One of the largest aeronautical festivals in Southeast Asia opens every spring in the Malaysian capital.

The Malayan capital is one of the exemplary megacities of Southeast Asia, where you can find an amazing mixture of ultra-modern technologies and millennial ones. Among the most spectacular events in Kuala Lumpur, as well as in Malaysia as a whole, is air holiday Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. The festival, which recently moved from the administrative capital of Putrajaya, annually attracts about 20 top aeronaut teams from 13 countries.

Festival balloons sets up its camp in one of the park areas in the very center of the city - the Desa ParkCity park area. Here you can see not only traditional teardrop-shaped balls, but also fancy flying machines, whose shape is inspired by characters from fairy tales, comics, films and other works of art. In addition to the traditional day and night flights for such events, the festival site has an entire sports and entertainment town with a climbing wall, a car simulator, an archery range, yoga lessons, zorbing, dance classes, a stage with live music and a food court.

The entrance ticket price is 50 ringgit. For the opportunity to ride a balloon you will have to pay 300 ringgit.

The event has been canceled for 2019

Sports festival
"Merry paths of summer"

Target: propagate healthy image life; create conditions for children’s health and development of physical education skills.


ensure physical activity of children;

in the process of a fun competition, let the child express himself;

create a situation of empathy for the successes of a friend or team;

develop dexterity, ingenuity, and speed of reaction.


1. Clown athlete costume.

2. 14 balloons (according to the number of competitions, awarded for winning the competition).

3. 2 large spoons.

4. 4 large boxes.

5. 10 balloons for use in competitions.

6. 4 balloons, painted like nesting dolls.

7. 2 scarves or scarves.

8. 2 chairs.

9. Rope 1.5 m long.

10. 2 tennis rackets.

11. 2 cubes.

12. 2 volleyballs.

13. 3 small balls.

14. 4 rubber mats.

15. 2 buckets.

16. 2 mops.

17. Crayons.

18. Medals, gifts.

The course of the holiday

Two teams participate in the competition. The number of participants in teams is not limited, but the only condition is that the number of participants in each team must be equal.

(Fun sports music sounds. The presenter appears on the sports ground dressed as an athlete-clown.)

Leading. Sun, air and water -

Our best friends!

Guys, I'm an entertainer

I'm called Sportik.

And if it's boring -

I will instantly dispel sadness.

My dad is Sports

And mom - Physical education,

All sports are close relatives.

I've traveled all over countries of the world,

Guys are waiting for me everywhere.

Like a song, you need a friend on the way,

I must find him here!

Guys! Let's get acquainted!

(Approaches first one, then another child.)

If I get to know everyone like this, it will take us a long time. Let's get to know each other differently. As soon as I say: “One, two, three - say your name,” you will loudly say what your name is. Attention! One two Three! Say your name!

(Children say their names loudly.)

Now we know each other and can set off on a journey along the cheerful paths of summer. I need fellow travelers who are honest and brave, dexterous and skillful, who know how to stand up for themselves and not leave a friend in trouble. I invite these guys to the start!

(Teams line up in their starting positions. Submit a report.)

For victory in each competition, Sportik rewards the winning team with a balloon, i.e., counts one point.

"As a warm-up."

It is necessary to bring the inflatable ball, holding it on a large spoon, to a certain mark. On the way back, change hands.

"Merry porters"

Large boxes are located at opposite ends of the site. At the starting line, there are five inflated balloons in the same boxes. The first numbers must, in any way, transfer five balls from one box to another at once, return back and pass the baton. The second numbers run to the box located at the end of the site, and also transfer five balls simultaneously to the box located at the beginning of the site, pass the baton, etc.

“I’ll knit a silk scarf.”

There is a rope stretched across two posts. Several balloons are suspended from it, each of which has a matryoshka doll on it.

The first team member has a handkerchief in his hands. You need to run to the racks and tie a scarf on one of the balls. The second participant must take off this handkerchief, etc.

"The Core of Baron Munchausen."

As a core - balloon IR. It is necessary to saddle the cannonball, holding it between your legs, and make your way to the mark and back. If the ball bursts, the team receives a penalty point.

"Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat."

This is a pair relay race. One team member imitates a fox by bending one leg at the knee. The cat is blindfolded. The fox puts his hand on the cat's shoulder, and in this way they cover the distance.

"The Elusive Cord"

At a distance of 5–6 meters there are two chairs with their backs facing each other. There is a rope stretched on the floor between the legs of the chairs, the ends of which are under the chairs. One player from each team sits on chairs. At the leader’s command, they run around the opponent’s chair, return to their chair, sit down and, grabbing the end of the cord, pull it towards themselves. The team whose player does this first is awarded the coveted point. If the players grab the cord at the same time, it’s a draw. The game continues with another pair of players.

"Let's play tennis."

The participant is holding a tennis racket in his hands. He needs to run to the mark and back, “throwing” an inflatable ball with his racket.

"Siamese twins".

Siamese are twins conjoined with each other. Each pair on the team will be such twins. They will have to “grow together” with their backs. To do this, you need to stand with your back to each other and clasp your hands tightly. You can only run sideways in this position. Therefore, the first couple stands sideways on the starting line, runs sideways and returns in the same way, passing the baton to the next “conjoined twins”. The backs of the players must be pressed tightly against each other throughout the entire run.

"Hit the ball."

The throwing line is marked on the court. 4–5 m from her there is a large ball on a cube. Players from one team and then from the other alternately throw a small ball, trying to knock down the big one. Each team member is given three attempts. For each hit, a point is given. The team with the most points wins.

"Roll the ball."

Each team stands in a column one at a time (the distance between the columns is at least 2 m), feet shoulder-width apart. The guides have volleyballs.

At the signal, the guide passes the ball over his head to the next player, who passes the ball to the next, etc. The last player, having received the ball, rolls it forward between the legs of the players, and he himself runs from the right side of the column, becomes the first, takes the ball and again passes it back over his head to the next player.

The relay continues until the first player takes the place of the guide again.

If the ball rolls out of the “corridor”, it must be put back and the game continues.

"Cross the swamp."

Each team is given two rubber mats (possibly in the form of large feet). Each team member must cover the distance to the mark and back, stepping from one mat to another.


Players from two teams take turns performing a standing long jump. The first team player jumps from the starting line and the landing location is marked. A player from the other team jumps from this mark to the other side of the line, etc. The result is determined by the jumps of the last player. If he lands behind the starting line, his team wins, if in front of it, his team loses.

"Baba Yaga".

The indispensable attributes of Baba Yaga were a stupa and a broom. In the relay race, you can use a simple bucket as a mortar, and a mop as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. And in this position, he goes the distance and passes the “mortar” and “broom” to the next participant.

"Fun Train"

The first participant plays the role of the “locomotive”, and all the others are the “cars”. He alone reaches the mark, returns back, and the “car”, the second member of the team, attaches itself to him, wrapping his arms tightly around his belt. They make the way to the mark together. Then another “car” is attached to them, the three of them are already running, etc.

Summing up the holiday.

Sportik sums up the results of the competition, awards the winners and participants of the competition with memorable medals and gifts. Then Sportik bids farewell to the children until his next sporting journeys along the “Merry paths of summer.”

To the sounds of a sports march and the applause of fans, the teams take a lap of honor.

Birthday boy's day

(option 1)

The hall is decorated with balloons and flowers. There are portraits on the walls - friendly caricatures of birthday people. The music “Song of the Crocodile Gena” sounds, the birthday people enter and take their places of honor.

Counselor. Hello guys! Today is our holiday. What is it called?

Children. Birthday boy's day.

Counselor. Would you like to hear about Russian customs, children's games and nursery rhymes?

Children. We want.

The presenters come out.

1st presenter. My beloved guests,

My dear guests!

Grandma is coming to see you

He's bringing you porridge.

Grandmother is young,

He carries some sweet porridge.

We can't make any profits

But only to accustom the people,

So that grandma is known

To invite you to visit more often!

2nd presenter. Look how the upper room is dressed up! And it smells like pies... What do you think, when is it so solemn and cozy in the house? That's right - when it's a holiday. What holiday brings the greatest joy to your home? Of course, the birth of a child. Who do you think was more welcome in a peasant family: a boy or a girl? (Children's answers.) The boy was seen as a helper, and the girl as a destroyer. Why? (Children's answers.)

A baby is born, his grandmother washes him and places him under the image: “Be, my child, happy and talented.” Either a silver coin or three pebbles taken from a hut, from the street, or from a bathhouse are thrown into the water. The grandmother speaks: “Just as these pebbles sleep and are silent, never scream, so my baby would sleep and be silent, never scream, never roar, would not know any sorrow. Be my words tightly, tightly, firmly, to my words there is a key, and a lock, and a damask seal.”

They didn’t rock the empty cradle, they didn’t cut their hair until they were a year old, they didn’t let them look in the mirror, they didn’t let them sit near a child playing on the floor, they didn’t show anyone sleeping. Maybe they did it right? The baby grew up calm, began to speak and walk on time. And lullabies sounded.

1st reader. Gray cats

They came from overseas,

They brought you dreams,

A lot of age.

Sleep, get enough sleep,

Get smart.

1st presenter. The baby woke up, stretched, and the mother stroked his tummy and said:

2nd reader. Along - sprouts,

Across - fatties,

Handles - grannies,

Legs are runners,

The eyes are peeps,

Rotok is a talker.

2nd presenter. What are the names of a mother’s first games with her baby? Pestushki, from the word “to nurture”, to nurse, to educate. The child roars or screams, but the mother gives him his own way.

3rd reader. Ah, the nightingale sings, sings!

Oh, she sings, she sings young!

Young, pretty, pretty!

2nd presenter. Why do you think, during pestle play, the mother either spreads the child’s arms to the sides, then raises them up, or waves her tassels:

The owl is flying, the owl is flying,

The geese flew to their heads

Sit down - shoo!

That's right, he's doing exercises.

2 presenter. After bathing, he splashes water and says:

4th reader. The water is flowing,

A growing child.

Water off a duck's back,

You're too thin!

Water - downwards

And the child goes up.

1st presenter. And this is how they played with you...

5th reader. Let's go with nuts

On a barrel, on a barrel,

On a smooth path

Over the bumps, over the bumps,

Trot, walk - crash into the hole!

2nd presenter. It’s both scary and funny to fly from your knees, but the mother won’t drop you... Help the child take his first steps:

6th reader. Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

Grandfather caught the cat

And grandma has a cat

For the left leg.

Big feet

Walked along the road:

Top, top, top.

Little feet

Running along the path:

Top, top, top.

2nd presenter. Mother right hand imitates the horns of a goat, lightly tickles the child and says:

7th reader. The horned goat is coming,

There's a butted goat coming:

Legs stomp stomp!

Eyes clap-clap!

Who doesn't eat porridge?

Who doesn't drink milk?

Gore, gore, gore!

2nd presenter. We played “Ladushki” and “Magpie” with you. Remember how?

The children remember and tell stories in chorus.

1st presenter. But why play such a game with a baby?

Two guys role-play:

-Whose nose?

- Makeev.

- Where are you going?

- To Kyiv.

- What are you bringing?

- Rye.

-What will you take?

- A penny.

- What will you buy?

- Kalach.

-Who will you eat with?

- One.

Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!

2 presenter. The child not only listens to jokes, but slowly remembers them and “helps” the storyteller.

8th reader. Tili-bom, tili-bom,

The cat's house caught fire.

The cat jumped out

Her eyes bulged.

A chicken is running with a bucket,

Floods the cat's house.

And the dog just barks,

Nothing helps.

1st presenter. Such jokes not only teach, but also instruct, right?

9th reader. I had a little hen,

She laid a white egg.

Grandfather beat, beat, but did not break,

Grandmother beat and beat, but did not break.

Just a ride-on mouse

She hit it with her tail and broke it.

Grandfather is crying, woman is crying,

The chicken clucks,

And the mouse is a ride

She snuck into the hole and left, left, left.

2nd presenter. In play, a child learns to move and talk and, of course, is educated. It was believed that up to the age of 12, children - pure souls - would quickly find a common language with the sun, and with the rain, and with the wind, and with their mother - the damp earth. It was the children who pronounced the chants and sentences.

10th reader. Rain, rain, more!

I I'll take out the thicket,

A crust of bread,

A small piece of pie.

Rain, rain, more!

Give me thicker bread!

Rain, dew, dew,

Girl, grow, grow!

11th reader. Snail, snail,

Stick out your horns:

I'll give you some pie.

12th reader. Ladybug,

black head,

Fly overseas!

It's warm there

It's cold here.

1st presenter. And how many teasers were invented by our ancestors! Perhaps there is not a single name that our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers would have ignored in early childhood.

- Alyoshka!

All. Cake!

- Andrey!

All. Sparrow!

- Antoshka!

All. The potatoes are underbaked!

- Vaska-Vasyonok!

All. Skinny pig!

- Egor!

All. Hook!

- Eremey!

All. Be smart about yourself!

13th reader. Ivanushka - simplicity,

I bought a horse without a tail,

I went to get married

Tied the trough,

The trough breaks,

The bride smiles.

The trough fell -

The bride has disappeared.

14th reader. Sidor is selling a bathhouse,

Sidorikha doesn’t give it,

The little sidors are squealing,

They drag the bathhouse under the hill.

15th reader. Fool fooled

Four fists

To the fifth chair

May you be inflated!

On the sixth wheel

May you get blown away!

2nd presenter. And they tease you, and you will not remain in debt, just don’t be offended or offended too much. Who are you?

All. Grandfather Pikhto

Yes grandma Nobody!

16th reader. A and B were sitting on the pipe,

A fell, B disappeared,

What's left on the pipe?

All. AND!

16th reader. Pull your ears!

1st presenter. Choose for yourself which is better: if you don’t answer, they’ll laugh at you for being slow-witted; if you answer, take care of your ears.

Two guys say:

They sent you a bow.

- Who?

- Masha.

-What Masha?

- Our pig.

2nd presenter. Answer “And I.”

- I will go to the forest.

- And I.

- I will cut down the tree.

- And I.

I'll cut the deck.

- And I.

I'll knead the pigs.

- And I.

- They will eat.

- And I.

Two guys say:

Senka! There's dirt under your feet!

Where? (Leans over and looks.)

Don't bow, I'm not your prince!

1st presenter. Say: two hundred.

Children. Two hundred.

1st presenter. Fools are in place.

2nd presenter. If you didn’t like the teasers, there’s no need: there are other games, both useful and not at all offensive. Come on, try to say it quickly:

1. Al-mal, white diamond, green emerald.

2. One – firewood, two – firewood, three – firewood.

3. Corydalis - the corydalis laughed with laughter: “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

1st presenter. Tired of training your tongue, run, jump. Just don’t forget a good assistant again if the game is a competition. What do you think this is?

17th reader. One two three four

Midges lived in the apartment.

A friend himself got into the habit of visiting them,

The cross is a large spider.

Five, six, seven, eight,

We will ask the spider:

You glutton, don't go!

Come on, Mashenka, drive!

All. This is a counting rhyme.

The music is playing from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

2nd presenter. Name day, name day!

Everyone enjoys celebrating.

1st presenter. We all love birthdays.

And although he is full of worries,

How nice on your birthday

Become a whole year older.

2nd presenter. Congratulations on your holiday,

Happy name day.

We'll have some fun here

And we'll give out gifts!

The classroom is decorated with balloons according to the number of birthday children; the balloons contain pieces of paper with numbers. Birthday people “burst” them and take out pieces of paper with festive lottery numbers.

1st presenter. Does everyone love gifts? Now there will be a win-win lottery where amazing prizes await you.

The presenters take turns calling the ticket number and presenting gifts to the birthday people.

1. A piece of sweet life (candy).

2. So as not to be a mess,

You need to wash your hands more often (soap).

3. Anything can happen

Then you will need this (handkerchief).

4. And this one useful thing,

Although not iron (rubber).

5. Each schoolchild in his own luggage

Will always put (pencil).

2nd presenter. Well, now accept congratulations guys.

Children giving giftshandmade crafts, and then a concert at the request of the birthday people. The holiday ends with tea.

Birthday boy's day

(option 2)

The hall is festively decorated.

All the children (except for the birthday boys) are in the hall, they are waiting for the “heroes” of the occasion to enter.

The music “Songs of the Crocodile Gena” sounds, and the birthday people enter the hall and take seats specially prepared for them.

The music stops.

All those present stand up and perform for the birthday people to the tune of “Narru Vigthdau”:

With day birth of you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you

Congratulations to our class.

Leading: Today wonderful holiday. We celebrate the birthdays of our classmates, our friends.

Birthday is one of the most important holidays of every person, because on this day a child is born. new person, new life.

Everyone knows it's no secret

What a holiday - every birthday,

So accept congratulations.

Children present handmade cards with wishes and congratulations; Each group (team) of children reads a poem or sings a birthday song. (Children prepare this task in advance.)

Then the presenter and assistants present gifts to the birthday people and express their wishes.

Birthday children thank you for the gifts.

Leading: And now we are going to visit our birthday boys.

(All children in the class are divided in advance into 3 teams, each team has and birthday children. In the future, all tasks and competitions are completed either by the whole team or by certain team members.)

1st task . You are expecting guests. Where do you start? (We need to clean and decorate the apartment.)

Each team is allocated its own part of the class, which needs to be colorfully decorated.

2nd task . Now we need to prepare the sandwiches for the table.

The guys choose the necessary products and prepare sandwiches.

3rd task . Make juice from oranges that must be peeled in advance.

4th task . It's time to set the table. Children set the tables and place everything they need on them.

5th task . All is ready. But why don't the guests come?

Did you remember to invite them and set a time?

How can I do that?

(Send an invitation, call on the phone, invite in person, but all this must be done in advance.)

Acting out situations.

Teams draw out their task and prepare it.

6th task . While we are waiting for guests, we ourselves need to dress smarter and more original.

Team members dress up their team's birthday boys.

7th task . Here are the guests. They must be met and escorted to their places.

(Parents and jury members act as guests.

"Hosts" treat "guests".)

8th task . A birthday would probably not be so interesting and joyful if there were no games and entertainment on it.

So come play with us.

(Each team shows 1-2 games or asks riddles, etc. This task can be prepared by children in advance.)

9th task . And now for some time we will leave you without birthday people. Do you want them to return to your team? Then you need to complete one very easy task. I hope you remember the names of your friends. This means you can easily complete the task. I tell you a name and if it's a member of your team, you raise your hand.

His name means protector in Greek. (Alexei).

And this is a Roman name - baby (Paul).

Her name came to us from Scandinavia and means sacred, holy (Olga).

Alexander (Greek) – protector of people.

Anastasia (Greek) – resurrection.

Andrew (Greek) – brave man.

Anna (Heb.) – grace.

Valery (Roman) – healthy, strong.

Daria (pers.) – winner.

Eugene (Greek) – noble.

Catherine (Greek) – immaculate, pure.

Elena (pre-Greek) – light.

Igor (scand.) – strength.

Irina (Greek) – peace.

Constantine (Roman) – constant.

Ksenia (Greek) – hospitable.

Lyudmila (slav.) – dear to people.

Maxim (Roman) – the greatest.

Marina (Roman) – sea.

Mary (Heb.) – superiority.

Natalia (Roman) – native.

Nikita (Greek) – winner.

Sergei (Roman) – highly respected.

Tatiana (Greek) – organizer.

(Leo Uspensky. You and your name.)

If it is difficult for children to recognize their friends in this way, then you can change the task: describe any positive qualities of the child so that the team recognizes him.

Teacher: Well done, you completed the task, and your friends are swamis again. What are they like? Choose the most best words what you can say about them.

Yes, these are our wonderful birthday people, but so are you, because without you, without your support, it would be difficult for them and, probably, not very fun.

Let's always remember who we are, try not to offend each other, help each other, like today.

In conclusion, the children sing the song of Gena the Crocodile. The holiday ends with tea.

Alyonushka's name day

Fun music from cartoons sounds.

On the improvised stage there is a forest, Alyonushka’s house. At the entrance to the reading room, guests are greeted by Malvina and Buratino.

BURATIN O. We beg you: take a look,

How fun we live!

Alyonushka comes out to meet the guests.

A lenushka. Welcome, dear guests!

Malvina, Buratino and Alyonushka help the kids take their places.

Malvina. Guys! Alyonushka invited you to her name day. Today you will meet many of her friends from a variety of fairy tales.

A lenushka. I love fairy tales very much, I hope that you love them too. I have many friends in the fairy-tale world, some of them came to my holiday. ( The ringing of a bell is heard.) Listen, guys, these are the heroes of the books coming here.

BURATIN O. Alyonushka, you haven’t forgotten that each hero of the fairy tale will ask the children a riddle about themselves, and you, our dear viewers, guess who came to Alyonushka’s holiday.

Malvina. Dear Pinocchio, where is our magic bag with riddle gifts?

A lenushka. Well, guys, shall we let Malvina and Buratino go?

Children. Yes!

BURATIN O. Thanks guys, we'll be back soon.

They leave.

A lenushka. And we, guys, will now invite the heroes of fairy tales.

Music is playing. Alyonushka and the audience call the guests: “Heroes of fairy tales, we are waiting for you!” Fairy-tale characters appear.

A lenushka. We are very glad to meet you and ask you to tell us a little about yourself so that it will be easier for the children to guess who you are and from which fairy tales you came to us. You start, girl.

Little Red Riding Hood ( without headdress). The French writer’s fairy tale begins like this: “For her granddaughter’s birthday, her grandmother gave her...”. I won’t tell you what I gave, otherwise you’ll immediately recognize my name. Better think, what is my name?

Children. Little Red Riding Hood!

Little Red Riding Hood. Look what a beautiful book I came to you from ( shows the book by C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”).

A lenushka. Well done boys! Who wrote this fairy tale?

Children. Charles Perrault!

A lenushka. You see, Little Red Riding Hood, how well the guys remember you. Come to the festive table.

Little Red Riding Hood gives Alyonushka a book and goes to the table.

A lenushka. Thank you, Little Red Riding Hood, for the gift. Now the boys and I will be able to read other tales by Charles Perrault.

Khavroshechka. Now it's my turn. When I was very young, I was left an orphan. My foster parents took me in, fed me, and then tortured me with work, starved me to death: I serve, I clean, and I am responsible for everyone and everything. And my mistress had three big daughters. The eldest was called One-Eyed, the middle - Two-Eyed and the smaller - Three-Eyed. But what is my name - you tell me yourself.

Children. Tiny Khavroshechka!

Khavroshechka. Well done. I give you, Alyonushka, this fairy tale. ( He goes to the table.)

C h i p o l l i n o ( hiding an onion hat behind his back).

I grew up in Italy

Where the oranges ripen

And lemons and olives,

But under the blue sky,

Not an olive, not a lemon,

I was born... ( puts on an onion hat)

Children. With a bow!

C h i p o l l i n o. So what's my name?

Children. Cipollino!

C h i p o l l i n o. That's right, guys! I give you, Alyonushka, a book in which there are many different stories, including mine. And all this was invented by an Italian writer... Tell me, guys, which writer?

Shows the children a book by J. Rodari.

Children. Gianni Rodari!

Cipollino gives Alyonushka a book.

A lenushka. Thank you, Cipollino, for such a gift. The guys and I read the interesting stories that are written in this book. Join our table.

Cipollino takes a seat at the table.

Alenushka ( addressing Lisa). Where did you come from?

Fox ( without a cap). But listen to you, children, too. “Nice song! The trouble is, my dear, that I’m getting old and can’t hear well. Sit on my face and sing it one more time.” Who did I tell that to?

Children. Kolobok!

Fox. And who am I?

Children. Fox!

Fox ( puts on a cap). Right. I give you, Alyonushka, Russian folk tales.

The fox goes to the table.

A lenushka. Thank you, dear ones, for coming to congratulate me today and bringing me the best gift - books. You guys and I will definitely read them. Is it true?

Children. Yes!

A lenushka. Where did our Malvina and Buratino stay?

Malvina and Buratino quickly enter.

Malvina. Sorry it took us so long. Pinocchio forgot his handbag in our puppet theater. Papa Carlo came out and closed entrance doors on the key.

BURATIN O. We had to look for him.

A lenushka. Now, I think, all our worries are behind us, and we can continue the holiday.

BURATIN O. Certainly. And the continuation of the holiday will be the secrets of this handbag ( shows the bag). The guys will help us discover the secret. Here lie the characters of fairy tales or objects that belong to them. Malvina and I will talk about them, and you must correctly name the hero of the book. Get started, Malvina!

Malvina. He always loves everyone,

Whoever came to him.

Did you guess it? This is Gena

Nice Gena...

Children. Crocodile!

Pinocchio takes out a toy - Crocodile Gena. Gives it to Alyonushka.

BURATIN O. He is both cheerful and not angry.

This cute weirdo

The owner is with him, the boy Robin,

And a friend - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And I have a special scent for honey,

This plush prankster -

Little bear...

Children. Winnie the Pooh.

Malvina takes Winnie the Pooh out of her purse and gives it to Alyonushka.

A lenushka. Can I tell you a riddle?

Malvina. Of course you can.

A lenushka. Listen to me carefully, guys:

He is a friend to animals and children,

He is a living being

But there are no such people in this world

There is no one else.

Because he's not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a fox,

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a marmot...

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

What's called...

Children. Cheburashka!

A lenushka. That's right, guys, this is everyone's favorite Cheburashka. What a wonderful handbag. Thank you, Buratino and Malvina, for the gifts.

Malvina. That's not all.

A lenushka. Not all? Where are the rest and who will cook them for me?

BURATIN O. Guys. They made them with their own hands.

Children give Alyonushka their drawings and crafts.

A lenushka. Thank you, dear guys! ( There's a knock on the door.) Who could it be?

Malvina introduces a girl dressed as a Goat.

Kozochka. Hello, Alyonushka and our dear guests! We, students of 1st grade, received an assignment from the Primer to continue the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.” Remember: “Once upon a time there was a goat and seven little goats...”

The song by V. Shainsky “It's fun to walk together” is played. The Goat appears, followed by seven kids. The song fades out.

Koza. So we little goats quickly did our household chores together. But I couldn’t do everything alone in a whole day. Now I’ll have time to go to the store, and you can play.

(The goat takes the basket and goes to the exit.)

Well, little kids, I'm off. And you sit at home and don’t open it to anyone without me.

The Goat left. The little goats sit on the floor.

OLD GOAT. Little kids, soon there will be a big one in the forest children's party, and we must repeat the song “When my friends are with me.”

1st Little Goat. Other little animals should come to us ( looking out the window). Yes, here they are, already coming.

2nd Goat ( addressing my sister). Will I open the door for them?

OLD KOZOCHKA. Open it, just close it quickly, suddenly a Wolf is walking nearby.

The kid lets the animals in and quickly slams the doors.

Belochka. Sorry for being late.

1st Hare. We walked very carefully.

2nd Bunny. And they looked around all the time.

Eh and k. And they listened.

OLD KOZOCHKA. Nothing, nothing, we haven't started rehearsing yet. And caution is always needed. You were right to take your time.

The little animals sit down with the kids and, at the signal from the Elder Goat, sing the first verse of the song. The Wolf appears in front of the house with his son. In his hands beautiful box. They stopped in front of the house and took a matryoshka doll out of the box.

Wolf ( father). I really want to go to a children's party.

In olk. You will definitely get there. Now we will show the kids what your doll can do, and everything will be fine. Get started.

Wolf ( approaching the house). Hello, forest animals! ( No one looks out the window, the animals are quiet.) I also want to come to your holiday (shows the wolf to hide behind the Christmas tree).

The Elder Goat appeared in the window.

OLD KOZOCHKA. Little wolf? Where are you from?

Wolf. I came to show you my doll so that I can go to the holiday with you.

1st Goat Don't trust him, little sister! He brought a big wolf with him!

Wolf: No, he only walked me to your house so that I wouldn’t get lost.

2nd Little Goat: We still won’t come out to you!

Wolf: Don’t go out, you can watch from the window. My doll is not easy, she will ask you riddles about books, and you will guess them.

3rd Little Goat How interesting, we love books very much.

4th Little Goat: Do wolf cubs also read books?

Wolf ( offended). Certainly.

2nd Little Goat: And we thought you only eat little goats.

Wolf: I told you that I want to be with you at the holiday. This means I will be your friend, if, of course, you believe me.

6th Little Goat: Let’s believe him, we’re still in our own house.

OLD KOZOCHKA. Come on, Wolf, start your riddles.

Wolf. I am a cheerful Matryoshka,

Brought you gifts:

Different fairy tales

Yes, the riddles are tricky.

Guess it, little animals!

V e v d o m i k e. Let’s guess!

Sit on the window

And he rolled

Into the forest along the path?

Shows the book “Kolobok”.


Wolf. Matryoshka and I still have a lot of riddles about books, and there are a lot of interesting books. But we prepared all this for the holiday, so you will hear the rest of the riddles there.

1st Goat. What beautiful books! Sister, can we watch them?

OLD KOZOCHKA. Now I'll check if the Wolf is nearby.

The kids watch the Goat, and she goes out and carefully looks around. The wolf lay down on the ground. The goat doesn't see him.

OLD KOZOCHKA. But not for long. Let's take a look and go straight into the house, otherwise we'll get some from our mother.

The kids and little animals run out and look at the book and the doll.

The Goat appears. She first sees the kids, then notices the Wolf.

Goat ( scared). Little goats! Wolf!

The kids and animals, turning around, see the Wolf rising from the ground and run into the house. The wolf cub runs up to his father and pulls his hand.

Wolf. Dad, dad, tell Goat-Dereza why we came!

The Wolf wants to take a step towards the Goat, but she is preparing to attack.

V o lk. Koza-Dereza, my son really wants to be a friend of your kids, all the little animals and to go to the children's party. I gave him my word of honor that I would never hunt animals or domestic animals.

Goat ( calmed down a little). I wouldn’t believe you, but since you gave your son your word of honor, it means you’re telling the truth. Well, we are always happy to make new friends.

The Goat hugs the Wolf Cub and approaches the house with him. Kids and little animals run out to meet her.

Koza. There you are new friend. What is your song about friendship?

V o l c h o n o k. I also know this song.

The wolf cub stands next to everyone. Everyone sings the song “When my friends are with me” and leaves to the song.

A lenushka. What a wonderful holiday I have today, how you all make me happy! On such a joyful day you need to talk only about good things, but books have a very sad life. And then the books that were once beautiful new end up dirty and torn in the book hospital. And he treats them ( Aibolit appears) who guys?

Children. Aibolit!

A i b o l i t. That's right. Hello! Sorry for the delay. I accepted sick books. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Books, too, unfortunately, get sick. True, they do not sneeze or cough. My patient patients do not cry, do not moan, do not complain, but they suffer: somehow imperceptibly they begin to turn pale, turn yellow, dry out, and crumble into leaves. And this is where I and my assistants come to the rescue. We glue the book, straighten its pages, and make a new spine. And in order for books not to be offensive to us, we must remember that we must take care of them: do not read while eating, do not place dishes or food on them. And now you yourself will continue the rules for using the book.

Children name the rules for using the book.

Aybol and t. Now I am sure that among you there are no those who spoil books. Take care of them, guys!


A lenushka. I think that among you there will not be such readers, after which the book will need to be taken to Dr. Aibolit. And now it’s time to introduce you to the owner of this book house. She can find for you on the shelves any book you ask for, and can advise you to take the most interesting one. After all, we, the heroes of books, are guests here too, and the librarian will be your faithful friend and assistant ( says first name, patronymic).

Bibliography. Dear Guys! Listen carefully and tell me what I’m going to talk about now:

She speaks silently

But it’s understandable and not boring.

You talk to her more often -

You will become better and smarter!

What is this riddle about?

Children. About the book!

Bibliography. That's right, guys! By reading, you become smarter, stronger, kinder. Today, not all book characters were able to come to your holiday. But they sent telegrams, although they forgot to sign them. Let's try to guess together who sent the congratulatory telegrams. ( Reads the first telegram.)

“I ran to your holiday and accidentally broke an egg...” Who was in such a hurry to come to us?

Children. Mouse!

Bibliography. Right. And from which fairy tale?

Children. Chicken Ryaba!

Bibliography. And here’s another telegram: “I can’t come to your holiday, my trousers have run away...” Who sent us such a telegram?

Children. Dirty guy from "Moidodyr"!

Bibliography. Well done boys! You know fairy tales well. The more often you come to the library, the more interesting books will tell you.

Malvina. We kindly ask you to come in

To our spacious book house!

BURATIN O. We kindly ask: come in,

We are always, always waiting for you!

The heroes of the books bow and leave.

Bibliography. Choose the book you like, and I will help you.

The librarian takes the children to the book exhibition, talks, tells stories, and helps them choose a book.

There's a carnival at the camp!!!

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the fifth season of the year is carnivals. The concept of "carnival" has many interpretations. “Carne, vale” in German means “goodbye meat.” It was a holiday for the people of Cologne before Lent. Carnival was the name given to the chariot of the goddess Izi, with whose arrival ice began to shift in the rivers. This word translated from Greek means “ship's chariot.” The completely land ritual received this name because in the festive procession in honor of the god Dionysius, a ship on wheels was carried through the streets of ancient Greek cities, in which a dressed god sat: after all, according to legend, Dionysus traveled a lot, he taught people to grow grapes. In Russia, the first carnival masquerade procession through the streets of Moscow at the end of January 1763 was organized by the great actor Fyodor Volkov.

And yet, carnival is most often associated with Christmastide, with New Year holidays. Couldn't it be spent in the summer at a camp? Of course it can. The camps most often host forest carnivals, carnivals of flowers, fairy tale heroes, forest characters, and Indians. There are literary carnivals and masquerades. And then the children have a chance to become someone for a few hours: a musketeer, a robber, a queen, Little Red Riding Hood, a devil or a pig. Coming up with a costume and making it is like visiting a fantasy land, the Island of Dreams. What if you do this: prepare a relaxation evening at the camp, the entrance ticket to which will be a carnival costume for the children and counselors, for all guests. And the content of the carnival can be the most fantastic. Let there be a parade of masks and a “trial” of gloomy faces, where pretty princesses will water watering cans on everyone who came without fancy dress. Let there be “rallies” against “brutal seriousness”, let the authors of the most funny costumes they will be awarded the “orders” of a Smile, a Cheerful Face, “32 Teeth”, etc. They save and are saved by laughter. At the carnival there has the right to be a mini-discussion on the topic “Life is as good as mackerel in a tomato.” Here you can “allow” children who already have titles to get together: cousin, cousin, son-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law. At a carnival, it is useful to organize a competition of funny slogans like “Let's hit the pan with pasta!” It is at the carnival that a laughter theater will take place instead of a disco, the “Museum of Laughter”, the “Humorial” named after Panikovsky, and an exhibition of caricatures and cartoons will open. There will also be a fishermen's competition, a search for your shoes in a common pile, and others fun competitions, where all children will participate.

I present to my readers a version of one of these carnivals in a health camp.

The summer stage is decorated in the style of a real Argentine or Brazilian carnival. There are flowers, balloons, satin ribbons, and color pictures all around. A fiery presenter enters, festively, carnival-style dressed.

Leading. We're starting our show

any of us is happy to participate in it.

We want to show on this stage

our camp fun carnival!

If you like our offer,

here the numbers will be shown in a row.

So, friends, accept the invitation.

to the fun camp carnival!

And it doesn’t matter that the masks hid their faces, -

Everyone's eyes sparkle welcomingly.

So let it spin in the rhythms of the dance

our camp fun carnival!!!

To the music from the movie “Wild Angel” performed by Natalia Oreiro, a dance group enters, followed by groups of troops. Each of them has their own original outfit in uniform style. Here you can see tropical birds, firebirds, and a group of butterflies - spiders. The guys made the costumes from available materials (foam rubber, colored paper, bags, etc.), but with taste!

Each of the teams prepared: a carnival chant, a dance, protection of carnival and beach costumes and other program numbers.

When all the troops finally gather for the performance, fanfare sounds are heard, and Milagres, the heroine of the movie “Wild Angel,” comes out.

Milagres. Hello girls and boys too!

Today we will present a program to fly away! So here we go, let's go, let's go! The groups are spinning, let's dance! You will laugh, you will spin... Spin and fall in love And I will entertain you today! Our carnival is just a plague! The carnival is dizzying! Forgotten antiques and cool new items, Cool video clips, as well as all the records. All this will help you exercise a little, Just “hang around” or “have a blast” with someone! And if you don't know how to dance, Try to repeat all the movements after me! I'm sure everything will work out, success awaits you, You will surprise your friends and be the best! It's all very simple - no problems: Today is CARNIVAL, and we all need it!

Leading. Look who's coming:

Our junior squad! He's a carnival I'll be glad to start!

8th squad. Hello uncles and aunts,

Babies and babies! We love candy and children's books. Even though we are inches tall, But we don't need a pot. We can jump and gallop Songs to sing and dance. Let's not waste time, It's time for our carnival to begin.

The entire 8th squad begins to dance to the melody of the song “Top-top, the kid is stomping”, and the rest of the squads join in the carnival procession.

7th squad. Eh, hey-hey-hey!

Get ready quickly! Let's relax together Songs to sing and dance. Hey guys, make the circle wider Everyone around here is dancing. You dance better than us. Our carnival is simply classy!

The 7th squad performs the lambada.

Leading. Any of us is happy today

Invite us to a masquerade A character from a children's fairy tale. But who? We are waiting for a clue.

6th squad. Hey, hi! How are you?

Cool company"Babes" I came to visit you. We are the new generation We came to you on stage, Let's joke a little and we're all buddies. When I was not in the world, Her his, It was very boring To the Universe and to you, gentlemen. When did we appear? The snow was melting everywhere. And the sun shone After all, Bobbleheads are the best!

The 6th squad performs a dance composition to the song “Dolls” from the repertoire of “Ivanushek International”.

5th squad. Hey guys, kids,

Get ready here. One two three four five, Let's start dancing.Do it with me! Yes!- Do as I do! Yes! Do better than me! Yes! Let's all dance together Let's all dance together We dance with our hearts burning in our chests. Don't we need laggards? No need! We always dance ahead!

This squad performs the dance composition “Hava-nana”.

Leading. Now it’s time to evaluate the costumes prepared by each squad.

Richard Gere and Julia Roberts come out to the song “Pretty Woman” from the Hollywood film of the same name and begin the colorful ceremony. After the show carnival costumes The carnival program continues.

4th squad. Sunny day,

I'm going out for a walk. I'm feeling high I look after the image. And my counselor He will sing the loudest song, And we are in the camp Let's all hang out together.

A medley on the theme of Jewish music is performed.

3rd squad. Hip-hop, la-la-lay,

Carnival, our carnival! Hip-hop, la-la-lay, Swirled, bewitched! Hip-hop, la-la-lay, Festival of colors and lights, Hip-hop, la-la-lay, And my destiny! Hip-hop, la-la-lay, Carnival, our carnival! Hip-hop, la-la-lay, Like in a thousand mirrors, Hip-hop, la-la-lay, My camp was reflected, Hip-hop, la-la-lay, "Sunny" with me!

A dance composition is performed to fiery Argentinean rhythms from the film “Wild Angel”.

2nd squad.- Anyone want one?

- I want! – Anyone else want one?- We want! – Come with us Let's stomp our feet Let's clap our hands Today is a good day. Hey, don't stand there and yawn, Repeat “Macareno”!

Following the second detachment, the entire camp begins to dance “Macareno”.

1st squad. Ho-ho-ho, ho-ho-ho!

It’s hard for us without dancing! Ho-ho-ho, ho-ho-ho! We're dancing nothing Dance with us At our carnival! He-he-he, he-he-he! Let's have more fun Don't spare your legs! Hop-hey, hop-hey, Let the mood be ok! The orchestra sounds and laughter is heard, We invite everyone to dance!!!

The composition “We walked all night until the morning!” is performed.

Leading. This dance is like a sport

He has fire, and passion, and speed. To dance the samba, You need to be strong and dexterous. Song and music are friendly, This dance has rhythm and wind, And when you dance samba, You forget everything in the world!

A command is given for all the guys: dance samba!

Milagres. Let the music sound, exciting our souls,

After all, tango sounds, grabbing your hearts. Here music and rhythm are intertwined in a single sound, And they carry us along with them endlessly.

All the counselors dance tango, the guys take up their initiative.

Leading. At our carnival there is a French song and dance about little ducklings, let's dance!

"Dance of the Little Ducklings" is performed.

Milagres. And now I offer recordings of melodies of different genres, and you, the dancing teams, must quickly respond and show original dance movements, team composure, synchronized performance and compliance with the genre.

One after another they sound: “Cucaracha”, country, Charleston, twist, “Rio-ritta”, “Letka-Enka”, Lezginka, Czardash, rock and roll, “Pasadena”, “Barynya”, “Dog Waltz”, Sirtaki, etc.

Leading. It's time to end the show

And everyone was happy to take part in it. Spinning on stage in a farewell dance Our camp fun carnival!

Milagres. And you, as a friend, recognize everyone

Both the mask and the outfit are familiar to you And, if possible, remember more often Our camp fun masquerade!The carnival ends with the general singing of the song of Little Red Riding Hood, where the words change to “In “Sunny” ryki...”.

Forest Clinic

Theatrical conversation designed for younger children school age. In a fun and playful way, children will be able not only to broaden their horizons, but also to show artistic inclinations and develop abilities in collective creativity.

A conversation about the benefits of herbs and their use in folk medicine conducted by the team teacher. The role of a forest doctor can be played by a counselor or a high school student. Episodic roles are played by children from the junior squad.

The conversation can be held anywhere: in the fresh air, in the “green theater”, on the veranda, in the library.

Necessary attributes for the procedure: a table, two chairs - for the doctor and the patient; notepad, pen - for writing out “prescriptions” for “patients”; containers for “medicines” with the inscriptions: “Valerian infusion”, “Peppermint”, “Lily of the valley infusion”. You will need costumes for the characters: for the woodpecker doctor - a white coat, a cap with a long beak attached, glasses; Children, together with adults, come up with and make improvised (conventional) hare and hare and baby squirrel costumes themselves. As a surprise, you can treat the kids to a carrot cocktail (“health cocktail”) or just peeled fresh carrots.


Woodpecker doctor.

Doctor's assistant.



Little squirrel.

The teacher tells the children that in ancient times, a pharmacy was successfully replaced by a forest and an ordinary garden bed. The ancient Greeks made medicines from onions and parsley, and used cucumbers as an antipyretic. And to improve digestion and vision, they used radish. But carrots were considered a particularly healing plant...

A woodpecker doctor appears. He greets the guys and joins in the conversation.

Woodpecker: Hello guys! I am glad, very glad to see you in our forest clinic. I understand that the conversation was about the usefulness of carrots, right? (Children answer.) I completely agree with this statement...

Do you guys know that in ancient times carrots were grown exclusively for medicinal purposes, that is, as a medicinal plant? Healers of Ancient Rome and Greece used carrots to treat kidney, eye and other serious diseases. And only after some time people began to eat carrots.

Educator: Yes Yes! For example, in Europe in the Middle Ages, carrots were considered a delicacy. It was served to the table only on holidays. In Russia, carrots also began to be grown in the Middle Ages.

Woodpecker: A Russian proverb says: “Carrots make more blood.” And not only blood, but also vital energy and health...

The doctor's assistant appears and says that patients are waiting for him in the waiting room. The woodpecker addresses the audience.

Well, let's pause for a while and see how we can help the patient.

The assistant invites the sick to come through. Mother Hare appears, leading her son Little Hare by the hand. The doctor sits down at his desk and invites the patient to sit down.

Hare: Help, dear doctor!

My child is very frail

(points to the dejected bunny).

Losing weight day by day

Every interest in life!

Woodpecker (rubbing hands): Well, well, well... well, let's see...

Let's take a good look

(looks into the Bunny’s mouth),

Let's thoroughly...

(He taps along the spine, shakes his head with satisfaction.)

Well, can I give you some advice?

How to boost your immunity...

(Writes out a prescription and hands it to the Hare.)

Here's the recipe:

Eat carrots on an empty stomach in the morning -

The little bunny will become dexterous again.

For lunch - definitely vinaigrette,

He will become strong like an athlete.

Well, so that you grow up (addresses the bunny),

You eat oats for dinner.

Stock up on carotene -

You'll instantly forget about a sore throat.

Runny nose, flu and tonsillitis,

Stomatitis and dermatitis

They will never come...

(When saying goodbye, she pats the Bunny’s ears.)

Be healthy (shakes paw)

Bye bye!..

The Hare, taking the prescription and thanking the doctor, takes the Little Hare away. The cheerful, playful Russian folk melody “Trepak” sounds. The Little Bunny jumps out and performs an impromptu dance. After the dance, the doctor picks up the Little Bunny and puts him on a chair, examines and feels the biceps on his arms.

Woodpecker: In a month, in two

I barely recognized the hare!

Our patient has grown up,

He holds his tail with a “pistol”!..

Became much more energetic

Even kind of cuter...

(Twists the Little Bunny in different directions, he squeals joyfully.)

little hare(important): Carrots helped me -

Honor and glory to her, praise!..

(He quickly jumps off the chair and, waving goodbye to the doctor, runs away.)

Woodpecker: Carrots truly work wonders! Eat your carrots, guys. It contains a lot of vitamins of growth and youth, strength and health... (The assistant appears again and leads the next patient - Squirrel. Holding his “paw” in the air, he moans pitifully. The concerned doctor goes to meet him.)

Little squirrel: Uncle Doctor, help me,

My paw is covered in blood!

I curled up into a ball in pain,

I lost a lot of blood...

Woodpecker (seating the baby squirrel and calming him down):

Calm down, patient.

(Addresses the assistant.)

Where is the valerian infusion?

(The assistant silently nods his head, takes a bottle from the table with the label “Valerian Infusion” and counts the drops into a glass.)

You, little squirrel, don’t tremble,

Better show me your paw...

(The woodpecker examines the patient’s paw, he is shaking all over with fear.)

Woodpecker (shaking head):

There are wounds on your paw,

Drink some valerian, brother...

(Gives Belchonka medicine while he drinks, the doctor goes to a makeshift garden bed, “plucks” a plantain, while saying sentences.)

I'll pick the plantain

I'll wipe it thoroughly.

We will tie a leaf to the wound,

We'll tie a bandage around your paw... (The little squirrel groans.)

We'll stop the bleeding now,

We will drive away the pain from the paw...

Feel better, my friend?

Little squirrel (nods head gratefully): Yeah, a little...

Woodpecker (stroke the patient): The paw will heal tomorrow,

Calm down, everything will pass...

(Addresses the guys.)

Praise be to the plantain!

Little squirrel(joyfully): I'm healthy again, hurray!..

(Addresses Woodpecker.)

For everything, thank you for everything

And I give you my song...

Belchonok performs the song “Green World”, lyrics by Yu. Polukhin, music by M. Partskhaladze.

Look at the forests and fields,

Look how beautiful the earth is!

There are miracles here at every step!

P r i p e v:

Even if you go around the whole world,

There is no better place on earth.

This green world, this magical kind world -

He is forever dear to me.

At dawn at the edge of the forest

The squirrel washes itself with dew,

The brooding forest whispers tales...

There are many miracles hidden in it!

To play the chorus: Woodpecker, his assistant, Hare and Little Hare come out and, joining Little Squirrel, holding hands, finish the song.

Woodpecker: There is a lot of unknown and unsolved hidden in our forest. You can learn a lot of interesting things about every blade of grass and blade of grass, and even more so about living forest inhabitants. How many fairy tales have been written by the Russian people about them...

Educator: Doctor, I think the guys know these fairy tales...

Asks children to list Russian folk tales whose characters are forest animals.

(“Half-Bear”, “Sister Fox and Wolf”, “Fox and Hare”, “Old Man and Wolf”, “Fool Wolf”, “Fox and Black Grouse”, “Winter Quarter of Animals”, “Bragging Hare”, “The Man and the Bear”, “The Hare”, etc.)

Woodpecker: And today you met Little Hare and his mother Hare, as well as little Belchonok. (“The animals” come out and bow.)

Educator: And we are very happy about their recovery ... (Addresses the guys.) Guys, remember what medicinal herbs and plants brought the animals back to health? (Children answer.)

hare (she holds a basket of carrots in her hands): Help yourself guys and...

All artists together: Be healthy! (A cheerful Russian folk melody sounds, the artists treat the children with carrots.)

Journey to the land of fairy tales

Target: develop reading interest, expand knowledge about the wealth of oral folk art, cultivate intolerance towards human vices - greed, lies, laziness, etc.

EQUIPMENT: filmoscope; filmstrips “Cinderella”, “Moroz Ivanovich”; recordings of songs of fairy-tale characters, fairy tales; a collection of fairy tales, pictures and illustrations for fairy tales; objects, a mirror, a red cap, a tablecloth, an apple and a saucer, a ring.

Leading. Guys, to go to the “Land of Fairy Tales”, we need transport, it’s good if it’s magical (Magic carpet).

Our magic carpet will take us to a fairyland if we say the words “Chiki-briki, caramba-baramba” together.

Leading. Are you guys brave?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Are you guys skilled?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Resourceful?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Do you like fairy tales?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Do you know them?

Children. Yes!

Leading. What fairy tales have you read?

So, we arrived at the place. Look, guys, the gates of the fairyland are closed. Let's find out what's going on here. It turns out that fairy tales are asking us to recognize them.

And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie.

(“Mashenka and the Bear”)

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

I got a little bit

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window.

("Golden Comb Cockerel")

The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,

She's shedding tears, poor thing.

("Snow Maiden")

There is no river, no pond,

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water -

In the hole from the hoof.

(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

The little goats opened the door,

And everyone disappeared somewhere!

("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

Guess without a hint

What fairy tale have I come from?


Leading. The land of fairy tales is the most amazing and wonderful of all the countries in the world. Where else, if not here, can you see a flying carpet flying quickly under the clouds in the sky, walk through the forest, meet a gray wolf speaking in human language, or even accidentally come across Baba Yaga’s dilapidated hut?!

In folk tales, since time immemorial, there has been a fierce struggle between good and evil: young Ivan Tsarevich bravely fights with the Serpent Gorynych and defeats him, a simple peasant cleverly fools the greedy priest and devils, and Vasilisa the Beautiful gains the upper hand over the cruel Baba Yaga.

What helps the heroes of fairy tales win: cunning, deceit, or maybe deception? Neither one nor the other, nor the third... Ivan Tsarevich wins thanks to his humanity and kindness, because he always fights for the weak and oppressed, the peasant is helped by his worldly wisdom and ingenuity, and the peasant daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful is helped by her gentle disposition, hard work, the ability to do everything quickly and efficiently. People have many tales about Vasilisa the Beautiful. Today we will visit one of them - interesting and deeply instructive...

So, the gates of the “Land of Fairy Tales” swung open. We are visiting the fairy tale “Cinderella”.

Watching the film strip “Cinderella”.

Riddles about fairy-tale heroes:

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden,

But the father loved his son -



He is a friend to animals and children,

He is a living being

But there are no such people in the whole world

There is no one else.

Because he's not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a fox,

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a marmot...

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

What's called...


(Cheburashka's song)

He will heal everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals,

He's famous, famous

Good doctor...


A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was a little bigger than a petal.

Who has read such a book?

Knows a little girl?


1. Songs from cartoons. Guess the voices.

2. Excerpts from fairy tales (reading). Guess the names of the fairy tales.

3. Pictures and illustrations for fairy tales. What fairy tales are depicted?

4. Competition for drawings of your favorite fairy tale hero.

5. Staging a fairy tale.

6. Retelling your favorite fairy tale.

7. Name fairy tales where the heroes are: Baba Yaga, Gray Wolf, etc.

8. Guessing objects from fairy tales.

And now we are leaving the “Land of Fairy Tales”, but we are not saying goodbye to it. You will visit this amazing country more than once, visiting your favorite heroes and getting acquainted with new fairy tales.

Elena Varfolomeeva
Scenario summer fun"Balloon Festival"

Klyopa. Hello, kids, girls and boys! My name is Klyopa, what’s yours? The children answer. Well, hello, my dears! Greets everyone's hand. Did my friend Styopa come to see you by chance? Strange. He promised to come to visit you, but he doesn’t come. Guys, let's call him. Styopa! Styopa!

The sad clown Styopa enters, holding a burst balloon on a string in his hand.

Klyopa. Hello, Styopa, you’ve finally arrived, and we’ve already been waiting for you and the guys, where have you been for so long?

Styopa. Yes, I wanted to bring it to the guys balloon, and it burst. I'll go home.

Klyopa. How is it, home. Were we all waiting for you in vain?

Styopa. Well, it turns out in vain. After all, I don’t have the ball anymore, but I really wanted to play with the ball with the guys.

Klyopa. A isn't it can you play with the ball? After all, they only carry it by a thread, well, or hang it on the walls.

Styopa. What you! I know so much fun games. Here, only there is no ball.

Klyopa. Well, it doesn't matter. Do you want me to give you a ball?

Styopa. Of course I want!

Klyopa. For this alone you will have to play a game with me. Look, if I call something that flies, then you will have to scream: "Yes Yes Yes!". And if not, That: "No no no!" Got it? So let's begin!

o Game "It flies - it doesn't fly"(Butterflies, snowflakes, fluff, pillow, frog, piglet, plane, helicopter, hippopotamus, rocket, comet, bird, titmouse, mosquitoes, air balloons.)

Klyopa. Well done, you guessed everything! And now we will all be balls... Children perform movements according to text:

The cheeks were inflated like a balloon, and then quietly deflated.

And they cheated it harder to make it more fun.

They pricked the ball with a needle. Bang! And the balloon burst loudly!

Styopa. It burst again... Well, I don’t play like that...

Klyopa. Okay, don't cry. Here, hold your ball! Gives away a yellow ball. You honestly deserve it!

Styopa. Well, thank you! What a beautiful yellow ball! Inflates him.

Klyopa. Yes, handsome, and very similar to you! Look... He draws with a marker. Those eyes, mouth, nose... Well, he just looks like Styopa! Really, guys? So, Styopa is there, but Klyopa is not! So... He takes out a green balloon, inflates it, and draws a face. And here comes Klyopa!

Styopa. What a great idea you came up with!

Klyopa. And I also have a red ball! Enough. Inflates. Children, how much do I have now? balls? That's right, three!

Styopa. What do these three balls look like? That's right, at the traffic light! Now we will play this game with you! If I lift a red ball, we stand, a yellow ball, we lift one leg, and a green ball, we walk in place.

o Game "Traffic light"

Klyopa. And I know riddles about balls!

o Riddles

1. Small balls on the tree hanging: red, green - they look tempting.

Adults and children love these balls

Bubbles are the best in the world! (apples)

2. On a green fragile leg, a ball grew by the path. (dandelion)

It’s big, like a football, and if it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good! What kind of ball is this? (watermelon)

3. Good-natured, thick-skinned, on similar balloon

Almost always lives in water, pachyderm... (hippopotamus)

4. Round, smooth, like a watermelon. Any color, for different tastes.

If you let him off the leash, he will fly off into the clouds. (balloon)

Klyopa. Well done! We guessed all the riddles, but still didn’t play with the balls!

Styopa. And now we will play your favorite game "Bubble", because it also looks like a ball.

o Game "Bubble"

Styopa. Well, the bubble has been built, and now we will play catch-up. Ball "Klyopa" will catch up with the ball "Styopa", and vice versa.

o Game "Catch-up" Children stand in a circle and pass balls to each other.

Styopa. Well, well done, now I’ll give you a lift balloon, and while he is flying, you are all moving. As soon as the ball touches the ground, you all freeze.

o Game "Freeze"

o Relay races:

« Air conveyor» Children line up one after another. The ball is in the hands of the first participant. On command, children pass the ball back using outstretched arms. Then the children also pass the ball back, bending down and spreading their legs wide.

“Carry the ball” Take the ball by the thread, run around the hoop and pass it to the next one.

Styopa. You see how funny it turned out holiday. And how much joy, laughter and fun an ordinary balloon!

Klyopa. And now I’ll blow bubbles for the kids!

After all, they also look like balls!

You run after them together and catch them with your palms!

o "Catch a Soap Bubble"

Klyopa. That's how great they played - they caught all my bubbles!

And for this, guys, you have candy from me! Refreshments are served.

Publications on the topic:

For children of secondary preparatory groups of Serebryano-Prudsky municipal district. Goal: develop basic physical skills in a playful way.

"Balloon Festival" Physical education for middle group children"Balloon Festival" Physical education for children middle group No. 4 “Bees” Purpose: To introduce outdoor games and develop physical games.


Goal: creation festive mood in children; development of motor activity; nurturing a sense of mutual assistance and friendship. Means: air.

Remember how Winnie the Pooh tried to get to the hive in a balloon, and Piglet wanted to give it to Eeyore for his birthday, like on a bunch.

There are many holidays, traditional and unusual. Recently, for example, in our garden the children were able to attend the Balloon Festival.

In Shymkent, on the territory of the city hippodrome, a breathtaking action unfolded! The international ballooning festival “Ashik Aspan” or “Open Sky” was held here.

The main festival site, the air zone, housed 15 balloons. The participating teams represent different countries— Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

Before setting off on a flight, the team will have to go through several preparatory stages: install the gondola, decompose the shell. By the way, when raised, its height is about 20 meters, and its diameter is also about 20 meters. Afterwards, specialists attach the parachute valve and fill the shell first with cold air - using a fan, and then with hot air. This is where a gas burner comes to the rescue. Each gondola is designed to carry 4 people.

The best music for an aeronaut's ear is the roar of a burner. This sound means the beginning of a spectacular performance - a rise into the sky. Our film crew was allowed to ascend in the balloon of an experienced pilot from Shymkent, Bakhtiyar.

Once upon a time, having decided to take up aeronautics purely for pleasure, to experience the unknown, I discovered this sport and fell in love once and for all.

“It's actually safe. After all, each balloon is controlled by experienced pilots. Moreover, with the help of a torch you can keep the ball in the air or slowly lower it to the ground. The main thing is not to break the rules and act exclusively on command,” says Bakhtiyar.

The most amazing thing is that at such events the age line is erased. Here it is almost impossible to find an adult who, just like children, would not dream of going up in a gondola and from there looking at the earth from above. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the Balloon Festival is considered primarily a family holiday.

Taking to the air in a hot air balloon is a dream not only for children, but also for adults. Therefore, children and parents will be able to make their dreams come true at the festival.

Unfortunately, weather conditions did not allow the balloons to float in the sky. For safety reasons, they had to be lowered down to wait for the right moment when they could be raised into the sky again.

But what is bad for a hot air balloon is good for a kite. On the playground around the balloons, children and adults enjoyed flying kites.

The weather began to deteriorate, but this did not upset the guests of the holiday - the Moldanazar group presented their creativity to all spectators on stage.

In addition to aeronautics, guests were treated to various master classes, including instruction from experienced pilots in air navigation, areas for colorful photo shoots, as well as relaxation areas with a variety of food.

And with the onset of darkness, the organizers promise to organize an unforgettable evening show “Night Glow Parade”. The main thing is that the heavenly office does not fail.

In any case, it’s high time for such festivals to firmly establish themselves on our South Kazakhstan soil. And who knows, maybe over time it will be possible to organize something like competitions among aeronauts in our region.

But for those who are completely scared to even approach a hot air balloon, welcome to the photo zone. And the memory photo is no different from reality!

Saida Tursumetova

School health camp.

Scenario Balloon Day

dedicated to Children's Day.

Goals: developing mutual respect and sportsmanship through team play,

Development of attention, speech, thinking, creative initiative of primary schoolchildren.

Equipment: ( for sports competitions)

1) balloons (a lot),

2) tennis rackets (according to the number of teams),

3) buckets/baskets (according to the number of teams),

4) sticks 60-80cm (according to the number of teams),

5) 1 box of matches.

(for quiz) 6) riddles,

7) tokens in the form of balls,

8) leaves for burime,

9) “black box” (mirror, bun, ball, apple, balloon)

(for drawing competition)9) A4 sheets, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Prizes for the winners are “CHUPA-CHUPS” candies.


Hello, hello, hello!

We are happy to greet you!

So many bright smiles

We see it on their faces now!

We have a holiday of ABCER, a day of KNOWLEDGE, a day of polar explorer,

And today is a new holiday - “SHARIK’S BIRTHDAY”.

A balloon is a cheerful prankster,

An air balloon – there’s a holiday in the house with it.

A balloon is a joy from childhood.

The balloon entered our heart.

So, today is BALLOON DAY in our camp. All events will be dedicated to this wonderful human invention:

  1. Ball-and-sixball Olympic Games,
  2. "Smeshariki" (intellectual game),
  3. Artist competition “Drawing on a ball”.
  4. Winner's reward ceremony.

Progress of events.

  1. Ball-and-sixball Olympicthe games are declared open.

Olympic motto:“It’s better for us to burst from laughter than to die from boredom!”

(Participants are divided into teams, they choose captains, and the presenters mark the site).

1 competition “Pumps”: Which team will inflate the most balloons in 3 minutes? (balloons are needed for further competitions)

2nd competition "Volleyball" : drive the ball through the air, pushing it with your hand. If the ball touches the ground, the result is not counted.

3 competition "Aspiring Hockey Player": driving a ball along the ground with a stick into a basket/bucket.

4 competition "Tennis": move the ball across the distance on a tennis racket.

5th competition “Pair races”: run, holding the ball between your foreheads (backs, chests).

6th competition "Jumpers" : holding the ball between your knees, move in small jumps.

7th competition “Headache”: Participants compete in the ability to toss a ball with their head. The points are added up.

8 competition “Captains Competition”: a large balloon - under the T-shirt. The task is to collect scattered matches.

The balloon, it turns out, Sports Equipment. It is not easy to control; it took a lot of effort and skill to win.

The presenters sum up the results, and the winners of the Shariko - Smesharikov Olympic Games are announced.

(See Appendix 1.)

  1. "Kmeshariki" (intellectual game).(tokens)

Which of the Smeshariki is the most erudite, scientist? (Losyash)

  1. Riddles from Losyash.

(Smeshariki balls are round, that’s why there are riddles about things that have this shape.)

  1. They beat him with a hand and a stick,

Nobody feels sorry for him.

Why are they beating the poor guy?

And for the fact that he is inflated. (ball)

  1. I have a wonderful friend in my pocket:

He knows where the north is and he knows where the south is. (compass)

  1. Umbrella I'm all white, white,

I'm big and very brave

I'm flying through the air

I bring people down from the clouds. (parachute)

  1. I'm spinning, spinning, and I'm not lazy

Spin around even all day long. (spinster)

  1. On an empty stomach

They beat me unbearably,

The players shoot accurately

I get punches with my feet. (football)

  1. If you hit the wall, I'll jump back,

If you throw it on the ground, I’ll jump up.

I'm flying from palm to palm -

I don’t want to lie still at all. (ball)

  1. White fluffy ball

I show off in an open field.

A light breeze blew -

And the stem remained. (dandelion)

  1. They wiggle their mustaches all day

And they tell us to find out the time. (watch)

  1. Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (clew)
  1. If you fold it, it’s a wedge, if you unfold it, it’s a damn thing. (umbrella)
  1. Itself is empty, the voice is thick,

He beats the shot and calls the guys together. (drum)

  1. Stands on one leg

He turns and turns his head,

Shows us countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans. (globe)

  1. Which of the Smeshariki is the most homely? (Sovunya)

Attention! Black box from Sovunya!!! It contains items that need to be guessed from the description. Remember that Smeshariki love things that are round.

  1. This item is the most reliable guide in fairy tales. (ball)
  2. There is a Russian story about the path of this bakery product to the consumer. folk tale. (gingerbread man)
  3. This fruit can be plump, golden, ruddy, rejuvenating. (apple)
  4. Tied by the tail, he flies behind us under the clouds. (balloon)
  5. There is a portrait in my pocket that looks like you in everything:

You laugh, and he will laugh in response too. (mirror)

  1. Which Smeshariki is a poet? (Barash)

Barash poetry competition.

Get sheets of paper with rhymes, come up with the beginnings of lines to make a poem. (3 min.)









(Appendix 2.)

  1. Which of the Smeshariki is the funniest? (Krosh)

Krosh is also a bit of a poet. He has invented a rhyming game for you, but only those who are attentive can win it. (Finish the phrase. Everyone answers standing; whoever says incorrectly sits down. At the end there will be a winner).

Krosh's jokes.

Brought honey to the hive

Hardworking... (bee).

Digs its own underground passage

He, a little blind... (mole).

Everything is covered in white snow.

So it’s come... (winter).

The house is guarding at the gate

Mischievous yard... (dog).

In the swamp at full speed

Croaks loudly... (frog).

Everyone is amazed in the garden

Red blooms... (aster).

Passed by the hives

Clubfoot... (bear).

Any girl knows

That carrot... (orange).

I know perfectly well:

Cloud... (white).

The tomato is large and ripe,

Look how he is... (red).

Counting tokens from participants, identifying the winner.

  1. Artist competition “Decorate the Ball”.

Appendix 2.

































Annex 1.

Balloon relay

Props: balloons, tennis rackets according to the number of teams

  1. run at speed to the intended target, placing a balloon on your head (into which you need to drop a little water to make it heavier). Players need to pick up the fallen balls and put them back on their heads, and then continue on their way.
  2. push the ball through the air by pushing it with your hand.
  1. the ball is sandwiched between the knees. Move only in small jumps. For a burst balloon, the player receives a penalty point.
  2. move the ball across the entire distance on a tennis racket.
  1. 1 person each: there is a balloon on one’s leg, the task is to keep yours, and trample someone else’s.
  2. "beginner hockey player"Dribbling an air ball with a stick and driving it into a basket.
  1. « sledging".Make a sled from a sheet of paper and thread. A balloon is placed on top. Take your baby for a ride on a sled so he doesn't fall.
  1. "blind boxers":1 person per team. There are blindfolds on the eyes, one has a whistle in his mouth, the other has a balloon in his hand, he hits the other with the ball.
  1. a couple of players from each team join hands, put a balloon on their shoulders, and, pressing it with their heads on each side, run to the indicated place and back, trying not to drop it.
  1. "headache": participants compete in the ability to throw the ball with their heads, without helping with their arms and shoulders, each in turn. The points are summed up to create the total for the entire team.
  1. run, holding the ball between your backs, foreheads, chest.
  1. captains competition: big air the ball is under the player's clothing. The participants' task is to collect matches scattered on the floor.