"Fairytale Gzhel"

Lesson notes for senior group kindergarten.

Program content:

  • Foster a sense of pride in the talent of your people, respect for the masters and the desire to create with your own hands teamwork- Gzhel service.
  • Continue to introduce children to Russian folk crafts using the example of Gzhel ceramics.
  • Learn to decorate a three-dimensional plane with elements of a Gzhel painting pattern, performing work using the “plasticineography” technique.
  • To consolidate children's ideas about folk crafts: Filimonovo, Dymkovo, Gorodets, Khokhloma.
  • Develop a sense of composition, the ability to beautifully arrange a pattern on a three-dimensional plane.
  • To develop children's interest in folk arts and crafts, to promote the development of aesthetic taste, and the formation of beauty.
  • Develop children's speech fine motor skills hands


slide presentation “Fairytale Gzhel”, folk crafts, white doll set, blue plasticine, napkins, boards. TSO.

Audio recording of the song “Forget-me-not Gzhel” music. Yu. Chichkova, lyrics. P. Sinyavsky.

Preliminary work:

Getting to know the Gzhel craft. Children making plasticine balls for the lesson.


Educator: Children, do you like to travel?

Today we will take a journey into the world of beauty, goodness, into the world of amazing creations of folk craftsmen. And now you will tell us what kind of craftsmen you are.

Early this morning the postman brought a parcel. The address is written here: Russia, Michurinsk, kindergarten No. 26 “Spikelet”, children of group No. 4.

Look how unusual she is? (items from various crafts are pasted on the parcel).

Who sent it to us and what's in it? (children express their guesses)

Shall we open the parcel? Look, there are a lot of different items here. Let's get them out and look at them.


Here are the toys. How cheerful, bright, and elegant they are.

How good is this girl-soul:

Scarlet cheeks are burning, amazing outfit,

The kokoshnik sits proudly.

The young lady is so beautiful!

But the turkey is smart,
He's all so foldable.

At the big turkey

All sides are painted.

Educator: Where did they send them to us from?

Educator: What do Dymkovo craftsmen make their toys from?

Educator: But your mothers have this product. This is a cutting board.

Guess the riddle:

Famous throughout Russia

With your own painting, the creator.

Bouquets are blooming,

Bright colors of grief.

Wonderful birds flutter there,

As if calling us to a fairy tale.

If you look at the tablets,

You will see miracles!

Multi-colored patterns were subtly drawn by hand!

Wonderful birds flutter there,

And the water lilies are blooming!

As if calling us to a fairy tale!

Educator: Here are the painted wooden spoons (knocks on spoons).

Educator: What is the name of this painting?

Educator: Listen to the poem and find the things it talks about.

Blue birds across the white sky

A sea of ​​blue flowers,

Jugs and mugs -

Fact or fable?

Golden handicrafts!

Yes! This is a blue fairy tale -

A feast for the eyes,

Like drops in spring!

Affection, care, warmth and patience -

Russian ringing Gzhel!

(children find Gzhel items in the parcel)

Educator: Tell me, do you have products with such blue patterns at home?

Children's answers:

Educator: Children, we are going on a journey to see folk craftsmen in a blue-blue fairy tale. Why is it called that? Now you will understand for yourself.

I'll tell you a story.

So here it is. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, not far from Moscow, there is the village of Gzhel. (Slide No. 2) Once upon a time, brave and skillful cheerful craftsmen lived there. They got together one day and began to think about how they could show off their skills, please people, and glorify their land. We thought and thought and came up with an idea. They found wonderful, white-white clay in their side, and decided to sculpt various dishes from it and paint it with blue paint of various shades. The Gzhel residents themselves liked to say that their sky, like nowhere else in Russia, is blue. So they decided to transfer this blue to white porcelain. They painted patterns of flowers, droplets, stripes, and nets on the dishes.

Each master began to show his ability. (slide No. 3) One master made teapots: the spout is in the shape of a chicken’s head, and there is a cockerel on the lid.

When you see Gzhel teapots, your eyes widen. They are very good! (slide No. 4)

And this one is completely unusual, unprecedented! It’s as if it was made from two teapots. (Slide No. 5)

Another master looked and marveled, but did not sculpt the teapot. He heard a fairy tale about a whale, and made an oil can. (Slide No. 6) A fairy-tale city with turrets and churches is sculpted on the back of the whale. A good fellow is riding a horse, and a dog is running after him. Above the whale's head is a fountain with curlicues, and the fish's eyes are like a rose.

The third master admired this beauty and came up with an even better idea. He made a sugar bowl in the shape of a fabulous fish. The fish smiles, waves its tail, and shakes its fins. The sugar bowl turned out wonderful. (slide No. 7)

Gzhel masters are great dreamers. Some of their cups are slender and tall, others look like a small barrel, and others are curly and intricate. And everyone’s hands are different. (Slide No. 8)

Gzhel craftsmen sculpted animals and birds. (slide No. 9) A rooster with a bushy tail, a little mouse, a proud horse and a badass cat are interestingly made. (Slide No. 10) No one is afraid of such a lion. He's a little funny. His mane is like a rose!

They also make clocks in Gzhel. (slide No. 11) Their shape is complex and bizarre. They are painted from top to bottom with flowers, and a cockerel climbed to the very top of the head. So it seems that now he’s crowing: “It’s time to sleep!”

Each artist has his own favorite pattern, and each one reflects his dear side. (Slide No. 12) Her grass is silk, her flowers are spring and her magical skill is worthy of admiration. (Slide No. 13)

And so it happened that each master pleased everyone with his skill. He taught his children and grandchildren various wisdom so that they good craftsmen were. Just one paint... And what an elegant and festive painting it turned out to be. (Slide No. 14)

Educator: Did you like the blue fairy tale?

Children's answers:

Conversation based on a fairy tale.


What trade is this tale about?

What do Gzhel craftsmen make their products from?

What patterns do craftsmen decorate their products with?

What products did craftsmen make from clay?

Educator: Let `s have some rest.

Physical education lesson “Flowers”

Our blue flowers are opening their petals.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

Our blue flowers cover the petals.

Quietly falling asleep

They shake their heads.

Educator: Children, the group has opened an exhibition “Fairytale Gzhel”, I invite you to visit it. Let's look at the products of Gzhel craftsmen and admire this blue miracle.

(Examination of handicrafts)

What are Gzhel products needed for?

Why is Gzhel called blue-blue?

Educator: There is also an unusual tea set at the exhibition. Look at it, just one teapot is decorated with a Gzhel flower. Children, it’s time for you to become folk craftsmen and decorate this set with a Gzhel pattern. Only masters painted their dishes with paints, and you will do it in an unusual way- using plasticine. Today we will need our plasticine balls. With their help we will make a Gzhel pattern on the dishes.

Didactic exercise “Wonderful bag”

Educator: Now you will choose the dishes you will decorate. Hidden in the “wonderful bag” are cards with dishes drawn on them. Each of you will take out a card and choose an item from the service that will match the picture.

(Children choose dishes and sit at the tables)

Educator: The pattern on all items of the service must be the same. Consider the pattern on the teapot.

What patterns is the teapot decorated with? (flower and border of dots).

Where is the flower located? (In the middle, on one side of the dish).

What elements does a flower consist of? (Middle and petals).

What do flower petals look like? (A little bit).

The droplet is one of the favorite elements of the Gzhel masters.

Stages of work execution.

  • Center of the flower. Take the ball and press (flatten) it in the center of the product.
  • Droplet petals. We make an oval shape from the ball, rolling it out with straight movements of the fingers. Then pinch on one side in a circle. It turned out to be a droplet. We place this droplet on the dish and flatten it.

Educator: Children. How should the droplet petals be placed around the center to make a beautiful flower?

  • Border. Flatten the balls along the edge of the dish, placing them evenly.

Educator: Children, where will you start?

The song “Forget-me-not Gzhel” will help you in your work.

(Audio recording of the song “Forget-Me-Not Gzhel” sounds)

At the end of the lesson, children display their work on a table covered with a white tablecloth.

Educator: You painted everything on one item, and together you got a beautiful, elegant service. Do you like him? Russian people have a saying: “A craftsman and a craftsman brings joy to himself and others.” It's about you. With your work you have given joy to yourself and the people around you.

What kind of craft did we talk about today?

Children's answers:

Educator: Listen to a poem about Gzhel. ( A child reads a poem)


Roses, leaves, birds,

Seeing us for the first time

Everyone will be surprised.

Miracle on porcelain

Blue drops.

It is called

Just Gzhel painting.

Teachers of the Children's Development Center - Kindergarten No. 108, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

Goal: formation and development of moral, spiritual and creative potential child, based on the culture and creativity of the Russian people.


  • Introduce children to Russian decorative art "Gzhel" ;
  • Enrich children's impressions with works of modern poets and composers (on this topic), Russian lyrical music;
  • Create conditions for the development of healthy feelings, morality and creativity using the example of the culture of the Russian people.

To the tune of a Russian folk melody, children enter the music room and stand in a semicircle. (children are dressed in aprons and scarves painted with Gzhel patterns)

Presenter: Hello! Today I invite you to a blue fairy tale. (Children stand in a semicircle).

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, not far from Moscow, among forests and fields stands the town of Gzhel. Once upon a time there lived, there were brave and skillful, cheerful and beautiful craftsmen. They got together one day and began to think about how to show them their skills, please all the people, and glorify their land. We thought and thought and came up with an idea. They found wonderful, white-white clay in their native town, and decided to sculpt various dishes from it. Yes, such as the world has never seen. The Gzhel residents themselves liked to say that their sky, like nowhere else in Russia, is blue. So they decided to transfer this blue to white porcelain.


In the quiet Moscow region
The Gzhelka River runs.
Along this river
The village is standing.

Carved windows,
There's a skate on the roof,
From a clean well
A sip of water.

Willow thickets run along the river,
Craftsmen live in that village:
They make painted dishes,
They work miracles in blue and white.

Craftsmen come out and show Gzhel products. Children hold white flat items in their hands, pretending to paint them.

Slides are shown on the screen: products of Gzhel masters.

Presenter: Who can tell me where the name of the village came from? (The name of this village contains the word "burn" )

Yes, right! Residents of the village happily call themselves Gzheltsy and say that nowhere is there such a blue sky as they have above the roofs of their houses, such wonderful flowers and such a blue river. So they decided to preserve the blue of the sky forever, so that even in rain and fog, the dishes would glow with a heavenly color and remind them of the gentle summer.

Why did people love Gzhel so much? (because it was made by the people with love and, first of all, for its extraordinary color)

The craftsmen's dishes come out snow-white, and the design on it is done with a single blue paint. But this pattern is so amazing that you want to look at it again and again.

Presenter: Each artist has his own favorite pattern, and each one reflects a side of his own. Her grass is silky, her flowers are spring and her craftsmanship is magical and admirable.

Children read poems and show dishes.

Miracle with blue flowers
Blue petals
blue flowers,
Delicate curls.

On white porcelain,
Like on a snowy field,
From under the white snowball,
Blue flowers are growing.

Really, really
Haven't you heard of Gzhel?
It's hard to believe: is it really possible?
Just two colors? Miracles!

This is how artists from Gzhel
The skies are putting snow on it!
What roses and peonies
Masters write on the cups.

And blue and white buds,
As beautiful today as yesterday!

L. Kulikova.

Blue and white dishes,
Tell me, where are you from?
Apparently she came from afar
And blossomed with flowers:

Blue, blue,
Delicate, beautiful...
So you can't take your eyes off
Oh, what grace.

S. Vakhrushev.

Porcelain teapots,
Candlesticks, clocks
Animals and birds
Unprecedented beauty.

Village in the Moscow region
Now she's famous.
Everyone knows
Its name … (Gzhel)

Roses, leaves, birds,
Seeing us for the first time
Everyone will be surprised.

Miracle on porcelain
Blue drops.
It is called
Just Gzhel painting.

P. Sinyavsky

Cups, teapots and vases,
you can tell them apart right away.
White background, whiter than snow,
Blue, a little blue.

Lace is a miracle
Did it come to us from where?

(children from Gzhel)

Music of birds singing.

Presenter: Look, guys, a titmouse bird brought a letter to our kindergarten. Let's open it and see what's inside. (inside the letter are questions from Gzhel masters) (Children's knowledge test).

What do Gzhel craftsmen make their products from? (Made from clay)

What products do craftsmen make from clay? (Dishes, flowers, various flowers, bells, poppies, tulips, daisies, but the most favorite is tea rose, boxes, toys, candlesticks depicting nature, animals, birds, cities, scenes from people’s lives in drawings (walking, gatherings, round dances, tea drinking) and even entire cities.

What patterns do craftsmen decorate their products with? Wavy lines, dots, spirals, lattices, stripes, meshes, droplets, roses, buds, flowers.

Do "Color Stretch" from dark blue to pale blue. Make strokes of blue paint, and then remove excess paint with a dry, clean brush.

Children sing ditties.
I walked across the field
I found three flowers there.
White, blue, light blue...

I admire the beauty.
I found paint at home
I let down my blue eyes,
Cheeks flushed...

Mom don't scold me
I put on a white skirt
Braided a blue ribbon
This is what I have become

Admire me.
There are two flowers on the window,
Blue and white.
When, mom, I grow up,

I'll give them to my dear one.
Look at me
I have a dress with Gzhel
Blue-white flowers miracle

fabulous beauty
I'm looking out the window
On birch and spruce.
I’ll invite Kirill with me

On an excursion to Gzhel
I washed Gzhel dishes,
Sprays flew everywhere.
I’ll wipe up the splashes, no problem!

Oh, the dishes are good!
We sang ditties for you
Is it good? Is it bad?
And now we ask you

For you to clap.
The presenter reads a poem
Residents of Gzhel are proud
Heavenly blue.

You will not meet in the world
Such beauty!

Residents of the village of Gzhel were very fond of performing round dance games.

A game "Mother Gzhel"

How to play: Children stand in a circle. The leader is chosen - Mother Gzhel, she stands in the center of the circle, holding a blue ribbon in her hands. When the music starts, it goes inside the circle, the children dance in a circle in the other direction and sing:

Mother Gzhel walked across the field,

I lost my blue ribbon,

Whoever finds the tape will find talent!

With the end of the singing, the round dance stops, and Mother Gzhel waves a blue ribbon in front of the stopped couple, as if breaking it. Then he throws the tape on the floor. Children run in different directions around the circle. Whoever comes running first becomes the leader, and the others stand in a common circle. The game is repeated again.

After the game, the children are asked to sit down.

Presenter. What a great fellow you are, guys. How much do you already know? What pattern do craftsmen decorate the middle of their products with? (Gzhel rose). Is a rose blue in real life? (answers). This rose is probably fabulous.

Dramatization of a fairy tale "Gzhel Rose" .

Once upon a time lived in the royal town of Gzhel, not far from Moscow, the masters Ivan da Marya. Okay, they lived peacefully. Soul to soul. Ivan made dishes and went to the royal service in Moscow, and Marya waited in the hut and painted the dishes. Here’s how the Tsar of Moscow says:

Go Ivan overseas, overseas with gifts for the overseas king, to tell him what masters live in Rus'. Show everyone the Posad scarves, Dymkovo toys, and Khokhloma and Gzhel dishes.

Ivan recovered across the seas and oceans to the overseas king. He sails to the island, and there is a marvelous city, with tall palaces, painted towers and beautiful gardens. And an overseas king rules there.

Ivan says:

I sent you a bow from the Tsar of Moscow and gifts from Russian masters.

The overseas king was surprised and said:

Your craftsmen are good - Russian craftsmen; I have never seen such beauty. Thank you Ivan, I want you for this expensive gifts to thank.

And Ivan responded:

I don’t need expensive gifts, but I saw a flower of unprecedented beauty in your garden.

There are many flowers growing in your garden, but among them there is a special flower of unusual beauty. Let me take him with me to please my wife Marya.

The king says to his gardener:

Choose the most beautiful rose and give it to Ivan.

Ivan took the rose, thanked the overseas king and set off back on his journey, he traveled for a long time and returned home. And so the rose ended up in Rus' with Ivan. And here in Rus' there are severe frosts. The rose did not wither from the frost, but simply turned blue.

When Ivan returned home, he gave a rose from overseas to Marya.

Marya really liked the blue rose and said:

What a beauty, I’ll paint a blue rose on my Gzhel dishes.

And since then, when craftsmen paint dishes, the main pattern is a blue tea rose, which is called Gzhel.

A Russian lyrical melody sounds.

Presenter: Gzhel has spilled and is floating over the Earth,
Our miracle Gzhel - azure round dance!
We wove these blue flowers into patterns,
Come out, honest people, dance the Gzhel round dance!

"Lazuri round dance" , music and lyrics by M. Kuzmicheva

After the performance, the children continue to stand in a circle.

Presenter: Our journey to the masters of Gzhel has ended!

And in memory of our holiday, we will give you plates with Gzhel painting so that you will remember the amazing masters of Gzhel for a long time.

Lyrical music plays and plates are handed out to the children.

Miracle with blue flowers,

Blue petals

blue flowers,

With gentle curls

On white porcelain,

Like on a snowy field,

From under the white snow

Blue flowers are growing.

Really, really

Haven't you heard of Gzhel?!

(Presentation “Paint blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel”)

Guys, what is “Gzhel”?

“Gzhel” today refers to a wide variety of products: dishes and lamps, decorative vases and small sculptures, even elegant sets of chess pieces. But everything is snow-white ceramics with blue painting. There are only two colors - white and blue, and how elegant and festive Gzhel is!

Slide 3 - Slide 7

But how did such dishes appear, where did this folk craft come from? Listen to the legend of how the blue and white beauty came to be.

It was a long time ago. In some kingdom

in the Russian state, not far from Moscow,

Among the dense forests stood the village of Gzhel (Slide 8). Brave and smart, kind and hard-working people lived there. For a long time they made dishes from white clay (Slide 9). Even the name of the village was associated with the word “burn”, because clay products were necessarily fired in a kiln at high temperature(Slide 10). And so they got together one day and began to think about how best they could show their skills, please all the people and glorify their land. We thought and thought and came up with an idea. We decided to sculpt dishes the likes of which the world has never seen (Slide 11). Each master began to show his ability. One made a teapot: the spout is in the shape of a cockerel’s head, and there is a chicken on the lid (Slide 12). Another master looked and marveled, but did not sculpt the teapot. He saw a bull on the street and sculpted it (Slide 13). The third master marveled at such beauty, and he himself came up with an even better idea. He made a sugar bowl in the shape of a fabulous fish. The fish smiles, waves its tail, and shakes its fins. The sugar bowl turned out wonderful (Slide 14). We began to think and think further.

How to decorate such intricate dishes? We went home (Slide 15). They walk along the road and look. And all around there is fabulous beauty, the blue is spreading: a high blue sky with white clouds, a blue forest can be seen in the distance, the blue surface of rivers and lakes, and a white fog spreading over them (Slide 16). So they decided to transfer this blue to white porcelain. And everything that the brush paints becomes blue and cyan.

And flowers, and people, and birds, and grass (Slide 17).

People fell in love with the elegant tableware, and they began to affectionately call it “Gentle blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel” (Slide 18). Gzhel craftsmen glorified their beloved land throughout the world, telling everyone what skilled craftsmen live in Rus' (Slide 19).

Here's the story. But for some reason we guys stayed too long.

It's hard to believe: is it really
Just two colors? Miracles!..
This is how artists from Gzhel
The skies are putting snow on it!
L. Kulikova.

Gzhel painting- this is an ancient, traditionally Russian art, the origins of which originated in the Russian outback more than 670 years ago.

“Paint blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel” - this is what people in Rus' affectionately called - everyone's favorite, amazingly decorated ceramics made of snow-white clay. Without a doubt, Gzhel dishes, souvenirs and toys - these unique original works of art - from time immemorial and to this day are highly valued all over the world.

Examples of dishes in the Gzhel style:

Perfection in every detail:

Today we have a great opportunity introduce a child to Gzhel painting, introduce them to primordially Russian creativity, and even test themselves in the role of a folk craftsman. The activity will also help develop his aesthetic taste, imagination, and the ability to compose a general pattern based on motives.

In general, this lesson is designed for a child 5-9 years old, but in principle, for a change, you can also involve a three-year-old child, without, of course, requiring him to perform the painting too accurately.

It will be just great if you turn on the background for drawing Russian folk songs in special processing - for children. You can download them for free here link.

Drawing lesson: Fairytale Gzhel

We will need:
- album sheets,
- gouache - 2 jars: old and azure,
- brushes - ideally squirrel: thin (No. 2-4), medium (No. 6-8) and thick (No. 10-12),
- the rest: water in a jar, palette, soft cloth (for removing excess paint), scissors, a simple pencil and an eraser (for older children).


1) First, let's look at the most simple elements of Gzhel patterns - dots, strokes and lines.

Try experimenting with a mixture of colors, diluting blue paint with white and getting more and more new shades.

2) Curbs - the simplest ornaments: children need to grasp their pattern.

3)Droplets, and their components patterns: we are approaching floral motifs (flowers, plants). Droplets are good for depicting petals, leaves and twigs. The easiest way for children to make droplets is by dipping a brush.

4) Stroke with shadow - or "smear on one side" . The peculiarity of such a stroke is that the mark after the brush remains in a smooth transition of color - from dark to light.

The secret of this stroke: correct distribution of paint on the brush - there should be more of it on one edge (from this edge a darker shade will be learned). The brush should be wide (No. 10-12), its shape is a spatula.

In the picture below you will see the main types of strokes with shadow, as well as the sequence of drawing a flower: a blue rose.

So, we have concluded. that in their work the Gzhel masters use curls, arcs, nets, stripes, blades of grass, and dots. strokes with shadow.

And now:

Master class - Drawing a bird in Gzhel style:

This bird can be painted only with brushes, or you can use a blue gel pen on top of the dried paint in the last step - where there are thin curls.

Master class - Painting plates in Gzhel style:

For the base, you can use a disposable paper plate.

Or print it on a printer and cut out this plate according to the shape (right-click on the image --> open image --> File --> Print):

Plate-base for Gzhel painting:

Or you can take this cute little teapot, it’s called kumgang.

Kumgan teapot - the basis for Gzhel painting:

As an option, you can draw and cut out paper bases for painting yourself - this is not difficult to do. Examples are in the pictures below.

Children draw - Gzhel:

And finally, maybe you will find it useful - as an ornament idea or just for your child to color:

Coloring pages in Gzhel style

I wish you a pleasant creative pastime!

Yulia Sovenok (teacher of the site “U Sovenok”)

Note: The lesson used fragments of the book “Fairytale Gzhel” by Yu.E. Dorozhin, coloring "Gzhel" by E. Subocheva