Summary of a lesson on life safety for the second junior group “Safety at home”

Program content:Review and discuss examples of hazardous cases and precautions. Develop a caring attitude towards your life. Teach childrenanswer the teacher’s questions coherently, think logically. Develop the ability to listen to a friend’s answer without interrupting.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about safety in the house. You, of course, think that home is the safest place in the world. But it is not so. To make his home comfortable, man has equipped it with many different devices and mechanisms. This and washing machine, and a TV, and a vacuum cleaner, and an electric iron. And also an elevator, a garbage chute, a balcony and much more.

Educator: Guys, tell me why the balcony is dangerous for children?

Children: You can fall from the balcony and break yourself.

Educator: Yes, guys, you are saying everything correctly. Listen and remember:

If the house has a balcony

Remember - he is dangerous!

And an open window

Shouldn't attract you!

Educator: Children, name dangerous objects that you know

Children: stove, hot iron, hot pan.

Educator: Don’t come near the stove, my friend,

You may get burned.

Educator: Well done! Are piercing and cutting objects dangerous for us? List them?

Children: Yes, you can cut yourself. Needles, knives, scissors, nails.

Educator: There is nothing more dangerous,

What a sharpened object!

Razors, scissors, knives

Don't grab it kids!

Educator: Tell me, guys, can little children take matches and even light them without adult supervision?

Children: Children should not take matches! There may be a fire! You can get burned!

For fun, for play

Don't pick up matches!

Don't joke with fire, my friend.

So as not to regret later.

Educator: Guys, what are matches for?

Children: Matches are needed to light a gas stove, candle, fire, stove. Only adults can do this.

Educator: Absolutely right, careless handling of fire can cause a fire. Fire is very dangerous. At first it burns slowly, then the flames become higher, stronger, flare up, rage, and burn everything in their path.

Educator: Why is hot water dangerous for us?

Children: You may get burned.

Educator: Open the tap carefully, because you can get burned with boiling water! Yes and cold water, Alas, it is not always useful.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what else can be dangerous in the house? I’ll give you a little hint: it can be bitter and they drink it when they’re sick.

Children: medicines and pills.

Educator: Who can tell me why you can’t take medicines and pills without the permission of adults?

Children: You can get poisoned.

Educator: That's right, you don't know for what diseases people take different pills. Therefore, you should not touch medications and tablets without an adult.

Educator: At home, every first aid kit has a thermometer, who can tell me what it is for?

Children: take temperature.

Educator: Correct, but a thermometer is also a very dangerous object if you take it and break it. Shiny balls of mercury are a very strong poison, fatal to all living things.

Educator: Guys, today we talked about dangerous objects in the house. Use only items that are intended for children. Learn not to touch at all those things that may pose a serious danger to you, no matter how curious it may be.

Game "What first, what then"

Goal: To develop the ability to analyze problem situations that may occur at home, in the yard, on the street.

Material: cards depicting dangerous situations.

Children explain why it arose, how to get out of a dangerous situation and not get into it.

Ulmeken Kenzhebekova
Lesson notes in the second younger group"Security Lessons"

Lesson notes for junior group 2 kindergarten by topic:

« Safety Lessons– how to instill a sense of self-preservation in a child.”

Goals classes:


1. Formation of children’s ideas about objects and situations that are dangerous to the life and health of people that they encounter in everyday life.


1. Development of motor and sensory functions.

2. Continue working on the formation of connected speech.

3. Develop memory, logical thinking, imagination.


1. Formation of accuracy and independence in use various materials and objects;

2. Expanding self-awareness about moral standards behavior: kindness, sympathy and friendship.

Materials, equipment:

Badges for all the guys; Look how beautiful it has become!

Toy (donkey);

Tables with subject drawings by number of children ;

Demonstration pictures with drawings (knife, fork, iron, saw, faucet, matches);

Envelope with a letter from Bobrenok;

Gift with sweets;

Silhouettes of flowers by the number of pictures.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Hello guys! Let's be friends! Do you agree! I am very glad that I met such good guys! Guys, look who came to us, it's a little donkey. And the donkey is so sad. Let's ask the donkey what happened to him?

I'll tell you about my unfortunate happening:

In the kitchen I washed the dishes,

The water tap was fully opened...

Distracted me from washing

Unexpected call!

I didn't turn off the water

Forgot about everything

We chatted for an hour about the game, the weather

And more about this and that!

The doorbell rings insistently

I was instantly distracted from the conversation! -

I flooded the neighbors

What a bad thing I did!

In two. Imagine the day

It's pouring down on me!

Here's my advice guys:

Close the water tap

It's no good to forget!

Educator: Do you guys always turn off the taps at home? Why do you need to close the water taps? What could happen if there is water in the apartment?

Children's answers: get the furniture wet, flood the apartment, moms and dads will be upset, repairs need to be done, etc.

Educator: That's right, guys, in order not to flood your apartment and the apartment of your neighbors, you should always close the taps after washing your hands and remind your mother when you go out for a walk or go for a visit. What do you need say: Mom, did we turn off the water tap?

Educator: Donkey, you know, but our guys never forget to turn off the taps? Let's show the donkey how we can close the taps.

Hand motor game: "Turn on the faucet":

1. clench one hand into a fist;

2. second We place our hand on the cam and imitate closing the tap;

3. unclench your fingers;

4. everything repeat with the other hand.

Educator: Donkey, what else happened to you?

Donkey: This is not with me, but with my friend Bobrenok. He ended up in the hospital because he cut his paw. Read what he wrote to you in the letter.

Educator: Guys, will we read the letter? Fine, listen:

Hello guys, a big and warm hello to everyone!

I'm lying in the hospital and I want you say:

And touching them is dangerous!

And knives for kids -

Not a toy, okay?

An awl is a sharp tool,

Don't take it either

Inject in one moment

Awl can hurt!

Here's a saw! Oh, sharp!

Knitting needles, iron, matches and needles...

Don't grab it from the shelf!

Here's my advice guys:

With these items...

I don't recommend playing!

Educator: I’m very sorry for the little beaver, but what happened to him guys, who can tell me?

Children's answers: he cut his paw, he pricked himself with a needle, etc.

Educator: Do you guys take these items? That's right, guys, you can't play with knives, forks, needles, scissors, you can't play with an iron, or take matches. You might get hurt.

Educator: And so that the little beaver recovers quickly, let the guys teach the Donkey to do a little exercise, and you remember the donkey and teach the Little Beaver these exercises, and this will help him recover quickly.

Physical education break:

In the morning the sun rises higher, higher, higher, stretching upward

In the evening it will go lower, lower, lower, tilt down

Tick-tock, tick-tock, the clock goes like this, tilting left and right

Well done, kids - bowed down from the bottom of your heart

And they clapped their hands - it will be a good day now! clap their hands

Educator: And Donkey brought us a game as a gift. Let's play guys!

A game: "What will happen?"

Educator: Guys, there are cards in front of you. Guys, look at these pictures the faces of a boy are drawn and girls: a boy with a sad face, and a girl with a joyful one. And also cards with objects, here is a knife, fork, iron, saw, faucet, matches and other objects - they can upset us if we are not careful in handling them. And also items that can delight children are toys: balls, ball, car, flowers. You need to distribute all the pictures among the guys. The boy is upset because he already knows which objects need to be handled with care. And girls, put items that make children happy.

Come on guys, I’ll help you a little, here’s a knife - it can hurt our finger, we’ll put it on the boy. Before choosing where to put the picture, think about which of these items may upset you and which may make you happy.

Children post pictures on their own, the teacher provides support and helps complete the task.

Educator: Guys, let's give our donkey some good advice, what kind?

To avoid flooding the apartment:

1 tip: you should always close the water taps;

So as not to end up in the hospital:

Tip 2: Do not play with sharp or dangerous objects.

Educator: Guys, our Donkey wants to say goodbye to you, he needs to visit his friend Beaver.

Donkey: Guys, so that you don’t be sad and worry about me and my friend, I brought you a gift.

Educator: What should the guys say to Donkey? Thank you Donkey from the guys, say hello to Beaver. Goodbye Donkey!

Educator: The donkey has left, and we guys, let's remember the objects that can cause us pain and sadness. Look and name what might upset us?

Children's answers: knife, scissors, iron, fork, matches, saw, needles, if we forget to close the tap.

Educator: Guys, you name these objects, and I will cover them with beautiful flowers and all the objects that can upset us will turn into objects that we need to learn how to use correctly and they will bring us only joy! I will teach you how to use them, and they will benefit us! Look how beautiful it has become!

Educator: Guys, ours class ends, what did you like and remember?

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

Hello guys!

A big and warm hello to everyone!

I'm lying in the hospital and I want you say:

That forks and scissors are so sharp

And touching them is dangerous!

And knives for kids -

Not a toy, okay?

An awl is a sharp tool,

Don't take it either

Inject in one moment

Awl can hurt!

Here's a saw! Oh, sharp!

Knitting needles, iron, matches and needles...

Don't grab it from the shelf!

Here's my advice guys:

With these items...

I don't recommend playing!

Sincerely, your friend Bobrenok

Summary of life safety for children of the second junior group

"Dangerous Items"

Target : To strengthen children’s understanding of dangerous objects found in everyday life.


Expand children's understanding of the dangers that may arise at home, in kindergarten.
Clarify children's knowledge about the rules for using piercing and cutting objects.
To educate children to be careful when working with dangerous objects.
Develop a sense of security and self-preservation.
Reinforce knowledge of fire safety rules.

Preliminary work:reading the works of A. Chuvilin “Fire is a dangerous game”, S. Ya. Marshak “Fire”, Examination of illustrations “Fire Safety”, “Dangerous Objects”.

Integration educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development, artistic - aesthetic development.

Equipment: a basket with toys, “dangerous objects” - a needle, scissors, tablets, a hammer, pliers, a poster with the image of dangerous objects, a red felt-tip pen, a game character - Bunny.

Planned result:

Children will become familiar with dangerous objects found in everyday life. Preschoolers will develop skills for safe behavior at home. Children's vocabulary will be enriched with new words and concepts.

GCD move

There's a knock on the door. The group includes a Bunny with a basket.

Educator: Hello Bunny!

Bunny : Hello guys!

Educator: I see, Bunny, did you bring something with you?

Bunny : Yes, I brought my toys with me. Lets play?

Gives the teacher a box containing: a needle, scissors, a hammer and pills.

Educator: Let's see what toys you brought us.

Ay-ay-ay, I think I injected myself? Oh, how it hurts me! What did I inject myself with?

Children: needle, scissors.

Educator: Bunny, why do you need a needle and scissors?

Bunny : I wanted to play with them. After all, the scissors are beautiful and bright, and the needle is shiny and thin. And I I wanted to sew up a button on the doll, but I couldn’t do it.

Educator: Guys, why didn’t anything work out for Bunny?

Children: Because he doesn't know how to sew.

Educator: Look, guys, what a thin and sharp needle, what big and sharp scissors. You must first learn how to use them. If you guys break something, who do you turn to for help?

Children: To mom, dad, grandma.

Educator: That's right, guys, only adults know how to sew with a needle and use scissors. And you, Bunny, remember that there are objects that can harm your body. These items are called - dangerous. Guys, what dangerous objects did we find in the basket of toys?

Children: Needle and scissors.

Educator: Let's check, guys, if everything is in order in this basket. Who wants to check?(2-3 children come out and find tablets). Why do we need medicines?

Children: To be treated.

Educator: Is anyone here sick?

Children: No, we are not sick.

Bunny: I took them. I wanted to play with balls with you(takes balls out of his pocket), and my back would hurt. I would take a pill and everything would go away.

Educator: Do you know what pill you need to take to cure your back?

Bunny: No, I don’t know.

Educator: Do you guys know what pill to take?

Children: No.

Educator: And if you get sick, who do you turn to for help?

Children: To mom, dad, grandma, doctor.

Educator: That's right, only an adult knows what medicine to take. Oh, guys, if Bunny took these pills, what would happen to him?

Children: He would get a stomach ache, he would get poisoned

Educator: Do you hear, Bunny, what the children are telling you. Please remember rule : Never take medicine or try to treat yourself. It is very dangerous! And to prevent your back from hurting, you need to do exercises every morning. Let's guys show Bunny how we do exercises.

Physical education minute:


Girls and boys,

Imagine that you are bunnies.

One two three four five,

The bunny began to jump.

(Jumping back and forth)

Paws up and paws down,

Pull yourself up on your toes.

Bow left, bow right,

Bend over and rise

(Perform movements according to the content of the text)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

(Squatting, rubbing hands)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

(Performing jumps while standing still)

Girls and boys,

Imagine that you are bunnies.

(Half squats with left and right turns)

Someone scared the bunny

The bunny jumped and galloped away.

(Turn your back, squat,

wrap your arms around yourself, lower your head down).

Educator: Well, Bunny, let's see what else you have left in your basket.

The boys find a broken car.

Educator: Who broke the machine? Are you boys?

Children: No.

Bunny: I'm the one who broke it. Then I wanted to repair it, took the tools, but nothing worked.

Educator: What did you use to repair it?

Bunny: With these tools.(Takes out a heavy hammer and pliers).

Educator: Guys, look at the heavy tools Bunny took.(3-4 children try to pick them up).Who can work with such tools, guys?

Children: Only dad or grandpa.

Educator: Can we say that these are dangerous objects?

Children: Yes.

Educator: What can happen if you take a heavy hammer?

Children: He may fall on his leg and break his finger, and the pliers may press

his. It will be very painful.

Educator: Now you understand, Bunny, why nothing worked out for you. These tools are very heavy and dangerous.

Bunny: Guys, I understand everything, now I won’t pick up dangerous objects. Let's play a little.

Game "Journey"

Children pronounce words and perform movements at the same time.

We rode on a horse and reached the corner.

We got into the car and filled it with gasoline.

We drove by car and reached the river.

T-r-r! Stop! Turn! Steamboat on the river.

We traveled by steamboat and reached the mountain.

The ship is not coming, we need to get on the plane.

The plane is flying, its engine is humming. Oooh.

Let's sway slightly, because there are clouds above us.

Let's turn right, left

And let's smile at each other.

Educator: Let's remind Bunny once again, guys, what dangerous objects you and I know.(I display a poster depicting dangerous objects).

Now we will cross them out with a red felt-tip pen so that Bunny will remember the rules better. (Children take turns and cross out dangerous objects.)

Educator: Let’s shake our finger at Bunny and say: “You can’t play with needles and scissors, or take medicine or heavy instruments. These are very dangerous items.

Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “safe” and “dangerous” and understand the importance of life safety.

Repeat rules for staying safe at home and using household items, repeat the rules of behavior with unfamiliar objects.

Develop grammatically correct speech when composing sentences.

Foster the need for daily compliance with safety rules, the ability to sympathize and help.

Equipment: small hut, doll chair, bunny with hand glove, hammer, first aid kit, envelope with drawings, riddles, video.

Previous work: examination of the stand " Dangerous items».

Progress of classes in the junior group of kindergarten

There is a low theatrical screen on the table. A knock is heard behind her. The children come to the table.

Educator: Children, you hear someone knocking. (The teacher listens with the children) And who is that knocking? Children, guess who is knocking. (A bunny with a hammer in his hands peeks out from behind the hut. The children approach the table)

Bunny. It’s me, a bunny, I’m knocking with a hammer, I want to do things like dad does. Knock Knock! Ah ah ah! My poor little finger!

Educator. What happened, bunny?

Bunny. Ah-ah-ah! How painful! The hammer did it all! He hit me! Ah ah ah! (The bunny starts crying)

Educator. Oh, bunny, you're bleeding. Don’t cry, bunny, now the kids will take pity on you and help you, your finger will stop hurting right away. (The children take an adhesive plaster from the first aid kit and apply it to the wound, feel sorry for them, and stroke the bunny.) (When they have finished treating the bunny’s finger, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the box that has appeared)

Educator: Oh, children, look, while we were treating the bunny, some interesting box appeared here. Let's see what's there. (The teacher opens the box, and there is a letter)

Educator: Children, there is some kind of letter here. I wonder from whom? Let's read it now. (The teacher reads the letter) “Dear children, unfortunately, I cannot fly to you today and I am passing on my lesson to you, which you will definitely watch. Aunt Owl"

Educator: Guys, let's see what lesson Aunt Owl taught us. You, bunny, also sit down with us and have a look. (View video)

Educator: Well, children, you understand that you cannot take dangerous objects. And why?

Educator: Bunny, do you understand?

Bunny: Yes, I understand, I will no longer take objects with which you can play.

Educator: Children, let us have a little rest.

Physical education session “Sun”

The sun came out from behind a cloud,

We will stretch our arms to the sun. (Stretching - arms up.)

Arms to the sides, and then we will spread them wider. (Stretching - arms to the sides.)

We've finished warming up.

The legs and back were rested.

Educator: Kids, Aunt Owl left you a task game in her letter.

Didactic game “Dangerous objects”

There are two envelopes here: red and green, there are also pictures that show objects that can be played with and that cannot be played with. And here are the tasks for the game. You need to put the pictures in envelopes. The green one is a picture that shows an object that can be played with, and the red one is a picture that cannot be played with. (Children put pictures into envelopes)

Educator: Well done, guys, you did a great job. Remember well that you cannot take dangerous things that adults use.

Rule. Mom and dad's tools are not for kids to play with. (The teacher takes out a surprise for children from the box from Aunt Owl, small kinder surprises)

Educator: Children, because today you remember well which toys you can play with and which you can’t, Aunt Owl has prepared little surprises for you. (The teacher gives gifts to the children)

Lesson summary

Children need to be careful when using objects.

Elmira Wise

Target: introduce children to dangerous situations and objects that lie in wait for them at home.

Tasks: learn to choose safe items for games that will help avoid dangerous situations during the absence of adults; to instill in children caution and the ability to do the right thing in a given life situation.

Progress of the lesson:

IN: Guys, the weather outside is good, are you in a good mood? Let's cheer up our guests too!

D: Hello guys!

Hello, friends!

We are glad to see you,

We are a family!

IN: Guys, our meeting today will be devoted to home safety. All people think that the safest place on earth is our home. But even at home we can face various dangers, but we will find out what they are today.


IN: I'll tell you a story. There was a boy named Kolya living in one family. One day, mom and dad went to work, and Kolya was left at home alone. Have you guys ever been alone at home? (Listen to the children's answers)

IN: Listen to what happened next. Suddenly the doorbell rang, it was Kolya’s friends Petya and Vasya. Kolya ran to the door and opened it. Do you think Kolya did the right thing?

D: No.

IN: So how should it be had to do?

D: children's answers.

IN: That's right guys, you definitely need to ask "Who's there?", you need to look at the door lock, you cannot say that your parents are not at home.

Ball game "One's own - another's"

IN: Guys, let's play a game "One's own - another's". I'll throw the ball to you and say the words if it's "mine" then you catch the ball, and if I called "alien" then don't catch the ball necessary: mother, aunt, postman, neighbor, grandfather, grandmother, friend, policeman...

IN: Well done. Listen to the story further. Friends came to visit Kolya, they had fun, watched cartoons, and then decided to play doctors. Vasya and Petya pretended that their stomachs hurt, Kolya took pills from his mother’s medicine cabinet and gave them to his friends.

IN: Guys, do you think Kolya did the right thing?

D: No, children should not touch the tablets.

IN: And why?

D: Because medicine is not a toy for children; only a doctor or mother can touch it; pills can cause poisoning.

IN: Right. So, the friends decided not to play doctors, but decided to look out the window.

Do you think this is a good idea?

D: No, because you could fall out of the window.

IN: That's right guys, this is a bad idea, under no circumstances should you look out the windows, so that no trouble happens. We listen to the story further, friends caught the eye of matches, Vasya decided to light one and see how it burns.

IN: Was Vasya a good idea?

D: No, playing with matches may cause a fire.

IN: Well done boys. But there are still a lot of dangerous objects at home that children should not touch. Now we will see if you know what these items are.

A game “It’s possible - it’s not possible”

IN: Guys, I will show you pictures depicting various objects, and looking at them you will say whether you can play with them or not.

Tablets are not allowed, they can cause poisoning;

A thermometer is not allowed, it may break;

A knife is not allowed, it can hurt you;

A hammer is not allowed, it can break something;

A vacuum cleaner is not allowed, it is an electrical appliance;

Toys - yes, children play with them;

Pencils - yes, you can draw a beautiful picture with them;

Matches are not allowed, there may be a fire...

IN: Let's continue listening to the story. Friends convinced Vasya not to light matches, they sat down at the table, took pencils, albums and drew many wonderful drawings for mom.

IN: Now you guys know how to behave at home when you are alone. Let's draw a picture as a gift for mom.

Publications on the topic:

Competition nomination “We are not afraid of dangers” Compiled by teacher: L. A. Chagaeva Age of children: 2-3 years Program content: Introduce.

Teacher Panyukova G. G. Theme. “So that there is no trouble.” Objectives: 1. Educational task: to identify and consolidate children’s knowledge about fire: causes.

Summary of the training game “So that there is no trouble.” Summary of the training game “So that there is no trouble.” Goal: to create conditions to prevent possible dangerous situations for students.

Dear parents! The world that surrounds a child is complex and full of danger. Our task is to ensure your children are safe and healthy.

Presentation on safe behavior for children middle group on the topic: "So that there is no trouble!" Objectives: to consolidate children’s ideas about some.

Security project in the preparatory group “So that there is no trouble” Educator: Shulepova E. N., Perminova I. V. Introduction: Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky, famous writer, author of the novel “How the Steel Was Tempered.”