
On April 16, 2016, in the Moscow Sokolniki Culture and Recreation Park, the opening ceremony of the All-Russian environmental cleanup event “Green Spring - 2016” took place, organized by the MEOO “Greenlight”. The event gave the official start to environmental cleanup days and other socially significant events under the banner of “Green Spring” throughout the country.

Despite the sudden bad weather that hit Moscow - it was pouring rain from the very morning, periodically giving way to hail and snow - the opening ceremony was attended by more than 500 people.

First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation Natalya Vladimirovna Tretyak sent a welcome letter to the event participants.

“Without exaggeration, the All-Russian environmental cleanup day “Green Spring - 2016” can be called an event of national significance, capable of influencing the formation ecological culture Russians, instilling in the younger generation a caring attitude towards their land,” noted N.V. Tretyak.

“The All-Russian Cleanup Day as the largest environmental event modern Russia annually brings together more than 2 million like-minded people from all over the country in their common desire to make their street, their district, their city cleaner, more comfortable and cozy

This is clear evidence that environmental issues are given great importance today, and among us there are many who are not indifferent to the fate of present and future generations, whose well-being directly depends on the state of environment", the appeal says.

“Thanks to the coordinated, altruistic work of volunteers, the appearance of our cities and villages is being renewed, the ecological situation in forests and water areas is improving, and the natural resources of the planet are being preserved,” noted the First Deputy Minister.

The events carried out invariably attract new supporters to the ranks of the environmental movement, who will help preserve and enhance the beauty of our planet. I wish the participants of the cleanup Have a good mood, fruitful work, good health and happiness!”, says N.V.’s greeting. Tretyak.

Chairman of the Committee State Duma on natural resources, environmental management and ecology Vladimir Ivanovich Kashin, in turn, noted that participation in cleanup days becomes a measure of a person’s social activity and opens up the opportunity for everyone to experience the joy of collective work and pride in its visible results, when the world around them is transformed before their eyes.

“We are all interested in creating a comfortable living environment for ourselves, our children and grandchildren. This goal cannot be achieved alone. You cannot enjoy the cleanliness of your property, hiding behind a personal fence, knowing that outside there are heaps of garbage thrown over this fence, or thrown from the window of an apartment, car, train, etc., or simply taken out of your pocket - onto the lawn, sidewalk , into a pond. This is especially noticeable in the spring, when the snow melts and traces of human negligence are exposed. But in fact, these are signs of a lack of environmental culture and, in fact, an irresponsible attitude towards oneself. How to overcome this?

Subbotnik, like a vaccination, creates immunity from thoughtless actions in relation to objects that have become unnecessary. After all, those who have spent their own efforts for the common good will never litter,” emphasized the Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology of the State Duma.

“Green Spring” should unite environmental initiatives of citizens, organizations and authorities and concentrate their efforts on priority areas stated by the MEOO “Greenlight” and other organizers of this action in program materials and focusing public attention on solving complex environmental problems.

Over the past two or three years, the State Duma has considered and adopted an unprecedented number of legislative initiatives. But without public support, these laws are doomed to remain words on paper. It is the public that is able to provide real practical assistance in establishing an environmental imperative in the relationship between man and nature, in order to create favorable living conditions for current and future generations,” the appeal says.

“We must solve all environmental problems together, based on the specific situation in the regions of Russia, which are distinguished by diverse natural and geographical conditions, unique specially protected areas and unique representatives of the flora and fauna. The President of the Russian Federation is also aiming at this. It is no coincidence that by his decree he declared the next 2017 the Year of Ecology.

Therefore, I would like to say special thanks to the organizers of Green Spring. We have a common opinion on all main areas, and the main thing now is to take it into account when developing new bills,” noted V.I. Kashin.

“I appeal to participants, volunteers and volunteers to accept the most Active participation in organizing and conducting cleanup days for planting trees, cleaning areas, and so on throughout Russia!

I wish you all success, health and happiness!

I wish everyone worthy to receive well-deserved prizes and awards of the “Green Spring”!” says the address of the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology.

“MEOO Greenlight actively and fruitfully cooperates with local cleanup organizers, educational and environmental organizations. We sent more than 3,000 different items of paraphernalia with the symbols of the “Green Spring” to all registered regions. We also provide the organizers of the “Green Spring” cleanup days in the regions with the necessary equipment for carrying out environmental cleanup days, purchase seedlings for planting, order transport for collecting waste paper in educational institutions, and also provide other assistance to the participants of the all-Russian action.”

Deputy Head Sergei Aleksandrovich Melnikov delivered a greeting to the participants of the opening ceremony of the All-Russian environmental cleanup event “Green Spring” on behalf of the head of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow Anton Olegovich Kulbachevsky.

“Today we are launching community cleanups that will take place throughout the country. According to a good tradition, on April Saturdays, Muscovites clean up squares, parks, public places, and tidy up natural areas, banks of reservoirs and courtyards of the capital. Spring is a time of renewal, love, the blossoming of nature after winter sleep. Let’s help nature decorate, clean up the area, get rid of garbage on the street, make our city even cleaner, more welcoming and cheerful,” said S.A. Melnikov.

At the opening ceremony, the participants were also greeted by: Chairman of the Commission on Environmental Policy of the Moscow City Duma Zoya Mikhailovna Zotova; Director of the State Autonomous Institution of Moscow PKiO "Sokolniki" Andrey Vitalievich Lapshin, Deputy Head of the Department of Fuel and Energy Economy of the city of Moscow, coordinator of the project of the All-Russian political party "United Russia" "Ecology of Russia" for the city of Moscow Ivan Yuryevich Novitsky; Executive Secretary of the Coordination Committee of PJSC Gazprom on environmental protection and energy efficiency Konstantin Vladimirovich Romanov, Head of the Sokolniki District Government Alexander Vitalievich Vorobyov, Chairman of the Political Party “Russian Ecological Party “Greens” Anatoly Alekseevich Panfilov.

The opening ceremony of the All-Russian environmental cleanup day “Green Spring” and the environmental cleanup day in Sokolniki Park were attended by students from 10 schools and colleges from Moscow and the Moscow region, students from the Moscow Federal Law Academy and RUDN University, employees of the enterprises of PJSC Gazrom, the State Corporation Rosatom, in particular JSC TVEL and NO RAO and other third-party organizations, as well as ordinary park visitors. A total of 34 institutions and organizations registered for the opening ceremony in Moscow.

In cold weather, event participants warmed up with hot tea, sweet treats and various outdoor games and attractions prepared by Greenlight MEOO.

All participants in the opening ceremony and environmental cleanup event “Green Spring” in Sokolniki Park were given various paraphernalia with the symbols of the project.

For the young participants of the opening ceremony, environmental master classes were organized on decorating birdhouses and creating eco-human “grassmen”, animators and face painters worked.

The musical group “Radio Station “Polite People”” and the children’s vocal and choreographic ensemble “Elegy” were responsible for the musical program of the event.

It is especially worth noting that the environmental team of School No. 5 from the Vorontsovka village of the Krasnoturinsk urban district of the Sverdlovsk region arrived in Moscow specifically to participate in the opening ceremony of the Green Spring. For more than 32 hours, 10 children and two teachers traveled to Moscow to witness the ceremonial start of the project and take part in an environmental cleanup in Sokolniki Park. MEOO "Greenlight" met young nature defenders in Moscow and organized a cultural and entertainment program for them: schoolchildren visited Red Square, the Museum of Calligraphy and child Center scientific discoveries "Innopark", where children were told about robotics, and then they took part in a master class on creating robots from scrap materials and learned how to control them.

After all the greetings from the honored guests of the opening ceremony were heard and the official start of the “Green Spring 2016” was given, an environmental cleanup took place. Participants of the event planted 350 spruce seedlings and 360 seedlings of birch-leaved spirea bushes.

Having completed planting the seedlings, the cleanup workers were treated to a meal in the field kitchen.

The final part of the event was the awarding of diplomas to organizations and institutions that participated in the Green Spring environmental cleanup.

The environmental cleanup event “Green Spring” in Sokolniki Park has begun a series of various environmental events and actions that will take place under the banner of “Green Spring” in various regions of the Russian Federation until May 21.

The summing up and awarding of the winners of the All-Russian environmental cleanup event “Green Spring - 2016” will take place on June 5 in Moscow as part of a gala event dedicated to the celebration of Ecologist Day.

MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. More than a thousand people came to Moscow's Sokolniki Park on April 21 for the opening of the annual All-Russian cleanup event "Green Spring", which is organized for the fifth time by the non-governmental environmental foundation named after V. I. Vernadsky. Representatives of more than 40 companies and educational institutions not only from Moscow, but also the Moscow region took part in cleaning the park and planting flowers and trees, a TASS correspondent reports.

As the organizers of the event note, the cleanup in Sokolniki became one of the most widespread in the capital this weekend.

“Every year, from year to year, the number of participants in our All-Russian cleanup event “Green Spring” is growing. People in Kamchatka, Sakhalin, the Leningrad region, and in St. Petersburg itself will work under this symbolism

In all subjects of the Russian Federation,” said Vladimir Grachev, president of the non-governmental environmental foundation named after V. I. Vernadsky, chairman of the Central Council of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation, during the grand opening of the cleanup.

"Green Spring" will last until May 21. And on June 5, on World Nature Conservation Day and All-Russian Ecologist Day, a ceremonial award ceremony for activists will take place in the presidential administration hall. According to Grachev, then about 2 thousand people will gather together.

Over the course of four years, the cleanup brought together about 6.5 million volunteers throughout Russia. On April 21 of this year, the season opened not only in Moscow, but also in St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. In the Pribaikalsky National Park in the Irkutsk region, the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Sergei Donskoy, took part in the cleanup. According to the department's press service, the bodies of two KamAZ and Ural vehicles were completely filled with garbage.

In Moscow, employees of the central office of Rosvodresursy, with the participation of representatives of the Moscow-Oka Basin Water Administration, the federal state budgetary water management institution "Tsentrregionvodkhoz" and the state institution "Mosoblvodkhoz" held a cleanup day at the Khimki reservoir in the Severnoye Tushino park.

Subbotnik in Sokolniki

In Sokolniki, two important points of volunteer work were planting 200 fir trees in the depths of the park and helping to tidy up the territory of the Great Rose Garden.

“The large rose garden is on the verge of modernization, so funds were not allocated for its spring maintenance. The help of volunteers was simply priceless for us this year. A small department consisting of pensioners and disabled people could not cope with such a huge volume,” she said TASS Deputy Head of the Flower Department of the Park Yulia Morozova.

Volunteers planted pansies (violas) in flowerpots - they are not afraid of frost and will be able to delight visitors already at May holidays. Three lilac bushes (two purple and white) also took their place. Their predecessors died of old age, and they decided to replace them. The spherical maple, which was also lost, will also return to the alley of the “Big Rose Garden”.

“I believe that cleanup should be held not just every year, but every month, every week, so that our nature becomes better and better. So that we live and enjoy the beauty around us. We have already participated in the “Green Spring”. I like it and remove leaves, and plant flowers and trees - do everything, as long as everything is beautiful,” Ulyana, one of the students of the Moscow cadet corps “Boarding School for Students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” who participated in the improvement of the rose garden, shared with TASS.

For some participants, Green Spring is a way not only to help make the city cleaner and more beautiful, but also a kind of lesson in friendship. The cleanup event was such an event for a team of seventh-graders from the Naro-Fominsk school for students with disabilities. disabilities, who came to Sokolniki under their own power along with their geography teacher Elena Pavitskaya. “We do good. I think this is very useful for children - they learn to love nature,” Elena noted in a conversation with TASS.

One of her charges, eleven-year-old Seryozha, went with his friends to the cleanup event, even despite his arm being in a cast. “My friends told me that it’s very good here, it’s fun. We climbed everywhere there, played. I like everything, and I plant at my grandmother’s,” he shared with TASS.

Other Moscow subbotniks

Outside the framework of the “Green Spring”, a cleanup was held in the Moscow nature reserve “Valley of the Setun River”. It was organized by the capital's environmental management department. As part of the cleanup, trees were planted and birdhouses were hung. Together with the staff of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Apothecary Garden", activists created the Hydrangea Garden.

Participants could also try their hand at quizzes and a photo quest.

The cleanup day of the Russian Geographical Society was held in the Krasnaya Presnya park. As part of it, Muscovites could not only help tidy up the park, but also attend a lecture by traveler, member of the Russian Geographical Society and author of the Green Ring of Moscow walking route, Alexander Sovetov.

There were also film screenings of the documentary “Franz Josef Land” and three films from the “Wild Russia” series.

On April 8 and 29, citywide cleanup days will take place, which will be held at 75 sites in Moscow parks. Muscovites will be asked to help with the spring cleaning of Sokolniki, Gorky Park, Muzeon, the Hermitage Garden, the Kolomenskoye and Tsaritsyno estates, and even the Moscow Zoo. These days, guests of the park will enjoy music programs, quests, culinary master classes and other entertainment.

Cleanup days will be held in green zones under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Department of Culture in almost all districts. About 25 thousand people are expected to take part in the events. “They will be given gloves, aprons and all the necessary equipment - rakes, brooms, bags for collecting garbage, brushes for washing the bases of buildings, shovels,” noted the Moscow City Park.

In large parks, several sites for cleanup work will be organized at once: in Gorky Park it will be possible to participate in the collective restoration of order both in the main territory and on the Crimean embankment and Sparrow Hills. Full list parks will be published later.

On these same days—April 8 and 29—subbotniks will be held throughout the city, including in courtyards, district parks and other areas. Cleaning will take place in urban and courtyard areas.

Houses and roads, building facades, shop windows, bus stops, lighting poles, road signs and indicators will be put in order. In addition, lawns will be developed, trees and shrubs will be planted, children's and sports grounds will be repaired, and other seasonal work will be carried out.

Cleanup program on April 29:

Gorky Park

The cleanup will be held in Neskuchny Garden under the patronage of the Yellow Bucket Society. Participants will receive branded aprons, gloves and brooms equipped with selfie sticks to immediately photograph the work progress. The rhythm will be set by the drummer of the band HUT, who will play a set on buckets. The Green School team, together with the youngest participants, will make birdhouses and bird feeders, which will then be hung on trees.

Tagansky Children's Park

The cleaning will take place on the territory of the Tagansky Children's Park (Children's Park named after N.N. Pryamikov), where work on comprehensive landscaping is being completed. The park is located between Taganskaya Street and Bolshoi Fakelny Lane. Guests will be given aprons with park symbols and treated to hot coffee. Participants will sweep paths, wash benches and plant flowers.

A park« Krasnaya Presnya»

The cleanup will be held in the format of a quest. The program will begin with a morning warm-up. Participants will then be divided into teams and will have to solve puzzles and look for prizes hidden in the park. There will be a promotional zone for the Animal Defenders Alliance on the Big Island, where you can immerse yourself in the animal world through the prism of virtual reality glasses. Active games and master classes will be held for the youngest participants of the cleanup.

Hermitage Garden

A fitness cleanup will be held together with the X-fit network of sports clubs. The program includes classes and master classes in popular fitness areas with network trainers, cleaning and a healthy snack for participants.

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

The cleanup will be attended by park employees, the Department of Regional Security and the You Are Not Alone national foundation, which helps orphans and children without parental care. A concert will be held with the participation of pupils and wards of the foundation.

Izmailovsky Park

The family cleanup will begin with exercises on the Central Square. Signs with a QR code will be installed near green spaces, and participants in the cleanup will be able to learn more about the park’s plants. There will be a tour of the most interesting places on the territory. Everyone will be able to take part in the family cycling quest “Photo Expedition” or attend a master class on plein air painting. The most active cleanup participants will be given home cleaning kits.

A park« Kuzminki»

The Green Cleanup program includes a master class on separate waste collection (10:00) and a veggie lunch with vegetable and fruit snacks and lemonade (12:00). At the playground, kids will be told how the ecosystem works and why every link needs to be protected. At 13:30 there will be a master class on upcycling “The second life of old things”. For photographs, there will be a photo zone with props near the main stage. Pre-registration for the event: https://goo.gl/forms/2feUyJl1NeolD25T2.

Perovsky Park

A flower cleanup will be held in the park. Under the guidance of landscape design expert Oleg Yachmenev, participants will plant flowers in flowerpots on the central alley. Visitors will enjoy a master class on painting flower pots, flower quiz, competitions and useful gifts.

Vorontsovsky Park

There will be dance and art master classes and lectures on a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. The cleanup will be held to the music of the FV Brass brass band. The main guest of the event will be the famous TV presenter Nikolai Drozdov.

A park« Gardeners»

“Zoo cleanup” with pets from the Shcherbinka and Krasnaya Sosna shelters, a charity fair, a photo zone, a performance by a folk group, a lottery and demonstration performances by the Frisbee dog club Disk Hunters. Pre-registration for the cleanup: https://goo.gl/forms/2feUyJl1NeolD25T2.

IN « Sokolniki» From 10:00 to 14:00 a cleanup day will be held with the participation of the park's Dog Breeders Club. IN Lianozovsky Park from 10:00 to 17:00 you can take the environmental quest and pass old equipment. IN Babushkinsky Park at 13:00 an environmental master class on making crafts from scrap materials will be held. IN park« Fili» The “EcoRun” event will be held - a social run for children from orphanages. Starts at 10.00.

Citywide cleanup days will also be held in Garden named after Bauman, Goncharovsky Park, Lilac Garden, park« Friendship» , Northern Tushino Park, park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, park named after Artem Borovik and other parks.

All-Russian environmental cleanup

"Green Russia"


Target: to form environmental consciousness and a sense of respect for planet Earth, for one’s homeland. Foster a sense of responsibility for the ecological state of the planet and a desire to interact with nature. Organize and conduct ecological holiday, which will be of interest to both adults and the younger generation. Make the cleanup event a truly national holiday for Russian citizens.

Tasks: awakening among the participants of the cleanup event interest and love for the surrounding nature, development of creative abilities.

Participants: students and employees of the Municipal Budgetary Institution "Lyceum No. 1 of the Bryansk District", employees of the Municipal Budgetary Institution "MFOK Bryansk District", Administration of the Dobrunsky Rural Settlement, branch of the "Dobrunsky Settlement Cultural and Leisure Center" of the Municipal Budgetary Institution "TsKD Bryansk District", Individual Entrepreneur Krutik N.V.

Location: territory of the stadium in the village of Dobrun.

Progress of the event:

This event is held on the territory of the stadium of the Dobrunsky rural settlement, “Lyceum No. 1 of the Bryansk region”. The organizers are the director of the Municipal Budgetary Institution “MFOK Bryansk District” N.Ya. Vinnikov, the director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum No. 1 of the Bryansk District Kozina E.N.

  1. 10-00 o'clock. Grand opening of the cleanup day

(Formation of event participants, speech by the head of the settlement and guests of honor, acrobatic performance by the Shapitoshki ensemble)

Opening of the holiday.

Official part

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, dear lyceum students, teachers and guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the stadium of the Dobrunsky rural settlement.

Presenter 2. Today, environmental cleanup days “Green Russia” are being held throughout the country. Their goal is to unite everyone who is concerned about environmental safety issues and who considers themselves a Patriot of their Motherland!

Presenter 1. There is just a temple
There is a temple of science, and there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding, reaching hands
Towards the sun and winds
He is light at any time of the day
Open to us in the heat and cold,
Come in here
Be sensitive with your heart, Do not desecrate her shrines!

Presenter 2. WITH

To the head of the Dobrunsky rural settlement - Vladimir Ilyach Yachmenev

Presenter 2. WITH Thank you for your kind words.

Presenter 2. WITH a word for greeting the participants of the cleanup is provided...

To the director of Lyceum No. 1 of the Bryansk region - Elena Nikolaevna Kozina.

Presenter 2. WITH Thank you for your kind words.

Presenter 1.WITH The word for greeting the participants of the cleanup is provided...

To the director of the MBU "MFOC Bryansk region" - Nikolai Yakovlevich Vinnikov.

Presenter 2. WITH Thank you for your kind words.

Alignment with the flag of the Russian Federation - the Russian Anthem sounds.

Presenter 1. Dear participants of the environmental cleanup event “Green Russia”!

Today we will go to an unusual environmental holiday.

The acrobatic ensemble “Shapitoshki” congratulates you on the holiday.

Presenter 1. Listen to the event program.

Presenter 2. Dear teachers, guys, dear parents, we invite you to start our environmental cleanup.

  1. 10-30 hours. Carrying out a cleanup day.

Name of works

Responsible executor

Cleaning up the area from garbage on the Green Wave memory lane, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War:

Replanting neglected trees.

Weeding of seedlings, removal of weeds and small bushes.

Cleaning the alley area from debris.

Garbage disposal.

Golobokov A.A.

Gorbacheva I.V.

Kozina E.N.

Removal of small bushes and debris in the adjacent territory of the building of the MBU "MFOK Bryansk region" and MBUDO "Children's art school" Dobrun.

Shvedov V.Ya.

Vinnikov N.Ya.

Planting shrubs and removing garbage at the entrance to the village of Dobrun.

Yachmenev V.I.

Pilyugaitsev A.D.

Cleaning of the stadium in the village of Dobrun and the surrounding area:

Painting the inner fence at the stadium with black paint.

Removal of small bushes and debris in the surrounding area.

Cleaning the area from garbage.

Garbage disposal.

Fedorova O.I.

Pronichev S.A.

Afonina N.V.

Installing car tires around newly planted spruce seedlings.

Painting car tires with multi-colored paint.

Dmitrienko S.V.

Removal of the remains of the burnt warehouse of the agricultural production company "Agrofirma Kultura" near the stadium in the village of Dobrun.

Kobozev A.V.

Pilyugaitsev A.D.

Cleaning the school grounds and surrounding areas:

Cutting down small vegetation.

Mowing weeds.

Garden pruning.

Garbage disposal.

Dolgov V.V.

Minenko A.A.

3. Summing up.

( Formation of the cleanup workers, summing up the work done, presentation of certificates for participation in the cleanup, food for the cleanup participants: tea and corn).

Technical support – availability of sound accompaniment for the event (microphone, music).

Certificate sent: Competition “Best scenario”

The Moscow region will get rid of winter dirt in stages

The Moscow region authorities intend to hit cleanup workers against the off-season littering of yards by declaring a month of improvement in the Moscow region. The first stage is preparatory, it will take place on April 8, and the task of its participants will be to rid the area of ​​accumulated snow and dirt. And the second - main - cleanup will take place on April 22, when it is time to “beautify”: paint, whitewash, plant and decorate. The Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region, Evgeniy KHROMUSHIN, spoke about the details of the total general cleaning of MK.

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei VOROBYEV, on the TV channel “360° Moscow Region,” called on residents of the region to participate in the spring cleanup: “Each season has its own specifics. I want to direct all heads of municipalities to the active phase of improvement. I would like to thank the residents who previously took part in community cleanups, and I ask you to take part in this year’s community cleanups, which will allow us to improve and restore order in our cities.”

Evgeniy Akimovich, why will the subbotnik consist of two stages? So much has accumulated that you can’t take it away in one day?

The first stage is more technical in nature. Last winter there was a lot of snow: twice the norm. In most settlements we do not have centralized storm sewers, which is why there is flooding in many places. First, you need to clean all the ditches, water intake wells, grates, etc. - so that the water goes away. We can’t invite people to work in knee-deep water, and we have plenty of flooded areas.

- That is, the preparatory cleanup is organized only for public utilities?

No, of course, and although we will place the main emphasis on special preparation of courtyard and park infrastructure, we nevertheless need the participation of the citizens themselves. In order, for example, to put in order drainage canals along roads - rural settlements, urban settlements, gardening partnerships, etc. This is the area of ​​responsibility of the road workers, and we can help them, since water stagnates there, therefore the area is flooded, and it is impossible to remove garbage. It is quite possible to clean a ditch near your house, near a neighbor’s house, or along the road adjacent to the site. The same goes for sewer grates. It's no secret that drainage grates, as a rule, become clogged with cigarette butts, leaves and paper - garbage that we ourselves accumulate and then remove ourselves.

- On the eve of Easter, the importance of the first subbotnik increases doubly.

Yes, on preparatory stage we plan to organize cleaning of public places where people visit as part of Orthodox holiday Easter. First of all, the removal of accumulated garbage resulting from the melting of snowdrifts will be organized, and a thorough cleaning of the passages to public places will be carried out.

- Then what kind of work is provided for the second subbotnik?

Digging flower beds, planting seedlings, sowing lawns, repairing and painting landscaping elements, preparing flower beds, collecting foliage, filling walkways, painting facade plinths, painting poles and trees, repairing and painting fences.

- How many participants, according to your assumptions, should gather at the cleanup event?

We expect that more than 800 thousand people will come out. We are conducting an intensive information campaign in the regional media and all other networks, informing residents about the date, locations of the cleanup, and points for issuing equipment on the public Internet portal changedvory.rf. By the way, the regional cleanup in 2016 was the largest in the last decade. Then, in populated areas of the Moscow region, more than 700 thousand people responded to the call to take part in cleaning and improving the territory - and more than 153 thousand cubic meters were collected. m of garbage.

- This is not the first year you have been working in the “double subbotnik” format?

This is already the third year that we have been working on a single project. But in every subbotnik we have, so to speak, chips, and they are both regional and municipal. We again involved various social movements in order to find for each territory its own historical highlight, an informal occasion, an unusual theme for the cleanup. This could be the planting of a themed alley or, like last year, a graffiti show, dedicated to the Day Victory, and this time the reason may be local issues that deserve general attention - such as, for example, major historical dates.

- Does this event have a motto?

Every time we try to update them. This year our cleanup day will be held under the motto “Clean Moscow Region! Let's do it together."

- Will you give out aprons?

Both aprons and caps - all in uniform style, which brings people together and leaves a good memory of the event.

- Are there municipalities that, without being tied to a date, began to put their yards in order in advance?

Undoubtedly. There are many of them who have been engaged in this work since the end of February: Zhukovsky, Elektrostal. Korolev does the same regularly.

As part of the spring beautification month, you are holding the second stage of the “Best Yard in the Moscow Region” competition - “Spring has come to our yard.” Is this an additional incentive for the population to improve their yards?

I would like to note that, on behalf of the country’s leadership and the regional governor, all measures for the comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas are carried out in close cooperation with residents. Residents have already started voting for address lists and relevant elements for landscaping their yards. On the regional portal "Dobrodel" everyone can vote for their specific yard and choose either a children's playground or a sports ground, wish for more parking spaces or more landscaping, based on physical parameters landscaped yard. The “Best Yard in the Moscow Region” competition is held annually and promotes the creation of a comfortable urban environment; it includes a whole range of measures for the improvement of courtyard areas in the Moscow Region - all of them are aimed exclusively at ensuring a high quality of human life and comfortable living in the region. The competition not only helps to change the appearance of local territories, but also allows you to create best practices for the formation of a new urban style in the Moscow region.

It has long been noted that when a resident takes direct part in the formation comfortable environment residence, he is more careful about what was done in the same yard with his own hands.

That is why we hold various promotions, competitions and other improvement events in the region. The main task of the cleanup, as the governor noted, is to popularize people’s neat attitude towards their place of residence, to improve the culture of maintaining the yard and home. Municipal authorities need to prepare to restore order in advance. To achieve this, we have been instructed to organize a sufficient number of distribution points for cleaning equipment - we plan that there will be more than 1,300 of them - and to carry out appropriate work with utility companies and management companies. A person will be assigned to each cleaning object. It is important to note that all collected garbage will be removed and disposed of on the cleanup day.

- As far as we know, you are even preparing an interactive map of subbotniks?

Yes, together with the Association of Chairmen of Councils of Apartment Buildings of the Moscow Region, we have already prepared it, for which we collected from the municipalities all the address lists where equipment will be given out during the cleanup, and posted it on the portal changedvory.rf