The world around us is changing rapidly. Often its changes do not satisfy the desires of many people or do not lead to the results that most are accustomed to observing. I am now gradually leading you to the idea that recently many people have been trying to change their gender. Should we shift responsibility for this onto the shoulders of our society, which is full of feminism, or should we look for a reasonable explanation for this? Why does a guy want to become a girl?

Yes, of course, it is the whole society that is to blame for the fact that many young guys want to become girls. But how can society influence someone who grew up in an all-male company, for example? Were you brought up on the ideals of courage and courage, courage and firmness of other men? Where do these guys get the desire to change their gender? Obviously, society has nothing to do with it.

Scientists have found the answer to this riddle. There is an assumption that if the mother has an emotional breakdown at a certain stage of development of the embryo of the future man, there is a possibility of “mixing” of chromosomes and, accordingly, shifts and revolutions in the child’s consciousness.

It's not easy for a guy to become a girl

Why is it not easy? There are many clinics specializing in gender reassignment surgery! There are many clinics, but there are even more people who want to change from a guy to a girl. Therefore, huge queues are created. Most likely, you will spend not months, but years waiting for surgery. And these years will be difficult: all sorts of delays due to the healthcare system, many tests for mental disorders... And if you are found to have a mental disorder, you will be denied sex reassignment surgery.

A way to turn from a guy into a girl

Yes, it exists. The method is somewhat unusual, but what should you expect, because we decided to correct the shortcomings of Mother Nature! Let's talk about such a phenomenon as transvestites.

It's so simple, really: put it on women's clothing Instead of the things we are used to, we apply makeup, and we’re done! The boy became a girl. Although externally, and not at the physical level, believe me, many achieve such mastery in this that it is possible to distinguish real girl from a transvestite it becomes almost impossible.

Yes, it is a heavy burden to be a transvestite, but at least it will prevent you from having to spend a lot of money on surgery, and if you want, you can always take off your makeup, change clothes and look like a man again!

Having considered the main ways for a guy to become a girl, we only want to be firmly confident in our choice.

Really, interesting topic for conversation. How to become a girl? Today we will comprehensively analyze all the ways how a girl can become a girl, how a guy can transform into a girl, and what adult women should do if they decide to become girls again.

How to become a girl if you are a girl

At first glance, everything is obvious. What is the difference between a girl and a girl? By and large, the whole difference is in age, 12 years is a girl, 19 is a girl.

The easiest way for a girl to become a girl. All you need is just to grow up; with age, any girl develops and turns into a girl. And this happens as follows.

The girl’s appearance changes, her body height increases, and her features begin to change. IN early period During puberty, a girl’s body has many angular features, but over time they become rounded, thereby gradually turning into a girl’s body. The figure becomes feminine and soft in outline. During the period of transformation of a girl into a girl, the mammary glands begin to actively grow, and hair appears in the armpits and pubic area. An important point can be considered the appearance of the first menstruation - monthly bleeding from the vagina. You should not be afraid of this, because everything that happens to a girl’s body during puberty is natural, it is inherent in nature.

These changes become new for the girl; she is no longer quite a girl, but at the same time she is not able to fully perceive herself as a full-fledged girl. During this period, the girl needs the help of her mother, who will competently explain to her daughter what is happening to her and why, where this is leading and what needs to be done. Therefore, if your mother is reading this article, be sure to pay attention to this, and if you are a girl, then go to your mother and ask her to tell you about puberty, she will definitely help you.

In addition to physical changes, the girl’s psychology also changes. She begins to be interested in boys not only as friends and acquaintances, she begins to develop a romantic mood and a desire to date a guy. The girl begins to take an active interest in her appearance and ways to improve it. Mom’s help with this will also not be superfluous.

This is how a girl gradually turns into a girl, so don’t rush, you will turn into a girl over time and in the way you need.

How to become a girl if you are a guy

Gender reassignment is quite popular these days. So, many guys want to become girls.

How can a guy become a girl? If you definitely decide to do this, seek help from medical specialists. There are a number of operations to turn boys into girls; operations have long been safe and quite financially feasible. Plastic surgeries are numerous. You need to be prepared for them both financially and psychologically, it will take a lot of time to transform from a guy to a girl.

Another option is to become a transvestite. All you need is to learn how to do makeup and dress like a girl. It’s also a good idea to learn to move like a girl - postures, movements, gestures and facial expressions should be “feminine”. Do your makeup, dress up, put on a wig, and you will look very much like a girl.

How to become a girl again

This question is of interest to women who want to restore their virginity. There are two main recovery methods hymen: stitching it together or restoring it using the tissues entering the vagina.

In the first case, the operation is quick, but the result will last for 2-2.5 weeks.

The second option is more complicated and more expensive, but also more effective: in essence, the hymen tissue is created from the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina. This method is called three-layer hymenoplasty.

There are contraindications, but they are not significant; the operation is plastic in nature. You will have to pass a test for intolerance to anesthesia, nothing more. But it is better to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and bring its results directly to the clinic where you plan to restore your integrity - you never know, health is not a joke, perhaps you simply cannot have such operations.

Now we know all the ways to become a girl.

IN modern world It is no longer such a rare occurrence that a man transforms into a woman, and a woman into a man. But there is still no clear explanation at what stage a breakdown occurs in a person’s consciousness and he begins to feel an irresistible craving for fundamental changes not only in his mind, but also in his body. At the same time, many researchers pose this question quite seriously.

Change from female to male. Gender change - woman to man.- Statistics.

According to the International Health Organization for last year two and a half times more gender reassignment operations were performed, about one third of which were transformations from the weaker sex to the stronger. Experts find it difficult to answer what this is connected with. Some researchers cite endocrine disorders during pregnancy as the cause of this “program failure.” Most cases are associated precisely with childhood experiences and the influence of the immediate environment. This is at least what some psychologists assume, but many do not agree with them, and there are also quite a few who contradict this theory. For example, a situation often occurs when a guy is brought up in the greatest severity and almost Spartan conditions, he has only courageous examples and images before his eyes, however, no matter what, he is magically drawn to frills, frills, cosmetics, and so on.

The same contradiction is observed among gentle, charming creatures who strive to “fight” from an early age and would rather climb under the hood of a car than play, for example, with Barbie. But sometimes it also happens that it is at a certain stage of his life that a person suddenly decides to literally start life anew, only in a completely new way. And we are not talking about transvestism, when there is simply changing clothes without interfering with physiology. And the desire to become the opposite sex is directly expressed. It seems to me that a person can be moved to take this step not by curiosity, as some ordinary people assume, but by strong mental trauma and disappointment in his life. This may be due to our lifestyle and worldview.

Everyone has known since ancient times the postulate that a man is initially higher than a woman, smarter and stronger than her. Practice shows that this is not always the case, but nevertheless, throughout the entire existence of human civilization, women have been and continue to be under strong pressure from society. Not every male boss agrees to promote a female specialist, even if she is many times stronger in intelligence than any of the possible competitors. And that’s when you can hear from a woman’s lips: “Why am I not a man?!” However, in this situation there is no need to talk about changing gender. Or, for example, someone is constantly being used for sexual purposes, she gets so tired of it that she is ready to do anything to prevent the scenario from happening again. Such facts of unfair, from a woman’s point of view, distribution of roles constantly accumulate and inevitably lead to an explosion of emotions. What should a person do who has been dreaming of changing sex to the opposite for many years, but is afraid of being misunderstood? This is actually a very difficult question.

I want to change gender. How to change, change sexual orientation? A girl, a woman wants to become a man.

In general, if we look at history, the pioneer in the matter of gender reassignment was still a man - E. Virginel, and at that relatively long ago, back in the first half of the last century. True, this experience cannot be called successful. As a result of repeated operations, he, or rather she, died. In the union space, the first experience took place only after almost half a century. By the way, it was then that the transition from woman to man took place. But even after the successful operation, they were still silent about it good years twenty.

I want to become a man. Change from female to male.- This topic is still quite sensitive today, despite all the progressiveness of our society. They are trying to disavow transsexualism not only simple people, but also the state. Before today no laws have been adopted in terms of the rights of these citizens; there are some kind of recommendations. Moreover, this problem is considered a real mental disorder. And in this case, treatment is prescribed - surgery. In principle, this cannot be avoided, since the discrepancy between the “shell” and its “contents” drives the owner of this “wealth” to madness and, as a rule, to death.

In fact, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. It is far from enough to simply go to the hospital for a week and then come out a new person. Until this moment, the patient usually goes through many trials in the form of misunderstanding, contempt, alienation, and bureaucracy. After all, before the operation it is necessary to collect a lot of pieces of paper from almost every possible authority, of which no more than 3-5 will be really necessary. But without the “thousands” of others, they simply will not have strength. In every office you will have to justify yourself and explain yourself, like a naughty schoolchild in front of the director. In addition, you will have to undergo a psychiatric examination and only after you are officially recognized as having no mental disorder (for example, schizophrenia) with a clear diagnosis, you will be prescribed treatment in the form of surgery. Then you will be put on a waiting list, and the agonizing wait for the “magic” moment will begin. And this is not even a week or two, but months or even years, which not everyone has the nerves to endure.

However, even after the operation, despite the many advantages (awareness of oneself “at ease”, the opportunity to start new life etc.), there are also obvious disadvantages - for example, you should forget about children (unless you adopt them), complications are possible after the operation, almost every second person has a greatly reduced work immune system, in rare cases, the body even refuses to accept the transplanted organ. In addition, there is no guarantee that your personal life and career will improve immediately.

However, today there is no other solution to the problem. If you realize that you belong to this group of people, do not give up. You are not alone! After all, maybe this is a kind of blessing, despite the complexity of the situation. You have been given a rare opportunity to start your life anew.

In the age of progress, no one is surprised that some people conduct various experiments on themselves. Some change their appearance by enlarging their breasts or lips, others become like pop stars, and there are many people who have changed their gender. For medicine now almost nothing is impossible. On television and in magazines, topics are increasingly being discussed: “I want to become a guy, I want to be a girl, what should I do?” Society reacts differently to such statements, however, those who want to change their gender in different countries is getting bigger. What caused this desire? What is it like to live in a new body? Let's discuss this right now.

I want to become a girl - what to do?

The desire to become a representative of the fairer sex is quite common among guys. According to WHO, operations to transform men into women occur twice as often. That is, guys are more susceptible to the desire to change their gender than women. What could cause it? According to psychologists, there are several factors why guys want to become girls.

1. Incorrect ideas about ourselves and about the opposite sex, formed in childhood.

2. The boy’s character is a sensitive, romantic and subtle nature.

3. Psychological trauma received in childhood.

4. Complex family relationships between parents.

5. Fear of taking on the responsibility that falls on men's shoulders.

6. Attraction to people of the same sex, not the opposite.

7. Experienced disappointment in your partner.

Before making the final decision to change sex, you should first try to solve your problem in other ways. Some boys and young men who harbor the idea of ​​becoming a woman do not consider it possible to change their own ideas. They rarely turn to psychologists without trying to find the roots of their problems, but become increasingly confused in their thoughts and convince themselves of the correctness of their decision. You should at least try to talk to a good specialist and figure out where the desire to change gender comes from. Perhaps the problem is hidden in the subconscious, and it can be solved. Not wanting to turn to a psychologist when something can still be changed, such people deprive themselves of the chance to start a full life in their body, given by nature.

I want to be a guy - what to do?

Much less common, but also found among girls, is the desire to become men. Psychologists note that for the most part it is caused either by improper parenting, or a misconception about men in general. Young girls who grew up among boys, where boyish games and activities predominated, feel more comfortable in such an environment. They are simply not taught to be women. Subsequently, they do not know how to dress up and have difficulty communicating with other girls in the class. In the future, such problems may cause a desire to become a man.

Some people want to change their gender because they consider men’s life simpler - guys find work easier, earn more, they don’t have to worry about taking care of children, keeping the house clean, and they are free from many hassles. Having experienced disappointment in their partner, some young ladies may also not be able to cope with the mental pain and want to become a man. According to psychologists, most girls simply need warmth, affection and care, understanding and advice to solve their problem. Their desire to change their gender is not true and the only correct one.

Gender reassignment – ​​something to think about?

The procedure to change gender to the opposite is quite serious. Before deciding to take this step, you need to carefully weigh everything many times. And it’s not just about the operation, which is always associated with a certain risk - infection, blood loss, the effect of anesthesia on the heart, etc. There is also a social aspect - how will society perceive a transsexual person? How will friends and acquaintances react to the decision? What will the parents say? Will they condemn or support? What feelings subsequently await the person himself after a gender change? Will he be happy? Will he be able to respect himself? Will he be able to get used to his new body? All these questions will certainly arise if you want to become a guy or a girl.

How to prove that a person is genetically of a different sex?

Having decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery, a person still for a long time is changing. For the rest of his life, he takes hormones that help his body transform. Former women receive testosterone and ex-boyfriends- estrogen. However, even after the operation, by some signs it can be determined that a person is genetically a guy.

The most obvious of them is the presence of an Adam's apple. Women do not naturally have it. The timbre of the voice can also give away a transsexual. Poorly disguised scars after surgery are another sign of gender reassignment. But to determine ex-girlfriend quite difficult - except for the presence of scars on the body (skin flaps are taken from other parts of the body to form the penis). Subtle scars may remain in the chest area after breast removal.


The desire to change gender is not such a rare occurrence, but often it is not an insoluble problem. With the help of an experienced psychologist, there is a chance to find ingrained misconceptions about yourself and eliminate them, learn to feel comfortable in your own body.

The guy’s name not long ago was Tyler, and for almost his entire adult life he suffered because he couldn’t figure out who he really was.

Now 15 years old, he has shiny black hair and pronounced cheekbones, and lives in Middlesbrough, in Britain. It would probably be right if Tyler continues to be not a “he”, but a “she”.

Yes, yes, you are not mistaken. It was “she”, since it was precisely this question that haunted Kaira. Oh yes, I forgot to say - now her name is not Tyler, but Kyra Kelly. When she returned to school as a girl after the holidays, some teachers didn’t even recognize her. If it were in our country, say, the biology major would faint! Okay, here's Kaira's story.

Kaira has been worried about her gender since she was 6 years old. Feeling not entirely comfortable in the body of a boy, she walked around the house wearing makeup, manicure and heels. At first, Kaira’s stepfather and mother did not really approve of these strange habits and tried to stop them. They were afraid that Kaira would be teased and humiliated “in the area.”

The boy was left with his problem completely alone: ​​he did not want to be friends with other boys, he hated football and men's clothing. His best friends there were girls and he envied them in every possible way.

“I felt strange and different from others. I looked in the mirror and saw a stranger. I imagined myself in skirts and dresses when I was eight years old."

“I didn’t feel confident even after I admitted that I was gay. I felt like something was missing,”- says Kaira. — “I felt like I was trapped in a body that was uncomfortable for me. I was scared to think how my parents would react to this. But I still wrote this letter to my mother.”

“I didn’t know how she would react. I wrote this message four times. But my mother really supported me and told my dad about everything. He was also understanding and told me that he loves me for who I am.”

In the future, Kaira is planning a series of plastic surgeries that will allow her to look like Kim Kardashian. She'll change her gender, get breast implants, get rhinoplasty, raise her eyebrows and all that jazz. She wants to be glamorous, and Kardashian serves as her example. But is it really similar? Or similar?

“At 15, I’m proud to be doing this. It took me and my family who supported me a lot of courage and a lot of time to come to terms with this. I blocked and removed people from school, they don't need to see this. My appearance will not change until the age of 17-18. There may be some negative comments, but I don't care. Thanks to those who support me."

This is what Kaira wrote on her Facebook. Well, everyone has their own problems and solves them in their own way. We wish Kaira good luck, because the most important thing is to be happy. And if any steps towards your happiness lie in the plane of law and morality, then... why not? Do you agree?