Today you don't have to be afraid
Strict and control surveys,
Today is such a day in the world,
That all the teachers are happy!

Today they bring them flowers,
And they say how they respect
They ask for forgiveness for pranks,
In short, just congratulations!

So let any teacher in the world
Today he will be simply happy
No wonder the people are celebrating
Teacher's good holiday,

Thank you, teachers,
For your knowledge and skills,
We wish you all the best
And gigantic patience!

The teacher is our friend and adviser,
And a little strict parent,
He will tell you about everything in the world,
He is a good keeper of the mind.

No matter how our lives change,
Each of us is a little student,
We got the best from our teacher,
Why each one is great in their field.

Our dear Teacher! Today is your holiday - Teacher's Day. Thank you for your noble work, which you have been doing conscientiously and with love for many years in a row. You know how to infect your students with a thirst for knowledge like no one else. We ask you to please as many generations as possible with your work, be happy and healthy!

They are giving you flowers today,
Congratulations say
And we wish everyone success,
Dear teachers!
You bring knowledge to children,
You are preparing them for the journey,
Long distances
So that they can take steps in life!

Congratulations to everyone who gave their hearts to children,
Who leads them through life by the hand.
The most important profession in the world -
Teacher! Glory and honor to you!

We wish you happiness and health,
Patience, prosperity, beauty
And a lot, a lot of new knowledge,
After all, you will still give them to us!

It's an honor to be a teacher
It's not easy to teach children
We wish you countless blessings
And love your children.

For a loser to try
Earn an honest five
And the director didn’t swear,
If everyone has cola again.

So that everyone learns their lessons,
We didn't expect to write it off.
Work out to be loved
And I had a notebook with me.

Lessons, textbooks, folders, notebooks -
Move all this aside today.
Let someone treat you to chocolate,
Let your nerves not be taut!

Teacher, today accept congratulations
From the class, parents and management.
Please accept gratitude for your intelligence and patience!
Because you work often outside of school!

We wish you to always be optimistic,
We wish you to resolve all problems easily.
May your sky be bright and clean,
And your class will always be the best and the first!

Stone Age School
Trained a person
Stone sharpening axe,
And keep the fire going.

And in a medieval school
There was more wisdom
They spoke Latin
And they taught alchemy.

And now - the twenty-first century,
The teacher lost his nerves,
“What a creepy class this is!”
He got angry with us.

Our dear teacher,
Don't break the pencil
And forgive the poor children,
After all, today is your holiday!

Your patience
You can envy
Wisdom, skill
Raise children.

Explain clearly
All the basics of science,
You are pleasant to talk to,

You remain the same
With us forever.
Bask in good glory
For many years.

Let any teacher, both the one who stands with a pointer at the blackboard and the one who teaches children using innovative technologies, receive sincere and well-deserved gratitude on this day. Let the students be obedient and gifted, and their parents understanding.

Happy Teacher's Day! Let the sky shine.
And your work will not be in vain this school year!
Let the salary increase and the student become smarter,
And the A's fill out both the journals and the diary.
May happiness await you on the weekend too, teachers,
Relatives and good friends will be nearby.
Stars will fall brightly from the sky at your feet,
To rejoice while maintaining interest in life!

We have wonderful holiday all teachers
And we must sincerely congratulate them.
And get ready for lessons harder,
And the deuces are diligently correcting everything.
We understand that you are trying for us,
But in class we often want to joke.
Thank you for trying to understand us!
We promise not to make you too angry.

Today, on Teacher's Day, I want to wish you,
So that everyone, without exception, answers “five”.
So that inveterate quitters are like butterflies to the light,
Suddenly they reached out for knowledge, forgetting about the buffet.
So that everyone puffs hard at their lessons.
And the classroom was tidy, and the chalk was not lost.
So that everyone can learn the material in one year,
And the director gave you a prize for this miracle.

To teach in a modern school now,
You need to have a special talent
You need to keep your nerves in check,
Always be on the same page with your students.
We wish patience, goodness to teachers,
Love and optimism, strength, joy to all of you,
Salaries are excellent, good luck in all your endeavors,
And always enjoy your vacation on the islands!

Colleagues and friends congratulate you
The holiday is beautiful, pleasant and bright.
And that’s why our teachers
Let the joy be really noticeable!
Let tea and cakes await everyone at home,
There will be many very good guests,
Suddenly they give you a bonus at work,
May your life become sweeter than cakes!

Teacher, today is your holiday!
And here's what we say: You are a true genius.
After all, you drive out stupidity and laziness
Of all the sluts, without a shadow of a doubt.
You have a trained eye for cheat sheets,
You soar like a mountain eagle during tests.
And you are a recognized ace in pedagogy.
But we believe that today you will spare us.

A teacher is such a person
With glasses and a stern look,
Always requires some kind of notes,
He insists that we need to study!
But if not him, who needs a diary?
Where to gain useful knowledge?
So your work is powerful and great!
Congratulations on Teacher's Day!

If I worked as a teacher
Every day one for thirty-five guys,
I would definitely go off the rails,
And she went to wear a straitjacket.
So, bow to the floor to you, teachers!
On Teacher's Day I want to wish you
Thirty-three carriages of strong nerves,
Always maintain a sense of humor!

You are the wisest creatures, teachers of the highest class,
But we just can’t understand how you tolerate us?
Clumsy, inept, clueless to the bone,
How do you create intelligent and responsible people?
On Teacher's Day we will tell you that we are nowhere without you,
The wind is blowing in your head and your knowledge is in trouble.
But as soon as your clear gaze illuminates the dull class -
Contact is established in the head, and no one is smarter than us.

On Teacher's Day, we ask our native teacher,
So that he would be lenient and not punish so harshly.
And we will solemnly raise Coca-Cola for you,
And we’ll clean out the classroom until it shines, and maybe the whole school.
Don’t call us to the board and “don’t make pairs”
Read a book and sit quietly.
We know that it is incredibly difficult to cope with us.
But, we hope, it is possible to reach a consensus?

We are happy to congratulate you on Teacher's Day!
Let your salary grow by leaps and bounds,
Let the money burst the bag,
And they just fall to the ground.
So that your big bet is enough
Pay more for utilities,
Great for groceries and relaxation.
In general, let the fairy tale come true!

Happy Professional Day to teachers today!
Let things work out, your health will be perfect,
The director gives the award, he will be courteous and fair,
Let the teachers’ corporate party be remembered for a long time!
May every day bring you luck, optimism,
Let the students show fanaticism in their studies,
Let nicknames always be pleasant and sweet,
Let the islands and wonderful worlds beckon you on vacation!

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Congratulations to all teachers
We are celebrating today.
My calling is to teach children
There is no nobler cause.
Your life choice is
And you can't do otherwise
Good students to you,
Health, happiness and good luck!


You have invested more in us than anyone else,
You were able to give us a thirst for knowledge,
Thank you very much for this
On Teacher's Day we want to say:
We wish you new achievements,
Great pedagogical victories,
Attention, care, respect,
Good health and long life!


No matter how many years pass
We will not forget teachers
And lives in everyone's heart
Holy feeling for these people.
And on teacher's day for them
Words of love and care sound.
We wish you all the blessings of earth,
For your hard work!


Being a teacher is not easy
And all the emotional costs cannot be measured.
Not everyone is given the ability to love students,
Worry about them, believe in their success.
And you are just such a teacher.
We sincerely congratulate you today,
Human love and gratitude,
We wish you success and health!


We want to tell you everything today,
That you are a real professional,
Treat your students with passion
You do the job brilliantly.
Because there is no one more patient than you,
For wisdom, kindness, love, participation.
Because you bring light of knowledge,
We wish you happiness on Teacher's Day!


For you there cannot be untalented children,
You can find talent in anyone,
For this we are very grateful to you.
Good luck on your life's journey.
So that treating the profession with love,
You gave us light of lasting knowledge,
Harmony to you, joy, health,
Prosperity and many years to come!


We don't have many teachers like you,
And you have proven with your work more than once,
What a teacher, as they say, you are from God.
We sincerely congratulate you today.
We wish you even more successful work,
So that there is always an excellent result, in everything,
Students so you can be proud.
We want you to know that we will not let you down!


You are a teacher, thank you for this,
The most important profession now.
Everything is for you today - words, bouquets,
And on your holiday we congratulate you!
Let your dreams and plans come true,
And on this holiday every time
We wish you to remember the most important thing -
How many students you have!


You give everything to your students:
Your experience, wisdom, knowledge and strength,
And on Teacher's Day we wish you
May everything always be perfect for you.
I wish you health, warmth,
Good luck in everything, happiness in your personal life,
So that life at school is interesting,
And everything was great at home too!


We're taking the kids to school with you,
So that you can be a mentor.
So that our children can be taught
Love, beauty and goodness.
Let them be happy with the result,
Inspiring heroism and work.
We congratulate you on your holiday!
Thanks for our guys!


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Funny and comic congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse

"Cool congratulations Happy Teacher's Day"

We respect you very much
We love your item dearly.
Congratulations, we love you!
Be happy for 100 years!

"Comic congratulations on Teacher's Day"

I wish you always
Stay the same
Stricter - sometimes.
And smile more often.

Become a teacher
No wonder you decided
We wish you to prosper
So that the children love you!

"Cool congratulations to teachers"

Vasya is at the board again,
Again the lesson does not know
He's a raven outside the windows
He thinks out of sadness

Only he won’t get a bad grade,
Vasya is ours in the end
Teacher's Day today!
Congratulations, teachers!

"Cool congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse"

Congratulations to our beloved teachers!
We want to look awesome, perfect,
Let there never be buttons on the chair,
They will cruelly pierce delicate cotton!

We wish you obedient, very cute children,
And hooligans - only the best and favorite ones,
Let the pranks end only in laughter,
And the report card will become pride and success!

"Cool congratulations on Teacher's Day from colleagues"

Congratulations to the teachers
And I wish from the bottom of my heart,
Let your lessons be
Simply wonderfully good!

To study with "excellence"
Every third student!
To have everything you want
It was fulfilled at the same moment!

"Cool SMS Congratulations on Teacher's Day"

Teacher's day has come
We congratulate you!
Wonderful guys
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

To study perfectly,
So as not to be naughty,
So that always, everywhere, in everything
They were literate!

Helped those lagging behind
The weak were rescued
And on difficult questions
They answered smartly!

To respect elders
you weren't upset
And with bouquets of flowers
We met on this day!

"Cool poems for Teacher's Day"

Happy Teacher's Day!
Millions of roses
Let the schoolchildren give
Jokingly and seriously

Let them not upset you
They study well
Compliments are different
They give every hour!

From kindergarten children come to you,
You are their first teacher forever.
And no matter how many years pass after school,
But they will never forget you.

Primary classes are your pride.
Today is Teacher's Day,
We wish you health, patience,
Obedient kids and lots of strength!

When we came to first grade,
You taught us everything
And the path to knowledge was opened,
Learned to read, write, and count!

And today is your autumn holiday,
Let it lift your spirits
A bouquet of captivating smiles,
Great job, no mistakes!

Happy holiday to our teacher primary classes! We wish your students to absorb new and interesting knowledge like a sponge! To make the workflow easy and flawless. Inspiration to you, strength, positive emotions and pride in your children under your care! We wish you development and great creative heights!

Congratulations, beloved ones,
Dear teachers,
The teacher is the most important of all,
The most important for children.

We wish you good mood,
Festive - every day,
More money and goodness
And only happy paths.

And health and good luck,
And warmth of soul,
Let them give you a smile,
These good words!

Happy Teacher's Day.
May your work be fruitful.
We entrust our children to you.
We know that children love and honor you.

They get used to it with you.
Towards school life and grow with you.
Of course, parents all know
How hard a teacher's job is.

May success accompany you in life,
Let there be no sadness in your soul,
May all good things come to you,
And all the best to you on this earth.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day
I want, my teacher.
Without your complex science
I couldn't hold the pen.

Your work is simply colossal,
Introduce children into the world of knowledge.
This is a big mission
Bring light to children's souls.

I wish you inspiration,
And good health.
Happiness in life and work,
And rare patience.

You are the first for all students,
You teach in primary school,
And everyone is ready to thank you,
For them you work, for them you live!

We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge now,
We wish you a lot of health,
To make work easy every hour,
And the road of love led you to school!

Let them love and appreciate you without fail,
Health will be good for up to a hundred years,
You be young and modern,
Live in joy, without knowing troubles at all!

The first teacher, truly priceless,
We congratulate everyone and sincerely wish:
In notebooks - straight lines, dots wherever necessary,
Only correct solutions and correct equations.
Only decent grades, excellent students.

It's not the first year we've been together,
We have already learned a lot.
Thanks to the teacher for everything,
What has happened to us from the very beginning.

We congratulate you on your holiday,
We value our friendship.
We wish you love, health,
Kindness, patience and strength!

Let the kids develop
They catch everything you give.
Let your hard work be rewarded
To be deservedly respected.

May you always be proud
Each of the students
And your eyes shone
From their successful diaries.

We heartily congratulate you.
We wish you health and joy.
Your job is not easy -
Not everyone wants to teach children.

For this courage and effort
We will never tire of thanking you.
And the little we can do is
We wish you happiness and success!