Verba Larisa Alexandrovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 in the village of Domnovo"
Locality: Kaliningrad region Pravdinsky district Domnovo village
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Application of health-saving technologies in early age groups
Publication date: 13.12.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Methodological material

early age groups"

Master class on the topic: “Application of health-saving technologies in

early age groups"



application of health saving


vo s p i t a t e l n o -

educational process in early age groups.



P r o v e s t i o n

about health-saving

technologies and



To acquaint teachers with a variety of techniques and methods that




to your health


Introduce the methodology for carrying them out.

Equipment: cotton balls, umbrella, walking paths,

1 slide:

Master class on the topic: “Application of health-saving technologies

in early age groups"

Progress of the master class:

Question: I'll introduce

to your attention


health-saving technologies I used with young children

age. But before we begin, I would like you to complete

The next task is called “Balloon”.

I'll hand out the leaves now. Draw on it balloon, which

flies over the ground. Draw the little man in the balloon basket. It is you.

The sun is shining brightly around you, the sky is blue. Write what 9 values ​​are

so important to you that you would take them with you on a trip

(For example:

money, health,

imagine that your balloon has begun to descend and is threatening to fall soon.

You need to get rid of ballast to go up. Drop the ballast

that is, cross out 3 (and then 3 more) words from the list. What did you leave in

You and I have learned that health comes first and

like in the daily life of a preschooler

institutions, I implement health-saving technologies with young children


And I want to start with the first technology I use - this

breathing exercises “Push the ball into the goal”

2 slide

To do this, you need to sit opposite each other.

Blow on the cotton ball so that it passes between the two

cubes. At the same time, fold your lips into a tube. The ball should be driven into

in one breath. The cheeks should not puff up when exhaling (to do this, they can be

hold it lightly with your palms).

3 slide

The next type of technology I used is mobile and

sport games. Children love them very much.

And today I suggest you play the game: “Sunshine and Rain”

Rules of the game.

When the music plays like this E.A plays you run around playing, and when

such E.A plays you hide under my umbrella. Play 2 times.

4 slide

Here you go

A little

played and

let's move on


the finger gymnastics technology I use.

“Autumn go away!” Get all your hands ready and repeat after me!

Leave! - take turns clenching your fists

Autumn, autumn, - three palms touching each other

Look! - place your palms on your cheeks

Yellow leaves are spinning - movement of palms from top to bottom

They lie down quietly on the ground. - stroking the knees

The sun no longer warms us, we clench our fists one by one

The wind is blowing stronger and stronger, so we move our arms in different directions at the same time.

Birds flew to the south - cross your arms and move your fingers

The rain is knocking on our window. - tapping our fingers on our palms

We put on hats and jackets - we pretend

And we put on our shoes - tap our feet

What great fellows you all are!

But you've probably already stayed too long and it's time for us to take our legs and our

Stretch our feet and back.

Please stand in a column one at a time and repeat the movements

Behind me.

And now everyone has reached out,

And they smiled at each other.

We're going to study

Along the paths barefoot. (walking on massage mats)

So that we can be okay

Let's quickly do some exercises.

We walk slowly (walking, arms to the sides)

Let's spread our arms to the sides,

We put our hands on our sides (walking on the outside of the foot)

Mashenka is walking for now,

We walked on our heels (walking on our heels, hands behind our heads, on our necks)

Hands to the neck, look.

And now bend together,

We carry it out on site. (tilts to the sides)

Well, my friend, don't yawn,

Do the “scissors”! (arms straight in front of chest)

We all sit down together,

We really need health!

We will inflate a balloon (breathing exercise on

And then we'll blow it away quietly. restoration of breathing 4-5 times)

Body massage “Rails, rails”

Children sit in a circle and show how all the movements are performed. Note that

movements should be gentle, even when tapping.

Rails, rails - (movements with the edges of the palms along the back).

Sleepers, sleepers - (lateral movements).

The train was traveling late - (light tapping on the back).

Peas fell from the last carriage - (tapping with fingertips).

The chickens came, pecked, pecked - (knock harder).

The geese came, plucked, plucked - (pinch with fingers).

The horses came, galloped, galloped - (abrupt touch of fingers to the back).

An elephant came, trampled, trampled - (fists on the back).

The elephant came, trampled, trampled - (lightly with fists on the back).

A baby elephant came, stomped, stomped - (even easier with his fists on the back).

The bunny came, jumped, jumped - (two fingers on the back).

The mice came running, ran, ran - (run with fingers).

Snakes crawled, crawled - (patting on the back).

The janitor came and swept everything away - (stroke the whole palm on the back).

5 slide

Well, let's move on to hardening activities.

Hardening is a simple and accessible way for everyone to increase

immunity and body resistance to external factors, reduce

risk of disease, strengthen the body physically, add energy and strength. All

experts advise carrying out such procedures from early childhood,

to protect the child from private illnesses, colds, and other diseases.




health-saving technologies ultimately form a stable

motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


Thank you for attention!

The master class ends with reflection. Speaker

invites each participant to fill out an analysis sheet



Fill in






carried out

by me



Thank you


today I found out...


it was interesting……………………………………………………………


it was difficult………………………………………………………………….

I understand that………………………………………………………………….


Now I can……………………………………………………………….


I purchased………………………………………………………………………………….


I managed …………………………………………………………..


I will try…………………………………………………………………..


I was surprised…………………………………………………………………………………..


I wanted……………………………………………………………….


Summary of GCD in younger group preschool educational institution

Target: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through the use of health-saving technologies.
-improve children’s motor skills and physical qualities;
-to form children’s ideas about the peculiarities of the squirrel’s lifestyle in the fall;
-develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, speech breathing;
- to cultivate love and respect for nature, to evoke an emotional response from the actions taken.
Methods: art therapy, problematic issues,
health-saving technologies: finger games, self-massage, breathing games, psycho-gymnastics,
Facilities: a squirrel toy, artificial Christmas trees, pine cones in a basket, hazelnuts, buckets with images of squirrels, pictograms of emotions, a model of the sun, clothespins, an umbrella, a metallophone,
non-standard physical education equipment: mushrooms, boards, hummocks;
light table, yellow semolina, plastic bottles.
Dictionary work: little squirrel, cloudy, rainy weather, massage, metallophone, gentle, radiant sun.
Progress of the lesson:
Organizing time:
Is everyone here?
Is everyone healthy?
Are you ready to run and play?
Well then, pull yourself up
Don't yawn or be lazy.

- Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn)
-What's the weather like outside? (cold, cloudy, windy, raining)
-Do you want to go for a walk today? (Yes)
-Guys, let's call the sun to make it warmer and more fun.
Bucket sun
Look out the window
Warm it up, warm it up
Calves, lambs
More little guys.

- The sun doesn’t hear. Let's call him again. Again no result.
-Do you want to go visit the sun? (Yes)
-It lives behind the forest, behind the swamp. Along the way we will perform various exercises that will help us improve our health. Do you agree? (Yes)
-Let's go along the path. Look, guys, there are so many mushrooms! Let's step over them (stepping over mushrooms)
-Let's walk along the bridge across the river. Walk carefully so as not to trip. Hands to the side, keep your back straight (walking along the path)
-And now through the swamp over the hummocks (jumping from hummock to hummock)
-So we reached the forest. In our autumn forest the leaves are falling. The leaves are falling and spinning. Let's help the breeze play with the leaves.
Breathing exercises “Blow on autumn leaves”
-Look, guys, someone is hiding under the Christmas tree. Do you want to know who it is? (Yes)
-Then let's go have a look.
/the guys meet the little squirrel/
- Guys, did you find out what kind of animal this is? (little squirrel)
-Let's say hello to him and find out why the little squirrel is so sad
/say hello/
-What happened, little squirrel? Why are you sad?
Little squirrel
-My squirrel brothers and I are waiting for our mother. We were very cold and hungry.
- Guys, what should we do, how can we help the baby squirrels? (play with them to warm them up, feed them)
-Need to come up with something. Look under the Christmas tree there are cones. How to teach a baby squirrel to warm its paws with the help of pine cones? (get a massage)
Self-massage using cones
/children take a cone and begin to move it back and forth between their palms, then rotate in a circular motion and lastly, take the lump with one hand and begin to touch the other palm with rhythmic movements/
-Well, are your hands hot, and what about the little squirrel’s paws? Touch your cheeks with your palms. What kind of palms? (warm)
- So, it's order.
- Guys, now we need to feed the squirrels. What do they eat? (nuts, mushrooms)
-Let's feed the squirrels nuts.
Development game fine motor skills hands “Feed the baby squirrels”
/on the table there are buckets with pictures of baby squirrels and hazelnuts. Children take nuts one at a time and put them in the mouths of the baby squirrels/

Little squirrel
-Thanks guys. Where are you going? (we are looking for the sun)
-What do you need it for? (the sun is needed to make it warm and light)
-Guys, let's draw a sun for the little squirrel.
Drawing with semolina on the light table “Radiant Sun”
-What color is the sun? (yellow)
-What shape? (round)
/children rake the semolina into a pile with the edges of their palms, giving it a round shape

level with palms/

-What rays should there be? (straight and long)
-Each of you will draw a ray
/plastic bottles with a hole in the cork, filled with semolina, are used as a tool for drawing rays/

- Look, little squirrel, what a radiant sun it turned out to be.

-Guys, while you and I were walking through the forest, the sun came out in the sky. It turns out it was hiding behind the clouds
/the teacher shows the children the sun without rays/
-Guys, is there something wrong with the sun? Did you notice the error? (it has no rays)
-How can we fix this? (make rays)
-What can we make rays from? (from clothespins)
-What color clothespins will we use? (yellow)
/children attach clothespins/

-Here comes the sun. Let's do eye exercises together with the sun. And we’ll teach the little squirrel.
Gymnastics for the eyes: “Sun”
The sun was rising, the sun was counting the clouds.
Looked up, looked down,
Right, left, blinked eyes
And I closed my eyes, I don’t want the sun to wake up!
But you need to wake up.
The sun woke up and touched my cheeks.
(Children stroke their cheeks).
He stroked and stroked and stroked with rays.
(Children pat themselves on the head).

-Do you want to play with the sun? (Yes)
Outdoor game “Sun and Rain” (2 times)
The sun looks out the window,
Shines into our room
/children walk in a circle holding hands/
We clapped our hands
Very happy about the sun
/clap hands/

/a child on a metallophone hits a record with a hammer, children hear the sounds of rain, run away under an umbrella/
-Guys, we need to get back from our walk. Let's say goodbye to the little squirrel (goodbye)
-Did you enjoy the walk? (Yes)
-Let's remember who we went to visit today (to the sun)
-Who did you help along the way? (to baby squirrels)
-How did we help them? (fed and helped warm up)
-What mood were we in when the sun was not in the sky? (sad)
/children raise up a pictogram with the emotion of sadness/
-And when the sun shone in the sky, how did our mood change? (we became cheerful)
/children show a pictogram of joy/
-What do you remember most? /children share their impressions/
-Well done boys. During the walk we received a boost of energy, a good mood and even improved our health.

Goal: To improve professional qualifications on the issue modern health saving technologies.

Objectives: Continue to study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on health saving issues.

Learn to model work based on studied types, techniques, and health saving methods (breathing exercises, awakening exercises, outdoor games, physical education sessions.)



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 92 of general developmental type" Syktyvkar



teacher: Titova Svetlana Vasilievna,

length of service in position: 5 years

Syktyvkar, 2017-2018

Self-education work plan

Subject: Use of health-saving technologies in an early age group

Relevance of the topic.

Our future is our children. The task of protecting, preserving and strengthening the health of children is one of the key ones in the construction and development of the preschool education system. Health, as a function of a successful life, in our time becomes a necessary condition for human cultural development. This is why it is so important to form healthy lifestyle habits in preschool age.

It is in preschool age that, as a result of targeted pedagogical influence, health, the habit of a healthy lifestyle, general endurance, body performance and other qualities necessary for the full development of the individual are formed. The unconventional use of health-saving technologies in physical education and children's health is a natural companion in a child's life, which has great educational power and shapes the child's physical and personal qualities. I use non-traditional technologies both in physical education classes and in all routine moments; I use technologies in breathing exercises, hardening procedures, morning exercises and in independent children's activities.

Why did I choose this topic? The relevance of the experience lies in solving the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children. One of the solutions is an integrated approach to children’s health through the use of health-saving technologies, without which the pedagogical process of a modern kindergarten is unthinkable. Their implementation is based on the formation of a child’s conscious attitude towards his health, which, in turn, should become a system-forming factor in the modernization of the physical education and health activities of a modern kindergarten.

Thus, we can say that only a year-round, systematic approach to the organization of physical education, health, treatment and preventive activities will effectively contribute to the strengthening and preservation of the health of pupils, will give positive dynamics to the health of the child’s body, will allow achieving positive results: increasing the level of physical fitness, positive dynamics in distribution by health groups, prevention and correction of deviations physical development pupils. The competent organization of a health-preserving environment, as well as the use of health-preserving technologies, the introduction of a model of children's health, helped me to minimize the static component in the daily routine of my pupils, and also contributed to an increase in the motor activity of each child and his comprehensive psychophysical development.

Target: Improve professional qualifications on modern health-saving technologies.


1. Continue to study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the issue of health savings.

2. Learn to model work based on the studied types, techniques and methods of health preservation (breathing exercises, awakening exercises, outdoor games, physical education)

3. Direct the life activities of children in preschool institutions to preserve and improve health.

4. Systematize the studied literature.

Stages and terms of work




Activities of a teacher




Stage 1 – organizational

1. Study of literature on this topic.

2. Conducting an analysis of children's morbidity

in Group.

3. Development of a list of necessary equipment for health corners.

4. Registration of a “Children’s Health Passport”.

5. Making card files: “Gymnastics for the eyes”, “Breathing gymnastics”, “Outdoor games for young children”, “Physical education minutes”, “Healthy lifestyle games”, “Finger games”.


Stage 2 –


Work with children

1. Carrying out morning exercises, hardening activities, finger games, dynamic breaks, physical exercises, etc.

2. Conducting physical exercise classes

3. Monitoring by educational field"Health".

4. Open lesson.

5. Health week in preschool educational institutions.

Working with parents

1. Individual conversations with parents of newly admitted children on healthy lifestyle.

2. Consultation on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle for children in the garden and at home.”

3. Exhibition of literature and visual material for the introduction of health-saving technologies.

4. Visual propaganda “Health Corner”.

5. Individual conversations “What you need to know about hardening.”

6. Parent meeting “About health seriously.”

7. Design of a wall newspaper: “Neboleyka”.

Working with teachers

1. Consultation for teachers: “Types of health-saving technologies and features of the methodology.”

2. Visit to GCD preschool teachers on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Master class: “Game massage”


3 times a week















Stage 3 – final

  1. Summarizing the results of work on the topic at a meeting of the methodological association.
  2. Final parent meeting on the topic: Round table “Age-related characteristics of children’s development”
  3. Presentation of the film “Pages from the life of the group”
  4. Presentation of work on self-education





2.1 The concept of health conservation in pedagogy

2.2. Preschool educational institutions programs to preserve and strengthen children's health

2.3. Health-saving technologies in the preschool education process




1. Appendix “Consultation for parents “Healthy lifestyle in kindergarten and at home””

2. Appendix “Memo for parents. "Age-related characteristics of the mental development of children from two to three years old"

3. Appendix “Memo for parents. "10 rules for raising a child"

4. Appendix “Memo for parents. Outdoor games at home"


Today, the words “health-saving”, “health-saving” technologies and methods and other similar concepts have begun to be actively introduced into scientific research when understanding the problems of education, upbringing, and medical care for children in educational institutions, including preschool ones.

The importance of early childhood for the development of personality and raising a healthy child cannot be overestimated. The domestic system of preschool education has accumulated valuable experience in hygienic education, however, the deterioration of the health of preschoolers and modern social conditions dictate new approaches to creating a healthy lifestyle for children.

The problem of children's health in any society and in any socio-economic and political situations is relevant, timely and quite complex, since it determines the future of the country, the gene pool of the nation, the scientific and economic potential of society.

Currently, preschool institutions face many problems that have a negative impact on solving the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of children: the imperfection of the activities of the medical, psychological and pedagogical service preschool; The health-preserving activities of the preschool institution are not sufficiently thought out (the predominance of the aspect on the intellectual development of children, strict regulation of the daily routine and the absence of one in the family; overload of groups); lack of proper material and technical base that meets the health-preserving orientation of the educational process.

These problems entail negative social consequences: the spiritual, moral, physical and mental health of children is undermined; the percentage of healthy children graduating to school is decreasing; insufficiently high level of psychological and pedagogical culture of educators and parents.

Thus, the problem lies in the contradiction between the objective need to change and revise the entire educational process and life activities of children on the issues of preserving and promoting health and the lack of scientific and methodological support, as well as the insufficient development of the problems under consideration in pedagogical science and practice.

The purpose of the work is to consider the features of the implementation of health-saving technologies in preschool educational

institutions (DOU).

Job objectives:

Reveal the essence of health and health conservation in pedagogical literature;

To analyze preschool education programs in terms of organizing the health of children in preschool educational institutions;
- study the content of health-saving technologies implemented in preschool educational institutions.


The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children has always been relevant. The history of domestic and foreign education shows that the problem of the health of the younger generation arose from the emergence of human society and was considered differently at subsequent stages of its development.

IN Ancient Greece special educational systems were distinguished: Spartan and Athenian. In the conditions of the harsh military system of life of the landed aristocracy, education in Sparta had a pronounced military-physical character.

In Russia, Novikov and F.I. Yankovich worked to transform the matter of education. N.I. Novikov in the article “On the upbringing and instruction of children” notes that “... the first main part of education is caring for the body, since the education of the body is already necessary when no other education has yet taken place...”.

During the formation of Soviet pedagogy, the main attention was paid to labor education the younger generation in organic connection with the mental, physical and aesthetic. The child’s health was considered in his development through the performance of physical labor (N.K. Krupskaya, P.P. Blonsky, S.T. Shatsky, V.N. Shatskaya, A.S. Makarenko, etc.

In 1980, I. I. Brekhman proposed the term “valeology”, which designated a direction in science associated with the study and formation of health, identifying methods for its active formation. At the junction of the human sciences, a new direction in pedagogical science is developing - pedagogical valeology as the science of including a person in the process of forming his health (G.K. Zaitsev, V.V. Kolbanov, L.G. Tatarnikova).

The concept of preschool education (1989) identified the formation, and not just the preservation and strengthening, of the health of children of early and preschool age as a priority. Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 32661 “On Education”, as well as Federal laws dated 30.03.1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” and dated 10.04.2000 No. 51-FZ “On approval of the federal program for the development of education” educational institutions are responsible for the life and health of students and pupils during the educational process.

One of the primary tasks, according to the requirements of the state educational standard of preschool education, is the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their emotional well-being, the formation of a general culture of children’s personality, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several components (types) of health. Somatic health is the current state of the organs and systems of the human body, the basis of which is the biological program of individual development, mediated by the basic needs that dominate at various stages of ontogenetic development. These needs, firstly, are the trigger for human development, and secondly, they ensure the individualization of this process.

Physical health is the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, the basis of which is morphophysiological and functional reserves that ensure adaptive reactions.

Mental health is a state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is a state of general mental comfort that ensures an adequate behavioral response. This state is determined by both biological and social needs, as well as the possibilities of satisfying them.

Moral health is a complex of characteristics of the motivational and need-informative spheres of life, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of behavior of an individual in society. Moral health is mediated by human spirituality, as it is connected with the universal truths of goodness, love and beauty.

Thus, the concept of health reflects the quality of the body’s adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between a person and the environment; the state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (heredity, gender, age) factors.

In pedagogical science, the concept of “health conservation” began to be used in the 90s of the 20th century. and reflected the specificity of attitudes towards preserving the health of children through the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in different periods: “to protect health” - “not to burden” - “care for health” - “health promotion” - “health protection” - “valeology” - “ health conservation." Health preservation is understood as a process that includes a set of specially organized physical culture, health, educational, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and preventive and other activities for a person to fully healthy life at every stage of it age development.

The health-saving pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution - in the broad sense of the word - the process of raising and teaching preschool children in a health-saving and health-enriching mode; a process aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of the child. Health preservation and health enrichment are the most important conditions for organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions.

In a narrower sense of the word, it is a specially organized interaction between children and teachers that develops over time and within a specific educational system, aimed at achieving the goals of health conservation and health enrichment in the course of education, upbringing and training. The system of health-preserving education, along with providing the necessary conditions for the full natural development of a child, contributes to the formation of a conscious need for health, understanding of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, and ensures the practical development of skills to preserve and strengthen physical and mental health.


At the present stage of development of education, there are several concepts of the physical development of preschool children. The philosophy of a particular program is based on a certain view of the authors on the child, on the patterns of his development, and, consequently, on the creation of conditions that contribute to the formation of personality, protect his identity and reveal creative potential every pupil. The development of children's motor activity should take place in the form of their involvement in physical culture as a natural component of universal human culture in the proper sense of the word.

An important role in the work of the kindergarten in preserving and developing the health of the child is played by such programs as: “Program of education and training in kindergarten (author team M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova), a program for preschool educational institutions and a methodological set “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children” (team of authors: N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina), a comprehensive program and methodological guide for teachers of preschool institutions “Rainbow” (team of authors: V V. Gerbova, T.N. Doronova, T.I. Grizik), “Health-saving technology of separate education” (author V.F. Bazarny) and others.

T.N. Doronova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, in her “Rainbow” program, pays attention to the education and development of kindergarten children; the main component she gave preference to is the most important subject of education - physical education. “A person’s health depends on how work with children in physical education is organized. A child in preschool should feel muscular joy and love movement, this will help him carry the need for movement throughout his life, join in sports and a healthy lifestyle.”

She defines the main forms of work with children in the chapter “Raising a Healthy Child” on motor regimen, hardening, and physical education and recreational work. All work is included in the sections “Creating the habit of a healthy lifestyle”, “Daily routine”, “Wakefulness”, “Sleep”, “Nutrition”, “Health skills”, “Creating a culture of movement”

Gradually, the child masters basic cultural and hygienic skills and becomes familiar with the elements of self-control during various motor activities. It highlights important issues of behavior at the present stage in situations that threaten the life and health of children, the ability to avoid or even anticipate them. T. N. Doronova reveals the means and forms of physical education. These are hygienic factors, hygiene of the nervous system, physical exercise. Preventive, developmental, therapeutic, rehabilitation orientation in the selection of physical exercises.

The program of the team of authors under the leadership of L. A. Venger “Development”, which contains two theoretical positions: the theory of A. V. Zaporozhets about the self-value of the preschool period of development, the transition from a utilitarian understanding preschool childhood to a humanistic understanding, and L. A. Venger’s concept of the development of abilities, which are understood as universal actions of orientation in the environment with the help of figurative means of solving problems specific to a preschooler. This program does not contain tasks for the physical development of the child.

M.D. Makhaneva and doctor psychological sciences O. M. Dyachenko developed in 2000 guidelines on raising a healthy child for the Development program. They contain, on the one hand, a general description of the means that ensure the child’s health (hygienic, hardening, physical exercises) and, on the other hand, specific descriptions of physical education classes conducted in the gym. They are valuable because they allow you to use them when planning a variety of aspects of organizing a healthy lifestyle for children, combining classes under the “Development” program and a number of additional ones with the necessary health-improving activities. M. D. Makhaneva pays great attention to the proper nutrition of children and the need for it to be complete. She criticizes the generally accepted system of physical education, which cannot solve problems at the present stage, since it does not take into account the specific conditions of children's institutions in different regions of Russia, does not provide for a differentiated approach to children in accordance with their individual characteristics and health, and does not fulfill the needs of children in movement .

V.T. Kudryavtsev - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, B.B. Egorov - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences identified the idea of ​​​​an integrated interdisciplinary approach to the issue of physical education of preschoolers, and developmental pedagogy of health improvement arose in 2000. Their program and methodological manual reflects two lines of health-improving and developmental work:

1) introduction to physical culture,

2) developmental form health work. The authors of the program proceed from the fact that a child is an integral spiritual-physical organism - a mediator and transformer of natural and social-ecological connections that are significant for him. The educational and health effect is seen in developing in the child the ability to meaningfully regulate these connections through special forms of motor and play activity. The general goal of this program and methodological material is to form the motor sphere and create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children's health based on their creative activity.

In the program “Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children,” V. A. Ananyev, in the sections “Human Health and the Environment,” “Human Health and Lifestyle,” sets the goals of developing children’s physical activity: they need to be taught to take care of their health and the health of others, to develop personal hygiene, give knowledge about healthy food, orient children towards a healthy lifestyle, give basic knowledge about what an infectious disease is, what needs to be done to avoid contracting it. Ways to solve problems: activities, games - activities, visual activity, walks, hygiene procedures, hardening activities, games, sporting events, holidays, conversations, reading literature, the use of emotionally attractive forms, work with parents aimed at improving the health of children and developing their physical activity.

The program “Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children” was developed by candidates of psychological sciences N. N. Avdeeva and R. B. Sterkina, candidate of pedagogical sciences O. L. Knyazeva. The authors note that safety and a healthy lifestyle are not just the sum of the knowledge children have acquired, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various life situations, including unexpected ones.

In determining the main content of work on life safety and the directions of children’s development, the authors of the program considered it necessary to highlight rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety of life depend on this. The main content of the program should be built, according to the authors, in several areas: “Child and other people”, “Child and nature”, “Child at home”, “Emotional well-being of the child”, “Child on the city streets”, “Child’s health” " The content of the section “Child's Health” is directed by the authors to the formation of the child's ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life. A child must know his body, learn to take care of it, and not harm his body. A teacher working under this program must tell children how the human body works, how the main systems and organs work (musculoskeletal, muscular, digestive, excretory, blood circulation, breathing, nervous system, sensory organs). It is important to develop in the child the ability to listen to his body, help it work rhythmically, and respond in a timely manner to signals indicating the state of all organs and systems.

So, an analysis of the content of modern programs for preschool institutions allows us to draw conclusions that, despite the differences in concepts, approaches, methods and means of solving the problem of improving the health of preschool children, in the content of each program the authors recognize the problem of preserving the health of children as a priority and give it priority meaning. The programs encourage not only teachers to be active in the work, but also children and parents themselves.


Health-saving technology is an integral system of educational

health-improving, corrective and preventive measures that

are carried out in the process of interaction between teachers, doctors, psychologists with the aim of

preserving and strengthening the health of the child.

Health-saving technologies include five main areas:

Working with children in various types activities.




Organization of motor mode;

Games that heal;


Water procedures;




Vitamin therapy and herbal medicine.

Psychologist's work;

Correctional and developmental work for children with delayed speech development;

Technologies of musical influence through listening to music.

In our institution, a large role is assigned to health-saving technologies, but a higher priority area of ​​​​activity of our institution is physical education, health improvement and medical and preventive work.

Organized educational activities allow children to obtain knowledge about a person that is accessible to their age, develops the necessary skills in children, improves psychological processes (perception, thinking, speech), and also encourages the child to active cognitive activity.

The formation of cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills in children through various types of activities allows them to develop such qualities as neatness, neatness, cleanliness and order, food culture skills as an integral part of a culture of behavior. Because proper organization nutrition gives the child answers to the questions: What to eat? As it is? When there is? Rituals of preparing food, knowledge about the benefits and harms of foods - all this forms in children a culture of a healthy lifestyle from an early age.years .

Forming all these skills is a complex task, requiring systematicity, great patience, and unity of demands on the part of adults. It is necessary to make this process accessible, interesting, and exciting. To do this, you should use the following methodological techniques:

Singing lullabies and listening to music create a feeling of psychological comfort and relaxation for the child.

I would like to draw attention to the use of nursery rhymes in the work of a teacher. Reading nursery rhymes is a unique method of bodily therapy at an early age, helping to establish relationships between an adult and a child, the development of gross motor skills and the development of fine motor skills of the hands helps to consolidate useful habits.

Thus, the educational and health-improving orientation of the educational process helps to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle and strengthen the health of the child.

In the physical development and health of children, a special place is given to hardening procedures. Hardening helps improve health and reduce morbidity. Also, such events contribute to the creation of mandatory conditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Hardening will be effective if it is provided throughout the day.

THIS is strict adherence to the regime;

Clear organization of thermal and air conditions;

Rationally selectedcloth for children (depending on the season, the location of the child, i.e. in a group or in a cool room);

Compliance with walking regimes at a temperature of 15-20 degrees;

Sleep in a ventilated area;

Walking barefoot in a group during physical education classes at a floor temperature of 18 degrees;

Walking on wet paths for no more than 1 minute;

Wiping with a damp towel (especially in summer);

Air baths;

Contrast dousing of legs at a temperature of 36-26 degrees;

Hygiene procedures;

Extensive washing (hands up to the elbows, collar area and face).

Oral and dental care– is the main component of the prevention of dental diseases. We start training in dental and oral care from 2-3years By showing children how to properly rinse their mouth after eating, how to use a toothbrush, we introduce them to the sequence of brushing their teeth. You can rinse your mouth with boiled water or with the addition of chamomile or sage.

All hardening procedures must be agreed with a doctor.


Acupressure is pressing with fingertips on the skin and muscle layer at the locations of tactile and proprioceptive points and nerve branches. Acupressure also serves as an element of psychophysical training, helps relax muscles and relieve neuro-emotional tension. The result is especially good when combined with “communication” with your body in game situation and speaking kind words(sweet, kind, good).

Recommended for young childrenmassage (game exercises).There are many different non-drug methods of influencing the body in order to improve its health. These are health-saving technologies, one of which is play massage (adapted version of the hardening methods of A. Umanskaya and K. Dineika) is an excellent means of preventing and treating various diseases.

Play massage has a positive effect on physical and mental development child, helps prevent a number of diseases, helps maintain optimal body tone, strengthens the immune system.

This type of massage has a number of advantages:

Correspondence age characteristics of children: The main activity of preschool children is play. Play massage is accompanied by short, funny poems that allow

organize a massage as a fun, emotionally relaxed game.

Availability: It does not require equipment, can be performed with children of any age, and has no health restrictions.

Efficiency: With proper and regular massage, a positive effect is achieved: the immune system is strengthened, which results in improved children’s health and a reduction in morbidity.

Play massage “Let’s play with our nose.”

These exercises strengthen the entire respiratory tract, improve the functioning of the respiratory system, and increase the body's resistance to colds.

  1. Organizing time.

“Find and show your nose.”

"Come to me, my friend,Children are seated comfortably and

And quickly sit down in a their noses.

Find your nose quickly

Show me your nose."

  1. Game exercises with a spout.

“Help your nose get ready for a walk.”

“You need to clean your nose,Children take handkerchiefs or

Pack for a walk."wipes and clean thoroughly

their noses.

"The nose is walking"

“Shut your mouth,Children close their mouths tightly

Just walk with your nose.”so that they do not interfere with the nose

walk and breathe well.

"The nose is playing around"

“That’s how the nose is a spoiler,While inhaling, the child exerts

He’s used to playing pranks with us.”air resistance,

pressing with thumb and forefinger

Place the fingers of one hand on the wings of the nose.

"The nose is sniffing"

“Hush, hush, don’t sleep,Children take 10 breaths

"Let's warm up our nose"

« We need to warm our nose,Children place their index fingers

Rub it a little."fingers on the bridge of the nose and perform

Their movements along the wings of the nose

Up down.

  1. The final stage.

"The Nose Comes Home"

“My nose has worked up,Children putting away handkerchiefs

Returning home." and napkins.

Play massage “Let's play with our ears.”

This type of hardening is based on stimulation of biologically active points located on the auricle and reflexively connected with almost all organs of the body. Massaging these points is useful for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and protecting the body from colds.

1. Organizational moment.

“Find and show your ears”

"Come to me, my friend,Children are seated freely

And quickly sit down in a circle.or stand around.

Find your ears quickly

And show me your ears.”

2. Main part: game exercises with ears.

"Let's clap our ears"

“We play cleverly with them,Children put their hands behind their ears

This is how we flapping our ears.”and bend them forward, pressing

To the head, then abruptly released

"Let's pull our ears"

“And now we’re pulling them down.Children grab the tips

Ear, don’t go away.”thumb and index

Fingers earlobes and with force

Pull down, then release.

“Let’s twist the trestle”

"And then, and thenChild inserts thumb

They twisted the trestle."into the external auditory canal

And presses with his index finger

Tragus - ear protrusion

Sinks at the front. Having captured

Thus the tragus, he squeezes and turns it in all directions for 20 -30 seconds.

"Let's warm our ears"

“My ear seems to be frozen,Children apply to their ears

You can warm it up this way.”palms and rub them thoroughly

The whole sink.

3. Final stage.

"Let's listen to the silence"

"One - two, one - two,Children relax and listen

So the game is over. silence.

And once the game is over,

There was silence."

Play massage “Let's play with hands”

Intense impact on the fingertips stimulates a rush of blood to the hands, which promotes psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body.

1. Preparatory stage.

"Let's play with pens"

“Hey guys, everyone come to me.

Who is standing there on the sidelines?Children stand up freely or

Let's play with our hands, are seated.

Improve your health."

2. Main stage: playing exercises with pens.

"Let's say hello to your fingers"

“I’ll rub every finger,Thumb and forefinger

I'll twist each finger.fingers of one hand

I'll say hello to everyone,children rub each

I won’t bypass anyone.”finger of the other hand.

"Let's warm up our hands"

“You need to warm up your hands,Children rub hard

Rub against each other."palms against each other.


We need to close the lock."dark hands in a lock and

They bring it to the chest. Pause.


“We’ll stretch out our fingers,Children stretch their fingers

Let them run like bunnies."up and move them.

3. Final stage.

"Hands are resting"

“One-two, one-two,

So the game is over.Children shake their hands

So the game is over relax them.

It could also be:

Face massage;

Neck massage;

Abdominal massage;

Massage of the chest area;

Ear massage;

Head massage;

Cervical vertebrae massage;

Foot massage.

Gymnastics - is a universal means of human physical development

General strengthening gymnastics is the organized communication of children in the process of motor activity. During gymnastics, emotional tone increases, motor activity develops, and the child receives positive emotions from movements in a group of peers. The tension from waking up after a night's sleep is relieved, attention is collected, and behavior is disciplined.

Invigorating gymnastics or awakening gymnastics is carried out after a nap to launch all the vital processes of the body. It is a good incentive to lift your spirits.

Finger gymnastics.The development of a child is associated with the development of finger movements. The third part of the entire motor projection in the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projectionbrushes hands. Therefore, training fine movements of the fingers has a great influence on the development of a child’s active speech. By influencing the tone of a child’s hand, using a complex of finger gymnastics, there is a direct effect on the tone of the speech apparatus.

Articulation gymnasticsis a system of exercises for the development of speech organs. The goal of such gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements of the speech organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds and to prepare the speech apparatus for speech load. Carrying out articulatory gymnastics contributes to the birth of correct sounds and the assimilation of words with complex syllabic structures.

Usage physical education minutesduring organized educational activities, it helps to reduce fatigue in children, and also activates thinking and increases mental performance.

Breathing exercisesis a system of exercises for the development of speech breathing. The goal is to form correct speech breathing (short inhalation and long exhalation). With speech breathing, tidal volume and ventilation of the lungs, gas exchange significantly increase, and the blood is more quickly and easily enriched with oxygen, which contributes to the development of the ability to pronounce long phrases and is the prevention of stuttering. Breathing exercises allow you to cleanse the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and improve the drainage function of the bronchi, strengthen the respiratory muscles, and improve the child’s well-being.

Eye gymnastics.There is an opinion that the eyesmirror souls. Clean, shiny eyes of children are a sign of good health, and health must be protected, and eyes even more so, because we receive up to 80% of information from the outside world through the organs of vision. Looking into the depths of a newborn’s eyes, a specialist can already guess whether he is nearsighted, farsighted or not.

Eye exercises are carried out to strengthen the muscles of the eyeball, relieve eye strain and prevent myopia.

Corrective gymnastics (walking on a corrective path).

The purpose of such gymnastics is to strengthen the arch and ligaments of the feet, which is good remedy for the prevention and correction of flat feet.

Games that heal

Painting with fingers. This type of drawing has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche as it calms and relaxes.

Working with clay. Working with clay leaves a pleasant feeling and helps you relax. Clay has properties that promote wound healing. Working with clay helps relieve stress and helps express feelings.

Games for developing fine motor skills. These games have a positive impact on the development of the child’s psyche and the establishment of mental comfort.

When interacting with sand, the emotional state stabilizes.

The development of fine motor skills and tactile-mnemonic sensitivity affects the development of the speech center in the child’s brain, forms voluntary attention and memory.

Outdoor games. Outdoor games contribute to the development of children’s motor activity and are aimed at socialization, the formation of morality and cognitive development.

During lunch, children constantly receive garlic. Thanks to the biological active substances contained in garlic that kill and suppress the growth and development of bacteria, garlic is also an excellent means of prevention.acute respiratory infections and flu.

Thus, a set of measures of modern health-saving technologies, which is carried out in our kindergarten, allows us to create optimal conditions for the formation of a culturally healthy lifestyle and improve the quality of health of each child.

The system of musical and recreational work involves the use ofthe following health-saving technologies:

  • Valeological chants;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Articulation gymnastics;
  • Health and phonopedic exercises;
  • Play massage;
  • Finger games;
  • Speech games;
  • Music therapy.

Valeological chants.

All musical lessons begin with them. Simple, kind texts (including the program “Hello!” by M. Lazarev) and a melody consisting of the sounds of a major scale lift the mood, set a positive tone for the perception of the world around us, improve the emotional climate in class, and prepare the voice for singing. For example:

Good morning!

Good morning! (turn to each other) Smile quickly! (spread their arms to the sides) It will be more fun. (clap their hands) We will stroke your forehead, nose and cheeks. (perform movements according to the text) We will be beautiful, (gradually raise our hands up, “flashlights”) Like flowers in a garden! Let's rub our palms (movements according to the text) Stronger, stronger! Now let’s clap “Bolder, bolder!” Now we will rub our ears (rubbing our ears) And we will save our health. (spread their arms to the sides) Let's smile again, Be healthy everyone!

Breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises have a positive effect on metabolic processes,playing important role in blood supply, including pulmonary tissue; contribute to the restoration of the central nervous system; improves the drainage function of the bronchi; restores impaired nasal breathing; corrects various deformations of the chest and spine that have developed during the course of illness. For example:


(learning to gradually exhale air)

I.P. - Children stand on the same line, take a breath (“pour gasoline”) and begin to move forward, while making “br-rr” with their lips. Children, as usual, copy the operation of the motor. The winner is the one who “went the farthest” in one go.


(the exercise is aimed at achieving respiratory relaxation due to a physiological reflex, as a result of which, when inhaling through the nose, the smooth muscles of the bronchi relax).

I.P. - standing. Hands down. Eyes closed. A slow breath is taken, as if inhaling the scent of a flower. It is recommended to perform this exercise early in the morning, facing the sun.


(hardening of the pharynx)

I.P. - standing. Stick your tongue out of your mouth. Make quick breathing movements to achieve cooling of the throat (as a dog does)

Articulation gymnastics.

The main part of articulatory gymnastics is the development of high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation, preparation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes. Exercises help train the muscles of the speech apparatus, orientate oneself in space, and teach one to imitate the movements of animals. As a result of this work, the level of development of children's speech and singing skills increases, musical memory and attention improve. For example:

"Toad Kwak"

(a set of exercises for the muscles of the soft palate and pharynx)

Toad Kwak rose with the sun,(stretch, arms to the sides)She yawned sweetly.(children yawn) Chewed some juicy grass(imitate chewing movements, swallow)Yes, I swallowed some water. She sat down on a water lily and sang a song: “Kwa-a-a-a!(pronounce sounds abruptly and loudly)Que-e-e-! Kwa-a-a-a! Life is good for Quackie!

Health and phonopedic exercises.

They are carried out to strengthen the fragile vocal cords of children, prepare them for singing, and prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Developments by V. Emelyanov and M. Kartushina contribute to the development of nasal, diaphragmatic, abdominal breathing, stimulation of the laryngopharyngeal apparatus and brain activity. The work uses health-improving exercises for the throat, intonation-phonetics (correcting the pronunciation of sounds and activating phonation exhalation) and vocal signals of pre-speech communication, games with sound. For example:


Four dinosaurs, hurray, hurray, hurray! We love to sing and dance, taram-pa-ra-ra-ra! We are funny, good, we love to play pranks! And we are busy all the time, we have no time to be sad!

Play massage.

Performing massage manipulations expands the capillaries of the skin, improving blood and lymph circulation, actively affects the body's metabolic processes, and tones the central nervous system. The use of play massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the entire body, normalizes vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands. The incidence of upper respiratory tract diseases is decreasing. For example:

1st point: “We came to visit the edges, found them with our fingers”

2nd point: “With our finger we found a bridge, we hopped and hopped along it”

3rd point: “Let’s drop a little lower and breathe on our toes”

4th point: “Here we touched the neck and smiled wider”

5th point: “You need to rub your ears so that they don’t hurt anymore”

6th point: “You need to rub your hands so that they don’t hurt anymore”

7th point: “And don’t forget about the back, so that we can be slim”

Finishing the massage, the children say: “We want to be cheerful, beautiful, healthy.” These words are a kind of setting for them for the whole day.

Finger games.

Games allow you to stretch and massage your fingers and palms, having a beneficial effect on everything internal organs. They develop the child’s speech and motor qualities, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers (preparation for drawing, writing), connect the finger plate with expressive melodic and speech intonation, and form figurative and associative thinking based on oral Russian folk art.

For example:


We looked out the window (they make a “window” with the fingers of both hands). A cat walks along the path (they “run” with their index and middle fingers right hand on the left hand) With such a mustache! (shows “long mustache”) With such eyes! (shows “big eyes”) The cat sings a song, (claps his hands) He’s inviting us to go for a walk! ("called" with the right hand)

Speech games.

Allow children to strengthen their vocal apparatus and master all the expressive means of music. Speech music-making is necessary, since musical hearing develops in close connection with speech hearing. Musical instruments, sounding gestures, movement, sonorous and coloristic means are added to the sound. In addition, the formation of speech in humans occurs with the participation of gestures, which can accompany, decorate and even replace words. Plastic art introduces pantomimic and theatrical possibilities into speech music-making. The use of speech games in music classes and theater classes effectively influences the development of emotional expressiveness of children's speech and motor activity.

For example:


Rain, rain, rain in the morning.(claps alternate with slaps on the knees)Kids are having fun!(light jumping in place)Splash through puddles, splash-slap.(floods) Clap your hands, clap-clap.(claps) Rain, don't water us,(they shake a finger) Hurry up and catch up!(running away from the "rain")

Music therapy.

Listening to the right musicimproves immunity children, relieves tension and irritability, headaches and muscle pain, restores calm breathing. Music therapy is carried out by preschool teachers throughout the day - children are greeted, put to bed, raised after a nap to appropriate music, and used as a background for classes and free activities.

Music for meeting children and their free activities


  1. J.S.Bach. "Prelude in C Major".
  2. J.S.Bach. "Joke".
  3. I. Brahms. "Waltz".
  4. A.Vivaldi "The Seasons"
  5. J.Haydn. "Serenade"
  6. D. Kabalevsky "Clowns"
  7. D. Kabalevsky "Peter and the Wolf"
  8. W.A.Mozart "Little Night Serenade"
  9. W.A. Mozart "Turkish Rondo"
  10. I. Strauss "Trick Truck Polka"

Songs for children:

  1. "Antoshka" V. Shainsky
  2. "Bu-ra-ti-no" Yu. Entin
  3. "Be Kind" A. Sanin
  4. "Cheerful Travellers" M. Starokadomsky
  5. “We divide everything in half” V. Shainsky
  6. "Long live surprise" Yu. Entin
  7. "Song about wizards" G. Gladkov

Music to wake up after a nap

  1. L.Boccherini "Minuet"
  2. E. Grieg "Morning"
  3. A. Dvorak "Slavic dance"
  4. Lute music of the 17th century
  5. F. Liszt "Consolation"
  6. F. Mendelssohn "Song without words"
  7. W. Mozart "Sonatas"
  8. M. Mussorgsky "Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks"

Music for relaxation

  1. T. Albioni "Adagio"
  2. J. S. Bach "Aria from Suite No. 3"
  3. L. Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata"
  4. K. Gluck "Melody"
  5. E. Grieg "Song of Solveig"
  6. C. Debussy "Moonlight"


  1. Russian folk lullabies in traditional performance, composition and arrangement by V. and S. Zheleznova:
  • Baiushki bye.
  • Sleep, child.
  • Come, kitty.
  • The cats are gray.
  • Sleep, my little one.
  • Ay, little ones.
  • Go, go.
  • Ay, bye, bye, bye.
  • Bye, bye, bye.
  • One red viburnum.
  • I rock the baby.
  • Spica - ka, Sasha.
  • Come, kitty.
  • Sleep, my little one.
  • Ay, little ones.
  1. N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Sea"
  2. G. Sviridov "Romance"
  3. C. Saint-Saens "Swan"

Musical classes using health-saving technologies are effective when taking into account the individual and age characteristics of each child and his interests. The success of classes is impossible without the joint activities of musicalhead and a teacher who actively helps and organizes independent music playing in the group.

The model of a child’s life in a group is compiled taking into account the change of static classes and motor activities, the varied activities of children during walks, sufficient time for sleep, activities and games (in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the total volume of the compulsory part of the basic general education program of preschool education and the requirements of SanPiN) .

We tried to enrich children’s ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle in a fun, visual and practical way. Using games - dramatizations, story games, conversations to form habits for a healthy lifestyle.

I hope that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in kindergarten will become the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and as a result, the key to the successful development of all spheres of personality, its properties and qualities.


As a result of studying the literature on the research problem, the essence of the health-saving process and the types of health-saving technologies were determined.

By health conservation we understand a process that includes a set of specially organized physical culture, health, educational, sanitary, hygienic, therapeutic and preventive and other activities for a fully healthy life at each stage of its age development. Organizing health care in preschool educational institutions, along with providing the necessary conditions for the full natural development of a child, contributes to the formation of a conscious need for health, understanding of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, and ensures the practical development of skills to preserve and strengthen physical and mental health. It is in preschool age that as much attention as possible should be paid to health preservation. During this period, the child develops basic skills for developing health; this is the most favorable time for developing the right habits, which, in combination with teaching preschoolers how to improve and maintain health, will lead to positive results. In addition, it is at this age that the child has a closer connection with his family and teacher than during the school period, which helps to most effectively influence the child and his family members.


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    Maintaining health and strengthening a child’s immunity in preschool age are an important condition for the formation of a healthy personality. Until the age of 7, a person goes through a large stage of his development, which will never be repeated in his entire life. It is at this time that the formation of organs takes place, on which, in fact, the future life of the little person depends. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten plays a vital role in the development of the child.

    Forming a love for a healthy lifestyle, useful habits, preserving and strengthening health are among the main tasks of the institution where the child spends the maximum amount of time - kindergarten. Health improvement in kindergarten includes a number of activities: morning exercises, walks and excursions, thoughtful nutrition, a variety of didactic games, promoting knowledge of the basics of a healthy lifestyle and its components, as well as many daily activities that teach the child to take care of his health. But the formation of a healthy lifestyle should be carried out not only by teachers, educators, and psychologists. This is a large chain in which parents must be included. What can they do about this? Provide the necessary conditions for a healthy lifestyle.

    • Staying outdoors. Walking is one of the essential components of the regime. This is the most effective type of rest; it well restores the functional resources of the body, reduced during activity, and, first of all, performance. Staying in the air helps increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child’s appetite and sleep always normalize. The walk should be carried out in any weather, with the exception of particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and shoes must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. During a walk, children should not be allowed to remain in the same position for a long time, so it is necessary to change their type of activity and place of play. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games.
    • Variety of food. The child's diet should include vegetables, fruits, cereals, and dairy products. At the same time, any coercion is unacceptable. It is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein. Equally important is the diet, that is, maintaining certain intervals between meals.
    • Maintain personal hygiene. The child needs to learn all the basic hygiene skills, understand their importance and get used to systematically performing them correctly and quickly. It is best to lead by example (dental care twice a day, hand washing, bathing, changing clothes).
    • Regular hardening. It is necessary to actively use healing natural environmental factors: clean water, ultraviolet rays sunlight, clean air, phytoncidal properties of plants, since the natural forces of nature are familiar components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the body.
    • Maintaining a daily routine. A rational regimen helps all organs work according to the regimen. A properly organized daily routine optimally combines the period of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day, satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. The routine disciplines children, promotes the formation of many useful skills, and accustoms them to a certain rhythm.
    • Peace and love. Two aspects can be distinguished here: peace should reign in the family and be maintained in kindergarten. A child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate in the family. He must know that he is welcome and loved at home, then he will be able to cope with any task. As for a preschool institution, the maintenance of peace and tranquility is primarily ensured by the teacher. In addition, there is a psychologist who helps resolve difficult situations.
    • Formation of interest in health improvement. The sooner a child gets an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. Educational games and interesting stories about the good and the bad with summaries are needed.

    Parents should remember that they are role models in all periods of their child’s life, and how the mother or father behaves in a given situation determines the child’s behavior and life principles.

    Appendix 2

    Memo for parents


    • In the third year of life, children become more independent.
    • Speech understanding continues to develop. Children continue to master the names of surrounding objects and learn to fulfill simple verbal requests from adults.
    • The number of words understood increases significantly. Begins to understand not only the instructions, but also the story told by adults.
    • Children's active speech develops intensively. By the age of 3, they are trying to construct simple sentences and use almost all parts of speech when talking with adults. The active vocabulary reaches approximately 1000-1500 words By the end of 3 years. and. speech becomes the child’s means of communication with peers.
    • New types of activities are being formed: playing, drawing, designing. The main thing in the game is actions with game objects that are close to reality, in the middle of 3 years. actions with substitute objects appear.
    • The child is already able to formulate the intention to depict any object. A typical image of a person is"cephalopod" - a circle and lines extending from it.
    • Visual and auditory orientation are improved, which allows children to accurately perform a number of tasks: select 2-3 objects by color, shape, size; distinguish melodies, sing.
    • Phonemic hearing is improved. Children perceive all the sounds of their native language, but pronounce them with great distortion.
    • The main form of thinking is visual and effective. The child actually acts with objects.
    • Children are characterized by unawareness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children are easily infected by the emotional state of their peers. However, arbitrariness of behavior also begins to take shape. Children develop a sense of pride and shame. The child becomes aware of himself as a separate person, and an image of the Self is formed.

    Appendix 3

    Memo for parents

    “10 rules for raising a child”

    1. Love your child! Accept him for who he is, don't insult him, don't humiliate him, don't undermine his self-confidence, give him a reason to love you.
    2. Protect your child! Protect him from physical and mental dangers, sacrificing your own interests and risking your own life.
    3. Be a good example for your child! A child should live in a family where there is honesty, modesty, harmony, where the family is friendly, where the elderly are respected and loved.
    4. Play with your child! Give him time. Play the way he likes, take his games seriously.
    5. Work hard with your child! Help him when he tries to participate in work. Teach him to participate in all housework.
    6. Let your child gain life experience, even if not painlessly, but on his own! Give him the opportunity to gain his own experience. An overprotected child often becomes a social invalid.
    7. Show your child the possibilities and limits of human freedom! It must be shown that any person must recognize and observe certain limits in his actions in the family..., in the team... and in society.
    8. Teach your child to be obedient! Parents are obliged to monitor the child’s behavior and guide him in such a way that his actions do not cause harm to himself or others.
    9. Expect from your child such opinions and assessments as he is capable of in accordance with his stage of maturation and his own experience!
    10. Provide your child with the opportunity to have experiences that will have the value of memories!

    Appendix 4

    Memo for parents.

    Outdoor games at home.

    Outdoor games, to a much greater extent than all other forms of physical culture, correspond to the needs of a growing organism in movement. Play is always associated with personal initiative, creativity, imagination, causes an emotional uplift, meets all the laws of the developing organism of a preschooler, and therefore is always desirable. It becomes the child’s first vital need, the satisfaction of which he himself strives very much.

    To play or not to play

    Nowadays many children do not play and parents do not see anything wrong with this. They believe that there are a lot of other useful activities, that it is more important to teach a child to read and count, and that playing is empty entertainment and it is not necessary to play at all. However, in preschool age, play is the main developmental activity. No other activity at this age promotes development as much as play. Play in preschool age is the main way of learning about the world. Through playing out different stories and situations, the child begins to understand the relationships between people, the rules of these relationships, and understand the diverse world of human emotions and desires. Preschool age is play time. While playing, the child begins to imagine, imagine, strive to become different - smarter, stronger, more mature. Play is the only activity that makes the inner life of others visible to the child. As a result, both the baby’s own inner world and an understanding of this world of his are formed. In the game, the child takes on a certain role, i.e. acts as the character he has chosen should act. Thus, the child learns to act in accordance with certain rules, and voluntarily (even with pleasure) to subordinate his behavior to these rules. This ability is simply necessary in the future, especially in school. In the game, the imagination is born and developed, the child’s ideas about good and evil, beautiful and ugly, good and bad are formed.

    Games instill in children the qualities and applied skills they need in school and later life, develop a sense of teamwork and discipline, and the ability to control themselves in a variety of situations. They reveal the child’s inherent personal capabilities most fully.

    In games, friendship and mutual understanding arise between parents and baby, and this does not happen in all families. It is only important to maintain such relationships for all subsequent years. They will prevent many troubles and disasters. We offer you several outdoor games:


    Objectives: To develop dexterity in the child, to practice jumping on both legs and in balance.

    Description: Place 2 cords, the distance between them is 2 meters - this is a trickle. The child must cross the pebbles and planks to the other side without getting his feet wet. The planks are placed in such a way that the child can jump with both feet from one pebble to another. According to the word “Let's go!” a child crosses a stream. If he stumbles, he steps aside to “dry his shoes.”


    Objectives: To develop the child’s ability to act on a signal. Practice throwing with your right and left hands.

    Description: In the center of the circle there is a circle made of rope, the ends of the rope are tied, a circle can be drawn, or a hoop can be placed. The diameter of the circle is 2 meters. The child is at a distance of 1-2 meters from the circle. There are bags of sand in their hands. When the parent says “Throw it!”, he throws his bag into the circle. “Pick up the bag!” - says the parent. The child lifts the bag and stands in place. The child throws with the other hand.

    Game "PLANES" A child pilot stands behind a line drawn on the ground. In response to the parent’s words: “The plane starts the propeller,” “The plane has taken off,” the child moves his arms to the sides and runs in different directions. In response to the words: “The plane has landed,” the child crouches and lowers his hands down. To the words “Plane in place!” the child returns behind the line and stands straight.


    Objectives: Develop the child’s attention

    Description: The child is sitting on one side of the room. The parent shows the child a toy or flag that he will hide. The parent suggests turning away. He himself takes a few steps away from the child and hides the flag, after which he says: “Look!” The child begins to search. You can tell your child the location of the toy with the words “Hot”, “Warm”, “Cold”


    Description: A leader - a bear - is selected, he stands in a certain place - in the den. The rest of the players are adults. They are located on the other side of the site in their house. The space between the house and the bear’s den is a forest (pine forest), adults go into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, gradually approaching the bear. While picking mushrooms and berries, adults chant: I take mushrooms and berries from a bear in the forest. But the bear doesn’t sleep, it keeps growling at us! The bear pretends to be asleep during the chorus. At the last words, the bear stretches and runs after the parents, and they quickly turn and run away to their home or scatter to the sides, trying not to get caught by the bear, and save themselves at home (switch roles).


    Description: The teacher invites the children to line up in a column one after another and go for a walk. Along a level path, Along a level path, Our feet walk: One, two, one, two. Over the pebbles, over the pebbles, into the hole - thump. Children walk, jump on two legs to the words “over the pebbles, over the pebbles”, move forward to the words “into the hole - bang”, and squat down. “We got out of the hole,” says the teacher, and the children rise. The game repeats itself.

    Game "CARS"

    Description of the game: Children “cars” stand on one side of the playground. The teacher changes colors at the traffic lights. Children follow traffic lights. Red - standing still. Yellow – attention, “start the engine”. Green - start moving. An evening spent with your baby can be much more interesting than endless chatter on the phone and “walking” through the buttons of the remote control or keyboard. Playing with your child helps you turn back time and, at least for a short time, find yourself in childhood again.

    Svetlana Chernova
    Using health-saving technologies in working with young children

    Health saving technology is an integral system of educational health, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between teachers, doctors, psychologists in order to preserve and strengthen child's health.

    Health-saving technologies include several basic directions:

    1. Educational and health-improving direction of the educational process.

    Organized educational activities allow children to receive accessible age of knowledge about a person, forms the necessary skills in children, improves psychological processes (perception, thinking, speech, and also encourages the child to active cognitive activity).

    The formation of cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills in children through various types of activities allows them to develop such qualities as neatness, neatness, cleanliness and order, food culture skills as an integral part of a culture of behavior. Since proper nutrition provides the child with answers to questions: What is? As it is? When there is? Rituals of preparing food, knowledge about the benefits and harms of foods - all this forms a culture in children healthy way of life from an early age.

    Forming all these skills is a complex task, requiring systematicity, great patience, and unity of demands on the part of adults. It is necessary to make this process accessible, interesting, and exciting.

    To do this you should use the following methodological techniques We:

    1. Demonstration and explanation;

    2. Exercises and control;

    3. Example of adults;

    4. Gaming techniques;

    5. Use of illustrations, artistic expression, folklore, books, conversations, dramatizations.

    I would like to draw your attention to use of nursery rhymes in the work of a teacher. Reading nursery rhymes is a unique method of bodily therapy in early age, which helps to establish relationships between an adult and a child, the development of general motor skills and the development of fine motor skills of the hands helps to consolidate useful habits.

    Thus educational and health-improving the orientation of the educational process contributes to the creation of conditions for healthy lifestyle and strengthening child's health.

    2. Physical development and children's health: includes hardening, gymnastics, organization of motor mode (outdoor games).

    Hardening - in physical development and health improvement For children, special attention is paid to hardening procedures. Hardening helps strengthen health and reducing morbidity. Also, such events contribute to the creation of mandatory conditions and habits. healthy lifestyle.

    Hardening will be effective if it is provided throughout the day.

    Strict adherence to routine regulations;

    Clear organization of thermal and air conditions;

    Rationally selected clothes for children(depends on the season, the location of the child, i.e. in a group or in a cool room);

    Compliance with walking regimes at a temperature of 15-20 degrees;

    Sleep in a ventilated area;

    The system of hardening a child’s body completely depends on the time of year in which it is carried out. The table below shows the serious attitude of the entire group towards children's health.

    See table:

    Hardening activities Autumn 1. Air hardening

    (+19 : +20)

    Winter 1. Air hardening

    Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

    Maintaining normal indoor air temperature (+19 : +20)

    Spring 1. Air hardening

    Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

    Maintaining normal indoor air temperature (+19 : +20)

    2. Water hardening

    Walking on ribbed paths

    Summer 1. Air hardening

    Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

    Morning exercises in the fresh air

    Maintaining normal indoor air temperature (+19 : +20)

    Air baths after naps with physical exercises

    Correct selection of clothing, lightweight clothing

    2. Water hardening

    Walking on ribbed paths laid with damp towels

    Extensive washing

    3. Sun hardening

    Occurs after air and water procedures in the middle of a walk. The time gradually increases, depending on age of children

    Gymnastics is a universal means of human physical development

    General strengthening gymnastics is the organized communication of children in the process of motor activity. During gymnastics, emotional tone increases, motor activity develops, and the child receives positive emotions from movements in a group of peers. Tension is relieved, attention is collected, behavior is disciplined.

    Invigorating gymnastics or awakening gymnastics is carried out after a nap to launch all the vital processes of the body. It is a good incentive to lift your spirits.

    Finger gymnastics - the development of a child is associated with the development of finger movements. The third part of the entire motor projection in the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand. Therefore, training fine movements of the fingers has a great influence on the development of a child’s active speech. By influencing the tone of a child’s hand, using a complex of finger gymnastics, there is a direct effect on the tone of the speech apparatus.

    Finger game.

    They washed the buckwheat, they washed the buckwheat. (Squeeze and crumple an imaginary buckwheat).

    They sent the mouse through the water,

    Along the bridge - bridge,

    Yellow sand. (Move your little finger up and down).

    Lost for a long time

    I was scared of the wolf. (We walk on the table with our fingers).

    Lost, tears streaming down, (Three eyes, as if we were crying).

    And the well – here it is, nearby. (We stretch our arms forward, showing the well).

    Articulatory gymnastics is a system of exercises for the development of speech organs. The purpose of such gymnastics is production full movements of the speech organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds and preparation of the speech apparatus for speech load. Carrying out articulatory gymnastics contributes to the birth of correct sounds and the assimilation of words with complex syllabic structures.

    Exercise "Fence".

    We close our teeth evenly

    And we get a fence,

    Now let’s part our lips -

    Let's count our teeth.

    Exercise "Baby Elephant's Trunk".

    I imitate an elephant

    I pull my lips with my trunk...

    Even if I'm tired

    I won’t stop pulling them.

    I'll keep it like this for a long time,

    Strengthen your lips.

    Breathing gymnastics is a system of exercises for the development of speech breathing. The goal is to form correct speech breathing (short inhalation and long exhalation). With speech breathing, tidal volume and ventilation of the lungs, gas exchange significantly increase, and the blood is more quickly and easily enriched with oxygen, which contributes to the development of the ability to pronounce long phrases and is the prevention of stuttering. Breathing exercises allow you to cleanse the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and improve the drainage function of the bronchi, strengthen the respiratory muscles, and improve the child’s well-being.

    Exercise "The butterfly flies".

    Make a butterfly out of thin paper together with your child (candy wrapper, napkin, etc.). Tie a thread. The child holds the string and blows on the butterfly.

    Exercise "The boat is sailing, sailing".

    Pour water into a basin or bathtub, place the boat and invite the child to blow on the boat.

    Corrective gymnastics (walking along a corrective path)- the purpose of such gymnastics is to strengthen the arch and ligaments of the feet, which is a good means for the prevention and correction of flat feet.

    Outdoor games - outdoor games contribute to the development of children's motor activity and are aimed at socialization, the formation of morality and cognitive development.

    During outdoor games, the following are decided: tasks:

    1. Increases activity and overall children's performance;

    2. Children develop motor skills;

    3. Interest in systematic physical exercise is formed.

    4. Treatment and prophylaxis Job.

    A game “You, little dog, don’t bark”.

    Suddenly there is barking somewhere, children listen: Behind the door (if the game is played indoors) the dog barks. The kids open the door and see: A cute toy dog ​​is sitting in front of them. “She probably got lost and ran into kindergarten.”, - the teacher suggests. The children meet the dog, give it a name - Bug and decide that it will live in a group. Invite the kids to play with the Bug, bring a hoop - this will be her home. Children join hands, walk in a circle and sing song:

    Here is the dog Bug,

    The tail is squiggle.

    The teeth are sharp,

    The fur is motley!

    The dog suddenly "barked". The children stop, shake their fingers at her and They say:

    You, little dog, don't bark.

    Better play with us

    We're running, you catch up! The kids run from the dog, she "catching up", and they are hiding in "house" (stand behind the bench).

    A game "Mice".

    One day the mice came out (walking)

    See what time it is (palm to forehead, turn to the sides)

    One two three four (clap)

    The mice pulled the weights (hand movements from top to bottom)

    Suddenly there was a loud ringing sound (cover ears with hands)

    Let the mice run away (run)

    3. Working with parents. It is an important component of the entire pedagogical process, because a lot depends on our cooperation. From the moment a child enters kindergarten, we must build a joint work, which will help him quickly and painlessly adapt and join the team.

    To do this, we conduct conversations with parents on Topics: “Your child is going to kindergarten”, “Features of raising and teaching children early age", "Health improvement and hardening of children early age" and many others; we provide the necessary advice (individual and group.), on issues of adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions and on topics of interest to parents. We hold meetings at which the group’s assets are selected, a joint plan is outlined working with parents, various issues related to the upbringing and education of children are discussed and considered. We try to attract parents to participate in the life of the group and kindergarten; parents attend parent meetings. Take an active part in the life of the group. In a word, the team of the group works in close cooperation with the parents of their students. This leads to positive results.

    Thus, a complex of modern measures health-saving technologies, which is held in early childhood, allows you to create optimal conditions for the formation of cultural healthy lifestyle and improve the quality health of every child.

    List of reviewed literature:

    1. « Early age» M. D. Makhaneva, S. V. Reshchekova methodological manual for teachers and parents. "Game activities with children from 1 to 3 years old» .

    2. E. Yu. Konina “Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children”. Game set-Iris-press, 2007

    3. V. A. “Organization of safety and life activity of preschool children”. Tomsk: TSU, 2000-58s.

    Use of health-saving technologies

    in the early age group.

    To create a holistic system of children's health, it is very important to organize a motor development environment in a group. An analysis of the created conditions showed that the group has the necessary conditions to increase the physical activity of children, as well as for their relaxation and rest. The main components of a healthy start - rest and movement - must be correctly combined in the group mode.

    In order to ensure an individually differentiated approach to each child, we, the group teachers, build our pedagogical process on the basis of diagnosing the achievements of children according to epicrisis periods and, as a result, we build the prospect of working with each child, the zone of his immediate and long-term development.

    Strengthening the physical and mental health of our students has become a priority area of ​​work. this work is effective and organized in a certain sequence.

    At the beginning of the school year, we begin gradual teaching of the elements of washing. As we go through the adaptation period, we begin gradually learning to walk barefoot and walk along health paths. For frequently ill children, breathing, articulation and finger exercises help well.

    To carry out successful work on health conservation, we work in several directions:

    1. Teaching children basic healthy lifestyle techniques.

    · Morning exercises.

    · Articulation gymnastics.

    · Breathing exercises.

    · Finger gymnastics.

    · Games – relaxation.

    · Instilling hygiene skills in children.

    · Dynamic pauses and physical education sessions during games and exercises.

    · Specially organized games and physical education classes.

    · Hardening activities." alt="E:\Natalia\Photo\Tanya\P1050532.JPG" align="left hspace=12" width="410" height="292">Закаливание детей раннего возраста также является важным фактором, способствующим укреплению здоровья малышей. Цель закаливания - выработать способность организма быстро изменять работу органов и систем в связи с постоянно меняющейся внешней средой. Способность организма приспосабливаться к !} certain conditions external environment is produced by repeated repetition of exposure to one or another factor (cold, heat, etc.) and a gradual increase in its dosage. As a result of hardening, the child becomes less susceptible not only to sudden changes in temperature and colds, but also to other infectious diseases. Seasoned children have good health, appetite, calm, balanced, cheerful, cheerful, and highly efficient.

    Required condition normal height the child's body, its harmonious physical and neuropsychic development is the organization of rational nutrition for children. This issue is given special attention in kindergarten. The diet is varied and rich in vegetables and fruits, as well as juices. Children's nutrition is under the constant supervision of a nurse, who keeps track of calories every day and monitors the fulfillment of natural nutritional standards. An analysis of the nutritional status of preschool children showed that natural nutrition standards are observed and calorie content corresponds to the norm.

    2. Joint work of kindergarten and family to promote a healthy lifestyle.

    · Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

    · Consultations.

    · Individual conversations.

    · Conducting parent meetings.

    To do this, in our group we conduct conversations with parents on the topics “Your child is going to kindergarten”, “Features of raising and teaching young children”, “Health improvement and hardening of young children”; “Adaptation without Tears” and many others; We provide the necessary consultations (individual and group) on issues of adaptation of children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution and on topics of interest to parents.

    Thus, the physical education and health work we carry out allows us to involve parents in joint efforts to improve the health of the child’s body. The group team works in close cooperation with the parents of their students. This leads to positive results.

    3. Creation of conditions and a developing environment for healthy lifestyle.

    · Production of non-standard equipment for games and exercises in physical education and prevention of flat feet and poor posture.

    · Selection of card files.

    To improve the skills acquired in physical education games and activities, a movement corner has been created in the group, which takes into account the age characteristics of children and their interests. To provide insurance and prevent injuries, there are gymnastic mats. For exercises in walking, running, jumping, and balance, various paths, braids, and snakes are used. There are also manuals for the prevention of flat feet, for outdoor games and general developmental exercises. A lot of material has been made by teachers from waste material. Small physical education equipment is placed so that it is accessible to children
