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The ability to interest a person without saying a word is a very important skill in our world, where sometimes there is simply no time for unnecessary conversations, and the first impression is very important. The right deep look and a few correct body movements can help you achieve what many people fail to achieve. for a long time communication.

We are in website We reveal 8 main secrets of how to impress and interest a girl who doesn’t know anything about you without words.

If you can make truly piercing eye contact, you won't have to say anything to impress or interest her.

Even if you find it difficult to approach people and always keep your distance, try to overcome yourself. When the girl takes a step towards you, don’t move away. By retreating, even because you were nervous, you are giving her a reason to decide that you are withdrawn or that you don’t like her at all.

If you have noticed this in yourself, then under no circumstances should you run away from such situations, psychologists say. On the contrary, gather all your composure and take the first step towards the girl you like.

3. Watch your eyebrows

How often do you think about your eyebrows? Many people don’t know, but subconsciously people instantly notice this part of the interlocutor’s facial expressions. And eyebrows can give you away.

If you raise them too high, it will look forced and impolite; if you raise them too low, you will seem irritated. And if you don't move them at all, it will be perceived as if you are incredibly bored.

Exercises in the mirror on emotions really work. Stand in front of your reflection and try, for example, reading poetry. This will help you look at yourself from the outside and be more objective.

4. Don't be shy about preening

Many people are embarrassed to preen themselves not only in the presence of another person, but also in relation to their image in general, believing that it is not courageous. However, we can say for sure that true courage does not manifest itself in taking care or not taking care of your appearance.

Girls are usually very attentive. They notice any attempt to prettify themselves and perceive it as a desire to please them. If you put on perfume before leaving the house, this will already be a bonus - and not only because of the pleasant aroma.

Also, don’t be afraid to adjust your hair or tie in front of her: people subconsciously it seems that any desire to appear prettier is unconscious.And what can touch feelings more than sincerity? Just try not to overdo it with this, otherwise you risk looking like a neurasthenic.

5. Keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed

There are rarely women who do not look for support and protection in their companion. A straight back is an important and very indicative sign that a person is ready to cope with life's difficulties. Slouching and hunching are subconsciously perceived as a sign of surrender- remember the animal world. In addition, a lack of posture can be interpreted by others as if the person is experiencing boredom, anxiety, or even fear.

Straighten and pull your shoulders back, and you will seem much more confident to yourself. It may not be easy at first, but it is for high achievements that we need will.

Also, a little trick. If you sometimes shrug your shoulders back, this creates the image of a gentle and sensual man.

6. Look at her thoughtfully and very seriously, as if there is something that you cannot express.

Any mystery fuels curiosity, and here it kills two birds with one stone. The girl’s curiosity flows into interest in you, which, of course, can’t help but play into your hands. Also, a deep look is a manifestation of attention in a hidden, non-aggressive form, which is pleasant for almost everyone, even a skeptical person. Remember the image of Mr. Darcy from the novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen - that’s what just one casual glance can cost.

Of course, it is important not to overdo it with this technique and start playing at a mute, but very expressively looking fish. A slight closeness and self-sufficiency of feelings is what you need.

7. Touch her for any possible (appropriate) reason

As a rule, girls are always very sensitive to touch. This means that you won’t be able to hug someone unnoticed. The less aggressive your behavior, the more trust the woman you like has in you.

However, breaking the tactile barrier is one of the global challenges. Use adequate reasons for this: give a hand in transport, hug if she tells a very exciting story. The option of riding on a crowded bus is actually not that bad.

It is also worth remembering that any touch you make should be strong and confident. If your hand shakes like a leaf and you spread like jelly, it’s unlikely that the girl you like will appreciate this approach.

8. Touch your lips

If you are a girl, do you agree that such methods work unconditionally? If you were a young man, would you use them in your daily life?

Do you have to suffer every day, watching the love of your life surrounded by crowds of fans, and knowing that only you truly love her? Jealousy, hatred and a sense of loss are all the feelings that fill you now. But all you have to do is win her heart.



    Don't rush things. Let the relationship develop gradually. She may be frightened by your excessive pressure. Gradually, your feelings for her will intensify and develop, as will your relationship.

    Be bold. Most girls like men who are confident, but not selfish. Just walk up to her and start a simple conversation. She will understand that they are interested in her. Start with some simple phrase:

    • "You're wearing this Nice dress. Did you sew it yourself?”
    • “Sorry, I'm new here. Can you tell me where the library is?”
    • "Hi, my name is [your name]. I think you're a great conversationalist. Can I steal a few minutes of your time?"
  1. Chat with other girls. This is not the same as flirting with other girls, which would be inappropriate in our situation. If you communicate with other girls, your chosen one will understand that they trust you, consider you a reliable friend, and that you are easy to communicate with. If you get other girls to say nice things about you, then that's another big step.

    • Make friends with her friends, it's not that hard. We know it can be difficult, but just try. If her friends like you, you will have a better chance of winning her over too. After all, girls often consult with their friends. Make sure they have a good impression of you.
  2. Always look after yourself. Women love the smell of clean and neat clothes! This means that if a man takes care of himself, then she will like him. Conversely, poor hygiene can ruin all your plans. Believe it or not, fresh, clean-smelling hair is a big plus. And the smell of a clean body is a must for every guy. Here are three tips to help improve your hygiene:

    If possible make a girl laugh, then you will have a much better chance. But don't overdo it. Let her become your best friend first, and then engage in battle. It's important for a girl to know that she can trust you, that you won't break her heart because you actually care about her. Girls love to laugh and will laugh at all jokes, even if they are not funny.

    Be sincere. Compliments, flirting, jokes, caring - none of this will matter if you are insincere. If you decide to give a girl a compliment, think about what you like about her, gather your courage and tell her, just tell the truth.

    • It's okay if you don't agree with her, just don't put pressure on her, respect her opinion and give reasons why you don't agree with her. Who knows, maybe she will start to respect you more, because this way you will show that you have your own opinion.
  3. Prove that you really like her. Show her that you're not just attracted to her or just want to get her into bed. Ask her to talk about herself, talk to her. Don't just expect kisses. Listen to her and look her in the eyes.

    Compliment her. It’s hard to please girls with compliments: everyone wants to feel confident, but it’s very difficult to find Right words. Moreover, a little kind words will help you pave the way to the future. Pay attention to these tips when you're ready to show her that you're more than just a friend:

    • Find out who she feels like. If she has a sporty spirit, encourage her to win and play sports. If your chosen one is a thinker, praise her for her smart thoughts. Whatever she thinks about herself, praise her for the things she likes most about herself.
    • Try to give more compliments about her character. There is no need to constantly talk about her external beauty; All girls like to feel beautiful, but it is also important for them to be valued for their intelligence and character. If you want to compliment her appearance, pay attention to:
      • smile;
      • hairstyle;
      • eyes;
      • lips;
      • clothes;
      • style.
    • Try these compliments. These are just sketches, so come up with more suitable ones for your situation and your girl.
      • “Sorry, I’m embarrassed, but I always get nervous around pretty girls.”
      • “They probably tell you this a lot, but I like the way you think.”
      • “I love the way the color of your eyes matches your dress. Do your parents have blue eyes too?

    Let's get to know her better

    1. Remember the color of her eyes. This can be easily done by looking into her eyes as often as possible while you are talking.

      Flirt with her. You've probably already started flirting with her, complimenting her and just talking to her. It's time to take things to the next level and show her what you want.

      Don't play games. This way you will only waste time, and the relationship will go nowhere. If you try to start a relationship with a lie (for example, by saying that you just ended a long-term relationship, but in fact you did not have any girlfriend), then most likely everything will end in tears. If you see that a girl is looking for one thing in a relationship, and you are looking for something completely different, there is no need to delay. Tell her what you're looking for and explain what's really important to you.

      • Don't play hard to get unless you're sure it will work. Believe it or not, some guys try to look unapproachable. And in most cases, girls take this behavior for indifference.
    2. Be a reliable friend. Most girls want to trust someone and know that they will be supported in Hard time. Even if she's doing well, let her know you're wondering how her day was. If you know she has plans after work or school, ask her how it went. If you let her know that you like her, she will understand all the hints. You don't even need to say it directly.

      • If you talk about your plans, do what you say. If you just talk, you won't be trusted. Girls (and guys) don't like it when people talk a lot but never keep their promises. Don't be like that.
      • Monitor your reputation. Try to be the guy she would want to date. This means:
        • Treat girls well and don't offend them.
        • Have friends who will support you in difficult times.
        • To be someone everyone loves and respects.
    3. Offer her your jacket if she's cold. You'll make an even bigger impression if you take the jacket off and throw it over your shoulders, first making sure the jacket is clean and smells good. By doing this you will show her that you care about her. She will feel safe.

      Be interested in her mood. Ask her how her day was. This is an easy way to show her that you are interested in what she does and that you care about her. When she starts talking, your full attention should be on her. Look into her eyes. Most importantly, don't interrupt. Ask questions to show her that you are listening and speak your mind.

    Time for decisive action

      Share your emotions. If she gets an excellent grade on her test, rejoice together! If she's having a bad day, let her know that you understand how bad she is and want her to feel better. Ask her if there is anything you can do to help or calm her down.

      Love her weirdness. Nobody is perfect, but if you see too many flaws, we have a problem. You must love her for her features, for her uniqueness. Tell her about it.

      • If she is not sure about something, this is exactly the moment when the girl should be encouraged. Say something like, “I love your freckles. They highlight your beauty." Simple words like these will cheer her up and show her that you like her for who she is.
      • Be especially careful if she is not very confident. Most girls (and guys) are not completely confident in their character or appearance. The better you get to know her, the more you will learn about her fears. Don't draw attention to them, talk more often about its merits.
    1. Make her feel the most beautiful. You can say so directly. Girls love compliments and hear that they are beautiful, but do not overdo it, especially if you have only recently met. Just saying something like, “You look good today” more often will cheer her up. But say this only sincerely. If you are deceitful, she will no longer trust your opinion in other matters.

      Develop your communication skills. Tell us about everyone interesting things that come to mind, or share the story of your friends. You've probably already asked her a ton of questions, but she probably doesn't know a lot about you. Tell her about what you can easily talk about, and maybe even about what you have always been embarrassed to say.

      • If she tells you about her weaknesses, don't be afraid to show her your weaknesses.
      • Put yourself in her shoes. What does she like to talk about? How does she react to criticism? How is she different from other girls? What is she proud of? Answer these questions from her point of view.
    2. Ask her out if you haven't already. Getting into the dating stage will be the hardest part of the plan. If you go on a few dates, you will very quickly figure out if she really is the girl of your dreams. But deciding on an invitation is not so easy. Luckily, you're confident, calm, and have a plan:

      • You don't have to say it's a date. It may make you both feel awkward if you call it a date. Instead, say something like, “I have two tickets to that new movie on Saturday, but my friend is sick. Would you like to come with me?
      • Increase your chances of a successful date by thinking of something exciting, something that will get her heart rate up. It could be a panic room or an amusement park with slides, or a horror movie. Exciting dates like these will make you feel like you've experienced something together and help you create a special bond.
      • Be a gentleman. Open doors for her, pay for lunch, and don't expect her to kiss you on the first date. Let everything take its course and she will be comfortable. If she feels calm, she will melt in your arms.
    3. Always let her know that you love her. Love her for who she is. And show it. This is the most important step. If she knows that you love her, she will try for the relationship.

    • Be honest.
    • If a girl takes you away from your friends to a quiet place, she most likely wants to ask you out on a date. But there is still a chance that she will ask a completely different question.
    • When you talk to her, look at her lips, then at her eyes, then at her lips again (when she speaks). Subconsciously she will want to kiss you.
    • Be confident. Walk, talk and act with confidence. Be a leader. Become her protector.
    • Don't be too pushy. Let her call or text first sometimes (but still send her a text every now and then to show her you're thinking about her without going overboard).
    • If you like her, wait for her. Every ending is the beginning of something new and a new opportunity for you; but if you really like her, you'll wait for her.
    • Respect her. First of all. She is special and unique. Even if your best friend hurts her, don't tolerate it. After all, you love her, don't you?
    • Flirt with her. Tease her a little, and when she responds in kind, respond with a joke. It is very funny. Girls are touchy-feely though, so make sure you don't offend her and let her have the last word.
    • Talk to her politely, especially if you are arguing. Be a calm man; this will become your best feature.
    • Be interesting. Always speak cheerfully and energetically, regardless of the topic. Never look down when talking to her. Even if you feel sad, still show your excitement.
    • Sometimes indirect communication methods (like texting) can create a sense of mystery and intrigue, but nothing beats face-to-face communication. May you have more such communication.
    • Don't be petty. Don't complain about everything.
    • The first step doesn't always work, but it can help if you know her well enough. Wait for the right moment, for example, if she is upset, or say something nice if she is scared.
    • If you're trying to win over a girl you barely know, you'll of course need to develop your relationship gradually. If you want to immediately turn from an acquaintance into a friend or soul mate, then most likely you will earn yourself the reputation of being clingy.
    • If she makes the first move, react and flirt with her.
    • If you're asking her out for the first time, give her a red rose.
    • Be persistent and let everything be as natural as possible. Be calm in any situation. Even if she gets a boyfriend, they won't date for long if you're better than him. Be faithful. The test of time will show who has always been there for her.
    • Transitioning to conversations about serious topics can be difficult. It will be awkward if you force things, so be patient. The best way Moving forward in a relationship doesn't always mean making her the center of your attention. For example, go hiking with friends, do anything together to get to know her better. You can bring a friend to the meeting to feel more confident.
    • Get closer and talk to her relative. Create a good impression of yourself, and let her hear only pleasant things about you next time.
    • Make sure you have fun together. Relax and enjoy communicating with her. The worst thing is to watch a couple in which the guy is trying to make the girl laugh, and it looks unnatural.
    • Knights exist! Open the doors. Help her wash the dishes. Take out the trash when you visit her. She'll love it! This way you will be able to win her heart.
    • Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings. She will see that you are not shy about her.


    • Never talk about her behind her back because she will find out about it!
    • Don't cheat on her. You could lose her forever and break her heart.
    • Never start a relationship with new girl immediately after the breakup. If you've recently broken up, don't jump into a new relationship right away, or she'll think you never loved her.
    • Don't worry if none of these tips helped you. If you have feelings and you love her, everything will be okay.
    • Don't spend your whole life on one girl unless you're sure you'll be happy in your marriage or relationship. Always remember that you can get burned.
    • If she says no, stop any attempts to win her over. No means no.

Reading time: 2 min

How to win a girl? This question worries many guys who are ready to take the decisive step towards love. All girls are quite different, with different thoughts, desires and requirements. Therefore, for many guys, how to win a girl’s attention seems like an insoluble question. However, there are still rules, following which will help you win a girl’s attention.

The perfect way to win a girl is to be faithful and justify her trust all the time. Keeping secrets and saying words that other people shouldn't hear. Girls often complain that guys discuss their relationships with their friends and colleagues and listen to the advice of strangers. Therefore, none of the friends or other individuals should interfere in the relationship and give advice on what to do. Representatives of the fair sex really appreciate this attitude towards them and in this way, they can be more easily conquered, the main thing is to do it sincerely.

This is just one of the secrets of how to win the attention of a girl; further on other methods will be given with the help of which even the most insecure guy can soon win the attention and trust of the girl he likes.

How to win a girl's trust

To win a girl you must be sincere. To gain trust, you must always be honest. This applies not only to actions and words, but also to your own thoughts and feelings.

Representatives of the fair sex, due to their sensitive nature, can feel how sincerely young people behave with them. They want a guy to show his feelings even when he is irritated or angry, and also sincerely rejoice and be happy. This is how sincere feelings are manifested for them, without falsehood.

To win a girl you need to be yourself. You can’t show it in a relationship, because as a result of one evil word or wrong deed, the entire process of conquest will come to naught, and it will be very difficult to gain trust. It is necessary to restrain your impulses, otherwise the relationship will not work out properly at all. Violence or simply makes a relationship unhealthy, so before you win a girl, you need to work on your and.

To win your heart and trust, you need to have knowledge about your chosen one. It is important not just to observe her external beauty, but also to find out the contents of her inner world. To do this, you need to listen carefully to everything the girl says, ask her about her interests, understand what she likes and what she hates. Such knowledge will help you win your chosen one.

To gain a girl's trust, you need to become her friend. Girls love young men with whom they have something to talk about, because they want to date a man to whom they can tell something secret that they don’t even tell their friends.

You don’t have to conquer a girl with just one, you can even listen to her silently and periodically keep up the conversation. This way to win a girl, and most importantly her trust, is very effective. She sees that the guy is not talkative, but attentive, and this fascinates her, thanks to which they become at least good friends.

To win a girl's heart, you should show nobility and generosity. Girls appreciate a guy who is not greedy. To do this, you don’t have to be very rich, it’s enough just to show that he doesn’t feel sorry for anything. Because it's too expensive gifts can be interpreted by a girl as a way to buy her love, which will cause distrust and winning her will not be so easy.

Girls like it when people do things for them or arrange pleasant surprises. For example, an unplanned romantic meeting or help in a difficult situation. They appreciate this as a sign of attention and are sincerely happy, so they can be more easily won over.

How to win a girl's love

To succeed in winning a girl's attention, you need to be attentive to everything she does. You can find out almost everything by asking what a girl does in her free time.

To win her heart, you need to be persistent in your courtship. She may not reciprocate the first time, but this is only to seem unavailable, but in fact she wants to be pursued. To win a girl, they can approach various techniques: flowers, bouquets, singing, a poem, or a guy can show his imagination and come up with something more original.

In order to win a young lady, it is important to show originality in actions and show the originality of your personality, emphasizing your personal merits. This could be singing, cooking, growing plants and flowers.

To win female attention, you need to think about all your steps so as not to make mistakes. Representatives of the female part of the population love it when men act meaningfully and keep their word.

In relationships, particularly in courtship, you need to be honest. This is one of the basic rules. Insincerity and lies are detected almost immediately, after which it will not be easy to win the girl again.

Strong-willed decisions, firmness and noble male strength are a way to win a girl and achieve her favor. The main thing is, after you manage to win a girl, remain the same person with whom she fell in love.

Especially important point how to win a woman's attention is appearance men. It is necessary to be neat, wear clean, ironed clothes, take care of personal hygiene, and use only pleasant and light perfume.

How to win a girl's attention? A great way to win a girl and win her heart is with a sense of humor and optimism. Optimism, wit, a sincere smile and an infectious laugh are the qualities that attract everyone.

When to a neat spring look young man an excellent sense of humor is added - this increases charm and increases the percentage of opportunities to win a girl’s heart. With a sense of humor you also need to be careful and understand where the line is, going beyond which you can seem like a clown.

It happens that young people quarrel with each other and break up, but when their emotions calm down, each of them internally regrets it, but does not dare to take a step forward. Girls show off their feelings by pretending like they don't care, when in fact they want to get back into the relationship. Men are often more proactive, so they begin to look for opportunities to win ex-girlfriend.

Some people take the wrong position when they try to remind them of themselves immediately after a quarrel, believing that otherwise they will be forgotten, which will irritate the girl even more. We need to step aside for a while. This is necessary so that emotions subside and memories begin to emerge in your thoughts. It doesn’t matter what the quarrel was about, what’s important is that the wonderful memories of the moments spent together remain fresh in your memory. When this happens, willy-nilly everyone wants to continue the relationship so that even more such pleasant, memorable moments happen.

If you really want to win back and win a girl again, then before you think about how to win your ex-girlfriend, you should understand yourself well. A young man should ask himself: “Perhaps I want to return her because she hurt my pride by dumping me first?” or “Am I just afraid of loneliness? Perhaps this is a habit, and not love at all? In all of the above cases, you should understand that this is a matter of personal problems, not relationships, and you need to work on your difficulties.

If a young man realizes that he has missed a lot loved one, then he really needs to think about how to win over his ex-girlfriend, and for this he needs to be patient and start acting slowly.

There is no need to be jealous and there is no need to give reasons for it. Even if a girl has someone, this does not mean that they will have something serious, since you were in a couple for a long time, during which you managed to become well attached and became close people.

In most cases, representatives of the fair sex do this in order to make them jealous. In this case, it should be understood that such relationships are not serious and end with. It is very rare for such relationships to last. In this case, you need to think about whether she cheated with this guy before, and how strong her love for her ex was if she found a replacement for him and does not want to return.

The moment a representative of the fair sex begins to have difficulties and quarrels with her new boyfriend, she begins to mentally return to the fact that her ex was better. This point is very important, because by showing jealousy, you can immediately reduce all your advantages to zero and lose the moment.

A guy can show that he is interested in women, for example, by talking to a work colleague or neighbor, but not get too involved in this matter. Otherwise, the woman will consider her ex a completely unworthy person who communicates with many. But if everything is done right, then she will become jealous and want to come back. In this way, it is easiest to win a girl’s heart again, since the feeling of competition in her is quite strong and will become a decisive factor.

If a guy doesn’t understand why his significant other left him, he should calmly sit down and remember what exactly she complained about and what she said in the quarrel. If the guy didn’t listen to her words before, now it’s time to listen to them and discuss together everything that worries him.

It happens that a woman herself can take the first step towards reconciliation. You should just wait for a while and not do anything or meet anyone else. A guy needs to be easily accessible and not show unnecessary initiative.

If the girl begins to show her attention and the guy feels a hint of contact, then you can open up. Now is the time to win her over again: tell her how much he regrets, apologize and promise to improve, show your readiness to work on yourself and on the relationship.

The guy must say that he is ready to build a qualitatively new relationship. After the conversation, he must understand that these should not be just empty words, since winning the girl’s attention and her trust should be done through actions.

Quite often, guys cannot find a soul mate, since all the good women are already taken, then they begin to wonder how to win a girl who has a boyfriend. The one who has the information will have the advantage. You should make inquiries about your opponent to understand which guys the girl prefers. By carefully observing a guy, you can highlight his shortcomings and turn them into your advantages. For example, he is greedy, never has time, does not like nature or neglects the needs of a girl - knowledge about these subtleties can only play into his hands, if only in order not to repeat the mistakes of his opponent and thus win the chosen one.

To succeed in how to win a girl who has a boyfriend, you need to study her preferences. Sincere interest in her favorite activities will make it possible to maintain relaxed communication and be pleasant to her. An ideal acquaintance should take place exactly in the place where a girl without a boyfriend spends her free time. It could be a gym, a store, a library or a beauty salon, the main thing is that the guy can also go there, to, as it were, suddenly meet a girl and get to know her. If he says that he came to this place for the first time, and he likes it, then the conversation will start on its own. From this moment you can begin an unobtrusive friendship.

It is very important, before winning a girl who has a boyfriend, to find out whether she loves him or is just used to him. This is very easy to determine, since a woman in love, in principle, will never meet other guys. The chosen one, who shows that she is not against getting to know each other, does not love her man and is looking for a replacement for him. You can ask how much her current chosen one corresponds to her ideal, and make for yourself from this useful conclusions.

It may be that the girl is now in a relationship with a guy, because at the moment he asked her to date, there was no one better, and against the background of the absolute absence of competitors, he looked quite decent and was able to easily win her. Over time, she got used to him, even if she didn’t even love him.

The appearance of a new candidate in her social circle may interest a girl, and she will involuntarily begin to notice that she often thinks about him. Over time, it will begin to seem to her that her current boyfriend is not as interesting as the new candidate, so there is a high percentage of the probability that she will break up with him.

When given a choice, it is not a fact that a representative of the fair sex will give preference to the current relationship. A guy can always compete with the current chosen one of the girl he likes. The main thing is that the lady herself is open to fighting for her love, then the best one can win her.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Secrets of seduction, flirting and charm of pretty girls. How to make an irresistible impression on beautiful girls, captivate their hearts and bodies?

Charming a girl is the first step to a new relationship. If you want to charm, then you should do your best to make her feel special, don't take yourself too seriously and relax in the process of winning her. To really impress her, the key is to be casual. If you want to know how to win a girl, follow the following instructions.

1. Pay the girl's attention to you

1.1 Don't go out of your way. If you want to charm a girl, then you should make your charm light and casual. If you're trying your best to impress her by doing flips or walking on your hands, or trying every trick in your arsenal, she'll be focused on your tricks, not you. Instead, take a deep breath, relax, and get ready to work your magic. Speak slowly enough, don't hungrily hang on every syllable, and don't comment on the fact that your joke failed if it did. Just be yourself and the rest will follow.

Remember that if you really want to charm a girl, then you must show her that you are in complete harmony with yourself. If you're smiling from ear to ear while sweating profusely and fidgeting in place, she won't be impressed.

Keep your gestures calm and relaxed. Keep your arms at your sides or gesture, keep your posture straight, look at the girl and not at the floor.

1.2 Laugh at yourself. Women love men who have a great sense of humor and are able to laugh at themselves. If you want to win a girl over, then you have to show that you don't take yourself too seriously and that you're comfortable enough with the person you're making fun of yourself to. If you know that you wear a funny pink shirt, have a cute gap in your face, or are known as a clumsy guy, don't try to hide these charming qualities from a girl. Instead, show with your entire appearance that you are not bothered by your little flaws.

This doesn't mean you have to be so self-deprecating that it shows a lack of self-confidence. A light joke at your own expense or the ability to laugh at yourself if the girl decides to make fun of herself are reliable options.

Remember that a girl doesn't want to hear really stupid humor. Such a joke directed at oneself can be a disaster.

1.3 Be silly. Another way to charm a girl. You don't have to be serious all the time. Talk about a ridiculous name for your puppy; demonstrate the ability to juggle. Do a trick with a coin hiding behind her ear (okay, maybe not so much good idea). Don't be afraid to act a little silly and she will be captivated by your childlike approach to the world. However, acting a little stupid doesn't mean childish behavior 100%

If you're too focused on acting cool, she won't want to open up to you. You don't have to go all out on her, but if you put too many barriers between you, she won't want to get to know you.

1.4 Pay attention to your appearance. A true girl takes care of her appearance, so you should do the same. You don't have to look like George Clooney, but you should make sure your clothes are appropriate for the occasion: they're clean, pressed and fit perfectly. If you think being unshaven makes you look more mysterious, so be it, but be sure to make sure your face and hair are well-groomed and you've showered before going on a date.

Don't focus on your appearance to win a woman at the expense of taking care of yourself.

You can also apply a little cologne, but don't overdo it.

1.5 Smile. Don't underestimate the effect a big, charming smile has on a woman. You don't have to smile from ear to ear, but smiling when you first meet a lady and in every appropriate situation is what you need. As long as it doesn't make you nervous, she'll certainly appreciate that you feel comfortable enough to smile and not too cool to show some positive energy.

Smile not only to the girl herself. If she sees you smiling at others, she will notice how cozy and positive you are.

1.6 Charm people around you. If you want to charm a girl, then you can't just focus all your attention on her and ignore others. She should see that you are able to charm almost anyone, and that is truly impressive. You must be able to win over the elderly, the young, bored children or even a shy partygoer. Find something that absolutely anyone can talk about and make them feel special, carefree and ready to open up to you.

Although you shouldn’t completely ignore the girl in this case, she will be even more fascinated by you if she sees how flawlessly your magic works for everyone in the area.

Make sure that the charming process does not include too many representatives of the fairer sex. Your girlfriend should feel special all the time, even if you interact with other people.

Another way to charm the people around you is to introduce them to each other within a framework without interrupting the dialogue with anyone else. Say something like: “Maria, do you know Ivan? He just got a pit bull and you should give some tips on how to get him to behave…”

1.7 Speak a foreign language. Do you know French? Un poco español? If you speak a little foreign language, show it off without being too annoying. Don't start attacking her with every foreign language you speak. But if she finds out that you spent some time in France, then be sure to brag a sentence or two and watch for her unforgettable reaction. Of course it's a cheap trick, but if you use it in right time, the girl will be completely fascinated by you.

Use this method if you are really confident in your language skills. There is no point in making a series of blunders in a couple of sentences if your knowledge of Spanish is limited to a clumsy pronunciation of the word tequila.

1.8 Be sexy, but unattainable. You don't have to be Hugh Grant or even Brad Pitt to be sexy. Sexy is confidence and aura. It begins with self-love (which, however, is not narcissism). To be sexy, in other words, is to be out of reach and in harmony with your own body. A sweet smile, like a pleasant aroma, always puts you at ease. People react to 5 senses - the important senses for you will be touch and smell.

If you want to appear unattainable, don't come across as needy. The girl should see that you love your company, but you won’t grieve without it either.

2. Let the girl feel unique

2.1 Ask her questions about her life. If you really want to charm a girl, then you have to make her feel special. Shift the focus from yourself to her, showing that you truly care about who she is and what she has to say. You shouldn't make her feel like she's the main character in a detective show. Just ask her a few questions about her homeland, friends, brothers and sisters, her hobbies and favorite pastimes.

If she said she has a pet, ask to see photos.

Avoid topics that are too personal, like questions about her past relationships.

Make her talk. If you feel she has been talking about herself too much and is feeling uncomfortable, find a way to continue the line of what she is talking about.

2.2 Give her a genuine compliment. The key is sincerity. Don't say something bland like "I love your hair" unless she has truly unique hair, incredible curls, or a color you've never seen before. Instead, dig deeper and say something she's never heard before, or something that will actually make her feel like you're paying attention rather than flattery to win her affection.

If she has incredible eyes or a wonderful laugh, tell her so.

Dig deeper. Compliment something about her personality, such as her sense of humor or her powers of observation.

If she's wearing an amazing necklace or earrings, compliment them on them too, and you might be rewarded with a story about where she got them.

2.3 Ask her opinion. Show the girl that you care not only about herself, but also about what she thinks. She will see that you respect her as a thinking creature with an up-to-date point of view. Ask her what she thinks about your clothes, your favorite band, or your favorite TV show. Don't ask tough questions about politics or religion until you know each other better.

You can start small and ask her what she thinks about the wine you drink at the party. If you hear a song in the background, ask what they think about the artist.

When she gives an answer, do not simply close the topic, but carefully consider her opinion.

2.4 Be a good listener. One thing that instantly turns a girl off is when a man talks to her and nods vigorously, while showing that he's not really listening at all. If you want to avoid this, it takes more than simple nodding and inserting the word "uh-huh" at the right time. You should follow what she says by asking more questions, or even refer to what she said at the beginning of the conversation to allow you to gain even more karma points.

2.5 Don't flirt with everyone. There is a difference between charming other people and flirting with every girl in your sight. If you want to charm a girl, then you must let her know that she is the only girl to whom your eyes are riveted. You can be charming with other girls, but let her see that your attention is solely on her. If you are equally flirtatious and charming around every girl, she will stop feeling unique.

Make sure you always look at her, even when talking to someone else.

2.6 Give her a small gift. Obviously, you don't throw gifts here and there - unless you're an origami expert who can make one for her. beautiful flower from a napkin. But if you are going to meet her again, you can charm her with a small gift, such as a box of her favorite chocolates, a small bouquet of flowers, or even a book that you told her about. There is no need to go to extreme measures, or she will feel that your measures are too strong. However, the right small gift will charm her even more.

Gift with individual approach will make her feel even more special and truly enchanted by you.

2.7 Dance with her. Ladies are delighted with men who can dance. If you have been doing ballroom dancing, foxtrot, salsa or any other type of dance, now is the time to show off your signature moves and hit the dance floor, if there is one in your area. But even if you are not a recognized dance master, going out on the dance floor with purely stupid moves is definitely better than demonstrating that it is not your thing and you are very scared.

If you're really afraid of dancing, take a few lessons. This will not only improve your charm level, but also great way meet a lot of ladies.

2.8 Call her by name. This is a great way to charm a girl. You don't have to use her name every five seconds, but you should really try to use it several times throughout the conversation to make her feel like you really care about her. Try this trick to charm a girl or almost anyone in your circle.

The simplest “Well, you understand, Maria...” will help make a girl feel unique.

2.9 Touch it lightly. A girl will be enchanted if you know where and how to touch her delicately to make her feel special. If you do decide to use this move, lightly touch her elbow, shoulder, or knee (if she's sitting.) Only do this when she's showing some affection towards you or when you know she's comfortable with you. She will be charmed by your gentle and soft gesture.

Even a light pat on her hand at the moment of a touching story from her lips will do the trick.

Naturally, do not touch her in inappropriate places.


Smell nice; Use body spray, cologne or deodorant, but not too much (one spray should be enough).

Alcohol or drugs are simply not an option for maintaining confidence in the process of winning a girl.

Confidence and ambition, without arrogance, can be a great help in charming a girl.

Dress appropriately. Consider wearing a suit every time you meet her. Style can be beneficial, especially since all girls, without exception, love suits. Shirts are a great option if you don't want to wear a suit.


Don't try too hard to build relationships with her friends.

Don't be attracted to another girl at the same time, because the fair half of humanity is quick to sniff out this kind of situation.

Unattainability is good as long as it does not imply obvious desperation. However, don't play with anyone's feelings. If she is interested in you and you really like her, don't play mind games. Be sincere, don't pretend. This general rule for all. It's a truly sad situation to be in love with someone only to be rejected because that person refuses to show affection.

If she's not interested, then she's not interested. No need to go out of your way.

Love yourself. But know the extent of this love, otherwise you may be branded as an egoist.

You will get confused a thousand times before you realize that she is the one. The choice is too great, but if you are the lucky one who was able to spot your one and only among the endless series of lips, hair and legs... we advise you to act!

Playboy presents 6 simple tips how to win a woman.

1 Will to win

Still from the movie "Transformers"

A girl, like you, can easily get lost in a whirlwind of faces and superficial acquaintances, not remember or simply not know about your existence. In such a situation, perseverance will help you.

Wish her good morning and good night, after a hundred refusals, ask her out for the 101st time. It is important for women to know that you are interested in her: her smile, interests, manner of speaking. However, do not overuse: words and actions should not look manic.

2. Instead of a thousand words

Women treat barren flowers with special contempt: those who promise mountains of gold, a million scarlet roses and other stars from the sky, but in reality will not collect even a cart of lilacs. I dare to quote observations from my own life.

One says: “I chose you.” This means it will disappear forever in a week. Second: “And we’ll call our son Dima.” After two weeks of not answering calls, you lose interest. Third: “Shall we go to Europe?” After three weeks of dating, he blocks you on social networks.

You will inevitably remember the “bearded” joke about Cinderella: “He says that you are the love of his life, and forgets what you look like.”

Love action, not talk. We can chat with a friend, but a man wants to believe.

3 Scarlet flower

One of the hardest parts of courtship is choosing gifts. The most important thing here is to remember some little thing from your conversations and then play it out beautifully.

Is she talking about the cakes she loved as a child? Send her a pastry treat straight to work. He says that he is starting to forget English? Give Dickens in the original. There will be plenty of chances to please her if you start listening to her.

4 Feed and praise

So be it, I’ll reveal our main secret, for which I will most likely be expelled from the women’s community forever. All women love to eat. They love it very much. Moreover, absolutely everything, including reeds, phytonies and even beautiful princesses.

Invite her to take a gastronomic tour of Moscow restaurants. You don’t have to go to Pushkin or Turandot. Fortunately, the capital has a lot of interesting places that won’t cause much damage to your wallet. During dinner, topics of conversation will arise by themselves, and there will be a chance to conquer her with your charm.

5 Praise and feed

A well-known axiom is that women love with their ears, almost as much as they love with food. But there are several nuances here. You shouldn’t tritely praise her eyes and lips or stoop to vulgarity. If for the thousandth time you hear that you Beautiful legs, you won't notice next time.

Psychologists have proven that the more unusual the compliment, the better it will be remembered. Notice her sense of style, her accessories (that's all her jewelry), her manicure (that's the polish on her hands) or her clutch (that's a small envelope-shaped purse). And on a Friday night in a bar, you can praise her butt, it will even be appropriate.

6. Presence effect

Her car broke down, she was tired at work, her friend offended her - all these circumstances, oddly enough, will help you become closer. The ability to listen and hear is the main trump card of all gentlemen. Personal support is more valuable, but if you are very busy, even an encouraging message will be enough. Everyone loves to be listened to, no matter what.