(Andrew Matthews - Be Happy!)


Waiting is a state of mind. Basically, it means that you want a future. You don't want the real thing. You don't want what you have, you want what you don't have. Being in a state of expectation, whatever type it may be, you unconsciously create an internal conflict between “here” and “now,” that is, exactly where you don’t want to be now, and that projected future that you want to get into. This greatly reduces the quality of your life, causing you to lose the present.

Blessed is he who expects nothing,

because he will never be disappointed.

I always feel happy.
You know why?
Because I don't expect anything from anyone.


Despair only happens when there is expectation. Nothing can bring me to despair: I expect nothing from you.

Rely only on yourself - great way stop being disappointed in people and live in a great mood.

Those who don't expect anything will never be disappointed. Here good rule life. Then everything that comes next will seem like a pleasant surprise to you...

Despair only happens when there is expectation.

Nothing can make me despair if I don't expect anything.

If someone owes you (money, a book, a service) and doesn’t pay you back, you shouldn’t demand it back, get angry, or get upset about it. No matter how much time passes, the debtor will bear the debt to you, and even the next life will not relieve him of the debt. The debtor will try to avoid you - this way you clear your circle of unreliable people.

Come on and forgive your debtors - do not become attached to them through aggression or discontent. The law is inexorable - the giver is rewarded even if he does not ask, the debtor loses no matter how hard he tries to save. Be merciful - do not give people too much so that they are not crushed by their debt - this is also your safety. After all, some people think that if there is no person, then there is no debt. Therefore, it happens that great virtue towards an ignoramus gives birth to a traitor in him. Do not give anything out of fear or the thought that you are obliged - otherwise what you give will not bring any benefit. You can share, give, give only from a pure heart...

No one is obligated to treat us the way we treat others. You just have to understand this one day and stop being disappointed in people, expecting from them too much.

Do you want to know where the abode of peace is? She's inside

Your life free from waiting.

Give up waiting as a state in which your mind is. As soon as you catch yourself slipping back into a state of waiting... free yourself from it.



noun, With., used often

Morphology: (no) what? expectations, what? waiting, (see) what? expectation, how? waiting, about what? about waiting; pl. What? expectations, (no) what? expectations, what? expectations, (see) what? expectations, how? expectations, about what? about expectations

1. Waiting you call this state when you are, stay in some place until someone with whom you have previously agreed to meet, or something that you need, appears there, and also until something happens how you are warned in advance, informed, etc.

Passengers crowded onto the platform waiting for the train. | Taking the note, the messenger left, and Anna spent hours of painful waiting for an answer. | The audience looked at their watches impatiently; the wait for the concert to begin was clearly dragging on.

2. Waiting room you name the room at a train station, at an airport, where passengers stay before the departure of a train or plane.

3. Expectations you state your hopes for something, as well as your assumptions about the most likely future events.

I will try not to disappoint your expectations. | My worst expectations were realized. | The result of the experiment exceeded the wildest expectations of scientists.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


See what “waiting” is in other dictionaries:

    Views, perspective, intentions, assumptions, plans. Wed... Synonym dictionary

    - “Goliath” (film); Waiting for Colonel Shalygin (film); Mathematical expectation (probability theory). List of significant... Wikipedia

    Expectation- Expectation ♦ Attente That which separates us from the future. Consequently, it is real, but as if empty from within, and this emptiness is our desires or our fears. “Only three days left,” we say, and it sounds like counting these three... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    expectation- EXPECTATION, anticipation EXPECTED, desired, obsolete. expected WAIT, await, wait, expect WAIT, bide/wait, wait/wait, expect, wait/wait, trad. poet. wait wait... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    A situation in which the behavior of economic entities does not depend on the current market situation, but on the expectation of events that may occur. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

    WAITING, waiting, cf. 1. Action and condition according to Ch. expect. After a long wait. “My success has exceeded my expectations.” Pushkin. “In reality, beyond all expectation, it turned out to be completely different.” Pisemsky. “The rooms stood empty, waiting... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

WAITING, -i, cf. 1. see expect. 2. pl., Hopes for something, assumptions. The expectations were justified.

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Expectation- Silent, hopeless, fruitless, endless, restless, fearful, excited, exciting, gnawing, oppressive, long, greedy, cruel (obsolete), hidden,......
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Waiting Wed.— 1. Status by value. verb: to expect (1).
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Expectation- expectations, cf. 1. Action and state according to verb. expect. After a long wait. My success has exceeded my expectations. Pushkin. In fact, beyond all expectation, it began to turn out........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Generalized Expectation
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Expectation— see expectation
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Mathematical Expectation (mean (or Expected Value))— the indicator of the average value taken by a random variable is equal to the weighted average of all possible values ​​of the variable, in which the weights are the probabilities of the corresponding events.
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Expectation- a situation in which the behavior of economic entities does not depend on the current market situation
moment, and from
expectations of events that may happen.
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Expectation of Rise in Securities Prices— CONSTRUCTIVE SIDE OF THE MARKET Reflects the views of those who believe that the state of business and finance. activity serves as the basis for increasing
price of securities, and therefore buys........
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Anticipation, Expectation; In advance, Advance- In general terms:
payment of obligations before their due date
paying off a debt before it is due, usually to save on interest........
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Expected value- average value, the concept of probability theory, the most important characteristic of the distribution of values ​​of a random variable X. In the simplest case, when X can only take......
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Expected value- average value of a random variable - a numerical characteristic of the probability distribution of a random variable. In the most general way M. o. random variable X(w), determined........
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Conditional Mathematical Expectation- a random variable - a function of an elementary event, characterizing a random variable in relation to a certain algebra. Let be a probability space, X be a given........
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Rewards, Expectation- In Tolman's theory of learning, it is an internal process that occurs when the body discovers that it is in a situation that was previously associated with reward.
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Generalized Expectation- (GENERALIZED EXPECTANCY). An expectation that extends beyond a specific situation, as shown by Rotter's locus of control construct. (J. Frager, J. Fadyman, p. 705)
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Expectation- The palace, the capital and the entire kingdom were gripped by extraordinary excitement. With the speed of Vayu, the news spread that not one, but three of the ruler’s wives were expecting children.......
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Gestalt sign (expectation)— The term E.Ch. Tolman to designate a cognitive process involving the environment of a stimulus, a particular response, and the expectation that that particular response will occur in a situation.......
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Expectation— (EXPECTANCY) . In Rotter's theory, a person's belief that a particular reinforcement will occur based on specific behavior in a specific situation. Planning........
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Expectation Social- -> Expectation.
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Legitimacy Expectation- - English legitimization, expectation of; German Legitimitatserwartung. According to J. Habermas, the communicator’s expectation is that his communication partner is able to justify the norms that he follows.
Sociological Dictionary

Expected value— -English expected value German Erwartung mathematische. Stochastic mean or center of dispersion of a random variable.
Sociological Dictionary

Waiting is a situation in which the behavior of economic entities does not depend on the current market situation, but on the expectation of events that may occur.

Dictionary of business terms. 2001.


See what “Waiting” is in other dictionaries:

    Views, perspective, intentions, assumptions, plans. Wed... Synonym dictionary

    - “Goliath” (film); Waiting for Colonel Shalygin (film); Mathematical expectation (probability theory). List of significant... Wikipedia

    Expectation- Expectation ♦ Attente That which separates us from the future. Consequently, it is real, but as if empty from within, and this emptiness is our desires or our fears. “Only three days left,” we say, and it sounds like counting these three... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    expectation- EXPECTATION, anticipation EXPECTED, desired, obsolete. expected WAIT, await, wait, expect WAIT, bide/wait, wait/wait, expect, wait/wait, trad. poet. wait wait... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    WAITING, waiting, cf. 1. Action and condition according to Ch. expect. After a long wait. “My success has exceeded my expectations.” Pushkin. “In reality, beyond all expectation, it turned out to be completely different.” Pisemsky. “The rooms stood empty, waiting... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    WAITING, I, Wed. 1. see expect. 2. pl. Hopes for something, assumptions. The expectations were justified. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    The palace, the capital and the entire kingdom were gripped by extraordinary excitement. With the speed of Vayu, the news spread that not one, but three wives of the ruler were expecting children. In all directions, messengers galloped at full speed for various wonders, which... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    - “WAITING”, USSR, MOSFILM, 1980, color, 69 min. Melodrama. Expecting her first child, young teacher Masha Pavlova suddenly decides that her husband does not understand her, and therefore does not respect her interests. Nikolai reappears in her life, once her... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    See Anticipation (Source: “Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom.” ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    English expectation; German Erwartung. Hope for tsp, guess. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology


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