But are you embarrassed to take her number? How to get a girl's phone number?

Of course, you can act on old scheme and just say: "Leave your number". But you don’t want to be like everyone else. You need to come up with something that can set you apart from others.

Calmly. I will share with you some tips on how to get a girl's phone number. And you can learn how to conquer any young lady from my video tutorials.

How to get a girl's phone number correctly:

1. Make an appointment.

The original way to ask for her number is to simply make an appointment, rather than whining and begging. You just need to choose the right moment for this.

You don't ask for anything, an offer comes from you.

If she likes you, then the question is "Why do you need my phone number?" will disappear as unnecessary. But at the same time, she may ask where exactly you will go. So let you have an idea in advance.

2. Take, not ask.

There is no need to beg for anything! You are obviously in a losing position when a girl has power over you and decides whether you will meet again or not.

Don’t ask, don’t ask, don’t beg for a phone number - such a conversation is not for a strong man.

For example, you can openly say that you liked her and want to meet her again. And for this you need her phone number.

When you write it down, send her a beacon to make sure you wrote everything down correctly. This is also important because many young ladies do not pick up the phone when they receive calls from unfamiliar numbers. Guaranteed way to fly!

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Reasons why you are having difficulties with a girl;
- The mindset of a successful man;
- 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

from which you will learn:

1. The reasons for your problems with the girl;
2. Limiting beliefs that prevent you from conquering her;
3. How to win over a girl you really like.

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3. Shift the focus.

There are two options for getting a girl’s phone number.

In the first case, you ask her for her number and wait for her to answer you. At this moment, a stupid smile spreads across your face, and your palms begin to sweat. Not the best deal.

There is a second option, when you simply start telling her that you have an offer to meet. And at this time you hand her your phone so that she writes down the number.

You can tell her exactly where you will go, what you will do and how much fun you will have together. This behavior will work better because you are in a winning position and are not asking anything from her.

4. Be persistent.

Excuses are women's tests that they use to weed out those who do not want enough and merge.

I heard these phrases: “I’m not dating”, “I have a boyfriend”, “I’m in a hurry”. This is all just to get rid of those who are not persistent enough. Find a great occasion and get acquainted situationally.

If you give it to everyone, the bed will break.

She should clearly form the impression that you are very interested in her. Make her feel special, this always works great on girls.

5. Don't give up.

There is no need to give up and think that everything is lost if she initially refused.

Perhaps you did it too early, when your acquaintance had just begun. If she told you no, just talk to her some more. And after some time, try to get her number again.

But do it exactly when she understands that you can be trusted. Put her at ease, give her a compliment, demonstrate your sense of humor. Show that you are a normal guy and it’s not scary to meet you again.

Many girls are afraid that they will fall for some telephone maniac who will bombard them with messages and calls. So tell her that you have a lot of work to do and you will only call her tomorrow.

As soon as you see that the girl has relaxed, you can write and offer to meet.


  • Even if you did everything correctly, the young lady may throw a couple of checks at you: "I don't give away my numbers" “Let me write down yours,” “Let me leave you my Facebook/Instagram/VK. I wouldn’t give my number to the first person I meet.” And so on. There are 4 ways to dispose of these checks.
  • The most important thing is not what you say, but how you say it. That is, your internal state. The girl notices everything: your facial expressions, your gestures and even the tone of your voice.

    Have you read the article? But how can all this information be put into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to woo a specific girl?

    You will learn about this in a paid training “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES.”

    Get it 3 video lessons from this course:

    1. Reasons why you have difficulties with a girl
    2. The mindset of a successful man;
    3. 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

When a guy meets a representative of the fair sex, he often has the question of how to get a girl’s phone number? The phone number is needed in order to later invite the woman on a date. Often a guy waits for the right moment or thinks that he needs to talk to her for a certain amount of time before taking her phone number. But the trick is that you can take the number at any time during the meeting. If she's interested in you, she'll leave it for you right away. If not, you can try to insist on your own, but this is not always necessary.

When to insist on getting a girl's phone number

First, let's make it clear that getting a girl's phone number is not the goal. Your goal is to sleep with her. Therefore, if, for example, you meet a girl at a club or in a cafe, you don’t need to take her phone number and leave. You should do this only if you meet the object you like during the day in the city, when you are going about your business, and you simply do not have time to start a date with her right now.

My experience shows that you can take a girl’s phone number at any time when communicating with her. It happens that you are walking down the street, hurrying to an important meeting, and then you see a pretty girl standing at the bus stop. You don’t want to miss her, but you don’t have time to communicate with her. So you approach the beauty and say: “Hi! I liked you. I would talk to you, but I'm in a hurry now. Leave me your phone number, I’ll call you in the evening.” If a girl initially likes you, she will leave your phone number without any problems.

Sometimes a girl refuses to give her phone number right away. Here you need to clearly calibrate how she communicates with you. If she has a positive attitude, but doesn’t give out her phone number because of her cockroaches (she has a boyfriend, doesn’t meet people on the street, etc.), it’s worth pursuing her. If you feel and see that a woman is negative towards you, calmly say goodbye to her and move on. You don’t need to squeeze it, you’ll just waste your energy.

How to tell if a girl is ready to give you her number

Practice shows that it is quite difficult for inexperienced guys to correctly calibrate girls. They cannot understand when to be persistent and when it is better to say goodbye to their chosen one.

If you want to take a girl’s phone number, but she politely refuses you, says that she’s not used to meeting people on the street or she has a boyfriend, or something else, but at the same time she smiles, doesn’t leave your side and reacts positively to your touch , which means it needs to be pressed. This girl wants you to persuade her and get her phone number. Thus, she shifts the responsibility for dating to you. This is necessary so that no one accuses her of frivolous behavior. Then, if something happens, she will say that she resisted, but you really insisted. Again, there will be an excuse for your boyfriend if he suddenly finds out about this.

If a girl tells you right away that she doesn’t want to get to know you and doesn’t want to give you her phone number, but she doesn’t even stop to talk to you, then it’s best to let such a girl pass—she doesn’t want to get to know you.

It also happens that a girl talks to you politely for 5-10 minutes, but never gives you her number. In this case, try to interest her more, evoke emotions. Sometimes it works, and the girl leaves her phone number, after which she is easily called on a date and everything happens smoothly there too. But it also happens that a girl, even after a pleasant conversation, does not want to leave you her number. In this case, it is most likely not entirely adequate and it is better to skip it.

How to get a girl's phone number if she refuses to give it

If a girl reacts positively to you, but does not give you your phone number, it means that she has some fears that do not allow her to do this. Usually it is enough to convince a woman in a joking manner that you are not a sexual maniac and will not make fun of her in the middle of the night, breathing nervously into the phone. Usually when you say that, girls start laughing and leave your phone number. You can also say that the phone number is just a way to contact her to arrange a meeting, that's all.

It is useful to immediately agree on a date and only then take the girl’s phone number. It’s done like this: first you talk to her for a couple of minutes, then you agree to meet tomorrow evening, go have tea in such and such a place, after which you take the phone number to call in advance. This is the most adequate way to get a girl’s phone number.

It happens that a woman refuses to give her phone number, but offers other contact information, for example, a link to a page on VK, Skype, etc. Here you need to calibrate. Often a girl leaves other contact information only so that the guy leaves her, after which she no longer gets in touch. By the way, she can also give the wrong information or phone number if you’ve annoyed her or just for fun. This is usually the fault of young children.

But it also happens that a woman may be married and it may not always be convenient for her to talk on the phone. If she explains the situation well, you can agree to her terms. Often this ends in success. The same thing when a girl tells you to leave her your phone number and she will call you.

Remember! Women over 25 years old, who for objective reasons cannot leave their phone number and ask for yours, almost always call back themselves. For girls under 20 years old, it is better not to leave a phone number at all, since the likelihood that she will call you back herself is negligible. Try to promote it to your phone number yourself. If it doesn't work out, find another girl.

How to get a girl's phone number in VKontakte

Guys who are used to meeting people online often don’t know how to get a girl’s phone number in VKontakte. In fact, the mechanism here is the same as during regular acquaintance. But there is one difference. When meeting someone on the street, you can immediately ask a girl for the treasured numbers of her mobile phone. If she likes you outwardly, she will write them down for you without any problems in order to be able to contact you later. In VKontakte you already have the opportunity to communicate with her as much as you want, in addition, here she risks running into a fake. It is clear that in such a situation the girl does not need to rush to give her phone number.

If you want to take a phone number from a girl in VKontakte, you must first invite her on a date. If she agrees to the meeting, she will definitely leave her number for you. You can invite a girl on a date after you interest her enough in correspondence. About how to do this.

Instead of a summary: why it’s better not to run away right away

When meeting someone, some guys try to get a girl’s phone number as quickly as possible and leave, and then they wonder why she doesn’t agree to go on a date or doesn’t pick up the phone at all. Why be surprised here? Why should she meet with a young man whom she does not know at all and who, moreover, nervously runs away from her as soon as he received a phone number. Maybe he just came up to her to make fun of her, or is he even a sexual maniac?

So that the girl does not have such thoughts in her head and then calls her normally for a date, you should not introduce her in a hurry. If your time allows, chat with her for at least a few minutes, or even better, immediately invite her on a date if she has free time. Then the question about the phone number will not arise at all.

Remember! The main goal when meeting is a girl, not her phone number.

You should quickly take a phone number only when you have no other choice - your plane is leaving in 5 minutes, and you saw a stunning beauty at the airport. In all other cases, don’t look for excuses for yourself and be kind enough to interest the girl at least a little before taking her phone number. Or then don’t be surprised why she can’t remember you or doesn’t pick up the phone.

Remember! It is much more effective to start a date with a girl right away. Work not for quantity, but for quality. You should only take a phone number in EXCEPTIONAL situations when you are really in a hurry and you don’t have time to chat with the girl you like.

Dating and Pickup

How to get a girl's phone number

It is extremely rare that when meeting a girl, guys immediately promote her for a further meeting, so there is an objective need to take her contact information in order to later develop trust and get her out on a date. AND the best option her phone number appears.

However, it often happens that you meet a girl, date her interesting dialogue, but your attempt to take her phone fails, or her phone number turns out to be fake. It is perhaps difficult to argue that this is not the most pleasant moment.

Therefore, to achieve success in this matter, you need to follow a clear algorithm of actions.

How to take a girl's phone: instructions

When to take a girl's number. Many guys sincerely believe that you should take a girl’s phone number at the very end, when you are already saying goodbye to her. And this is the cause of half of all failures:

  • When you complete a dialogue with a girl, your charm and “magic” stops working, and the girl begins to think about her own affairs. And getting to know you is no longer on the list of things to do. Therefore, a girl may lie or brush you off in order to quickly run about her business. “Okay, I have to go do some errands, bye.”
  • A girl can get distracted at any moment, and you simply won’t have time to take her number. For example, her bus will arrive, her mother or friend will call, or even the guy will return from the toilet, and she simply will not be able to talk to you. “Okay, my bus, we’ll talk later when we meet.”

Therefore, you need to understand that taking a girl’s phone number at the very end of your conversation is unprofitable and obviously a losing proposition, since either she will brush you off and run away, or circumstances will not allow her to finish the conversation.

The best time to pick up a girl's phone number. You have to understand that a girl won’t just give her number to a stranger she doesn’t know at all. Therefore, first you need to somehow interest her, and only then take her number. As practice shows when dating girls, this takes two to three minutes.

Therefore, you start a conversation with a girl and look at her reaction. As soon as you understand that she is listening to you, and that she is interested in what you say (if she liked you, she will be interested), you need to take her number.

At the same time, if you see that a girl is shaking her head to the sides, looking somewhere into the distance, showing tension or looking at her watch, then you can be sure that she has already made a decision for herself to refuse you. Interested girls don't behave like that.

We don't give the girl a choice. The moment of taking a number from a girl should be accompanied by a visual challenge for the girl, so that she would feel uncomfortable refusing you. To do this, it is best to take out your phone or a business card with a pen (you should not use a piece of paper). And tell the girl: “It’s nice to talk to you, give me your number, unfortunately, I have to go now, and I would like to continue communicating with you.”

  • You showed your interest
  • You asked her for her number
  • You backed everything up with urgency.
  • You showed the potential for further communication.

At the same time, you pretend that you are ready to write down her number, so even if she didn’t want to tell you it initially, it will be extremely awkward and inconvenient for her to refuse you. Therefore, your success is guaranteed.

You also need to know that you shouldn't try to take a girl's phone by asking or asking, "Could you give me your number?" into the hands of a girl and give her a bunch of loopholes to play out the situation.

For example:

- Could you give me your number?

- Another time, handsome, but now you’re out of luck (and smile).

Those. she refuses you without any emotional distress, which means this is an easy decision for her. Therefore, you cannot give such space to a girl; you need to “squeeze” her into a corner.

Be sure to call the girl. After you get the girl’s number, you need to call her back right in front of her. This is not done in order to keep your number with her, but in order to protect yourself from deception.

For example, a girl decided to give you a broken number and then run away from you. She dictates it to you, and then you say: “Let’s also keep my number for you.” You start calling her back, and the girl has a panicked look on her face that she was caught red-handed.

As a rule, the girl immediately begins to say that she “accidentally” gave you her old number, or made a mistake in the number, and begins to dictate her real number. You won’t believe it, but girls get caught doing this very often, use it.

Confidence and calm. A prerequisite for successfully getting a girl’s number is your calm and confidence. , voice faltering, face sweating and knees shaking, the girl will begin to doubt your masculinity, and will think twice before giving a number to such a weak guy.

Your task is to behave in such a way that the girl does not even think that you are afraid and worried. A cool guy approached the girl to meet her, he knows that the girl herself will be happy from such attention, which means he shouldn’t worry.

What to do if a girl doesn’t want to give her phone number

Our practice shows that there are three objective reasons why girls won’t give you your number:

  • She has a boyfriend and her heart is closed. If a girl has a favorite young man whom she loves, then for the sake of politeness she can talk to you a little, but if you try to take the number, she will politely refuse you. Having a boyfriend will give her enough reason to overcome the awkward situation you put her in.
  • She didn't like you. In 10-15 seconds, the girl draws conclusions about a particular guy. Therefore, if you approached a girl, started talking, and her face became sour and indifferent, then your attempt to take the number is doomed. This happens, it's okay.
  • The girl is in a hurry. Let's say a girl is having a bad day today, has a headache and is not in the mood. Then you come up to her and start telling her something. Perhaps she even liked you and was interested in you, but today she will encourage you and switch to her “problems”.

If a girl refuses to give you her number, then you should not look offended or shocked, you should continue the conversation on an abstract topic for 15-20 seconds, and then say goodbye to her and go about your business. A refusal is a refusal, not one will give, so will the other, it’s okay.

Asking for a number a second time, begging and somehow humiliating yourself in front of a girl is not a good idea!

But for some reason, he doesn’t want to dictate the number. What's the matter? She seems to like you, it would be logical to meet and have a date, but she says that she has a boyfriend. In fact, there are mistakes that almost every guy makes, which is why he gets rejected. This article will discuss these errors. After reading this text to the end, you will learn how to take a girl’s phone number and reduce the number of refusals to a minimum.

1. Never pick up the phone at the very end. Very often, men initially set themselves up to take the contacts of a beauty when she is already leaving them. It is not right. You can break up in a way that you don’t expect. For example, a woman saw a minibus that had already arrived, quickly said goodbye to you, and ran away. You won’t catch up with her and shout: “Wait, give me your phone number!” Believe me, it will look a little funny.

A woman can meet her friend, talk to her and leave. There are many such cases. And for some reason they happen when you don’t expect it. The longer you think about how to take a girl’s phone, the more you worry, and thereby reduce your chances of success. It’s also worth saying that at the very end, it’s easiest for a woman to ignore you. Let’s say she says: “that’s it, I have to go.” You ask her for her number, she found some reason not to give it, and immediately left. As you already understand, it all follows that you don’t need to take the number at the very end of your communication.

2. Pick up the phone the moment the young lady is interested in you. This can be understood by observing her behavior. For example, she looks at you almost all the time, laughs at your jokes, asks interesting questions. She looks around and at the clock a little. The most important thing is that when you meet, try to shift the focus of your attention to the girl. Such things are very easy to follow, but if you constantly think about how you look, then, of course, nothing will happen. Read more about this in the article: “How to understand that a girl likes you?” , and then you’ll know exactly when to pick up the phone.

3. Before you take the number, hold your mobile in your hand. This process should go as smoothly and gradually as the entire conversation. For example, you communicate well, she smiles, and then you tell her, holding the phone in your hand:

“It’s so great to talk to you, I would love to continue the conversation, dictate your number.”

At the same time, you show by your appearance that you are ready to record, holding the phone in your hands, and looking into her eyes. Notice that you are not asking her, but by this position you are showing that she is obliged to give the number. You decided that you want to meet. And if you also made a positive impression on her and showed your confidence, believe me, success is guaranteed.

If you said, for example: “Perhaps we would meet again someday, how do you look at it?”, then with such a phrase you force her to make decisions. And this is not correct. You show that you are not sure whether you will meet again or not. This phrase is completely opposite to the previous one. Do not under any circumstances say such things.

4. Confidence is the most important thing. Believe me, you can make a great impression on a girl, but if she notices your insecurity, the chances of you getting the number are very small. How might your insecurity manifest itself? Change in appearance and voice. If your hands shake, you start speaking quickly or stutter, then this is bad. On the contrary, you need to say a phrase so that she gives the phone number in exactly the same tone as you said the previous sentence. At the same time, your appearance shouldn't change at all. Then it will be just great.

5. Finally, be sure to call her back.. Even if a girl likes you, you had a great conversation, she happily gave you her phone number, believe me, all your efforts will be in vain if by chance the beauty dictates some number incorrectly, or you write it down incorrectly. This also happens. And then you will think: “Why suddenly the subscriber doesn’t answer, because it seemed to me that she liked me.” Therefore, to prevent this from happening, be sure to call her back.

What to do if a girl refuses to give her phone number?

Here, we should find out the reason why she was so stubborn. And there can be two of them:

  1. You failed to impress her;
  2. She has a boyfriend;

In any case, you need to continue talking to her as if nothing happened. Don't show that you're too disappointed. Your facial expression shouldn't change either. Just go back to the topic you were talking about before, or ask any other question.

After that, at the end you can try again, or ask how to find it in in social networks. If he agrees to inform, fine, if he refuses, it’s okay, this also happens. The main thing is to try to understand what mistakes you made, and correct them the next time you meet. Each time it will work out better and better, and over time, when you have experience in dating, the question of how to get a girl’s phone number will generally become funny.

That's all! Bye!

In this article you will find out how you can easily and quickly shoot a number, and in any situation: if you are a girl with a friend, with girlfriends, with a boyfriend, with your mother, and you will also read a lot of interesting and useful things. But before that, you can also read another article about the club or even at work.

First, learn one important point- first, a girl needs to be interested, moreover, with her personality, and not with what men usually try to interest her in: Money, gifts, invitations to a restaurant, and so on.

How to get a phone number if a girl is not interested? This is extremely difficult, yes, she can give it to you, but most likely she will simply not pick up the phone. Therefore, your task is to show your personality as a real man. How can you interest her when meeting her?

Many guys think that they need to say a lot of beautiful compliments, but this is not so, it’s enough to just do what others don’t do (are afraid, shy): Take her hand, touch her hair, smell her, tell her some remark. Show that you are not worried at all, say that she is very unusual and come up with something. For example - “You have very unusual eyes..... especially the right one))))).” How is this all done? I have several excellent training videos on this topic on my YouTube channel, which you can watch right now by clicking right here. In these videos I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like to write on a blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to talk on camera ;). So, it’s better not to read me.
How to get a girl's phone number if she is with a friend or friends

It so often happens that girls go out with friends, especially if it’s the weekend. Moreover, it often happens that a girlfriend is less attractive than the one on whom your gaze fell. And, based on my many years of experience as a seduction coach, I know that it’s not only a problem to pick up the phone, but also to simply approach. By the way, you can read about this in the article.

For some reason, many guys experience double fear of two girls, although, from my experience, it is much easier to communicate with two. So, actually, what to do - there are two options: the first is fast and less environmentally friendly for you (Eco-friendly - that is, you can have some Negative consequences) and the second method is more environmentally friendly and more expansive.

Let's start with the second - You approach the girls, say hello to both, then give a compliment to both (Yes, and the ugly one too), then talk to them for about a minute, ask them to stop along the way (read about this in other articles), tell them something about them, how unusual they are….. this and that…. Then you introduce yourself, shake hands and do the following - take “yours” by the hand or elbow, at this time you look at your friend and say to your friend - “Do you mind if I steal your friend for a second, I need to tell her something “, and not just asking, but the tone should be as if you were simply informing her.

That is, you speak, and without waiting for an answer, you pull “Your” to the side about three meters away. It is advisable to turn “Your One” so that she does not look at her friend. And then you ask her for her phone number. – You say – “I liked you, I would like (or I want) to meet you again, let’s sit and drink tea. Let's have a great time." No “Maybe”, no “Would you agree”, no requests or persuasion. Only the “Top” position. After you pick up the phone, you make sure to dial and hug her goodbye, like I do in my videos.

The second option is fast. You just go up to both of them, say hello to ONLY one (the one you liked), give a compliment to one too, then immediately tell her that you want a minute with her and drag her aside. It's simple. True, there is a nuance - her friend may begin to interfere with your communication, I call this “Girlfriend Syndrome”, that is, she is out of envy, then they didn’t approach her, but her friend begins to take her away (We are in a hurry, we don’t have time, leave us alone, young man) or dump you.

This is very unpleasant, but you can fight it. I tell you in detail how to deal with this and show it to my living ones.

How to get a number if a girl, for example, is sitting at a table with her friends in a cafe?

If you have a lot of friends, then the girl will be embarrassed to give you a number in front of them, because that’s how girls are made, but they don’t want to seem approachable (which is why I’m giving out numbers to everyone here), even in front of her friends, let alone in front of strangers people. And one more thing - in the company of her friends there will definitely be a couple of bitches who will say (out of envy) - “Well, why the hell will you understand who you’re giving out numbers to? He's ugly." And they will quickly merge you if you approach.

Here it is better to act like this - you try to establish i-contact (eye contact) with her in advance, then you approach them, compliment everyone, then tell the one you like - “I’ll steal you aside for a second.” It may or may not go, say it's just for a second and that it's very important. And when you take him there, you’re already interested and take the number. Or you can just wait until she goes to powder her nose and follow her to the toilet. There, without witnesses, she will react to you much better. I used to sometimes even go into the women's restroom to pick up girls, it was fun))).

And this is how I introduce myself now and teach this to my students:

What to do if she is in a cafe with a guy at the next table, but looks at you. If this is the situation, then you also wait until she goes to the toilet and quietly follow her, there you already meet her, interest her and take her number.

How to take a girl's phone if she is with her mother. How to act in this situation. Sometimes you can see very beautiful girl, but not alone, but with my mother. Well, don't miss this one. You approach them, smile, say hello to them. With my daughter - “Hello”, with my mother - “Hello.” Then a compliment to both. You can say, “Your daughter is very beautiful and very similar to you.” You can say, if the mother is quite young, “You must be sisters? Very beautiful and similar."

Here it is also important to please your mother; if she likes you, then she will then ask her daughter if she called you. Then you tell them to stop for a minute, then introduce yourself and say that you really liked your daughter. And, looking at your mother, at the same time taking the girl by the hand or under the elbow, you say to your mother, “Do you mind if I take your daughter aside for a second? “And, without waiting for an answer, you take her about 3 meters away, quickly interest her and take her number. Then you give it back to mom and wish them a good day.

If you can do it in front of your mother, then for her it will be very mind-blowing and a challenge of emotions. It's good for you.

A very important rule!!!

When you write down a girl’s number, no matter where, in a club, on the subway, you must not forget about this - always, before asking for her phone number, you take your phone out of your pocket and hold it in your hand. Necessarily you hold it in your hand. By doing so, you show your firm intention to write it down, regardless of whether she objects or not. And also, in this way you relieve the girl of responsibility.

Girls are designed in such a way that they don’t want to take responsibility, it’s important to them that it’s not SHE who gives, but TAKES FROM HER, it doesn’t matter whether it’s sex or just a phone number. We ourselves verified this in practice, even conducting special mini-experiments. You also definitely need to call her. It is also important not to ask or persuade, but only to offer. “A man does not ask for fire, he either gives it or takes it by force.”

Well, now you know how to get a girl’s phone number. All that remains is to go and try. Your courage and perseverance are very important here. As they say, “To him who asks, let it be given.” Some of my students in the first and second lessons, when they approach girls, don’t ask for their numbers, then when I ask them what’s the matter, they say, “I thought she wouldn’t give it anyway.”

They do this out of fear, firstly, and secondly because they are afraid of rejection and are used to thinking for others. You should never think for another person. It’s better to ask, and we’ll see. That's how it is, my friend.