Marina Borisovna Dobysh
Tips for parents for the summer

Summer is favorable period not only for relaxation and strengthening the health of children, but also for their mental development. At this time of year, children, with the help of adults, can expand their understanding of the world around them, develop attention, memory, observation, the ability to compare, generalize, classify, enrich their vocabulary, and also show creativity. All this is very important for their emotional and moral well-being and preparation for schooling. During leisure time together I advise:

1. Introduce children to natural phenomena, occurring in summer in inanimate and living nature. Learn to see natural relationships. (For example, there are clouds in the sky, which means it will rain. Dandelion flowers are closed in cloudy weather or in the evening, etc.)

2. While walking in the park and forest, observe different representatives of the animal world, examine trees, shrubs, and flowering herbs. And be sure to invite the child to tell about what he saw. What grows in the forest (in a field, in a meadow, who lives there? Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

3. Look at plants and name them parts: trunk, branch, leaf, flower, fruit, root, petal. Learn to distinguish and name several types of trees and shrubs. Compare them, identifying similarities and differences. For example, compare maple and birch, spruce and pine, lilac and rowan.

4. Conduct didactic games: “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Find the same leaf”, "Find out and name"(tree, bush, in a picture or in nature, “What’s extra?”.

5. Learn to distinguish and name several types of wild and garden flowers. Didactic color grouping game “In the meadow - in the flowerbed”.

6. Learn poems about flowers and trees: E. Blaginina "Raspberry", "Rowan", E. Serova "Bell", "Lily of the valley", "Porridge", "Dandelion", I. Tokmakova "Eli", "Birches", "Pines", "Oak",Z. Alexandrova "Bouquet".

7. While relaxing on a river, lake, or sea, also develop children's powers of observation and the ability to compare. How are these bodies of water similar and different? Explain what a current, shores, waves, surf are. Watch fish and seagulls with your baby.

8. In summer, create conditions for children to play with natural materials. (cones, pebbles, leaves, twigs, sand, clay, etc.) Children learn to use substitute objects (for example, a stick instead of a spoon for a doll, pebbles instead of candy for it). This develops imagination and creativity.

9. Teach your child to distinguish and correctly name the sizes of objects and objects, and not just "big small". For example, the trunk is thick and thin, the tree is tall and short, the branch is long and short, the river is wide and the stream is narrow, etc.

10. Variety summer colors, will help teach children the names of colors, including shades. Play with them So: "Different colors of summer", "Colored backgrounds", “Collect the same colors”.

11. Learn to navigate in space. This will help didactic game "Hide the toy"(under a chair, on a shelf, behind your back, etc., "Do as I say"(two steps forward, one step right, raise left hand up, close right hand left eye, etc.). The assignments will teach you how to navigate the plane of the sheet. type: “Put a maple leaf in the center, a spruce cone in the upper right corner, a pine cone in the upper left corner, a daisy in the lower right corner, a cornflower in the lower left corner.”

12. Practice children counting to 10 and back, again using natural material (cones, pebbles, petals, leaves, etc.).

13. Teach children to compare. For example, a tree and a log, a bird and an airplane, a daisy and a bell, an apple and a pear, a girl and a doll. What is their difference and are there any similarities? Why? Teach your child to prove his opinion.

14. While working in the garden and orchard, give children a clear example to understand the process of growing plants from seeds, tell them about the dependence of their growth on natural conditions (light, moisture, heat). Teach to observe the growth and ripening of vegetables, fruits and berries and involve them in all possible help.

15. Teach children to talk daily about the weather, what they saw, what they did. And if your child makes mistakes in constructing sentences, correct him. This contributes to the development of the child’s grammatical structure and coherent speech.

16. Develop your child’s speech breathing by offering to blow into a straw or on dandelions, inflating balloons or bubble.

All this will form in children a holistic understanding of summer as a time of year, broaden their horizons, develop intelligence and curiosity, and introduce them to the amazing world of nature. And, most importantly, joint leisure, common activities and games bring children together and parents, improve the home microclimate and help strengthen the family.

How to make your child healthier in the summer?

Summer holidays are the most favorable time when it is necessary to use all available opportunities for the child’s health. In summer, children should be outdoors as much as possible. Walks, games, physical education classes are the best rest after the school year (when a child enters an educational institution, his physical activity decreases by 50%).

It is not recommended to allow significant deviations in the mode day: Wake-up and bedtimes should be approximately the same as during the school year, or modified within reasonable limits. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of dairy and meat products, fresh fruits and vegetables. Summer is the most favorable period to replenish the lack of vitamins. You can define a child in summer health facility, at least for one month. Children with chronic diseases benefit from health improvement in a sanatorium. Parents You should take advantage of the vacation time to consult your child with doctors and conduct a course of physiotherapeutic procedures. In order to prevent psychological discomfort, conflicts, and illnesses, the child should be prepared in advance for summer vacation.

Plan summer vacation with children. At the same time, remember that walks, games, physical education and sports activities in the fresh air should be done daily.

For starters, the kids could use a good night's sleep! It is known that most children do not get enough sleep 1-1.5 and even sometimes 2 hours a day. school days. But childhood neuroses most often develop as a result of systematic lack of sleep.

Protect your child from the computer as much as possible or at least reduce its use to hygienically recommended standards (7 minutes - children under 5 years old; 10 minutes - children 6 years old; 15 minutes - primary school students).

Make maximum use of effective and affordable hardening agents - sun, air and water - to improve your health.

The sun is warm good mood, health. However, excess exposure sunlight has a negative Effect: sunburn, disorders of the cardiovascular system, breathing, lethargy, irritability, dizziness as a result of heat and sunstroke. Children should not deliberately sunbathe in the open sun. Much safer, more comfortable - among greenery, under an awning, if possible, away from roads and industrial enterprises.

To avoid overheating, you need to cover your head with a hat, cap, or Panama hat.

The air temperature in the shade should be 20-22o C. You should not take sunbathing on an empty stomach or earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating. Best time- from 9 to 11 o'clock and from 16 to 18 o'clock.

In the first 2-3 days, exposure to open sunlight should be no more than 5 minutes, then the time is gradually increased. The duration of sunbathing is strictly individual: depends on age, skin type, condition of the child.

It is advisable that children do not lie in the open sun, but play, run, sometimes in the sun, sometimes in the shade. Sunbathing is contraindicated for children with elevated body temperature, malaise, or headache.

It is important to know that taking some medicines before relaxing on the beach can cause sunburn. These include sulfonamide drugs. Taking these and some other medications increases the skin's sensitivity to the sun several times.

On walks you need to take mineral, bottled or boiled chilled water with you. (but not icy) water, which should be drunk in small quantities in small sips, as well as juices or fruits.

Hiking in the forest to pick berries or going on picnics can bring not only pleasure, but also trouble if you are not prepared for it.

Natural repellents will help scare away annoying insects - essential oils wormwood, cloves. Apply a few drops to clothing

A hat is required in the forest - this is the first rule tips for summer holidays. It will protect against sun and heat stroke, protect against injuries and ticks. For long walks, it is better to choose clothes made of thick fabrics that protect the skin from the scorching rays of the sun and possible burning. When going into the forest, wear high boots and loose trousers made of thick fabric. It is useful to hold a large stick in your hand when walking through the forest.

On hot days, children should wear clothes only made from natural fabrics. Cotton and linen items are suitable for good protection; it is better to give preference to colored fabrics (red, green, yellow, orange, blue, rather than plain light ones. Clothes in light colors (especially white) transmits the sun's rays to a greater extent. Chemical fiber clothing "not breathing" (the child is sweating in it) and also transmits from 13 to 25% of radiation.

When swimming in a river or lake, a child is affected by several environmental factors - air and water temperature, wind, sun. In addition, when bathing, the child actively moves, almost all muscle groups are involved, while the load on the spine and joints is sharply reduced. This type of hardening requires careful supervision by adults.

You can swim in open water from 3-4- summer age, but only after completing a course of preparatory procedures (rubbing, dousing, shower). The air temperature should be 24-25o C, and the water temperature should not be lower than 20o C. The duration of bathing at first is 1-2 minutes, as you get used to it and depending on the child’s reaction - 5-10 minutes. When the first signs of hypothermia appear ( "goose pimples", chills) you should go ashore.

It is necessary to choose the right inflatables for small and non-swimmers children: It is best to use inflatable vests; under no circumstances should you use a mattress.

Sea bathing has an exceptionally strong effect on a child’s body. (water has a complex chemical composition). Sea air is very beneficial. Swimming in the sea is allowed for children from two years of age. These procedures can be started when the water temperature is not lower than 20o C. During the first baths, the child essentially only takes a dip, being in the water for 20-30 seconds. Gradually, the duration of stay in the water increases for preschoolers to 3-5 minutes, for schoolchildren - to 8-10 minutes. It is necessary to closely monitor the child’s health and his reaction to bathing.

Many children love to play in the sand near the water. Periodically they run into the water themselves. This option is an excellent hardening procedure.

If you are relaxing in a village or country house, let your child run barefoot in the dew in the morning. Short term impact cold water on the feet leads to the fact that the vessels of the feet and at the same time the vessels of the nasopharyngeal region narrow and then sharply expand. As a result, blood circulation in the nasopharynx area increases, creating a reliable barrier to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. In addition, walking on dew is considered to prevent flat feet.

During the holidays, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the child. Before you let him ride a bicycle or roller skates, make sure that the equipment is in good working order and that he knows how to use it well. Try to do everything in your power to protect your child from injury.

Following these fairly simple recommendations will protect your safety. summer rest , will preserve and strengthen the health of children.

The summer period allows you to take full advantage of the benefits of the natural environment - sun, air, water, plants. Even in ancient times, the doctor Avicenna considered these factors to be the main ones for maintaining health, and he also included rational nutrition, movement, sleep, metabolism, and emotions. Let's consider how to combine health improvement and hardening of a child with proper nutrition and all-round development in the warm season.

1. The long-awaited summer period - what does it mean for the child and parents

2. Advice from pediatricians on organizing a child’s daily routine preschool age for summer

4. Child safety in summer: practical advice and recommendations for parents

5. Child’s holiday in the city: advice for parents

6. Holidays with a child in the summer at the dacha: advice for parents

8. Preparing for the school period: tips and recommendations for parents

9. The summer period for children’s health is a great responsibility for adults.

The long-awaited summer period - what it means for the child and parents.

In the summer, kindergartens practice receiving children and conducting morning exercises on the site. Sports competitions and hard work also take place in the fresh air. Acquaintance with the surrounding world becomes closer than ever to nature, especially on walks to the park or to the river. Cheerful childish voices on the street do not subside until dark. In summer, in addition to the abundance of opportunities for recreation, new reasons for concern for the life and health of children arise. It is very important to work out safety issues on the street so that the child does not get lost, get sunburned, or get heatstroke. The kindergarten does not take on the functions of medical institutions, but is purposefully engaged in promoting the health and hardening of children. For example, in the summer the menu always includes fresh fruits and vegetables, and juices. The daily routine of children aged 3-7 years in the garden includes sun-air baths. Wet wiping, walking barefoot and dousing with water are carried out. This work should be continued during family trips to the country, to the sea, and during vacations in the city. Then the three summer months will bring maximum benefit to the growing body.

Advice from pediatricians on organizing a preschool child’s daily routine for the summer.

How strict should the daily routine be in the summer, and is it necessary? Pediatricians are unanimous in their opinion that adherence to a routine is necessary for a child of any age (and an adult). When the “biological clock” is adjusted to a certain rhythm, children, as a rule, get sick less and cope more easily with the transition from kindergarten to school. In the correct daily routine, physical mobility is required for the development of the child, especially his musculoskeletal system.

Provide the child with a sleep duration appropriate to his age and biological needs.

Children of the junior and middle groups of kindergarten aged 3-5 years sleep 11-12.5 hours, of which 2 hours are naps.

Older children and preparatory group at the age of 5-7 years, 10 hours are allocated for night sleep and 1.5 hours for daytime sleep.

If a child cannot fall asleep at his scheduled time in the summer because it is still light outside, then darken the room with thick curtains.

Lack of sleep, as well as too much sleep, should be avoided, which can result in whims, lethargy, and headaches in children.

Excessive physical activity, prolonged standing, and hard work should not be allowed. Lack of mobility also has a detrimental effect on children.

If summer classes Children will be interesting and varied, then in the evening there will be a feeling of pleasant fatigue, making it easier to fall asleep.

The total duration of a child's stay in the air in summer should not be less than 4 hours.

The correct daily routine of a preschooler includes both entertainment and hardening, all possible assistance from adults, games and creative activities.

Top 5 summer hardening procedures (carried out in the garden and at home 1-2 times a day):

1. Air baths at air temperature +28…+ 30°C.

2. Sunbathing for an average duration of 20 minutes.

3. Wiping with a damp sponge +18…+20°С (3–5 seconds).

4. Pouring with warm water for 5–10 seconds with a gradual decrease in temperature to +20°C.

5. Walking barefoot on grass, sand, earth, river or sea pebbles.

Products and ready-made meals provide the growing body with all the necessary substances and energy. But children's digestive juices are weaker than those of adults, and the intestines are less resistant to bacteria and toxins. In summer, digestive disorders occur more often and are more severe, so greater attention should be paid to choosing a diet in the warm season. The child's diet should be high in calories. During the warm period, the body's energy needs decrease, but the growing body must receive the necessary " construction material" It is important for parents to know that generally accepted norms are not dogma. The correct nutrition of a child is determined not only by the quantity and composition of food. Normal, age-appropriate physical and psychomotor development, is the main criterion for assessing the diet. For example, by the age of three, a child should receive per day per 1 kg of body weight (approximately): 4 g of protein, 4.5 g of fat, 15 g of carbohydrates. This amount of food gives an average of 100 kcal per 1 kg of weight. But there are children who develop well with only 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

1. If a child refuses to eat in hot weather, then offer him one sweet and sour fruit, then his appetite will improve.

2. By evening it gets cooler outside, the need for food makes itself felt. Make sure that at dinner the child does not overload his stomach and does not overeat at night.

3. Compile children's menu, in which approximately 50% of the proteins come from animal products (meat, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, milk, eggs, low-fat sea fish, beef liver).

4. Preferred meat dishes include veal, chicken breast, turkey, and rabbit meat. The child should receive complete fats necessary for the growing body from egg yolk and butter.

6. These are accessible sources of carbohydrates, enzymes and vitamins for the child’s body. Heat zucchini, carrots, potatoes, and broccoli.

7. Children consume tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, lettuce, and onions fresh.

8. In summer, there is an increased secretion of sweat containing mineral salts.

The body needs to compensate for these losses. In hot weather, give your child purified still water to quench thirst.

The benefits of fruits and vegetables for children.

Fruit, berry and vegetable juices contain all the natural substances of fresh fruits and have a healing effect on the body. Peach juice enhances the secretion of the digestive glands and has an antiemetic effect. Tomatoes are good for children due to their high content of potassium, vitamin C and carotene. Fresh carrots contain 12 enzymes, vitamins, and organic acids that increase the body's resistance to infections. Cucumbers improve appetite, and fresh fruit juice has a bactericidal effect. Cabbage contains 13 vitamins, including provitamin D. Zucchini normalizes intestinal motility. A decoction of pears quenches thirst well in hot weather.

.Child safety in summer: practical tips and recommendations for parents.

Heat promotes increased proliferation of bacteria; their colonies grow rapidly in low-quality food products. Be sure to wash vegetables and fruits under running water before eating. Constantly remind your child about personal hygiene; her first immutable rule is to wash her hands before eating. Children's skin is imperfect, as is the ability to thermoregulate, so heat strokes occur more often. To prevent this from happening, dress your child according to the weather in light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics. On a sunny day, a light hat and sufficient supply of drinking water are required. Avoid sunburn, a common summer injury. These damages occur if the skin is not prepared to receive large doses of ultraviolet radiation, or the child is exposed to the sun for too long. Increase the duration of air-sunbathing gradually: from 3–5 to 20–40 minutes. Avoid the period from 12 to 15 hours when the sun is very active. Apply children's sunscreen if necessary. A home first aid kit should be stocked with medications such as paracetamol, iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, and dexpanthenol cream (vitamin B5). In summer, children's sunscreens and insect repellents are in demand.

Child's holiday in the city: advice for parents.

When traveling in a passenger car, if there is no child seat, place the child in the rear seat in the middle or on the right. Explain to your child that unsuitable places for children to play are parking lots of personal vehicles, construction sites, basements and open sewer manholes. Follow the rules of behavior on the street: take your child by the hand, stay away from the roadway on the sidewalk, cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. Explain to children how dangerous it is to play near vehicles. In the summer, there are more stray dogs and cats on the streets; they can be carriers of diseases and often behave aggressively. Do not allow children to come close to animals or lure them with food. Weeds in the yard are not suitable for a child to play in the store, market, or daughter-mother. Explain that these plants should not be touched with hands and should not be put into the mouth.

Holidays with a child in the summer at the dacha: advice for parents.

Bites from ticks, bees, wasps and mosquitoes can be dangerous from the point of view of the infections carried by animals, and allergic reactions from the child's body. To protect against insects, use insect repellents natural ingredients. If you are stung by a wasp or bee, first remove the sting, then wipe the skin with alcohol and apply ice wrapped in gauze for 50 seconds. Bee or mosquito bites in children may be accompanied by swelling, severe redness, irritation and itching. Consult your pediatrician about the use of antiallergic medications in such cases. When providing first aid, remove the tick with tweezers, as if “twisting” it from the skin counterclockwise. Treat the bite site with hydrogen peroxide, then iodine. In summer there are many temptations in the form of forest gifts, but not all attractive berries and mushrooms are edible. Teach children not to collect plants unknown to them. The child should be explained how to take shelter during thunderstorms and lightning. Lightning discharges are dangerous for people, so you need to wait out the bad weather indoors, close the balcony door and windows.

Holidays with a child at sea: tips and recommendations for parents.

When going to the sea with a child, you should know that swimming in open water is a simultaneous exposure to light, water, movement and air. Keep in mind that in the case of sea bathing there is also chemical irritation from salts and trace elements. Visit the beach with your child from 9 to 11 and from 16 to 18 hours. Make sure that the child does not swim on an empty stomach and earlier than 1 hour after eating. For safety, give your child a special vest or inflatable ring and show how to use it. Do not leave children unattended so that they do not frolic in the water until they are blue in the face. Organize alternating swimming, sunbathing, air bathing, and walking barefoot on sand or pebbles for maximum healing effects. You can find out more about how to go to the sea with a child and what he needs to take here: What a child needs to take to the sea: advice for young parents.

Preparing for the school period: tips and recommendations for parents.

The transition to schooling is a turning point in a child’s development. Before this, the main activity in his activity was play; it is being replaced by study. In terms of preparing for school, the kindergarten teacher and the future first-grader teacher do a lot. But readiness to learn is not only about mastering reading and arithmetic. There are other, no less important indicators. Let's list those that parents need to take care of in the summer before school. Strengthen your child’s physical condition by regularly doing gymnastics and exercises with him. This will help prepare the muscles to maintain the same pose for 40-45 minutes. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the eyes, organ of hearing, or fingers, then in the future they can become one of the causes of developmental delays and failure. Consult your doctor and take timely measures. Enrich your child’s ideas, give him new information and help him comprehend it and apply it in a game or drawing. Knowledge should be “alive”, stimulate thinking, imagination and creativity. Teach your child to search for and establish cause-and-effect relationships. To do this, discuss any phenomenon and what changes it led to. Continue to study letters with your future first-grader and develop the ability to read. Repeat calling numbers in a row (counting), geometric figures, colors, compare the concepts of small/large, narrow/wide, low/tall. Train your memory by learning poems, fables, nursery rhymes and songs appropriate to the child’s age. Draw, sculpt, design with your child, assemble puzzles - all this contributes to the development fine motor skills. It will be easier to learn to write and develop speech, develop attention and perseverance. Social skills are very important for successful adaptation at school: sociability, friendliness. If your child is shy, help him overcome his shyness. Explain how to address adults and peers and formulate a question or request.

The summer period of children's health is a great responsibility for adults.

The laid-back atmosphere of the holiday season can sometimes make parents so relaxed that they forget the importance of summer for their children. They crave travel, holidays outside the city and at sea, where they can have fun and express themselves. Therefore, the opportunities of the summer period should be used for the greatest benefit for the whole family, for the child. We must be prepared for the problems of acclimatization of children when resorts are located at a considerable distance from their places of residence. Direct sunlight poses a great danger for children from the northern regions - it causes burns and overheating of the body. Different drinking water, new food products can lead to diseases and ruin your vacation. Only by thinking through everything down to the smallest detail and being prepared to meet difficulties “fully armed” can you count on a successful summer season. The tips and recommendations listed in the article cover the most important aspects of the wellness period. There is nothing complicated in any of the points; they all stem from today’s realities and are designed to make the tasks of parents easier.

Summer is ahead - it's time for vacations, children's recreation. Parents of children with speech impairments should not forget about their problems even in the summer. It is important to remember that the skills developed during the school year (developed articulatory patterns, choreographed sounds, learned poems, finger games) over the summer period they can both become stronger and enter into a familiar stereotype, or get lost.

Dear parents! Help your child develop and overcome difficulties! Repeat the poems and sayings you have learned. Control the pronunciation of the given sounds.

Read stories and fairy tales with your children. After reading, ask your child to retell the story he heard. Pay attention to the fact that the child presents the events sequentially. Included descriptions of objects in the story. He spoke in complete sentences.

To enrich your vocabulary and improve the grammatical structure of your speech, you can use the following games in your summer classes:

Game "On the contrary"

Winter, but vice versa - summer

Ceiling - floor

Cold - heat

Sun moon

A person is sick, but on the contrary – healthy

Hardworking - lazy

High Low

Wide narrow

Distant - close

Brave - Cowardly

Good - evil, etc.

Game “Whose? Whose? Whose?"

Whose ear? Whose tail? Whose paw?

The bear has bearish, bearish, bearish

The hare has hare, hare, hare

The fox has fox, fox, fox

The wolf has wolfish, wolfish, wolfish

The squirrel has squirrel skin

The cat has

The tiger has

In a dog -

Game "Name Which"

Metal spoon – metal

Brick roof - brick

Fur hat – fur

Wheat bread – wheat

From rye - rye, etc.

Game “Name the Baby Animals”

The horse has a foal

The cow has

At the cuckoo's -

The crow has -

The pig has

At the camel's

At the penguin, etc.

Game "Stubborn Words"

Tell your child that there are “stubborn words” that never change (coffee, cocoa, cinema, subway, coat, piano). Ask your child questions and make sure that he does not change the words in the sentences - answers.

“Together we’ll come up with beautiful (scary, funny, cold, etc.) words”

The adult defines the words that the child will come up with, and the child, in turn, comes up with and pronounces them.

Guess the item from the description.

The adult describes the object, the child guesses. Then vice versa.

(for example: this object is small, gray, fluffy, lives in a hole, is afraid of cats - a mouse).

Explain- we teach the child to reason.


Game "Make a proposal"

Option 1. The adult names any word, and the child makes various sentences with this word.

Option 2. Compose as many sentences as possible using three words named by an adult that are not related to each other in meaning (for example: lake, pencil, bear).

The game is a dream “What if...”

The game always begins with the words “What if...” (the adult begins the phrase, then the child fantasizes). For example, if I were on an airplane carpet, then... And if I saw a frog in the soup... And if a pink elephant knocked on my door... And if I were the height of a five-story building... And if my mother didn’t go , but just jumped... Etc.

Correct the sentence.

Dad brought squash caviar.

Mom cooked mashed potatoes.

Masha drew a funny picture.

The dog hid in the kennel.

A swallow was crawling in the sky.

Misha planted a flat cake in the ground.

The mouse catches the cat. Etc.

Material for fixing the given sounds.

Sound S.

Here's a counting rhyme with the sound C, listen and remember:

All words with the syllable SA - stripe, braid, wasp.

All words with the syllable CO - Sonya, soda, wheel.

All words with the syllable SY are braids, beads and scales.

Sound Z.

Memorizing the poem "Green Song".

In the green, green, green forest,

I am carrying a green strawberry leaf.

The green branch under the spruce does not sleep,

Green music is ringing somewhere.

Green kid in green foliage,

He sings a green song to me.

Sound C.

Hooked from the spring

The maiden of the water is beautiful.

The horse clicked his hoof from behind -

Dust swirls under the hoof.

Well done to the young lady

He asked me to drink some water.

Sound Sh.



Our Tanya is good.


And he sings well.


Sings a song to the baby.


Kids love songs.

Sound J.

Zha, zha, zha - we saw a hedgehog.

Live, live, live - I have knives.

Zhu, zhu, zhu - I go to the meadow.

Zhu, zhu, zhu - I hold the flag in my hand.

Zhok, zhok, zhok - I have a flag.

Sound of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Right now, right now,

When it rains, I get wet without a raincoat.

I'm looking for an umbrella.

I will wear a raincoat.

More, more, more,

And still wearing boots.

Sound Ch.



A candle is burning on the table.


Oh, how hot the candle is.


I'll blow on the candle.


I'll blow the flame out of the candle.

Sound [L].

La-la-la, Lola took the light bulb.

Lu-lu-lu, Slava took the saw.

Lo-lo-lo, it's warm in the summer.

Ly-ly-ly, the swallows in the nest are small.

Al-al-al, Slava Lusha gave a penalty.

Ol-ol-ol, Sasha will get an injection.

Ul-ul-ul, Lenochka sat down on the chair.

Il-il-il, dad mowed the meadow.

Sound [R].

Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra - there is a mountain behind the bridge.

Ro-ro-ro, ro-ro-ro - give us a goose feather.

Ru-ru-ru, ru-ru-ru - I met some kids.

Ry-ry-ry, ry-ry-ry - the end of the game has come.

How can we help our children as parents?

Enriching the child’s active and passive vocabulary, developing phonemic processes, and developing grammatically correct phrasal and coherent speech is a task that parents can and must solve every day.

We develop a child’s speech in the summer: on a walk, in the country, in the kitchen.

In the kitchen. You have the opportunity to develop your child’s vocabulary, grammar, phrasal speech on the following topics: “Family”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Dishes”, “Food”, “Household Appliances”.

Tell your son or daughter what the products are called, what dish you are preparing, and what actions you take while doing it. Do not limit yourself to a primitive dictionary; offer your child more and more new words. Name your actions (cut, mix, salt, fry); Show your child what and how you do. Entrust him with all possible help in the kitchen. In activities, speech material is absorbed much faster and more naturally. Let your child study next to you, copy your words and actions: “cook” food, wash dishes, wipe the table, and at the same time be sure to tell you about what he is doing.

In the country. Before you opens up scope for vocabulary and grammatical work on the topics “Summer”, “Flowers”, “Insects”, “Trees”, “Berry”, “Garden Plants”, “Summer and autumn work in the garden". Observations, impressions, and speech skills acquired at the dacha are extremely valuable and demonstrative. They remain in the child’s memory for life. Only here will a child naturally learn the meaning of the verbs “dig up,” “loosen,” “weed,” “fertilize,” and others. Not in a picture, but in real life, he will see plants at different times of their vegetative period (growth, flowering, fruiting, wilting); learns how and where berries, vegetables, fruits grow, and how hard it is to produce a harvest. Even if the names of flowers, shrubs or vegetables seem difficult to you for a child, still call them out loud more often (narcissus, gladiolus, honeysuckle, squash and others). At first, they will replenish the child’s passive vocabulary, he will know them. Gradually, these words will come into active use and will significantly enrich your child’s vocabulary.

You can offer your child games that train the strength and duration of exhalation:

  • Blow on the dandelions with several short exhalations and then one long exhalation;
  • Blowing soap bubbles through a straw (dilute baby shampoo)
  • Inflate balloons;
  • Try to inflate inflatable toys, circles, balls;
  • Learn to swim, exhale into the water, dive;
  • Blow on children's weather vanes.

The following actions contribute to the development of fine motor skills:

  • Self-service (zippers, snaps, buttons, laces);
  • Collect and sort berries;
  • Help an adult weed the beds;
  • Lay out drawings from stones (cones, matches, cereals);
  • Play with clay, wet sand;
  • Play with balls and balls (throw, catch, hit the target)

On rainy days you can:

  • Collect mosaics, construction sets, puzzles;
  • Sort through cereals;
  • Color the coloring pages with colored pencils;
  • Fold simple toys made of paper (origami);
  • Embroider (large cross stitch);
  • Screw nuts (toy and real);
  • Weave beads;
  • Sculpt from plasticine, plastic, dough.

It is very important to continue to develop the muscles of the speech apparatus (nonspecific)

  • Chew meat (and not just sausages and cutlets);
  • Chew raw vegetables (carrots, radishes, cucumbers) and fruits (apples, pears...);
  • Lick jam, sour cream, yogurt from the saucer with your tongue - to flatten the tongue;
  • Rinse your mouth;
  • Chew with side teeth;
  • Suck crackers from bread, rolls (salty);
  • Lick a popsicle.

And you can talk to your child at any time. These games contribute to the development of grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech.

  • Say it the other way around (high-low)
  • Let's count (1 fish, 2 fish, 5 fish)
  • Say kindly (bird - bird, carpet - rug)
  • One - many (chair - chairs, many chairs; house - many houses)
  • Word formation (for example: table made of wood - what kind? - wooden)
  • Select definitions (What types of dogs are there: large, service...);
  • Game “Guess what I see” (use the description to find out the intended object) (Green, curly, white-trunked. What is it? Birch);
  • Name words with a certain syllable, sound;
  • Make sentences with given words;
  • “What if” (dream on the topic: “What if I had a magic carpet, an invisible hat...”);

We play, developing phonemic processes:

  • Repeat after me the syllabic paths - pa - ba - pa, ta-da-ta, etc.);
  • Name the first (last) sound in the word;
  • Where was the sound hidden - at the beginning? In the middle? At the end? - looking for the sound [L] in the word SHOVEL, CAP, KOL;

Pay more attention to your child, spend more time in the fresh air, visit playgrounds, a park.

Have a sunny summer and pleasant impressions!

Consultation for parents of kindergarten students

Topic: “Children’s safety in summer”

Target: preventing accidents with children while walking in summer
Summarize and systematize parents’ knowledge about dangers in the fresh air in summer;
Develop the ability of adults to instill in a child an attentive attitude and careful behavior on the street;
Cultivate interest in the interaction and cooperation of parent-child-educator; careful attention to everyday situations while walking in the fresh air.

The long-awaited summer has arrived! The motor activity of children increases. Children spend more time outside: walking, playing in the fresh air, swimming in ponds, and going hiking. But walking in the fresh air is not safe.
What is the danger of walking in the fresh air?
Poisoning from poisonous mushrooms and plants.
Insect bites.

How can you protect your child from danger while walking in the summer?

Dear parents, below are recommendations for you to ensure safety while walking in the fresh air.
1. Systematically conduct conversations and explanations with children on the topics: “Climbing trees”, “Danger of roads”, “Wounds and abrasions”, “Why can’t you go far from home?”, “Theft of children”, “Swimming and drowning”, “Fire hazard”, “Poisonous mushrooms”, “Poisonous herbs”, “Signs of poisoning”, “Heat stroke. What is this?”, “Insect bite.”
2. Select appropriate literature with colorful illustrations on this topic. Let your child look at the pictures on their own and draw appropriate conclusions. Supplement his conclusions with your personal example from your personal experience, from the experience of your loved ones.
3. Organize walks with your child to a pond, to a meadow with many plants, some of which are poisonous. Tell us about the characteristics of both medicinal and poisonous plants. Show insects, harmless and dangerous, tell us what the danger is. Take them to the pond, tell them that they need to swim only under the supervision of adults and about the rules of behavior and play in the water.
4. Go for a walk only in a light-colored headdress, made only from natural fabrics. Organize your child's stay in the fresh air in the morning and evening, when solar activity is reduced. Alternate between outdoor and indoor recreation. Make sure that in hot weather your child drinks as much fluid as possible, preferably clean water. Be careful when choosing clothes to avoid overheating.
5. When going on family hikes together, introduce them to the “correct attitude” towards the fire. Tell and show how to properly build and put out a fire behind you. Explain that fires can only be lit by adults in specially designated and permitted areas.
6. Teach to be careful on the road, cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing and only after you are sure that there is no approaching traffic.
7. Teach caution to avoid body injury.
8. Select appropriate educational cartoons, films, viewing of which and conversations will help teach attentiveness and caution.
9. Try to become and be the closest and dearest friend to your child, so that he trusts you first of all with all his deepest fears, fears and dreams!