Modern technologies for tanning hides and processing natural fur make it possible to achieve a very impressive appearance of fur products.

Some types of cheap fur are sometimes subjected to such processing as dyeing, tinting, cutting, trimming, after which the fur becomes similar to a more expensive one, imitating it appearance. For example, the fur of a rabbit, marmot or honor is sometimes passed off as natural mink.

In this article we will tell you how to distinguish natural fur mink from imitation and make sure of its quality.

Marmot. A marmot, well-dressed and dyed to match the mink's natural dark brown fur, can indeed be mistaken for a mink at first glance. But if you pay a little more attention to it, you can see quite obvious signs fakes:

  • The length and thickness of the guard hairs of a marmot are not the same - this is noticeable if you stroke it against the grain. Mink has a uniform spine over the entire surface of the skin.
  • This same technique will reveal that the groundhog's fur becomes shaggy and does not return to its original state. Mink fur is more flexible and is practically unaffected by creasing.
  • A marmot painted to resemble mink will have a bluish-violet tint, which is noticeable in bright light, while dark natural mink always has a brown tint and an even silky sheen.

Rabbit. Most often, a sheared rabbit is passed off as a plucked or sheared mink, taking advantage of the similarity between the mink's underfur and the rabbit's fur. The rabbit is almost devoid of underfur, but if you cut it, it will look like a mink.

Mink underfur is elastic and does not wrinkle, while thin, damage-prone rabbit fur is much thinner and softer: it is easy to wrinkle, after getting wet it loses its appearance, and the skins quickly “bald” during wear.

Honorik. This is a close “relative” of the mink - an animal obtained by crossing a mink and a ferret. Currently, it is bred in few places, but it is still worth being able to distinguish honorik fur from mink:

  • If a fur coat is made from whole honorik skins, you will be struck by their large size, because honorik is noticeably larger than mink.
  • The color of Honorik's fur is different a big difference in shades of light underfur and dark awn. The color of the mink underfur is slightly lighter than the outer fur or has the same color.

Have you come to choose and buy a natural mink fur coat? Here are some tips on what to look for when assessing its quality:

  • Look at the fur. Natural mink fur has a uniform silky sheen. The guard hairs are of equal length, fluffy, and do not form icicles.
  • Spread the underfur: it should be equally dense, and the inner skin (skin) underneath should be light, unless the fur coat is declared as dyed.
  • Stroke the fur with your palm with and against the grain. Natural mink is silky to the touch, the spine does not prick, and the fur pressed against the fur quickly returns to its original appearance.
  • Shake your fur coat. The guard fur should not fall off, and the flesh should not crunch.

The most reliable way to choose high-quality natural mink is to make a purchase in a store that has a long-standing reputation as a reliable seller of high-quality mink coats. You can always contact the administration of such a store directly regarding assortment and quality issues!

The Fur Academy company also draws your attention to the control identification marks with electronic chips that are included with each fur coat sold under the Fur Academy brand. The chips contain comprehensive information about the origin of the fur coat that you are going to buy, which means they guarantee factory production and high quality of the product.

Mink coats are most popular in Russia. This fur is distinguished by its special beauty, durability, and good thermal characteristics. But the price for such a fur coat may not always be affordable for women. Most people save up for it over several years and buy it to wear for more than one season. But several particularly cunning fur sellers learned how to make fakes very similar to mink.

It becomes very disappointing when you purchase the fur coat of your dreams, which, it turns out, is not made from mink at all, but, for example, from a marmot or a ferret. How can you easily and quickly distinguish a high-quality product from a counterfeit product and purchase a fur coat that can last for many years?

If you decide to purchase a fur coat made of natural fur, then you should go shopping in a store that has been able to establish itself well in the market and is able to provide the buyer with guarantees and certification of its products. There is no need to chase savings and look for cheap options in the market. These are the places where counterfeits are most common., and making a return in this case will be very difficult.

It's worth taking a closer look How to distinguish a natural mink fur coat.

  1. Mink fur is much denser. Once you run your hand along the pile against its growth, it should quickly return to its original position. With its increased elasticity and rigidity, the fur will not itch much.
  2. Beautiful undercoat, awn equal in length. If you start to disguise a fake, then in most cases you will have to cut the guard hairs so that their length is at the same level. It is in this case that the fur will strongly prick the skin.
  3. When pinching, no hairs should remain on the surface of the hand.
  4. Mink skin has a characteristic shine. In some cases, single white hairs can be seen on undyed pile.
  5. You should run a white napkin over the fur. There should be no paint marks left on it.
  6. The total pile height on the entire product should be approximately the same. On finished product Bald spots should not be visible, there should be no bald spots of any kind, and there should be no bumps.
  7. Good sellers of quality fur do not add additional lining, making it possible to inspect the quality of the fur. It should be light or creamy in color and elastic.
  8. The fur coat should not rattle while shaking.
  9. It is worth checking for the presence of a seal from the manufacturers on each skin. It is this seal that will confirm that this is mink.
  10. You should carefully inspect all seams. They must be thin, even, and rollable. In some cases, the manufacturer sews leather between fragments of such skin. The fewer such areas there are, the higher the cost of the product itself. If you notice glue, then the best thing in this case would be to simply refuse to purchase such a fur coat. The technology in which the skin is glued together rather than stitched will not allow the item to last a long time.

Features of the country of origin

Mink coats, depending on the country of origin, can vary significantly in both appearance and price. The most expensive are Canadian and Scandinavian mink. They are distinguished by very strong fluff, as well as thick pile. In terms of their characteristics, the Ukrainian mink is slightly inferior to them. Its underfur is considered not so thick, and its awn is longer. Greek fur coats are more popular. There is also an opinion that in Greece the cost of a fur coat is much less. Some go on special trips to buy fur products.

But on the territory of any country you can find manufacturers of both high-quality production and not very high-quality ones. Good and real fur product It definitely won't cost too much. That is why you should not take risks by making expensive purchases in a recreation area.

Fur coats from Russian and Chinese manufacturers are much cheaper. Now some Chinese manufacturers have also learned to create fur made of quality fur. But you can also find fakes among such fur coats. a large number of. It is for this reason that it will be very disappointing to buy a Chinese fur coat at the price of a Canadian or Greek one.

Signs of difference between Chinese and European fur coats

When choosing, always pay attention to:

  1. Ost. Pronounced and very high. In appearance it seems prickly. It fits well under the pillow. In some cases, the spine does not differ in height. In this case, the skin can be passed off as Scandinavian.
  2. Shine. Chinese skins do not have a smooth sheen; they can shine, but only in some areas. They can be easily recognized by their special glassy sheen. If you compare Chinese and Scandinavian fur coats, even a layman can notice the difference. Scandinavian furs are distinguished from others by their special diamond shine, which seems to shimmer under the rays of the sun.
  3. Undercoat. It depends directly on the length of the spine itself, as well as the long black down, which is passed off as a black mink. But natural black mink has a light-colored interior, and only after dyeing can it acquire a dark or gray color.

Knowing these indicators, you can easily understand where the animal was raised. The place where the fur coat was made will be determined by the features and quality of the seams. In most cases, Italian and Greek fur coats are made using skins from Finnish and Scandinavian manufacturers. Russian mink may differ from Chinese mink in its thick and long pile. In the Scandinavian mink it is thick, but at the same time very short.

In some cases, the Chinese use Greek furs for tailoring. In this case, the quality will also be determined by the technology of applying the seam.

How to distinguish mink from fake

The first sign that you should pay special attention to, this is the weight of the fur coat. A fur coat made from mink fur will be much lighter than from the fur of any other animal. In most cases, mink producers skillfully disguise marmots, beavers, ferrets, and rabbits under expensive skins.

  1. Rabbit. It has a very soft pile and uneven shine, while mink skin shines quite evenly. Rabbit hairs have different colors. The undercoat leaves hair in the hand when pinched.
  2. Marmot. It is quite often used in the manufacture of fake fur coats. Their main difference is that the marmot has prickly fur, the hairs on it are completely different lengths. The marmot's pile is also considered elastic, but does not have any particular plasticity and can become very shaggy when stroking.
  3. Beaver. Both beaver and marmot fur can be easily confused with each other in terms of stiffness. Beaver skins are larger in size than mink. The beaver's flesh is twice as thick as that of the mink.
  4. Ferret. The ferret, in comparison with the mink, has a higher awn, and the underfur is of a rare type. It has a peculiar coloring: the underfur is light, and the awn is dark at the ends. In the area of ​​the sides you can easily notice light areas, and on the back the dark-colored awn completely covers the underfur. In addition, ferret skins are valued slightly less than mink. They are considered less durable, but at the same time very warm. Products are not sewn from ferret skin in unraveling, since the seam will stand out strongly through the fur due to the sparse fluff. It is for this reason that models made from his fur mostly have a straight cut.
  5. Honorik. This animal is the result of crossing a ferret and a mink. It will be very difficult to distinguish such fur from real mink. It will be distinguished by its black color, uneven shine and thick brown undercoat.

If you go to the store to purchase a fur coat, then there is no need to rush into choosing. To purchase the right model, you may have to visit more than one trusted store and try on several options. Don't be shy about being demanding in your questions and doubts to the consultant. It is imperative to pay attention to every little detail. It is vigilance that will have a positive impact on a worthy purchase, which you definitely will not regret.


This video will help you learn to distinguish natural high-quality mink coats from cheap fakes.

Every girl dreams of a fur coat made of natural fur, but it is not always possible to afford such a thing. In this case, an affordable alternative would be a fur coat made from artificial material. A mink coat made from this material does not look different from a natural one if it is made with high quality. special attention as a budget option.

Features of mink fur

Today, a popular basis for the production of mink coats is cotton fabric. Nitron fibers can be diluted with viscose. Placed at different levels, they provide the most natural effect, adding even greater resemblance to a natural product.

Knitted bases are also becoming increasingly popular. The fibers are made with the addition of acrylic and viscose. Thanks to this combination, the fur coat is practically no different from. This combination is called “eco-mink”.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now the mink material is especially popular among leading designers from all over the world. “Eco-mink” has earned such love due to its practicality and durability. The main advantages include:

- long wear life of the product;
— the water-repellent material with which the fibers are processed makes the products quite suitable for rainy weather (the product does not get completely wet);
— the appearance is no different from natural mink;
- a budget option.

However, the disadvantages include relatively low shelf life proper appearance. Yes, in comparison with natural fur products, artificial ones retain their wearability for a longer period of time (the pile is not wiped off and rolls off as much), but after 2-3 years of regular use you can often notice that the item is not natural. Because of this, of course, you can continue to wear an artificial fur coat, but at the same time, alas, it often becomes clear that the thing is not natural.

Price policy

On average, you can choose an original model for up to 10,000 rubles. We are talking about sheepskin coats made of faux fur. But at the same time, it is difficult to name the maximum price, since mink fur coats are also offered by famous designers, the cost of whose products can reach 100,000 rubles. In this case, the price is no less than the cost of a natural fur coat.

If we talk about budget options, the price ranges from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. The price of a fur coat made to look like mink is influenced by:
— product style (more fashion news always more expensive);
— quality of the material used;
- length of the fur coat (a longer fur coat uses more material and is therefore more expensive).

In addition, sometimes natural fur can be used in the manufacture of a fur coat (for example, for finishing sleeves, inserts). In this case, the product will be more expensive.

Popular colors and models of mink fur coats

It is generally accepted that the most advantageous mink coat looks in gray color . This is true, but only if we are talking about a natural product. When considering mink coats, it is much models in black are more popular. This is necessary primarily from a practical point of view - this way minor defects and differences between the villi and natural fur are less noticeable.

Also models in black with gray fur trim on the hood look great(if real fur is used for this). By the way, hoods are usually loose-fitting with a decorative hook or button on the collar.

As for mink fur coat models, the most popular at the moment are:

- short fur coats;
- trapezoid;
- loose fit with a belt.

Still worth avoiding long styles, if they are made of faux fur. This is due to the fact that the hem will rub too quickly. Because of this, the product too quickly loses its aesthetics and becomes unkempt. The artificiality of the fur immediately begins to be noticeable.

Features of choice

The choice of any outerwear should be approached with particular seriousness, since such an item is always bought for more than one year. In this case, it is worth paying attention, first of all, to how suitable the thing is not only in terms of quality characteristics, but also to what extent it corresponds to the type of appearance and the requirements placed on it. So, The main parameters when choosing a fur coat should be:

  1. features of climate and lifestyle. If a woman lives in a cold area and does not have her own car, then ideally give preference to a fur coat with a hood approximately to the knee. It is also better to abandon trapezoids, since in this case there will be a strong blow from below;
  2. age. Representatives of the older generation should pay attention to classic models, while young girls will be more suitable for flared fur coats using interesting fittings, as well as uneven edges;
  3. body type Overweight women You should not wear wide fur coats; it is better to pay attention to classic styles. But for women who are too thin, trapezoids are better suited;
  4. For a young girl, a fur coat with a belt that will effectively highlight her waist, or a short fur coat, is perfect.

Among the colors, everyone can also have their own preferences. But still, young girls can choose not only the classic black color - you can also give preference to light beige fur coats.

At the same time, knee-length fur coats look better in a light color, but short fur coats look more impressive in black.

What to wear with a mink fur coat

When choosing a mink coat, you can also highlight several important tips on choosing a wardrobe that will be most relevant in combination with such outerwear:

— jeans and breeches are ideal with short fur coats;
- with knee-length fur coats, it is better to choose boots for high heels;
- with a short fur coat it is better to wear fitted knee-length dresses, with longer fur coats - dresses that will not peek out from under the hem;
— you can wear low-heeled shoes with short fur coats, but then it’s better with trousers;
— hats and scarves are appropriate only if you have a fur coat with a collar. If you combine such accessories with massive hoods, it will look ugly;
- It is better to avoid bags with a long strap. Preference should be given to chests or bags with short handles that are not too large.

So, faux mink fur coats are a very popular budget option, which any fashionista will appreciate. At the same time, so that the difference between artificial and natural fur coat was really not noticeable, you should carefully approach the choice of things.

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Men say: “If you fall in love, then love the queen”; women answer: “If you wear a fur coat, it’s made from mink.” This item will not only protect its owner from the winter cold, but will also emphasize the good taste of the owner. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy a fur coat from a popular brand, and nearby, by the way, there are very budget offers on the market or even in a small, cozy store. The main thing here is not to buy a fake. Let's look at a few tips on how to distinguish real mink fur from a fake.

Bright-minded scientists are constantly working on ways to produce more and more beautiful and “similar” synthetic fur, not only of mink, but also of all known animals, the skins of which are used for sewing fur coats. To avoid getting such a miracle of technology, you should take a close look at the fur itself. If you run your hand over it , then natural mink fur will be silky and soft. If we smooth it in the other direction and shake the product, the villi will quickly return to their original appearance, and the faux fur will remain disheveled.

Blow on the fur coat or set fire to some fur lint

Blow on the fur coat : on a natural mink there is a clearly visible down, which is the most difficult to counterfeit. However, if the seller strongly insists that this is still a real mink, pull out a couple of hairs from the fur coat and set it on fire. Natural ones will burn completely, releasing a distinct smell of burnt lint, but synthetic ones will begin to melt and smell like plastic.

Mink fur is counterfeited with rabbit fur

But it turns out to be much easier to distinguish fake fur than, for example, not coming home wearing a marmot fur coat. The fact is that careless manufacturers pass off the fur of some animals as more expensive. Breeders have bred very cute rabbits - “twins” to chinchillas or the same mink. These long-eared cuties not only become pets, but without even realizing it, they participate in a “conspiracy” against the consumer. What is worth knowing in this case?

In order to bring rabbit fur to its final form, it is plucked in a special way. Therefore, if you look closely, you will see either villi of different lengths, or the underpants will be the same length as the main pile- this is just a sign that he was pinched.

The rabbit sheds more: if you run your hand over a fur coat and it turns into a furry paw, leave this store without hesitation. As for the marmot fur, in the product it looks like a “poorly combed” mink, in a word – somehow disheveled. The fibers of the fur itself are more prickly.

Another interesting way to check the authenticity of mink fur

If we wrap a real mink coat around our fist, the undercoat will create the feeling of a single flowing stream. At the same time, the groundhog will have a clear transition: the fur will lie beautifully along the edges and stick out in the middle. In addition, a mink coat always weighs less and when trying it on it may seem like you are wearing nothing at all.

Let's say the fur coat is really made of mink. But why is there such a difference in price? The fact is that many brands invest in advertising and certification of their products. This certification speaks primarily about the quality of the fur product itself. Although, unfortunately, even here replicas have penetrated.

How to distinguish the authenticity of BlackNafa or Blackglama fur from a fake?

Firstly, using the label itself. There are special “authentication forms” on official websites. If the store “doesn’t know” such a website, it’s time to think about it. In addition, such a label changes color in ultraviolet light. Myself mink fur should be dense and luxurious in appearance. And under no circumstances the fur coat should not “rustle”. If you wrinkle a fur coat, then this characteristic “paper” sound indicates poor quality of the skin - most likely it is overdried or too stretched. What can happen to a product made from such fur? In places of greatest load, cracks may appear in the near future. Therefore, if your budget is minimal and you take this step consciously, that’s one thing. But real high-quality fur coats, when crumpled, quickly and without extraneous sounds take on their original shape.

Sooner or later, every girl’s dream of a mink coat becomes a reality - this fur has become extremely popular in recent years in our country. And this is not surprising: soft, warm, beautiful, able to warm you up in almost any frost. However, only a high-quality product has these properties. What does a quality product mean, and how to determine this very quality?

Of course, the appearance of the fur is very important - it should be uniformly shiny, of the same length and density, with a uniformly thick down. Surely you already know that a visual inspection of the outside of the product is first and foremost. But few people know that the real indicators of the quality of both the dressing of the skins and the tailoring lie on the inside of the product. So, what should be inside a good mink coat, and what do the flaws look like?


First of all, it is worth assessing the quality of the skin itself (we will tell you how to do this below). When choosing mink products, you should remember that any high-quality factory product will be marked. This means that from the inside, each skin, if the product is sewn from whole skins, will have a mark, confirming, first of all, the quality of the purchased raw materials. Therefore, unless, of course, you are obviously buying a Chinese mink coat on the market, be sure to look behind the lining in search of such markings (photo).


Of course, it is the underside of the skin, that is, that is the main indicator of the quality of the fur. Thus, light, almost white flesh indicates a well-dressed skin. Also, the flesh should not be too hard, it should be elastic and stretch a little when stretched - this indicates that the skins were not specifically stretched to increase the volume of the fur. Yellow or dark flesh indicates that the fur is old, and such a product usually looks unpresentable (video).

It’s easy to see what the fur looks like from the inside: in high-quality fur coats, the fur from the inside is not sewn to the lining so that the buyer can evaluate the quality of the skins and seams. If the seller refuses to show you the backside, it means that he is not confident in the quality of his product, and such a product is not worth buying.

Further, you can evaluate the condition of the interior from the outside. Fold the fur: if the skin underneath is white, then this model has not been dyed, but if it is the same color as the fur, the fur coat is dyed. This is neither good nor bad, but it is imperative to check the quality of the paint. Take a handkerchief, slightly wet it and rub the fur: if there are traces on the handkerchief, it is better to refuse the purchase, because A few rains or snowfalls and the paint will begin to fade.


Having studied the quality of the skins, it’s time to start seams, the quality of which is also assessed both from the outside and from the inside. Externally, the seams should not stick out, especially on the shoulder seams hidden behind the hoods. Part the fur and carefully inspect all the seams - they should not be noticeable.

The best way to tell about the quality of the seams is the inside of the product. Firstly, there should be seams in principle. If they are not there, then the product is glued and will not last long. Further, frequent seams with an interval of 5 mm indicate that the product is sewn with fur strips. This product costs an order of magnitude cheaper than models made from solid mink, so pay attention not to the price. And, of course, the seams should be even and neat.


And the last thing you should pay attention to when choosing a mink product is the lining. Oddly enough, it is this finishing touch that will say more about the manufacturer than anything else. A good, well-known manufacturer will never allow itself to sew a cheap, low-quality lining onto an expensive luxury mink. So, the lining should be dense, not flashy, evenly and well sewn to the fur. If you see that the lining on the inside of a mink coat is luridly bright or resembles gauze in thickness, then the product was most likely sewn in a handicraft manner.

These are, perhaps, all the secrets of the inside of a mink coat, and now you know what a good mink coat looks like from the inside.