A loud scandal, and then inspections in one of the Chelyabinsk maternity hospitals. A pregnant woman, whom her husband was in a hurry to deliver there, was forced to give birth right in the car. Because the instructions to the security are not to let anyone in except the ambulance. By the way, she was still called.

The first second of life. Worried parents. Of course - the appearance of the baby, and the conditions in which the daughter was born. At night. In car. In front of the closed gates of the hospital. No doctors.

Now Olga remembers everything with a smile, but, of course, it was no time for laughter: she managed to give birth and at the same time advise her husband. In the car, right next to the maternity hospital.

Olga says that the day before giving birth she received a recommendation and in the morning she was going to go to the maternity hospital as planned. This is her second birth. Seven years ago, my first child was born in the same hospital. But late in the evening, returning from out of town, I felt contractions begin. That’s why my husband and I decided not to call an ambulance, but to go straight to the maternity hospital. Why the guards didn’t let me in and why the medical staff didn’t deliver the baby is now being clarified. There is a prosecutor's inspection at the city hospital. City Health has joined, investigative committee and Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Chelyabinsk Region. It’s good that everything worked out and the birth went without complications.

“We know that this maternity hospital was not at that moment, that night, an on-duty maternity hospital. But this does not mean that we should refuse all patients who are admitted urgently. And the maternity hospital employees understand perfectly well that anything can happen, and childbirth can happen rapid,” says Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Chelyabinsk Region Margarita Pavlova.

The verification will take several days. It is still unclear who will receive what punishment. At the checkpoint there is another shift. Of course, we have already heard about the incident. They say that Olga’s husband did not say then that his wife was about to give birth. And they say they received additional instructions from management.

“I was told that if pregnant women pass by at night, let them through. But before, the boss’s order was to let only ambulances in,” says the security guard.

The city hospital is also conducting its own internal investigation, looking into not only why the security guard didn’t let me in. But why, when the future dad climbed over the fence and ran for the obstetrician, no one went with him to the car.

“It was dark, night. One man, one midwife. She closed the door in front of him and went to call the doctor on duty, instead of calling by phone. There was a delay in time and played an almost fatal role,” says Deputy Chief Physician for Obstetrics Oksana Lyubavina .

Olga was brought to the maternity hospital with the baby in her arms 5 minutes later. As it should be according to the instructions, at the Ambulance. My daughter was born big - more than 4 kilograms. Health is good. Who is to blame, how and who to punish, about this happy mom doesn't even think. Other concerns.

“Now we need to think about the name. What to call it. Friends suggest Lada. Since you were born in Lada, call it Lada,” says Olga Podryadova.

Published 07/08/15 10:17

An internal investigation is being conducted into the blatant incident.

A blatant incident occurred in maternity hospital No. 5 in Chelyabinsk: a security guard at the medical institution did not allow a woman in labor to enter, and she had to give birth in the car.

According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, last night a 30-year-old woman and her husband arrived at the maternity hospital building on Rossiyskaya Street, 20. By this time, contractions had already begun in Chelyabinsk.

However, the maternity hospital guard refused to allow the car into the territory, citing the fact that access there intkbbach Only ambulance transport is allowed. At the same time, he advised the man to call " ambulance"While the expectant father was calling the doctors, the woman began to give birth. As a result, the husband independently delivered his wife. As soon as the ambulance arrived at the gates of the maternity hospital, the baby was born.

“Fortunately, mother and child are feeling well. Measures will be taken upon completion of the official investigation. It is necessary to study the recordings of video cameras installed on the territory of the maternity hospital, interview the personnel who were at work that night. The check is being carried out by the Chelyabinsk Health Department,” the press said -Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk Region Maria Khvorostova.

“Most likely, the senior midwife who sent to call an ambulance will be fired. The baby is fine. The doctors assessed the condition of the newborn at nine points on the Apgar scale,” the city health department, in turn, clarified.

Deputies of the Chelyabinsk City Duma also became interested in what happened. As Chelyabinsk.ru notes, in the near future they will visit the maternity hospital where the incident occurred for an inspection.

“The absolutely absurd and inadequate actions on the part of the security of the medical institution do not relieve responsibility from the management of the maternity hospital itself. The Commission on Social Policy is taking the situation under personal control. We intend to go to maternity hospital No. 5 with deputies in the near future and conduct an inspection. Moreover, we We will prepare a recommendation to the health department of the Chelyabinsk administration so that similar situations do not occur in other institutions,” said Alexander Galkin, chairman of the social policy commission.

Now the woman and her newborn daughter are in maternity hospital No. 5.

The baby's father told Swedish television that his wife went into labor and he took her to hospital in Gävle. There were two older children in the car with them. According to the man, during the trip he was distracted from the road, looking at his wife, who was about to give birth. At that moment, the car flew off the roadway and flew into a ditch, turning over four times.

“My wife said, ‘She’s about to be born!’” the man recalls. “I saw my daughter being born, and I was afraid that she would fall head first on the floor.” At that moment the car rolled to the side of the road. When the car finally stopped, the man found his wife still sitting next to him, his older children, ages one and eight, in the back seat, and no one seriously injured. His newborn daughter lay on the floor and cried.

One of the eyewitnesses to the accident called an ambulance. Paramedics arrived and took the family to the hospital. According to Euronews, doctors assess the condition of the newborn as stable. Her mother admitted: “I feel better now, although my whole body still hurts. But I am very happy that my family is alive.”

The most a big problem The problem that the happy father will have to face is car damage. To take his wife to the maternity hospital, he borrowed a friend’s car.

Note that in March in New York, a young couple expecting their first child died in a car accident on the way to the hospital, but the unborn baby survived the accident after the death of both parents.

Car births, of course, don't happen that often. However, there are situations in life when there is no time to think. In this case, the baby is born right inside the car. We provide recommendations for those who are afraid of finding themselves in this situation in our article.

Do you need to hurry?

Those who live far from the woman are afraid that they will not be able to get to him in time. Therefore, if you feel that contractions have begun, you must first determine the stage of pregnancy at which you are. If this is the third trimester, and the due date is already approaching, listen carefully to yourself. During this period, very often contractions are false. In another way they are called training. They are necessary to prepare the uterus for the future birth of a baby. As a rule, there is a large interval between them, and they stop after taking a warm shower. If the duration between contractions is short and decreases over time, there is no need to delay further. It's better to call an ambulance.

Those women who live in villages far from the city are at risk of experiencing childbirth in a car. Especially in winter time years, when the roads are swept away and there is no way to get to the medical facility. It is better for such mothers to take care of this in advance and ask the doctor for a referral for prenatal preservation.

Those who give birth not for the first time, and especially not for the second time, can experience a rapid labor. Some note that they practically did not feel contractions until the period of pushing. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when there is very little time left before giving birth.

First signs

Have you found yourself in a situation where you can’t get to the hospital? It's good if it's next to you close person, for example, a spouse who knows, It is better to prepare him for this in advance.

If contractions start in the car while you are driving on the highway, and it takes at least an hour to get to the hospital, you need to stop in a safe place and prepare for childbirth.

If you, being in public transport, when getting to the maternity hospital, you felt an effort, tell the people who are next to you about it. There is no need to be shy, because your life and the life of your child depend on it. Perhaps among the passengers there is a person with medical education who will provide first aid.

It happens that a woman feels that she is giving birth on a train. It is dangerous to wait until your station. In this situation, inform the handler of your situation. You will be dropped off at the nearest stop, an ambulance will be called in advance and handed over to the doctors.

When your water breaks or unbearable contractions begin at home, call an ambulance immediately. Self-confident women try to call a taxi and get to the maternity hospital on their own. However, this risks the fact that your obstetrician may turn out to be a taxi driver who does not know how to help in such a matter.


If you have to give birth in a car, tell the person next to you to prepare everything necessary for this. You will need:

  • A clean sheet or diaper to cover. If this is not at hand, the clothes you take off will do.
  • You should definitely fold down the back seat if possible. This will allow you to take a more or less comfortable position.
  • Every car has a first aid kit. You need to extract the antiseptic liquid from it. Both hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine and iodine will do. This will avoid infection.
  • Pure water. If this happens in winter, you can collect snow and melt it.
  • A sharp object for a knife, scissors, razor.

These are just the most necessary items that can help bring a baby into the world.

First stage of labor

Before you give birth, your companion must understand that he will have to go through the period of labor with you. While they last, the woman in labor can walk or sit, if that makes it easier. As soon as the girl feels that she wants to go to the toilet in a big way, this most likely indicates that the period of pushing begins. It is necessary to take a horizontal position, having first undressed below the waist.

Get everything away from you negative thoughts and focus on the birth process. Be sure to bend your knees and breathe deeply. This stage can last quite a long time, so save your strength for the most difficult thing - pushing the baby out of you.

Birth of a baby

Giving birth without a doctor is a difficult process. However, nature itself will tell you how to act. When the woman feels the first push, she needs to press her head to her chin and push hard. You need to not just strain your stomach, but direct your efforts to the perineum. Your companion should already be ready at this time: he should disinfect his hands, stock up on a clean cloth and monitor the process of the appearance of the head.

Unfortunately, a person who does not have a special medical education will not be able to tell you how to avoid ruptures. There is no need to be alarmed: when the head appears, you will feel virtually no pain. Don't try to push the baby out quickly. Firstly, you are unlikely to succeed, and secondly, breaks in this case are inevitable, especially internal ones.

The most difficult thing after the appearance of the head is the shoulders. They are quite wide compared to her. A common problem that happens during an incorrect birth is the baby. Therefore, as soon as you see that the head has already appeared, place your hand under it. Then you should lift it a little so that first one shoulder appears, and then the other. But under no circumstances should you try to forcefully pull the baby out! On average, it takes 4-5 pushes for it to be born painlessly. Explain to the woman in labor that she should not scream in pain. It’s better to endure and focus your efforts on trying.

The birth will be successful if the partner does not panic, but calmly accepts the child into his own hands.

What to do with a newborn

When the baby is in the hands of the one who helped in the delivery, you need to cut the umbilical cord. Just don’t do this right away: while it’s pulsating, you can’t touch it. After this, you need to carefully cross it, leaving 7-8 cm for dressing. It may not turn out very nicely, but there is no need to worry: when you get to the hospital, the doctors will help you tie your belly button correctly. After this, treat the wound with any antiseptic liquid.

When a baby is born, it must scream, this will open its lungs. Be sure to remove mucus from your newborn's mouth and nose. You can use a syringe, and if you don’t have one at hand, you will have to do it with your mouth.

Childbirth in an ambulance

It’s good if you managed to call the doctors before you started pushing. Each one has everything you need for childbirth. A doctor and his assistant will be next to you. Surely they already have experience in this matter. Therefore, childbirth in a car will be safe. The doctor will monitor the process of the baby’s birth and be able to properly treat the umbilical cord. In addition, the necessary medicines and tools will always be at hand. Immediately after delivery, you will be safe: mother and child will be taken to the hospital, where they will receive all the necessary care.

To the maternity hospital - definitely!

It is becoming popular these days to give birth at home. Various films on the Internet can confuse a woman, depicting all the delights of the birth of a child within her own walls. In fact, this turns out to be very dangerous, because there is unlikely to be any necessary equipment. Home birth is only an exception to the rule, when the expectant mother does not have time to get to the hospital. It is possible that the emergency doctors who arrived on time will decide not to take you to the maternity hospital if you have already begun to give birth. In this case, doctors will deliver the child right in your apartment.

What should those who are forced to give birth at home without having time to call doctors do? It's good if one of your loved ones is next to you. First of all, they must call an ambulance, and then monitor the process of the birth of the child. It is worth laying the woman on the bed, placing a sterile cloth. Home birth should never take place in a bathtub! Even if you think this method is safe, without proper practice it will not go smoothly.

After your assistant receives the baby, you should immediately go to a medical facility. There, a gynecologist will examine the woman in labor for ruptures, and neonatologists will assess the condition of the newborn.


You are now instructed on what to do if labor begins in a car. The main thing is not to panic. Anyone can handle this not an easy task if he keeps everything under control. For her part, the woman must devote herself completely to the process of childbirth. Screaming and panic will only deprive the expectant mother of strength and frighten the baby in the womb. To ensure that childbirth in a car without a doctor goes smoothly, carry a bandage, a bottle of antiseptic, and a syringe in your purse, just in case. This will greatly facilitate the process of bringing a child into the world.

Try not to delay going to the maternity hospital and calling an ambulance until the last minute, then such extreme situations can be avoided.

05.08.2016 10:00:00

This story of a woman who gave birth in a car will tell you how not to get confused at a crucial moment and what to be prepared for during childbirth.

About the girl from the car

And about how Leia was born

Seven years ago, I prepared for childbirth very responsibly: I re-read all the available books and forums. I took courses with my husband. I read birth reports and compared ratings of maternity hospitals. I went to the pool and wrote a detailed plan for my future birth. I gave birth in the most expensive medical center at that time - both under a contract, and by agreement, and with “gratitude” to the obstetrician-anesthesiologist from above.

...And everything went terribly and completely differently than I had imagined. The birth began with fairly mild contractions, the pain of which was perfectly relieved by a back massage, which we were taught in the courses. However, the doctor who was so delighted with my idea when concluding the contract natural birth, I wasn’t going to wait, she entered the labor room and immediately, without examining me, said that I wouldn’t give birth myself and that everything was going very, very badly: the contractions were so weak!

You can talk, walk and even joke, you do not scream and are generally suspiciously active for a woman in labor.

Before I could squeak, they put me on my back, tied me with a bunch of sensors (it became painful!), punctured the bladder (more painful!), and stuck “vitamins just to help with childbirth” into a vein - hellish pain!!!

And then everything went as usual: even more stimulation, but the contractions slowed down, stimulation was added and added, I lay in one position for many hours and waited painfully, I was freezing. Finally, forty minutes of pushing - without anesthesia. It really, really hurts.

The child begins to choke, the doctor and the midwife alternately squeeze him out with their elbows. Well, you see.

Until recently, I did not have an answer to the question: were my son and I saved then - or vice versa?

What would happen if all this happened without doctors? If I had such a bad time with anesthesia, then what would have happened to me without it?!

Now I have the answer.

Because I prepared even more diligently for my second birth - this time a daughter.

Second birth

This time I was not going to be an unresponsive, frightened sheep, I planned to keep everything under complete control: I went through all the maternity hospitals in Moscow, talked with doctors, met home midwives and those who accompany women to the maternity hospital, learned about the existence of such a profession as “ " - a woman who supports a woman in labor morally. That is, the midwife can check the opening, give an injection and even deliver the child, and the doula only holds the hand and strokes the head. And judging by the prices, it is in good demand.

My husband and I seriously considered the issue (but realized that we were not ready to take such a risk) and last month we almost went to Israel to give birth.

And in the end, they chose a maternity hospital with excellent reviews, a serious attitude towards naturalness, breast-feeding, partner childbirth and other things that are important to us. It cost as much as an airplane.

But on the day of birth, everything again went completely differently than planned! The fact is that our girl was born right in the car, on the way to the maternity hospital.

The most amazing thing is that a couple of weeks before this event, I read in the pregnant community the story of childbirth in a taxi and the hair on my head moved in horror. But there was a girl - a flint, a girl - a steel blade, she and her husband were initially going to give birth at home, they were preparing, in the end, the midwife supervised their actions over the phone. Everything was different with us.

So why did this happen in the first place? How could we delay the process so much that we wouldn’t make it to the maternity hospital in time? No, the fact that we live in Kurkino and the maternity hospital on Leninsky has absolutely nothing to do with it, although this was the main version among friends, as far as I understand.

The birth began on Sunday morning, Moscow was empty, the police accompanied us - in total we got from home to our destination in half an hour. But it did not help.

We had two objective reasons:

  1. The birth lasted only two and a half hours - from the first hint of contraction to the girl in my arms.
  2. The last two weeks were very strong and painful, so I calmly embroidered for the first hour, timing the contractions with a program on my phone.

There was no obvious increase or anything that could cause me to panic (and for me, anything causes panic) - there was no. Then I got ready for about an hour (I remembered the doctor’s phrase that the more discovery you make before the maternity hospital, the easier the birth will be) and we calmly left. I took the embroidery with me: do you understand how the situation at the time of leaving the house (half an hour before the end!) was non-critical, if I also expected to increase it?!

I had rather painful, but completely non-fatal contractions, they were very well relieved by a massage of the lower back: with fists, intensely in the place where the dimples were.

And another big ball - I ran to jump to it during contractions, when I was getting dressed for the maternity hospital and collecting my cosmetics bag. That is, everything is like in the first birth, which lasted almost twelve hours along with all the stimulation and squeezing.

Childbirth in a car: how it happened

It was painful to sit in the car, but I didn’t intend to, it always seemed to me that it was best to give birth on my knees and lean my arms on something high. So the Civic chair was ideal for this: butt towards the windshield, knees on the seat, hands leaning on the high back, and hanging on it during contractions.

At first we drove leisurely, then the contractions became more frequent (but were not too painful! During the process, I was selflessly indignant, why didn’t my husband start immediately massaging my lower back?! Well, at least with one hand?! Then it turned out that I was extremely quiet, and he did not understand when that very moment came.

We drove faster and faster and I prayed with all my might that the opening would be as much as five centimeters when we arrived. Well, at least three! I, of course, understood that with my weak contractions such happiness would not shine for me... But who did logic prevent from praying?! And suddenly - I felt a slight hint of pushing. I didn't believe it at first. Then another one, a little stronger. No, this clearly could not happen!

We were never able to fully reconstruct further events. But the approximate chronology is below, all these points fit into thirty-nine seconds: then we checked this with a phone call: my husband called the doctor when he heard from me about pushing and hung up as soon as the girl was born.

  • I tell my husband that I seem to be struggling (and I, of course, am still absolutely sure that this is some kind of misunderstanding, we will now come to the maternity hospital and sort it out there), he presses the gas all the way and rushes off.
  • Almost at the same second the police notice him, and he notices them. He brakes and jumps out of the car in order to ask for an escort to the maternity hospital.
  • At the same second I hear a strange “thunk!” and it pours out of me hot water. At this moment I become very, very scared. No, I’m not afraid to give birth in the car, I’m afraid that it will be very painful for me to drive to the hospital.
  • I shout: “Water!” My husband runs around the car from the driver's door to my passenger door.
  • While he runs, I have the bright thought of taking off my panties - just in case. And when I try to do this, I feel that under the skin under the panties is not at all what is usual, but something hard - a skull?!
  • I scream: “Head!!!”
  • The husband responded: “WHAT THE HELL IS THE HEAD?!”
  • And at this moment I am covered with a real effort.

Here again it should be noted that everything happened very, very quickly. All the thoughts below took only a fraction of a second.

So, pushing, I try to “breathe” it or slow it down. I'm scared to imagine how terribly I'll break inside if I don't hold back right now, after such light contractions, probably with minimal opening, without a midwife who will monitor and guide...

And then I remember an article I read recently. There, a very old American midwife, a kind of mother, shares her observations. In short, her idea is that these obligatory and immutable ten centimeters of opening, to which you should under no circumstances push, appeared after the woman in labor was turned from a physiological vertical position to a horizontal position convenient for the doctor.

If in the first case the child falls under the influence of gravity, he is slippery and round, so he slowly opens the cervix and it straightens around him, then in a horizontal position - we separate these two processes.

First, the cervix opens, and only then the baby is pushed out by muscle force (the midwife carefully pulls the vaginal tissues onto the baby’s head, since these tissues are also pinched and unevenly distributed due to the position on the back).

In general, I decide to try it. Experiment! Well, or I’m just rationalizing for myself that I am not able to stop this train and cannot restrain myself by any means.

And then I don’t understand what’s happening. I don't strain my muscles, there's no “Push! Push!!!”, like in the movies, no “work”, special efforts, nothing. I just relax my muscles and allow what is stronger than me to happen. Everything happens on its own - the child simply slips into my skirt. 2.5 hours from the very beginning, thirty-nine seconds to exit.

For the first few moments, I’m just stunned, standing in the same position, not really understanding what happened, then I pull my little girl out of my skirt, shout at the traffic cops to close the doors they’re looking into, trying to understand what’s happening, my husband brings towels, which I prepared it for the maternity hospital, we wrap up the girl and, accompanied by two police motorcycles, rush to the maternity hospital.

In the process, what I'm most worried about is how I'll go to the hospital, excuse me, long skirt with a girl in her arms, attached by the umbilical cord to the placenta inside. But in the parking lot of the maternity hospital we were already met by nurses who tied the umbilical cord right in the car, my husband solemnly cut it, and the new girl and I were taken separately to the birthing room.

Two minutes after birth

There it turned out that I had one small abrasion at the site of the old seam, and everything else was in perfect condition. It also turned out that I never had time to take off my panties - I still don’t understand how this happened.

Eventually: I remember that after my last birth, I had this state of fragility-stretched-torn, plowed open, as if a tractor had driven over me for a long, long time. I couldn’t feel my muscles, and although I didn’t have any severe tears, I was scared of almost everything.

Now five days have passed - and I don’t feel anything unusual, everything is in exactly the same condition as before the birth.

What amazes me most is how easy it was.

You see, I, as a person who has always lived with the conviction (and his mother, grandmother and great-grandmother also lived!) that conception occurs in a test tube.

That is, first they inject you with a lot of hormones, then you go to the doctor and they take the eggs, then they fertilize them, then they implant them, all with hormonal therapy, and so on. It is long, difficult and high-tech.

And then they suddenly told me that sex also exists for the same thing. And I’m all like: why have you been silent all these years?!

Now I have approximately this feeling from childbirth: why was it hidden from me that I could do all this myself? That I only need a doctor in case of some emergency?!

Despite the fact that I am squeaky, paranoid and hysterical with a very low pain threshold.

And yes, I am terribly proud of myself: after giving birth to my son, I was almost sure that I would never have been able to give birth to anyone on my own, because I would never have withstood that terrible labor pain and in general.

And now all my ideas about this process have been blown up, you know?! Suddenly it was not a complex medical procedure, almost an operation, but a normal physiological process with which healthy body copes quite well on its own.

P.S.: When I tell this story, for some reason people immediately ask how my poor husband survived all this. I can say that he survived it just fine. He, like me, is fifa, squeaks and is afraid of blood, but he remembers how, immediately after that cry, he also touched our girl’s head, and that I was quiet and concentrated and did not at all resemble the common image of a frantic woman. That our girl was immediately clean and pink, and the car didn’t even need dry cleaning - on the way back he simply turned on the heated seat to dry the upholstery from water, that’s all.