In this article:

A friendship conspiracy or ritual is a popular way of magically influencing one’s own life, under the influence of which a certain person will develop a friendly sympathy for the performer of the ritual.

Such magic can influence both one person and all the people around the performer.

Such rituals are often used to establish friendly relations with the rich and influential people, friendship with whom can bring numerous benefits.

Ritual to improve relationships with people

This magical conspiracy is popularly called a ritual “to approach every person.” Unlike numerous love rituals that evoke love and desire for sexual intimacy, a friendship ritual promotes sympathy and affection that does not develop into love.

This magical ritual must be performed during the day. Read the plot on a photograph or personal item of a person with whom you want to make friends.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless, Amen. Just as a dark night rejoices at the small stars, as it rejoices, so the servant of God (name) will rejoice in the servant of God (name). Just as the evening dawn rejoices in the dark night, so the servant of God (name) will rejoice in the servant of God (name). Just as small stars rejoice in a bright month, a bright month, so the servant of God (name) will rejoice in the servant of God (name). Just as the bright month rejoices at the morning dawn, so the servant of God (name) will rejoice in the servant of God (name). Let what is said come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Under the influence of this magical spell, any person will be able to see all your positive qualities, he will begin to treat you with great sympathy and respect, will listen to your opinion and will trust you unconditionally. But you should not abuse trust and respect, otherwise the effect of magic will evaporate very quickly.

The best time to perform this magical ritual is the first days of the waxing moon period.

A ritual for strong friendship

This magical ritual can be used both to create new friendships and to normalize an old connection that has worsened due to a quarrel.

Concentrate on your desire to be friends with the right person, keep only positive emotions and memories in your head and read the words of the conspiracy:

“A black raven will fly in, sit on a thick branch, call the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) to the table alone. The raven will turn into a cook, drinks and food will be brought to us, we will sit opposite each other, our conversation will boil, no one will stop that conversation, boiling words will not cool down. The tree rises high above our table, its leaves make noise, they do not give us rest, they do not give us peace. We will listen to the voice of the eternal leaves together, and we will both understand that we were wrong. Our hearts will thaw, our hands will clasp in a handshake. I will smile in the eyes of the servant of God (name), and the servant of God (name) will smile in my eyes. Let's say that we were wrong, since we quarreled, we'll drink at the table, eat at the table, and breathe a sigh of relief. People quarrel, people argue, but everything passes, but friendship and kindness remain, do not go anywhere, and good deeds are not forgotten. The servant of God (name) will understand the servant of God (name), so that friendship will flare up with new power. The raven will fly again onto his branch and disappear among the thick foliage, only we will hear his distant cry. Make friends between the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name). Be friends. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Ritual for charm

This magical ritual is something between a classic friendship plot and a love spell. He will influence all people of the opposite sex, but will not cause love, he will charm, attract attention and help in communication. If you want to please everyone, have many friends, fans and always be the center of attention, then this ritual is exactly what you need.

“Even though I haven’t done anything good yet, people will think that I have done good, done a lot of good. I will be good in the eyes of people, I will be kind, beautiful, bright, from this day on, right now. No one will see any flaws in me, I will be like a saint to others. No flaws, no tricks, only kindness, only purity. Only sincerity. True perfection. People will want to be friends with me, they will want to talk to me, they will want to help me in troubles, and please me in business. People will like me and they will be happy about it. People will be satisfied with this, they will be happy. Light and love spread around me like magic. Amen".

Choose only wax candles for rituals

Prayer for reconciliation

This prayer is suitable for you if you have quarreled with dear person and you just can’t establish friendly relations with him again. The plot must be read three times in the morning and evening, with 12 burning church candles. Words:

“Lord, bless, Lord, help. The angel walked from the throne to the church, and even to the very gates of the king. At those gates stood the Most Holy Theotokos Mary and the Archangel Michael. They held a saber and a sword, with the sword they killed all human anger, and with the saber they cut out quarrels. Put, Lord, peace in place between the servants of God (names). Strengthen their peace and tranquility, close the gates so that their friendship is never broken. The Lord will remove that key, and no one will find it. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus, protect, Mother of God, save. Command the servants of God (names) to live in peace, in peace from this day until the end of time. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If people don't like you

There are people who are no worse than others, and often even better, but others do not like them. No matter what they do, they cannot achieve friendship and approval. If you are such a person, then you this one will do magical ritual.

To carry out the ceremony, buy 12 of any fresh flowers and take them to the nearest church. There, place the bouquet next to the icon to tame the hearts of the evil and pray. When leaving the church, read the magic plot:

“The tongues of serpents sting everyone, but let their stings sting me and their poison pass by, let the people have mercy on me, let them love me. Whoever has the name of God's servant (name) on his tongue will remember him with a kind word and say good things about him to others. Lord, bless, God, help. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is very important for every person to have a true boyfriend or girlfriend. But sometimes relationships with friends worsen or are completely destroyed. Someone suffers from a lack of friends, cannot find a true friend who will always support in difficult times and rejoice in success. A friendship plot will be an excellent assistant in finding such a person or in restoring a broken relationship.

Any conspiracy for friendship belongs to white magic. Such rituals are not capable of harming anyone, so they are absolutely safe. A spell on friends will help to evoke sympathy and sincere, warm feelings for the one performing the ceremony. It is important to remember that you cannot read a friendship plot with selfish motives. Such actions are performed only for those people with whom you really want to establish, restore or start relationships.

Observe simple rules, if you want your actions to bring the desired results:

  1. Remember that you are directly influencing a person’s energy, so in no case should you play with magic or do anything with people at this level just for the sake of curiosity or as a bet.
  2. Use a spell on a friend or girlfriend only if you have real problems with them or have no friends at all.
  3. You cannot use magic on strangers, idols, or on a person whose name you do not know.
  4. Remember that a friendship spell is not a love spell or a spell, it is only an incentive for a person to restore a relationship with you.
  5. After performing magical actions, you will also need to make efforts to strengthen the relationship and retain the person. If your communication is not interesting for him, nothing will work out.

All rituals are divided into several types:

  1. To attract friends into your life. Used for a lonely person who seeks to find good friend. They are held more often during the day during the waxing moon.
  2. To maintain existing relationships. They help mend relationships after a disagreement or conflict.
  3. To attract new acquaintances. They help make a person more sociable and friendly.

All rituals are effective, but the future fate of the relationship will depend only on the person himself.

Effective rituals

For a treat

A conspiracy for strong friendship is carried out with the help of food. Read the following words on candy, cookies or cake:

“Lord Almighty, grant your blessing to (name). Let my friend (name)’s eyes shine like the stars in the sky. Let his soul and heart rejoice. May he give me his friendship and condescension. Just as the stars light up in the sky, so our hearts will burn for each other. Let it be so".

Be sure to give the spoken treat to the person for whom it is intended. This option is suitable for attracting both men and women. There are no consequences after it is carried out. Other favorite dishes of a person can also become attractive if there is an opportunity to treat him.

For a photograph or personal item

Rituals are performed during the waxing moon. It is believed that all words will be charged with lunar energy and will help strengthen relationships with a person. To conduct them, a photograph or personal item of the person is required. In the evening after sunset, stand near the window. Hold a personal item or image in your hand and whisper the following prayer:

“Merciful God, bless your servant (name). Just as a dark night rejoices at the small stars, as it rejoices, so let the servant of God (name) rejoice in the servant of God (name). Just as the clear stars honor the month and rejoice with it, so let us also have fun and rejoice together. Just as in the morning the dawn is glad to the month, so it will be glad to see me both when I meet and in the distance. May everything that is spoken and whispered in the bright hour come true soon. And there will be no end to our meetings, only happiness and mutual respect, understanding and honesty. Let it be so".

Such a conspiracy for strong friendship is very strong; the person on whom the ritual is being performed will have respect and sympathy for you. But remember, you cannot use his trust unlimitedly, otherwise the ritual will cease to have effect.

For flowers

Sometimes you really want to make friends with a specific person, but nothing works out, all efforts are useless. If you want this person to make contact himself, carry out the following manipulations. You need to buy a small bouquet of flowers. Go with him to the temple, buy a candle. Approach the icon “Taming Evil Hearts.” Before the holy face, read the following prayer:

“Mother of God, I ask you, grant me your mercy. With your pure and bright power, help melt the icy heart of God’s servant (name). Let him take my side, let his soul open up to me, we will become friends very soon. All troubles and misfortunes pass us by. May your holy prayers and your blessing be near. Amen".

Place a bouquet under the icon. On the way home, mentally imagine the person you want to become friends with. If you fail to establish contact the first time, white magic recommends repeating it again.

On a candle

In order to make new friends or make peace with old ones, the following ritual is performed throughout the week. In the morning after waking up, light a church candle. While the flame is burning, look at it and read the spell:

“May my best friend, my beloved friend forgive me all the insults, all the quarrels and offensive words. And I forgive him for all the bad things that happened between us.”

To restore your relationship with your best friend and regain your former respect, you can use this version of the conspiracy. It takes place at noon. Light a church candle, look at it and say:

“Let a clear angel descend from heaven and call two servants of God (names) to him. Let them sit at one large table, on one bench, without sharing it. They will sit next to each other and try drinks and treats. Let there always be friendship with this person, let them communicate peacefully, no one will interfere. And above that rich table a mighty oak grows. And there are a lot of green leaves on it. This is how you can’t count these leaves, even if you can’t count the happy days. And above the table there is a starry sky, and there are no stars on it, so even if no one can count the happy days in this friendship. Let it be so".

Repeat this spell to attract friends for seven days. If you miss one day, start again.

For reconciliation

If there is an old conflict, an old resentment that you want to get rid of, this ritual will do. Buy three church candles. Light them in the evening in front of the mirror. Looking at the candle flame, say:

“Burn the flame bright, flare up. Arouse the respect and melancholy of the servant of God (name) for me. May our destinies reunite again, there will be loyalty, respect and understanding. Let it be so".

Let the candles burn out completely. Hide the cinders along with the mirror in a clean cloth or handkerchief and put them in a secluded place. Remember that you should never tell anyone about the magical actions performed, otherwise they will lose their effectiveness.

Ritual And love spell can help in different situations. Most often they are used as white magic to protect against black forces, evil tongues and the evil eye, in case of betrayal, illness. Since the times of the pagans, magical rituals based on sounds and thoughts have been known.

It was believed that positive and negative thoughts are material and you can create a nonverbal message to another person.

Magic love spells

Every religion uses conspiracies. You always want to protect your loved ones, keep your husband and children safe, avoid conflicts at work, make peace or restore relationships with a friend. Rituals should be performed in complete solitude, silence and in a dark room. No one should know about what has been done or planned. Importance is given to the pronunciation of spell texts or prayers. You can't confuse words or get confused. The text is pronounced clearly, with feeling and positive energy.

How to make friends with a person

To make friends with a certain person, a simple and effective ritual is performed. A small object is enchanted with a certain code of words, then it is thrown into the home of the person they want to bewitch. If it is not possible to enter your home, you can charm the coin and put it unnoticed in your pocket. The friendship ceremony is held at lunchtime.

For example: Lord, help me pay attention to me. Give pure and real friendship with a person. Bless our connections long life so that we give each other a helping hand in difficult situations and rejoice in our successes.

On the day of the love spell, you need to put the object to the person. Otherwise, the procedure will not give results.

How to get your girlfriend back

A common situation is when, after a long quarrel, none of the friends dares to take the first step towards reconciliation. Magic ritual will help with this. Held on the waxing moon on Friday evening.

You will need:

  • Three white wax candles and one church candle;
  • Group photo with a friend. If you don’t have one, you can write your own and your friend’s names on a white sheet of paper;
  • small mirror, red woolen threads.

A mirror is placed on the table, a photo or a sheet of names is placed in front of it. Three candles are placed between the photograph and the mirror, and a church candle next to the photograph. You need to light one candle first and then the other three. Read a prayer every time. For example: Lord help me. Restore peace between us, friends, girlfriends. And then protect us from troubles so that friendship is never destroyed.

It is not always possible to save relationships, but any methods of gaining friendship can be effective. The main thing is to believe and think positively. The ritual is performed for 12 days without breaks. Even if the friendship is restored, the ritual should not be broken. During the ceremony, you can take the first step yourself.

There are many small rituals that can help you quickly get closer to strangers or make peace with old ones.

How to reconcile friends

Finding a friend is one thing, but... maintain a strong friendship for years, or even for life. There are situations when people are not inferior to each other. Therefore, it is not always possible to reconcile friends. You can resort to the following ritual. You will need 12 church candles. Prayer is said twice a day - morning and evening, for 12 days. Example: Lord bless. Bring back, Lord, peace and tranquility between two friends, strengthen long-term friendship and tranquility. So that friendship is eternal and does not stop.

Read daily for 12 days, even if you make peace, continue. Friendship will strengthen. If you can’t reconcile the weight, maybe it’s worth taking a step forward. Prayer for friendship can return and attract feelings of friendship, Improve existing friendly feelings between people. Thanks to rituals, you can create a warm atmosphere near you.

A conspiracy or prayer to bring your son home must be carried out alone. Repeat three times:

I'll open the window a crack and call my son

Take away, God, my fears and anxiety

I suffer, I suffer - I only dream of reconciliation with my son.

I cried all my eyes - tears bring back the one I gave birth to.

Lord, find my son and bring him to me.

Family life is not always perfect; even distant relatives are capable of quarreling. And what can we say about close relatives? Such situations are especially common when it comes to heritage rights. Quarrels and grievances can break the most enduring bonds. The white forces of conspiracies and prayers will come to help.

When regular and never-ending quarrels occur in a family, and relatives cannot come to peace, you need to try to eliminate mistakes and renew connections with the help of enchanted honey.

Conspiracy for long friendship and improvement of relationships

The ritual is used to strengthen relationships And restoration of friendship. The plot is read at noon, you need to think about the intended person.

For example: two friends will sit at one table and talk incessantly. A tree grows above them and rustles with its leaves. As long as the leaves rustle, there will be friendship. And if friends quarrel, they will admit that both are wrong. And they will drink at the table. After a quarrel, peace will come - friendship will become eternal.

Say the prayer every day for a week. Already within of this period relationships between friends will improve.

If a quarrel or disagreement complicates life, you need to find reconciliation. You need to remember the positive moments associated with this person and calm down. Before any ritual you need to cleanse your energy field. To do this, sit for ten minutes and calmly look at the candle flame.

During a conspiracy, you need to think about the good - about those feelings that you had before. It is advisable to imagine how good your friend is now and how she is enjoying life. After the prayer, mentally create a message to your friend from positive emotions and the feeling that everything will be fine.

In love relationships, things don't always go smoothly. Conflicts arise out of the blue and for no particular reason. If a storm of quarrels appears, you need to act immediately. The person performing the ritual must be alone in the room. You need to mentally move away from your surroundings.

A strong conspiracy for reconciliation

For this serious ritual, you need to cover the table and put photographs of the reconciling parties. Light a candle and pass it around each photo and whisper the words:

  1. “May joy illuminate your face, Andrey, may it whiten your bright soul, may it open your deep mind. Let all quarrels and disagreements turn into light. My will will illuminate your life and give you true, long friendship.”

Conspiracies for reconciliation are pronounced, as a rule, 9-10 times. Before the finale, you need to hold a candle over the photographs three times and extinguish the wick. You can also reconcile on Intercession Day. This is women's day, but it will also be effective to cast a love spell on men. After the ritual, the guy will definitely meet his love within a year. Relatives, friends, colleagues are reconciled.

In the morning you need to go to church and buy three church candles. Place one of them near the icon of the Mother of God, and take the rest home. Place photographs of the reconciling parties on the table. Place a candle next to them and say the text:

  1. “Mother of God, where is your holy cover. Help us with a cover and hide us. So that we do not quarrel with each other, do not quarrel. Like grass is reaped and mowed in the fall. Mother of God, take away all stupid anger.”

When the candles melt to half, they need to be extinguished. Remove the photographs, tie the candles with red braid and hide them behind the icon of the Virgin Mary.

Bosses are powerful people. Therefore, many in the team cannot establish contact with the director and arise frequent quarrels, squabbles and omissions. This can be prevented and corrected with the help of white magic.

When the boss calls you to the carpet, not everyone remains calm. But by pronouncing a spell to yourself, you can improve your psychological condition and atmosphere.

It is advisable to look not into the eyes, but at the bridge of the nose, between the eyes. An example text is pronounced:

“Slave Alexey, I put the heart of an angel in you, I don’t allow you to get angry and swear.”

Another option is to stand on your right leg with your entire weight supported.

“I take away your tongue, I tame your heart, I control you with my heel, Alexey”

You can prepare in advance. Take the rope and say:

“The right hand is the right thing, the left hand is the brave thing. The Lord is my defense, I will defend myself by Him, I will tie myself with the holy robe.”

The charmed rope or cord should be wrapped around the belt under clothing. Before entering the director’s office, you need to hold the pen and say “There is a staple - the staple is silent, so you are silent against me.” Come in calmly and say hello. You can say the following to yourself:

For example:

  • “Lord, remember King David and his meekness. He was humble, gentle and merciful, so let me, God’s servant Alexei, have the same boss.”

If there is a photograph, you can speak so that no one sees:

  • “As a mother cherishes and pleases her child, so do you caress me. Be okay with me."

Conspiracies to reconcile people are magical rituals of white magic aimed at recreating peace, mutual understanding and warmth in relationships. These conspiracies and prayers can be aimed both at improving matters of the heart and family, which are often plagued by meaningless quarrels and frivolous grievances, and at establishing loving and friendly relationships with acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues and other people.

As a rule, a reconciliation plot is considered the only event and ritual with which you can quickly and almost painlessly improve relationships and smooth out conflict if it is generated by evil magic.

Possible consequences

Quarrels and discord with loved ones, friends, colleagues are a difficult burden from which you want to quickly free yourself. It is necessary to save the relationship in any way, including witchcraft. There are many prayers and conspiracies that have proven their results.

White magic does not carry anything negative or deadly. These are energy messages to a certain person, attracting attention. A person trying to speak or bewitch must have pure thoughts and not harbor resentment in his soul.

Attention, TODAY only!

Conspiracy for friendship with a man

According to the girls, making friends with guys is much easier than with women. They do not have feelings of envy, they will not discuss the details of their personal lives with friends, and they will not make fun of them in company. Some women find it very easy to establish friendships with the opposite sex, while others find it problematic. A conspiracy to make strong friendships with guys will help change the current situation and even find friendly love.

What do you need?

Despite the simplicity of execution, you should prepare for the ritual. To do this, find the following items:

  • a piece of white paper;
  • black pen;
  • candle;
  • conspiracy text.

The paper sheet can be of any format. Gel or ballpoint pens are allowed.

What to do?

Having prepared all the necessary things, you can begin the ritual. Every Friday you should write 2 names: your own and a candidate for friends. Always follow this sequence of actions:

  1. On a piece of paper you need to display the name of the man with whom you are planning a friendly relationship.
  2. The piece of paper must be burned over a lit candle.
  3. The performer is required to read the following text:

“You and I will be together, and if our friendship has become not so strong, then the flame of this candle will help enlighten your mind, you will not leave me and friendship with you will be eternal. So let it be that way!”

Subsequently, the girl receives strong and reliable friendships with the desired person.

Conspiracy for a strong friendship with a specific person

For some people, having just one friend around is enough. But it must be endowed only best qualities. To attract the friendly sympathy of a particular chosen one, it is necessary to perform a special ceremony.

Attributes for the ritual

For the ritual to have the desired effects, certain things must be found. Among them:

  • inexpensive gift;
  • banknote;
  • spell prayer.

Which gift should I choose? It can include sweets, flowers, a notebook and other low-cost trinkets. Instead of a banknote, you can take coins.


Having chosen the most suitable gift for a person, you need to implement the ritual. To do this, do the following:

  1. Wrap your gift in beautiful paper.
  2. Before delivery, read out the text of the conspiracy:

"God! Bless Your Servant (insert your name)! Just as the stars in the sky sparkle, so the eyes of (state the name of the desired candidate) sparkle from my presence! The soul rejoices, I am good for everyone! God! Bless! Give me the friendship of Your Servant (say your own name)! Let the star of our friendship light up in the sky now forever! Amen!"

You need to read the prayer in the period from 12 to 18 o'clock in the amount of 3 times. Important note: the gift must be delivered to the recipient on the same day. The result of the ritual depends on this. Choose the right and most appropriate time. How to do it? The donor will feel such a desire at one point, the main thing is to recognize it.

Friendship spell with best friend

Your relationship with your best friend can deteriorate in an instant. Yesterday we were still friends, today we are the worst enemies. The reason for this could be many factors: interest in one boy, envy, better standard of living, successful career, happy family life etc. What to do if your friend is very dear and you want to return to your old friendship? Some individuals advise reproducing one effective magical ritual.

Required Items

If you decide to improve your relationship with a close friend, you can do a special ritual. To carry it out you will need:

  • gel pen with bright red paste;
  • seven church candles;
  • a piece of paper;
  • ashtray;
  • candle stand;
  • prayer text.

Before performing the ritual, cut the paper sheet into seven parts. They must be even and completely identical.


Having prepared these items for the ritual, do the following. On a piece of paper you need to write down the names: your own and your ex-girlfriend's. You should write with a red pen and every Friday until the first positive results become clear. But that is not all. While writing, you need to read the following plot:

“Best friend, beloved friend - forgive insults, forget quarrels. I forgive you, I ask for your forgiveness, your apology.”

  1. Light all seven candles.
  2. Under its fire, burn the part with the written words.
  3. The remaining piece of leaf should be burned in an ashtray.
  4. Afterwards, extinguish the candle and bury it in your yard or in a city park.
  5. The ashes must be scattered in the direction where the girlfriend lives.
  6. Bow in four directions.

With the help of such a ritual, you can smooth out old grievances, disappointments and unpleasant situations. Subsequently, both people will be in the mood for friendly contact. There will be a mutual desire to apologize and start the friendship again. If the performer’s thoughts during the ritual were positive, then he will achieve the desired result very quickly. Otherwise, it is better to do the ritual again.

Conspiracy for friendship in a team

Not everyone can become part of a team in a short time. Sometimes it can be quite problematic to join a group of people that has long been formed. The solution to such an unpleasant situation will be a simple conspiracy.

It belongs to the spell texts of white magic, therefore it is harmless and harmless.

You need to say these words every morning before going to work:

“I am smart and good-looking, attractive to everyone, unlike anyone else.

I am sweet to everyone, very good to everyone, my soul is open!

Even though I haven’t brought any good yet, people still make me happy!

Even though I haven’t done much good yet, everything around me is flowing with light,

It surrounds me, it makes those around me turn to me.

Call yourself a friend, respond kindly, never give me credit, never leave me.

This simple ritual will help you establish positive contact with not only your colleagues. Its effect extends to management, who can be aroused to sympathize with their personality.

Conspiracy for true friendships

There is a category of people who push their friends away different ways. They do this not consciously, but quick and incorrect actions force people to leave their lives. To avoid such a situation, you need to perform a white magic ritual.

Fortune telling-Conspiracy for Money Well-Being

You need to do this:

  1. Make a neat and delicate bouquet of flowers.
  2. Go to a church service with a bud of flowers.
  3. Pray and leave a fragrant object near the icon.
  4. When leaving the church, whisper the text of the conspiracy:

“Everyone knows that creeping snakes do not spare anyone and sting all people with their sharp tongues. But let them never touch me. Their poison, I want it to bypass me. And at the same time, may those around me love and be kind to me and consider me their own person. Whoever comes across my name on his tongue, let his words be kind towards me. Let them only say good things about me. The Lord God will bless me and help me find real friends. God help me. Amen".

Repeat these words exactly three times. Going to home, you can't talk to anyone. Violating this rule will not bring any benefit from the conspiracy. Magicians advise doing the same ritual after one or two months. It is the conspiracy ritual for strong friendship that will help you acquire faithful comrades and protect yourself from the evil eye on friendship.

Each conspiracy must be approached with full responsibility if you only want to get a good result. Remember to keep your thoughts positive during and before rituals. If you follow the above recommendations, achieving the desired result will be easy.

Most people believe that friendship never fades. Moreover, magic is absolutely not needed for friendship. This opinion has several interpretations, because even the closest friend can betray. Making friendships is easy, but keeping them in perfect condition is much more difficult. There are situations when all friends have turned their backs on an acquaintance, and it is not possible to make peace. And sometimes a person makes a new girlfriend.

It is never possible to predict the behavior of your closest friend. It is in such situations that it is customary to use a spell on a best friend or friend. It was always quite easy for a child to make new friends.

A little information

Never carry out a conspiracy on friends if you have known the person for a fairly short period of time. First, just chat and get to know the person better. If after some time you are confident that you have met a true friend who will never betray and will support you, then you can use magic to strengthen the bonds of friendship. There are rituals that are directed against bad friends.

If you understand that you want to build a friendly relationship with this person, but your bonds are crumbling quite quickly, then you should not hesitate to solve the problem that has arisen. This ritual does not require special knowledge in the field of magic. You don't have to spend all your energy to complete it. White magic is designed in such a way that it cannot cause harm. It is aimed at improving the life of an ordinary inhabitant of the planet to the state that the performer dreams of.

You don't have to worry about the consequences. There is no specific time to perform this ritual. The only important thing is that your actions must have a certain sequence. The ritual is allowed to be performed an indefinite number of times. It all depends on your desire.

Conspiracy for long friendship

When creating a conspiracy against friends, the result is imprinted not on one victim, but on a certain number of people. You can use special attributes.

  1. A voodoo doll. Each doll must represent a specific person. It is desirable that it have at least several similar parameters to real person. If you are unable to carry out these manipulations, then you can paste a photo of the ritual participants onto each doll to make new friends.
  2. An item that belongs to your new friend. A conspiracy is cast on this item, after which it must be returned to the owner.
  3. Photos of the participants. Photos must be recent. It is important that there is only one person in the image. There should be no strangers in the photo.

“I, the servant of God (name), read this conspiracy in order to forever tie myself with bonds of friendship. We will never be able to leave each other. We will become one so that no one can separate us. Higher powers will be on our side and will help us be friends throughout our lives. I ask the person to run around and try to bring about reconciliation. I'm even ready to send an invitation to my home. Amen".

Love spell for a friend

If your goal is to acquire one specific like-minded person, then this method is especially for you. This is an excellent magical option for attracting a new friend. Buy a small gift for your desired friend and read a special spell for him.

“I ask the Lord to help me in a certain situation. I, the servant of God (name), wish to have a good friend in the person of the servant of God (name). May our destinies intertwine and remain connected forever. I don't want to lose this person from my life. May no one ever be able to separate us. We'll be like Bonnie and Clyde. Always together, always close. Amen".

The enchanted item must be donated to the right person and make sure that he will keep it at home. If you have the opportunity to visit the house, you can bring any item with you and put it in a place where no one can find it.

To bring back a former friend

You can bind a person to yourself with the help of prayer. An excellent option for sending your son to you who has stopped treating you like a human being. If you need to bring back an old friend, then this ritual is used. Take a mirror and place it in front of you. Place a photograph of the victim in front of the mirror. Place three candles nearby and light them. Now you need to read the plot.

“Please, Lord, help me bring back my former friend. It so happened that we lost contact with each other. Most likely, out of stupidity, because they were young. Now I have realized my mistake, and I ask for help in restoring our friendship. Make sure that it never gets destroyed again, but on the contrary, only gets stronger. Let my son come to me for advice, I will always come to his aid. My words represent the key to friendship that I will never give to anyone. Amen".

Film 2017. Galina Tsareva “Conspiracy against God.” You need to know this!

Recently, a whole collection of conspiracies has appeared that help bring about reconciliation with a former friend, or acquire a new like-minded person. There are many situations in which, besides magic, there is no other way to solve the problem. Remember that white magic is powerful. She has a large number of ways to bring back old friends and make new ones. It is better not to use black magic at all, because it has a number of negative consequences. If you nevertheless turn to black magic, you will bring disaster not only on yourself, but also on your friend. Therefore, use white magic, because it represents goodness and happiness.