IN modern world Oil is an indispensable raw material for most branches of the chemical industry. It serves as the basis for the production of not only fuel, but also plastic, fertilizers, textiles, synthetic materials, pharmaceuticals and even cosmetics. Natural gas is used as a source of heat and energy. We can say with confidence that oil is our everything!

The entire territory of Russia is rich in mineral resources, and our country occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of oil production. Therefore, oil and gas fields bring huge income to the country. It is not surprising that a separate holiday is dedicated to people involved in the development of fields and the production of oil and gas - Oil Worker's Day.

When is it celebrated in 2018

In Russia, a professional day for oil and gas workers gas industry celebrated every year on the first Sunday of September. In 2018, the date falls on September 2. Oilman's Day was approved at the official level by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days.”

Who's celebrating

Everyone involved in the industry participates in the celebrations. These include workers of various laboratories, drilling rigs, distribution stations, pipeline communications, engineers, designers, and maintenance personnel. Also to yours professional holiday Oil Worker's Day is considered by students, teachers of specialized educational institutions and residents of settlements where oil fields are located and oil is produced.

History and traditions of the holiday

In Russia, oil began to be extracted and used since tsarist times. In 1745, merchant Fyodor Pryadilnikov built the world's first oil refinery, the product of which was kerosene, which was used for lighting. Fuel oil production was launched later, in 1823, in the vicinity of Mozdok. Then, in 1864, in the Kuban they began to drill holes mechanically, strengthening the walls with metal pipes. And this year is considered to be the date of the birth of the oil industry in our country.

The history of the holiday dates back to the times of the USSR. This holiday was first established in 1965 in honor of oil and gas workers who developed the fields of Western Siberia. The official date of Oil Worker's Day was October 1, 1980. The decision to celebrate Gas Worker's Day was made by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and was dedicated to showing respect and recognition for the contribution of employees in this industry. The collapse of the Union did not in any way affect the tradition of honoring gas and oil workers, and to this day the date remains unchanged.

How to celebrate

Oilman's Day is celebrated with mass festivities. Large oil companies organize entertainment venues for local residents, invite famous artists and even organize pyrotechnic shows. In less narrow circles, oil and gas industry workers congratulate each other and wish each other success and new achievements in their professional fields.

Local and national TV channels broadcast films dedicated to the pioneers and heroes of the industry. Newspapers publish materials about outstanding, honored workers. The best employees are awarded certificates of honor, medals, valuable gifts, bonuses, and are simply noted for their merits and contributions to this difficult task.

Thematic events are organized in galleries and cultural institutions. Students studying in non-oil and gas departments often go on picnics in nature, combining them with active pastime.

About the profession

Oil workers develop oil and gas deposits, monitor the smooth operation of infrastructure, and provide field development sites with equipment and additional materials. Other employees provide processing, transportation and storage of extracted raw materials, from which finished products are later manufactured.

How to get a profession as an oil worker? To begin, take a course at a specialized educational institution. If there are plans to take a leadership position, you must graduate from an oil university. Working conditions in mining fields in Russia are quite harsh, because some of them take place in the Urals, the Arctic, Siberia and sea shelves, so the profession can be classified as hazardous to health

On September 1, 2019, Russia celebrates a holiday - the Day of Workers of the Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry.

This professional holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday of September according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days,” as amended. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.11.88 N 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days.”

The Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers is a holiday for everyone who has linked their fate with the difficult profession of geologists, drillers, developers, builders, transport workers, technologists and many other oil and gas specialties.

The oil and gas industry is constantly increasing the level of extraction and production of fuel and energy resources, thereby ensuring both the country's internal needs for energy resources and the fulfillment of export obligations.

The importance of industry for Russia

The fuel and energy complex is closely connected with the entire industry of the country. More than 20% of funds are spent on its development. The fuel and energy complex accounts for 30% of fixed assets and 30% of the value of industrial products in Russia.

It uses 10% of the products of the mechanical engineering complex, 12% of metallurgy products, consumes 2/3 of the country's pipes, provides more than half of the Russian Federation's exports and a significant amount of raw materials for the chemical industry. Its share in transportation is 1/3 of all cargo by railways, half of maritime transport and all pipeline transport.

The greatest importance in the country's fuel industry belongs to three industries: oil, gas and coal, of which oil is especially prominent.

The fuel and energy sector provides at least 60% of foreign exchange earnings to Russia, allowing us to have a positive foreign trade balance and maintain the ruble exchange rate. Revenues to the country's budget from excise taxes on oil and petroleum products are high.

The role of oil in politics is also great. Regulation of oil supplies to neighboring countries is, in fact, an important argument in dialogue with new states.

Thus, oil is the wealth of Russia. The oil industry of the Russian Federation is closely connected with all sectors of the national economy and is of great importance for the Russian economy. Demand for oil always outstrips supply, so almost all developed countries of the world are interested in the successful development of our oil industry.

Development of the oil industry

Oil production has been carried out by mankind since ancient times. At first they were used primitive methods: collecting oil from the surface of reservoirs, processing sandstone or limestone saturated with oil using wells. The first method was used in the 1st century in Media and Syria, the second - in the 15th century in Italy. But the beginning of the development of the oil industry is considered to be the appearance of mechanical drilling for oil in 1859 in the USA, and now almost all the oil produced in the world is extracted through drilling wells.

Over more than a hundred years of development, some fields have been depleted, others have been discovered, the efficiency of oil production has increased, oil recovery has increased, i.e. completeness of oil extraction from the reservoir. But the structure of fuel production has changed. For a long time The oil industry, which was in first place, is being overtaken by the promising gas industry. (Currently coal accounts for only 15% of tons of standard fuel, gas - 45%, oil - 40%). The oil industry, which is losing its leading position, has problems.

In Russia, the first oil wells were drilled in the Kuban in 1864, and in 1866 one of them produced an oil gusher with a flow rate of more than 190 tons per day. At that time, oil production was carried out mainly by monopolies dependent on foreign capital. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia ranked first in oil production.

In 1901 - 1913 the country produced approximately 11 million tons of oil. A severe decline occurred during the Civil War. By 1928, oil production was again increased to 11.6 million tons.

In the first years of Soviet power, the main oil production areas were Baku and the North Caucasus (Grozny, Maykop). Mining was also carried out in Western Ukraine in Golytsia.

Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus provided about 87% of the oil in the Soviet Union in 1940. However, soon the dwindling reserves of the oldest regions ceased to satisfy the demands of the developing industry. There is an urgent need to search for oil in other areas of the country. The fields of the Perm and Kuibyshev regions and Bashkiria were discovered and put into operation, which led to the creation of the largest Volga-Ural base.

New fields have been discovered in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, and oil production has reached 31.1 million tons. War 1941 - 1945 caused severe damage to the regions of the North Caucasus, which significantly reduced the volume of oil produced. However, in the post-war period, with the parallel restoration of the oil production complexes of Grozny and Maikop, largest deposits Volga-Ural oil base. And in 1960 it already provided about 71% of the country’s oil. Technical innovations were also used (maintaining reservoir pressure), which made it possible to significantly increase production.

In the 50s, 38 million tons were mined, in the 60s the figure increased by an order of magnitude - 148 million tons. The end of the 60s was marked by the industry being equipped with the latest technical inventions and technology improvements. Over the period from 1961 to 1972, over 3.3 billion were produced. tons of oil.

Such a rapid increase in the change in the ratio between potential reserves (the size of promising oil and gas bearing areas exceeds 11 million km and explored ones, which have especially decreased in old areas. At the same time, growth was ensured by new developed fields in Western Siberia (Middle Ob region and Shati region), Belarus , Western Kazakhstan, Orenburg region and Udmurtia, on the continental shelf of the Caspian Sea Back in 1970, the Volga-Ural region provided about 61% of oil, but already in 1974 new promising fields were discovered in the early 70s in Komi. and the Arkhangelsk region (Timan-Pechora oil and gas province), the Eastern regions have become the main regions for oil production. These are Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, the Mangyshlak Peninsula, Central Asia and the Far East (Sakhalin). The unique Western Siberian oil and gas basin of capital began to emerge.

Economic-geographical characteristics

Before the revolution, almost all oil production in our country was concentrated in the Caucasus, where 97% of the oil was produced. In the 30s, new oil fields were discovered - in the Volga region and the Urals, but right up to the Great Patriotic War The main oil-producing region was the Caucasus. In the 1940-1950s. oil production in the Caucasus has decreased due to the depletion of fields (its production there is currently of local importance, in Russia it is the region of the North Caucasus). Oil production in the Volga-Ural region, on the contrary, increased greatly, as a result of which this region moved to first place in the oil industry of the USSR.

Until recently, this was the most important area for proven oil reserves. Such famous deposits as Romashkinskoye, Bavlinskoye, Arlanskoye, Tuymazinskoye, Ishimbayevskoye, Mukhanovskoye, Kitel-Cherkasskoye, Buguruslanskoye, Korobkovskoye were discovered here. Oil production in this area is inexpensive, but Bashkortostan oil contains a lot of sulfur (up to 3%), paraffin and resins, which complicates its processing and reduces the quality of the product. In the north and south they are adjacent to Perm and Orenburg.

In 1960 The first oil field was discovered in Western Siberia, and since the early 60s there have been about 300 oil and gas fields located over the vast territory of Western Siberia, from the Urals to the Yenisei. The Shaimsky, Surgutsky and Nizhnevartovsky oil-bearing areas are outlined, where such fields as Samotlorskoye, Ust-Balykskoye, Fedorovskoye, Megionskoye, Sosnitsko-Sovetskoye, Aleksandrovskoye, etc. are located. In 1964, industrial oil production began there. In subsequent years, the oil industry of Western Siberia grew at a very rapid pace and in 1974 it was ahead of all other regions of the USSR in oil production. Oil from Western Siberia is different good quality, high economic efficiency of production. Currently, Western Siberia is the main oil-producing region of the country.

The Ukhtinsky oil region (Tibugskoye and Vaivash fields) is located in the northeast of the European part of Russia. It supplies the north of the European part of the country with oil. Not far from it, at the confluence of the Usa River and Pechora, a group of oil fields is being developed (Timan-Pechersk oil and gas province). Part of the oil produced here is transported through a pipeline to Yaroslavl. In addition to the main oil-producing areas, oil is produced in the north of Sakhalin Island (Okha field). From Sakhalin, oil is transported through oil pipelines to the mainland - to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. There is an oil field of local importance in the Kaliningrad region.

Signs of oil potential are present in a vast territory of the North, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

The country's oil industry has entered a qualitatively new, more complex stage of development, when there is a need to sharply increase the volume of prospecting and exploration work, especially in Eastern Siberia, in the depth zones under the gas fields of Western Siberia, in the shelf zones of the seas, the formation of the necessary production and technical bases. Oil production has begun in the Arctic, on the shelf near the island. Kolguev (Peschanoozerskoye field).

Oil, gas, fuel -
Industry is the most important in the country,
Workers today in these industries
I congratulate you on the holiday three times over.

You produce gas, oil, and coal,
And all the energy rests on you,
Please accept congratulations today,
We wish happiness to each of you.

Let all resources be extracted,
And the tasks, the workers, are just closed,
Happy holiday to the great and brave,
Skilled gas workers and oil workers.

Let luck not resist,
And the salary is only accrued higher,
Let the boss appreciate, respect,
And the size of the bonus doesn’t offend me.

We wish on your great day,
Conquer new country step,
Go to the Cote d'Azur,
And taste the kebab there soon!

To the oil workers - our heartfelt greetings,
Accept congratulations today,
Let the whole white world rejoice,
And you all raise your flags higher!

Let oil always flow like a river,
And the gas flows, enriching the country,
So that your glory may thunder for centuries,
And all your wishes are immediately fulfilled!

We sincerely congratulate you on Oilman's Day,
We will not tire of sincerely thanking you,
Let happiness be together, on the same path,
He will go with you, bring you joy,
And let your health become stronger, stronger,
After all, we really need your work,
May luck arrive to you on time,
And may your dreams come true now!

Oil and gas are your path,
Can't be underestimated
The importance of your work
The whole country is proud of you.

Congratulations on this day,
Let everyone remember him.
Let your work be respected
And the salary is increased.

There will be oil and gas in the depths -
There will be a cash reserve.
And, like fuel in a pipe,
Let there be happiness in fate.

Friendship with the bowels of the earth
And I know where their soul is,
During the season of frost, blizzard and cold
Warmed so many of our souls

That the whole country is grateful
For heating the hot heat,
Behind the heat batteries and pipes,
For difficult and important work.

May everything continue to work
To keep consumers warm.
We wish you reasonable prices
And only bright changes.

Let the oil flow like chocolate
Let the salary increase
Let your health not fail you,
And happiness awaits you at home.

The glorious city is thriving,
Life goes on, seethes, boils!
It’s time for us to say “thank you”
To those who will not spare their strength
For comfort and progress,
For science - for all of us -
Knowing how helpful they are always
Oil and fuel and gas.

We sincerely wish you
Live without painful worries.
Let love warm you
Every hour and all year round.
Loaded with important work
May it never happen.
Your work is valuable and honorable -
Be happy always!

What would we do without you?
Let's ask honestly, what?
There would be no gas burning in the house,
The tank was empty in the car.

Would freeze in winter
In a house without heat...
Your industry is simple
She gave us comfort.

And we wish you now
Peaceful labor,
Let the gas never run out
Never in the depths!

It’s not hard for you to get oil and gas,
And it’s easy for you to drill a well,
After all, you are brave, decisive, reliable,
You are masters of your difficult work.

Thanks to your work
It's always warm in our apartment,
And the flame is light blue
It will warm your soul, just like your own.

And on this Sunday in September
I congratulate you with all my heart,
Let the profits gain momentum,
So that the gas pipeline is continuous!

What is life without oil and gas?
And without fuel, sorry, nowhere.
No matter how you press it, the car is an infection,
It does not run when water is poured.

That's why I congratulate you today
(What if you pour free gasoline?)
Let the Christmas tree light up for you
Lights of fueled cars!

Although it is not a calendar holiday, the holiday of workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries evokes undeniable respect. Which of us can do for at least a day without all the benefits that these people provide? Despite the fact that the profession of the brave conqueror of the bowels of the earth has existed for centuries, this holiday is very young, celebrated since October 1, 1980 on the first Sunday of September.

The state could not help but celebrate with its own day those who provide one of the most important sources of income for the country, the work of, without exaggeration, all enterprises and organizations. Welcoming words from the president of the country and congratulations in the media are sure to be heard in honor of oil and gas workers on the first Sunday in September. The timing is very opportune: children are starting school, millions of childcare centers are opening, and it’s time to think about the new heating season.

On this day, those who, located on the farthest outskirts of our big country, does everything so that we can light the stove on own kitchen or go visit friends. They congratulate the workers who come in once a month to check the serviceability of the pump, as well as the heroes who descend into the dark, deep mines.

They definitely want accuracy in calculations for those who carry out projects and only planned situations for those who work in natural conditions.

Let your career growth skyrocket,
Like an oil rig
Let your health be in full swing -
It won't be too much.

May your joy multiply
Good luck and prosperity to you,
Let everything in life work out,
And everything in it will be smooth.

These are the times now -
There is nowhere without gas and oil.
We can't live without fuel,
This means you should be valued.
Well then, we wish you
Fun, joy, goodness.
And let there be comfort in the house,
And let your relatives wait for you there.
May luck help you,
Friends, don't forget you,
May the sun always shine on you
And trouble will pass by.
Let your soul be easy,
And let everything be fine.

Congratulations to all workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries on their professional holiday! We wish that your work will always be appreciated! So that the work brings the desired fruits, produces results and is a pleasure! Let everything work like clockwork. I wish you good health, a lot of strength, prosperity, development and prosperity! Happy holiday!

Oil and gas industry workers
I want to congratulate everyone on the holiday right away!
I wish you success in your difficult work,
So that there is time left for jokes and laughter.
Health and happiness, love and good luck,
May you become richer every year.

Today is the day of hot workers,
Explosive, black and gold!
We wish you real emotions,
And bright and cool impressions!

We wish to have the ocean at home,
And go to work on a yacht,
May the weather be great on vacation,
And fly in business class to the south.

We wish you endless health,
Energy for many years.
And a reason to work, so that, of course,
Never ran out of steam anywhere!

It’s good in our country:
There is oil in it and there is gas in it!
Everyone who is busy in their production
Congratulations now!

May there always be health,
You bring good to people
After all, without fuel and gas
The world will collapse literally immediately.

Let your income increase
More often there are bonuses.
And for your hard work
They respect and honor you.

There is such a profession
Without a doubt it is not simple,
After all, workers are specialists,
Well done at what they do!
The whole country is supplied with goods,
Gas and oil are pumped from the depths,
After all, there’s no way without fuel
Hunger, cold, just darkness.
A big gas pipeline
It brings us comfort into the house.
So please accept our bow,
Live long and happily
So that there is order in families,
Every day of work is sweet.
Unlimited salary
Vacations are always what you need!

We are without oil, without gasoline
Not living the winter with dignity,
And, as if without water,
We can't go anywhere without gas.
The one who gets it
Delivers to the apartment,
He deserves the best words!
Happy gas workers holiday
And oil workers, all at once,
Those who are tied to fuel!

Today is your day, gasman,
Your contribution to the state is so great!
That's why you deserve it
May your holiday be held in high esteem!

We want to wish you
Produce more gas
Let the towers be here and there
It's like mushrooms are growing!

And, of course, at work
There would be less worries,
So that there is no tension at all,
All the best to you, honest hard worker!

The country needs oil and gas
We don't want them from outside.
Everything is ours, dear,
A little expensive though.

But now we're not talking about that,
And about the cherished holiday.
All workers in that field
We heartily congratulate you.

We wish you health,
And always with love,
Your family was waiting for you at home,
And true friends at work.

Let every drop become gold,
Once mined from the depths of the Earth.
Do you know how to force nature
Give people your great wealth.
Intelligence is always as accurate as possible for you,
And the wells are especially rich and full,
May your salary always increase.
We remember you with gratitude,
When we refuel our car.
May your path be smoother and easier.
Good luck with it, there’s no turning back!

Black gold has become an indispensable raw material for many branches of the chemical industry. It is used to produce not only fuel, but also plastics, pharmaceutical products, and fabrics. Natural gas is used as a heat source. Fertilizers are produced from it. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists involved in field development.

When is it celebrated?

Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September. Oilman's Day in 2019 falls on September 1 and is not a national holiday. The honors are formalized by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days.”

Who's celebrating

Everyone involved in the oil and gas industry takes part in the celebrations. Among them are employees of quality laboratories, drilling rigs, distribution stations, pipeline communications, engineers, designers, and support staff.

The holiday is considered by students, graduates and teachers of specialized educational institutions. The memorable date is celebrated by their colleagues, friends, relatives, acquaintances, as well as residents of settlements for which mining is a city-forming activity.

History and traditions of the holiday

The celebrations date back to Soviet times. The event was included in the list of memorable dates on October 1, 1980 by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The decision taken to celebrate Gas Worker Day at the official level was a manifestation of respect and recognition of the merits of representatives of this profession. After the collapse of the USSR, the tradition of celebration was preserved in Russia.

On Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day 2019, colleagues organize feasts. Congratulations are said, wishes for health and success in responsible work are heard, and the clink of glasses is heard. Friends, relatives, acquaintances and close people join the event. The event is celebrated not only by those employed in the industry, but also by the majority of residents of the villages where deposits are being developed.

Authorities and local governments, with the support of mining companies, hold public festivities. Concerts of creative groups are organized in city squares, and stars are invited. The celebration ends with fireworks.

Television channels and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to the profession. The main characters tell stories from their lives and work days. Top officials Russian Federation give speeches in honor of Oil and Gas Workers' Day. They emphasize the importance of the industry and talk about its successes and difficulties. The best employees are awarded certificates of honor, medals, and valuable gifts.

Cultural institutions host exhibitions and thematic events. Students of universities and technical schools gather in cafes, restaurants or go out into nature. Celebrations are combined with active recreation: fishing, cooking over a fire. News is discussed, those gathered share plans for the future, and exchange gifts. Among them are T-shirts, cups, key chains, and sweets.

About the profession

Specialists carry out work to extract oil and gas deposits, ensure the functioning of infrastructure, and supply necessary materials and equipment. These usually include personnel involved in the processing of raw materials from which finished products are produced.

The path to a profession begins with training at a specialized educational institution. To occupy leadership positions, you must be a university graduate. In the Russian Federation, the development of many fields takes place in the harsh climatic conditions of the Urals, Siberia, the Arctic, and sea shelves. In this regard, labor is paid higher than in other areas. It falls into the category of hazardous to health.