Finally, mother and baby were discharged from the maternity hospital. The main difficulties are behind us, family and friends are waiting at home, everything is ready to welcome a new family member. And yet, there is still so much trouble ahead - establishing a routine, organizing feeding, learning how to swaddle properly...

One of the most pleasant worries is the first bath of a newborn, which must be taken with full responsibility. After all, this water procedure is very important for his health and further development.

If bathing a newborn in the first days of life is carried out correctly, this will contribute to his healthy and full development. Beneficial features water procedures have long been beyond doubt among pediatricians, since they:

  • stimulates skin functions, maintains it in normal condition;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • relieves tense muscle tone;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • eliminates manifestations;
  • provides high-quality hardening;
  • helps prevent allergic rashes and skin diseases;
  • increases motor activity;
  • improves appetite and sleep.

You need to understand that the first bath of newborns is very important both physiologically and emotionally. Its task is to make the skin clear, and also to open up new facets of this world to the child. He should like the process itself, which can become a source for him Have a good mood and positive emotions in the future. So you will have to prepare for the first procedure with all responsibility. And it is advisable to start in advance - by purchasing the necessary things for this.

I have an opinion. Some pediatricians advise bathing newborns daily, while another group of doctors say that water is very drying to the skin. Therefore, they recommend arranging water treatments three times a week.


Anatomically shaped bathtub for bathing a newborn

To ensure that bathing a newborn for the first time goes without problems and unexpected troubles, it is advisable to prepare the necessary things in advance. These include:

  • an anatomically shaped children's plastic bathtub with special protrusions and recesses;
  • soft sponge/fleece mittens;
  • water thermometer;
  • jug for pouring;
  • a special stand in the form of a slide that supports the baby in the bath while reclining (optional);
  • diaper / soft baby towel for drying;
  • clean pajamas/diaper for changing after swimming;
  • a clock to monitor the duration of the procedure;
  • a camera to capture such a significant event for the whole family.

If caring parents have purchased all this in advance, the first bath of a newborn at home will be much calmer and without nerves. Otherwise, it usually happens that you didn’t buy a thermometer, didn’t prepare a watch, and the camera generally ran out of charge at the most necessary moment. But the most important thing is to choose the right children's cosmetics for this procedure - shampoo and soap.

Baby shampoo

  • children's shampoo from the basic series with wheat, aloe vera, panthenol, chamomile extract from Bubchen (Germany);
  • soft shampoo from the children's series “For the little ones” with soapwort and angelica extracts from Little Siberica (Russia);
  • shampoo-gel for children with calendula from Weleda (Germany).
  • Eared nanny (Russia);
  • My sunshine (Russia);
  • Our mother (Russia);
  • From head to toe - foam shampoo from Johnson’s Baby (Italy);
  • Pigeon (Japan);
  • Sanosan baby (Germany).

Baby soap

  • Our mother: with chamomile and string;
  • moisturizing soap from Sanosan baby;
  • vegetable soap for children with calendula from Weleda.
  • Eared Nanny;
  • Johnson's Baby;
  • Bubchen.

Please note that for the first bath of a newborn, you will need shampoo and soap. All kinds of foams, gels, and milks offered in a wide range are best used much later. Otherwise, don’t be surprised that the next morning after the procedure, the baby is covered with an incomprehensible rash. Take care of his thin and very sensitive skin from unnecessary parabens, fragrances and dyes. And take care of the water in which the first bath will take place.

Let's differentiate the concepts. In many sources you can read that from the first bath for a newborn, you can use special soap or shampoo, which are identical in their functionality. Still, it would be more correct to initially distinguish between them: wash your head with shampoo, and wash your body with soap.


To ensure that the first bath of a newborn after the maternity hospital does not harm his health, it is very important to properly prepare the water for this procedure. A lot depends on it: it is with it that the baby’s skin will come into contact, including the umbilical wound and the fontanelles on the head. Therefore it should be:

  • boiled;
  • disinfected with an unsaturated solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to prevent suppuration of the umbilical wound; Moreover, you need to ensure that all crystals are well dissolved in water, because large ones can leave a burn on delicate, thin skin;
  • for diathesis, a pediatrician or dermatologist may prescribe bathing in herbal decoctions, but you should not add them if the child is absolutely healthy, otherwise the protective layer of the skin may be damaged;
  • The water temperature when bathing a newborn for the first time should be +36.5-37°C (for a healthy baby), 38°C (for children at risk).

Regarding the use of potassium permanganate, it is advisable to first consult with a pediatrician while still in the maternity hospital. He will know the condition of the newborn’s umbilical wound and advise whether such disinfection is necessary during the first bath. It may be generally recommended to postpone water procedures until the area is completely healed. Now regarding the procedure itself.

Interesting fact. Modern doctors say that even the first bath can be done without boiled water, taking a bath directly from the tap and without even using potassium permanganate. Well, pediatricians know better, but in this case the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the parents. Still, an umbilical wound that has not yet healed can become a gateway for bacteria that infest tap water.

detailed instructions

The procedure for the first bath of a newborn after discharge from the maternity hospital is carried out on the second day of his stay at home. Not the first time, because for him at this moment there will already be a lot of stress.


  1. Prepare everything you need in advance. After all, a newborn should not be left in the bathtub unattended for even a minute.
  2. It is recommended to bathe immediately before the last feeding. But at the same time, the child should not be very hungry, otherwise he will cry and be capricious.
  3. In the room where the water procedure will be carried out, the temperature for bathing a newborn for the first time should be: for healthy children + 22-23°C. For those at risk - +23-24°C.
  4. Lubricate vegetable oil crusts on the baby’s head 10-15 minutes before bathing.
  5. Place a rubber mat on the floor to prevent adults' feet from slipping. This will protect you from injury.
  6. Open the door to the room so that the air humidity does not increase.
  7. Disinfect the room. This can be done using special devices - a bactericidal recirculator, a salt lamp, a humidifying air purifier. If it is not possible to use them, it will be enough to place a saucer with several peeled cloves of garlic in the room 15 minutes before swimming.
  8. Give the newborn the first air bath in his life 5-7 minutes before bathing.
  9. Calm him down, talk to him kindly, smile.
  10. Fill the bath with water, measure its temperature, bring it to the recommended level.

Bathing process

  1. So that the newborn is not afraid of water for the first time, he needs to be lowered into the bath in a vest or diaper, and after 1-2 minutes, when he gets used to it, remove it.
  2. The first dive should be slow, until the water covers your chest and shoulders.
  3. Use your left hand to support the head and neck so that thumb the adult was lying on the newborn's left shoulder, and the rest were under the left armpit. This way the head will rest firmly on the forearm of the bather’s hand.
  4. If bathing is carried out by one adult, he is free right hand rinses the child. If there is an assistant, then with this hand you can support the baby under the butt. Secure its position so that it does not accidentally slip out of your hands.
  5. As soon as the newborn becomes restless, you can start rocking him right in the bathtub.
  6. First, wash your face without soap, paying special attention to your eyes.
  7. Wash the body (especially folds - armpits, neck, crotch, behind the ears) thoroughly with soap.
  8. Wash your baby's hair with soap or shampoo.
  9. The perineum is washed last.
  10. When bathing girls, all movements of an adult should be in one direction: from the urethra to the anus.
  11. For boys, simply wash the external genitalia. In this case, it is advisable to retract the foreskin and rinse all the folds under it to prevent infection.
  12. The duration of the first bath should not exceed 2-3 minutes, although some pediatricians allow it to be done much longer - up to 5-7, or even up to 10 minutes.
  13. Don’t forget to learn a few special nursery rhymes and jokes for such a significant event. If you discipline them, starting from the first bath, the baby will quickly get used to water procedures.
  14. After the procedure, pour clean water from a jug over the newborn’s back, holding him over the bath. The water temperature for such rinsing should be 1-2°C lower than the one in which he was just bathed.

After swimming

  1. Wrap the newborn in a swaddle. Wipe gently, using blotting, but not rubbing movements.
  2. Treat body folds with sterilized vegetable oil/baby cream. Do not lubricate the entire skin.

If everything is done correctly during the first bath, the procedure will be pleasant for the newborn and joyful for adults. True, in rare cases the matter is complicated by unforeseen circumstances, which it is also advisable to keep in mind in order to know how to behave in a given situation.

Right of first bath. There is a lot of arguing in the family over who should bathe the newborn. For the first time, parents should definitely do this - mom definitely and dad as an assistant. Let the rest of the relatives (grandparents and brothers and sisters) enjoy this procedure later, when the baby is emotionally ready for it.

Possible problems

A newborn cannot express what hurts him and why he is crying. Doctors and parents can only guess about many of his conditions. During the first bath, he may also behave unusually - and parents should be prepared for this in order to react correctly and not spoil the impression of the procedure.

What to do if a newborn cries during the first bath?

Stop the procedure and postpone it until the next day. The child should only experience positive emotions in these moments. Reasons capricious behavior there can be many:

  • hungry;
  • something hurts;
  • was afraid of the first contact with water;
  • wants to go to the toilet.

Try to foresee all these circumstances and prevent them.

What to do if a newborn cries after the first bath?

A possible reason for this behavior is fear due to temperature changes. The newborn was pulled naked out of the warm and comfortable bath into the air. To smooth out this unpleasant impression, you need to immediately wrap the baby in a pre-prepared towel or diaper.

What to do if your newborn falls asleep during the first bath?

Nothing wrong with that. This happens very often: a new procedure calms and relaxes the baby for the first time. However, swimming will have to be interrupted. If he is awakened at this moment by a careless movement, he may become very frightened. Therefore, we carefully take the sleeping person out of the bath and put him in the crib. Feed him in this situation, after he wakes up.

What to do if a newborn cannot fall asleep after the first bath?

This happens often: the first bath excites the baby so much that he actively moves, tosses and turns, asks for food, but does not fall asleep. If a similar situation repeats during subsequent water procedures, just know that your child is special and needs to be bathed in the morning.

What to do if a newborn has a bowel movement in the bath?

There are children who relax so much in the bath that they use it as a toilet. If this happens on the first bath, it should be stopped and postponed until the next day. But, having such experience, you need to wait until the baby has emptied, and then bathe him.

No matter how the newborn behaves during the first bath, parents must be prepared for this or that circumstance. This will help them respond correctly and quickly. In addition, it will be useful to know that the famous pediatrician Komarovsky has his own view on this procedure.

Could be so. If the parents are very young and do not have enough experience to bathe the newborn themselves for the first time, you can invite a nurse specifically for this procedure. Many hospitals now provide this service. You can watch how a professional does it, and then do everything correctly yourself.

Komarovsky system

Worth your time Special attention method of bathing newborns, according to the system of Dr. Komarovsky. To date, it has been approved by many famous pediatricians and parents who have already managed to put it into practice. They do not differ much from generally accepted postulates, but there are some nuances. Study - perhaps you will spend your baby’s first bath using this method. We are only interested in those points that relate to the very first procedure. That's what they say.

  1. They can be started no earlier than 2 weeks after the birth of the child - this is exactly the time it takes for the umbilical wound to heal. During this period, Komarovsky suggests simple wiping with a damp sponge, without touching the navel area.
  2. Exclude the kitchen as a place for the first water procedure. It can be too stuffy here due to the constantly working stove and other kitchen appliances.
  3. From Komarovsky’s point of view, the best option is to spend the first and all subsequent baths in a regular bathroom. Moreover, a children's bathtub can be inserted into a larger adult one.
  4. A special feature of Komarovsky’s system is his opinion that there is no need to buy a baby bath at all, but spend the first bath in a large adult bathtub. This gives the child maximum freedom of action, trains the muscles of the small body, and improves his cardiac activity.
  5. For a healthy newborn, there is no need to boil water.
  6. Its temperature should be 33-34°C during the first bath, and then it should be gradually reduced for hardening.
  7. Swimming time is between 23 and 24 hours.
  8. Before this, the newborn can be given a massage, then gymnastics for the whole body. This should take about 15 minutes.
  9. Komarovsky opposes potassium permanganate, believing that it does not provide a normal level of disinfection. He suggests replacing it with a decoction of the string, which should be prepared 12 hours before bathing the newborn.
  10. You should not use soap in the first weeks.
  11. You should not swaddle your newborn tightly after bathing. He should feel free and relaxed.

Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Many of Komarovsky’s advice on bathing newborns are approved and receive positive responses. But not using soap, not having to boil water, and not using potassium permanganate are still criticized by the medical community. So whether to use this system or not is up to parents to decide. Well, it’s time for us to prepare disinfectant medicinal solutions for the baby’s first bath.

Reference Information. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky (born in 1960) is a doctor of the highest category, pediatrician, TV presenter of the special program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School”, which in Russia is shown on the channels “TV3”, “Mama”, “Friday!”.

Recipes for disinfectant solutions

If you have waited until the umbilical wound has healed, you should not take the first bath with a solution of potassium permanganate. If it is still wet or festering, it is better to add an old proven remedy. If your baby has been suffering from heat rash since birth, use decoctions of medicinal anti-inflammatory herbs with the permission of your doctor.

  • Decoction of string

Pour a glass of chopped string with a liter of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours covered. Prepare 12 hours before swimming. Strain immediately before the procedure. Fill the bath with water and pour the infusion into it. The sequence without loss of bathing quality is replaced with chamomile or calendula.

  • Potassium permanganate solution

Dissolve a pinch of potassium permanganate (2-3 g) in a glass of boiling water. Stir thoroughly until all crystals disappear completely. The solution should turn out to be a transparent purple color (but not black!). After pouring it into the bath, the water should turn pink.

Potassium permanganate - the same “potassium permanganate” for disinfection

It is better to first agree on recipes for preparing disinfectant solutions with your pediatrician. This will eliminate the possibility of complications and skin rashes the next morning. The experience of a newborn’s first bath is very important for parents, who, based on it, must build a whole system of water procedures throughout the year.

Additional Information. If a newborn is suspected of having rickets, the doctor may prescribe salt or pine baths. Without medical indications, using them independently for the first bath is strictly prohibited.

Do not think that after the first bath all problems are solved. During the first year of the baby’s life, questions regarding water procedures will arise constantly. Some useful tips will help you avoid mistakes and overcome all difficulties.

  1. The average bathing time should be 5-7 minutes.
  2. Bathing should be done daily during the first year of life.
  3. You need to boil water for up to 3 months.
  4. Add potassium permanganate to the water until the newborn’s umbilical wound has healed.
  5. Bathing with soap should be done no more than 1-2 times a week.
  6. After each bath, the bath should be washed with hot water, and once a week, cleaned with baking soda.
  7. Bathing should be done at the same time so that the baby develops a habit of a daily routine.

In order for the newborn’s first bath to be touching, and most importantly, correct, parents need to thoroughly prepare for this procedure. How the baby will perceive the bath in the future, as well as his health, will depend on this. Healing umbilical hernia, skin condition, overgrowth of fontanelles, treatment of allergic rashes and prevention of diaper rash - all this is within the purview of water procedures. So you need to take control of this the first time and follow professional advice pediatricians, and not engage in dangerous amateur activities.

The appearance of a child in a family is a very emotional and exciting event. Packing in and long-awaited checkout. And now you are already home. Now my mother’s whole life is centered around the tiny creature. Feeding, changing clothes, taking temperature - these worries take up almost all of mom's time. And many parents are interested in the question of when to bathe a newborn for the first time. Usually the nurse in the postpartum department talks about this, but it wouldn’t hurt to discuss this issue again.

Differences of opinion

Relatively recently, doctors agreed that water procedures are indicated for the baby from the moment the umbilical wound has completely healed. Today, mom may hear completely different recommendations. Discharge from the hospital occurs on the fourth day, and only if there is no doubt about the health of the mother and child. During general instruction, nurses explain when to bathe a newborn for the first time. Usually the next day is chosen for this, that is, the fifth day from the moment of birth. Some parents listen to the opinion of experienced pediatricians, others trust grandmothers more, who are categorically against water procedures until the umbilical cord has dried up and the wound has healed.

Consult with a pediatrician

Your local pediatrician will give you a more accurate answer to your question about when to bathe a newborn for the first time. He usually visits the babies in the coming days after returning from the hospital. General recommendations are averages and therefore may not be suitable for every child. The doctor will examine your baby and give advice.

Then every week he will come and examine the child. If the condition of the umbilical wound worries her, she may recommend stopping bathing and prescribing treatment with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. Usually, improvement occurs after 2-3 procedures, so do not worry if the wound is slightly inflamed or pus appears. The main thing is not to start the state.

Basic conditions

The body of a newborn is very delicate. Therefore, in addition to the question of when to bathe a newborn for the first time, you need to study the technique of performing this procedure. This question is inextricably linked with the first. Speaking about when you can bathe a newborn for the first time, we assume that the young mother already knows how to do it. In fact, even if theoretical information was received in the maternity hospital, by the time you arrive home, all this is erased from memory. All that remains is fear for this tiny and defenseless creature.

Water will get into your ears! A child can be hypothermic! It will overheat! How to put him in the bath without damaging his cervix? These and thousands of other fears and questions flash through the mother’s head and force her to give up the desire to start bathing. Usually the grandmother is called, next to whom it is much easier to perform hygiene procedures.

Preparing the bath

It is not recommended to bathe your baby in a large bathtub. All other family members wash in it, laundry is done, but cleaning and disinfecting its entire surface every day is quite problematic. A small plastic bathtub is bought for the baby and washed thoroughly with soda or other detergent. After this, it is rinsed with boiling water and you can safely start bathing.

There's a second one here important point. Until the child’s umbilical wound has completely healed, he can only be bathed in boiled water. This is necessary to destroy pathogenic microflora, which can lead to an inflammatory process. The easiest way is to buy a boiler and heat a bucket of water in advance. First, fill the bath one third full and check the temperature. Just do not dilute hot water with cold, otherwise all your manipulations will be in vain. It's enough just to wait a little.

What you may need

There is a huge selection of bath towels, bath toys, mats, and silicone anti-slip pads for the bottom of the bathtub. Sometimes parents are confused about what they might really need. It turns out that not so much. In addition to the bath itself, immediately prepare:

  • Thermometer for measuring water temperature. In most cases, parents do not buy it at the birth of their second child, because practice already allows them to do without it. Below we will discuss at what temperature to bathe a newborn for the first time.
  • Soft cloth or sponge. This is not a mandatory attribute; if you wish, you can simply foam a special gel or soap and wipe the baby with your hands.
  • Toys are not at all necessary for babies; they can be taken only after 6 months. By then, the baby will sit confidently in the bathtub and be able to interact with them.
  • Fragrance-free baby soap. Very a good option, recommended by most pediatricians.
  • A clean towel and a change of clothes, a diaper, cotton buds, peroxide and brilliant green in case you need to treat the wound.

As you can see, nothing special. Our mothers managed with the minimum of the above: a bath, a towel and a pair of diapers.

Water temperature

It is very convenient to check it with your elbow. The skin in this area is very delicate and will quickly react to too hot water. If the elbow is comfortable, then you can immerse the child. But for a young mother this is too difficult. Therefore, a special thermometer is purchased. It usually looks like a toy that floats in a bathtub. If it shows 36 degrees, then everything is fine. This is the optimal water temperature. You can bathe your newborn in it for the first time without any worries.

What to add to water

Most often, the baby is bathed not in plain water, but in a decoction of herbs. This allows you to avoid many skin problems that begin with childhood. These are various rashes, diathesis, erythema. To prevent an increase in the affected area, it is necessary to add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the water.

The concentration should not be too strong. Typically, chamomile decoction is used to bathe the baby. You should not take St. John's wort or celandine, as they dry out the skin very much. They are usually prescribed by a doctor for more serious problems. They are brewed as follows: for a liter of water you need to take a spoonful of dry herbs and boil for 5 minutes. Add the decoction, one glass at a time, to the baby’s bath. The water level should not exceed 15 cm.

Installing a bath

We already know when it is possible to bathe a newborn baby for the first time. Now we need to prepare for this day. It is clear that the baby will not be able to raise his head, so you need to ensure the distribution of water in such a way that it does not flood the face, but also does not leave the body exposed. This issue can be resolved very easily. To do this, place the bath on the changing table. You need to place several thick magazines under one edge.

Place a diaper under the baby's head, wrap him in another and carefully place him in the bath, holding his neck with one hand. Now all that remains is to carefully observe the child’s reaction. If he cowers and protests, the water temperature is too low. We urgently need to remove the baby. If the bathroom is hot, the child will also be capricious. Since you will have to bathe a newborn girl at home for the first time only on the fifth day, the young mother will have time to get used to her role a little and stop being afraid.

Duration of bathing

Since the child’s thermoregulation is still very imperfect, the duration of stay in the bathroom should not be more than 10 minutes. This is the case if the baby is cheerful and calm. If even mother’s voice and stroking cannot calm him down, then the procedure must be completed immediately.

Next time the reaction will be the same as the first time you bathed. Therefore, try to approach the organization of the debut as carefully as possible so as not to scare the baby. If he reacted favorably to bathing, then you are lucky. Every day you will have great way entertain and calm the baby.

Swimming with a circle

This accessory is available in almost every pharmacy today. This is a small circle consisting of two chambers, each of which is filled with air. It has Velcro and comfortable chin holes. The question arises: at what age can this accessory be used? You can start from birth. A baby can swim in a circle up to 2 years old. It holds his head securely, and the baby does not swallow water. He is free to explore the bathtub, wiggle his arms and legs and have fun.

Now a few words about how to bathe a newborn with a circle for the first time? To do this, you first need to introduce the baby to a new subject. The day before, let him play with it, touch it and examine it. And the next day, before swimming, fasten it around your neck and go to the bath. Even newborn children are very interested in such bathing, because water is a natural element for them. And older children will simply be delighted with the opportunity to frolic. Do not leave your child unattended. Despite the reliability of these accessories, anything can happen.

Going to the bathhouse

Someone washes the baby in a cooling steam room from the first days of his life. Others, on the contrary, do not allow children to visit the bathhouse until school age. Pediatricians do not have a consensus on this matter. Of course, neither a pregnant nor a nursing woman should go to a hot steam room. And even more so, take a newborn with you to steam. But when the bathhouse has almost cooled down, then please. The air temperature should be comfortable, a little more than 30 degrees. For the rest, you need to follow the previous recommendations.

Boil water and place a bath in the bathhouse. Bring all necessary supplies with you. When the water reaches the optimal temperature, you can carefully place the baby in it. Speaking about how to bathe a newborn in a bathhouse for the first time, it is worth noting that it is necessary to pay a little more attention to distracting maneuvers. Talk to your baby, show him toys. Otherwise, the novelty of the bathhouse may frighten and repel him.

After swimming

Bathing time is coming to an end. Sometimes this upsets the baby, but the water has cooled down and it’s time to leave the bath. It is better if one adult opens a large towel, and the second takes out the baby and quickly wraps him up. This will add a positive spin to the whole procedure. After this, blot the baby with gentle movements, lubricate all the folds with cream and swaddle.

Bathing is an important and necessary procedure for a child. It not only ensures hygiene, but also strengthens the immune system and strengthens the body. Swimming and bathing in the bath helps the newborn's arms, legs and fingers straighten more quickly. Stabilizes blood pressure and blood circulation, improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and coordination, relaxes and calms. After bathing, the baby eats well and sleeps soundly.

But many parents are interested in how to properly bathe a newborn at home, especially if the procedure is happening for the first time. Let's figure out how to do this.

When and how much to bathe a baby

It is recommended to bathe a child for the first time after the umbilical wound has completely healed. As a rule, this occurs 10-14 days after birth. In the first two weeks, the newborn’s body is wiped with hypoallergenic wet and dry wipes, as well as a towel soaked in boiled water. But today pediatricians allow the procedure to be performed on the fifth day of a child’s life, provided that hygiene rules are observed.

Bathing a child in the first month is carried out only in boiled water at a temperature of 36.6-37 degrees. Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the time spent in the bathroom to 15-20 minutes. For the first time, 3-5 minutes are enough for bathing at home. It is important to understand that this can be very stressful for a newborn, because he is just beginning to get used to new conditions.

Up to six months, the child should be bathed every day, after six months - once every two days.

Each week, gradually reduce the water temperature and increase the bathing time. But it is better to limit the use of washing products. Bath procedures with shampoo and soap are carried out no more than once every 7-10 days. At the same time, baby shampoo begins to be used only after 2-3 months. Before this, use regular baby soap. By the way, after two months you can introduce special swimming exercises in the bathtub for babies. Read more.

Features of the first bath

For bathing, it is better to use a special baby bath, as it is much more convenient. Plus, bathing in your own tub is more hygienic. To simplify the procedure, many parents use a children's slide or hammock. When the baby is in such a device, the mother or father who washes the child will not have to bend too low. In addition, a slide or hammock will not allow the baby to slide around the bath. However, you can bathe a newborn in a regular adult bath.

Pre-rinse your bathtub or baby bath laundry soap and baking soda. Fill it with boiled water. The temperature should be 37 degrees. Do not dilute boiling water with tap water, but simply let it cool. To test the water, use a thermometer or dip your elbow into the water. You should not feel either hot or cold.

The optimal water temperature for a newborn is 36.6-37 degrees above zero.

What you need for swimming

  • Bath and slide for swimming, thermometer for measuring water temperature. However, these devices are used only at will, since you can bathe a child without them. But a ladle is simply necessary to thoroughly wash the baby;
  • A soft mitten, sponge or cloth, cotton pads as a washcloth. It should be very gentle so as not to injure or irritate the baby’s skin;
  • It is not necessary to take toys, but they can distract the child. Remember that bathing can be stressful for a newborn, but toys can help you relax and unwind. In addition, while swimming, you can tell stories or nursery rhymes to your baby, or play games in the water;
  • It is better not to use bath additives for the first month. Pediatricians recommend starting to bathe your newborn in regular clean water. After a few weeks, when the baby gets used to it and adapts, you can use various infusions and decoctions of herbs, sea ​​salt. But be careful, as plants can cause allergies in babies!;

  • Detergents include liquid and regular unscented baby soaps and fragrances with natural ingredients. After two to three months, you can use “tearless” baby shampoo;
  • Cosmetics include special baby creams or oils after bathing, which are used for irritated or dry skin;
  • Prepare a table with a diaper or sheet where you will dry the baby after water procedures. After bathing, you will need a warm terry towel, powder, clothes and a hair brush;
  • Cotton swabs or disks, brilliant green or 3% hydrogen peroxide for treating the umbilical wound.

Rules for bathing a newborn

After you have prepared the bath, fill it 15 centimeters with boiled water and wait until it cools to the desired temperature. Undress your baby, hold him in your arms and hold him close to you to calm him down. You need to immerse your newborn in water slowly and carefully!

The child should be positioned so that the chest is in the water, and the shoulders and head are on top. In this case, the head should be on the bend of the elbow, and the back should be on the hand of the person who is washing the baby. First, the baby's body is washed with a soapy cotton swab. Rinse your baby's folds thoroughly. The hair is washed with baby soap or shampoo, and the soap suds are washed off with a ladle.

After washing, rinse your baby with clean water and immediately wrap him in a clean, warm towel. Place the newborn on a table with a diaper or sheet. Do not dry your body; blot the moisture with a towel using gentle movements. Wipe every crease carefully! For dry skin or irritation, use baby oil or cream. But before use, be sure to consult your pediatrician!

Then the umbilical wound is treated. To do this, drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide solution into the navel area and rub with a cotton pad. Or you can dip a cotton pad in peroxide and treat the wound with it. At the end of the procedure, put a diaper on your baby. If, use powder in the form of liquid talc.

The birth of a child is long-awaited event in every family, which brings great responsibility. It is important not only to feed and change diapers for your baby on time, but also to know how to properly give a newborn a first bath. There's really nothing complicated here, just stick to a few simple rules and motherhood will bring you great pleasure.

When to bathe a newborn for the first time

Young mothers are interested in the answer to the question: “On what day after the maternity hospital is it allowed to bathe the child?” This will depend on the condition of the newborn's umbilical wound. Until recently, it was allowed to bathe a baby from the moment the umbilical wound had completely healed - approximately in the second week after birth. And to remove sweat from the child’s body and food debris, it was recommended to use a towel or napkin soaked in boiled water. But now the bathing procedure is allowed to be carried out starting from the second day the child is at home (5th day after birth).

To get an accurate answer, you need to consult a pediatrician who will examine the child and give practical advice. Bathing the baby is carried out only in boiled water - this rule is observed until the umbilical wound is completely healed. The required amount of water is prepared in advance, then a clean bath is filled. To bathe a child, you don’t have to buy a special bathtub - wash an adult bathtub with simple baking soda.

When using an adult bathtub for bathing, a newborn must be held independently, and bending over a large bathtub is not very convenient, and besides, this hygiene procedure will have to be done regularly. Therefore, it is best to spend a little and buy a special bath for bathing newborn children.

To fill an adult bathtub, you will have to boil a lot more water, which will take a lot of time. It is important that the water temperature is 36°C. Subject to use hot water, there is a risk of leaving burns on the baby’s delicate skin. It is necessary to check the water temperature before each swim. To do this, purchase a special thermometer.

What you need for swimming at home

The baby's first bath will take a long time, so first you need to prepare the bath accessories that may be needed:

  • Bath for bathing. For the first days of your baby's life, purchase a special baby bath. Before the procedure, wash it thoroughly using cleaning products intended for children. It is not recommended to spend the first bath in large adult bathtubs, otherwise the child will be scared.
  • Thermometer for measuring water temperature. The first bathing of newborns must be carried out only at an optimal temperature of no more than 36°C. If the water is too hot, your baby may overheat.
  • Soft mitten or washcloth. As a washcloth, you need to use a soft cloth, mitten, or sponge, which gently wipes the baby’s skin. It is strictly forbidden to use hard washcloths, as they can seriously damage the delicate skin of a newborn.
  • Toys and soap. It is not necessary to take toys into the bath, but they can distract the baby, and bathing a newborn for the first time will be more relaxed.
  • A clean and soft towel, hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green to treat the umbilical wound, a diaper, cotton swabs with a special limiter, clothing.

Water temperature

The most important thing is to know what water is allowed to bathe a newborn, and for this you should consult with your pediatrician. The bathtub must be filled with water to about 15 cm. The first bath of a newborn baby is recommended in boiled water, but if the tap water is well filtered, then it is not necessary to boil it again.

What to add to water - bathing products

To bathe a newborn baby, use plain boiled water; it is recommended to add decoctions of medicinal herbs that need to be infused (chamomile, chamomile, etc.) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before using potassium permanganate, consult a pediatrician who will tell you the correct concentration of the solution so as not to harm the baby. There is one interesting sign - a silver decoration (not a cross) was placed in a bath of water to attract wealth and prosperity to the child’s destiny.

Bathing a newborn in a diaper

The first bath of a newborn baby can be carried out in a diaper according to the following principle:

  • the baby must be wrapped in a thin diaper or simply thrown over the baby’s shoulders and lowered into a clean bath;
  • You need to bathe the child together - one person holds the baby, opening the arms and legs, and after washing with warm water, covers it again with film, the other waters it from a ladle;
  • Hands are washed first, then legs;
  • Next, the tummy is washed, then the back;
  • at the end bath procedures, the child is taken out of the bath and wrapped in a dry towel.
  • After drying, the baby is dressed in warm clothes.


Professional pediatricians advise bathing newborn babies for no more than 10 minutes. If the first bath frightens the newborn and even the mother’s gentle voice cannot calm him down, it is worth getting the baby out of the water much earlier. Provided that the child likes the water procedure, you can extend the process a little, but in this case it is important to constantly monitor the water temperature so that the baby does not freeze. To do this, prepare another pan of water to add during bathing.

How to bathe newborns

Provided that the child is completely healthy and the first bath caused only positive emotions, the water procedure is allowed to be carried out every day. Pediatricians recommend bathing your baby at approximately the same time. Most parents choose the evening, before feeding the baby. It is best to monitor your child's mood; if he feels well and likes daytime bathing, refuse evening procedures. For some children, bathing does not have a calming, but an exciting effect, and here it is necessary to take into account the mood of the little one.

Rules for bathing newborns

It is necessary to bathe your child according to the following instructions:

  • The bath is filled with water to about 15 cm. The chest, shoulders and head remain dry. A ladle filled with warm water is placed next to the bath, which will be needed for rinsing.
  • A small child undresses and is picked up, then very carefully, slowly lowered into the water. It is necessary to immerse the baby in the water so that his head is on the elbow of his mother, and his back is supported by his left hand.
  • Using a soapy cotton swab, carefully wash the chest, arms, legs, and genitals. Then the baby turns over onto his tummy, his chest and head are supported by his hand, and his back is lathered. At the end, you need to soap your hair (it is recommended to use a special baby shampoo).
  • Using warm water from a jug, the rinsing procedure is performed. It is important to wash off soap suds from your head very carefully, avoiding getting them into your eyes. To do this, a stream of water is directed from the forehead to the back of the head, but not vice versa. It is necessary to rinse the child thoroughly so that no soap traces are left on the delicate skin, otherwise there is a risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Next, the child is quickly removed from the bath and wrapped in a soft towel, placed on a changing table (hard bed) and the remaining water is blotted with gentle movements. It is important to dry the skin with gentle movements, but not to rub too hard, paying special attention to the folds of the neck, groin area and armpits. If your child has very dry skin, it is recommended to use baby oil or cream (it is advisable to consult your pediatrician).
  • At the next stage, the navel treatment procedure is carried out. Use a pipette to take a small amount of hydrogen peroxide solution (only a doctor can determine the correct consistency) and drop a couple of drops directly onto the navel area, then gently wipe it with a clean cotton swab. It is possible to replace peroxide with a solution of potassium permanganate (strong) or simple brilliant green.

Up to 6 months, the child must be bathed every day, provided that contact with water does not cause severe stress, and then water procedures can be carried out every other day. It is mandatory to constantly monitor the water temperature. It is gradually allowed to increase the duration of bathing.

Video: About bathing a newborn - Dr. Komarovsky

Before the first bathing procedure for a newborn baby, parents are consulted, the doctor gives advice and general recommendations. But oral advice alone is not always enough, especially for young parents. Therefore, it will be useful for them to familiarize themselves with several videos and learn about all the intricacies and rules of bathing newborn children. It is important to provide the baby proper care, and Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to do this.

A lot of literature has been written and read about how to bathe newborn children, but when it comes to practice, young parents have a fear of doing something wrong with their small and helpless baby. Bathing a child is the basis of his health and hygiene, so performing certain actions to prepare and carry out water procedures can become a special tradition for your family, which will bring pleasure to both the baby and parents.

When to start bathing?

The first bath of a newborn baby, if there are no other recommendations from the pediatrician, can be done the next day after returning home.

Water procedures are carried out daily, at the same time, convenient for parents. If the baby is tired or capricious, it is better to postpone the bath.

Preparation for water procedures

Before swimming, you should prepare all the necessary accessories in advance:

  • Baby bath ((types of baths)).

Before bathing, the bath must be thoroughly cleaned with soda, rinsed thoroughly with water and doused with boiling water - this disinfection is carried out before each bath.

  • Baby soap and shampoo.
  • A special baby washcloth (you can use a soft, clean cloth, a piece of cotton wool, or just wash with your hands).
  • Herbal infusions.

Water infusions have an antiseptic, antiallergic, soothing and restorative effect on the baby’s delicate skin.

  • Water thermometer
  • Ladle with prepared water for rinsing
  • A towel or diaper for drying the baby
  • Baby clothes

Temperature conditions

The optimal air temperature for swimming is 20-22°C.

Details about the optimal water temperature for bathing a newborn baby

Before the umbilical wound heals, the baby should be bathed in water that has been previously boiled and cooled to the required temperature.


When the preparatory procedures are completed, the baby should be undressed and given the opportunity - an additional hardening procedure.

Gradually lower the child into the water up to his shoulders, with his head and neck above the water. It is more comfortable to hold the baby with your left hand, carefully supporting the head on a bent elbow, with the thumb lying over the baby’s left shoulder, the rest in the left armpit. You can use a special slide - it supports the child's head, while making the procedure easier for parents.

The correct way to bathe a newborn baby from top to bottom:

  1. First, wash your baby with clean water. Then you can soap the piece soft fabric or hand and wash the child’s hair from the forehead to the back of the head.
  2. Wash your baby's skin behind the ears, neck, then arms and under the arms, then the chest and sides, groin area, paying special attention to the folds. For girls, the perineum is carefully washed with a cotton swab, and for boys - the fold under the foreskin.
  3. Rinse the bathed baby with clean water from the ladle.

The duration of the first bath can be 5-8 minutes, subsequently the time of water procedures can be gradually increased - by a month up to 15, after up to 30-40 minutes (provided that the process itself gives pleasure to all participants).

VIDEO: How to bathe a baby Master class

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

After swimming

The washed baby is placed on a towel and with blotting movements, without intense friction, first the hairs are dried, then the chest and back, then all the folds.

When your baby's skin is completely dry, you can lubricate the folds with baby skin care products.

In general, caring for a newborn child must be approached very responsibly in order to avoid various complications in the future!

Now you can dress the baby and feed him - tired, full and happy, he should fall asleep soundly.

READ ALSO: | Opinion of doctors and mothers:

Bathing should become a pleasant ritual. The main thing is not to overdo it, since an overly pedantic approach to following instructions on how to bathe children can turn water procedures into torture for a newborn.
