Parents often think about how to prepare their son or daughter for school. What skills should children have who will sit at a desk for the first time in a year?

What are they?

Every year of life for children is a certain stage. It's the adults who don't change as quickly as they do. After all, childhood is the time of the most intense human development. In no other years does he acquire as much as as a preschooler.

During its first 5-6 years, a child turns from an absolutely helpless newborn into a fully developed person. He has his own interests and character traits, individual views on life. This speed of success and the manifestation of ever new abilities is simply amazing.

The child turned 5 years old. It is growing rapidly - right before our eyes. Such a boy or girl needs energy. Therefore, the quality of food is important.

The child's behavior also changes. He develops an evaluative attitude towards himself and other people. He is quite often interested in what is good and bad, and really wants to live by the rules. He condemns those who violate this. For him, his parents are an ideal, an object to be emulated in every detail. So try to make your example positive.

"I got it"

As for the psychological component, at 5 years old a child already understands a lot. He listens to your explanations and responds adequately to all requests from adults. He can occupy himself if his parents are not yet able to be with him.

Psychologists say: 90% of personality is formed between 5 and 7 years. And for these two in general short years Moms and dads can “put” into their child the very qualities that they consider necessary, and cultivate exactly those habits that, in their opinion, cannot be done without.

All this is not difficult. Children these years easily copy those whom they love, respect, and appreciate. Their behavior is the best, the most correct, the only possible. So control your actions and words. After all, if you say one thing and act completely differently, then don’t expect anything good from your child!

Write and read

Communicating with five-year-old boys and girls is a pleasure. At 5 years old, a child is interested in everything. He is unusually open to all new information, knowledge, as well as to various skills. He wants to do everything at once, try everything: dance, draw, and play tennis. It’s interesting that he actually has an easy time with both mental and physical skills.

It also surprises no one that even before first grade, many children already know letters, can write them, and some also read quite fluently. Children usually also master the simplest arithmetic operations; they can add and subtract. In a word, now is the most favorable time to “cram” more valuable and useful things into your child. Very little time will pass - and this wonderful, passionate interest in the world around us, which pleases mom and dad, will slowly fade away. So don't miss such a good time.

At the desk

Research by psychologists provides such interesting data. Of all the six-year-olds who go to school, only 30% have learned to hear what the teacher says, remember, do what he tells them to do, and then analyze their actions.

But 70% do not know how to do this, 25% require that the task be repeated to them twice or even three times. 30% of children hear, understand, remember, but do not know how to act independently. This boy sits and moves his pen across the table. It doesn't work, so to speak. The teacher should come up to him and say: “Come on, write the numbers.” Otherwise, he will not do anything until the end of the lesson and, therefore, will not learn.

This is where all the difficulties of a first-grader stem. And the reluctance to go to classes after a week. However, when a child has lived correctly for five years, all these skills have been formed.

Let them play more

A child is not an adult. He masters the world through play. All the rules of life, its laws and norms - only in a playful form, and not through lectures or notations. Therefore, it is necessary to teach him the same alphabet, reading, and arithmetic only in this way.

At this time, the kids begin to ask rather difficult questions, which makes some adults nervous. And in vain. You can’t brush off your son or daughter! For example, how do you answer this: “Why are the leaves green, but the sky is not, it’s blue?” Moms and dads, no matter how busy they are in the evenings, must answer all this truthfully and clearly. And here, educational games for children 4 - 5 years old are very good helpers, simply irreplaceable. They have no competitors yet.

Tests and puzzles

True, the kids will have to think very carefully. After all, the tasks are not so simple. But it will be an excellent training - for the development of memory, also imagination with attention, also counting, and other properties necessary for a preschooler.

For example, there are many crossword puzzles designed for this age. You can also make sentences from different words mixed together. How fascinated children are by tests! The ones where you need to choose only the correct answers.

Children love to look for all sorts of differences in the pictures. This is where attentiveness, perseverance, and perseverance develop.

There are many other types of pastime from the “educational games for children 4-5 years old” series. The same assembling puzzles is not just an activity to keep the child quiet at home and not bother anyone. No, this is a great way to develop his creative abilities.

All familiar letters

There will be nothing wrong if adults tell the child what letters are. This will be interesting for 5 year old children. But how to learn them with a child?

Usually girls and boys themselves begin to ask: “What are these badges?” - when someone at home reads a book to them. There is also a special alphabet for children 5 years old. This colorfully published alphabet is a wonderful book. She is still unfamiliar to the kids. So it's time to buy it right now and start practicing.

The main thing is not to demand that the baby firmly understand everything. It is more important to maintain interest in learning. It is enough to conduct such classes for children 4 - 5 years old for 10 - 15 minutes a day. It's good to learn letters with short words. But the form of the game is strictly required!

Guessing game

Folklore is more useful now than ever - riddles for children 5 years old. They are very figurative, concise, and easy to remember. This is a kind of mental gymnastics. And how wonderfully creative thinking, the same ingenuity and ingenuity develops at the same time. And what is important for our time is the gift of solving simple problems in a very non-standard way. If you want to develop your child mentally, do not neglect guessing games. Moreover, kids love them very much. And composed in poetic form, they are much more interesting.

But in poetry they force children to pay attention to little things that previously remained unnoticeable, and broaden their horizons.

And what joy and pride comes over the child when he finds the correct answer! Moreover, children can play this way without adults, on their own, which gives them the ability to communicate with each other, live in a team and take into account others. All this will be useful not only at school, but in life in general. Contact people, as noted, are easier to advance in their careers, and their leisure time is more meaningful.

Another tip. Solve riddles with your children. Or try to come up with them yourself. Even on your everyday, vital material. It is very funny! Not to mention the benefits for the whole family, for the good atmosphere in it.

New idea

Praise your children more for success in any activity. Don't scold for mistakes. Is everything going smoothly at work for you? And don’t get tired of maintaining a keen interest in learning in your child, and not only in the area of ​​reading.

As a rule, at a fairly young age, the child begins to express his desire to express the impressions that he receives in the process of growing up. He does it different ways: voice, movements, actions. At a certain point, it is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity to express himself in a more varied way: give him pencils and paper, plasticine or construction sets, and teach him how to use them. The result of a child’s creative activity is an excellent means of monitoring and enriching his inner world. It is necessary to encourage children's creativity in every possible way in the form in which it is most acceptable for the child.

Fun game "Barbershop"

Purpose of the game: it doesn’t matter whether your child is learning to cut or is already a master of scissors, in any case, offer him a similar game: for beginners, learning by playing is more fun, and for the “advanced”, this is a new fun experiment!

You will need:

  • - sheets of A4 paper
  • - colored paper
  • - glue stick

How to make:

Fold the A4 sheet in half (if done in one layer, the paper will bend strongly due to the weight of the hair). Draw a man's face and cut it out. Cut out hair, mustaches, and beards from colored paper and glue them to the templates. Glue both halves of the paper together (the ends of the hair will remain inside) and you can get down to business.

This activity can be made more complicated, for example, you can make templates together with the child, or the child can make the templates themselves with the support and prompting of an adult.

The game "Barbershop" develops fine motor skills, attention, perseverance, imagination.

Be sure to try this funny cutout too!

Modeling from plasticine

All parents try to spend their leisure time with their children usefully. No one will argue how useful modeling is for children. The very first material that children work with is, of course, plasticine. Small animals and insects from plasticine are the first things children learn to sculpt.

Modeling classes with children develop fine motor skills, develop imagination, help to master shapes, remember colors, develop imaginative thinking, cultivate neatness, accuracy and independence.

When talking about modeling for little ones, you need to think through all the details and look at the process through the eyes of your children. And let's start, perhaps, with the simplest.

Drawing lessons

Pencil drawing lessons step by step are activities that will help you master drawing techniques, regardless of ability or age. Drawing is really easy!

Just think how happy your baby will be when you tell her what happened today we are learning to draw with a pencil! Why pencil? You need to start with something simple. And the easiest way to start is with light pencil drawings. Gradually you will master more and more complex skills. And, as a result, you can move on to working with paints. Drawing for children will become a favorite pastime and will gradually introduce kids to the wonderful world of bright images and favorite characters.

At the age of 4-5 years, a child develops a creative attitude towards the world. He begins to create various crafts with his own hands. It is very important that adults at this moment tell the child that he can do a lot on his own and praise him for his imagination. This will arouse in the little person a desire to learn more about the world around him. Educators and parents are obliged to take into account all the developmental features of a 4-5 year old child. During this period, new knowledge should be given, but in a form that will be exciting for the child.

Features of the development of a child 4-5 years old

Now the baby is able to think, although his experience is small, so there may be errors in his explanations. You cannot laugh at a child’s mistakes, so as not to destroy his interest in understanding the world. An adult should become a source of knowledge for the baby, which will carefully guide the little one to make an independent decision and justify the phenomenon that is happening.

Features of the development of a 4-5 year old child are manifested in an increase in the participation of perception, will, memory and attention.

Active cognition of many properties of objects occurs. The child puts them on top of each other and compares them, and with interest becomes aware of such new categories for him as color, shape, size, time, space, taste, smell, sound.

The baby becomes more attentive, due to which voluntary memorization is formed. He easily manages to learn short poems and counting rhymes. At this age, the baby develops imagination and speech, and improves diction. This needs to be given as much attention as possible and to support the child’s desire for independence and to cultivate a sense of beauty. It is easy for an adult to achieve the desired result, since all the realities of life can be explained to a child during the game in a fun and unobtrusive way. Children live in the world of their fantasies and fairy tales and have a rich imagination. All the above-described features of the development of a 4-5 year old child must be used wisely in order to avoid problems.

Basics of training

What is the best way to start the development of children 4-5 years old? What kind of activities are suitable for a child? These questions concern all parents who decide to educate their son or daughter themselves. Taking into account all the subtleties of the development of a middle child preschool age, one should promote, and not interfere with, the manifestation of his new positive qualities, which are to be formed and consolidated in the baby’s character.

So, the child wants to be independent, so you need to provide him with this opportunity. He dreams of drawing, creating masterpieces from plasticine and clay - you shouldn’t interfere with him. He wants to communicate with his peers. Let him be friends, quarrel and learn to make peace, apologize and forgive. This is the accumulation of life experience, knowledge of the world around us.


Adults need to teach children more complex things. Mathematics for children 4-5 years old can become a fascinating knowledge of the world of things and help open up new horizons. Adults will build their activities based on the basic skills that the child has already acquired earlier. He easily recognizes where right and left, bottom and top are, knows a circle, square, triangle, knows how to write and correctly arrange numbers in ascending and descending order, and compare the number of objects. Knowing what skills your child has, it is easy to outline a number of tasks that will help consolidate previously acquired information and add new ones.

Math games

Children love coloring books very much. You can invite your child not just to study the numbers, but ask him, without lifting his pencil from the paper, to connect all the dots using the written numbers into one drawing. This game makes the child very happy when he sees that using numbers he managed to draw a parrot, crocodile or fox.

If you need to reinforce order when counting, you can invite your child to complete an equally exciting task. The coloring picture shows apples. They need to be circled, colored and counted. All tasks should be offered with gradual complication.

Thus, mathematics for children 4-5 years old can become a favorite and exciting pastime. Subsequently, this interest will play a positive role when studying subjects at school.

Language and speech games

The same games can be used for the development of children 4-5 years old, forming correct speech and developing logical thinking. For example, the game “Guess whose shadow?” will help the child better navigate the world around him. The sheets contain outlines of various objects and animals. The child is asked to say who each shadow belongs to.

For speech development, it is good to teach your child to pronounce tongue twisters and tongue twisters. It will be more pleasant for the child to do this with someone fairy-tale character from the puppet theater. And if you then ask a tongue twister to say it just as quickly in the voice of a bear or a hare from a fairy tale, you will get a mutually exciting activity. Such exercises and games are extremely important for correct speech. For a child to be understood not only by his parents, but also by everyone around him, he must have a thousand words in his vocabulary.

Language learning

According to many experts, children aged 4-5 years can easily master any foreign language. If there is such an opportunity, you should definitely organize similar classes in the form of working with cards. They should depict letters, pictures and words. You can offer a variety of tasks using these cards. The child will remember the words, pronunciation and images of letters.


Being carried away by all types of varied activities, we should not forget that 4-5 years is still important and useful. And no one has canceled it yet. Exercises can be done with gymnastic and general physical exercises. This can be a warm-up during each session. There are many options for finger gymnastics. Here's one of them.

A short poem is read:

“Fingers do exercises,

To be less tired.

And then they are in albums

They will draw together.”

While reading, you can stretch your fingers, shake your hands, and join them into a “lock.” Such small breaks will help the baby relax.


When parents begin to pay more attention to their child and know all the developmental features of a 4-5 year old child, they will achieve maximum positive results in his upbringing and development. Therefore, the most important thing here is attention.

5 years: height and body weight increase, weight reaches almost 20 kilograms. During this period, it is important to monitor the feasibility of the loads that are given to children during work assignments. This is explained by the fact that the spine of a five- to six-year-old child and skeletal muscles are still developing. During this age period, the development of the child’s intellectual abilities, his morality and will, and the emotional spheres of his personality are observed. Therefore, it is especially important to support him in all good endeavors, and also to correctly restrain him from negative manifestations of lies and boasting.

At the age of 5-6 years it is especially important to establish the correct moral attitude towards yourself and others, reinforce kindness, honesty and decency. As the saying goes: “What goes around comes around!” Raise your children correctly - this is the key to your happy old age!

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educational institution

"Education Center No. 16"

(MBDOU kindergarten №92)

"Develop it"

Class notes


for children of middle preschool age


This program is both developmental and preventive in nature. Classes with a teacher-psychologist are aimed at this program aimed at awakening children's interest in intellectual cognitive activity and increasing children's capabilities in this activity. The Greek historian Plutarch wrote about the secret of learning: “The mind is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit.”

Target : Revealing the intellectual and creative potential children.

Tasks :

1. Replenish and systematize children’s knowledge about the world around them.

2.Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

3.Develop cognitive processes and mental operations of children.

4.Develop spatial concepts and reaction speed in children.

5.Develop children's imagination, auditory perception, and creative abilities.

6.Help in relieving psychomuscular tension, relaxation, getting positive emotions from success in cognitive activity.

7.Develop communication skills in a group, the ability to obey certain rules.

Organization of groups and classes

12 developmental classes are conducted with children of middle preschool age, once a week, during October-December. Lesson duration is up to 20 minutes.

Principles of group work

1. The visual nature of the material presented to children.

2. The playful nature of the classes, a large number of games and exercises of a motor nature.

3. Frequent change of techniques and types of activities, alternation of motor and intellectual type work techniques.

4. Caring for the participation and success of each child.

5.Each child is accepted for who he is. Friendly and respectful attitude towards children.

6. Reproaches and blame for failure are unacceptable. A child who finds it difficult to answer is given the opportunity to listen to the answers of other children, after which he is again given the opportunity to answer.

7.Positive emotional atmosphere, joy for the success of each child, encouragement of the slightest achievement of the child.

8.The progress of each child is compared with his own level. Children are not compared to each other.

9.Creating an atmosphere of security, permissiveness in the system of relations, freedom of expression of feelings and opinions.

10. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other in the group.

Structure of classes, methods and techniques of work.

The entire course consists of 12 lessons. The classes are organized according to the thematic principle: each lesson is a separate topic. The topics of the lessons are the surrounding reality that is close and understandable to children. Each lesson is completely based on one material. Repeated repetition of the same words in different tasks should contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of children's vocabulary.

The classes are not intended to provide extensive knowledge on topics. Each lesson is more aimed at generalizing, systematizing, organizing children’s knowledge on the topic, and developing cognitive processes while operating with the material.

Each lesson consists of three parts: greeting, main part and farewell.

Greeting is a verbal exercise, denounced in game uniform with a ball or a motor exercise. The exercises in the first part of the lesson are aimed at uniting children, setting them up for work, and creating a positive emotional background.

The main part includes 3-4 exercises, mainly of a gaming nature, didactic verbal, and outdoor games.

These tasks are aimed at replenishing, systematizing, generalizing knowledge, vocabulary, developing cognitive processes, spatial concepts, and reaction speed. In the middle of the main part there must be an outdoor game (physical education), and at the end of the main part there is a creative exercise.

Farewell is aimed at relieving psychomuscular tension, relaxing children, and calming down.

Performance assessment

It is expected that children who have completed a course of developmental classes will expand their knowledge on basic topics about the world around them in accordance with their age, and will become more free to operate with this knowledge, as their vocabulary will be enriched. They will become more knowledgeable, courageous, believe in themselves and will begin to express themselves in the group during teachers’ classes. This, in turn, will give them strength and desire to be more active, and interest in intellectual pursuits will appear. It is possible that some of them will reach a higher level intellectual development according to age than it was at the beginning of the year.


Lesson No. 1. "Body parts"


1. Pictures of people.

2. Calm music.

Progress of the lesson.

Greetings .

Main part.

1. “Consider a person " The teacher puts pictures of people in a row, asks the children to name them and remember the sequence of arrangement. The pictures are covered, and the children must remember the sequence of their location (2-3 times).

How can you call everyone who is depicted in these pictures in one word? (People, person, family).

The teacher invites the children to look at a picture of a person. -What is the largest part of the human body called? Then it shows where the chest, stomach, and back are located in the picture. Children show and name these body parts in themselves and each other. Then they show in the picture and on themselves: the head, forehead, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes, nostrils, lips, chin - parts of the face.

2. Exercise “Riddles and guesses”

The teacher asks the children riddles and talks with the children about why a person needs these parts of the body.

The animal has it on the top of its head, and we have it below the eyes (Ears). Why do people have ears? Two Egorkas live near the hill, they live together, but they don’t look at each other (eyes). Why do people need eyes?

It can be very different: long, small, humpbacked, thick, thin, freckled (nose). What does a person need a nose for?

3. Exercise “Cheerful girls and boys”

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the text and perform movements in accordance with the content (2-3 times)

Girls and boys

They bounce like balls.

They stomp their feet,

Hands clap

Heads nod

And they squat quietly.

Children, what were you clapping just now? (With hands). Show left hand, right, fingers, nails, palm, elbow, shoulder. Children show and say the names of the parts of the hand.

What did you stomp on? (With legs). Similar work is being carried out.

4 . Exercise “Drawing Music”


Exercise “Warm palms”

Children stand in a circle and name the parts of a person’s body in a chain, and who remembers what. Then the teacher extends his hand into the circle, palm up, and invites all children to place their palms on his palm. Then, with the other palm, the teacher covers the children’s palms from above and says that he feels the warmth of all palms, encourages the children to feel the warmth of their friends’ palms.

Lesson No. 2 “Geometric shapes”

Equipment .

1. Geometric shapes of different colors and sizes: large and small blue and red circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval - 20 shapes in total.

2. For each child, set No. 2 and No. 3 of Nikitin’s game “Fold a square” (squares with a side of 8 cm are cut into two parts of a rectangular and triangular shape).


Progress of the lesson.


Exercise “We are glad to see you!” Each child says “Hello, my name is (name),” and all the children answer in unison, “We are glad to see you (name)!”

Main part.

1. Exercise “Distribute the figures.”

The teacher displays the equipment mentioned in paragraph 2 in front of the children. geometric figures, circles them with a pointer, repeating their names together with the children. Children take turns drawing them with their fingers in the air. Children determine the location of the figures relative to each other: what is next to the triangle; between which figures there is a red circle, etc. Then the characteristics of each figure are given according to three characteristics: shape, color, size; all figures are classified first by shape, then by color, then by size, abstracting from the other two characteristics.

2. Exercise “Fold a square.”

Children are given sets (item 3 of equipment); they are asked to fold a square from two rectangles, from two triangles. In case of difficulty, the task is demonstrated, and then the child is asked to complete the same task independently.

4. Physical education minute "For mushrooms"

We'll go to the forest to pick mushrooms (walking in place)

We'll collect them for you ourselves.

One - fungus, two - fungus, (squat)

That's a whole box! (claps hands)

The rain started dripping oh-oh-oh! (one palm is extended forward, the fingers of the other touch it)

Let's run home quickly! (running in place)

5 . Exercise “Drawing Music”

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.


Sketch “Pump and balls”

Children sit on their haunches, knees pressed to their chests, heads to their knees, hands clasping them - deflated small balls. The teacher takes up an imaginary pump and vigorously bends the body forward - “pumping up” the balls. The balls gradually inflate: the knees straighten, the head rises, the arms are rounded at the sides, the cheeks puff out. The presenter depicts hitting the ball on the ground with his palm extended forward. All the balls bounce happily and easily. The presenter claps his hands - “opens the valve”, and the balls begin to slowly deflate and relax to the floor (2-3 times).

Lesson No. 3 “Toys”


1. Music.

2. Toys: ball, matryoshka, bear.

Progress of the lesson.


Exercise “We are glad to see you! " Each child says “Hello, my name is (name),” and all the children answer in unison, “We are glad to see you (name)!”

Main part.

1. Exercise “Listen carefully!”

The teacher loudly, clearly, calls different words, as soon as he names any toy, the children must clap their hands (table, apple, doll, mosaic, glue, cup, car, scissors, cubes, spinning top, telephone, pan, tumbler, hammer, pyramid, ball, hat, soap , rattle, matryoshka)

2. Exercise “Guess it”

The teacher shows the children toys: a ball, a bear, a matryoshka doll, asks riddles and asks the children to answer questions.

Round, smooth and pot-bellied -

The guys hit him hard.

Why is the poor guy being beaten?

Because he's inflated.

What is this? How did you guess? What shape and color is it? What is it made of? What does it feel like? How to play with him?

Clubbed feet,

In winter he sleeps in a den.

Guess and answer

What kind of animal is this? (bear).

What does a toy bear have? What material is it made of? How can you play with it?

Friends of different heights

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy.

What is this? How did you guess? What is the matryoshka made of? How many matryoshka girlfriends do we have?

3. Exercise “Tannin’s toys”

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the words of the poem and depict the characters with gestures and movements.

On a large carpet in a rowChildren march in place, stop,

Tanina's dolls are standing. Portray characters

Two bears, Pinocchio,

And cheerful Chipolino,

And a kitten and a baby elephant.

One two three four five,Jumping

Together we'll go for a walk. Marching .

4 . Exercise “Drawing Music”

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.


Sketch for muscle relaxation “Parsley is jumping” »

The players portray Petrushka, who softly and easily jumps on two legs at the same time. Knees, body, arms are soft, relaxed, head lowered.

Lesson No. 4 “Dishes”

Equipment .

1. Pictures depicting kitchen, dining, and tea utensils: teapot, tea pair, candy bowl, sugar bowl; saucepan, frying pan, colander; deep and shallow plates, salad bowl, bread bowl, spoon, fork.


3. Paper and pencils.

Progress of the lesson.


1. Exercise “We are glad to see you! " Each child says “Hello, my name is (name),” and all the children answer in unison, “We are glad to see you (name)!”

2. Exercise “Pancakes”.

Let's bake pancakes. What kind of utensils are needed for this?

Let's make a frying pan. (Children stand in a tight circle and hold hands)

Pour in the dough. (Holding hands, everyone moves back as wide as possible to create a large pancake.)

We bake a pancake. (Holding hands, at the same time they squat slightly, while imitating the hissing of a pancake with the sound “sh”).

Spread the pancake with sour cream. (Unlock your arms and move them up and down in waves, your hands are soft and flexible.)

Let's roll up our pancake. (“Motor” in front of you).

Open your mouth wide, like this - (spread your arms to the sides and make a clap with the sound “A-a-am”).

Main part.

1. Conversation about dishes.

Pictures depicting dishes (item 1 of equipment) are displayed in front of the children.

What one word can be used to describe all these objects?

What other utensils do you know?

Name the cutlery that we use while eating.

What kind of container is used to cook food? What is the name of this dish? (Kitchen).

What utensils do we use when drinking tea? What is the name of this dish? (Teahouse).

What is the name of the dishes from which we eat at the table? (Dining room). Name the tableware that is in our pictures.

Consider a saucepan. What parts does it consist of? (Wall, bottom, lid, handles). Why do you need a lid and handles?

Look at the teapot and name its parts. Why does a teapot have a spout?

2. Exercise “Turning into dishes”

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the text and use their bodies to depict different utensils.

Here is a large teapot (belly inflated, one hand on the belt, the other curved -

Very important, like a boss. spout)

Here are porcelain cups, (sit down, one hand on your belt)

Very fragile, poor things.

Here are porcelain saucers (spin around, drawing a circle with your hands)

Just knock and they will break.

Here are the silver spoons

Here is a plastic tray - (make a large ring with your hands)

He brought us the dishes.

3 . Exercise “Drawing Music”

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.


Lesson No. 5 “Clothing”


1. 2-3 pictures each depicting top, bottom, casual, dressy, winter, summer clothes.


3. Paper, pencils


Progress of the lesson .


Exercise "Let's say hello"

Main part.

1.Looking at clothes and talking about them.

The psychologist shows the children pictures and asks what one word can be used to describe everything that is drawn in the pictures (clothes).

The psychologist says that clothes can be different: for the street, for the house, for holidays, for girls, for boys, for winter and summer. We will now look at different clothes in the pictures and name them.

What clothes do you wear outside? What kind of clothes are these? (Upper, warm).

Pictures depicting panties, T-shirts, T-shirts, nightgown, pajamas.

What are we wearing these clothes for? (on the body). It is called underwear or underwear.

What do we call the clothes we wear on holiday? (festive, elegant).

What do we call the clothes we wear every day? (Casual).

Do we wear the same clothes in summer and winter?

In summer what clothes do we wear? (Summer). And in winter? (Winter).

Winter clothes are made from warm, thick fabrics and fur. And summer ones are made of light, thin fabrics. Why?

Clothes have different details and parts. Show me what I say on my clothes or on the clothes of other children. Collar, sleeves, long, short sleeves. Pockets. Lightning. Buttons. Buttons. Belt.

2. Outdoor game “Needle and Thread”.

The children stand next to each other. The first of them - the “needle” - runs, changing direction. The rest - the “thread” - run after him, trying to keep up.

3. Exercise “What kind of clothes are these?”

If the psychologist calls winter clothes, children open their arms wide to the sides, and if it’s winter, they hug themselves.

4 . Exercise “Drawing Music”

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.


Children stand in a circle and, touching their neighbor with their palm, smile at him, then the child “passes on” the smile in a circle until it “returns” to the first child.

Lesson No. 6 “Seasons: winter, spring”


1. Ball.

2.Plot picture about winter and spring.

3.Pencils and paper


Progress of the lesson .


1. Exercise “Magic snowball”.

Children pass a cotton wool snowball around and name what they like in winter and wish each other a good day.

2 .Game – exercise “Snowflakes”.

A light breeze blew, the snowflakes swirled easily (they spin in place easily, slowly, smoothly on their toes).

A snowstorm began, snowflakes flew (they ran scattered around the room on their toes easily, swiftly).

The wind has died down, a snowdrift has formed (everyone “flies” to the center and gathers into one “snowdrift”: they squat, huddling closely together). There are snowdrifts, real winter has come.

Main part.

1. Consideration of a plot picture about winter

After what time of year does winter begin?

What happens on earth in winter? Where else is there snow?

What trees are there in winter?

How should you dress in winter? Why?

What's the weather like in winter?

2. Exercise “Winter fun”

Snow, snow, white snow. (Waving their hands in front of them)

He showers us all.

The children all started skiing (Imitate skiing)

And they ran through the snow.

Today from a snowball (Moving one after another, “rolling a ball”)

We made a snow woman near the house. (Draw three circles in the air with your hands)

Our woman is standing at the very gate,

No one will pass, no one will pass. (They threaten with their index finger).

3. Consideration of a plot picture about spring

The teacher invites the children to look at the picture and answer the questions:

What time of year is this picture about?

After what time of year does spring come?

What happens to snow in spring?

What do trees look like in the spring, what appears on them?

How should you dress in spring? Why?

What's the weather like in spring?

What are the children doing in this picture?

4 . Exercise “Drawing Music”

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.


Lesson No. 7 “Seasons: summer, autumn”


1. Ball.

2.Plot picture about summer and autumn.

3.Pencils and paper


Progress of the lesson.

Greetings .

1. Exercise “Sunny Bunny”.

Children pass the ball around and say something nice to their neighbor.

2 .Game – exercise “Falling Leaves”.

Starting position – arms to the sides – down, palms down.

A light breeze blew in the autumn park, the leaves began to spin easily (they spin in place easily, slowly, smoothly on their toes).

But then the wind became very strong, and the leaves quickly swirled in the air (they ran scattered around the room on their toes easily, swiftly).

The wind has died down, the leaves of the flock are slowly falling to the ground (they all smoothly fall down and become quiet). How quiet it became in the autumn park.

Main part.

1. Consideration of a plot picture about summer

The teacher invites the children to look at the picture and answer the questions:

What time of year is this picture about?

After what time of year does summer begin?

What grows in summer?

What trees are there in summer?

How should you dress in summer? Why?

What's the weather like in summer?

What are the children doing in this picture?

2. Physical education lesson “Summer walk”

The wind blows over the fields

And the grass sways. (Children smoothly swing their arms above their heads.)

A cloud floats above us

Like a white mountain. (Stretching - arms up.)

The wind carries dust over the field.

The ears are leaning -

Right, left, back and forth,

And then vice versa. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward.)

We climb the hill, (Walking in place.)

We'll rest there for a while. (Children sit down.)

3. The teacher invites the children to look at the picture and answer the questions:

What time of year is this picture about?

After what time of year does autumn come?

What happens to leaves in autumn?

How should you dress in the fall? Why?

What's the weather like in autumn?

What are the children doing in this picture?

4 . Exercise “Drawing Music”

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.


Children stand in a circle and, touching their neighbor with their palm, smile at him, then the child “passes on” the smile in a circle until it “returns” to the first child.

Lesson No. 8 “Vegetables”

Equipment .

1. Ball.

2. Pictures: potatoes, cucumber, tomato, radish, turnip, onion, carrot, beet, cabbage.

3.Paper and pencils.

4. Music.

Progress of the lesson .


Children move around the room to the music, at the psychologist’s command they find a partner, and greet each other as a pair, touching fingers, palms, knees, noses, etc.

2. Exercise “Let’s go to the garden.”

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the text and perform movements.

Let's go to the garden. The children walk in a circle, holding hands.

We'll reap the harvest.

We will train carrots “Drag”

And we'll dig up some potatoes. "Dig"

We cut a head of cabbage, “Cut”

Round, juicy, very tasty, show shape and size with hands

Let’s pick some cucumbers “Tear”

And let's go back along the path. They go in circles reverse side

Main part.

1. Exercise “Planting a vegetable garden.”

The teacher displays 1 picture depicting any vegetable (I planted a tomato).

Gives the children a task: plant a potato to the right of the tomato; plant the cucumber to the left of the tomato; plant onions between tomatoes and cucumbers, etc.

2. “Guess it.”

When all the pictures with vegetables are displayed in front of the children, the teacher asks the children riddles, asks them to look at the vegetables and find the answer picture. Call the vegetable affectionately.

It’s there even in the rain, it’s there even in the heat, I grow in the garden,

The tubers are hidden underground. And when I mature,

If you pull the tubers into the light, they cook a tomato from me.

Here's breakfast and lunch. (Potato). They put it in borscht and eat it like that. (Tomato).

Round side, yellow side. Cheeks are pink, nose is white,

A bun is sitting on a garden bed. I sit in the dark all day.

He was rooted firmly into the ground. And the pigtail is green,

What is this? (Turnip). She's all in the sun. (Radish).

3. Didactic game “Cook and Vegetables”

I decided to become a chef. Not an ordinary cook, but a magic cook. I'll turn you into vegetables now.

One, two, three, four, five - Count together with the teacher

We start to play.

Let's clap our hands, clap

Let's stomp our feet. Stomp

Spun, Spun, Spin

You have turned into vegetables. Stop

Each child is given a picture of a vegetable and turns into that vegetable.

Children stand in a circle - this is a saucepan. The teacher says what he is going to cook, and the vegetables needed for this dish are included in the circle. The soup is then “cooked.” Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and the vegetables in the pan swirl, hiss, gurgle, and cook.

I want to make potato soup. (Potatoes, onions, carrots should come out into the circle).

I will cook cabbage soup. (Cabbage, onion, carrot, tomato).

I will cook borscht. (Cabbage, beets, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes).

I'll prepare the salad. (Cucumber, tomato, radish, onion).

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.


Exercise “Pulling a turnip.” Children stand in a circle and show how in the fairy tale “Turnip” they pulled the turnip with effort, and when they pulled it out, they relaxed and rested.

Lesson No. 9 “Fruits”


1. Ball.

2. Pictures of fruits: plum, apple, pear, orange, lemon, grapes, banana, apricot, peach.

3. Fruit stencils according to the number of children, colored pencils, ½ sheet of paper A 4 for each child.

4.Pencils, paper.

5. Music.

Progress of the lesson .

Greetings .

1. Exercise “Let’s say hello”

Children move around the room to the music, at the psychologist’s command they find a partner, and greet each other as a pair, touching fingers, palms, knees, noses, etc.

2. Outdoor game “Fruits and vegetables”.

Children walk around the room, the teacher names fruits and vegetables at random. Having heard the name of the fruit, children should stop and raise their hands up (fruits grow at the top, on fruit trees); Having heard the name of a vegetable, children should sit down (vegetables grow below, in the garden, on the ground).

Main part.

1.Looking at fruits, talking.

Pictures of fruits are laid out one by one. As we do this, talk about each fruit:

What is this? What shape? By color? What does it taste like? What tree does it grow on?

When laying out and talking about all the fruits:

How to call all this in one word? What about the trees that bear fruit? (fruit). What do you call a garden where fruit grows? (fruit).

2. "Guess it - ka."

The teacher suggests listening to riddles about fruits and finding the answers among the pictures. Call the fruit by its usual and affectionate name.

Round, ruddy, I am sweet, grew up in the south,

I'm growing on a branch. Like the sun in the leaves.

The adults love me, Orange and round,

And little children. (Apple-apple) The kids like me. (Orange-orange)

Balls hang on the branches, blue from the heat. (Plums - cream - cream)

I'm yellow, like a dandelion, grown on a branch

Very sour, I'd like it for tea. Orange kids:

Guess - ka, guys, Cheeks are velvet, blush.

What is my name, a southern fruit? (Lemon - little lemon). Juicy, sweet, aromatic. (Peach)

3. Exercise “We will cook compote.”

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the text and perform movements in accordance with the content and rhythm.

We will cook compote. They walk in a circle, holding hands.

You need a lot of fruit. Here: They stop.

Let's chop the apples, "Crumble"

We will chop the pear. "Chopping"

Let's squeeze it out lemon juice, "Pressing up"

We'll put in some drainage and sand. "They put it down"

We cook, we cook compote, They make rotational movements with their hands, spin around

Let's treat honest people. Stretch your arms forward with your palms up

4. Exercise “Drawing Music”

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.


Exercise “From seed to apple tree”

The presenter (gardener) invites the children to turn into a small, wrinkled apple seed (shrink into a lump on the floor.) The gardener treats the seeds with care, waters them, cares for them (pats the children on the head and back). With the warm spring sun, apple tree seeds begin to germinate (rise). Twigs, buds, buds appear (hands up, fists clenched, stretch). The buds and buds burst, leaves and flowers appear (sharply unclench their fists). In place of the flowers, small apples grow (clench your fists tightly) and grow bigger (your fists relax). It is difficult for the apple tree to hold the fruits (they tense up, their legs are pressed to the floor). But when the ripe fruits are removed, it’s easier for the apple tree. (Relax with the whole body).

Lesson No. 10 “Pets”

Equipment .

1. Ball.

2. Pictures of animals and their babies: cat, dog, cow, horse, pig, goat.

3. Paper, pencils.

4. Music.

Progress of the lesson .


1. Exercise “Let’s say hello”

Children move around the room to the music, at the psychologist’s command they find a partner, and greet each other as a pair, touching fingers, palms, knees, noses, etc.

2. Exercise “Kind animal” ».

Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The teacher says in a quiet voice: “We are one big, kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! (everyone listens to their breathing and the breathing of their neighbors). Now let’s all breathe together, because we are one animal. Inhale - step back, exhale - step forward. (Perform at an average pace, rhythmically). This is not only how the animal breathes. His big, kind heart beats just as smoothly. Here - a step back, here - a step forward. (Perform for 1 minute).

Main part.

Pictures of pets are displayed.

As the pictures are displayed, the children name the animals and ask to show how these animals “talk.” The teacher makes riddles about animals, the children must find a picture of the answer, say the name of the animal, the usual and affectionate cat-cat, etc.

The door opened quietly. He finds all traces exactly.

And a mustachioed beast entered, he guards the house at night.

He sat down by the stove, squinting sweetly, sensitive ears and nose.

And he washed himself with his gray paw. (Cat - cat). This is our faithful friend... (dog - doggie)

Someone is giving us milk. The dirty one is running.

Children love to drink it. In a bristly shirt.

So that everyone is healthy, Crochet tail,

Milk is given ... (cows - cows). Pig nose. (Pig - piggy)

A beard and legs are running along the path. (Goat - goat)

2. Didactic game “Whose children?

The teacher shows pictures of baby animals and says that they are lost. Each baby needs to be helped to find its mother. Children take turns taking the baby picture, calling it, finding its mother and placing it next to her.

3. Physical education minute

The cat walks like a cat,

(springy step)

And the dog is doggy style

(walking with high knees)

The duckling walks like a duck, waddles a little

(step on the entire foot, swaying slightly from side to side)

The baby goat jumps forward with its horns


The elephant walks like an elephant, he steps heavily

(walking on feet and palms)

4. Exercise “Drawing Music”

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.

Parting .

Exercise "Cat"

The psychologist suggests that children turn into cats, who lazily stretch in the sun, stretch out their legs, round, then arch their backs, meow contentedly, and then turn back into children.

Lesson 11 “Wild Animals”

Equipment .

1. Ball.

2. Pictures of animals: wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog.

3. Paper, pencils.

4. Music.

Progress of the lesson


1. Exercise “Let’s say hello”

Children move around the room to the music, at the psychologist’s command they find a partner, and greet each other as a pair, touching fingers, palms, knees, noses, etc.

Main part.

1.Looking at pictures about animals, talking about pictures, riddles.

Pictures depicting wild animals are exhibited.

As the pictures are displayed, the children name the animals, the teacher makes riddles about the animals, the children must find the answer picture, say the name of the animal, the usual and affectionate cat-cat, etc.

You and I recognize the animal with its tail in a fluffy arc.

According to two such signs: Do you know this animal?

He is in a white fur coat in winter, sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,

And it’s gray in the summer. (Hare-bunny) Loves to climb trees.

He builds his house in a hollow,

To keep him warm. (Squirrel - squirrel)

Angry touchy, cunning cheat,

Lives in the wilderness of the forest. red head,

There are a lot of needles, the fluffy tail is beautiful,

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog - little hedgehog) And her name is... (fox - fox).

2. Didactic game “Who lives where?”

The teacher asks the children to clap their hands if he names a domestic animal, and if he names a wild animal, then knock on the floor.

3. Physical education minute

On a hot day along a forest path
The animals went to water. (Children walk in a circle one after another)
The elk calf stomped behind the mother elk, (They walk, stomping loudly)
A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox, (They are walking stealthily)
A hedgehog was rolling behind its mother hedgehog (They move in a deep squat)
A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They move in a deep squat)
The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel, (They jump on their toes, bending their arms in front of their chests)
Behind the mother hare are the slanting hares (They jump, making “ears” from their palms)
The she-wolf led the wolf cubs behind her. (Walk on all fours)
All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Walk on all fours)

4. Exercise “Drawing Music”

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.


Game "Hedgehog"

Children turn into hedgehogs who are prepared to face danger, curl up into a ball, shrink, spread out their needles so that the enemy gets pricked. But the danger passed, and the hedgehogs remained among friends. They relax, stretch out and bask in the sun. (Repeated 3 times).

Lesson 12 “Furniture”

Equipment .

1. Ball.

3. Pictures depicting different pieces of furniture: bed, sofa, armchair, table, wardrobe, bedside table, chair.

4. Paper, pencils.

5. Music.

Progress of the lesson


1. Exercise “Let’s say hello”

Children move around the room to the music, at the psychologist’s command they find a partner, and greet each other as a pair, touching fingers, palms, knees, noses, etc.

Main part.

1.Looking at pictures of furniture, talking about the pictures.

Pictures of furniture are displayed. As the pictures are displayed, the children name what kind of piece of furniture it is and what it is needed for. Then the children solve riddles and find answers in the pictures.

1) It’s not for nothing that it’s in the apartment:
When it's served for dinner,

He gathers the whole family.

Behind him I drink tea and coffee, do my homework, and read. (Table)

2) I am comfortable, very soft,
It's not hard for you to guess.

Grandmothers and grandchildren love

Sit and lie down. (Sofa)

3) If you are tired of playing,
Then you go to bed in... (Bed)

2. Exercise “Say the opposite”

The psychologist throws a ball to the child and describes some piece of furniture; the child must throw the ball back and give the opposite answer.

- The closet is high, and the bedside table... low.

- The closet is large, but the bedside table... is small.

- The sofa is soft, but the stool is... hard, hard.

- The chair is soft, and the table... hard, hard.

- The bedside table is low, and the closet is... high.

- The bedside table is small, but the closet... is large.

- The stool is hard, and the sofa... soft.

- The table is hard, and the chair... soft.

3. Physical education minute

This is a chair, they sit on it (children squat).

This is a table, people sit at it (children bend over).

Here is a bed - they are lying on it (stretch your arms up, rise on your fingers).

We put things away in the closet (imitation of folding things).

We all go for a walk (march in place).

4. Exercise “Drawing music.”

Music is playing in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what mood the music has, what color it is, etc.


Children sit on the carpet in a comfortable position, the psychologist reads a poem, and calm music sounds.

Everyone can dance, jump, run, and draw.

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have a game like this - very easy, simple.

Movement slows down and tension disappears.

And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!


    Alyabyeva E.A. Correctional and developmental classes for children of senior preschool age. M.: TC, 2002.

    Bantikova S. Geometric games// Preschool education, No. 1, 2006

    Corrective and developmental classes and activities / Compiled by S.V. Lesina, G.P. Popova, T.L. Snisarenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

    Kuznetsova E.V., Tikhonova I.A. Development and correction of speech of children 5-6 years old, M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

    Kushnir N.Ya. The content of diagnostic and correctional work in children's preschool institutions, Minsk, 1996

    Chistyakova M.I.. Psycho-gymnastics. M., 1990

    Yakovleva N.G. Psychological assistance to preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: Valerie SPD; M.: Sphere shopping center, 2002.

Four-year-old children are mostly restless children who cannot sit quietly for even a few minutes. Although, of course, a lot depends on the child’s character and there are quiet people who happily spend hours on end playing quiet games on their own. But usually parents need to independently come up with an activity for a child of 4 years old in order to captivate him for at least a few minutes. There are many interesting options, and if you carefully examine each of them, then at least one will interest your fidget and give you a few minutes of peace and quiet.

During this period, it is important to pay due attention to physical activity: dexterity, flexibility and coordination of movements, while not forgetting about cognitive activity.
Forming vocabulary is also important for a child. It is necessary to pronounce each new word syllable by syllable in order to form the correct pronunciation. Along with cognitive and physical activity, it is important to develop creative abilities little man and develop his imagination.

It is also important at this age to teach children to distinguish “good” from “bad.” Look at pictures of children in different situations: helping around the house, playing football at home and ask the question: is the hero of the picture behaving correctly? Why?

The second version of the game is building a story from pictures. Ask your child to make up a story based on the pictures in front of him. This perfectly develops imagination and logic, and you can also get to know your child better by what thoughts he has.

Pediatricians believe that four-year-old children absorb information like a sponge through vision, hearing and touch. Everything that a child can see, hear and hold in his hands will be interesting and educational for him. What can you do with your child at home?

Active activities at home

In city apartments it is difficult to create optimal conditions for full physical development child. So it is advisable to go outside with your child for at least 1-2 hours a day so that he can run heartily, climb around the street, ride a bike or scooter, and otherwise pour out his energy in games. After such an exhausting walk, the fidget will behave calmer at home and will be able to engage in diligent games.

However, even at home you can buy a wall bars, some variations of which can fit even in a compact room. Horizontal bars, ladders, rope, rings and other similar equipment are ways to keep an active child occupied for a couple of hours. It is enough to lay a soft blanket or mattress on the floor so that the child does not hit himself after a fall. Keep an eye on the child out of the corner of your eye, and you can take half an hour for yourself.

Also instill in your child healthy habits from childhood. Gymnastics must be included in a child’s leisure time. Encourage your child to do simple movements for the neck, arms, legs and torso every morning. Don't forget to jump like bunnies and dance to fiery music. Such a 5-10 minute warm-up will have a very good effect on the health of the fidget.

  • Make a swing for your child; you can build it right in the room. Let him develop his vestibular apparatus. Riding must only take place under adult supervision.
  • Turn on fun children's music and let your baby dance; kids love to move to the cheerful rhythm. If at first the baby is shy or doesn’t know what to do, show an example on yourself - how to move, involve him in the dance, and then he himself will begin to enjoy himself and begin to dance from the heart.

Creative activities

After active activities, it is useful to change the field of activity and engage in creative activities that will help you relax a little, keep your hands busy and calm your baby before bedtime, for example.

  • Drawing. To do this, you only need a sheet of paper, and in some cases you can use the back of the wallpaper. Also prepare paints, pencils or markers - all options will do, focus on your child’s preferences and the available time for cleaning. The main thing is to interest the child. To do this, use already familiar images: characters from films and fairy tales, pets, friends and even relatives. Be mentally prepared for how your child sees you. If the child does not want to draw, first keep him company - draw yourself and offer to repeat, offer to finish drawing your drawing or color it with paints.
  • Coloring pages- suitable for children who do not like to draw from scratch, but just want to paint over finished drawings with bright colors. In stores you can find options for every taste and color, with various additional effects (erasable markers, additional riddles and labyrinths, with color hints, etc.).
  • Plasticine- another creative activity option for your four-year-old child. Modern plasticine is soft, bright and will definitely inspire him to create something masterpiece. Try floating play dough, which is made from foam beads. You can take this material with you into the bath, but you definitely need to keep an eye on your baby in it.
  • Handicrafts and applique. There are now plenty of special sets from which you can make jewelry in stores. These include appliqués made from beads, beads or buttons that are strung on a thread. You don’t have to buy such sets; you can find a replacement for them by rummaging around in your dresser drawer and looking for instructions on the Internet. Many children love to make something with their own hands, especially if the mother asks for a new decoration and in the end will definitely thank her for the gift she received.
  • Music games will also help brighten up the everyday life of mother and child. Pay attention to Zheleznova’s composition “Music with Mom.” These are simple songs, with tips on what to do.
  • Constructors- provide your child with a sufficient number of Lego bricks, and he will be happy to assemble towers, castles, bridges, helicopters, save his toys on this helicopter and generally show miracles of imagination.
  • Stenciling objects. You can buy it in a store or cut it out of hard cardboard yourself, and then give your child paints or pencils so that the child can use stencils to create his own paintings.

Get help around the house

Many parents carefully protect their children from everyday troubles so as not to “deprive the child of his childhood.” But in fact, at this age, children themselves are happy to help their parents, because they really like to imitate adults. And in the future, the acquired skills will be very useful when the child helps around the house, and later lives independently. So, under no circumstances should you protect your children from everyday food, because with normal dosing it will definitely not get boring. And don’t even think about separating tasks by gender - at this age there are no serious physical differences, so children can cope with the same tasks. And boys also need to be able to clean, cook, do laundry, and do self-care. Raise a truly real man, not a spoiled son.

  • Help with laundry: collect dirty clothes in a basket, throw them in the washer, give wet clothes to dry for mom, hang a few of your clothes on a low drying rack, remove things from it, take your clothes to a drawer, water flowers, pour food for an animal, etc. P.
  • Help with cleaning: wipe dust from low surfaces with a rag or fluffy broom, wipe baseboards with a rag, take the item to its place, collect toys in a box or put them in their places, etc.
  • Help in the kitchen: wash unbreakable dishes or fruits/vegetables, roll out the dough and make balls out of it or make stars-hearts with a mold, cut soft foods (boiled vegetables, eggs, sausage), etc. with a plastic knife.

If you still don’t want to trust your child with cooking and cleaning, you can keep him busy in the kitchen with toys. Combine kitchen games and creativity, for example, make a picture using pasta, beans and other edible products that can be glued to cardboard using PVA glue. Or mold strange animals from a piece of dough.

Or you can only imitate help - give an empty saucepan, a couple of ladle, a lid and pour some water - let him stir, add various safe herbs to the water, pour it into glasses, or simply knock on the bottom. It depends on what the child finds more interesting.

Keep busy with toys

Sometimes you can take advantage of modern achievements and keep your child occupied with purchased toys. The choice in stores is huge, age ratings are indicated on the box, and the rest depends on the interests and preferences of your child.

  • Tablet or phone. Turning on an educational cartoon or program on your tablet is as easy as shelling pears. Fortunately, this is now in abundance. The main thing is to choose a program or cartoon according to age and limit viewing time. Long periods of watching or playing games distract attention, lead to problems falling asleep and staying asleep, and often cause aggressive behavior. Psychologists advise not to leave your child alone with a TV or tablet. Parents should monitor the child’s reaction to certain moments, ask questions themselves or answer those asked by the baby. This behavior will help you find a common language with your child and better master the material. For a 4-year-old child, the duration of the session should not exceed 15-20 minutes.
  • Audiobooks- another way to properly occupy your child. Include him Pushkin's fairy tales or children's books by modern authors. They cultivate taste, and listening to them will help develop the imagination. With the help of audiobooks, the child learns to visualize what he hears, to draw a picture of his vision of the world. After listening to audiobooks, it will be useful to recreate the fairy tale by role, dramatize its excerpt, it is good if all family members are involved in this process.
  • TV or computer. If you choose between these two devices, preference should be given to the computer - the main thing is to sit the child away and control the viewing time. TV often runs advertisements between programs, which can cause unwanted buy-buy-buy hysteria. And on the computer you can independently select programs and run them in convenient time Without advertising. Choose interesting but useful programs - in the animal world, fixies, getting to know the planet, learning English, etc.
  • Books. An interesting book can pass the time, even if the child cannot read. Bright colorful books have many pictures that you can look at and study. Can be purchased interesting models books that read a fairy tale when you press a button or when you open a page, a huge castle rises.
  • Stickers. They sell huge magazines with a whole selection of stickers that can be stuck on and peeled off several times. Children love to place stickers on the pages and watch how the drawn world changes with a new object. You can take at least half an hour if you like the game.
  • Labyrinths, riddles, puzzles, etc. There are huge magazines with a whole bunch of such children's fun. Or you can simply download them on the Internet and print them out on a printer - it will be the same and cheaper, and it’s even more convenient for the child to study with separate sheets of paper, rather than with a huge notebook.
  • Old phone or camera- it is dangerous to trust a new one, but a child who is not needed can happily spend hours taking photographs and making videos about a cat, about a working mother, about himself, reading poems to the camera or playing with dolls. This is especially true in families where parents themselves like to film their child or themselves.
  • Puzzles and mosaics- at this age, children can already assemble large mosaics, the main thing is to choose one with an interesting plot - a favorite superhero, a cool car, adorable cats, etc.
  • Kinetic Sand— sold ready-made in the store or you can try to make it yourself using recipes from the Internet. In any case, to save your nerves, it is better to play with it either on film or in an inflatable pool, so as not to collect sand throughout the apartment. And the child will be delighted to play in the sandbox at home, especially with such unusual sand.

Homemade toys

If you don’t want to spend money on store-bought toys that quickly get boring for your child and then end up lying around idle, create them yourself. At this age, children are ready to play with many things that adults find boring and ordinary. But don't underestimate the power of a child's imagination.

  • Games with plastic bottle. Children simply love to pour small objects into them: buttons, peas, cereals. It will also be interesting if you pour water into a bottle and shake it, creating enchanting unusual sounds.
  • Mix peas and beans in a bowl and invite your child to sort them into different jars - a fun activity that develops fine motor skills.

  • Wind a colored rope around an object and then unwind it. Spools of different threads will also work, as will a roll of cheap toilet paper.
  • Lace-up and zippers. Get out the “experimental” sneakers and old ziplock bags. Let the child learn to handle them now; everything will come in handy in life.
  • Clothespins. Oddly enough, children love to play with clothespins, constantly pinching things around them. Let him practice, because this is how he develops arm strength.
  • Collecting pyramids, Legos, construction sets - all this contributes to the development of fine motor skills.
  • Playing hospital, store and school will help in the future with the choice of profession and socialization in society. As a rule, such games relieve children's fears in real life. For example, a child who was previously afraid of a doctor, after playing “doctor,” goes to him with interest.
  • Make a fort out of pillows and blankets under the table, throw toys and a flashlight there, appoint the child as captain and the child will play in his house with soft friends.
  • Make a board with all kinds of locks, zippers, chains and other interesting items for opening and closing. Perfectly develops fine motor skills, and at the same time children really like it.

What to do with a four-year-old at the dacha

In warm weather, a country house is an ideal place for your child. Here you can play outdoor games, swing in a hammock, and conduct green experiments in the garden.

  • All children love to play in the water. Set up a pool in the shade, fill it with water and let the duck in. Your four year old will be pleased. Remember to be safe: provide him with a bucket hat and apply fragrance-free sunscreen.
  • Fly a kite or balloons. The main thing in this matter is to find a safe open area where the child can run with the kite without putting himself in danger. If there is no open space, balls that can be thrown up, caught and even burst are suitable.
  • Young gardener. At the age of four, children can already be involved in gardening work. At this age they love nature and are keenly interested in it. Invite him to weed the garden bed or harvest the crop. There will be no limit to joy!
  • Have a mini-football match. This is a great game for those who can't sit still. Using improvised means, we make a goal, take the ball and explain the rules of the game. The one who scores the most goals wins. If fans get involved in the game, it will be a lot of fun.
  • Don't you have a sandbox on your property? Be sure to get her. You can build towers and caves from sand, make Easter cakes and figurines, leave traces of hands and feet, watch sand pour through your fingers, and rub it in your palms. The main thing is to explain to your child that you should not throw sand, and that you should wash your hands with soap after doing so.
  • A hammock in a summer cottage is not only a way to relax in nature, but also a great place for your child to play. Position it so that he can climb onto it without your help.
  • Feed birds, cats and other animals together. Children enjoy interacting with animals.
  • Let me go bubble and pop them. They develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

Now you know what to do with a four-year-old child at home, wherever you are. In addition, all the tips will help raise an active, smart and healthy person who will benefit society and change this world for the better.