"Balloon Show"».

Progress of the event

Music is playing.

Clown Bim runs into the hall with balloons.

Bim: Hello, friends! You recognized me?

Children's answers

Bim: That's right, I'm a Clown, and my name is Bim. Guys, guess the riddle:

They rush up and play,

They fly away from a thin thread.

This is the joy of children

Multi-colored... (balls)

Bim: Of course, these are balls! Our holiday today is called: “Show balloons».

Bim: Somewhere my friend Karlson disappeared, he promised me to come visit you, but he doesn’t come. Guys, let's call him.

Name is Carlson.

A sad Carlson enters, holding a burst balloon on a string in his hand.

Bim: Carlson, you’ve finally come, and the guys and I have already been waiting for you, where have you been for so long?

Carlson: Yes, I wanted to bring a balloon to the guys, but it burst. What would a balloon show be without a balloon? I'll go home.

Bim: What are you doing, Carlson, look at how many balloons we have, the show will definitely take place. Guys, are we going to give Carlson a ball?

Carlson: Hurray! Then it's time to start.

Music is playing.

Carlson: Guys, can you throw balls far, far? Then we will play a game:

"Balloon Throwing""(Who will throw the ball further? 4 children each)

Bim: Look, look what I have (shows a large T-shirt). You and I will now play a game

"Fat Men"(Who can put the most balloons under the T-shirt of 3-4 children)

Bim: You know, Carlson, on the way to kindergarten I met the Robber and it turns out he also loves balloons. What do you guys think, maybe we can invite him to visit us?

Carlson: Children, then we need to shout loudly, stomp, clap our hands.

The Robber runs in with a whistle and whistles

Robber: What are you doing here? Oh, so many balloons! You love balloons, I love balloons too. Especially to misbehave with them, but do you like to misbehave? Well then, you and I will play a game

"Air Hockey"(Push the ball into the gate with a broom)

Carlson: well done guys, next game

"Collect the balls"( yellow and blue balls are scattered, one team collects yellow, the other blue)

Bim: Guys, aren't you tired? Then let's play a game

"Freeze"( The presenter throws a balloon up, and while the balloon is flying, all participants in the game are actively moving and dancing. As soon as the ball touches the floor, everyone freezes.)

CONTEST"Guess a riddle"

Small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

Love these balls

Adults and children,

Bulk balls –

The best in the world! (apples)

On a green fragile leg,

The ball grew near the path. (dandelion)


He's big, like a football

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What kind of ball is this? (watermelon)

Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Looks like a hot air balloon

Almost always lives in water

Thick-skinned... (hippopotamus)

Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds. (balloon)

You know Rogue, you know Carlson, let me show you and the guys a trick. The ball is rubbed with a woolen mitten behind the screen, the paper being spread sticks to the ball. Invites children to show this trick.

Clown asks the children if they liked the show and offers to play the last competition

"Change all the balls" two teams have a line drawn with chalk between them, throw the balls across the line to their neighbors - the other team.

The heroes say goodbye to the children and give them balloons.

Children are sitting in the clearing. Music sounds, Dunno runs out with big ball and a knitting needle.

Dunno. Hello guys, dear adults! I invite you to fun party balls. We will play and have fun with them.

Balloon, my balloon,

Fidget naughty.

The ball is round, the ball is smooth,

The ball is thin, the ball is soft.

Guys, would you like me to show you a trick?

Focus "Ball".(The ball is pierced with a knitting needle. It does not burst.)

The balloon is inflated and transparent tape is glued on opposite sides. The place where the tape is glued is pierced with a knitting needle. Quickly pull the knitting needle out of the ball and stick it in the place where there is no tape, the ball will burst.

Dunno. Well, did you like the trick?

Stand up, kids, in a circle quickly.

It will immediately become brighter for us.

I beg you very much, friends,

Dance a cheerful “Quack-Quack” for me.

Dance "Quack-quack".

Cheerful music sounds, Znayka runs out with balloons in her hands.


Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

I'm glad to see everyone now

I haven't seen you for a long time!

Znayka greets the children.

Znayka. Guys, I didn’t bring ordinary balls for you. Ball begging.

Dunno. Question balls - well, balls with questions. Whoever answers the question gets a ball!

1. What color balls did Piglet like? (Green.)

2. For whom is ball a favorite sport? (For a mosquito.)

3. How many balls were in my hand when I arrived at the clearing?

4. Who tried to convince the bees that he was not flying on a ball, but that he was a big cloud? (Winnie the Pooh.)

5. What dog name can burst? (Ball.)

Dunno. And now we will play with these balls.

Game "Pass the ball".

All children stand in a circle. Music sounds, children pass 6-7 balls around in a circle at the same time. The music stops. Whoever has the ball in his hands is eliminated from the game and sits on a bench. At the end of the game, all children must sit on the benches.

"Song about balls."

Dunno. Just a moment! I invite all educators to this site. There's a competition for you!

Competition for educators: “Who can inflate the balloon faster so that it bursts?”

Znayka. Well, now we’ll see how our children will play with the balls.

Dunno takes out a ribbon made of flags and stretches it across the clearing; Znayka helps him. Girls stand in one direction, and boys in the other.


While the music is loud,

The balls must be thrown quickly over the ribbon,

As soon as the whole melody is played -

You can no longer throw balls.

And if you have fewer balls,

That means victory is yours now!

Game "Balloons".

Dunno. We will continue the holiday

Play relay races.

And now each group will quickly form a column (one after another) behind the teacher. Groups are being built.

Relay races:

1. Jumping on rubber balls to a landmark and back.

2. Run with balloons to a landmark and back.

3. Carry balloons in a spatula to the landmark and back.

4. Run in pairs with balls held between their heads.

Znayka(addresses Dunno). Do you know what this is? (Points to the kite.) Dunno. No. What is this for? Guys, we are starting the kite parade.

Each group demonstrates their invention.

The phonogram “Moon, Moon” sounds (lyrics by M. Shatrov, music by V. Matetsky). Shpuntik and Vintik dreamily sing: “Moon, moon. Flowers, flowers..."

Dunno. Guys, look who came to us. Hello, Shpuntik and Vintik, you are late! We are celebrating balloons.

Shpuntik and Vintik greet each other.

Dunno. What is your lyrical mood? Are you singing a song about the moon? Shpuntik. Yes, let's eat! Because Vintik and I made a balloon.

Dunno. Aero - what?

Cog. An aerostat is a hot air balloon for travelers. Look! Dunno. That's great! Or maybe we'll go in a hot air balloon to the moon?

cog. What if it bursts! I'm afraid. Let's send my friend Bulka first (shows a toy).

Znayka. Do you know that when launching a spaceship to the Moon, they first launched dogs into space - Belka and Strelka?!

Dunno. That's right, we have Bulka! Let's launch it and see if the ball will hold up or not. And then we’ll fly ourselves.

Launching a balloon with a basket. In the basket - Bulka.

After the holiday, adults invite children to draw pictures: “Bulka the Traveler”, organize a summer vernissage, an exhibition of drawings in the kindergarten hall.

Shishkina Larisa Yakovlevna, Terekhova Lyubov Ivanovna

Educator, educator, GBOU secondary school in the village of Khvorostyanka S/p " Kindergarten"Kolosok", Samara region, village of Khvorostyanka

Shishkina L.Ya., Terekhova L.I. Fun with older and older children preparatory group"Balloon Festival" // Sovushka. 2016. No. 3(5)..02.2020).

Target: Creation festive mood in children; development of motor activity; nurturing a sense of mutual assistance and friendship.


Hello children! Guys, guess the riddle:

I'm big but empty.

I fly into the sky above the earth.

And not proud, but inflated,

Entangled in a thick thread.

I’m with the children, I’ve always been friendly,

And my name is.

All: ball.

Host: That's right, it's a ball. I invite you to a balloon festival. Today they will serve us not only as decoration for our holiday. Balloons will help us carry out funny Games and competitions. Do you want to play and have fun?

Someone once invented balls,

As entertainment for kids.

Someone once cheated for the first time,

Someone once breathed soul into them.

No, there won't be a carnival without balloons

And the festive hall will not be decorated.

Balloons have been attracting us all for a long time,

Each of them has flight and space.

These balls call us all back to childhood,

Let's get acquainted with the balloon.

The balloon is a toy loved by people of all ages. It is used to decorate events and has a wonderful ability: to create a great mood and a pleasant atmosphere in any room.. Guys, do you know poems about balloons?

1 child:

Ball, ball

My airy one

Fidgety, naughty

The ball is round,

The ball is smooth,

The ball is light,

The ball is soft!

2nd child:

Ball to the right,

Left ball

My glowing lantern

Let me hug you

And I’ll press it to my cheek!

3rd child:

I press the ball

It flies out of your hands

Up but I caught it

I tied a thread to my finger.

Now let's sing a song about a ball (the song is being performed)

Leading: Well done boys! Now let's play. But first you need to split into two teams. The game is called "Kangaroo"

Do you know who this is? (Children's answers)

Leading: That's right, a kangaroo carries its baby in a pouch. Now imagine that you are a “kangaroo” only instead of a cub, you will hold a ball between your knees and jump to the chip, and run back, with the ball in your hands, and pass it to the next one.

Leading: Well done guys, the next game is “Collect the balls”

I have two boxes, one with red balls and the other with green balls.

At my signal, you begin to collect them.

The first team is red, the second is green.

Leading: Now we’ll see which team has the ball fly the farthest? "Whose ball is next"

Leading: Great job! Next game “Carry it without dropping it”

On my command, you hit the ball with your hand to a landmark, then return to your team, passing the ball to the next one.

COMPETITION “Guess the riddle”

1.Small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

Love these balls

Adults and children,

Bulk balls -

The best in the world! (apples)

2.On a green fragile leg,

The ball grew near the path. (dandelion)

3. It's big, like a soccer ball,

If it's ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What kind of ball is this? (watermelon)

4.Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Looks like a hot air balloon

Almost always lives in water

Thick-skinned... (hippopotamus)

5.Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds. (balloon)

Young! Next game "Ball Over Your Head"

Now, you should stand up straight and raise your arms above your head. Each team has its own ball, on my command you begin to pass the ball to the one standing behind you, the last player takes the ball and stands in front of the first, this continues until all players have taken part.

Fine! Now let’s imagine that we are “Kittens”, as you know, kittens love to play with balls of thread, but instead of thread we will have a ball. At the signal, you kneel down and with your head begin to push the ball to the chip, running back and passing the ball to the next one.

Game "Give a ball to a friend." Children play freely, but only hear the command “Give a ball”, the children exchange balls.


On a sheet of whatman paper, draw as many balloons as possible in one minute. Now let's play with the balls. We will pass the balls around, and when they meet, those guys who have the ball will dance for us.
Children stand in a circle, pass the balls towards each other, when the balls meet, the two children who have the balls dance in the center of the circle, the rest of the children clap for them.

Well, now let's all dance with the balloons together. (free dance)
Leading: Well done boys! What a fun holiday it turned out to be. You see how much joy, laughter, noise and fun an ordinary balloon can bring.

Nomination "Pedagogical holiday"

Balloons are always a symbol of holiday, childhood and summer; no one can do without them. children's party! So in our kindergarten “Pochemuchka” the summer began with have a wonderful holiday balloons, which was organized for children of all age groups.A cheerful clown came to visit the children.

Throughout the holiday, the hosts made the children laugh, asked riddles, played funny games, invited the children to dance, sing songs and play pranks. The children happily participated in comic competitions, competitive games, danced together and sang songs. Everyone got the opportunity to show creativity and independence.

Thanks to such events, preschoolers gain self-confidence, faith in their abilities, they develop such positive qualities as goodwill, mutual assistance, kindness, sympathy and cheerfulness. How did the children like it? unusual holiday! The Children's Festival was a success, proof of this was the happy children's laughter, smiles on their faces and a sea of ​​balloons!

Now the fashion for printing photo books has come to us. Photos from the holiday can be arranged in stylish magazine in paperback, where you and your children are the main characters. Design Graduation photo books - easy! Amaze your family and friends with your creativity. Everyone will love your photo album.

1. Competition “Who will be the first to inflate the balloon?!”

2. More competitions

Summer work with children in kindergarten is usually called recreational work - it has its own specifics. The task of the preschool educational institution is to make full use of the favorable conditions of summer time for improving health, to ensure that the child gets stronger, gets better and hardened, and makes discoveries in the amazing and beautiful world of the surrounding nature. A clearly planned system of comprehensively thematic planning entertaining, educational and health-improving nature should provide the necessary level of physical and mental development children. For this purpose, teachers of the kindergarten “Rodnichok” in the village of Armizonskoye held a “Week balloon».

On the first day of the week, children “get to know” the balls, determined the color, shape, size, and played games: “Pass the ball to a friend,” “Cars,” “Air Bridge,” “Collect a bouquet,” “Air Carousel,” etc.

The second day was devoted to poems and riddles about balloons, drawing finger paints on the topic “My mood is on a ball.”

On the third day of the week, the “Festival of Soap Bubbles” was held, where children could not only compare them with balls, but also show tricks with soap bubbles and colored water, demonstrate how they can be made at home. The holiday ended with games with soap bubbles and a “foam disco”.

An “Art Competition” was announced on Thursday. Children made “balls” from colored paper and cardboard, decorated with colored sand, beads and other materials.

On Friday, after the disco with balloons, the children said goodbye to them. Having made their wish, they launched them into the sky.

Parents of all age groups took an active part in the preparation and implementation of Balloon Week. The result of the work, according to reviews from parents, was enthusiastic stories from children and a photo report prepared by teachers and kindergarten students.

The village of Armizonskoye, kindergarten “Rodnichok”, a structural unit of the MAOU Yuzhno-Dubrovinsk secondary school; teacher-speech therapist Vera Nikolaevna Ploskikh; teachers Kazakova Irina Viktorovna and Sadinova Lyayli Abdukaderovna

From the editors of the online publication “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”
All authors of reports in the “Preschool News” section, which are published under an editorial agreement with a preschool educational institution, can order a “Certificate of Publication in the Media” at any time. Sample:

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Your material will participate in the regional competition “Kindergarten: day after day” for the best coverage of preschool activities educational organization in the Internet space in the 2020/2021 academic year. Awards on Teacher and Worker Day preschool education at the regional holiday Pedagogical Forum in the Department of Education and Science.