In 2017, according to Rosstat, more than 1.69 million people were born in Russia. More and more women preparing to become mothers refuse free medicine and choose childbirth under VHI or a contract with a specific doctor or midwife. What are the advantages of paid childbirth? How is the contract concluded? Are there any disadvantages to such an agreement? What is the cost of a birth contract? When should you choose obstetric care under compulsory medical insurance, and when should it be paid? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

How to conclude a contract?

The contract can be concluded in several organizations of the pregnant woman’s choice - in a state maternity hospital, in a private clinic or in an insurance company. The choice directly depends on the desires of the pregnant woman and her financial capabilities. Paid childbirth in a maternity hospital can cost less than in a clinic, and concluding an agreement with an insurer can be beneficial, since it is the insurance company that will bear full responsibility for the quality of services provided and their timeliness.

Both the pregnant woman herself and her relatives or representative can conclude a contract. To sign the contract, you must visit the selected institution with the package necessary documents(often this is only a passport and birth certificate) and pay for the service. If the contract is concluded directly with the maternity hospital, an examination of the pregnant woman may be required. Based on its results, the obstetrician-gynecologist will decide whether to agree to the contract or refuse to sign it. The latter decision may be related to the presence of pathologies in the fetus or diseases in the expectant mother, due to which childbirth must take place in specialized medical institutions with necessary equipment(for example, with heart disease, women give birth in perinatal center under the supervision of a cardiologist and resuscitator).

When to conclude?

A gynecologist from a private clinic or antenatal clinic where pregnancy progress is monitored. The period depends on the condition of the pregnant woman - whether there are health problems, whether there is a threat of premature birth, on the number of fetuses, etc. In case of a singleton pregnancy with good medical indicators of the mother in labor, it is recommended to enter into a contract from the 36th week. If the pregnancy is multiple, there are any pathologies or there are indications for a cesarean section, then the contract is usually concluded at 28 weeks of pregnancy.

"Pitfalls" of the agreement

During the standard course of pregnancy, a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic writes out a referral to the maternity hospital at the place of residence of the expectant mother. In an emergency ambulance will take the woman to the nearest maternity hospital, where she will probably have to give birth not in the most better conditions. To avoid such situations and to be confident in the competence of the medical staff and obstetrician-gynecologist, the pregnant woman chooses contract delivery.

But even with a paid contract, you cannot be 100% sure that everything will go as planned. The selected obstetrician-gynecologist may be on sick leave, visiting another patient, or absent for other reasons. A quarantine may be declared in the selected maternity hospital, which means that the husband or other accompanying person will simply not be allowed into the delivery room, etc. Before signing a contract, you need to take these factors into account and weigh the pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages of childbirth under VHI

As more and more women with sufficient financial resources decide to pay for childbirth, it becomes clear that the contract has a number of advantages over free childbirth. Most conditions, medical services and what is included in the birth contract cannot be provided for free. The advantages of obstetric care under VHI include the following opportunities:

  • Choosing a doctor;
  • Choice of chamber;
  • Choice of procedure (standard, birth at home, in water, etc.);
  • Monitoring the baby and mother after birth for as many days as the mother in labor wants;
  • No need to stay in the maternity hospital without special indications for the prescribed period (from 3 days or longer);
  • The presence of a husband or other relative in the delivery room to provide support;
  • Preservation of the umbilical cord and its cutting after the pulsation stops;
  • Polite and helpful staff, etc.

There are not as many cons as pros. The main thing can be the rather high cost of such services. The remaining disadvantages are in many ways similar to those present during free childbirth. If the contract is concluded directly with the maternity hospital, then the food will be standard, the doctors and medical staff in the postpartum ward will not be as courteous as the midwife in the delivery room. The contract will not protect against the risks of an emergency cesarean section, the need for additional procedures (episiotomy, anesthesia) and manipulations, even if they are not provided for in the contract itself. Due to their implementation, the cost will increase, but it will not be possible to refuse payment. Doctors, for their part, will also not be able to follow all the terms of the contract and not perform an operation or not administer stimulants (oxytocin) if the mother and baby are at risk due to the termination of labor or for other reasons.

How much does a birth contract cost?

The cost depends on many factors, which include the chosen institution for concluding the contract, the qualifications of the doctor and midwife, the technical equipment of the maternity hospital, the range of services, the region of residence, etc. In the regions, the cost starts from 30 thousand rubles. In the central part of the Russian Federation it is more expensive. Below is a comparison table of several leading insurance companies, clinics and maternity hospitals where you can sign a contract.

Table - Cost of childbirth under a contract in 2018 in Moscow

Name of institution
Cost of childbirth, rub.
Contract services
IC "Ingosstrakh"
From 77 940
Installed individually
IC "RESO-Garantiya"
From 90 000
  • Appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist before birth, drawing up a birth plan, taking tests;
  • Examinations and tests after birth;
  • Hospital for complications and bleeding that developed in the next 7 days after birth
Private clinic "European Medical Center (EMC)"
From $7,500 to $12,000
  • Deluxe chambers, luxury studio, luxury apartments;
  • Appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist before birth, drawing up a birth plan, taking tests;
  • Calling an ambulance at the onset of labor;
  • Stay in the antenatal department;
  • Stay in the postpartum ward (4 days);
  • Examinations and tests after the birth of a child;
  • Hospital for complications and bleeding that developed in the next 7 days after birth;
  • Administrative support;
  • Examination of the child, tests, research, unlimited medical care if necessary (there is a neonatology department)
Maternity hospital No. 4
From 55,000 to 133,920
  • Single birth box;
  • Doctor on duty team or personal doctor;
  • Joint birth;
  • Single postpartum ward;
  • Postpartum tests and examinations of mother and child;
  • Visiting relatives;
  • Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist after discharge from the hospital

The first time I gave birth under a contract in maternity hospital No. 6 named after. A.A. Abrikosova, Moscow (metro station Belorusskaya). I only wanted to give birth to a child myself(the pregnancy was easy), without stimulation and anesthesia, so that immediately after birth the newborn was placed on his stomach, so that the umbilical cord was crossed when it had already pulsated. So that my husband can be nearby and the child can be handed over to him immediately after birth (while the doctor is busy with me). I would like the maternity hospital to practice early latching of the baby to the breast, for mother and child to stay together, so that children are not overfed and actually help to establish breastfeeding.

I chose the maternity hospital based on the following criteria: proximity to home, presence of a paid (self-supporting) branch, good feedback women in labor, moderate cost of paid childbirth. There were only 5 maternity hospitals that had positive reviews and that could be reached relatively quickly at any time of the day.

In general, I liked maternity hospital No. 11 (Biberevo metro station), but the cost of the contract turned out to be quite high. In addition, the maternity hospital specializes in uterine fibroids, and there is a fairly high percentage of cesarean sections, which did not interest me at all. In the paid department of maternity hospital No. 5 (metro station Babushkinskaya), they talked to us without much enthusiasm. And the conditions for “paying people” in this maternity hospital did not really attract me, and most importantly, if the child’s father is not present at the birth, then he will be able to visit us with the baby only at set hours (i.e., if the child is born in the evening, the husband will be able come to our room only the next day). In the maternity hospital at city hospital No. 8 (metro station Dinamo, Savelovskaya), as it turned out, the paid department was closed - the maternity hospital’s license to provide paid services was not renewed. The main reason for this was the specialization of the maternity hospital - premature birth.

Next we visited maternity hospital No. 6 named after. A.A. Abrikosova (metro station Belorusskaya). The maternity hospital was closed on schedule for preventive sanitary treatment and was scheduled to open next week. Since the maternity hospital was empty, we had the opportunity to see the maternity ward and postpartum ward. The chief doctor received us, showed us everything, briefly talked about all the nuances and recommended an insurance company (this important point, at that time several insurance companies cooperated with the maternity hospital and, probably, on different conditions).

We concluded an agreement with a small insurance company, as of December 2003. the amount of the “insurance premium” was 18 thousand rubles. I have only positive impressions about the process of childbirth itself, and about the period of stay in the maternity hospital after childbirth. I was more than satisfied with the services provided by the maternity hospital, but it is important to take into account that I did not expect anything unusual in relation to myself.

Some expectant mothers expect something special from a paid department. Under no circumstances should you be prepared for something like this; in this case, you will be disappointed because you could have given birth in exactly the same way, with the same doctors, but absolutely free of charge. A paid department does not mean that your childbirth will be handled differently, or that they will necessarily give you anesthesia, even if there is no indication.

What we pay for:

1. You can conclude an agreement so that the birth will be attended by a paid team on duty (obstetrician-gynecologist, midwife, anesthesiologist, neonatologist) or to manage pregnancy from 35-36 weeks and attend the birth by one obstetrician-gynecologist. The most professional doctors of the maternity hospital, often heads of departments, work with patients who have entered into a contract.

In any case, the contract is a guarantee that doctors and midwives will always be there. In the free department, the doctor often treats 2 women in labor at once.

2. As a rule, your husband or someone close to you can be present at the birth, and can also visit you immediately after birth and in the subsequent days of your stay in the maternity hospital, even if visits are prohibited in the free department.

3. More comfortable living conditions in the postpartum department: separate room, shower and toilet, TV and refrigerator, etc.

4. Direct contact with the chief physician or your personal manager (telephone numbers will be given to you upon concluding the contract) will help you quickly resolve any issues if they arise.

For example, in maternity hospital No. 6, newborns are usually not supplemented. Moreover, this maternity hospital awarded the honorary title “Child Friendly Hospital”, which indicates support and encouragement breastfeeding. However, one of the pediatricians tried to feed my baby formula right in front of my eyes and despite all my objections (my daughter was always with me, but my milk came only on the fifth day). I don’t know how I would have been able to resolve the situation if it weren’t for the possibility of mobile communication with the chief physician. The issue was immediately resolved. By chance, the next day there was a commission in the maternity hospital, which included an elderly neonatologist, who, having learned about the story that had happened, encouraged me. She said that my actions were undoubtedly correct and that there was no point in feeding the baby additionally.

Maternity hospitals are all very different and living conditions are different everywhere. One thing is certain: you will feel more comfortable in the paid department.

So, maternity hospital No. 6, where I gave birth, has been operating since 1906, the building is very old, in the postpartum shower and toilet there is a shared one on the floor. In paid wards, having a separate shower and toilet is already a solution to many problems.

Some expectant mothers believe that it is better to give birth “by agreement” with a specific doctor, using the advice and experience of friends. I wouldn't do that. Firstly, there is no guarantee that this doctor will actually deliver your baby. For some of my friends, the doctor simply did not have time to come to the maternity hospital. And, if a doctor regularly delivers babies in a paid department, there is a high probability that at the right time, he will be busy with a contract woman and will be forced to refuse you. Secondly, if, in addition to childbirth “by agreement,” you pay extra for a separate room (you will be provided not with a paid room, but with a regular one, and the toilet and shower may be shared on the floor), in total you can pay more than the cost of the contract. Third, Only the doctor may know about your agreement, even the midwife, not to mention other maternity hospital staff may not be aware that childbirth is “paid.”

Maternity hospitals are interested in providing paid medical services, the head physician is interested, and, accordingly, so are the doctors of the maternity hospital.

Why enter into a formal contract?

1. The contract is a guarantee that the medical services specified in it will be provided to you. The contract will stipulate the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties. Accordingly, knowing your rights, you will have information about what you can demand from the medical institution.

2. You will be given a telephone number that you can call at any time of the day if you need urgent advice or when labor begins.

3. If for any reason the doctor cannot be present at the birth, he transfers his patient to another specialist working under a contract. In the event of an emergency, you will always be met at the maternity hospital by the duty team of the paid department.

4. If you are unable to get to the maternity hospital on your own, the obstetric ambulance will take you not to the nearest regional maternity hospital, but to the maternity hospital specified in the contract.

5. The conditions of your stay in the maternity hospital will be more comfortable and pleasant for you (prenatal and postnatal wards, most likely an individual maternity unit, attentive attitude of the staff), and the impressions of childbirth are very important for a woman.

Paid childbirth in the same maternity hospital may also differ from free childbirth in the following ways:

1. Free behavior during childbirth.

2. Labor anesthesia is provided upon request.

3. The baby is placed on his stomach and placed on the mother's chest immediately in the delivery room.

4. Possibility for dad to cut the umbilical cord.

5. At her choice, the mother lies in the same room with the child, or separately.

6. Possibility of family accommodation - a husband or one of the family members can always be in the postpartum individual ward (an additional bed is installed).

7. Postpartum care.

With whom can I conclude an agreement for paid childbirth?

1. Most state maternity hospitals have self-supporting departments, but in this case, you will enter into an agreement with an insurance company that cooperates with the maternity hospital you have chosen. The insurance company will conclude a voluntary health insurance agreement with you. In this case, relations between the parties will primarily be regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On medical insurance of citizens in Russian Federation».

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that, in the event of concluding a contract for paid childbirth, the insurance company does not insure against anything, but in fact acts as an intermediary between you and the maternity hospital.

Before concluding a contract, I advise you to make sure that the contract for the provision of medical services between the insurance company and the maternity hospital does not expire in the near future (before the date of the expected birth).

2. An agreement is concluded with a non-state medical institution for the provision of paid medical services. In this case, it is advisable to read with the appropriate license and certificate confirming the accreditation of the institution for such type of medical care as “services provided to pregnant women and newborns.”

By concluding an agreement directly with a specialized clinic, and not through an insurance company, you will have certain advantages:

1. You enter into an agreement directly with the medical institution that will provide you with services. Relations without intermediaries are always simpler, including in the event that claims arise regarding the quality and volume of services.

Besides in this case, relations are primarily regulated by the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” , providing a choice of liability measures that can be applied to the service provider.

2. The tax legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the right to a benefit - a refund of 13% of paid income tax for citizens who received paid medical services in medical institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation (social tax art. 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The list of medical services taken into account when providing a Tax Deduction is approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 201.

In accordance with these legal acts, young mothers can include in the tax deduction amount: funds spent on diagnostics (tests, ultrasound, CTG) and treatment, including consultations with specialists, prenatal hospitalization, childbirth management, and stay in the clinic during the postpartum period.

Please note that I touched upon the topic of social tax deductions very briefly. The right to benefits also arises in other cases: payment for education in educational institutions, purchase of housing.

Recently, parents often enter into agreements with medical clinics to monitor their newborn (most often, most examinations are done at home, and this is very convenient). These services may also be eligible for tax relief. Social tax deductions

1. When determining the size of the tax base in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 210 of this Code, the taxpayer has the right to receive the following social tax deductions:

3) in the amount paid by the taxpayer in the tax period for treatment services provided to him by medical institutions of the Russian Federation, as well as paid by the taxpayer for treatment services of his spouse, his parents and (or) his children under the age of 18 years in medical institutions of the Russian Federation (in accordance with the list of medical services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation), as well as in the amount of the cost of medicines (in accordance with the list medicines, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation), prescribed by the attending physician, purchased by taxpayers at their own expense.

According to the Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2004 N 447-O, the provisions of subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in their constitutional and legal interpretation cannot serve as a basis for refusing to provide a taxpayer with a social tax deduction in the amount paid by him in the tax period for treatment services provided individuals who have a license to carry out medical activities and are engaged in private medical practice

The total amount of social tax deduction provided for by this subclause cannot exceed 38,000 rubles.

For expensive types of treatment in medical institutions of the Russian Federation, the amount of tax deduction is accepted in the amount of actual expenses incurred. The list of expensive types of treatment is approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

A deduction for payment of the cost of treatment is provided to the taxpayer if the treatment is carried out in medical institutions that have the appropriate licenses to carry out medical activities, as well as when the taxpayer submits documents confirming his actual expenses for treatment and the purchase of medicines.

The specified social tax deduction is provided to the taxpayer if payment for treatment and purchased medications was not made by the organization at the expense of employers.

2. Social tax deductions are provided on the basis of a written application from the taxpayer when submitting a tax return to the tax authority by the taxpayer at the end of the tax period.

BUT! The necessary conditions for granting benefits are:

An agreement concluded with a medical institution licensed to carry out medical activities (it is advisable to request a copy of the license in hand);

Documents confirming the fact of payment for treatment at a medical institution (for example, checks);

Certificate of payment for medical services to be submitted to the tax authorities of the Russian Federation (in the form, you can request it after the services have been performed);

Your written application as a taxpayer for a social tax deduction.

The listed documents are attached to the personal income tax return submitted to the tax authority.

A voluntary health insurance agreement concluded with an insurance company and receipts for payment of the insurance premium will not serve as a basis for providing benefits.

3. As experience shows, commercial medical centers are more attentive to clients who have entered into an agreement directly with them, and not through insurance companies.

The second time I chose a maternity hospital based on the same criteria as described above. But a little more than 3 years passed and in January 2007 a lot had changed.

So, story No. 2, how we selected a maternity hospital. We lived a little closer to the center of Moscow, and for myself I expanded the list of maternity hospitals, which in an emergency can be reached quite quickly.

However, I had to exclude several maternity hospitals from the list, including the previously mentioned No. 11 (metro station Biberevo), they had to be closed for preventive treatment.

I decided to opt for maternity hospital No. 6 (Belorusskaya metro station), which had already become my home. But I refuse my choice for the following reasons:

1. The composition of the maternity hospital staff has changed, including the doctor who delivered my first birth, no longer working there.

2. Another insurance company (a very large one) is already cooperating with the maternity hospital. The insurance amount under the program it offers has increased significantly (29 thousand rubles, if the birth will be attended by an on-duty team, 38 thousand rubles - a contract for the management of childbirth with the choice of a personal obstetrician-gynecologist), but the conditions of stay in the maternity hospital have not changed, including including the situation in the paid wards and maternity block. Considering that the maternity hospital building is very old and major renovations took place a long time ago, the level of comfort is quite low, and many rooms are cold. Thus, taking into account the actual conditions of stay in the maternity hospital, I considered the price of the contract to be unreasonably high.

In addition, according to the terms of the insurance company, before concluding a contract, it became mandatory to conduct a number of additional examinations in the maternity hospital: Doppler ultrasound, cardiac monitoring, and consultation with specialists. These examinations must be completed independently of those done at the antenatal clinic; they are paid separately and are not included in the cost of the contract.

The situation with voluntary health insurance has changed a lot recently. If previously there were many small insurance companies operating in the paid childbirth market, since 2006 there have been only a few large insurers left. The main reason for this is the legislative change in the requirements for increasing the authorized capital of insurance organizations (the Federal Law of December 10, 2003 introduced amendments and additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation” ). According to the changes made, previously created with insurance organizations are required to form their authorized capital in accordance with the requirements of the Law, in the following order:

Thus, in the second half of 2006, the majority of small companies that were unable to increase their authorized capital had their licenses suspended and later revoked due to failure to eliminate violations of insurance legislation.

The remaining larger insurance companies increased their prices significantly during 2006.

By the end of 2007, the number of insurance companies is likely to decrease further.

But, despite a significant increase in the cost of services, the quality of services has not changed. The insured amount of contracts for paid childbirth has recently increased 2-3 times, but the conditions for women in labor have remained the same. I believe that meeting an obstetrician-gynecologist before childbirth and a separate room with cosmetic repairs in the postpartum department are an insufficient amount of services; in any case, they should cost much less.

Increasing the authorized capital of insurance companies and reducing the number of small insurers is a means of preparing the Russian insurance market for accession to the WTO. Perhaps after coming to Russian market large foreign insurance companies, the quality of services will improve.

Next, I decided to look at maternity hospital No. 17 (see Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station) and the maternity hospital at city hospital No. 29 (Aviamotornaya metro station), look at the conditions in paid departments, and get acquainted with a sample contract.

In maternity hospital No. 17 We had to work a little hard to find a representative of the insurance company. But, to be honest, they welcomed us warmly, in a room that, unlike the rest of the maternity hospital, had recently been renovated. The girl who received us offered to conclude an agreement with one of the two insurance companies whose interests she represented, showed photographs of the wards in the postpartum ward and the maternity ward, and a sample agreement. The insurance amount is 45 thousand rubles. Frankly speaking, I was simply surprised - it was not entirely clear what she was taking on. The conditions in the maternity hospital are simple, small rooms with modest cosmetic repairs. The girl, without hiding, explained that other insurance companies also work with the maternity hospital, and if you conclude an agreement to manage the birth with them, the payment will be 38 thousand rubles, but the birth will be attended by the team on duty. At the end of the conversation, we were asked a rhetorical question: “What is the point of concluding a contract for paid childbirth if a personal obstetrician-gynecologist is not assigned to the woman in labor?”

I didn’t argue with her, although I have a completely different point of view on this issue. If the birth is quick, not to mention rapid, the personal doctor may not have time for the delivery, and in this case the birth will be attended by the team on duty. Thus, not all women are interested in contracting with a personal obstetrician-gynecologist. In addition, not everyone can and wants to choose a specific doctor, and there is nothing wrong with having the birth team on duty, if it is qualified.

In the maternity hospital at city hospital No. 29(I had previously heard a lot of good things about this maternity hospital, about the doctors, about the attentive staff) we were not welcome at all. The question immediately arose, If a representative of an insurance company behaves this way before concluding a contract, what will happen then? In general, when visiting this maternity hospital, several curious situations arose.

Firstly To enter the hall where the insurance company representative sits, you must wear shoe covers. Shoe covers are paid, they are sold in the locker room, and the cloakroom attendant left for lunch.

Secondly Once inside the maternity hospital, you are surprised by the simplicity of the situation: a small corridor where, judging by the number of people, relatives come to meet young mothers, in the corridor there is a small sofa and two kiosk-type nooks where you can talk with representatives of insurance companies. The photographs of the chambers also impressed me with the modesty of the furnishings.

Third, on the insurance company’s website it was indicated: the cost of the “Childbirth and C-section" - 37,000 - 43,000 rubles. During the conversation, they explained to us that the program in any case would cost 43 thousand rubles. (in addition, before concluding the contract, it is necessary to pay for an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist and, possibly, any examinations, as indicated). The amount of the insurance premium can be 38 thousand rubles. provided that I sign an agreement when I arrive at the maternity hospital with contractions. It’s even interesting to know if they have such clients? Since the insurer’s representative is present in the maternity hospital only on weekdays from 10.00 to 14.00.

The only general impression from both maternity hospital No. 17 and the maternity hospital at city hospital No. 29 is that representatives of the insurance company do not have all the necessary information about the maternity hospital, how the birth process is going, and the scope of services included in the contract. Clients are told practically nothing. And if you ask specific questions, they usually answer - you will clarify this with the doctor after concluding the contract. The impression is that the only interest is in us concluding an agreement and paying, and all the nuances are a personal matter for the clients. When you come to buy expensive services, you want a different, more friendly attitude, and you want the representative of the service provider to have all the necessary information.

To be honest, after all the trips listed above, I no longer wanted to communicate with representatives of insurance companies. The unjustified increase in prices with low quality of services from insurers was disappointing.

We entered into an agreement with a commercial clinic - the Euro-Med medical center(located in the building of the maternity hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 67). The cost under the contract for paid medical services amounted to 42 thousand rubles. (and no pre-examination was required before concluding the contract).

After all the “adventures” traveling to maternity hospitals, I was more than pleased with my choice. It turned out that paying for real services to the organization that will provide them(and not to a third party who is actually only interested in the fact of concluding an agreement) not only more profitable, but also more enjoyable.

So, what did we get for the money spent:

1. Communication with friendly and attentive staff. Even my 3 year old daughter had something to do during my doctor visits.

2. A wider range of services under the obstetric care program (from 36 weeks of pregnancy and postpartum care).

The location of the maternity hospital on the territory of a multidisciplinary city hospital, which has in its structure, including children's and adult intensive care, is another plus, although I do not wish anyone to take advantage of such an additional guarantee.

True, before I chose this maternity hospital, I had to hear and read negative reviews about it. But all of them are either unjustified (I came to this conclusion for myself after visiting the clinic), or about 3 years ago (perhaps a lot has changed over time).

We were warned in advance about all the “cons” that I might encounter during my stay in the maternity hospital:

1. Double rooms equipped with showers. Toilets are on the floor, but there are several of them. This inconvenience is due to the fact that the maternity hospital building is very old and a different layout probably simply did not work out.

2. According to the agreement, after giving birth, patients are in the postpartum department in the physiological department for 3 days (5 days for a cesarean section) in the absence of postpartum complications.

The maternity hospital is small, I believe that the main reason for staying in the postpartum ward a day less than in other maternity hospitals is simply a lack of space. To be honest, I think that a long stay in the postpartum ward after a natural birth is completely unnecessary.

3. Delivery by cesarean section takes place in the premises of the maternity hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 67; only physiological births are accepted on the territory of the Euro-Med maternity hospital. The patient is transported to the clinic premises after the operation.

If you are completely unsatisfied with any of the above points, you can enter into an agreement with the Euro-Med clinic for childbirth in the maternity hospital in Medvedkovo (in the building of maternity hospital No. 5). There are single rooms and the period of stay in the postpartum physiological department is 5 days.

I found the conditions at the Euro-Med clinic at maternity hospital No. 5 less interesting:

If the father wants to be present at the birth or see the child immediately after birth, he will need to undergo additional tests; visits on subsequent days are possible at strictly established evening hours;

Common maternity block (consisting of separate maternity wards) with maternity hospital No. 5;

The postpartum department of the clinic is located inside the building of maternity hospital No. 5, there is no separate entrance.

And yet, I have heard more than once the opinion that commercial clinics are engaged in “extracting” money from clients, you are constantly required to take tests and undergo examinations that are not included in the program under the contract. I haven't experienced anything like this myself. The antenatal clinic really didn’t have time to do everything for me before concluding a contract for childbirth, but the doctor asked me to complete everything I needed at the antenatal clinic, warning me right away that some tests at the clinic would be paid for. Since this is my second pregnancy, I looked at these areas realistically - these are the general requirements of maternity hospitals, and not the personal desire of a doctor or clinic.

In addition, if you enter into an agreement with an insurance company, in a paid department of a state maternity hospital you may also be asked to do separate tests and examinations for an additional fee, since the list of services under the program is quite limited.

Much also depends on the gynecologist and antenatal clinic where you were observed during pregnancy. For example, during my first pregnancy I did not have any questions, I felt the qualifications of the gynecologist, ready to answer all the questions I had, all examinations were scheduled in a timely manner. So, I had CTG done twice during my first pregnancy. During my second pregnancy at 36 weeks, for an unknown reason, I was never prescribed CTG (this study is for later mandatory during pregnancy). It’s not surprising that Euro-Med immediately prescribed cardiotocography for me, albeit free of charge (a one-time examination is included in the observation program).

February 2007

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Any woman is worried before childbirth and wants to be surrounded by care and attention at the moment of the birth of her child. Therefore, expectant mothers, wanting to guarantee maximum comfort for themselves and their baby, are increasingly choosing contract births. But in order to avoid pitfalls, before concluding an agreement, it is advisable to find out as much detailed information as possible about all the nuances of this procedure.

What is a birth contract?

No one can guarantee that unpaid services in a maternity hospital will be of high quality. Therefore, when a woman decides to give birth for free, she can only rely on the honesty and professionalism of the medical staff. Whereas, having concluded a contract for childbirth, a woman in labor can count on certain privileges and the high quality of the services provided. The contract states:

  • the period during which the document remains valid;
  • amount of payment;
  • list of rights and obligations of the parties;
  • a range of services that will be provided to the woman in labor.
By concluding a contract, you can enlist the support of not only your husband or mother during childbirth, but also an experienced friend or perinatal psychologist

With whom is such an agreement concluded?

An agreement can be concluded either directly with a maternity hospital or medical institution (which has the legal right to provide assistance during childbirth, as well as before and after it), or with the medical insurance company representing it. In the first case, from a legal point of view, it will be a contract for the provision of medical services, and in the second, a health insurance contract.

If you choose the first option, before signing the agreement, it is advisable to make sure that the medical institution has the appropriate license and certificate allowing it to provide medical services to pregnant women and infants. Typically, such a certificate is valid for no longer than 5 years (and if the form of ownership is not state-owned, then only 3 years). The license is valid for 5 years.

When choosing a health insurance method, future mom becomes an insured person, and the law “On medical insurance of citizens in the Russian Federation” (dated June 28, 1991 No. 1499–1) comes into force. According to this law, the insurance company enters into a contract with the future mother, which obliges the insurer to organize and pay for the upcoming birth in a certain maternity hospital. At the same time, an agreement must already be concluded between the company and the maternity hospital regulating the provision of such medical services.

Before concluding a contract with an insurance organization, you must first check the availability of a certificate that allows you to engage in health insurance. Secondly, you should see with your own eyes the contract concluded between the company and the maternity hospital and check when it expires (so that this does not happen before the moment of birth).
Each maternity hospital draws up its own form of contract for childbirth, so the list of medical services in different medical institutions may differ significantly

Regardless of whether the agreement is concluded with a medical insurance organization or directly with a medical institution, it is advisable to make sure that it is signed by an authorized person. The fact is that the agreement must be signed by a person who has legal authority to do so (general director, director). But he, in turn, can transfer this right by proxy to one of his subordinates. And it is very desirable to see this very power of attorney in order to make sure that the signed document will have legal force.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to make sure you have all the above documents and permits. Otherwise, all the promised benefits may turn out to be nothing more than a fiction. For representatives of a serious company, a request to show documentation will not cause indignation or dissatisfaction, because such a check is a normal and completely legal practice.

Several times I had to listen to complaints from women who entered into a contract for childbirth with a representative of an insurance company who did not have the legal authority to sign such documents. And then it turned out that the woman in labor, dissatisfied with the quality of the services received during childbirth, could not even complain about it, since, from a legal point of view, no one owes her anything. To avoid such situations, it is advisable to check the charter of the organization with which the agreement is concluded. This will ensure that her representative signing the agreement has the legal right to do so.

What are the advantages of contract childbirth?

The expectant mother gets the opportunity to choose not only the maternity hospital in which she will give birth, but also a team of specialists with a good reputation. And then indicate your choice in the contract. In addition, many women who have given birth note the fact that the attitude of the medical staff towards women in labor who have paid for their stay in the institution is more attentive and polite.
A birth contract gives you the opportunity to give birth with all the comforts

To avoid misunderstandings during childbirth, I recommend that women meet and personally talk with the doctor whose help they want to enlist in advance (even before signing the contract). First of all, you need to obtain the consent of the obstetrician that he will be the one to deliver the baby. Then we should discuss important details, such as the method of anesthesia, type of delivery, tolerance of medications, and so on.

List of services guaranteed by the contract

In different maternity hospitals, the situation with the provision of certain benefits to women who have entered into a contract for childbirth may have its own nuances and differences. But the list of basic services is usually the same. It includes:

  • guaranteed availability of a place in the maternity hospital at the time of the onset of labor;
  • separate room with all amenities for mother and baby (with TV, shower, refrigerator)
  • high-quality multi-course meals;
  • additional procedures that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mother in labor (aromatherapy, music therapy);
  • assistance and consultation from a pediatrician;
  • anesthesia (pain relief) at the choice of the woman in labor;
  • the possibility of the presence of a husband or other loved one during childbirth;
  • constant presence of doctors on duty near the woman in labor;
  • use of disposable medical instruments;
  • choosing a method of childbirth according to the woman’s wishes (for example, water birth, vertical);
  • the opportunity to call your doctor at any time (during the period of prenatal preparation, as well as after the birth of the baby);
  • medical support after childbirth (medical procedures, examinations).

Typically, paid wards in maternity hospitals are more comfortable and better equipped

What to pay attention to

When concluding a contract for childbirth, you must take into account some important nuances. Here are some tips to help avoid unpleasant surprises:

  1. Be sure to include in the contract the name and surname of the obstetrician (or the name list of the duty team) who will attend the birth. Otherwise, the pregnant woman can be assigned to any doctor of the highest category who will be on shift at the moment when her contractions begin.
  2. Please note that if the contract is concluded not directly with the maternity hospital, but with an insurance company, then taking into account the fees to insurers for mediation, its cost will be higher.
  3. Carefully read the entire list of services that you will have to pay for - some of them may be absolutely unnecessary for you (for example, consulting with highly specialized specialists). In order not to overpay, write into the contract what benefits you will take advantage of and what you will definitely refuse.
  4. Find out if your husband or other relatives will be allowed to be present at the birth.
  5. Make sure that the agreement includes a clause that provides for the services of an experienced nurse who will care for the baby if the mother feels unwell or needs rest.
  6. Not everyone wants to use anesthesia during labor. If you do not want painkillers to be administered to you, be sure to specify this in the contract and also recalculate the amount you must pay.
    If you do not wish to use anesthesia or refuse any other medications during childbirth, be sure to indicate this in the contract
  7. Keep in mind that a contract that includes a cesarean section will cost more than if a woman decides to give birth naturally. Don't let anyone talk you into having this surgery without a good reason. The fact is that maternity hospitals make money on cesarean sections - this is an expensive and at the same time quick operation.
  8. Check whether the agreement provides for medical care that you will receive after discharge from the department (medical examinations, counseling). It must indicate what specific services will be provided to you and the period during which you can count on them.
  9. Be sure to include a clause in the contract guaranteeing urgent hospitalization for the mother and baby in the event of postpartum complications occurring within a week after birth.
  10. Find out how much additional medical services that a mother or child may need in case of various complications will cost.
  11. Pay attention to whether the contract states how many days the mother and baby must spend in a medical facility. And also find out what additional payment per day will be assigned if you have to stay in the ward longer than planned.
  12. Finally, the agreement must indicate what liability the maternity hospital or intermediary insurance company bears, and how they will compensate for damages in the event of non-compliance with the conditions.
    Before signing a contract for childbirth, you should thoroughly study its contents.

When does the birth contract come into force?

You can find out from what time a specific contract begins to operate from a representative of the insurance company or the head physician. In most cases, according to such an agreement, the responsible doctor is obliged to manage the pregnancy starting from the 36th week.

From this moment on, a woman can count on the full range of necessary medical services (tests, examinations, etc.). But sometimes the agreement begins to apply for more early stages- from the 31st or 34th week. This important point must be discussed and indicated in the document. The contract ends one month after the birth of the baby.

In some cases, the contract comes into force by the time labor begins. And if for some reason a woman in labor ends up in the maternity hospital earlier, she is placed in a general ward along with other pregnant women, and is transferred to a paid department only when she begins to give birth.
If there is a need for a longer stay in the maternity hospital than specified in the contract, you will need to pay extra for the extra day

Submitting complaints and claims

Unfortunately, a maternity contract does not always guarantee perfect care. Even when a woman gives birth on a paid basis, she may encounter negligence and dishonesty of medical workers. You can file a complaint to hold a medical institution accountable if:

  • the terms of the contract were violated;
  • the mother in labor suffered moral or material damage;
  • due to the fault of the medical staff, the health of the mother or baby was damaged;
  • the quality of service was low.

Who and where to complain

If the contract was concluded directly with the maternity hospital, then first of all you should write a complaint to the head physician, demanding compensation for material or moral damage caused. Most often, maternity hospitals value their reputation, so they try to resolve such problems peacefully, without litigation.

If the claim is refused, you can take the case to court on the basis of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (clause 3 of Article 16) by contacting the legal address of the maternity hospital. The procedure and form for filing a complaint are shown in Article 7 Federal Law No. 59-ФЗ dated 05/02/2002. The document itself should indicate what the violation of rights was, under what circumstances it occurred, and against which officials there are claims. Typically, such claims are resolved within a month.

But if the contract was concluded with an insurance company, then according to the law “On Medical Insurance of Citizens of the Russian Federation” (Article 27), it is the insurance company that bears full responsibility for failure to comply with the terms of the contract. So in this case, you will have to file a claim not against the maternity hospital, but against the insurers.
If the contract is not observed, the injured party has the right to file a lawsuit

I know of cases where the injured party could not file a claim in court only because important documents were not preserved. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you do not lose, do not throw away, and save until the last day your copy of the birth contract, as well as the receipt for payment for maternity hospital services.

How much does it cost to give birth under a contract?

In Russia, every woman has the right to give birth to a baby free of charge in a maternity hospital, while receiving qualified medical care. But paid childbirth seems to many expectant mothers to be a more reliable option, allowing them to count on high quality medical services.

Meanwhile, this is a rather expensive pleasure. Moreover, prices vary greatly depending on the city and the prestige of the medical institution. For example, the cost of contract childbirth in Moscow ranges from 70 to 120 thousand rubles. Almost the same high prices in St. Petersburg. In other large cities (Ekaterinburg, Vladivostok, Murmansk) prices are much lower - an average of 30 thousand rubles. In small cities prices are even lower - 17–20 thousand.
A successful birth is worth paying for

I have heard the opinion that supposedly the birth of a baby can cost a little less if you do not conclude a contract, but give money personally to the doctors. In many maternity hospitals, especially in the periphery, this version of the “agreement” is very common. But this is a risky practice, because then, if you receive poor quality care or a completely different obstetrician delivers your baby, you will not be able to prove anything to anyone. Therefore, it is safer and more reliable to formalize everything officially, in accordance with existing laws.

They are gaining more and more popularity. Both public clinics and private maternity hospitals offer pregnancy and childbirth contracts.

As a rule, contract childbirth in a state maternity hospital involves an individual birth box, postpartum stay in a luxury ward, and the presence of an accompanying person at the birth. You can also enter into a contract for childbirth with a personal doctor; such a contract usually costs more.

A contract for childbirth in a private maternity hospital gives more ample opportunities. The woman in labor chooses not only an acceptable level of comfort, but also the method of labor and pain relief, of course, in agreement with her doctor.

Offers expectant mothers an approach common in maternity hospitals in Europe and the USA. Even during pregnancy, a woman meets with an obstetrician-gynecologist and, together with him, draws up a birth plan, which takes into account all her wishes regarding the method of childbirth, anesthesia, and all medical procedures. The birth plan is strictly followed in all cases when there is no threat to the health of the woman and child. Any procedure is carried out only with the consent of the woman in labor.

This approach allows the woman to feel calmer, more confident in the actions of the medical staff and focus on the process of childbirth. If a woman wishes, not only relatives or friends, but also a personal midwife or doula can be present at the birth./p>

How long is the contract for childbirth?

Typically, hospitalization in a maternity hospital is possible from the 36th week of pregnancy. Closer to this date, most expectant mothers enter into a contract for childbirth. A contract with a private maternity hospital can be concluded at any stage of pregnancy.

What should be included in the maternity contract?

Before signing a contract, you must carefully study what services are included in the price, as well as what guarantees the maternity hospital provides in case of an unforeseen situation.

As a rule, the cost of the contract depends on what kind of birth is coming: . If the patient contracts for a natural birth, but according to indications, she undergoes an emergency caesarean section, an invoice for additional services will be issued upon discharge. Therefore, it is advisable to find out in advance what the additional payment will be for an operation or stay in the intensive care unit for a mother or child.

In the maternity hospital of the European Medical Center, the cost of the contract for childbirth does not depend on the method of delivery. If an emergency caesarean section is performed according to indications, no additional payment will be required.

In addition, the patient can be sure that, regardless of the complexity of the birth (birth with a scar, breech fetus, with concomitant diseases and obstetric-gynecological problems) she will be provided assistance within the framework of the contract.

The contract also includes a stay in the intensive care unit for up to 6 hours for the mother and a stay in the intensive care unit for the newborn for up to 24 hours. The stay in the postpartum department of the EMC maternity hospital is provided for 4 days, but according to indications it can be extended to 5 days without additional payment. Medical care for mother and child during their hospital stay is also provided as part of the contract. In addition, it includes neonatal screening of the newborn, vaccinations, and breastfeeding consultations.

The mother is also provided with a free consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist within 28 days after birth.

When signing a contract, it is also important to pay attention to the participation of which specialists in childbirth is included in the contract. In the maternity hospital of the European Medical Center, when choosing any program during childbirth, not only an obstetrician-gynecologist and a midwife are present, but also an anesthesiologist and a neonatologist. It is important that all EMC obstetricians and gynecologists have more than 15 years of work experience, most of the heads of departments in leading maternity hospitals in Moscow, have trained abroad, and are proficient in the full range of obstetric techniques. This means that when choosing to give birth with a team on duty, the patient can be confident in the doctor’s qualifications.

Paid childbirth in Moscow and childbirth abroad - what is the difference?

For women planning to contract for childbirth abroad, it is important to pay attention to who will deliver the baby. In many maternity hospitals abroad, the contract provides for the participation of only a midwife in childbirth; a doctor joins only if there are complications. Therefore, if the patient wants a doctor to take part in childbirth, this service must be paid additionally.

Otherwise, contract births abroad and in leading private maternity hospitals in Moscow are similar. All modern maternity hospitals are equipped with operating and resuscitation equipment; they must have an intensive care ward for nursing newborns with a complicated adaptation period.

Of course, the undoubted advantage of giving birth in Russia is the absence of the need for a flight, which can sometimes be contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as the need to change the usual home environment for several weeks before and after childbirth.