Girlfriends are people who don't like people you don't like, even if they've never even met them.

Betrayal is a feat of loyalty to one’s interests. Alexander Kruglov

The inferiority of our friends gives us considerable pleasure. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

I only need one, the one who can put up with my changeable mood.

There is no such thing as female friendship; they are united by a unity of views.

You are mine best friend forever - you know too much.

In misfortune a friend is known and an enemy is exposed. Epictetus.

We make friends not by receiving services from them, but by providing them ourselves. Thucydides.

He sold everyone who bought him. Walking review of Talleyrand

Friends who don't fight are not friends.

A friend is a person whose vocabulary contains no words: lies, hypocrisy, meanness, betrayal. Povalyaev.

A true friend is the greatest of blessings and at the same time the blessing that one least thinks about acquiring. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

A man is interesting to a woman as long as he is interesting to her friends.

You shouldn't talk about friends who don't value friendship.

If you're not sure, don't betray it. Maxim Zvonarev

The phrase He's just my best friend usually ends the same way: first the word simply is dropped, then the best friend gradually disappears. He is mine.

The best way to know and destroy an enemy is to become his friend. Paulo Coelho

One of the first duties of friendship is to anticipate the requests of friends. Isocrates

Guys, what should I do? My friend got stoned... sat down in washing machine and left! I would catch up with her on a vacuum cleaner, but I don’t have a license!

True friendship must be frank and free from pretense and assent. Cicero Marcus Tullius

Love is a feeling that comes and goes, but friendship is forever... don’t betray your friends for the sake of a relationship...

Friendship - is this concept even necessary to once again understand that a friend can be a traitor?

Human friendship in most cases sprouts with many prickly ifs and buts and eventually turns into ordinary friendly relationships that are maintained only thanks to omissions. Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

Decent people are also sold for a decent price. Hot Petan

The main thing in life is not to lose people with whom you share the same type of cockroaches in your head.

Friendship is not cemented by intelligence; it is easily torn apart by stupidity. William Shakespeare

It's good when a girlfriend is a friend! It’s bad when a friend is a girlfriend!

Who himself good friend, he also has good friends. N. Machiavelli

Friendship is when you send your friend on a date, and then spend the entire evening being angry with her because you have nothing to do.

Meet me, this is my friend, we have been fools since childhood.

Nothing strengthens a friendship more than knowing that this friend is better than the other. Honore de Balzac

Betrayal by friends is painful and unpleasant, but it allows you to understand people better.

Friendship is a priceless gift. Try to keep friends, because they will be your support and support on your life’s path. Rudaki.

Your friend will wipe your tears when your boyfriend leaves you, but your best friend will come up to him and say: You left her because you're just a creep, aren't you?

Friendship warms the soul, a dress warms the body, and the sun and stove warm the air. Kozma Prutkov

Friendship is not one big heroic act, but many small concessions.

Friendship sees everything and pays no attention to anything. Love pays attention to everything and sees nothing. Shpolyansky.

Vera from the film “In Love of My Own Will” calls Bragin and feels that he has fallen in love with someone else. She says: “I didn’t see it and forgot.” Probably no one would want such an attitude towards themselves. Is not it? But it’s not just that this saying has been living among the people for a very long time. It is repeated, sadly shaking their heads, by more and more generations.

Was this true love?

Those known at a distance will help you figure this out. For a long time, poets have used the following allegories:

  • In separation, strong love flares up and weak love is extinguished. So a gust of wind fans the fire and extinguishes the candle.
  • Lovers have a special sense of distance: it is measured not by measures of length, but by measures of time.
  • If the heart cannot wait, it cannot love.

Quotes about love at a distance

Parting is unnatural for lovers. Their lives are separate from each other - meetings. When it is impossible to do anything, think about anything... Thoughts are only about him or her. And even years later, the couple finds it very difficult to separate. Shakespeare asked a rhetorical question: “How can we sing your praise, when we are one being?”

In separation, no one else is needed; they cannot replace the loved one, he is a stranger. Quotes about distance and melancholy from Pushkin and Shakespeare:

  • My dear wife, it’s sad, my angel, it’s sad without you.
  • Separation divides the heart in half.

No wonder Sergei Yesenin noted that big things are seen from a distance.

Quotes about the distance between loved ones are very poetic. For example, the group “Uma Thurman” sings about the almost physical feeling of distance between a guy and a girl who flew to America. There is a listing of walls and houses, streets and cities.

Death by Separation

Not everyone can maintain love when separated. Only pure, integral natures are capable of this. These are not just quotes about the distance between lovers, taken from romantic poems. History knows examples of the death of those lovers who had to be separated. Scientists from England have found that this is due to a high surge of adrenaline. Your heart can literally break. The closer the death of a loved one, the more likely it is that the person will follow him.

This is not only about young people - such as Romeo and Juliet. Remember? Romeo left after the murder of Juliet's brother, did not receive a letter from her and returned to the coffin of his beloved. He did not want to live and killed himself. She woke up and, seeing Romeo dead, stabbed herself.

With age, manifestations of tender affection become less pronounced. Again, Shakespeare wrote about mature feelings. He claimed that it was strong and not for many eyes. Therefore, he gives advice: “Don’t part with your loved ones, growing into them with all your blood.”

on distance

O'Henry has a story, "Help, Friend." It would seem that nothing connected the heroes of his work: they did not need to meet, did not seek communication and were not interested in each other. But they showed up at the first call to help. Each could count on the other, right down to the last drop of blood.

  • A true friend will come at night if you wake him up. He will not delay and will arrive exactly as you will immediately arrive to him.
  • Friendship does not die from distance. Someone just breaks the thread of trust. You can no longer be yourself, because the person next to you is not yours.

When the wait for a meeting is prolonged

When the heart languishes in separation, quotes about the distance between people save you, whether it’s due to miles or time. Mayakovsky made the following conclusion: “Neither quarrels nor miles can wash away love.”

Quotes about distance are amazing. Oscar Wilde's heroine admitted that if her beloved leaves for a while, she is ready to wait for him for the rest of her life. Examples of long waits have become classics of fidelity. Penelope's love for Odysseus endured twenty years of separation. The couple remained faithful to each other. Conchita, the young bride of the Russian nobleman Count Rezanov, had been waiting for him for thirty-five years. Having received the news of Rezanov’s death, she stopped going out to the cape every day and looking towards the horizon, became a nun and forever renounced marriage.

When a meeting is impossible

A sleepless man in Seattle sees his dead wife sitting on his sofa and says to her: “My love, how it hurts me without you.” Griboedov's wife Nino remained faithful to her husband for thirty years. They were not together for long, since during the defeat of the Russian mission in Tehran she lost her husband - he was torn to pieces by the crowd. She never stopped mourning.

Nino Pirosmani and Margarita are the heroes of the song's plot about a poor artist in love and a million roses for the actress. He really saw her fleetingly, filled Tiflis square with roses and did not start a family until the end of his life.

Why do such stories exist on earth? Perhaps this is how we were created. When your person is not the one who feels good with you. He feels bad without you. When you are one and it is impossible to separate without tearing yourself in half. Happy are those who find such love! Love can survive any distance, even a person. Her wonderful examples will be remembered forever.

For honest love, even the smallest distance is too great, but even the greatest distance is surmountable.

Love at a distance is like a spark in the wind - it extinguishes the weak and ignites the strong.

Even someone who is far away now can be close if he is in your heart.

It is impossible to fall out of love, even if you are thousands of kilometers away from each other. There are two options: either you will always love, or you have never loved...

Kilometers are the best aphrodisiacs.

It is distance that determines the strength of love.

Love at a distance is possible and sometimes it is brighter than close.

It has always been the case that the depth of love is known only in the hour of separation.

Love at a distance is difficult, let it be. And hear sadness in the phone receiver... In my soul I keep meetings, your image... To know that you are far away, but with me..

Only when you are apart do you realize how dear the person you love is to you.

Love at a distance is a special reality, it is more aesthetic and subtle, love without possession, just pure admiration.

It often happens that people who are at a distance are much more attached to each other than those who are always nearby.

And even if we fall asleep in different beds, the main thing is that we fall asleep thinking about each other.

Distance hardens the body of love, greatly undermining immunity to betrayal. Test of strength…

It's so hard to love from a distance... when you don't see the person for a long time, and he comes for a couple of days, and you rejoice, you are happy, and when he leaves it hurts your heart so much...

Relationships tested by distance are rewarded with eternity.

Anyone who is wounded by separation cannot be healed by anything other than meeting...

Words of love grow numb when separated.

In love, distance cannot be seen... it is close and visible only to those who believe!

I adore you even if I’m not in the mood, even if it’s winter outside, even if there are different cities outside the windows...

A short distance is not closeness. A long distance is not yet far.

They say love at a distance is impossible. The sun is also far away... but still warm.

For love, distance is not a hindrance. The contractions of the heart of one half always respond to the heart rhythm of the other.

Distance doesn't matter for love... She can overcome anything...

True love will survive anything! And separation, and temporary separation! After all, only fake feelings will fade away!

No kilometers are scary if you know that at the end of the road, you will still be loved...

Sometimes people who are thousands of miles away from you can make you feel better than the people next to you.

Love at a distance exists.

True love is not afraid of either time or distance. But mistrust can destroy it overnight.

Do we really need distance to get closer?

True love is not afraid of distance, trials or obstacles.

It’s terrible when people love each other, but there are different cities outside the windows.

Distance cannot be a hindrance for love, it can become a reason... if you don’t want to be together...

Loving a person from a distance is a constant test of yourself and her for the ability to remain faithful in a sea of ​​temptations in which it would be quite possible to plunge into together.

When you love, any distances don't count.

Love is when you hear his heart beating in the distance...

You can be close to a person and be strangers, or you can be at a distance, love the soul without touching the body, breathe and draw an image, loving madly!!!

When there is Internet, distance does not matter. Love walks on wires...

Each of us has people who are dear even from a distance.

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Today I have prepared for you quotes about love at a distance - a topic that is relevant to many.

I hope these quotes about long distance love will help you overcome this difficult challenge, resulting in a stronger and closer relationship.

Love at a distance: quotes

It has always been the case that the depth of love is known only in the hour of separation. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

Love endures separation and death better than doubt and betrayal. Andre Maurois "The Vicissitudes of Love"

Distance hardens the body of love, greatly undermining immunity to betrayal. Test of strength… Elchin Safarli “Sweet salt of the Bosphorus”

Words of love grow numb when separated. William Shakespeare

For honest love, even the smallest distance is too great, but even the greatest distance is surmountable. Hans Nouveau

For love, distance is not a hindrance. The contractions of the heart of one half always respond to the heart rhythm of the other. Elchin Safarli “I will return”

When you love, any distances don't count. Mark Levy "Meet Again"

Kilometers are the best aphrodisiacs. Sergey Minaev “Spiritless. The Tale of an Unreal Man"

Can kilometers really separate people? If you want to be with the one you love, aren't you already together? Richard Bach "Messiah's Pocket Guide"

True love is not afraid of either time or distance. But mistrust can destroy it overnight. Oleg Roy

The collection includes aphorisms and quotes about distance:
  • I want to be with him so much, but the distance spoils everything.
  • The Kalashnikov assault rifle is the best remedy for transmission negative thoughts over a distance of up to a kilometer.
  • For some, love lives at a distance, but for us, it lives at separation!
  • Closeness of spirit is not subject to distance. Leonid S. Sukhorukov
  • Shooting is the transmission of thoughts at a distance... Don Aminando
  • Big things can be seen from a distance, but you still want to touch them. A. V. Ivanov
  • Laughter is the closest distance between two people. Victor Borzhe
  • In separation - the distance is measured not in kilometers, but in days. Yuri Tatarkin
  • Distances, versts and miles... We were placed in different corners of the Earth so that we could behave better.
  • Evening.. Silence... And distance... You are alone... and I am alone... Whose efforts are these?!
  • Distance eats up all feelings. Slowly, replacing calls with single SMS and a couple of messages online.
  • We met and parted... We fell in love... And we suffer... Distance... Fool...

  • A story rejected by everyone in the place where it was first circulated will be considered reliable a thousand miles away. David Hume
  • Yes...after all, distance and time do a lot to people...
  • A kiss is like spitting at close range!
  • Mental health is based on a certain level of tension - the tension between what we have already done and what we must do, or the distance between what we are now and what we will become in the future... Viktor Frankl
  • The first step in love is friendship, and so is the last. And between them there is an untraveled distance.

  • If you keep your distance from me, I console myself with the fact that my ill-wisher is as far from me as I am from him. Jonathan Swift
  • One kiss breaks the distance between friendship and love...
  • You know what's hard? This is to quarrel at a distance of one centimeter between your lips...
  • Every person, like every action, should be looked at from a certain distance. Some can be understood by looking at them up close, while others become clear only from a distance. Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • The Internet is the most perfect means of transmitting stupidity over a distance. Boris Usherenko
  • There is a distance between us, but I firmly believe we will overcome it
  • As much as I was afraid of it, you couldn’t stand the distance... It hurts..
  • Loving from a distance is very difficult, but possible...
  • When you love, you don’t notice distance or time...
  • Love your neighbor at any distance, and it will begin to shrink. Leonid S. Sukhorukov
  • The easiest way to hit the heart is from close range. A. V. Ivanov

  • The best measure of the era: the distance between a dwarf and a giant. Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • When the distance between you decreases, then the attraction increases.
  • Love each other and don’t let the distance between you become an obstacle...
  • When the “Muse” left the poet, his wife returned to him. What type of art can be classified as “putting a good face on a bad game”? The distance from the beautiful to the beautiful is the same as from the bad to the ugly. Boris Shapiro
  • Love at a distance is not my calling.
  • It seems I’m starting to love you even from a distance...
  • My work is the product of my force and the distance given by him. Alexander Tsitkin
  • Because of the stench, we keep a certain distance from them, and they receive an excuse for their behavior and freedom of action. Ishkhan Gevorgyan
  • I didn’t calculate the distance: I wanted to get from the ship to the ball, but I found myself in the cold and dirty water of everyday life. Yuri Tatarkin