You know, I understand that it’s easier to say than to write, but will I be heard? Most likely no.

We get older and our lives change. Status changes, the attitude to the world and to some individual things changes. What was important before is now becoming small... The interests of family and children come to the fore. Their own interests go somewhere in the background. Or put it in a box.

Do you remember, in the Disney film about Peter Pan, the mother told the children that their father was a very courageous man - he had dreams and plans, but when the children were born, for the sake of the children he put his deepest aspirations in a chest. Sometimes in the evenings they open the chest, take out their treasures and admire it. And each time it becomes easier to open the chest, and more and more difficult to close. Yul, are you opening your chest? Of our entire group, you were the most purposeful. There is nothing to say about the fact that you have a creative nature - which of us, IZOshnikov, was not a creative nature? Oh, no, don’t answer, I know who, but that’s another story.

Why am I writing you this letter? It so happened that you and I became too distant for me to tell you this. Yes, we live in the same city. But it’s like they’re on different planets. But you are a very dear person to me. And the more we don’t see each other, the more I understand this. Our social circle has changed. Friends have changed. The type of activity has changed more than once. But we still call each other by our maiden names. And if it gets bad, we’ll come rushing in. Only everything is fine with us. We can't do anything. Do you remember how in the fourth year we drew and wrote the life story of a girl from the lower classes who became a famous traveler? Maybe we should try again?

Yes, many years have passed since we sat down at the same desk. There were so many funny moments, how many stories you could tell me. There are so many stories we could keep silent. Marriages, children, disagreements. A lot has happened. Life flows. Children are growing up. And despite the fact that I have new friends, I, like many years ago, really value our friendship. They say friendship ends if people don't see each other for long enough, if their life paths diverge. And for me, friendship is one of the types of love. And if this is friendship, it never ends.

The children will grow up. We will become freer again. Older, yes, but age is not a reason to forget yourself. A friend is someone who loves you in you. Not your status, not your achievements, not whether you became a good mother and wife or not. A friend is a piece of your soul that has settled forever in someone else’s body. And I know for sure that my piece of soul is in you. And yours is in me. I hope I have the strength to tell you all this. And that we will have enough wisdom to carry our friendship through any rapids of the uneven and stormy river, whose name is Life.

With love, Your friend Aska.

What a stupid fight we had...
Forgive me, friend!
I want you to stay
We are like sisters to each other.

Don't hide from me,
I'd like to apologize.
Don't be angry, don't be offended,
Sorry. Let's make peace!

Sorry, dear friend,
Every day I scold myself,
Why did you do this stupid thing?
And I loved you so much!
Let's make peace, darling,
I'm not asking, I'm begging!
After all, you are not a stranger to me at all,
I'm very sad. I'm dying!

A ridiculous, stupid quarrel.
I blame myself for everything.
Just one random word
And now we are no longer together.

And my life became gray.
There are no relatives in her friend!
And before we lived with faith,
That there is no stronger friendship in the world...

Girlfriend, there are no ideals,
A random word sometimes offends,
But if I'm wrong, then I'm sorry,
Please understand me as a human being.

We can be stupid and harsh,
Realizing my mistakes,
We are trying to become better and wiser,
More attentive, fairer, kinder.

We are in a bad mood
Everything around us makes us angry and irritated.
Sorry, friend, I offended you,
But I really need your support.

We, like baby squirrels, fight in a wheel,
We don't have time to think about ourselves.
Understand and do not hold evil in your heart,
After all, you are the best and the only one I have!

Sorry my friend
What happened to us?
We respect each other
But now they quarreled.

I don't want to see anymore
Your tears, sorrows, torments.
I do not want to hurt you,
I don't want to be separated from you!

So, I decided everything, listen to me,
So, it’s no good that I’m without you,
I'm sorry, I ask for forgiveness,
And I won't let you down again!

I'm sorry, I beg you, stop being angry,
I'm guilty, I admit everything
Anger, you know, causes wrinkles,
My friend, I love you very much!

Stop sulking at me
It's time for us to put up with you,
You are my friend
I can't sleep at all without you.

I'm tired without you
Very sad, you know?
I ask you to forgive me
I'm suffering, you know!

I suggest you forget everything
I suggest making peace
Drink tea with buns,
Stop being angry with me!

Friend, I turn to you, I repent to you.
I'm sorry, my dear, I didn't mean to offend you.
I don’t know how it all happened, because everything happened by itself.
But I regret that I didn’t hold back my tongue.

You and I have been friends for a long time, and there were frosts between us.
But we knew how to maintain friendship and drive away the cold winds.
Therefore, now the time has come for us to test the strength of friendship.
Let's forget all grievances and forgive everything for the sake of friendship!

I love you my friend,
Even though sometimes I get mad.
And for what I did,
I ask for forgiveness.

Have pity on me, forgive me
I won't do this again.
I beg you, don't be sad,
Sorry bore!

Let's make peace, friend,
Let's forget all the grievances
What have we done to each other?
And we won't do that again.

There are no dearer friends to me,
Than you, we have been together for so many years.
I miss you and I believe you too,
Sorry. I love you, honestly.

Letter to a friend

Hello, Natasha! Your friend Tanya* is writing to you. I hasten to answer your message, because I have been waiting for your letter for so long!

You ask what I do and how things are going with me. To this I can only tell you that everything is just fine with me: I study with “good” and “excellent” grades (not counting mathematics, with which, as you remember, I always have problems), after classes I go to study English language in a circle at the House of Culture, and in my free time I do various interesting things. I'll tell you more about this.


I'm busy drawing now. I draw with crayons on paper. The heroes of my drawings are mainly animals: horses, dogs, giraffes. And I learned to draw them thanks to one good book - “How to learn to draw animals in 50 lessons.” I am sending you one of my “creations” in this letter. Please write to me if you liked this drawing.

Secondly, recently I have become interested in the work of Ricky Martin and now I collect everything related to him and his songs: magazine clippings, posters, photographs, CDs, articles. It is very interesting!

Well, that's probably all! Goodbye! Write me more often!

* Here, of course, you need to insert your name!

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Letter to a friend

School days have arrived, and homework assignments are in full swing. And once again, schoolchildren have to think about free topics for their essays, including Letter to a Friend. This topic is interesting, because it allows you to plunge into the last century, to the times of our parents, when they did not call their friends, but wrote letters.

Today, in our essay, we will write a real letter to a friend, telling about the events that happened.

Letter to a friend

Hello, my beloved friend Tanya!

It's been so long since we've seen each other. This is a huge distance, these kilometers separated us, but did not kill our friendship, because we still continue to communicate. To be honest, I was very upset when I found out about your move abroad, but I really hope that we will meet again. I really want this. Now all we have left is correspondence.

I received your letter. It brought me joy, because it was nice to learn about you, to read about life abroad from your point of view. I'm glad you're doing well. However, so do I.

With the arrival of autumn, school work began. Now lessons and various tasks have burst into my life, but the summer time is moving further and further away. Yes, it’s still warm outside, but in the mornings and evenings you can already fully feel autumn, and the leaves on the trees begin to change their colors. I try to walk outside, in the park, as much as possible. After all, very soon you won’t want to go out there because of the cold weather.

My life is varied and interesting. Besides school, I have many clubs. I go to an English club, where I really like it. In addition, I signed up for a dance group. I also have a small hobby. This whole thing is still in its early stages, but I really like it. What am I interested in? I started knitting toys. Very interesting activity, because you not only create different characters, but also give joy to young children. I have already managed to knit three toys that I gave to the children in the yard. And you know, adults approached me with a request to knit similar toys, but for a fee. Maybe soon my hobby will also turn out to be a profitable business. But, I'm kidding. In fact, I started knitting toys only because it interests me. In the future I plan to knit them not according to ready-made schemes, but come up with your own. You know, I will definitely succeed.

Hello, my dear and beloved friend! I want to give you this letter as a sign of my love, although you may not accept it. You have the right not to even read my message. But I won't forgive myself if I don't pass this test. I need to earn your forgiveness, if, of course, you can give it to me...


What a pity that you and I have not communicated for many years. But don’t think, I remember everything... I often remember you, and sometimes I feel sad to the point of tears that our friendship ended like that. Or maybe it’s not over yet?

Maybe we just took a short break and then started being friends again, with new strength, new emotions and impressions?

One way or another, I remember our anniversary. I think you remember her too. Then, exactly 20 years ago, we met you. How young we were! And naive. And that oath that we swore to each other... Do you remember it? She was like a test that we couldn’t pass, I couldn’t pass... It was an oath to a true true friend from the same friend. We swore that we would never part, we swore to get married one day. Our oath stated that we would protect each other in any situation. And even if we ever quarrel, we swore not to be offended at each other for a long time, to come to the meeting, there, in our place... This is our oath.

If you knew how many times I came there in the hope that you could give me your forgiveness. But I never met you under our willow, which bowed its branches and seemed to shed tears with me. Yes, I often came to our place years later. But I scold and reproach myself for not coming when it was so necessary. Probably, I myself missed my chance, I myself, with my own hands, destroyed our friendship, my dear friend.


But don't think that I forgot about you. Not at all, I remember the expression on your face, every mole you had, I often remember how you laughed: joyfully, loudly, contagiously. Unfortunately, we failed to pass the test and the obstacles that life put in front of us.

On our 20th anniversary of dating, I want to give you this confession. I'm writing a letter, but I don't know if I can send it to you. And in general, perhaps you are already far away, you don’t live where you used to, and you will never receive my letter of recognition on our anniversary.

To you, my sweet and dear friend, today I am writing this letter and I want it to be like an oath. An oath of my most sincere feelings for you. Even if I haven’t told you the right words in recent years. We haven't spoken at all. But, believe me, I think about you every day, I cry quietly at night, I remember the time spent with you.

To you, my beloved, dear and best friend, I want to say that I have never met people like you on my way. You are the embodiment of femininity and wisdom. You are the one to whom my heart and soul have always longed, you are the one to whom I came for advice and always received it.


So what happened why we couldn't pass the friendship test? Believe me, it’s hard for me to dredge up the past, it’s not easy to remember what, or rather who, came between us. If only we knew then how life would turn out... And with him, with the one whom I preferred to you many years ago, we parted. I couldn't stand the pain and humiliation. Even more unbearable was the realization that I had betrayed our friendship. But then for me our competition was just a game.

Sorry, but I couldn’t give Him to you, for some reason I decided that He must definitely become mine. I didn't think about your feelings then. I only now realized how painful and difficult it was for you. I fought Him off, took away the one you truly loved. But then I, your friend, did not know what pain I was causing you. I failed this test, now I have no right to call myself your friend. But I would like it so much! Traitor of friendship - these are the only words I can now be called. And I’m saddened to tears that I betrayed our friendship.

At the end…

All I can do is write you a letter and hope that you forgive. I know, time is lost, I won’t blame you if you don’t want to give me at least a minute of your time. But if you still agree to the meeting, know that I will be waiting for you in our place. Just let me know. I want to give you my feelings and confessions, tell you how dear you are to me and how much I miss you. I sincerely want our friendship to have at least one more, smallest chance. And if you give it to me, I promise that I will be able to pass this test.

I will become the best friend, faithful and sincere. No man can come between us anymore.

My dear friend! If you read these lines, know that I miss you, I love you and I truly believe that our friendship has a chance. So let's take advantage of it, let's try to revive our friendship. Believe me, I sincerely wish this...

Forever yours I.