Children's educational games

Today on store shelves you can find an incredible number of different puzzles - composite pictures. The goal of these puzzles is to assemble a whole image from individual parts.

Composite pictures come in different levels of difficulty, which increase with age. All composite pictures can be divided into 4 types: insert pictures, cut pictures, cubes with images, puzzles.

The first three categories have already become “classics”, but puzzles appeared in our country not so long ago, and are becoming increasingly popular every year. Moreover, puzzles are collected with great pleasure not only by children, but also by adults.

Let's take a closer look at each of the categories listed above.

Insert pictures

Insert pictures are extremely effective in the formation and development of visual-figurative thinking in a child. Insert pictures are various images with parts cut out. The task is to find the missing pieces and put them in their places. For example, you need to line up a number of elephants of different sizes.

The simplest version of this game is when the cut out element has smooth edges and the pattern depicted on it is symmetrical, for example, a circle and the sun depicted on it. After the child begins to easily cope with this task, you can offer him a picture with uneven edges.

The next most difficult stage is when the child is offered a picture with smooth cut edges, but the image on it is no longer symmetrical, for example, a chicken depicted on a square. The child will have to try to insert the chicken correctly and not upside down.

In the future, you can offer your child inserts in which the cut-out elements are part of the image. For example, a geometric train. This game, created according to the type of insert frames, will introduce the child to different geometric shapes, concepts of size, color, part and whole. By playing with a train, a child develops attention, memory, speech, logical thinking, hand motor skills, and imagination.

First, look at the Little Engine with your child. Ask him to name the details he knows. If the baby doesn’t speak yet, name the details yourself. Explain in an accessible way who controls the locomotive and how it works. Our locomotive has many details - removable inserts in the form of geometric shapes: circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids. Take out the figures. Look at them and ask them to imagine what they look like. Circles - on the Sun, Moon, plate, coin, etc.

Inserts with an underlayer are very popular among children. Let's look at the example of the game "Home". This more complex insert frame is made like a simple puzzle, consisting of 10 parts. The internal structure of the house is drawn over the entire area of ​​the base for the liners. Under each insert there is a room: a bathroom, a nursery, a kitchen, an attic under the roof, and also, under a cloud, a cheerful sun is hiding, birds are making nests in a tree, and a dog lives in a kennel near the house.

Show your child how the inserts are taken out of the frame, naming the parts of the house and explaining what is under them: “This is the roof, under it there is an attic, old things are stored there.” If the child is already talking, picking up the insert, ask him: “Who lives here? What is the name of this room? Do we have one?”

After your child has memorized the structure of the house, try putting together a puzzle. First, take out one or more parts and ask them to "fix the house." Then try to disassemble the house completely so that the child can assemble it himself. If the child has already mastered coherent speech, ask him to come up with a story about the inhabitants of the house. Think about: what their names are, where they work or study, how they spend their time.

Panels with slots in the shape of letters or numbers can be extremely useful for the development of your child. While playing, the child will quickly remember their names, if, of course, you are not too lazy to play with him and name the corresponding letters and numbers..

It’s easy to make insert pictures yourself from thick cardboard in different colors. It all depends on your desire and imagination.

Cutting pictures

Cut pictures are pictures cut along (in most cases) straight lines. With the simplest cut-out pictures (one large object is depicted and divided into two parts), you can start studying from one and a half years. Over time, you can complicate the tasks by offering your child pictures consisting of more details (6, 8, 12 elements).

The purpose of this game for the little ones is to understand the concepts of part and whole, to practice mechanical skills (putting the right part in the right place) and perseverance. In the process, the foundations are laid for such qualities as the ability to combine and synthesize a whole from parts; there is an active development of speech, emotional sphere, visual-motor coordination and spatial perception.

The child must learn to “see” the picture in detail, retain it in memory and repeat it independently, mentally turning over and combining the parts.

The game is designed for very young children, and if you do not teach your child the basics, the child may quickly lose interest in it, so in the first stages, if he cannot cope, help him. Collect the pictures yourself, tell us what is depicted on them, ask leading questions in the process, make riddles about the depicted objects: “Scarlet, sugar, green caftan, velvet - who is this?”, “What color is the pear? Let’s find it,” etc. .d.

Invite your child to complete the almost finished picture by adding one detail on his own, then complicate the task each time: two parts, three; As a result, the child not only has to compose a picture on his own, but also choose the necessary parts from the mixed parts. Accompany the game with poems, riddles, invite your child to count how many plums and how many cherries are in the picture, use the already collected pictures as a visual aid for the development of speech and the basics of mental arithmetic.

You can make cut-out pictures yourself. However, at the same time (and when purchasing in a store), you need to pay attention to the fact that the object depicted in the pictures should be familiar to the child and bright.

All that remains is to add that cut-out pictures are easy to make by gluing a suitable image onto cardboard.

Cubes with images

Cubes are a game loved by almost all kids. During the game, visual-figurative thinking, the ability to work according to a model, visual memory, attention, and logic develop. You can start classes from 2 years.

With the help of cubes you can introduce your child, for example, to fruits. At the same time, tell where they grow, what can be prepared from them, adding new words and concepts to the child’s active vocabulary.

During the first lessons, be sure to put a sample drawing of a fruit on the bottom of the box to make it easier for the baby. Ask your child to find the right part of the cube and put it in the box. As a result of assembly, a drawing emerges from the cubes, and your child gets acquainted with the concepts of “part and whole” and learns to work according to the model.

Next, you can ask the child to put together a drawing without using a sample picture - this is where visual attention and memory work. When assembling the drawing, comment on the child’s actions: put the cube on the top right, now on the bottom left - developing the ability to navigate in space.

You can gradually complicate the activities by asking your child to assemble a picture of 9 cubes. When offering a game, first turn all the cubes over to one side: this will help the child more easily navigate the rules of the game. Then begin to complicate the task by turning one cube over incorrectly, then do this with two or three cubes as the baby copes with the task.


Puzzles are extremely popular. And this is not surprising! After all, this game develops imagination, logical thinking, fine muscle motor skills, attention, and integrity of perception.

Puzzles differ from the cut pictures listed above in that they have a complex curved line of connecting the parts. In order to correctly compose a picture, a child needs to compare the shape of one part with the shapes of its neighbors. At the same time, he must take into account what is depicted on them, and whether when they are combined, a solid image is obtained.

You can start collecting puzzles at about from 3.5-4 years, however, here you need to focus on the child’s interest and the complexity of the puzzles. You should start with puzzles, which include a small number of necessarily large parts, sometimes made of soft material. Over time, you can complicate tasks by increasing the number of parts and reducing their size.

The objects depicted on the puzzles should be familiar to the child. At first, it is desirable that it be one large image, for example, your baby’s favorite cartoon character.

When putting together puzzles with your child for the first time, you first need to show how the picture is put together. Then remove 2-3 parts and tell the child, for example: “I assembled the picture, but a strong wind blew and several parts flew away. Come on, help me put it together again!” With young children, during this entertaining process, you can come up with a fairy tale and explore the world around you. For example: “Who is drawn on this piece? A dog? What is the dog doing? Sitting,” and so on.

Older children, who already have a well-developed imagination and who know the rules of the game, can begin to assemble a picture “from scratch,” having a sample picture in front of their eyes.

Lidiya Ilyicheva

Puzzles for children's development

Puzzles- a clear example of how stress-free, fun and wonderful you can combine play, learning, and development.

primary goal puzzles as educational puzzle toys, - This development visual-figurative thinking. By assembling even the simplest picture, even if it only consists of 4 parts, the child trains fine motor skills, imagination, memory, learns to think logically. In addition, using puzzles The learning process goes much faster, because shapes and colors are remembered much better.

Another advantage of this entertaining game is training perseverance, concentration, and coordination of movements. The latter, by the way, along with development of fine motor skills, is included in the main tasks development young child.

Didactic game « Mood puzzles»

Game description:

The group is divided randomly into teams of 5 people and each team member is given puzzle. (The presenter cuts a sheet of paper with some bright large picture into pieces in advance and thus gets puzzles for this exercise). The team's task is to collect the picture as quickly as possible.


Discussion in a general circle. Each team tells what helped or, conversely, hindered the completion of the task.

Psychological meaning games:

Development communication skills, cohesion within the team, the ability to coordinate one’s actions with others, and solve assigned tasks.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “What are the benefits of puzzles? Why do children need puzzles? How are puzzles useful? Why do children need puzzles? Puzzles belong to the category of educational games, because while putting together pictures we develop small ones.

Objectives: to systematize children’s knowledge of numbers from 1 to 10; strengthen counting skills within 10; develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

In our group, from 01/09–19/01 there was a fire safety week. where the children themselves were participants and active helpers during the event.

Raising young patriots is a very complex, labor-intensive and lengthy process. Begin to instill love for the Motherland, your loved ones, your land.

“The origins of children’s abilities and gifts are at their fingertips.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands are used.

ALTHOUGH THE GAME IS SIMPLE BUT IT IS FIT FOR THE MIND. The didactic game “Assemble a picture”, or “PUZZLES”, is gaining more and more popularity every year.

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Badly Great

Details Published 09/01/2010 03:00

Have you ever assembled a huge picture from a puzzle? What qualities do you need to have in order to collect it? That's right, patience, perseverance, result-oriented, attentiveness.

If you want your child to have these qualities, feel free to offer him puzzles. In addition to the above, puzzles also develop the perception of the whole, imagination, fine motor skills, coordination of movements, and visual-figurative thinking.

Fine motor skills and coordination of the child’s hand movements develop in the process of sorting through small puzzle pieces, turning them over, grabbing them and laying them out in the right place.

To get results in this game, you need to match the details by color, shape, and lines. In the process of this, perception, logical and visual-figurative thinking develops.

To match one puzzle with another, a child's brain does a lot of operations. For example, in order to select the appropriate part of a piece, a child needs to learn to mentally turn over puzzles, which is undoubtedly useful for the development of spatial perception, logical, visual-figurative thinking and imagination.

The goal of the puzzle game is to match the pieces with the neighboring ones so that together they make up the overall picture.

Depending on the size of the puzzles, they can be assembled by both schoolchildren and very young children. You can start playing this educational game with children as early as two years old, given that the puzzles should be large sizes and there should be very few of them. The picture for kids should be simple, it’s good if it’s one big object. As soon as the child masters this game, you can begin to complicate it by offering more small parts and more complex drawing.

It’s good if the first puzzles consist of only two to four large pieces, it’s great if they are also laid out in a tablet frame.

Always start playing by looking at the whole picture (usually a sample is attached). Then discuss the details happening in the action picture.

If the child is not yet familiar with the principle of playing puzzles, then an adult should first assemble the picture in front of the child, and then remove 2-3 pieces and offer to help the child. For young children, you can come up with a fairy tale involving characters.

Example of a fairy tale:

“Once upon a time there was a kitten named “Meow.” He lived in an apartment on the seventh floor and his landlady was Julia. Yulia loved him very much, fed him milk in the morning, played tag and even took him for a walk. Here, you can look at this kitten (show the assembled picture).

One day, going for a walk with her kitten, Yulia met her friends and started playing. And when she had to go home, she suddenly remembered that her kitten was not nearby, he was lost (destroy the picture in front of the child’s eyes). She searched for a long time and called him: “Meow, meow, ksss, ksss, ksss,” but he did not respond.

Let’s help Yulia find the kitten, now, I can already see its ear (show your child a puzzle with a kitten’s ear), look for it too...”

When the game is over and the puzzle is completed, be sure to praise your child for the work done.

As soon as you notice that the puzzle no longer causes any difficulties for the child and he assembles it with his eyes closed, you should think about purchasing a more complex version of the puzzle.

In addition to ordinary puzzles with ordinary pictures, there are also puzzles with educational content. Thus, on sale you can find a geographical puzzle, the purpose of which is to give children an idea of ​​the map of the World and the location of the continents, an anatomical puzzle, informing children about the structure of the human body, astronomical, mathematical, etc.

If, while playing puzzles, a child for a long time cannot collect anything, then it is worth helping him, because constant failures can cause the child to lose interest in this game. Also think about whether the game may not be suitable for age and that it is worth offering simpler puzzles (consisting of fewer parts).

When purchasing puzzles for your baby, pay attention to its quality. High-quality puzzles should not have nicks on the cuts, the cardboard should be dense, not delaminate or bend. The picture should be bright, and for small children also contrasting.

When choosing such a game, proceed from the child’s personal interests. Boys will naturally be interested in putting together a puzzle with cars, and girls – with princesses. Younger children will be interested in pictures with animals, and older children – with their favorite cartoon characters.

The full development of a child is impossible without games. Therefore, the task of parents is to choose suitable toys for their baby. They should help him improve his skills. For example, it is useful to add puzzles to children's games. They develop many good qualities.

How are puzzles useful for children?

If the child lacks perseverance and patience, this game will help you instill the necessary skills. After all, by putting the elements together, the baby learns to slowly select the necessary parts of the fragment. He will learn to finish what he starts. This quality will definitely come in handy in adult life.

Is your baby complaining about bad memory? Puzzles will help here too. The game develops visual memory. Such a person remembers people’s faces and landscapes better. Imagination, fantasy, and visual-figurative thinking will also work better. This is achieved by having to imagine the overall picture and keep it in memory while putting together the puzzle.

In addition, it improves logical thinking. In later life, it will be easier for a person to make decisions, choose the right strategies and independently find answers to questions. Modern puzzles for children train the ability to see a problem from several sides and teach them to make difficult decisions. Indeed, in the process you need to take into account several factors: the sequence, the image, and the shape of the element.

Also, folding puzzles can be independence training. The child learns to rely less on outside help and chooses his own strategy. This allows him to believe in himself and will have a positive impact in a variety of situations in the future. If parents can instill interest in this game in their child, they will make progress in his development.

Logical thinking, memory, imagination, accuracy - all these skills that are developed by assembling puzzles will be needed at school. You can play together with your child, suggesting where it is best to place the element. And then the young designer will begin to cope on his own.

This quiet, calm game will have an impact and on the development of creativity. In the process, the baby can come up with stories based on the pictures. In the future, you can even organize speed competitions between family members. Although the game is simple at first glance, the benefits from it are quite tangible. Therefore, from 5-7 years old, you can allow your child to collect puzzles online on a computer. Modern children are familiar with computers and mobile devices. Therefore, they will quickly master the game and will be happy to collect pictures.

General rules for choosing puzzles for children

For children to successfully master the skills of assembling puzzles, it is necessary to observe simple rules selecting this game:

- age appropriate. How younger child, the less detail there should be in the game and the larger the individual elements. For the first time you can use:

  • puzzles with straight sides(for example, in the form of a square picture cut into 4 parts),
  • puzzle books or frames, where the assembly of parts occurs on a field with restrictions with a drawn final image;
  • soft puzzles(in the form of a rug or a regular game);
  • large wooden insert puzzles.

An important condition is right choice drawing. The younger the child, the larger and brighter the image should be. It is advisable to start assembling with puzzles on which things, objects and characters familiar to the child are drawn.

- quality of the game., you should pay attention to the side “locks” - they should be even and consistent with each other. Of course, it is impossible to check all the elements, so preference should be given to products from trusted companies and manufacturers.

Puzzles are an interesting and educational hobby that promotes the development of positive character traits and also guarantees a bright pastime.

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Didactic games on FEMP

"Mosaic", "Puzzles"

Target: develops hand motor skills, attention, logical thinking, perseverance.

"Colors and Shapes"

Target: helps the child learn basic colors and their shades, basic shapes, as well as such important concepts as “big”, “small”, “more”, “less”.

Lotto "Fun Math"

Target: develops attention, logical thinking, perseverance, continues to teach counting up to 100, trains visual memory.

Smart domino "subtraction"

Target: develops hand motor skills, attention, logical thinking, perseverance, trains visual memory, and strengthens subtraction skills.

"Children about time"

Target: The game introduces children to time concepts (seasons, months, days of the week, parts of the day, hours), and develops picture-based storytelling skills.

“Choose by color and shape”

Target: development of logical and figurative thinking, voluntary and involuntary attention.


Target: development of attention, speech, figurative and semantic memory, lays the foundations of logical thinking.

"Fun Logic"

Target: develops imaginative thinking, analytical perception, develops the ability to visually examine and analyze objects, their verbal description and mental construction.


Target: develops memory, observation, and creates interest in the world around us.

"Color Geometry"

Target: consolidates knowledge about geometric shapes and colors, develops attention, perception, and logical thinking.

"Kaleidoscope of figures, colors, activities"

Target: develops spatial orientation, artistic and creative imagination, intelligence and attention, in game form teaches mastery geometric shapes, the ability to identify one specific color from a variety of colors.

"Solving Examples"

Target: consolidation of counting skills, mastering mathematical operations: addition and subtraction, teaches composing and solving problems.

Didactic games for speech development

"My apartment"

Target: to form children's knowledge about the characteristic furnishings of the apartment, the game teaches them to choose the right picture with the furnishings for the selected part of the apartment, to develop thinking, intelligence, the ability to explain their actions, and memory.

Lotto “All professions are important”

Target: develops speech, thinking, speech apparatus, ideas about professions.

“Call it in one word”

Target: develops logical thinking, dexterity and speed of thought and action of the player.

"Speech therapy lotto"

Target: develops phonemic hearing, teaches how to pronounce sounds correctly, studies sound-letter analysis of words, develops attention, memory, and thinking.

"On the Path of Words"

Target: develops children's coherent speech, attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking and phonemic hearing.

"We will build a house"

Target: develops memory, thinking, imagination, to form children’s knowledge about characteristic objects building material, the game teaches you how to choose the right picture.

"The Fourth Wheel"

Target: develops logical and figurative thinking, speech apparatus.

"Chain of Words"

Target: develops the ability to detect the location of the first and last sounds in words.

"Let's play"

Target: the game develops sensory education, visual perception, forms the development of stable ideas about the shape, color, size of objects, teaches how to establish coincidence and discrepancy.

“I know all professions”

Target: introduces professions, trains memory, attention, logical thinking and speech.

"We're playing shop"

Target: introduces children to objects sold in stores, children's ability to classify objects, name groups of objects with generalizing words.

Didactic games about the world around us

“Animals and birds: what they say and what they eat”

Target: develops speech, introduces animals and birds, as well as how they “speak” and what they eat.


Target: introduces children to the benefits of pets, their varieties, how they are useful in household, develops voluntary and involuntary attention, memory, imaginative and logical thinking.

"Hares in the Forest"

Target: introduces predatory and herbivorous animals, develops logical thinking, memory, and speech.


Target: develops attention, logical thinking, dexterity and speed of thought and action of the player.

"Animals and their young"

Target: introduces animals to central Russia, expands vocabulary, develops memory, teaches correct speech, forms the foundations of logical thinking (generalization, division into groups).


Target: The game develops attention, logical thinking, dexterity and speed of thought and action of the player.


Target: development of visual perception, voluntary attention, introduces fruits, vegetables and berries, memory.


Target: introduces children to the world around them and enriches them with knowledge about animals, their cubs, as well as the barnyard, teaches the child to generalize, analyze and compare.

"Catch a Fish"

Target: introduces children to aquatic inhabitants, develops visual perception, voluntary attention, memory and logical thinking.

Lotto “Twins” (birds)

Target: introduces children to the varieties of birds, their habitat, develops voluntary and involuntary attention, memory, and speech apparatus.

Lotto “Twins” (insects and reptiles)

Target: introduces children to varieties of insects and reptiles, their habitat, develops voluntary and involuntary attention, memory, and speech apparatus.

"Let's get to know the living world"

Target: introduces domestic and forest animals, forest and agricultural plants, forest and garden flowers, forest and garden berries, vegetables and fruits.

"Pick a picture"

develops attention, memory, thinking, teaches to classify objects, name groups of objects with generalized words, enriches vocabulary.