Thematic week: “Our kindergarten”.

Outdoor game: “We are funny guys.”

Lines are drawn on two opposite sides of the site, and several circles are drawn on the side. This is the driver's house. The players gather behind the line on one side of the court and say in chorus:

We are funny guys
We love to run and jump.
Well, try to catch us! One, two, three, catch us!

After the word “catch!” everyone runs to the opposite side of the site. The driver must catch one of the runners before he crosses the second line. The caught person stands in a circle - the driver's house. Then the children read the poems again and run across the playground in the opposite direction. After 2-3 attempts, they count how many children are caught, choose a new driver and the game continues.

Thematic week: “How bread came to the table”

Relay race: “Combine operators”.

Let's imagine that we are in a field, and wheat is growing on it, and we are combine harvesters. Look - our wheat has grown. And the combine operators need to collect it and put it into the truck (toys). There is wheat in the hoop (field) - children take turns running up with a spoon, scooping grains from the pile and taking them to the car (toy). Who will collect the most grains?

Relay race: “Transport the grain.”

While the combine operators were transporting, they scattered grain along the road. Now we will all collect the grains together and take them to the mill to make flour. The grains are scattered on the floor in a hoop in one common pile. The children, while the music is playing, all run up together and pick up grain from the common pile and take it to their “mill.”

Thematic week: “My City”

Outdoor game: “Favorite City.”

The participants of the game are located in one “city”. There's a trap in the center. The goal is to run to another city without freezing. Whoever ran to his favorite city without freezing won.

Thematic week: “Toys”.

Outdoor game: “who is most likely to take the toy”

Children move in a circle in a column one at a time to rhythmic music. In the center of the circle is a doll in a hoop. On command, children perform imitative movements (we walk like dolls, we walk like bears, we jump like parsleys). The music stops playing, the children run to the center of the hall to the doll. Whoever touches the fastest is the winner.

Low mobility game: “find and remain silent”

The children turn away, the teacher hides the toy. Children begin to look for a toy, the one who found it approaches the teacher and speaks in his ear where it lies.

Thematic week: “Clothing”.

Relay race: “Washing”.

Children are divided into two teams. A rope with clothespins is stretched near the teams. At the opposite end of the hall there are two basins with clothes. The task of the teams is to run to the basin, take the clothes, run to the rope and hang them on the rope. Whose team is faster?

Low mobility game: “passing a handkerchief.”

To the music, the children pass the scarf around in a circle; whoever has the scarf left dances, the rest clap.

Beautiful, beautiful

Everything around is beautiful

We are now a handkerchief

Let's take a pretty one

And with this handkerchief we will start the game.

Thematic week: “Shoes”

Relay race: “find a pair.”

Children are divided into two teams. Every child has shoes in their hands. At the opposite end of the hall is a second pair of shoes. The task is to find the second pair. Whose team is faster?

Thematic week: “Autumn. Autumn signs. Trees in autumn."

Outdoor game "Thunder".

Children do jumping jacks.

Raised thunder to the clamor

Rode through the fields

Through the forests, over the hills

Yes over the blue clouds

Ringing with warm rain

Got to me

Rain, rain! We need

Run home.

Thematic week “Vegetable garden in autumn. Vegetables".

Outdoor game: “I was born a gardener.”

The driver is in the center of the circle.

I was born a gardener

Seriously angry

I'm tired of all the vegetables, except... potatoes

Child who chose potatoes:

I'm here! They stand with each other's backs

All: 1,2,3 run (run towards each other)

Whoever gets there first is the driver.

Relay race: “Let’s take the vegetables to the yard”

Children are divided into two teams. Run along the winding path between the pins, jump over the groove, take a dummy vegetable and bring it to the cup.

Thematic week: “Mushrooms and berries”

Outdoor game: “Catch the fungus”

Two teams of “mushrooms” (3-4 people) and mushroom pickers (3-4 pairs) participate. On the floor, a cord marks two circles in the center of a circle of small diameter - 2-3m baskets of mushroom pickers and an outer circle of large diameter - a forest where mushrooms grow. “Mushrooms” in the outer circle, “mushroom pickers” in pairs - in the center.

Between soft spruce paws

Rain, drip, drip, drip!

Where the twig has long since dried up,

Gray moss, moss, moss!

Where leaf sticks to leaf,

Mushroom, mushroom, mushroom has grown!

Who found his friends?

It's me, me, me!

(after the last words, at the signal, hit the tambourine! The “mushrooms” scatter. “Mushroom pickers” catch the “mushrooms” and take them to a circle.

Thematic week: "Dishes"

Relay race: “Bring it without spilling the water”

Children are divided into two teams. At the opposite end of the hall there are buckets of water. The teams' task is to run with a wooden spoon, scoop up the spoon while being careful not to spill it, and pour it into your team's transparent vessel. Who will bring more water?

Low mobility game: "Surprise"

A driver is selected, he is blindfolded, given a stick in his hands and placed in the middle of the circle. A toy is hidden under a bucket or pan. The driver must go around the circle and use a stick to feel for the pan.

Low mobility game: “Imagine the dishes.”

Thematic week: “Furniture”

Outdoor game: “Take a chair”

Chairs are placed in a circle (one less than the number of participants). Music plays, children walk around the chairs performing dance moves. When the music ends, the children must take their chairs. Whoever did not have time is eliminated from the game (one chair is removed).

Thematic week: “Seasons. Winter".

Outdoor game: “Two Frosts”

To play, you need a spacious area of ​​at least 6-12 m in size. Two “houses” are marked at opposite ends of the site. The players choose two Frosts - “Frost the red nose” and “Frost the blue nose”. It gets cold in the middle, and the rest of the players are on one side of the court behind the home line. Both Frosts address the guys with the words:

We are two young brothers,

Two Frosts are daring.

I am Frost - red nose.

Frost - blue nose.

Which one of you will decide

Will he hit the road?

All players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of Frost!

Thematic week: “Wintering birds”

Outdoor game: “Birder catcher”

The leading bird catcher is blindfolded. Everyone chooses a bird and a voice to imitate. Children walk in a circle saying:

In the forest, in the little forest,

On a snowy oak tree

The birds sat

They sang songs quietly.

Here comes the birdcatcher-

He will take us prisoner

The children run away, and the “bird catcher” tries to catch someone. The one who is caught imitates his bird in his voice, and the “bird catcher” guesses which bird he caught.

Thematic week: “Wild animals in winter”

Outdoor game: “one day we were walking in the forest”

A “bear” is selected and sits in a circle. Children walk in a circle and say the words:

Once we were walking in the forest

And we met a bear

He lies under the tree, stretched out and snores

We walked around him

They woke up Clubfoot

Come on, little darling, get up

And hurry up and catch up.

After the last words, the “bear” gets up and catches up with the children.

Outdoor game: “Trickyfox".

Children stand in a circle with their eyes closed. The teacher touches the child who will be the “sly fox.” Children open their eyes on command and say in unison:

Sly fox where are you?

Sly fox where are you?

The child who is touched jumps up and says “I’m here!” After these words, the children run away, and the fox tries to catch it.

Thematic week: “Fairy Tales”

Outdoor game: “seine and goldfish”

Children put on goldfish hats and run in a circle, performing the movements and repeating the words:

"The fish are playing happily
In blue sunny water,
They will shrink, they will unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand."

After the last words, the old man tries to catch them with a net.

Thematic week: “New Year”

Stick your nose to Santa Claus.

Santa Claus without a nose is drawn on a large sheet of paper and hung on the wall. Make a nose out of plasticine, and the children take turns, blindfolded, trying to attach the nose in place.


Each child is given a “snowflake”, that is, a small ball of cotton wool. Children loosen their snowflakes and, at your signal, launch them into the air and begin to blow on them from below so that they stay in the air as long as possible. The most dexterous one wins.

Who will collect the most snowballs?

Snowballs made of cotton wool are scattered on the floor. The children are blindfolded and given a basket. At the signal, they begin to collect snowballs. The one who collects the most snowballs wins.

Thematic week: “Pets”

"Shaggy Dog"

The dog is selected, a cap is put on his head, and he squats down. The children move towards him from the opposite end of the hall:

Here lies a shaggy dog

With your nose buried in your paws

Quietly, peacefully he lies

Either he's dozing or he's sleeping,

Let's go and wake him up!

And let's see what happens?

After the last words, the children run away and the dog tries to catch them.

"Vaska the Cat"

A cat is chosen. He sits in the center, and the children dance around him with the words:

Mice dance in circles

A cat is dozing on a bed

Quieter than a mouse, don't make noise

Cat - Don't wake Vaska

Otherwise the cat will wake up

And the round dance will disperse.

Game "Horses"

For playing, it is most convenient to use a large space in the yard or a spacious room. There can be any number of participants. Children according to height are placed on one line, in one row, and are divided, starting from the outermost, into groups, which include four participants. One of the groups is called the indigenous people and retains the place they once captured; to the left and right they are adjacent to two groups of fasteners. The latter groups include coachmen. After everyone has positioned themselves in this way, the coachmen take off their belts, thread them through the belts of the members of the root group, grabbing both ends of the belt with their right hand so that the belt buckle is between the index and thumb, and the opposite end of the belt is between the middle and index fingers; thanks to this gripping of the belt with your fingers right hand, it is possible to quickly remove it at any time.

For greater order in the game, one of the older participants is elected “master of the threes.” At the signal given to them, the “troikas” begin to move forward, first slowly moving forward, then gradually accelerating their steps, starting to run in one direction, then they gradually change this direction and scatter in all directions, according to the new order of the owner. As soon as the “master of the troikas” shouts: “horses, in different directions!”, the coachmen immediately release the belts intertwined with the belts of the horsemen, and the freed horses quickly rush in different directions. After some time, the owner again commands, “Coachmen, bridle the horses!” After this shout, the coachmen take each other by the hands, forming a chain, and begin to move from one end of the room or yard, which serves as a place for the game, to the opposite, driving the horses there as well. The main element of this game is walking and running, and if it takes place outdoors, then its benefits for children are obvious.

Thematic week: “My family”

Game: "Freeze"

Music plays, children perform different jumps around the hall, the teacher turns off the music and shows cards depicting different human poses. Children must imitate this pose. Anyone who does it wrong is eliminated from the game.

"Let's collect mushrooms"

Children collect mushrooms and put them in a basket for the teacher. When playing tambourine, they run under an umbrella to hide from the rain. At this time, another adult quietly scatters mushrooms, and the teacher invites the children back into the forest to pick mushrooms: “the rain has stopped.” This is repeated twice. When the children go into the forest for the third time to pick mushrooms, they will find a large mushroom with sweets hidden in its stem.

"Game with leaves"

After a round dance or dance with leaves, children remain standing in a circle. Autumn suggests putting the leaves on the floor and dancing, and when the music ends, quickly take the leaf and hide it behind your back so that autumn cannot take it away. After the game, Autumn blows on the “leaves” (children), they fly away to their places.

game “Crying Clouds” (O. Sivukhina)

Children line up in two circles - boys and girls. A mother is invited to each circle, she plays the role of Mother Cloud, the children play the role of droplets.
Educator. That's what Tuchka's mothers are like, and you are restless children!
Clouds walked across the sky
We caught the red sun. (move in a circle in steps)
And we will catch up with the sun,
And we will catch the red one! (switches to a stomping step)
The sun was hidden
And they themselves began to cry: drip-drip-drip! (squat, tap fingers on the floor)
Droplets scattered, raindrops,
They run along the paths, on the roofs, on the blades of grass...
(scatter in all directions)
And now: one, two, three!
Find the mother cloud! (children must find their Mother Cloud and form a circle)

game with mothers “Two Umbrellas”

Mothers with umbrellas of different colors move with their children in all directions. When the music ends, mothers stop, girls and boys gather in circles under different umbrellas: girls under pink, boys under blue.

One two Three!
Find your umbrella mom!

Game "Breeze and the Janitor"

Music sounds, (wind noise) all the children scatter around the hall. The janitor's music sounds. The Janitor comes out with a broom and says the words:

Street cleaner: Oh, there's a lot of work:

How many leaves have fallen!

I'm in a hurry to sweep,

I'm putting things in order! (sweeps)

I will sweep, sweep, sweep, I will collect the leaves in a heap.

It sweeps to the music, children - leaves flock into a heap.

Street cleaner: I swept all the paths.

Oh, I'm tired, I went to bed.


The sound of the wind. The wind runs up to the leaf children and blows on them, they run away and sit down again.

Street cleaner: It's a mess, really.

All the leaves scattered.

I'll take the broom

I'll collect the leaves again.

I sweep, sweep, sweep,

I'll collect the leaves in a pile.

Janitor's music (with a broom in the middle of the hall) Children - leaves flock into a heap.

Street cleaner: I swept all the paths.

Oh, I'm tired, I went to bed.

The janitor leaves. The breeze runs out (child)

Wind: I am a cheerful breeze, my path is neither close nor far.

I fly around the world, blowing up all the leaves.

The sound of the wind. The wind runs up to the leaf children and blows on them, they scatter and sit down again. Included

Street cleaner.

Street cleaner: Oh, you are mischievous, bright and painted leaves!

So that you don’t dare fly away, I must catch you all!

Janitor's music. The janitor catches up with the children, they run to their places and hide the leaves under the chairs.

Street cleaner: I ran around, I was tired, but I couldn’t catch up with the leaves.
There are only puddles on the paths; a wiper is no longer needed here.

Presenter: You're right, Janitor.

It rains every day and doesn’t allow us to go out.

We’re not afraid of the rain, we’ll have fun together! (song about rain)

Game - attraction “Collect leaves”

Leaves of yellow, red and green colors are scattered on the floor. 3 children are invited. Everyone must collect leaves of a certain color. At the signal: “1,2,3, collect!” children collect leaves. The one who collected first is the winner.

Game – attraction “Harvest”

There are 2 trucks near the central wall, and closer to the spectators, vegetables are scattered in hoops - “beds”. Two players, when given a signal, pull trucks by a rope to the beds and collect vegetables in the back. Having collected the vegetables, they take the harvest to its original place. The one who collected and brought it first wins.

senior preschool age

Game – attraction “Three Legs”

Two to four players stand near the central wall. The middle legs are tied with a cord. As a result, there are three legs for two. The players' task is to run to the chip, run around it and return to their original place.

Game – attraction “Pull the turnip”

Near the audience, at a great distance from each other, there are 2 turnips on the floor (turnips can also be children sitting on chairs, with a turnip cap on their head). At the central wall there are two players standing in two columns: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse. At the signal, the grandfathers run to the turnip first and, having run around it, each return to their column. They take the grandmother by the hand, run around the turnip, and return. Grandmothers take their granddaughters by the hand, etc. When all the characters run around their turnip. They pull it out. Whose link will pull out the turnip first.

"Don't get your feet wet"

Option 1: children cross the “swamp” by moving three boards.

Option 2: jump over “puddles” - sheets of cut cardboard on the floor.

Playing with leaves for attention

- One two Three! Take this sheet!

One two Three! Take the red leaf!

One two Three! Maple Leaf!

One two Three! Take two sheets!

One two Three! Take the same sheet as mine!

One two Three! Don't take anything!

Game "Autumn Treats"

Vegetables and fruits are placed together on a common tray. Children need to quickly sort them so that one can cook soup and the other compote.

"Running in Galoshes"

Lead or hero: Who lost his galoshes, children? (shows) Someone was dancing now and got lost. (Plays around, trying to try it on for someone).

Well, let's see... Well, look at this, another one. And also, it seems, on the right foot...

I don't have a couple, so what?

I'll run in one galosh. (Tries to run in one galosh)

Well, who, answer, brothers,

Does he also want to go for a run?


Children are divided equally into trees and mushrooms, and choose a mushroom picker. The trees stand in a circle. Mushrooms are “hiding” behind them. A mushroom picker walks around the center and reads:

Mushroomer: I went to the forest to pick mushrooms,

But I didn’t find any mushrooms there.

Where did they hide?

Under the trees? Or under the stumps?

Mushrooms: Here we are!

Just gather us together!

1,2,3! Run!

The mushrooms are running away. The mushroom picker catches them.

“Move the potatoes in a spoon”

relay game

Children are divided into 2 teams. Task: transfer one potato in a spoon from the hoop (bed-hole) into a bucket. Whose team will harvest the crop faster?

“Who will get into the bucket more accurately?”

relay game

Children are divided into 2 teams. Task: get potatoes into a bucket. Whose team will harvest the crop faster and more accurately?

Auction: “Name the potato dishes”

Game "Collect a wreath"

Option 1: Leaves from the basket are poured onto the floor. Children take one leaf from the pile and lay out wreaths on the floor: birch, maple, oak.

Option 2: Then the presenter suggests laying out wreaths from the leaves that the children have in their pockets on the chairs. To the music of the waltz, children move around the hall and dance. At the end of the music, they stand in circles, each with its own leaf.

“Test the Vegetable”

With their eyes closed, children taste the vegetable and name it.

“Autumn Leaves” – forfeits

Presenter: We'll take it now autumn leaves and let's play with them. (The presenter distributes autumn leaves to the children).

Presenter: Ta-ra-ra!

The game begins! (everyone speaks in unison).

Presenter: Use an aspen leaf to make three headdresses from a scarf. (Children come out holding aspen leaves in their hands and complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a maple leaf?

That artist is a tightrope walker.

Maybe perform in the circus,

Hold a stick on your hand.

(Children come out with maple leaves, perform tasks - walk along a cord stretched on the floor, holding a stick in your hand - to the music).

Presenter: An oak leaf will tell a rhyme

Or autumn will tell signs,

Or he will show us objects without words...

(Children with oak leaves come out and complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a birch leaf,

That mimic artist -

Does not say anything,

He will depict everything with a gesture... (sour lemon, thorn, fluff, etc.) (Children come out with birch leaves and complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a rowan leaf -

Speak without hesitation:

Karl and Clara

Stole corals.

(Children with rowan leaves go out and complete the task).

Games with apples

1) Relay game. 2 teams are participating. It is necessary to quickly transfer apples from one basket to another.

2) There is 1 apple in a cup of water. The participant needs to reach it without using his hands.

3) In the center of the hall, 2 flat trees are placed, apples hang on them, children need to quickly, blindfolded, collect the apples into their basket.

Breathing exercise “Autumn leaves”

A playful breeze flew into the forest:

Quietly, quietly, he sang a song to the branches:

A strong wind also flew into our little forest:

He sang a song loudly to the branches:

The winds sang songs to the leaves in turn:

Then quiet: Shhh!

Then loud: Shhh!

Then quiet: Shhh!

Then loud: Shhh!

And then they flew away!

Game-attraction “Cross the swamp”

Children take part in the competition in twos. There are 12 “bumps” placed around the hall - mock-ups made of cardboard, uneven in shape and painted gray-brown. For each participant, six hummocks are prepared at a short distance from each other: you can only walk forward along the “bumps” and go back in the same way. The one who does it faster wins.

Game "Harvest"

Children are divided into two teams - “Breeze” and “Droplet”. To play you need 6 hoops, 2 children's watering cans, 2 buckets, 8 potatoes. At the signal, the “tractor drivers” come out first, move like a snake, place the hoops and run to the starting position.

Girls go with buckets and put 1 potato in each hoop. Then the “irrigators” run, running around each hoop. The latter run with buckets and collect the harvest.

game “Cobs-leaves-cobs”

Several parents choose - they are the “stems”, the children are the “leaves”. The driver takes turns saying the words “cobs”, “heads of cabbage”. Either parents or children begin to move to the music. As soon as the driver says: “Cobs,” the children must quickly run up to any “stalks” in a circle, as tightly as possible.

Games at a children's autumn party

The game involves two people. They each take a basket in their hands. 10 - 12 cones are scattered on the floor. At the signal, the children begin to collect them in their baskets. The one who collects the most cones wins.

Two people play. On one side of the hall there are two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. Each child, at a signal, runs with a basket to the bucket and selects either carrots or potatoes into his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

You can use apples or carrots in the game. Two players sit on chairs opposite each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple. They start feeding each other. The one who eats the apple the fastest wins.

The game involves 3 people. Paper vines, cornflowers and dandelion leaves are scattered around the hall. Children are given a bucket. At a signal, they must collect the weeds in buckets: one - vines, another - leaves, the third - cornflowers. The child who completes the task faster than others wins.

The game involves 2 children. On 2 trays there are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect the piece of paper piece by piece while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.
The game involves two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. At the signal, you need to collect the potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in the basket. The child who collects the most potatoes in a certain time wins.

Two children participate. "Puddle" is a carpet in the center of the room. At a signal, children put on galoshes and run from one end of the carpet to the other and back. The one who runs faster wins.

On one side of the hall there are 2 trucks, on the other side, models of onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets and potatoes, 2 pieces of each, are laid out on the floor. Two people play in the game. At a signal, they drive trucks to the opposite side of the hall, fill them with vegetables and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.
A more difficult option: transport one vegetable at a time.

Two teams participate in it. Fake mushrooms are laid out on the floor. At a signal, the team runs around the mushrooms like a snake along a “winding path” (each child holds on to the shoulders of the one in front). The winner is the team that:
— didn’t drop a single mushroom;
— did not lose a single participant;
— got to the finish line faster.

Two stands are placed at the opposite wall of the hall with a rope stretched between them. Apples and pears are tied to a rope by sticks. The child is blindfolded. He must reach the racks, cut off any fruit with scissors and guess it by touch.
Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to any child and says one of the words: “Vegetable”, “Berry” or “Fruit”. The child, having caught the ball, quickly names a familiar vegetable, berry or fruit accordingly. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

Fruits are drawn on the tablet in several rows (for example: apple, pear, orange). In each row, the fruits are arranged in a different order. The presenter closes any fruit in any row and asks: “What’s missing?” Children must name the fruit that is closed. Options: instead of fruits - vegetables, berries, mushrooms, tree leaves.

They play in twos. Each participant is given an empty basket. There are silhouettes of mushrooms on the floor. Children take turns taking the silhouette of a mushroom, name any mushroom they know, and put it in a basket. The one who “collected” the most mushrooms wins.

Two parent volunteers hold a rope with tied apples hanging from it. The game involves 2 children. They are asked to eat an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with their hands. Who is faster?

Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a “turnip” - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the “turnip” and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a “turnip” clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

Three pairs collect grains (beans, peas, pumpkin seeds) scattered on the floor within one minute. Those who collect the most win.

Blindfolded, the players must taste the vegetables that are offered to them.

Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.
2 teams of 4 people each participate.
The 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down hoops).
The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in the hoop).
The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).
The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).
The faster team wins.

The player must, blindfolded, draw the peas so that they do not go beyond the line of the pod.

Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other participants can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets at a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars. Machines can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.
Musical accompaniment sounds. Children, each of whom is a “scarecrow,” go out to the middle of the hall and spread their arms to the sides. If the presenter says: “Sparrow!”, then you need to wave your hands. If the presenter says: “Crow!” - You have to clap your hands.

The driver ("mushroom picker") is blindfolded. Mushroom children are running around the hall. If they come across a fly agaric, the children shout: “Don’t take it!” The winner is the one who “collects” more “mushrooms” within a certain time.

You need to identify the vegetable or fruit by touch without removing it from the bag.

Two children participate in the game. On 2 trays there are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect the piece of paper piece by piece while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.

There are pieces of different vegetables or fruits in a cup. The child is blindfolded and must determine what it is by taste.

Game "Autumn Leaves".
Children with pieces of paper in their hands stand in a circle and recite a poem together with the teacher.
We, autumn leaves,
They sat on the branches.
The wind blew and they flew.
We flew, we flew.
And they sat down quietly on the ground.
The wind came again.
And he picked up all the leaves.
He turned them over and around.
And he lowered it to the ground.
Children imitate the actions of the “leaves” in accordance with the text of the poem: they squat, fly around the room, sit quietly again, rise, spin and sit again. Leaves are collected into a bouquet.
Finger game “Autumn Bouquet”.
- Guys, let's collect an autumn bouquet.
In chorus.
One two three four five -
We will collect leaves. (Clench and unclench your fists).
Birch leaves.
Rowan leaves,
poplar leaves,
Aspen leaves,
Oak leaves (Bend your fingers one by one).
We will collect
In a vase in autumn
We'll take the bouquet. (Clench and unclench your fists).
“Sort your vegetables and fruits”
Two people play. On one side of the hall there are two buckets in which vegetables and fruits are mixed. Each child, at a signal, runs with a basket to the bucket and selects either vegetables or fruits into his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

Summary of the game program for students junior classes"Mushroom Secrets"

Author: Podkorytova Evgenia Yuryevna, teacher.
Place of work: GOU YaO Bagryanikovskaya boarding school for orphans and children without parental care with disabilities.

Summary of the game program for students primary school"Mushroom Secrets"

Target: generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge about mushrooms.
Tasks: systematize and test students’ knowledge about mushrooms; develop logical thinking, cognitive activity, enrich students’ vocabulary; cultivate a love of nature and respect for mushrooms.
phonogram “Birds singing”;
posters with images of mushrooms;
cards with a task for the game “Funny Counting”;
a set of pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms;
cards with puzzles about mushrooms;
cards with proverbs.
Progress of the program.
The phonogram “Birdsong” plays.
When entering the hall, students take out folded leaves from the basket (colored side inward - two colors are prepared), unfold and determine the game table, and sit down in two teams according to color. The work of each team will be led by a teacher.

Leading: The house is open on all sides
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come in
To the green house
You will see miracles in it.
- What do you think this riddle says? (Children's answers)
- For what purpose do they go to the forest? (Children's answers)
- Guess the riddle:
Both on the hill and under the hill,
Under the birch and under the Christmas tree,
Round dances and in a row
The fellows are wearing hats.
- That's right, this riddle is about mushrooms.
- Why do we pick mushrooms? (Children's answers)
- We received a complaint:
Do whatever you want with us: cut, fry, boil, dry,
salt. Even pickle it. But just don't tear it out by the roots,
do not tear up the forest litter around, do not spoil our
mycelium! If you don’t listen, we’ll stop growing altogether.

How to pick mushrooms correctly? (Children's answers)
- What danger awaits mushroom pickers who are new to mushrooms. (Children's answers)
- Today we will play a game that will help us find out whether you are familiar with mushrooms, what you know about them. You will work in teams. For each correctly completed task and for the correct answer to a question, the team will receive a token (in the shape of a mushroom).
- So, first task. I will read poems about mushrooms, and you must find their image on the posters.
1. I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots,
You'll see me a mile away
My name is boletus.

2. Although I look tempting,
But, however, it is poisonous.
People have known for a long time -
The fly agaric is inedible.

3. I am under an old pine tree,
Where the old stump bowed down,
Surrounded by his family
A strong, important boletus.

4. A family lives on a stump:
Mom, dad, brothers, me.
We have one house, and the roof
Everyone has their own.
Very friendly guys
Honey mushrooms live on the stump.

5. I'm not used to being liked
Whoever eats me will be poisoned.
I'm standing here in the clearing,
I am a pale toadstool.

6. Along forest paths
Lots of white legs
In multi-colored hats,
Noticeable from a distance.
Collect - don't hesitate.
We are russulas.

7. I don’t argue, I’m not white,
I, brothers, am simpler.
I usually grow
In a birch grove.

8. Not a tiger cub, not a fox cub.
Round, thin plates.
From head to toe
Bright red boy.
Come closer to him
A saffron milk cap grew under the tree here.

9. In the sun, at the edge of the forest
The fox stuck out her ears.
And he’s not afraid to sleep sideways
Side by side with this fox.

10. In the forest, to the delight of people,
Among the young pines
In a shiny dark hat
Oil can fungus is growing.

11. In thin dresses at the edge
The girlfriends are dancing in a circle,
Dresses – striped silk: red,
White, pink, satin.
On an autumn day at the edge of the forest
How beautiful we are, little waves.

12. It grows in the spring
Under the damp leaves
And he stands like an old man
There is a wrinkled morel in the cap.

- Task two"Fun account."
Count how many mushrooms there are in this picture.

Students receive a task card. To complete the task is given
1-2 minutes.

- Third task: solve riddles about mushrooms.
1. In a forest clearing, under a mighty pine tree
There is an old man standing, wearing a brown cap.
Cap on the barrel
Anyone who visits the forest knows it (boletus).
2. They wear red berets,
Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer,
Very friendly sisters
Golden…. (chanterelles).
3. He stood on a strong leg,
Now it's in a basket. (mushroom)
4. There are no more friendly mushrooms than these,
Adults and children know.
They grow on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose. (honey mushrooms)
5. He stood in the forest,
Nobody took it.
In a fashionable red hat
Good for nowhere (fly agaric)
6. The first sign of summer:
Under the birch tree in the cold,
Brown mushroom
On a spotted root (boletus)
7. He will be born in an aspen forest,
No matter how he hides in the grass.
We'll find him anyway
He is wearing a red hat. (boletus)
8. He looked timidly out of the moss hummock,
Raising a chain of ripe cranberries above your head. (moss fly)
9. He stands in full view, near the pine trees,
As tall as an inch,
As if soaked in sunflower oil,
Yellow spine. (oil can)

- Fourth task: mushroom quiz.
1. List ways to use mushrooms for food.
(drying, frying, boiling, salting, pickling)
2. What forest animals eat mushrooms? (squirrels, moose, badgers)
3. Does the squirrel eat dry or fresh mushrooms? (dry)
4. What mushrooms does the hedgehog eat? (doesn't eat)
5. Do moose and badgers eat dry or fresh mushrooms? (fresh)
6. Why do moose eat fly agarics? (being treated)
7. What is the name of the medicinal mushroom that grows on a birch tree? (chaga)
8. What mushrooms appear first in early spring? (morels, lines)
9. This mushroom does not have a snout, it does not grunt, but it bears the name of a domestic animal (pig).
10. If you find yourself in the forest and are hungry, then these mushrooms can be eaten in small quantities and raw. (russula)
11. What is called “silent hunting”? (mushroom picking)
12. What is the second name of the porcini mushroom? (boletus)
13. Which mushrooms never harbor worms? (chanterelles)
14. What hat do you never put on your head? (mushroom cap)
15. Which mushroom is called the King of Mushrooms? (boletus)
16. What mushroom is named forest animal? (chanterelles)
17. Which mushrooms end summer? (milk mushrooms)
18. What mushrooms signal the arrival of autumn? (honey mushrooms)

- Fifth task: solve the puzzles. The names of which mushrooms are encrypted in them?

(Answers: chanterelles, boletus, aspen boletus, fly agaric).

- Sixth task: collect edible mushrooms in a basket.
Students are given a set of pictures with edible and poisonous mushrooms and boxes. They should only put pictures of edible mushrooms in the box.

- Seventh task: collect proverbs. For the first part in the left column, select a continuation from the right column, connect with lines.


And now we will play with you. An outdoor game “Find the fungus” is played.
Contents of the game: Children - mushrooms are walking in a circle, the mushroom picker is in the center, walking in the opposite direction, blindfolded.
Mushroom picker: One, two, three, four, five
I will look for mushrooms:
Chanterelles, honey mushrooms,
White, boletus... Children - mushrooms disperse throughout playground.
Children - mushrooms freeze in place. The mushroom picker tries by touch to find the mushroom - the child - and say his name. The recognized child becomes a new mushroom picker.
Guidelines: After the Stop signal! children - mushrooms should not move from their place. You can’t give a hint to a mushroom picker. To avoid injury, the instructor gives verbal instructions to the mushroom picker if he goes beyond the boundaries of the site. Option: If a mushroom picker finds it difficult to recognize a child by touch, then he can recognize him by his voice by asking: What kind of mushroom? The child names the mushroom (boletus, boletus, russula, fly agaric...)
- Well, now let's sum it up.
Presentation of prizes.

Children's matinees - great way make friends with children, as well as game form instill in them new skills and knowledge. Therefore, games on autumn holiday V kindergarten It’s worth choosing interesting and varied ones. Games are the most interesting part of the matinee for its little participants. Let's consider several options for games for the autumn matinee.

Traditional relay race, stylized with an autumn theme. We will need two large ones autumn leaves for each team. We draw the sheets on cardboard and cut them out. The essence of the relay race: the player takes two sheets of paper, stands on one of them, and places the other in front of him. Then he jumps to the second sheet, and places the first one in front of him. Thus, you need to go the distance from start to finish and vice versa, passing the sheets to the next player. The team that finishes it faster wins.

Autumn beads

Attributes: bright leaves from trees, rowan branches, pine cones, several threads or ropes. This competition is creative. We divide the participants into teams, and each team creates its own beads from the proposed material - leaves, cones, rowan are strung on a rope. A certain time is allotted for the process itself while the musical accompaniment plays. When the beads are ready, the audience votes with applause for each decoration. Usually in such entertainment there are no winners and losers, friendship wins.

Speed ​​coloring book

First you need to print out several coloring pages, depending on how many teams or participants there will be. You will also need pencils or markers. Children must color pictures within a certain period of time, and it is advisable to do this carefully, so it is better to choose simple coloring books, without small parts. Well, since our holiday is autumn, the theme of the coloring pages should be autumn.

Picking apples

This competition can be done either with your eyes open or blindfolded. The player's goal is to collect as many apples as possible in the basket. Apples can be drawn on cardboard and cut out, or you can replace them with some objects - cubes, balls, small soft toys.

Bunch of grapes

You will need two sheets of whatman paper, on each of which the tail of a bunch with a leaf is drawn. The kids take turns approaching whatman paper, they are blindfolded and they draw one grape. Each team draws its own bunch, the goal is to draw it as accurately as possible. But this doesn’t always work out, so the game turns out to be fun, and its results are unpredictable.


Relay race with creative elements. We prepare in advance two sheets of whatman paper with drawn silhouettes of cats, pieces of cotton wool, and a glue stick. The guys stand at the start line, the first participant is given a glue stick. On command, the child runs to whatman paper and glues a piece of cotton wool onto the cat to create fur. The winner is the team whose cat is the fluffiest and most prepared for winter.

Catch the ball

The presenter throws the ball to the children in turn; when each child catches the ball, he must name a word that is associated with autumn. The one who could not remember the word is eliminated from the competition.

Collect an apple

We need to prepare several pictures of apples cut into pieces. The kids’ task is to collect a picture with an apple. Whoever collects it faster wins.


Various items are placed in a large box: cubes, toys, beads. These can also be pictures with an autumn theme - leaves, berries, mushrooms. Children are given buckets or baskets, their task is to select as many specific objects as possible from the box, for example, only cubes, or only pictures with mushrooms.

Run through a puddle

We determine the boundaries of the “puddle” (most often it is a carpet that lies in the middle of the assembly hall), prepare several pairs of rubber boots. The child must, on command, put on his boots and run through the “puddle” and come back. The game is funny if you take the boots several sizes larger than the child’s feet.

Guess what's in the bag

A traditional game for children's parties in kindergarten, including autumn ones. For it you will need a bag and various items associated with autumn: apples, pears, carrots, potatoes, leaves, chestnuts. Instead of real gifts of nature, you can use dummies. Each child puts their hand into the bag, selects one item and guesses by touch what it is. If you guess correctly, you get candy.

Pick a pumpkin from the garden

Another variation of the relay race, this time with a pumpkin. For this you will need two pumpkins of the same size. A team member rolls his pumpkin from start to finish and back, after which he passes it to the next participant. The task can be complicated if you roll the pumpkin only with your feet or push it with some object.

Mushroom pickers

The teams line up in lines. The first child is given a basket of mushrooms (dummies of mushrooms) and he passes it to the next participant, who in turn passes it to the next. So the basket must be passed to the other end of the line and back without losing the mushrooms. If the mushroom falls out, the basket returns to the beginning of the line. Important nuance: children hold the basket with outstretched arms above their heads.

Leaf fall

You will need leaves from trees or cut out of paper. The leaves are placed on the table, the kids stand near the table. On command, each participant begins to blow on his sheet. Whoever blows it to the floor faster wins.

Gardeners relay race

Props: hoops, watering cans, models of vegetables and fruits. How the relay race goes: the first child lays out the hoops and digs up the beds, the second child puts a vegetable in each hoop and sows seeds, the third child “waters” the beds with a watering can, the fourth child collects the harvest and puts the vegetables in a basket. The team that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

Funny spiders

For this entertainment you will need several balls of woolen thread. The threads in the balls must be the same length. On command, the participant unwinds the ball of cobweb on the floor along the line, and then winds it back and passes the ball to the next participant. The team that completes the relay the fastest wins.

Colored vegetables

We prepare several cards of different colors. Children randomly draw a card from a bag and name a vegetable or fruit. If you get a red card, you need to name a red vegetable, etc.

Or you can hold the same competition, but not with flowers, but with letters - pull letters out of a bag and name the fruits whose name begins with this letter.

Come up with a riddle

It's even more interesting than solving riddles. We show the children cards with pictures of fruits and vegetables or dummies of fruits, and the participants must name their properties, thus coming up with a riddle for this fruit. You can also come up with riddles for autumn natural phenomena, for the word “autumn” itself.

Who lost the leaf?

The presenter shows cards with pictures of leaves, and the children’s task is to guess which tree this leaf is from. The cards can be replaced with real leaves from trees.


Children stand in front of the leader. The leader names vegetables, berries, and fruits one by one. If the vegetable grows on the ground, the children should sit down, and if it is a berry that grows on a tree, the children stand up and raise their arms above their heads. The last one to sit down or stand up is eliminated. The winner is the one who remains last and does not drop out.

We hope you liked the games listed above for the autumn holiday in kindergarten, and you will take some of them into account.