubs turn into independent young wolves. And the child continues to remain helpless. But here the gray predators’ parental instinct kicks in. They feel the baby's helplessness and continue to feed him.

A child living among wolves becomes just like them

It must be said that some scientists question the very fact of young children being among animals. But every year there is more and more such evidence. Therefore, skeptics give up their positions and begin to admit the obvious.

In conclusion, it should be noted that people deprived of human communication begin to gradually lag behind in their mental development from those who live in a normal society. The Mowgli children are proof of this. They once again confirm the well-known truth that For the development of a person, the most important age is from birth to 5 years.

It is during these years that the child’s brain masters the fundamental principles of the psyche, acquires the necessary skills and basic knowledge. If this initial 5-year period is missed, then it is almost impossible to raise a full-fledged person. The absence of speech has a particularly detrimental effect on the brain. This is precisely what a child loses in the first place by communicating with animals. To become a full-fledged person, you need to communicate with your own kind. And if you communicate with wolves or leopards, you can only become just like them.