home Makeup My ex-boyfriend is marrying someone else. What to do if your ex-boyfriend married someone else When your ex gets married

My ex-boyfriend is marrying someone else. What to do if your ex-boyfriend married someone else When your ex gets married

Hello, please help me, I just can’t cope with myself. The situation is this, we met a guy several years ago, the love was very strong (at least I have for him), I did everything for him, he was involved in professional sports, I cooked him different dishes (especially for athletes) while he was sleeping in the morning , I ran to the store before the institute to prepare breakfast for him, often bought everything with my own money (since we were students, my parents supported me financially quite well, but his parents did not have such an opportunity, so I turned a blind eye because I practically support him), we went on vacation with my parents’ money, I even bought him things, because... there were constant trips to training camps, he was not doing well with his studies, I rewrote lectures for him, if only he would go to the institute and show them so that they could give him a test, but sometimes he could not even get up in the morning to take these notebooks. I lived in some kind of illusion that he was a super person, and he was simply having a hard time in life. Then he started having problems with sports, he stopped winning fights, and then I felt sorry for him, but against this background he began to feel depressed and started using some pharmaceutical products, at first I couldn’t understand anything that was wrong with him until I saw all this... then he began to behave inappropriately and react to my various actions, he wouldn’t let me go anywhere, he said that only scammers go everywhere and normal girls should stay at home.. then I still went to my friend’s birthday club, he visited all the clubs in the city and found me and literally pulled me out of there by the hair... in the morning, as usual, I started writing him an SMS so that he would forgive me for going there.. he said you’re scum and I don’t want to communicate with you... and then I got stuck, it was as if my eyes had opened... I completely stopped all communication with him... and after 2 months an epic began that lasted 2 years... he wrote sorry I understood everything about me, how I behaved and what a fool I was, I love only you, etc., he looked for me everywhere. As soon as I changed my phone, he immediately recognized him, he talked with my mother, he almost hanged himself.. and then...he got married and stopped all attempts to win me back. everything would be fine, but I constantly dream about him, dreams are like in reality, I even physically feel everything, I saw him recently and that’s it... it’s as if there is no one around, I can’t help myself, it seems to me that we should have been together anyway, very much A lot has been experienced and a lot of effort has been spent on it. In general, I’m also dating a guy now, but when I dream about him or I see him, I can’t do anything with myself and constantly cry... maybe it’s just some kind of feeling playing in me that he didn’t marry me and everything is fine with him now , but I somehow remained like this... after all this, it seems to me that the feeling of love for others in me has been lost... I don’t know how to stop thinking about him, trying to find out something about how he and his wife live now, etc.. and start taking care of your own life

If you are in a relationship with your ex, you will inevitably find out that he/she is getting married. How should you behave after learning this news?

Imagine that you are scrolling through your news feed on Facebook, there is nothing interesting there, but suddenly a familiar name, one that you used to often say. Your ex-other half with news about a new event in life. Your paths diverged a long time ago, but still a feeling arises in your soul that is difficult to describe. Jealousy? Bitterness? Genuine joy? You're not sure, but you're starting to wonder what to do in a situation where your ex is getting married/marry?

Ex Married?!.

Today, especially for this occasion, we have prepared for you 9 tips that you need to keep in mind if your ex-partner getting married or gets married. If this news doesn't bother you at all, then that's great - live your life and don't look back!!! But if this hurts you or this news makes you “slightly” nervous, then read on.

Thanks to technology, news travels very quickly. Thanks to these same technologies, it has become very easy to find out about events in the lives of other people, especially former partners. So how should you behave in this case? How to cope with this news?

Some tips for when your ex gets married:

# 1 It's okay if you feel anxious. You were once the love of this person's life, so it's normal if you still have some feelings towards him. And you may not want to be the bride/groom yourself at the moment. But such feelings arise because you once also imagined yourself standing in front of the altar with this person.

If you still have feelings for your ex, it's normal to feel jealous or sad. This means that the feelings have not died. But one day you would find that you have failed in your relationship. He or she deserves to be happy. The sooner you come to terms with this, the better.

# 2 Congratulate your ex if you are still in contact. Not all breakups end with people completely ignoring each other. The number of couples who remain friends after breaking up has increased. If you're friends on Facebook or still in touch, call your ex/her and ask how they're doing and say congratulations. Knowing that you are understanding about the new marriage can take a load off his/her soul.

# 3 Discuss the news that your ex is getting married with close friends. It's better if these people know your ex. If you feel angry or jealous, speak up. Friends will be able to comfort you and give you some advice on how to get through it and move on. However, if the upcoming wedding is not an issue for you, then you can simply mention it and move on to more interesting topics.

# 4 Avoid negative comments. Those who still have certain feelings for their ex will find it difficult to resist making negative comments towards the new bride/groom. Maybe he/she is not as good as you, but be that as it may, you will look pathetic and offended, scolding your ex-partner's new passion. Even if you think that you are much better than your ex-partner's future spouse, then keep this opinion to yourself. You don't want to get in trouble if the future newlyweds suddenly find out that you are gossiping behind their backs.

# 5 There is no need to talk about this event, that your ex is getting married, to your current partner. You can express all your grievances to your friends, but your partner is a completely different story. Emotional statements about a future wedding may make him/her feel insecure and make him/her feel like you are still lovingly attached to your ex. Our advice: keep this information to yourself, or if you really can’t, then mention it in passing.

The ex is the same man you broke up with, who broke your heart and for whom you shed a lot of tears. Time passed and here it is, a miracle, he wrote: “Hello! How are you doing?" And the woman’s heart trembled: “He realized what a treasure he had lost! He bit his elbows, knees and heels and finally appreciated me! I’m his queen and he loves me!” This is what women think (not all, of course, but the vast majority), but what actually happens?

Previously, in order to, you had to lift your butt and come home to it. Later, this process became much more accessible and easier; you just had to dial the coveted number on your cell phone and chat. Now you don’t have to stress at all, in any messenger or social network you type “Hello!” from the phone, and that's it. At this point the courtship process can be considered complete. And if a man also sends a bouquet with a smiley face, then it’s generally happiness. So, why is he writing (keyword: he didn’t come, he didn’t even call, he’s just writing, his ex).

Option one. Because it's boring

The most common case when an ex writes is simple boredom. At home, your wife or new girlfriend has prepared cabbage soup, TV shows nonsense as usual, the beer has been drunk, there is a snowstorm outside, it’s boring. And so, wandering around the vast expanses of the Internet, he accidentally finds her and remembers her existence. Why not chat before your wife covers all correspondence with a copper basin? It’s just boring to such an extent that non-binding communication with your ex is quite suitable. Again, nostalgia...

Option two. Because it's interesting

Sometimes it's just interesting cognitively How does she live there? What is he doing? Maybe she drank herself to death from grief? Or, on the contrary, did you get into weightlifting? Or does the one and only me still suffer? Most often, exes try to find out if the girl has new man, and if not, the evening was a success. Sometimes there is nothing wrong in the ex’s head at all, I just wonder how she lives, with what, with whom, why? It’s like looking at pages in Odnoklassniki.

Option three. Boast of

It turns out that men are also very, especially they like to “fluff their tail” in front of their ex-girlfriends. Especially if she left him herself, but if he also fled into the sunset, then that’s okay too. Men quite often deliberately look for their ex on the Internet, only to show her photographs of their new car or their new girlfriend or themselves, “photoshopped”, with six-pack abs and a brutal chin to boot. Only those men whose dignity was once hurt by a girl are capable of writing: “Hello!” and then casually boasting of their real and imaginary victories. So a simple “hello” is more likely a stupid revenge than a desire to communicate with a former love.

Option four. Need free sex

In general, it’s practically a win-win option. Evening, bored, no money for anything night club, where you can pick up a girl, or in a cafe where you can invite new girl, nor for paid love. Or maybe you don’t want to bother like that, or maybe you have neither the money nor the desire to do anything at all. Therefore, from the endless list of “ex”, the most accessible one is found and they write to her: “Hello!” And then two or three words about how bored he is (in the best option) or simply the sentence “Come to me, I’m sad.” And that’s it, the trick is in the bag, the evening stops being so boring and monotonous. And yes, if one ex refused, then there will always be another ex who, overjoyed to the point of madness, will rush to the “Prince Charming” into the night.

Option five. Raise your self-esteem

There is nothing better for a man than for a woman who suffers for him for a long time. And although men never directly talk about this out loud, they love to casually throw out phrases like: “Three years have passed since we broke up, and she’s still alone,” “She’s getting married soon, but she still writes to me.” “,” “After we broke up with her, she went to a monastery,” “She got married and gave birth to three children, but she still loves me exclusively!”

And it is precisely during periods of slight doubt about his irresistibility (he had a fight with his wife, the girl refused, the date fell through, the new mistress sent to heaven for a star) that a man, lying on the sofa, remembers that he has Masha! Former Masha, who is ready to shed tears for him forever! And to make sure of his own irresistibility, uniqueness and irreplaceability, the man finds Masha and writes to her: “Hello!”

And making sure that they are still suffering for him, he smacks his lips with satisfaction and falls asleep in the peaceful sleep of the baby. Until a new mental crisis, the former Masha can also sleep peacefully.

Option six. I don't know why

But the most popular option for why an ex is writing is: “HZ.” The ex himself doesn’t know why the hell he’s writing ex-girlfriend. It just “wrote” itself and that’s it. And to be honest, he doesn’t care what’s going on in his ex’s soul. Most often, the “I don’t know why” option happens when you’re drunk, and falls into the category of thoughtless antics such as drunkenly singing Leps’ songs or squatting dances.

And where is love in these options?