What month of the year is the most festive? Surprisingly it is February. After all, this is when the most colorful and unforgettable carnivals take place all over the world. People can have a variety of fun there and try a lot of delicious food. It is not surprising that carnivals attract many tourists. They also want to take part in these shows of unusual costumes, masks, and exotic dances.

The word carnival itself, according to a common theory, comes from the words “carne” and “vale”, meaning “farewell” and “meat”. So what is it like to say goodbye to meat? The fact is that carnivals used to be held shortly before the onset of Lent, when it was still possible to eat meat. The origins of such costumed holidays should be sought in paganism.

People tried to ward off evil spirits and say goodbye to winter. During the Inquisition it was impossible to rejoice, but the Renaissance again breathed life into old tradition. Europeans spread the habit of costume parties throughout the world. And so they appeared in different countries carnivals around the world, some of them have gained worldwide fame.

Carnival of Rio, Brazil. In the last weeks of February, the whole of Brazil literally begins to go crazy. After all, the carnival begins in Rio. This event has long become a standard; all other similar events are compared with it. The carnival lasts 4 days and 4 nights, starting at the height of the Brazilian summer. The local carnival is also a significant artistic event in the world.

More than a million tourists come to the city every year to see the festival. It is no coincidence that Rio is proudly called the capital of all carnivals. After all, this is where the greatest and grandest fun in the world happens. The carnival opens with officialdom. The mayor of Rio hands over the silver and gold keys to the city to the king of the carnival, the fictional character Fat Momo. This means that for 4 days it is he who becomes the owner of the city. Momo has the right to make and repeal any laws.

After the official announcement, celebrations begin throughout the country. People are having fun on the streets, in bars and clubs. Carnival balls take place everywhere. The whole country is thundering with drums beating fiery rhythms. But the most interesting thing about the carnival is the parade of Samba schools.

The best dance schools are held at a special Sambodrome in Rio to win the right to be called the best. Their path runs along a concrete strip 600 meters long and 20 meters wide, on both sides of which there are stands with spectators. The dancers come out in stunning colorful costumes and put on an unforgettable show.

Venice Carnival, Italy. And this festival takes place in the second half of February, proving the cheerful nature of this winter month. It is no coincidence that this carnival is considered the second most popular in the world. It begins on Fat Tuesday. In Catholicism, this day is traditionally called Mardi Gras. The first mention of the carnival in Venice dates back to 1094. And since 1296, the Senate of the Venetian Republic officially declared the day before Lent a holiday.

By the time the carnival begins, more than half a million tourists flock to Venice. They all wanted to see with their own eyes how this ancient and ancient holiday was celebrated. During the carnival, up to 30 thousand people arrive in the city every day. The opening ceremony is held in the main square of the city in front of the Cathedral of St. Mark the Apostle. This is where you can see the first parade in costumes and masks. Participants show a scene of the release of girls kidnapped by pirates from captivity.

At one time, the tradition of wearing masks during the carnival in the city appeared as a sign of equality between all residents on this holiday. Over time, the Venetians liked this attribute so much that they began to wear it on ordinary days. But the authorities began to crack down on masks - men were sentenced to prison for wearing them, and women were subject to caning. After all, hiding your face could do unseemly things.

Today, masks remain an attribute of this joyful festival. It involves you, captivating you with unpredictability, fun and tradition. Thus, during the carnival only in Venice you can see the masquerade regatta of local gondoliers. Guests can enjoy concerts, fireworks, and costume performances with Columbine and Harlequin.

Cologne Carnival, Germany. Although this carnival takes place in February, it opens long before that. The ceremony takes place on November 11 at 11:11 am. At this time, carnival meetings begin, at which townspeople discuss the program of the future carnival and choose candidates for the role of the Prince of the Carnival.

The festival gains its full strength only after the New Year. The residents of Cologne themselves claim that their carnival is the fifth time of the year - the most fun and carefree. Up to a million tourists come here to have a great time in Cologne. And this is truly a unique sight - the previously reserved and phlegmatic Germans are throwing off that mask.

The celebration spills out into the streets on Fat Tuesday and lasts until Ash Wednesday, passing through Indian Thursday. The carnival takes place in public gardens and pubs. All citizens take part in it, with the exception of the police and doctors. The beginning of the carnival takes place on the Old Square. There, at 11:11, women storm the city hall. Matriarchy is proclaimed, and the ties of all the men they meet are mercilessly cut off.

But the high point of the festivities occurs on Pink Monday. Then a festive procession is organized in the city. All officially registered carnival communities walk along the streets, each of them carrying with them a funny papier-mâché figurine making fun of politicians. In total, about one and a half million people are watching this. It is extremely important to choose the right places. After all, participants throw sweets from the carts at the spectators. In addition to the Prince, the hosts of the carnival are the Peasant and the Maiden. Together they walk around the city and distribute sweets. On the last day, the Mayor of the Carnival gives the key to the town hall to the Prince of the Carnival.

Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago. The islands of Trinidad and Tobago are famous for their annual February carnival. It appeared here in 1838 after the abolition of slavery. At first, the carnival consisted of elegant costume balls and gourmet dinners. The islands have a very exotic population, which is famous for its diversity of cultures. The African current had a particularly strong influence on the local residents. In its spirit, this unique festival is reminiscent of Brazil, but there are European notes, as well as Indian, Indian, Chinese and Oriental.

The carnival begins on Friday when the calypso king and queen are chosen. This is the name of a special type of Afro-Caribbean music. It sounds all over the island these days in special tents. Other essential attributes of the carnival are steel drums and bottles of rum. Drums thunder at night, sending listeners into ecstasy. Later, the Calypso Monarch is chosen at Queen's Park. There is a huge competition for this title.

There are other noteworthy traditions here. So, the islanders coat each other with special paint. It often happens that participants in the festival return home in completely different clothes and in a changed appearance. Carnival festivities begin on Tuesday. Parades take place through city streets, with people twirling to the music of steel drums and orchestras. At the same time, the sounds are so loud that even the bodies of the participants vibrate to the beat.

Carnival in Barranquilla, Colombia. This carnival is like no other. UNESCO even called it a “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.” He is said to be overly cheerful, sexy and weird. In this city in northern Colombia, everything is immersed in an illusory world of dreams. Thousands of tourists come here to experience this. After all, they are all direct participants in the action. The carnival is strongly associated with the black holidays of African slaves, who were entitled to only one day off a year.

The carnival begins four days before Ash Wednesday, reaching its peak during the Batalla de las Flores, the flower fight. The holiday is multicultural in nature. In total, several parts of the carnival can be distinguished: Caribbean folklore, dances with elements of poetry, story dances, parade, comedy theater, folk theater, music bands with soloist, satirical choir. The costumed part of the carnival has a single and collective focus.

It is believed that the Barranquilla carnival is the third most important in the world, behind Brazil and Orleans. This folklore festival is a significant event in the cultural life of Colombia.

Carnival in Nice, France. This carnival has a long history. It has been taking place in the city by the sea since 1294. After all, the tradition of holding carnivals before Lent has long arisen in Europe. In Nice, it all started with Duke Henri of Anjou having fun with clowns. The townspeople liked it so much that they decided to hold the carnival at the end of February.

But the event would have remained small-town if not for the tourists who frequented the Cote d'Azur since the mid-19th century. It was quiet and cozy here, and since 1876 the carnival acquired its own distinctive feature- battle of flowers. During the celebration, the city turns into a single party. And it lasts for 15 days. The masquerade performance is accompanied by carnival processions, musical accompaniment, parades, bonfires and fireworks.

On the very first day of the carnival, the King of this event arrives at Place Massena to the screams of the crowd. The festive procession itself includes 20 chariots. Stand out there are 20 heads made of papier-mâché. The highlights of the carnival are the Parade of Lights, the Parade of Flowers, and the Flower Battle on the Promenade des Anglais. During the final parade, the King of the Carnival is burned at the stake. Guests will then be treated to a giant fireworks display. Sparklers are lit on the castle hill, and all the streets of Nice are brightly lit.

Carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. This celebration claims to be the second largest, second only to its competitor from Rio. The celebrations take place in the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. Participation in mass celebrations welcomes about a million people.

The carnival takes place every year and lasts about a week. Since 1980, this event has been declared an international tourism festival. In 2000, the city temporarily became the Carnival capital of the world.

Mass celebrations here begin on Friday, when a magnificent opening parade takes place. It reaches its peak late at night, resulting in thousands of brightly dressed people dancing until the morning. Thousands of guests come here to take part in the costume show. It itself is divided into two parts - the official carnival and the street one.

The festivities in Santa Cruz de Tenerife are famous for their dancers, flamboyant queens and musical theater. The music of local bands can be heard everywhere, the rhythms have much in common with Caribbean peoples. But at the same time you can also hear electronic sound. The main event is the selection of the Carnival Queen. Festive processions affect all the main streets of the city.

Mardi Gras Carnival in New Orleans, USA. Mardi Gras literally translates to Fat Tuesday. This day comes after the Holy Week and marks the beginning of Lent for Catholics. Mardi Gras is an analogue of Maslenitsa. It is celebrated in many European countries.

In America, the tradition of carnival on this day appeared in the middle of the 19th century. Back then, the beginning of spring was cheerfully and loudly celebrated in the French Quarter of Orleans. The carnival gradually gained more and more new fans, becoming even brighter, even more crowded.

Fat Tuesday becomes the last day before Lent, when believers can have a blast, indulging all their desires. In Orleans, this was embodied in costume performances, noisy parties and festive parades. Carnival has become the most colorful and fun event in the life of America. More than 400 chariots with 15 thousand participants pass through the streets of the city. And millions of spectators watch this action.

The rules for Mardi Gras in New Orleans were finally established in 1872. At the carnival, its king and queen are chosen. They wear masks and ride through the streets of the city, surrounded by their retinue, greeting their “subjects.” The crowd demands to throw them something, receiving tin coins and trinkets in return. According to legend, the tradition of the king's presence at the carnival has Russian roots. Once upon a time, the brother of the heir to the throne, Prince Alexei Alexandrovich, arrived in New Orleans, being in love with the actress Lydia Thompson. They made him a special platform with the inscription “king”.

Carnival in Goa, India. For India itself, the tradition of holding carnivals is unusual and unique. And the Portuguese are “to blame” for this, they ruled Goa for 500 years. For a long time, local residents could not understand the essence of this holiday, but now they themselves participate in it with pleasure.

Every year, the legendary King Momo comes to Goa for three days and three nights. He begins to rule the state, transforming city streets. They're filling up different colors and music. The carnival is accompanied by balls, dances and processions. The main meaning of the festival is to eat, drink and rejoice. The festive procession consists of unusual chariots, moving through the streets of the state capital of Panaji. They've been preparing for this for almost six months. The fact is that traveling performances are also staged on the platforms.

On the last day of the festivities, the National Club of the capital of Goa holds the famous red-black dance. Carnival attracts tourists here, but they should be careful. Best to choose old clothes. After all, young people have fun throwing paint on people.

An integral part of this carnival is lavish feasting. Here you can find dishes from the gifts of the ocean, many varieties of rice and sweets forgotten by the Portuguese themselves. The only thing is that food should be handed over and taken using right hand. For Hindus, leva is “unclean”, serving for hygienic needs.

Basel Carnival, Switzerland. Even small, quiet Switzerland has its own carnival. It lasts three days and begins on the first Monday immediately after Ash Wednesday. That celebration is the largest of its kind in the country, attracting thousands of participants and spectators.

This carnival can be considered a long-lived one, because its history stretches back to the beginning of the 16th century. At first, knightly tournaments and a costume procession were held here to mark the beginning of Lent. It was organized by city craft guilds. Over time, the religious component disappeared, but the holiday remained.

Preparations for the Basel Carnival begin several weeks in advance. At the same time, only members of special carnival and musical unions are allowed to participate in the processions themselves. There are about 300 of them in the city. In total, about 18 thousand people take part in the carnival processions. This holiday is distinguished by a strict division into spectators and participants.

The carnival begins early in the morning. In the main city squares the lights are turned off and the participants of the first procession come out with fancy lanterns. Magic lights create a unique light atmosphere. After this, all participants move to pubs, cafes and restaurants. There they eat traditional carnival food - onion pie with cheese, toasted flour soup, drink mulled wine and eat sugar cookies. The main carnival parade begins at noon. Its participants take to the streets with drums, flutes and wind instruments.

The second day of the celebration is considered to be for children - now the youngest townspeople wear unusual costumes, and they are entertained by numerous clowns. On Wednesday the costume parade takes place again and the lights are turned on again. The carnival is famous for its tradition of throwing confetti. Local historians believe that it was from Basel that this holiday tradition spread throughout the world.

Incredible facts

Strange as it may seem, but February is the most festive month of the year. The thing is that this month the most unforgettable carnivals take place all over the world, during which you can see colorful parades, an abundance of food and all kinds of entertainment.

There are many theories regarding the origin of the carnival.

Some believe that the word "carnival" comes from the Latin expression " carne vale", which means "farewell to meat", signifying the last days when it was possible to eat meat before the onset of Lent.

Others believe that the celebrations ward off evil spirits and are a way to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring.

Hundreds of carnivals are held all over the world, among which are the most memorable and colorful:

1. Carnival in Rio, Brazil

The Rio Carnival is a kind of standard against which all other carnivals are compared. It is also one of the most celebrated art events in the world.

Just over half a million tourists come every year to the “capital of all carnivals in the world” to watch the greatest revelry of all time.

The carnival begins with the crowning of King Momo, who is given huge silver and gold keys to the city. Then celebrations begin throughout the country: in all streets, squares, bars and clubs, ending with the Samba Parade, when best schools sambas take place in Rio de Janeiro in order to win the title of the best in Brazil.

2. Venice Carnival, Italy

The Venice Carnival is probably the second most popular carnival in the world. It begins two weeks before Ash Wednesday and ends on Fat Tuesday, called Mardi Gras in Catholic tradition.

During the carnival, concerts, balls, dances, parades and other events take place. Participants typically wear elaborate costumes and masks.

The very tradition of wearing a Venetian mask was born because all residents of the city wanted to be equal, regardless of whether they were rich or poor. Today, more than 30,000 tourists a day come to Venice to celebrate Carnival.

3. Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago

Calypso dancers, steel drums and bottles of rum are immutable attributes the largest carnival in the Caribbean. Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago is a mixture of European, African, Indian, Amerindian, Chinese and Middle Eastern influences.

Borrowing the best traditions of many cultures, this carnival is rightly called "the greatest show on Earth."

4. Carnival in Barranquilla, Colombia

The Barranquilla Carnival is so amazing that even UNESCO called it a “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.”

Thousands of tourists flock to Barranquilla, a port city in northern Colombia, to celebrate the holiday, which begins four days before Ash Wednesday and peaks on Batalla de las Flores(flower fight).

The Barranquilla Carnival is the most important folk festival in Colombia and one of the largest in the world.

5. Carnival in Nice, France

The Nice Carnival is one of the most significant carnival events, along with the Brazilian and Venetian carnivals.

During Carnival, the city of Nice turns into a massive party, complete with parades, fireworks and bonfires, flower parades and lavish street performances. On the first day, the King of the Carnival arrives at Place Masséna to the deafening screams of the crowd.

The carnival procession consists of more than 20 chariots and 500 “big heads” made of papier-mâché. On the last day there is a night parade, when the streets of Nice are lit up with many colorful lights.

6. Carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Today, the carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the second most popular, world famous carnival, after the Rio carnival.

The festivities on the streets of Santa Cruz de Tenerife begin on Friday with a magnificent opening parade, which reaches its peak at night when thousands of people in carnival costumes dance until the early hours.

The carnival consists of two parts: the official carnival and the street carnival. The carnival is famous for its costumed dancers, dazzling queens and murga musical theatres.

7. Mardi Gras Carnival in New Orleans, USA

Mardi Gras is a popular American holiday that dates back to the mid-1800s. Costume balls, noisy parties and festive parades make this carnival one of the most colorful and frenetic events in America.

Fat Tuesday is the last day Catholics can indulge their desires before Ash Wednesday, after which the weeks of abstinence that come with Lent begin. During the carnival, more than 400 chariots with 15,000 participants pass through, watched by millions of spectators.

8. Carnival in Goa, India

Carnival is rather an exclusive and unique event in India which was introduced by the Portuguese who ruled Goa for over 500 years.

The carnival is also held in February, for three days and nights when the legendary King Momo takes over the state and the streets are filled with music and all the colors of the rainbow.

Carnival in Goa is accompanied by dances, processions, balls and the famous “red-black dance”, which is held on the last day by the National Club of the capital of Goa - Panaji.

9. Cologne Carnival, Germany

The opening of the carnival in Cologne begins long before the main event, on November 11 at 11:11 pm, and after the New Year the carnival gains momentum again.

The street carnival lasts from Fat Tuesday to Ash Wednesday, and the celebrations themselves take place in the streets, squares and pubs. But the most key moment of the street carnival is “Pink Monday”, when a festive procession takes place, during which the hosts of the holiday: the Prince, the Peasant and the Maiden walk through the city and distribute sweets.

10. Basel Carnival, Switzerland

The Basel Carnival is the largest in Switzerland and takes place between February and March every year. During the carnival, the old town is completely transformed, filled with hundreds of burning lanterns decorated with illustrations.

Drummers and musicians playing piccolo flutes walk through the streets. According to local historians, the tradition of throwing confetti began in Basel and later spread throughout the world.

May 28, 2012 Brazil is rightfully considered a country of carnivals; many of its cities hold their own carnivals, but one of the most famous and most spectacular in the world is, of course, the carnival in .

This grandiose event takes place in the month of February, and we will learn how exactly from this article.

Brazilian Carnival (Carnaval do Brasil) is an annual festival held in many cities 40 days before Easter, marking the beginning of Lent. During Lent, Roman Catholics abstain from all bodily pleasures. That is why the Brazilian carnival, as an act of farewell to pleasures, takes place on the eve of Lent.

There are several versions of the origin of the Brazilian carnival. According to one of them, it is based on the “Funny Day” introduced in the 17th century by the Portuguese - a holiday accompanied by songs and dances, when it was customary to fool each other in all sorts of ways, douse yourself with water, throw yourself around raw eggs and beans. Soon, black slaves brought to Brazil from Africa joined this fun, bringing there colorful customs from their homeland. By the 20th century, the Brazilian carnival absorbed elements of the carnivals of Italy and France. It was then that masks, fantastic costumes and characters came to the Brazilian holiday. Regional variations of the carnival also appeared.

In 1928, the first samba dance school arose in Rio, and since then the tradition of carnival parades of samba schools has spread to other cities. The largest parades of samba schools are just the carnival in Rio, as well as the carnival in Sao Paulo. In these cities there are special sambadromes, where samba schools actually perform, and entry for spectators is paid (but all street processions, of course, are free).

However, the tradition of street carnivals, in which anyone can participate, has not disappeared today. It is preserved mainly in the northeast of Brazil, in the cities of Salvador, Recife and Olinda. Hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets to walk together along the city roads, dance, sing, party and have fun. In these cities, parades are held not only to the rhythms of samba, for example in Recife and Olinda - to the rhythms of maracatu, afosha and frevo.

Brazilian Carnival is the largest national holiday country and the most famous holiday in Brazil. During its celebration, life in the country comes to a complete standstill, the holiday is celebrated day and night, 50% of annual beer consumption occurs during this period and 70% of tourists come to Brazil during this time.

takes place once a year in February (the height of the Brazilian summer). The holiday begins on the Saturday preceding Lent and continues for 4 days and 4 nights until Ash Wednesday (Quarta-feira de cinzas).

This festival is organized with the participation of the Ministry of Tourism and the League of Samba Schools, and its conduct is broadcast on almost all television channels.

The carnival begins with the symbolic handover of the keys to Rio de Janeiro by the city mayor to the “king of the carnival,” who becomes the rightful owner of the city for the duration of the holiday.

The main feature of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro is that it is not an impromptu procession with dances and songs, but a well-rehearsed theatrical procession-competition of samba schools, in which up to 4,000 people from each school participate at the same time.

Each samba school prepares very carefully for this holiday throughout the year, everything is thought out before the smallest details, the theme of the performance is chosen, music and choreography are prepared, unique costumes are created and moving stages are designed.

Forty jury members will evaluate each point: the cohesion of the team, the rhythm of the drums and their consistency with the dancing and singing, and, of course, the overall impression.

One of the most important people during the school procession is the female standard bearer who leads the car, and the score also largely depends on her performance.

Every day, more than two million people take part in the carnival on the streets of the city, but the main carnival procession takes place on the Sambodrome - a special 700-meter street designed for the carnival, with stands and boxes designed for 90,000 spectators. The parade of samba schools at the Sambodrome begins in the evening at 21 and can last for 10 hours.

The winning school of last year's carnival is the first to go through the Sambodrome, and then the rest of the schools come out on the list. First, the school's name is announced, followed by its staff and celebrities in carnival costumes, followed by thousands of dancers and musicians, as well as brightly decorated platforms on wheels, near which elite "passistas" dancers dance.

The samba school shows will end with a Parade of Champions, who will be determined by a competent jury. Based on the results of the carnival, a winning school is selected and awarded a cash prize.

Below is information about the dates for the Rio de Janeiro Carnival in the coming years:

In 2014 – March 1-4

In 2015 – February 14-17

In 2016 – February 6-9

In 2017 – February 25-28

In 2018 – February 10-13

In 2019 – March 2-5

In 2020 – February 22-25

I present to you a selection of the best carnivals of the world!

Various colorful and fun carnivals are held throughout the world in February. Every year they become more interesting and vibrant, and the costumes of the participants become more beautiful and unusual.

Here I will list the most colorful, crowded and famous carnivals.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

One of the most vibrant and significant carnivals in the world. It is also a big event for the whole country. Preparations for the new carnival begin the day after the end of the old one. Sponsors invest money in chic costumes, and participants deny themselves many things for a whole year in order to show off a chic costume at the next carnival.

It is believed that the most interesting moment of the carnival is the Sambadrome. A huge number of participants from various most famous samba schools compete in professionalism. The winner is judged on ten different parameters: suitability of music, rhythm, dance, overall impression, performance of the female standard-bearer, etc. During the carnival, there is no crowd in Rio, all the hotels are packed, prices jump sharply. Some locals even prefer to get away from this madness. But thousands and thousands of tourists from all over the world come to see the celebration of life - the carnival!

Venice Carnival. (Italy).

Carnival in Venice

Over half a million tourists come to Venice every year for the carnival. Now it is held annually. But it was not always so. The first mention of the carnival dates back to 1094. Subsequently, it was either extremely popular or completely banned. But since 1979, the Italian government decided to make the carnival an annual event to promote the culture of Venice.

Carnival in Nice

A very fun and colorful carnival. On the first day, the king and queen of the carnival are chosen. During all the days of the carnival, Nice becomes a large dance floor.

Carnival in La Vega (Dominican Republic)

This carnival has a long history, it has been held since 1520. Also, colorful processions take place every day, the king, queen and children's queen of the carnival are chosen. All day and night there is music, dancing and artists in incredibly beautiful and unusual costumes everywhere. This carnival has received the status of National Folklore Heritage of the Dominican Republic.

Carnival in Tenerife.

Carnival in Tenerife

In 1987, this carnival was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Back then, 200,000 people were dancing on the square at the same time!

This large-scale celebration carried out since 1638, from the very beginning of colonization by Spain.

Carnival in Los Santos (Panama).

Carnival in Los Santos

At the beginning of the carnival, a queen is chosen, who walks the streets throughout the holiday, accompanied by her retinue. As at other carnivals, unbridled fun, dancing, music, drinking, food are the main components of the holiday.

In some specially designated areas, carnival guests can pour water on each other from tanks specially brought for this purpose.

Carnival in New Orleans (USA).

Carnival in New Orleans

Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is the name of the carnival. This is the last day before Ash Wednesday, when Catholics can afford to relax very well before Lent.

The procession passes through the streets with millions of spectators. The carnival features 15,000 performers riding in 400 colorfully decorated chariots.

Carnival in Buenos Aires (Argentina).

The rhythms of samba, colorful processions, artists in incredibly beautiful costumes, the beat of drums create festive mood and turn the days of the carnival into an endless colorful holiday.

I hope your spirits are lifted! Although now is not the time for carnivals, I wish everyone a great mood! Share in the comments, perhaps you were lucky enough to attend some “celebration of life”!

And if you want to organize a carnival at home, then you can’t do without carnival costumes. And you can buy yourself something very interesting and unusual . Your holiday will definitely be unforgettable!

Extravagant and luxurious costumes, giant chariots, colorful processions, breathtaking performances: this is all the period of carnivals! In hot and cold weather, over the course of several days or even months, you can become familiar with the beliefs and traditions of each country. Some people spend a whole year preparing for the event!
An extraordinary festive Universe, no carnival is like another. All generations unite and have fun under one slogan: indulge in joy!

Carnival in Basel

Starting on February 23, the Swiss city is filled with the sounds of flutes and masks of passersby walking through the streets, who are absorbed in shopping, visiting bars, restaurants and everything that is open on this day. Music comes from all corners and it is impossible to find time for a break. The Basel Carnival is the largest popular festival in Switzerland, where about 20,000 people parade in costumes.

Carnival in Binche

Like the Oruro Carnival, the Binche Carnival is renowned as a masterpiece of the UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanity. It lasts 2 months, but during the 3 most intense days (each of which has its own theme) Gilly and other folk characters such as Pierrot, Harlequin and the peasant dance to the sound of trumpets and drums.

Carnival in Dunkirk

It originated among sailors who, before going to sea, gathered together to have fun and get rid of the fear of the disastrous seas washing Iceland. But during the Second World War, this custom was transformed into a festive and national carnival. Each participant is an “actor” of the carnival and he must dance and sing along with his neighbors from his “gang”.

Carnival in New Orleans

Just before Lent, Louisiana dresses up in purple, gold and green. Purple symbolizes justice, gold symbolizes power, green symbolizes faith. At the carnival, they eat the famous Royal Galette, parade, dance or throw various kinds of trinkets into the crowd: beads, cups and even coins. Abolished during colonial times, it has been celebrated again since 1699 thanks to the explorer René-Robert Cavelier.

Carnival in Lisbon

Inspired by the Rio Carnival, the Lisbon festival is all about parades in the streets, food and fun. Thousands of people from all over the world, imbued with the Brazilian spirit, gather to the rhythms of samba in Rossio Square every year to have fun before Lent.

Carnival in Nice

The most grandiose carnival in France, which takes place over 2 weeks in winter. This holiday has a more symbolic meaning in the Niçoise calendar and is known for its “flower battle”. During the festival, spectators are showered with mimosas, lilies and daisies. About 20 giant chariots drive through the streets along the seashore and bring joy to millions of spectators.

Carnival in Quebec

The world's largest winter carnival takes place before Lent from mid-January to early February. Every year there are unchanging traditions: the construction of an ice palace (about 300 tons), a snow bath, canoe racing on ice... more than a million people unite year after year around the symbol of the holiday - the snowman.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

The most important festival in the world. To have some fun before Lent, Rio de Janeiro transforms itself in 4 days into a picturesque anthill strewn with sparkles. About 3,000 people parade and sing in chorus the words from the samba-enredo song. Participants try not to make mistakes in their movements so that their dance school wins the title of carnival champion.

Carnival in Venice

This is the oldest carnival. It originates in the Middle Ages. On the occasion of the holiday, participants wore make-up to destroy conventions between social strata and contradictions during the period of Lent. Today, times have changed, but traditions are still symbolic for the people of Venice. At the end of the carnival, the most beautiful suit, who has the honor of opening the next ball.

Carnival in Oruro

Famous in the Bolivian capital, this carnival honors the Uru people, the indigenous people who desperately tried to save their territory and preserve their way of life. Listed by UNESCO as a world masterpiece of the oral and spiritual heritage of humanity. Some 30,000 dancers and 10,000 musicians bring the streets to life, dancing and playing to a frantic rhythm.