From year to year, invariably, starting from March 11, 1992, Russia celebrates a significant event - “Day of Private Security Agency Employees.”

The text of the article is dedicated to a historical date that is significant for many people. From it you will learn about how the holiday takes place, who celebrates it, a brief excursion into the history of its origin will be made, the traditions of the memorable day, the features of the security and detective professions and some interesting facts will be revealed.

When does it take place?

Private Security Agency Workers' Day is celebrated throughout the day in a festive atmosphere.

Gala meetings of colleagues and invited guests are organized. They organize concerts. Those celebrating the holiday congratulate each other. They accept congratulations from individuals and legal entities with whom they have service agreements, and from representatives of government bodies.

During the holiday, many employees are at their work stations. This is due to the need to protect important facilities of clients with whom cooperation is carried out on a contractual and commercial basis.

Who's celebrating?

The holiday is celebrated by the founders and managers of private security companies, security guards, detectives, employees of detective and security agencies, their spouses and children, bodyguards and their regular clients, unions and associations of security organizations, the Association of Russian Detectives. Non-state educational institutions that train for the profession of “Security Officer” and “Detective”.

The event accepts Active participation all all-Russian trade unions of which security guards are members. This significant day is supported by associations of veterans of the Russian Armed Forces and law enforcement, and other organizations whose founders are persons whose statutory functions are closely related to the tasks of the private security system.


Since the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century, the business of security companies began to develop in Russia.

The history of the celebration dates back to March 11, 1992. The festive event coincides with the publication by the House of Soviets of the Russian Federation of a regulatory legal act regulating the scope of activities of private security and detective organizations.

There is no decree from the head of state approving the memorial day. However, stakeholders working in this industry established it themselves to attract the attention of society, the prestige of the profession and the transmission of norms and rules of behavior.


The holiday is a tradition in the provision of security and detective services. It carries different goals. Namely, strengthening mutual relations with government agencies and regular customers. Paying attention to security activities to attract new contractors. Transferring your skills and customs to new, younger generations of private security guards and detectives. Developing the prestige of the profession and uniting the labor community.

Documentary programs are broadcast on radio stations and on television, interviews are taken with authoritative representatives of the field of security and detective work. Newspapers and magazines publish feature articles. Modern poets dedicate poems to them. Children of employees are preparing an exhibition of drawings related to the special event.

About the profession

A security guard is a person who has completed a special course of education and training. Anyone who is at least 18 years old can become one.

At first glance, many people think that they have a lot of free time, but this is not the case. The profession of private security guards is both dangerous and difficult. Protecting the life, health and property of other people is their main task. There are times when the situation requires serious risk to the life of the guard.

People of this profession have intelligence, strong character, stable self-control and genuine willpower.

Many security guards are law enforcement officers who have served or retired due to length of service.

  • It was only in the spring of 2009 that the profession of “Security Officer” was officially introduced for the first time at the state level.
  • It was especially difficult to work as a security guard in the 90s, since the employees had little experience, and crime was actively flourishing.
  • At the beginning of 2019, there were just over 20 thousand private security companies and about 650 thousand of their employees in Russia.
  • In Nizhny Novgorod in March 2012, a Museum dedicated to security and investigation in the Russian Federation was opened. The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the formation of private security in Russia.
  • On this day of yours professional holiday noted by employees of the authorities controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs in the Russian Federation.

There are:

On this counter you can keep track of how many days are left until the holiday “Day of Private Security Agency Employees”

A quick response to a crime is the key to ensuring that the criminal is caught and punished in accordance with the law. It is not always possible for law enforcement agencies to arrive at the scene of a crime in time; this is where security agencies and, accordingly, security guards come to the rescue.

The professional holiday was established to draw attention to the importance of structure in maintaining order on the streets, enterprises, shopping and entertainment centers and other institutions.


The date of celebration was chosen in 1992, when a law was passed describing the legality of security activities. The security guard profession is relatively new and was added to the directory of Russian professions only in 2009.

All security agencies Russian Federation receive a license from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The overwhelming number of employees of the organizations served in various armed forces of the country or in the police. In their honor, the Museum of Private Security and Investigation was opened in Nizhny Novgorod in 2012, which contains many examples of courage and heroism that were shown by security guards in cases of crimes.


On this special day, congratulations are accepted by all employees of security agencies, full-time security guards at enterprises, personal bodyguards and private investigators.

The management awards those who have distinguished themselves, expresses gratitude, and rewards them with bonuses. A festive banquet gathers colleagues, friends, relatives and loved ones around the same table. Experts tell interesting stories about their exploits and share their experiences with colleagues.

The profession of a security guard is considered dangerous. The rights of security guards are not as broad as those of police officers, but a quick response to an incident can be a key factor in preventing a crime. Therefore, the main characteristic of a person who decides to engage in security is responsibility and dedication.

The speed of response to calls by law enforcement agencies determines the detection of crimes, the detention of suspects, and the maintenance of public order. Private security agencies are trying to eliminate such shortcomings in the activities of government agencies. A holiday has been established in the Russian Federation to honor employees in this field, draw attention to its problems, and increase the prestige and attractiveness of the profession.

Who celebrates

The professional holiday involves the management of private security organizations, subordinates, support and technical personnel, as well as private detectives and bodyguards. Their friends, relatives, former employees, and people who regulate the activities of security agencies join the celebrations.

History and traditions of the holiday

The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the adoption of the law “On private detective and security activities” in the Russian Federation in 1992.

On this day, feasts are held among security agency employees. Colleagues exchange congratulations, gifts, and make toasts. Heads of structures send letters of gratitude to subordinates, present diplomas and certificates for significant achievements. Experience is exchanged and training sessions are held.

About the profession

Employees of private security agencies ensure the security of private facilities, property, and people. They have limited powers compared to the police. Their responsibilities include monitoring alarm systems, responding to alarms, calls and customer requests. Private security organizations accept graduates of a specialized educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or employees in its ranks.

Specialists have the right to prevent crimes, detain suspects, apply special means. The profession is classified as dangerous.

“Security guard” was included in the Unified Directory of Professions of the Russian Federation in 2009.

The number of employees of private security organizations is more than half a million. The majority are former military and police officers.

The activities of security agencies are regulated by the laws “On Weapons” and “On the Police”. The creation of such organizations is allowed only in the form of a limited liability company. Security agencies are subject to mandatory licensing by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For illegal carrying uniforms with symbols of state paramilitary organizations in the Russian Federation, administrative liability is provided.

Firearms of private security agencies are transferred to the balance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and are used on a lease basis.

Private security agencies are allowed to use guard and service dogs.

The only Museum of Private Security and Investigation in Russia operates in Nizhny Novgorod.

Every year in Russia, on March 11, all security guards and detectives celebrate their professional holiday. These types of activities have always been in great demand, since any object of value to robbers and thieves necessarily needs protection. Nowadays, people also think about their safety. Therefore, in order to protect themselves from pests and intruders, many state and government officials, representatives of show business and other wealthy people surround themselves with private security.

Not so long ago, in 1992, the Russian Federation adopted a law “On private detective and security activities.” At the same time, the profession of “security guard” itself officially appeared only in 2009. Before today people who provide security services have experienced rather difficult times in the “wild 90s”, when the list of responsibilities was reduced to a minimum, and the demand was colossal. Today, this profession includes mandatory special training and training in dexterity and discipline.

Currently, more than a million workers work in the private security company (private security company) sector in Russia. These include bodyguards and independent detectives who carry out detective investigations. Thus, a stable order is ensured in society, which contributes to the settlement of relations with the authorities and the development of private security companies in Russia.

Private Security Guard and Detective Day 2020 - congratulations

There is a desire to make sure
Is your spouse faithful?
Contact the detective
I wish you with all my heart!

It will be days and nights
Follow on his heels,
So that you find out everything yourself -
He will keep an eye on him!

Congratulations to the detective!
We can't do anything without you,
On this holiday I wish
I wish you happiness and success!

You are a security guard, you answer
You are completely for your object!
Let everything you dream about
It will come true, because there is only one life!

May luck smile
Go ahead or go ahead!
May the sun illuminate your path
And luck always awaits.

Be proud of your work
Let the promotion await!
All worries will be in the past,
The best will happen!

You are a detective! The profession is
In which wisdom will be very useful!
Always helping our clients,
Sometimes I’m ready not to sleep, day or night!

I wish you good luck and patience,
To be respected immensely!
Appreciate every moment in life,
So that you are happy and so that people know

There is no better professional!
Let everyone turn to you
May there be many joys ahead!
Good luck both in your work and in your destiny!

Postcard for Private Security Guard and Detective Day 2020

Click on the repost to copy to social media. net

Over the next five years, independent VNSO departments were created at city and regional police departments.

In 1966, the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union approved the “Model Regulations on Private Security for Police Bodies.” A few years earlier, security alarms began to be introduced. Now, when alarm signals were received at centralized monitoring consoles, private security police officers began to visit the sites.

In the seventies, PMGs were created - mobile police groups that worked at night. Centralized surveillance consoles were being implemented more and more actively - in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region alone there were more than three hundred of them by the mid-seventies. Private security also actively used service dogs for work.

Source: Official website of the Private Security Service of St. Petersburg

In 1992, the Russian government adopted the “Regulations on private security under the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” and a year later the president signed a decree “Regulations on the public security police (local police).” According to the decree, the private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was to be maintained at the expense of the funds that they received for the protection of facilities in accordance with the contracts. Alarm systems have become widespread and have been installed in many apartments, offices and houses. When it went off, a police detachment arrived at the scene - the private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Source: Official website of the Private Security Service of St. Petersburg

The range of tasks performed by private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs became increasingly wider. Police officers carried out collection of money, protection of residential buildings and parking lots, as well as valuable cargo during their transportation. Outdoor surveillance cameras became widespread. Then new tasks were added: organizing storage rooms with cells, video monitoring and surveillance systems, guarding garages and cars.

In 2004, the private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was again transferred to the federal budget. Since 2016, when the Federal Service of National Guard Troops (Rosgvardia) was created, private security became part of it.