Paper airplanes have a rich and long history. It is believed that people tried to make an airplane out of paper with their own hands back in Ancient China and in England during the time of Queen Victoria. Subsequently, new generations of paper model lovers developed new options. Even a child can make a flying airplane out of paper, once he learns the basic principles of folding the model. Simple scheme contains no more than 5-6 operations; instructions for creating advanced models are much more serious.

For different models You will need different paper, varying in density and thickness. Certain models are able to move only in a straight line, some are able to make a sharp turn. To make different models you will need paper of a certain hardness. Before you start modeling, try out different papers, select the required thickness and density. You shouldn’t make crafts from crumpled paper, they won’t fly. Playing with a paper airplane is a favorite pastime for most boys.

Before making a paper airplane, the child will need to use all his imagination and concentrate. When conducting children's party You can hold competitions between children, let them launch airplanes folded with their own hands.

Any boy can fold such an airplane. Any paper, even newspaper, is suitable for its manufacture. After a child can make this type of airplane, he will be able to create more serious designs.

Let's consider all the stages of creating an aircraft:

  1. Prepare a sheet of paper approximately A4 size. Place it with the short side facing you.
  2. Fold the paper lengthwise and make a mark in the center. Unfold the sheet and connect the top corner to the middle of the sheet.
  3. Perform the same manipulations with the opposite corner.
  4. Unfold the paper. Place the corners so that they do not reach the center of the sheet.
  5. Bend down a small corner, it should hold all the other corners.
  6. Bend the airplane model along the center line. The triangular parts are located on top, move the sides to the center line.

Second diagram of a classic aircraft

This common option is called a glider; you can leave it with a sharp nose, or you can make it blunt and bend it.

Airplane with propeller

There is a whole area of ​​origami that deals with creating models of paper airplanes. It is called aerogami. Can be mastered easy way making an origami airplane from paper. This option is done very quickly, it flies well. This is exactly what will interest the baby. You can equip it with a propeller. Prepare a piece of paper, scissors or a knife, pencils, and a sewing pin that has a bead on the top.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. Place the sheet with the short side facing you, fold it in half lengthwise.
  2. Fold the top corners towards the center.
  3. Also bend the resulting side corners towards the center of the sheet.
  4. Fold the sides to the middle again. Iron all folds thoroughly.
  5. To make a propeller you will need square sheet size 6*6cm, mark both of its diagonals. Make cuts along these lines, stepping back from the center a little less than a centimeter.
  6. Fold the propeller, placing the corners one at a time toward the center. Secure the middle with a needle and bead. It is advisable to glue the propeller, it will not unravel.

Attach the propeller to the tail of the model airplane. The model is ready for launch.

Boomerang plane

The baby will be very interested in the unusual paper airplane, which returns to its hands on its own.

Let's figure out how such layouts are made:

  1. Place a sheet of A4 paper in front of you with the short side facing you. Fold in half along the long side and unfold.
  2. Fold the top corners towards the center and press. Fold this part down. Straighten the resulting triangle, smooth out all the folds inside.
  3. Unfold the product reverse side, bend the second side of the triangle into the middle. Place the wide end of the paper in the opposite direction.
  4. Perform the same manipulations with the second half of the product.
  5. As a result of all this, a kind of pocket should form. Lift it to the top, bend it so that its edge lies exactly along the length of the paper sheet. Fold the corner into this pocket, and send the top one down.
  6. Do the same on the other side of the plane.
  7. Fold the parts on the side of the pocket upward.
  8. Unfold the layout, placing the leading edge in the middle. Protruding pieces of paper should appear; they need to be folded. Also remove parts that resemble fins.
  9. Expand the layout. All that remains is to bend it in half and thoroughly iron all the folds.
  10. Decorate the front part of the fuselage, bend the pieces of the wings upward. Run your hands along the front of the wings, you should get a slight bend.

The plane is ready for operation, it will fly further and further.

Flight range depends on the weight of the aircraft and wind strength. The lighter the paper from which the model is made, the easier it is to fly. But in a strong wind it will not be able to fly far; it will simply be blown away. A heavy aircraft resists the wind more easily, but its flight range is shorter. In order for our paper plane to fly along a smooth trajectory, it is necessary that both of its parts are absolutely identical. If the wings turned out different shapes or size, the plane will immediately go into a dive. It is advisable not to use tape, metal staples, or glue in production. All this makes the product heavier; the excess weight will prevent the plane from flying.

Complex species

Origami airplane

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Surely in childhood, everyone competed with friends whose paper airplane or fighter plane would fly the farthest and stay in the air the longest. It was interesting to launch such products from a window or balcony, and then monitor the maneuvers and flight speed of your creations. Let's look at several effective master classes with photos and video instructions on how to make your own paper airplane that flies easily 100 meters and has all the necessary characteristics for the longest flight.

We will also answer the question why some glider models fly well and for a long time, while others do not.

Long flying origami airplane

Models of paper airplanes that fly 100 meters

The shape of the product directly influences the flight range - the aircraft must be narrow and long so that the center of gravity is transferred to the bow, and the model itself is able to overcome long distances in a small amount of time.

But the duration of the flight greatly depends on the configuration of the wings - balance and the ability to maneuver in the air are important here.

What else is important when creating any paper glider:

  • Work carefully with paper sheets, do not wrinkle them, since the important characteristics of the mini-airplane depend on the integrity and smoothness of the paper;
  • Ironing each fold so that the paper “remembers” the bends and holds its shape;
  • Correct placement of the center of gravity depending on the desired end result;
  • Bends of the wings in the right places can help at any time to correct and adjust the range and duration of flight of paper gliders;
  • Symmetry is one of the most important conditions for the successful result of assembling a craft. Moreover, the entire body must be symmetrical, as well as the wings, nose and tail.

There are several basic assembly schemes for various models:

DIY paper airplane

What you will need to make a high-speed unit capable of masterfully gliding through the air:

  • Smooth, clean A4 sheet of any shade;
  • Markers or pencils if you are going to paint your craft. They are also useful for ironing out curves (also a ruler).

By strictly following the instructions below, you will quickly make a paper airplane that flies far and high.

Assembly diagram with photo examples and description:

Many people make extra small flaps (thin curves from the back of the wing surface from above), but this is not at all necessary. This will only affect the flight time of the paper fighter! Below in the video is a wonderful master class on how to make your own paper airplane that flies 100 meters.

DIY paper air bomber

This plane is used to drop bombs behind enemy lines and is perfect for playing war games, so boys will especially appreciate this craft:

Reconnaissance aircraft "Gliding Hawk" or TU-123

We assemble a paper toy to make a real TU-123 bomb carrier plane:

The video below shows another useful master class describing how you can make your own paper airplane that flies 100 meters. By following the instructions and recommendations, in just a few minutes you will assemble the desired airplane model according to the diagram!

Paper airplanes are easy to make, and most importantly, they actually fly. This process is so interesting that any adult will be happy to make light paper structures and, to the delight of children, send them flying. Well, older children will be able to take up aircraft design themselves.

You can master making paper airplanes by studying the video tutorials we offer. Each of them provides step-by-step instructions with a video, and it is impossible to make a mistake: you just need to carefully repeat the actions of the narrator so that in the end you have a real flying model in your hands.

In order to make a simple airplane that can fly far, up to 100 meters, you need:

  • take a sheet of ordinary writing paper and fold it in half along the long side, which will give us the marking of the axis of the structure;
  • Next, we unfold the sheet and apply its two corners to the center line;
  • then bend the corners twice to the side of the resulting triangle;
  • lay out the sheet and, using the resulting lines as markings, bend the corners towards the middle;
  • We fold the sheet along the bends and open it again.

This completes the marking of the bend lines. Using the markings, we bend the corners, following the video instructions.

Video lesson:

To make a model aircraft resembling the famous F15 fighter, a sheet of paper is folded several times to create marking fold lines, after which you can begin making the model. The video tutorial explains in detail how to make a paper airplane; all you have to do is carefully follow the actions of the person demonstrating the manufacturing process.

The instructions are quite complex and require increased attention, otherwise the model will turn out sloppy or will not work at all. With the right steps, you will get a neat model that can be placed on the table using a leg made from a paper clip.

Video lesson:

This airplane model, made from a sheet of paper, is capable of flying long and far. To begin with, several bends of a sheet of paper are made, which will serve as markings for further actions; all bends must be done very carefully and carefully so that the airplane turns out strictly symmetrical and can fly confidently.

Some bends result in pockets that are turned inside out and laid out in a different plane. The aircraft has a strong fuselage and wide swept wings with high lift. The ends of the wings are bent upward; these bent elements ensure straight flight.

Video lesson:

This is a model of the beautiful F15 Strike Eagle aircraft. To make it, you will need a sheet of writing paper, which is folded several times in accordance with the narrator's instructions. All bends, including the smallest ones, must be done very accurately and carefully to ensure that the model turns out beautiful. The finished airplane can simply be placed on the table as a decoration, or you can send it flying - the wings are quite capable of lifting it into the air.

This good paper airplane will appeal to everyone, both children and adults, because it is beautiful and can fly. These are its main advantages.

Video lesson:

A sheet of paper is folded transversely along the short side, then along the long side, the corners are bent to the center along the resulting fold lines, the ends are folded inward. Several more folds of the paper sheet are performed, which must be done with great care.

The airplane must be strictly symmetrical, then it can stay in the air well. All folds must be carefully ironed. The finished airplane has a swift appearance and good balance, allowing it to fly confidently.

Straightness of movement is ensured by bent rudders; there is a special protrusion at the bottom, which is convenient to hold the model before launching.

Video lesson:

This airplane model flies really well, and you can have competitions to see whose airplane can fly the farthest. The work begins with several folds of a paper sheet, as a result of which marking lines are formed. All further paper folds offer an easy way to create a paper airplane.

The airplane has two small triangular wings and a neat tail that ensures flight in a given direction. Getting the tail involves cutting off a certain part of the paper, and the finished model can be glued together so that its halves do not fall apart and the airplane stays confidently in flight.

Video lesson:

The master class talks about how to make airplanes from a sheet of paper that can fly long distances:

  • the sheet is folded in half lengthwise;
  • the tips of the sheet bend towards the middle;
  • This is followed by another bend, giving the structure an arrow-shaped shape;
  • Another longitudinal fold forms the wings, narrow but long.

The body of the airplane is pierced with a paper clip, which prevents the wings from falling apart. The resulting airplane is simpler than all other designs, but is capable of flying far and smoothly. The direction of flight can be adjusted by bending the tips of the wings slightly upward.

Video lesson:

Everyone knows each other
with a paper airplane, who didn’t make one as a child? The children loved to play with
boats, airplanes and toads made of paper. No origami required
any special expenses, develops motor skills, imagination and manual dexterity. This
The safest hobby for kids. You can launch paper toys at home and
even in the yard, without fear of unpleasant consequences. Is it possible to make such toys?
several at once. Children especially like to launch airplanes from the window on
high floor, and then watch them maneuver and fly.


Let's consider
some in various ways how to make a paper airplane with your children.
It is important to know what will affect the flight range of your paper structure.
several factors:

To Work with
paper is pleasant and convenient, it is easily deformable and takes almost
any shape. Folding origami yourself can be beneficial and


Start off
better from the simplest, this is the basic model of an airplane familiar to everyone from
childhood. We only need A4 sheet (you can use notebook or
a sheet of newspaper if desired), a supply of patience and dexterity. To understand how
to make a paper airplane, you need to start with the basics. Teach your kids to
start to cope with simple layouts, and then gradually move on to more
complex. Let's get started:

  • We fold
    cut the sheet exactly in half, carefully draw it along the bend line and level it again.
    The midline should be clearly visible and perfectly straight.
  • Upper
    We bend the corners on both sides down towards the midline. It should work out
    triangles with equal sides.
  • Again
    bend the triangular corners towards the midline.
  • We fold the layout
    in half and turn it to the other side.
  • Let's do
    wings on both sides, and the plane can be launched!

  • Making crafts
    truck driver

    This layout
    has the ability to fly like a boomerang.


    For boys
    I will really enjoy making military combat aircraft that are similar in shape to real ones. Can
    use colored paper, and also draw on it with felt-tip pens or
    model numbers in pencil.

    red color maneuvers well and gains high speed due to
    weights in the nose, while the tail is lightened. In this case, the plane
    even the wind will not be an obstacle.

    And here is the layout
    green color is designed for long-distance flights. This model is capable of slow
    and smooth descent, soft landing.

    real F15 and F16 fighters. They are capable of complex maneuvers, go through a loop,
    various dives and turns. Only experienced people can handle such devices.
    and a fearless pilot.

    Tips for
    aircraft design:

    • Everybody is here
      depends on your imagination. You can use colored pencils, pens,
      felt-tip pens, markers and paints. Paint ready-made designs.
    • Do
      crafts made from colored paper, choose bright shades so that the plane immediately
      stood out from the general background.
    • If you want to
      organize competitions to see whose model can fly faster or longer, make your own
      planes of the same color. This will make it easier to distinguish your layout from the layout
      opponent. To understand how to make a paper airplane, strictly follow
      instructions in pictures and videos.

    Device with

    You will need a sheet of A4 paper, sharp scissors or stationery knife, needle with
    bead and a simple pencil. Let's look at the whole process step by step:

    • Paper
      bend the sheet so that you get two diagonals, as shown in

    • Turning it over
      sheet face down, folding to create a center line
      in the middle of the diagonal ones. Then we bend the paper on both sides, as shown in

    • Turning it over
      the left edge to the right and bend it up. Then we turn it back and do the same
      the one with the right edge.

    • Needed again
      fold the left edge, folding the corner over the layout.

    • Expanding
      right side, bend towards the midline.

    • Let's make another one
      fold and turn the top corner inward.

    • Right
      bend the corner towards the midline and bend it back. Turn the left side to
      the reverse side, the edge from below must be inserted into the hole on the right.

    • Bend
      layout and make wings as shown in the photo.

    • To
      to make a propeller, we will need a sheet of approximately 8*8 centimeters, lined
      along two diagonals. On each line we make notches at a distance of 5 mm from
      central point.

    • To
      understand how to make a paper airplane that flies far and is easy to make,
      you need to learn how to make a propeller correctly. Cut the sheet along the lines exactly to
      serif. We fasten the structure as shown in the photo, fixing it in the middle
      with a needle. The needle should go straight through the center line at the intersection

    • We fix
      The propeller on the tail of our plane can be fixed with glue or tape.
      The model is ready!

    Tips for
    making origami:

  • Always
    iron all the lines on the bends well and carefully. To do this you can
    use hard objects such as a ruler or pencil.
  • Work
    only with smooth, non-crumpled paper so that the layout looks beautiful and is assembled
    according to the rules.
  • For beginners
    They advise you to start with simple models, get used to the paper and techniques. When
    the material will obey you, and you will develop motor skills, you can move on to
    more complex crafts. It's never too late to learn new methods.
  • Curved,
    crumpled, deformed and bent sheets are not suitable for origami. Have to
    buy new ones.
  • Follow
    so that the structures maintain symmetry relative to the central axis.
    Otherwise, the product will not maneuver correctly and fly for a long time.
    Airplanes may also fall on their sides or even fly in the wrong direction.
    in what way is necessary.
  • When you
    understand how to make a paper airplane that flies well, you can
    organize a home air show with your baby. It's interesting and exciting
    activity not only for children, but also for adults.

  • Fast

    Clearly following
    instructions, you can make a product that can fly quickly and well. Let's start:

    secrets, knowing which, you can make your product fly longer than usual. Here
    a few of them:

  • Excess weight
    always interferes with flight, so the length of the wings should be minimal, but
    sufficient for maneuverability.
  • For good
    planning, the layout must be perfectly symmetrical. Below we will tell you how to do it
    paper airplane with step-by-step instructions and photos.
  • Give it up
    the plane is always slightly upward, not just forward.
  • Can
    add a slight thickening (weight) on the nose. For this purpose the tip is simply
    carefully bend or attach a small paper clip.
  • If your product
    rolls to one side rather than flying exactly in a straight line, this will help
    wing bending. Determine which direction your plane is banking, and then
    Bend this wing slightly.
  • Fine
    think over the design of the tail section, it is responsible for the straightness and
    flight duration.
  • If you
    make the nose point sharp, remember that this will increase the flight speed, but
    will reduce the duration.

  • Super model

    Why is this
    super product? It is believed that it can fly up to 100 meters. However, from
    official sources know that the maximum flight range of a paper
    the plane was 69 meters. This model has good aerodynamics and
    looks impressive. To create a handsome fighter, we need an even
    A4 sheet will also work colored paper. Following our step by step instructions By
    photos, you will get a real fast plane! Work carefully and
    carefully, especially when shaping the wings and tail.

    How to do
    paper airplane, shown in the video.

    a few secrets from aircraft industry experts:

    At the paraglider
    very large and wide wings, which allows him to make beautiful and high
    flying. Let's start making a paper paraglider:

    corn man

    This model
    Your child will definitely like it, especially if you have a boy. This craft
    resembles the shape of a real corn plant. You need to buy a red one
    paper, green double-sided cardboard, empty matchbox, sharp scissors,
    pencil, glue.

    Let's get started


    Crafts from
    papers are accessible even to children, but require perseverance, patience and
    concentration. Here are a few interesting models that are sure to captivate
    your child into this useful activity:

    • Paper Lightning.

    • Unusual Phantom.

    • Swift Hawk.

    • Sudden Mirage.

    • Fast arrow.

    • Bison model. Quite a labor-intensive creation process, however
      the result is worth it.

    • A real shuttle.

    • Sharp-nosed Heron.

    origami is undoubtedly very useful, so don't be afraid to waste your time.
    This way you can develop manual dexterity, perseverance and concentration. Wherein
    sections of the brain responsible for spatial
    thinking and imagination.

    Charge for
    The basis is our diagrams, photo instructions and video master classes and don’t be afraid to experiment.
    Now you know how to make an airplane from a sheet of paper, and you can please
    your children with fresh and original ideas.

    Making a paper airplane is one of the brightest childhood memories. Every child will definitely enjoy building it themselves and launching it high into the air.

    This activity will instill in children a craving for creativity. The smallest construction toys will develop when folding paper airplanes. fine motor skills fingers, learn to concentrate your attention, use your imagination.

    There are a large number of schemes for creating airplanes from paper - from simple 4-6 steps to more complex models. The paper with which airplanes are folded can be of different densities and structures. Some models fly only in a straight line, others can make turns.

    Long-flying airplanes will certainly arouse the interest of any child. If parents have forgotten their childhood skills, then there is an opportunity to learn how to fold paper airplanes with their child. This is a very interesting and useful activity that will become a vivid memory for a lifetime.

    The classic way to create a paper airplane

    Any beginner can handle this airplane folding scheme. To make it, you can use the most ordinary newspaper. To make more complex structures, the first step is to learn the basics of the usual and easy assembly scheme, which we will now do.

    Basic steps to assemble a flying toy:

    1. Take into your arsenal a regular sheet of paper, preferably rectangular.
    2. Fold the paper in half lengthwise to create a vertical line down the middle.
    3. Fold the top corners along the line. Bend the resulting corner to the center of the sheet.
    4. Perform the same actions with new angles.
    5. Turn the bottom small corner in the opposite direction so that it holds the other corners.
    6. Bend the resulting structure in half along a vertical line. Next, spread the wings of the airplane along the center line.

    How to make a high flying airplane

    An airplane that flies high and far will certainly cause a storm of emotions. The child will have fun watching it fly. All we need is a sheet of A4 paper.

    1. Prepare a sheet of paper from which the airplane will be folded. The paper can be regular white or color, at your discretion.
    2. Place the paper on the table in a horizontal position and fold it exactly in half. This airplane is constructed using the origami technique.
    3. Next, unfold the folded sheet and place it vertically. Bend the upper corners to the straight line that was formed when folding the sheet.
    4. As a result, the upper part of the sheet will be triangular in shape.
    5. Now fold the ends of the paper that touch the main line in the opposite direction.
    6. Repeat the steps on the bent ends again.
    7. Next, align all the ends in a horizontal position, as it was originally, before any manipulations.
    8. Fold the top corners of the paper towards the main line so that there are two marked lines on each half.
    9. At the base of the triangle, fold the piece of paper in half.
    10. Press down on the paper until a horizontal line appears.
    11. Now you need to return the paper to its original horizontal position.
    12. The next step is to fold the paper along the first top line into a triangle shape.
    13. Fold the sheet again along the horizontal line that runs down the middle.
    14. Place the corner exactly along a vertical line.
    15. Next, bend the corner in the opposite direction along a horizontal line.
    16. Turn the paper over to the other side so that the corner faces up.
    17. Next you need to bend the upper parts to the central vertical line.
    18. When assembling the structure, the paper should be folded carefully.
    19. The parts must be bent on both sides.
    20. Then you should fold the origami in half.
    21. Next, bend the wings for the future airplane.
    22. At the end, make bends on the airplane wings on both sides and unfold the structure. Now she is ready to fly!

    Scheme for creating a "Glider" airplane

    "Glider" is a cool paper airplane that flies high and relatively far. Be sure to try to build this unusual toy with your child, which has a more complex creation scheme compared to those described above.

    Follow these step-by-step instructions and you will definitely be able to make a “Glider”:

    1. Take out a sheet of paper and fold it in half.
    2. Next, unfold it and place it on the table with the intended line towards the top.
    3. Fold the corners of the sheet inward so that a mark appears inside the sheet. Thus, the resulting triangles will be even, which will enable the airplane to fly well.
    4. Make a sharp nose on the paper by folding the corners in the center.
    5. Position the sharp corner so that it extends a few millimeters beyond the edges of the paper.
    6. Fold the resulting layout in half, so that the back part is placed inside.
    7. The final moment is the deployment of the airplane's wings. They can be made to any width at your discretion.

    Paper airplane called Swift

    This design is of medium complexity, as it consists of large quantity additions. The first step is to practice it yourself several times before building it with your children.

    Here is a list of actions that you need to complete to assemble the Swift model:

    • make a guide fold by bending two corners to the middle of the sheet;
    • we bend the corners first in one direction, then in the other, so that a bend in the form of the letter X appears on the sheet;
    • now lower the right corner of the sheet to the line coming from the left corner;
    • do the same with the left corner;
    • fold the structure in half to make an orientation line;
    • the next step is to fold the structure in half, so that the top line is flush with the bottom;
    • bend the upper corners of the structure to a line that runs vertically;
    • rotate the corners to their original position;
    • take the top edge that faces down and fold it up along the line that was obtained from the previous step;
    • connect the upper corners on both sides to the first fold so that their edge is adjacent to the nose of the aircraft;
    • folded corners form the wings of the structure;
    • Next, you need to bend the wings again along the fold;
    • the next step is to put the wings on top of the nose;
    • lower the spout down to the level of the wings;
    • fold the structure in half so that the wings are on the outside.
    • lower the wings of the airplane perpendicular to the bottom edge of the plane;
    • paper airplane is ready to fly!

    Unusual paper airplane with a propeller

    To build this toy you need to arm yourself with the following tools:

    • A4 sheet of paper;
    • wallpaper knife;
    • simple pencil;
    • a needle with a bead for fastening parts.

    Using these tools and a sheet of paper, you can design an airplane with a propeller, you just need to follow the following instructions:

    • Fold the paper sheet twice diagonally;
    • Unfold the paper to its original position and fold horizontally to divide the surface in half;
    • Unfold the sheet again and bend the left corner to the right, marking a line. Fold the bottom right corner up;
    • Fold the left corner again, its edges should touch the triangle that resulted from the previous steps;
    • Bend the edge of the corner into the inside of the airplane;
    • Turn the right side towards the center;
    • Tuck the left part under the right part;
    • Roll the structure diagonally and make wings;
    • Make your own propeller. For this you will need colored paper measuring 6 cm/6 cm. With a simple pencil draw lines from opposite corners. Cut the paper along the lines, leaving a distance of about 8 mm from the center. Fold one corner from each rectangle and fasten it in the center with a needle.

    To make the propeller stable, you can secure it with PVA glue or firmly press the bends.

    • Attach the part to the plane and the flying toy for your child is ready to use!

    Paper airplane in the shape of a boomerang

    The boomerang airplane will certainly interest your baby. He has one distinctive feature which makes it interesting. When the toy is launched into flight, it returns to its owner back like a boomerang.

    Let's look at the main stages of creating this flying machine:

    • Take an A4 sheet of paper and place it on a flat surface with the narrow side perpendicular to you.
    • Make a diagonal line by folding the sheet in half. Fold the top corners on both sides towards the center line.
    • Fold the envelope down to make a horizontal line and straighten the folds.
    • Turn the structure over and bend the triangular end into the middle. Turn the wide part in the other direction.
    • Do the same on the second half of the future airplane.
    • After completing these manipulations, you will have a small pocket. Bend it so, lifting it up, so that its ends are located along the length of the sheet.
    • Next, you need to bend the corner into the pocket. Do the same on the other side.
    • Bend the side parts of the pocket upward. Straighten the structure, place the front part in the middle.
    • Next you will see protruding parts of the paper that need to be folded. Also remove the fin-shaped parts.
    • Straighten the structure again. Next, fold in half and work out all the folds well.
    • Finish the wings of the plane by bending them up. A slight bend should form on the wings.

    The lighter the material from which the airplane is made, the further it will fly. However, with strong gusts of wind, this structure will simply be blown away. But for an airplane made of thicker paper, the wind is not a hindrance, but the flight range is inferior to a light one.

    If both parts of the plane are completely identical, then the device will fly along straight line without making bends. When folding a paper airplane, it is not recommended to use auxiliary elements such as tape, glue or staples. These parts make our airplane heavier and prevent it from flying perfectly.

    Making a military airplane "Hawk"

    Let's look at each stage of assembling this military aircraft:

    • Take a sheet of rectangular paper and place the shorter side towards you;
    • Fold it in half as usual. Make one of the two upper corners, bending them towards the center;
    • The result should be a drawing on paper in the form of a cross. Press the sides of the paper against the vertical line that divides the sheet in half. Lower the two upper corners down to the same level as the top. Leave 1 cm from this fold to the center line.
    • This created a shape in the form of horns that need to be placed together. Hide any pieces of paper that are in the way inside.
    • The corner that is located at the bottom is carefully turned in the opposite direction. It is necessary to bend to the point from which the horns come out.
    • The final step will be to fold the structure in half. It will be very interesting if you and your child paint a paper model with paints to make the airplane as close as possible to a military one.

    There are many different designs for assembling military flying toys. The figure below shows some of them.

    How to make a Bulldog airplane

    This aircraft received this name due to the fact that the shape of its nose is similar to the muzzle of a bulldog. This paper toy is one of the easiest to assemble.

    You can start creating this aircraft right away with your child, since there are no complex folds or elements in its design. If you follow the instructions, your child will enjoy and benefit from this lesson. In the future, it will not be difficult to create more complex and advanced models.

    What should be done? See below:

    • Make the first fold - fold it in half diagonally.
    • Next comes a step that is present in almost every collection scheme. The top corners should be lowered down.
    • Place the leaf on the other side and fold the corners again as in the second point.
    • Take the top corner that you have and bend it so that the corners meet in one place.
    • At the end, as usual, fold the structure into two halves to form a snub nose.
    • Next, we straighten the wings of the plane, doing it as evenly as possible.

    It is advisable to send the Bulldog into flight with smooth, not sharp pushes. The flying paper structure will instantly fly through the air over long distances, causing delight and joy to your child.

    Airplane Eaglet of medium difficulty level

    The Eaglet airplane has a more complex assembly design than the Bulldog model. One of its components is a special triangle, which stabilizes the entire structure.


    • Complete the first two steps that are described in the instructions for the Bulldog airplane. In both cases, he draws the main line, from which we will dance further.
    • Fold the paper sheet into an envelope. Please ensure that the distance from the bent corner to the bottom edge of the structure is at least a centimeter. These two parts should not be on the same line.
    • Fold the corners that are located at the top towards the center. Next you will see a small triangle with folded corners, which will serve as a stabilizer.
    • We need to bend the triangle up so that it secures the other parts of the sheet.
    • Next, traditionally fold the structure in half, so that the triangle is on the outside.
    • Align the right and left wings of the airplane. That's all! The flying toy is ready to use. If you build the Eaglet according to all the rules, then it will be far away and confident.

    The Strike Eagle is an F15 aircraft model that has a beautiful appearance. Its creation is based on an ordinary sheet of paper, which is folded accordingly.

    All bends should be done very carefully so as not to spoil the appearance of the airplane. This aircraft can be used as a children's toy by launching it into the air, or it can be placed in a sideboard as a souvenir.

    This paper airplane will appeal to both adults and children.

    Paper airplane Lightning

    • fold the paper in the same way as described in all the initial points;
    • bend the upper ends to the center;
    • Next, bend the paper so that you get the shape of an arrow;
    • It is necessary to make one more fold to create narrow wings.

    To prevent the wings from spreading in different directions, an ordinary paper clip comes to the rescue. It is used to pierce the body. This allows the airplane to fly long distances. To change the direction of flight, you just need to slightly bend the wings upward.