Hair can tell a lot about its owner - reveal his origin, age, and even tell about his taste preferences.


In terms of density per square centimeter, human hair is practically no different from the “clothing” of chimpanzees. “If you take a magnifying glass and look at your body, you will find many subtle pale hairs,” explains Washington, D.C. dermatologist Dr. Eric Kamorsky, “which is what creates the visual illusion that our skin is clear. Meanwhile, the calculation shows that we are hairy, like primates.” As for visible hair on the head, blondes and blonds have the highest density - on average 146 thousand, followed by burning brunettes and brunettes - approximately 110 thousand each, followed by people with brown hair, having on average less than one hundred thousand strands. However, all these calculations are very approximate, since with the same genetic basis people can live in different conditions, which in turn affect the rate of hair loss.

3% redheads

The natural color of the strands depends on the melanin (pigment) contained in the hair. It is found in two types - eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is dominant. Thanks to him, people have hair from dark brown to blue black. If there is very little eumelanin, then the curls are light, and their owners are called blond. Pheomelanin is dominant in red hair and is rare. In conspiracy theory publications, red-haired people are considered a hybrid of humanoids who came to our world from the outside to rule humanity. The authors of such articles refer to the fact that there are very few “redheads” in percentage terms, about 3%, but they occupy key positions in politics and economics.

Albinos from Africa

Light hair tone is usually found among the British, Germans, Poles, Russians and Swedes, that is, among representatives of the Caucasian race. And in Africa and the southern hemisphere it is almost impossible to meet fair-haired people among the aborigines. The exceptions are the natives of New Guinea and the inhabitants of some Pacific islands. Curly hair their straw-colored, reddish hue is associated with a different gene than that of Europeans. More precisely, we are talking about a genetic mutation that affects amino acid patterns. Such people are said to be susceptible to rufos syndrome and are albinos. And their eyes are not blue, but brown.

Gray jewelry

A person turns gray over the years. It is generally accepted that this occurs due to old age or worries. Meanwhile, the main cause of gray hair is the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide due to wear and tear of hair follicles and weakening of pigmentation. Red hair usually turns sandy with age and only then quickly turns white. Many peoples associated gray hair with life experiences. That is why in the era Victorian England young women wore jewelry made from the gray hair of their dead mothers and grandmothers, “to protect themselves from stupidity and naivety.”

Hair color and body

It is believed that blondes are perceived by most men as sexually attractive. And there is some truth in this, since fair-haired women have higher estrogen levels than other representatives of the fair sex. At the same time, blondes, compared to redheads or brunettes, are more susceptible to macular degeneration, which leads to vision damage. This is why they often wear glasses. In turn, red-haired women are less sensitive to painkillers. Thus, studies by English dentists published in the British Medical Journal show that anesthesia for them requires 20% more medications. As for brunettes, they are more prone to a tumor disease - non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. In addition, their liver metabolizes nicotine more efficiently, making them more likely to be tobacco addicts.

Some are trying to cover up their bald spot, while others are suffering from excess hair. There are people in the world who suffer from excess hair and are really not considered beautiful.

The hairiest people in the world

The times when body hair was considered an irreparable deformity are long gone. Freak shows and displays of unusual people in market squares have sunk into oblivion. But, of course, this feature still arouses curiosity and surprise for some people. In general, doctors have long been successfully coping with the external manifestations of hypertrichosis using electrolysis. But hairy people do not always strive to remove their cover, accepting themselves as nature created them. You might also be interested in knowing whose hair is considered the longest in the world.

The hairiest woman

There are women for whom genetic deviation has played an incredibly cruel joke. Bearded women were once shown in circuses and fairs, attracting visitors. Nowadays, they only appear in the Guinness Book of Records, according to which Supatra Sasupfan (born 2002) is considered the hairiest female person today.

This girl from Thailand became popular among her peers after her “hairy record” was officially recognized. Before this, her peers teased her as “monkey face” and “wolf girl.” Supatra has a lot of facial hair, and the girl’s problem is not only aesthetics: it interferes with her vision and eating, so her mother has to constantly trim the thick layer of hair.

Unfortunately, Supatra's illness - Ambras syndrome - cannot be treated. There are only 50 people in the world with this disease, which is also called werewolf syndrome. In this case, even laser hair removal is completely powerless - hair grows even stronger and thicker after it. Along with excess hair on her face and body, the girl has problems with her teeth - they are almost in their infancy.

But the little Thai girl is not going to give up. She leads active life, plays with friends, loves to swim and dance. She is not indifferent to the suffering of people - in the future she dreams of studying and becoming a doctor in order to help others fight their illnesses.

The hairiest man

For men, excessive hair density is not as fatal as for the fair sex. However, as a child, Chinese Yu Zhenhuan, whose hair today covers 96% of his body, had terrible complexes about his appearance. At the age of 2, he began to develop hair in his ear, although it is considered normal for hair to begin to grow only at the age of 16. Pretty soon, the parents no longer had time to trim the hair from the baby’s body, and the doctors just shrugged their shoulders.

But as Yu grew older, he realized that he had to accept himself as he is. Having realized his individuality, he began to develop his innate vocal abilities, and, having matured, created music group. Thanks to his talent and, to be honest, his extraordinary appearance, fame and wealth quickly came to Zhenhuang. He calls himself King Kong, implying that behind his terrifying appearance lies a kind and sensitive soul.

The hairiest man in the world

Not all girls are put off by excessive hair, and proof of this is the example of Yu Zhenhuan and his chosen one. The young couple loves to be photographed together, without worrying at all about the opinions of other people.

This cheerful guy from China did not ignore cinema. At the age of 6, he played his first role in the film “The Adventures of the Hairy Man.” The script for the film was written specifically for him.

The hairiest brothers

Two people are in first place in terms of hairiness among people. True, they are brothers, so they will not argue over primacy. Mexicans Gabriel Gomez and Victor Ramos Gomez belong to a large family of 19 people. Moreover, every member of their family, even women, has problems with excess hair to one degree or another. But Gabriel and Victor have hair covering as much as 98% of their body. Wool does not cover only the brothers' feet.

The hairiest family in the world

However, the brothers are not going to lose heart, but use their peculiarity, given by nature, for themselves and others for the benefit. They never had any complexes about their unusual appearance, and now they work in the circus, entertaining spectators with acrobatic tricks on a trampoline. The Gomez brothers’ personal lives also turned out well. They are happily married, and one of them already has children. By the way, their father’s mutation was not inherited by them.

The hairiest stars in Hollywood

It is generally accepted that film stars carefully monitor their appearance. However, some actresses prefer naturalness. So, in 2010, the little-known actress, comedian and TV presenter Monique shocked the Oscar ceremony audience with her furry legs. “I’ve known my husband since I was 17, I feel good and comfortable with him,” the 42-year-old star told the press at the time. - And, you know, he really likes my hairy legs. He finds them sexy."

The recognized “pillars of Hollywood” also have problems with excessive hairiness. For example, the luxurious singer Beyoncé has no way of controlling the abundantly growing hair in her armpit area.

In one of the many Chinese cities there lives a man whom the Guinness Book of Records has recognized since 2002 as the hairiest man in the world. His name is Yu Zhenhuan, he is a singer, actor and musician, and stars in a real big movie. Yu Zhenghuan also writes poetry and often takes part in charity events.

early years

Yu Zhenghuan was born into a small farming family, quite poor even by Chinese standards. Already at the age of 2, hair began to grow in his ears. At first, the parents did not pay attention to this, but the boy’s hearing began to worsen, and they took him to the doctor. Then it turned out that the child had a rare disease that no one knew how to treat.

Hair continued to grow all over his body, so that as a teenager, Yu Zhenghuan was covered with 96% of it. However, this did not particularly bother him; on the contrary, already as a child he began acting in films and, thanks to the film “Monkey Boy on a Treasure Hunt,” he became popular in his homeland.

Personal and public life

From time to time Yu Zhenghu has to do laser hair removal- a rather painful procedure, given the thickness of his hair. But for him, this is not just a cosmetic whim, but a necessity - without hair removal, his face becomes overgrown to such an extent that it prevents him from seeing and hearing. However, his girlfriend doesn’t seem to be bothered by Yu Zhenhu’s excessive hairiness. Moreover, she supports him in all his endeavors and together they look quite harmonious.

The hairiest man himself has no time to think about why nature rewarded (or punished) him with such an unusual disease. Instead he:

  • writes songs and performs successfully on stage;
  • travels a lot with his girlfriend;
  • acts in films and is even going to undergo plastic surgery to look more attractive.

October 08, 2013

Genetic abnormality

Beautiful thick hair is cherished dream many people, but there are people who suffer precisely from an excess of body hair. The hairiest people on the planet invariably attract attention, because their entire body is covered with hair.

The hairiest people on the planet include those who have more than 96% of their body covered with hair, and those who have beautiful long hair, which took many years to grow. People whose entire body is covered thick hair, did not take any measures to become the hairiest people on the planet. IN in this case We are talking about a disease, or, to be more precise, about a congenital genetic disorder.

Unusual appearance

Yu Zhenghuan, who is currently considered the hairiest person on the planet, was born with just such an anomaly, since his body is almost completely covered with dark hair. Zhenhuan's hair is black and amazingly thick, because there are about 40 hairs per square centimeter of skin. In fact, the only places this person doesn't grow hair are on their forehead, feet, and palms.

The progression of the disease in this person began around the age of two, when the baby began to grow hair on his forearms and ears, which is typical for older people. Although Zhenghuan's excessive body hair growth does not affect his health, adolescence the young man had a lot of complexes about his unusual appearance, but now he has found a girl and is no longer worried about his unusual appearance. The genetic mutation in Yu Zhenghuan's body cannot be treated, although at present this man is not alone in his problem.

Brothers from Mexico - Victor and Gabriel Gomez, who have 98% of their bodies covered with hair, can compete for the title of the hairiest people on the planet. The brothers have only the soles of their feet free of hair, while their entire body, including their forehead and palms, is covered with hair. Excessive hairiness helped the Gomez brothers a lot in life. The thing is that the brothers never had any complexes about their appearance and decided to give laughter and joy to people, so they currently work in the circus, performing acrobatic tricks on a trampoline. In the personal life of the brothers, everything is also in order, they are both married, and one of the brothers even has children who, by the way, did not inherit a genetic mutation.

Werewolf syndrome

Journalists dubbed this genetic mutation “werewolf syndrome.” There are also cases where women also suffered from “werewolf syndrome,” so the title of the hairiest woman on the planet belongs to a very little girl of 14 years old, who comes from Thailand. Supatra Sasuphan was included in the Guinness Book of Records, thanks to which she became very popular at school, which gave her self-confidence. The girl is proud that she has such an unusual appearance.

Currently, there are no more than 50 people living in the world who suffer from this disease, although cases of such unusual people have been recorded since the Middle Ages. Even in those days, hairy men and women attracted attention and often performed in the circus, impressing spectators with their unusual appearance.

People who do not have any genetic predisposition, but have achieved their status through long-term care of their hair, can also compete for the title of the hairiest people on the planet. Currently, the woman with the longest hair on the planet is Chinese Xie Qiuping, who has been growing her beautiful braids since she was 13 years old. Currently, her hair length is 5.9 meters. Despite the fact that this Chinese woman's hair is very long, it is not too thick and weighs only about 2 kilograms.

Second place, oddly enough, was taken by a man living in China. Chinese man Quiping, whose hair length was 5.6 meters and weighed more than 4.5 kilograms, is proud of his hair. Third place rightfully belongs to a resident of Thailand, Khu Satio, who grew a braid more than 5 meters long.

Unique by nature

Surprisingly, people who have grown such long hair, in fact, do not do any cosmetic procedures to maintain their beauty and health. Caring for such long hair is both simple and difficult at the same time. As already mentioned, record holders do not use any cosmetic excesses, but prefer to wash their “wealth” no more than two or three times a month.

The fact is that washing such long hair is problematic, and combing it after washing is an extremely difficult task. The weight and length of hair does not bother its owners, since they are already accustomed to their hair and do not want to part with it under any circumstances.

The hairiest people did nothing to achieve their title. Their uniqueness is given to them by nature. But in any case, it is important that these people feel good, despite their peculiarity.

The amount and thickness of body hair determines the presence of testosterone in the body. It is considered a “male” hormone, but is present in a certain amount in the body of any woman. But a slight deviation from the norm causes the appearance of increased vegetation on the body, which is not typical for a woman. A significant role in this is played by genetic predisposition to the production of hormones, as well as nationality. Women of the Caucasian peoples and Arabs, as well as some representatives of Eastern Europe, are recognized as the most “hairy”. The woman’s facial hair is especially noticeable and unusual.

Extraordinary hair growth on the body and face in women

But sometimes it happens that a woman’s hair on her body or even her face is even stronger than that of a man. Dense vegetation, like that of animals (not the same as usual in men), but covering the entire area of ​​the face and body, is a rare deviation.

Scientifically, this condition is called hypertrichosis, or Ambras syndrome. This is a gene mutation caused by a change in the position of one of the chromosomes. The brain simply does not receive signals that hair follicles should no longer form and continues to give the command to form new ones. There are varying degrees of hypertrichosis and localization. Hair can cover either one part, for example, the face or legs, or the entire body. Most often, with the exception of the feet and palms, hair grows extremely rarely on them.

Men also suffer from this mutation, but cases in women are more unusual and noticeable, which is why the hairiest women in the world are always famous. According to statistics, one person in a billion is susceptible to such a mutation. Apparently, in ancient times, such people gave birth to legends about werewolves and yetis.

The hairiest woman in the world

So, who became famous thanks to such unusual records? Today, Supatra Sasupphan is recognized as the hairiest woman in the world. This young seventeen-year-old girl lives in Thailand. The attention of the press has been focused on her since her childhood. And at the age of 11 she got into the Guinness Book of Records. Thanks to his easy-going nature and positive attitude towards everything, Supatra lives a full and happy life. She does not withdraw into herself, but lives like an ordinary teenager and is proud to be in the Book of Records.

Other hairy records

But even before Supatra, there was a woman who did not hide her features. This was Julia Pastrana, who lived in Mexico in the 19th century.

Not only was she not shy, but she even performed in freak shows, flaunting her mutation, which was how she earned her living. She also happily posed for numerous artists. Hair covered her entire body, even her palms. Portraits and photographs of the hairiest woman of the 19th century still amaze the imagination with their incredibleness. She had no shortage of admirers, but she married her manager Theodore Lent. At the age of 26, Julia became a mother, but, unfortunately, she died after giving birth, and her child lived only 3 days. What's interesting: he also suffered from Ambras syndrome. After her death, her husband made a mummy of her and their son, and she was buried only in 2013.

The owner of the longest hair is officially registered by the Guinness Book of Records. A resident of China has not cut her hair since she was 13 years old. And now her hair length is 563 cm. According to rumors, the maximum hair length of a woman from India reached 700 cm, but this was not documented.

Women's body hair and sexuality

A great example of how increased hairiness only added to a woman’s attractiveness is the 90s model known as Sandra. Naturally American, Sandra was a pretty girl and had an excellent figure. But due to an unknown hormonal imbalance in the body at the beginning of puberty, the girl began to grow abundantly hair on her legs and buttocks. At first, like any girl, she was very worried; it was a serious blow to her female self-esteem. But then fate brought her to the modeling business.

Sandra began actively posing for erotic magazines in very revealing poses. At the same time, she did not remove her hair completely and often undressed so much that one could see that hair was growing abundantly over the entire area of ​​​​the lower half of her body. In a matter of months in the 90s, it gained wild popularity. This fact says only one thing: beauty and sexuality are rather subjective concepts.

In the 80s, unshaven armpits were even considered sexy. At one time, many recognized beauties flaunted their unshaven armpits. The most beautiful of the “hairy” women are Madonna, Barbara Streisan, Penelope Cruz, Britney Spears, Drew Barrymore and Julia Roberts.

And now in different countries In Europe, some women believe that shaving their legs and armpits is useless. In Germany, for example, there are an overwhelming number of such women. In Russia, views on body hair removal are more conservative.