Small pensions and often unsatisfactory living conditions for pensioners, unfortunately, are not news for a long time. For men in our country, the retirement age is 65 years, while a woman can retire as early as 60. In order to apply for an old-age pension, you need at least 15 years of work experience. To date Federal law a number of benefits and payments are provided to people retirement age. Benefits provided to pensioners can significantly reduce expenses for life support, as they affect such areas as payment for housing and communal services, treatment and rehabilitation, purchase and maintenance of real estate, and travel on public transport.

Benefits provided by the state are distributed among old-age pensioners depending on length of service, place of residence and the presence/absence of the status of a veteran or labor veteran, home front worker or concentration camp prisoner, whether the pensioner works or not. Read more about benefits for working pensioners in our other article.

Benefits for travel on public transport are provided to all pensioners, but depending on their status, they may vary. In addition, the procedure and scope of their provision is regulated by regional legislation, that is, it is different for each region. In addition, similar regional benefits may be provided for citizens of retirement age.

You can count on free travel either by using a social card or by receiving a travel pass, with subsequent compensation. As a rule, these subtleties depend on the region, in addition to compensation for funds spent on travel on public transport.

For old age pensioners and if they have veteran status, free travel on city public transport is provided. When traveling on long-distance railway or shipping transport, a retired veteran receives a 50% discount.

In cases where a pensioner has the status of a labor veteran, he also uses city public transport for free. However, with regard to discounts on travel by train or ship, this is already determined by regional legislation. Benefits do not apply to travel by minibus, as well as to air transport.

Parts non-working pensioners the state provides compensation for travel costs to a vacation spot in Russia and back. Compensation is provided to pensioners living in the Far North and in territories equivalent to the conditions of the Far North. This is guaranteed by Article 34 of the Law of February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1.

If a pensioner’s rights to preferential travel are violated, it is necessary to write a statement about the intersection of violations regarding ignoring the legal benefits of the subject to the higher authorities of the organization where the incident occurred. If the pensioner does not receive a response within the time period established by law, then he should go to district prosecutor's office. Most likely, the organization that violated the pensioner’s right to discounted travel has had similar precedents happen before.

Often, most pensioners do not enjoy the benefits and subsidies that are due to them by status. Social services strongly recommend that every year you find out from the Social Security authorities at your place of residence what benefits and amount of benefits pensioners can count on. Depending on the situation in the country and the budgetary capabilities of each individual region, certain concessions for people of retirement age and the system for compensating their expenses may change. Each Subject of the Federation sets its own requirements for pension benefits.

So, all pensioners have the right to discounted travel with a 50% payment or free travel (depending on the region) on city public transport. They can exercise this right upon presentation of either a pension certificate, a social card or a travel pass, with subsequent compensation for travel costs.

Benefits for pensioners on rail travel

Federal legislation does not provide benefits for pensioners on rail travel. At the same time, regional regulations may provide benefits for travel on long- and short-distance trains, as well as on commuter trains, which depend on regional regulations. In those regions where these benefits have been introduced (and these are almost all regions of Russia), pensioners are provided with a 50% discount on rail travel.

For pensioners living in the Far North, the state compensates the costs of traveling to their vacation spot in both directions.

Other subtleties regarding travel benefits depend on the region, and in each individual case they will be different.

Prepared by "Personal"

Not all retirees have the opportunity to work. Some are not allowed by their health, while others are denied official employment due to their age. Such pensioners belong to the category of vulnerable citizens and, like no one else, need support from the state.

In Russia for 2019 it is valid a large number of programs that are aimed at reducing pensioners’ life support costs. These include travel benefits different types transport. This article will discuss benefits for pensioners on travel on long-distance trains in 2019.

Benefits for travel on long-distance trains are a special type of benefits for pensioners. It allows the use of railway transport on more favorable terms for older citizens.

Benefits can be of two types:

  1. Providing free travel.
  2. Reduced cost of train tickets.

Let's consider each of these types separately.

Providing free travel

The first type of benefit is free rail travel. A pensioner can get a long-distance train ticket for free.

The ticket can be obtained once a year. The only condition that must be met is a trip to the place of treatment. In other words, a free ticket is given only for a trip to the sanatorium.

On the one hand, this type of benefit is insignificant. But it can significantly reduce a pensioner’s expenses if treatment or rehabilitation is needed on the other side of the country.

Reduced cost of train tickets

The second, more common type of benefit is a reduction in the cost of a train ticket. It allows you to significantly reduce the cost of long trips.

The size of the discount depends on many factors:

  • Pensioner status (labor veteran, military veteran, etc.).
  • Destination.
  • Time of year, etc.
Typically, benefits amount to 50 percent of the ticket price. To receive them at the checkout you must provide a pension certificate. The discount also applies to long-distance train trips.

Who is eligible to receive benefits?

Benefits for traveling by Russian Railways can be received by:

  • WWII veterans.
  • Siege survivors of Leningrad.
  • Workers in the rear during the Great Patriotic War.
  • Citizens who took part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.
  • People injured by military service etc.
If you belong to one of the categories listed above, you may qualify for benefits. To confirm membership in these groups, it is necessary to present the relevant document to government authorities.

Is receiving benefits mandatory or not?

Many people ask the question: is it necessary to receive benefits? Benefits for using any type of public transport are issued voluntarily. The pensioner himself applies to the authorized responsible bodies to receive financial support.

Instead of benefits, a citizen of retirement age can receive a pension supplement. This decision is made by him independently. In what cases will it be more beneficial? If you do not regularly use public transport and do not plan long trips, you are better off getting a pension supplement.

If a citizen is satisfied with his financial situation, he does not have the desire or time to deal with paperwork, he may refuse to receive benefits altogether.

Benefits for using public transport - how to get them?

Many pensioners think that benefits for using public transport are already included in their pension. Actually this is not true.

Benefits are not accrued automatically. They need to be formalized. As a rule, the entire registration procedure is carried out at the Russian Pension Fund. Let's take a closer look at it.

Drawing up an application

The first step is drawing up an application. It is necessary to express a desire to receive benefits provided by law. The application must contain the following information:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant.
  • Passport details.
  • Types of benefits.
  • Reasons for receiving them.
  • List of documents that confirm the social status of a citizen, etc.
The application is filled out in a strictly prescribed form. The form can be found and printed on the Internet or obtained from any nearest branch of the responsible government agency.

Depending on what category the citizen belongs to and what type of benefits he intends to receive, the contents of the document may change. It is necessary to clarify the data from the Pension Fund employees to fill out.

In order for the procedure for applying for benefits to be successful, you need to fill out the application correctly. Be sure to double-check all data to ensure that it corresponds to official documentation. Any errors in the application may cause it to become invalid and no longer valid.

Submitting an application and package of documents

After completing the application, you must submit it with a package of documents to the nearest branch of the Russian Pension Fund. In addition to the application, the package of documents must include:

  • Citizen's passport.
  • Documents confirming that you belong to beneficiaries.
It is necessary to provide copies of these documents certified by a notary. If the document is not certified, it is not valid and will not be taken into account in the process of applying for benefits.

Obtaining transport documentation

The last step in this procedure is to directly obtain the transport documentation. Pension Fund Russian Federation will notify you of its decision after reviewing the package of documents.

A date and time for receiving transport documentation is set. The pensioner must come to the branch of the government agency at his place of residence and confirm with his signature that he has received benefits. Only after this they come into force and can be used when traveling.

The topic of pensioners receiving benefits for travel on long-distance trains and other public vehicles is very relevant today and is covered in many media. You can learn more about it in the following video:

So, pensioners are considered socially vulnerable citizens. The state is trying in every possible way to improve the financial situation of this segment of the population and reduce their costs of life support.

Programs that provide benefits to retirees come into force every year. One of these includes a program of benefits for pensioners for travel on long-distance trains. It allows you to receive a free trip to the place of treatment every year or significantly reduce the cost of your ticket.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

To take advantage of this opportunity, you must belong to a group of the population defined by law and have the appropriate identification.

There are also restrictions on discount tickets, which do not apply to everyone. Therefore, it is important to study the rules for providing benefits for travel on electric trains in 2019.

What you need to know

The benefit for the train implies either a completely free ticket for such transport, or partial compensation of the cost by the state, which is usually about 50%.

Regardless of the level of the discount, some stations allow you to book discount tickets several days in advance, a maximum of 10, this makes it possible to plan trips and definitely get a ticket.

In addition, if there are no ticket offices or other ticket sales points at the station, you can purchase them directly from the ticket inspector on the train, and you will not have to pay anything extra for this service.

Who is eligible for this type of assistance?

  • veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • children with disabilities;
  • former concentration camp prisoners.

Separate benefits may be established by regional authorities. Most often, they are received by students of schools and higher educational institutions, as well as pensioners, regardless of status and rank.

But privileges are not always given, but only if there is money in the local budget to pay compensation railway, and the fullness of benefits depends only on the wealth of the region itself.

Discount period

But at the same time, schoolchildren and students can usually travel on such transport with a discount in the period from September 1 to June 15. After all, it is precisely at this time that active movement of such categories of the population is observed due to study.

Current standards

The general principles of free travel on public transport in the Russian Federation are outlined in Government Decree No. 176 of 2005. It describes exactly how the beneficiary should pay for travel and how to receive compensation.

Everything except the obligation to compensate for funds rests with local authorities, and it is they who establish the nuances of benefits.

Preferential travel for students and schoolchildren is financed from regional budgets, as stated in Law 273-FZ “On Education”.

Thus, it states that if local authorities have the financial ability to pay for discounted travel for students, they must enter into agreements with carriers, and then inform all educational institutions about the possibility of free travel.

General aspects

To understand the provision of benefits for the use of public transport, including electric trains, you need to study the nuances of the process.

This will allow you to understand how you need to act to receive benefits, and how the different categories differ.

How to get discounts on train travel

To get discounted travel on the train, you need to take your passport and a document that confirms your discounted category.

This could be a pension certificate, a document confirming participation in the Second World War, or a student ID card. At the cash desk they will check the data specified in the documents and then write out discount ticket depending on the conditions of its provision to a particular group.

Among students, the concept of a smart card is encountered, which replaces the usual student ID. It is issued at government agencies in the direction of the educational institution and gives the right to pay half the cost of the ticket.

Payment for travel is made using the same card, which needs to be periodically replenished, but the cashier may ask you to confirm your identity with a passport or driving license.

Amount of assistance

Different categories receive different benefits; if students can pay half the cost, then pensioners and veterans can get a free ticket. It is necessary to consider each of the categories of beneficiaries in more detail.

For students

Local benefits are available for students. They are prisoners of regional initiatives, so their availability and size will need to be clarified.

  • higher educational institutions:
  • professional and technical educational organizations;
  • military schools.

The main condition for them is full-time education. That is, by means of electric transport they must get to the place of education and back.

On average, local authorities set a discount of half the fare. To purchase a travel document, you will need to confirm your identity (with a birth certificate or passport) and show your student ID.


The regional budget can cover up to 50% of the price of a train ticket. The benefit applies to schoolchildren and boarding schools.

Registration will also take place on the basis of two documents:

  • citizen identity cards;
  • certificates from school.

To avoid having to carry such a set of documents with you all the time, you can get a monthly pass. In this case, the discount will still apply.

For pensioners

This benefit is also regional. So, in the central regions special maps are used. In most regions of the country, pensioners use a pension certificate to obtain a travel pass.

A labor veteran has the same benefits for travel on electric trains as other categories of pensioners. For them in Moscow, it is possible to issue a Muscovite social card and receive free travel.

Subway travel is paid in full, although some categories of citizens have benefits and the opportunity to travel in the subway for free.

If you live in the Far North, it is possible to reimburse the cost of vacation tickets once a year. One-time compensation is paid for rest and for military personnel.

Other categories

For large families local budgets allocate opportunities to compensate for travel on electric trains. Thus, in Moscow, registered citizens can receive a refund of half the ticket price.

The condition for this will be a certificate of belonging to a large family. Plus, the child’s age must not exceed 16 years.

With a social card you can reduce the cost of travel in underground public transport. This benefit is valid in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Disabled people of group 3 are compensated only for travel to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment and back. And you can only choose railway transport.

Regional features for students

For schoolchildren and students, the regions offer the largest number of various travel benefits. But the main feature is the seasonality of the benefit.

Since such compensation aims to make it easier for parents financially to transport their child to the place of study and back.

Parents should also take into account the nuances that arise when using such benefits. After all, each region has its own rules for processing and applying compensation payments.

Moscow region

To travel with a discount, a student must apply for a social card. The benefit is valid only if the place of travel does not go beyond the city or region and does not involve transfers. Although options for issuing such cards are possible when a transfer is available.

Options for obtaining a discount on an individual plastic card are available. And the discount on a monthly pass is half the cost of travel.

You cannot issue a discounted ticket for a student on express trains. Plus, it is important to purchase tickets in Moscow, then the list of available trains will be larger. If the pass is purchased in the region, the discount only applies to commuter trains.

St. Petersburg

Members of large families are provided with a 90% discount. Students up to age 23 can use free travel. And this discount is valid for the whole year.

Separate legislation concerns orphans and those without parental care. The main condition for free travel for a student is his education in St. Petersburg.

And, of course, training must take place in the full-time department of the institution. The form of ownership and type of educational institution do not play a role. For other categories of students, the discount is 50% of the ticket price.


There are different benefits for children on train travel in this city:

  1. Orphans and children from large families receive free travel. The main condition is to receive education in the city.
  2. Half of the cost is paid by the state for other categories of students.

What to pay attention to

Registration of benefits for travel on an electric train sometimes involves obtaining additional documents. In Moscow and the region this is a social card.

Currently, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, prices for food, basic necessities and medicines are rising. Energy prices are increasing and this all affects the cost of travel on public transport. Salaries and pensions remained at the same level and it is very difficult to survive in such conditions, without saving your money. To help yourself during this difficult period, you need to learn about your benefits and take advantage of them. In this article we will talk about benefits for pensioners on travel on trains and other public transport.

To take advantage of travel benefits, you need to present a certain application to the pension fund employee (a sample form, such an application can be obtained there), a passport and a pension certificate.

After all the bureaucratic procedures, a pensioner who was able to go through all this can count on these benefits:

  • travel by train (free)
  • travel (free, round trip) to the hospital or similar facility where he will receive appropriate treatment. (exception: rest)

With the second option, there is a choice between any intercity mode of transport: bus, railway, water transport.

If you don’t want to go anywhere or there is no such need, you should request compensation for this service.

Compensation from the state and regions

It is not uncommon that when reaching a destination, you have to make a large number of transfers or even change the mode of transport. In such conditions, you need to take a free ticket or buy a travel pass. When purchasing tickets at your own expense, you need to save them, because... the cost of tickets will be reimbursed. Such travel benefits are allocated from the federal budget. Based on their budget, regional officials are accredited to allocate certain amounts for these needs.

Social benefits at the federal level, including transport, are provided in the form of one-time payments.

Every month you are entitled to a benefit, the following types pensioners:

The people listed above can receive one-time free round trip tickets on the same day of travel. The free return ticket will be valid until 23:59 the next day. The person responsible for transporting citizens can extend the return ticket.

Beneficiaries can book train tickets several days in advance. The number of days of reservation is determined by local authorities. For example, in St. Petersburg and nearby regions you can book tickets 7 days in advance.

Tickets can be purchased on the electric train if there is no place to sell tickets at the departure station. For privileged categories of citizens, tickets are issued free of charge.

Who is entitled to discounts on train travel in 2019?

At the federal level discounted travel The following list of persons can use public transport:

  • disabled children;
  • veterans and citizens who became disabled during the Second World War;
  • victims of fascism.

And also in most regions of Russia, the following citizens can travel for free on public transport and trains:

  • pensioners;
  • secondary school students;
  • full-time students.

Benefits for citizens included in the list above are determined by the city authorities of a particular region.

Justification for the right to free train tickets

To buy a ticket at a reduced rate or free of charge, you must present a document indicating that you are entitled to these benefits and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Pensioners must show a pension certificate, students - a student card, etc. In Moscow you can present a social security card. protection, and do not show your passport.

In Moscow, the following citizens can take advantage of discounted travel on electric trains:

Free tickets on trains may be introduced for a while. For example, in the Leningrad region, pensioners can travel on electric trains with a 90% discount within their region from April 27 to October 30. This measure was created in order to reduce the financial burden on citizens of retirement age during the warm summer season.

Benefits in city public transport

People with appropriate rights determined by the state can travel free of charge in public urban transport. Another part of the population can do this if the budget of the local region is so large that it can easily cover the travel expenses of its citizens.

Not all pensioners can enjoy benefits and this depends on the specific region. For example, in Rostov-on-Don this privilege is given only to disabled people and WWII veterans. And in St. Petersburg, on the contrary, orphans and children who have no parents are added to the list above.

In accordance with the travel rules, a citizen entitled to a discounted ride on the train must show a passport and a document proving his right to free travel.

Benefits for travel on public transport in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2019

In Moscow, in June 2016, a law was passed that does not give the right to preferential travel to such types of citizens as: military pensioners and labor veterans whose place of residence is outside the city of Moscow.

The initiative in this matter was defended by United Russia, while members of other parties were against this law. Despite all the controversy surrounding this law, it was finally adopted and came into force in August 2016. According to experts, after the implementation of this law, it was possible to reduce costs by 2.3 billion rubles. But officials who disagree with this law claim that transport costs have increased for almost 1.3 million Russian residents. Because The center of the Moscow region is the city of Moscow and residents of the region constantly travel to Moscow to satisfy their needs. Many pensioners work in Moscow and they need to travel to their place of work, making several transfers and spending a considerable amount of personal funds on this.

Free travel on public transport in Moscow and the Moscow region can be used by the following persons:

Low-income residents who need to visit hospitals in Moscow for the treatment of dangerous diseases can count on compensation for their travel on public transport in Moscow. In order to receive a travel subsidy, you need to come to the Department of Labor and social protection population of the city of Moscow and bring documents confirming the cost of travel (tickets, travel cards), as well as a certificate from the hospital where they were treated.

The amount of compensation per person can range from 400 to 6,000 rubles.

Pensioners living within the region can ride electric trains for free when traveling on the Moscow Ring Road.

Free travel on electric trains in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, from April 27 to October 31, a 90% discount on travel on electric trains is available to the following categories of citizens:

Orphans and children whose parents have been deprived of parental rights, who are students of educational institutions in the city of St. Petersburg and full-time students under 23 years of age studying in the city of St. Petersburg, can ride on electric trains for free all year round.

For pensioners, you need to show the following documents:

  • “Unified personal ticket” or pension certificate;
  • Passport or a document replacing it (if the “Unified Personalized Ticket” contains a photo, then a passport is not needed).

The free ticket is valid on all routes and is issued the day before the trip or on the same day.

Free travel on electric trains in the Leningrad region

For pensioners living in the Leningrad region, there is an 85% discount on travel on an electric train, regardless of the time of year, i.e. Always.
Citizens living in the Leningrad region and corresponding to the following list can buy a ticket at any time with an 89% discount.

The majority of retired citizens live solely on pension benefits - even those pensioners who have children and relatives do not often receive financial assistance, since there is not enough money for everyone. In this regard, the state and regional authorities are trying to reduce the costs of low-income categories of the population so that they do not cross the poverty line. One of these support measures is benefits for pensioners on travel on electric trains.

Benefits for pensioners on travel on electric trains: who has the right to apply?

The fact is that such a benefit has not been established at the federal level, which means that all pensioners in the country without exception cannot qualify for it.

  • But for certain categories of pensioners, regional authorities have approved free travel:
  • Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation; veterans of the Great;
  • Patriotic War
  • former residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • disabled people who are deprived of the opportunity to find work due to being declared incapable of work;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;

The benefit applies not only to the pensioner himself, but also to one person accompanying him. The return ticket for the train will be valid until the end of the next day, but it may be valid longer if the carrier decides to extend it due to the purchase before the weekend.

How to prove the existence of rights to benefits for pensioners for travel on electric trains

Benefits for using passenger transportation services on electric trains will not be issued to a pensioner automatically - to obtain the right to use the benefit, you need to visit the territorial unit Pension Fund (or use the services MFC or website State services) and write a corresponding statement, presenting to the Pension Fund specialist:

  • Russian passport;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate of a veteran/disabled person/participant of the Second World War, Hero of the Russian Federation and the USSR, liquidator of the Chernobyl accident, etc.

Employees of the institution will review the documents within 10 days, after which, in case of a positive decision, the pensioner will be issued and issued social card.

Benefits for pensioners on travel on electric trains: terms of provision

Pensioners living in Moscow will be issued a transport card, to receive which they must bring the following to the social security authorities:

  • photocopy of Russian passport;
  • photocopy of pension certificate;
  • insurance policy.

How to get benefits for pensioners on train travel

To purchase a discount ticket, you need to go to the station ticket office, use the terminal to purchase travel tickets, or buy a ticket on an electric train. You can book your ticket in advance at the box office - 10 days before your trip.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: A pensioner living in St. Petersburg is demanding the right to free travel on the train.

A comment: There is no such benefit in St. Petersburg. Pensioners can buy a train ticket for 10% of the cost, residents of the Leningrad region - for 15%, home front workers, rehabilitated persons and labor veterans - for 11% of the total fare.

Error: A pensioner living in Moscow presented his pension certificate to the conductor of the train in order to obtain the right to a discounted fare.