Dimensions: 36-38 and 42-44.

Data for sizes 42-44 are given in brackets ().

If only one value is specified, it applies to both sizes.

Pullover length: approximately 58 cm.

You will need:

500 (550) g yarn type LINIE 364 RUBETTA from ONline coral color Fb.7 (55% wool, 45% cotton, 130 m/50 g); knitting needles No. 4 for elastic and knitting needles No. 4.5 for all other patterns, one auxiliary. spoke.

Rubber: alternately 2 persons. p., 2 p. P.

Start with purl. rows and loops distribute the trace. way: chrome, * 1 purl. n., 2 persons. p., purl 1, repeat from *, chrome.

Large pearl pattern:

1st row: alternately 1 person. p., 1 p. P.

3rd row: alternately purl 1, knit 1. P.

Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

Garter stitch: persons and out. knit rows.

In circular rows: alternately 1 circle. row - persons. p. and 1 circle. R. row - purl. P.

Persons smooth surface: persons R. - persons p., out. R. - purl P.

Cross elastic:

1st, 2nd r. and 3rd row: persons. P.

4th, 5th and 6th row: purl. P.


From persons the sides look like alternately 2 rows of facial rows and 1 r. - purl.

Braid strip:

Knit according to the pattern for 38 sts.

In purl. rows of loops knit according to the pattern.

Repeat from 1st to 16th row.

Openwork braid:(knitted only at the front - highlighted in shaded gray on the pattern).

Start with 2 persons. p. and knit from 1st to 18th r. with addition = 11 p., constantly repeat from the 19th to the 28th p., then knit from the 2nd to the 46th p. with decreasing = 2 persons left. P.

In purl. R. Purl all loops and yarn overs.

Openwork elastic:

Knit according to the pattern for 5 sts.

In purl. In rows of loops, knit according to the pattern, yarn overs - purl.

Repeat 1st and 2nd rows.

Knitting density:

large pearl pattern on knitting needles No. 4.5: 20 sts and 30 r. = 10 x 10 cm;

braid strip: 38 p. = 12 cm;

openwork strip 11 p. = 5 cm.


Start from the left sleeve and knit the top piece in one whole piece.

On knitting needles No. 4, cast on 50 sts and start ribbing from purl 1. row.

After 5 cm in the last purl. R. after the 11th stitch and another 7 x after every 4th stitch, add 1 cross from the transverse thread. p. = 58 p.

Switch to knitting needles No. 4.5 and distribute the stitches. way: chrome, 9 p. large pearl pattern, 38 p. braid strip, 9 p. large pearl pattern, chrome.

Knit in this distribution, while bevel the sleeves on both sides in every 8th r. add 14 x 1 p. (in every 6th row 17 x 1 p.), in every 2nd row. pick up new 2 x 2, 1 x 3, 1 x 4 p., then 1 x 23 (20) p. = 154 p.


Include additions in various stripes of patterns: on both sides of 38 stitches of braid by 20 stitches with a large pearl pattern, 2 stitches of faces. satin stitch, 20 p. cross elastic, 2 p. knit. satin stitch, 5 p. openwork strip, 8 p. knit. iron, chrome

When all the increases are completed at the same time, openwork braid in the front and increases in the middle of the pullover, perform the shoulder.

Both are shaded in gray on the pattern.

Shoulder Additions:

On both sides from 2 persons. p. in the middle of the braid, add 1 person from the transverse thread. cross. and repeat these additions in the 6th row. 1 more time = 6 faces in the middle. p. = added 4 p.

Openwork braid from 2 persons. insert between the pearl pattern and the cross braid.


For an openwork braid in the front according to the pattern, 9 sts will be added and 2 sts on the shoulder, but they should be subtracted in a large pearl pattern.

For this purpose in every person. R. Knit the 1st stitch of the pearl pattern with the previous loop together. stretch until 9 stitches of the pearl pattern remain.

Continue the back stitch to 79 sts, as already distributed.


After 48 cm = 144 r. from the bar (= 9 repeats in the height of the braid strip), divide the work in the middle (edge ​​of the neckline: edge and 2 knit stitches), then the front and back (= 79 stitches each) 26 cm each = 76 r. knit separately.

After 61 cm = 183 r. (= 11 repeats in height + 7 r. stripes from the braid) from the bar the middle has been reached.

Finish the pullover symmetrically from the middle:

After 26 cm = 76 r. At the neckline, bring the front and back loops together again and continue for all 158 sts.

The right sleeve will end in 122 cm = 366 RUR. from the bar (= 23 repeats in height minus 2 rows) with the 14th row of braid stripes = 58 sts.

Switch to knitting needles No. 4 and for the elastic on 38 loops of the braid, evenly decrease 8 sts = 50 sts.

After 5 cm, close the loops.

Bottom pullover detail:

Using knitting needles No. 4.5 on the front and back, raise 96 (111) sts each (= raise 3 sts in 4 rows) and knit the next stitch. way: 3 cm faces. satin stitch, for a row with holes after edging. p. knit * 1 persons. p., 1 yarn over, 2 p. knit together. broach, 2 sts together, 1 yarn over, repeat from *, finish 1 knit. p., 1 yarn over, 2 p. knit together. broach, 1 person. n., chrome.

In the last person. R. decrease 2 (1) p. = 94 (110) p.

Switch to circular needles No. 4 and knit 8 cm with an elastic band.


Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

Using knitting needles No. 4 along the neckline, raise 110 sts (= front and back 55 sts each) and knit 3 r./round. R. garter stitch, then bind off all stitches.

Dimensions: 38/40 (42) 44/46

You will need: 400 (450) 500 g hot pink Capri yarn (42% polyacrylic, 32% alpaca, 20% wool, 6% polyester, 150 m/50 g); straight knitting needles No. 6; circular and stocking needles No. 5.5.

Facial surface: persons R. - persons p„ out. R. - purl G.

Braid A (width 14 p.): knit according to pattern 1, which shows only faces. r., in purl. R. knit loops according to the pattern. Repeat from 1st to 12th row.

Braid B (width 15 p.): knit according to pattern 2, which shows only faces. r., in purl. R. knit loops according to the pattern. Repeat from 1st to 6th row.

Elastic band A, circular rows: the number of loops is a multiple of 5. Knit alternately knit 2, purl 3.

Elastic band B, circular rows: the number of loops is a multiple of 4. Knit alternately knit 2, purl 2.

Knitting density.

Average: 20.5 g and 26.5 r. = 10 x 10 cm;

elastic (measured when stretched): 13.5 p. and 28.5 circular r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Attention ! Knit the front and back crosswise, tie the sleeves from top to bottom on the front and back. Arrows on the pattern = knitting direction. Due to the nature of the pattern, the sleeves are pulled together.

Description of knitting a sweater with braids


Start from the right side edge. On knitting needles No. 5, cast on 96 sts and knit chrome, 20 sts. satin stitch, * 14 sts of braid A, 4 sts of knits. satin stitch, 15 stitches braid B, 4 stitches knit. iron, repeat from * 1 more time, chrome. After 50 cm = 132 r. (54 cm = 144 rub.) 59 cm = 156 rub. From the cast-on edge, close all loops.


Start from the left tank edge and knit in the same way, but after 13.5 cm = 36 r. (15.5 cm = 42 rub.) 18 cm = 48 rub. from the cast-on edge close for the neckline on the right side 4 p. and in every 2nd r. 2 x 2 and 4 x 1 p. = 84 p. After 25 cm = 66 r. (27 cm = 72 rub.) 29.5 cm = 78 rub. from the cast-on edge the middle of the front has been reached, then finish the front symmetrically, i.e., decreases will become increases.


First, sew the shoulder and side seams of the front and back, leaving the top 15 (16.5) 18.5 cm open for the armholes. For the armholes, cast on 40 (45) 50 sts on stocking needles (= 10 sts on each knitting needle or on 3 knitting needles with 11 sts and on 1 knitting needle with 12 sts or on 2 knitting needles with 12 sts and on 2 knitting needles with 13 p.) and knit in circular rows with elastic band A. After 21 cm = 60 circular r. from the set of loops, knit sleeves for bevels in every 2nd strip from purl. p. 2 p. together purl. = 36 (40) 45 p. After 42 cm = 120 circular r. from the set of loops, knit in the remaining strips from purl. p. also 2 p. together purl. = 32 (36) 40 p. After 59.5 cm = 170 circular r. from the set of hinges close for the hole under thumb on the front side of the sleeve, retreating 10 (12) 14 sts from the middle of the sleeve, 4 sts and in the next purl. R. dial them again. After 68 cm = 194 circular r. Close all loops according to the drawing.


For the collar, cast on 84 stitches along the neckline using circular needles, knit 30 cm with elastic band B and bind off all stitches according to the pattern. Along the bottom edge of the pullover, cast on 124 (136) 148 sts on circular needles, knit 11 cm with elastic band B and bind off all the loops according to the pattern.

An original and stylish jumper from Filaty designers from the cover of the famous and popular magazine Filaty Classici is made across in garter stitch. It is decorated with two unusual wide braids.

Design by Filaty

Translation from English made for the website www.site

Size 36/38, 40/42 and 44/46

The description is compiled for the first size. Differences for other sizes are given in parentheses. When one size is specified, it applies to all.


Lana Grossa Cool Wool Big (100% Schurwolle running) 120 m / 50 g - 700 (750 - 800) g (pictured color Dark gray mottled (Fb 617))

Knitting needles 4.5 mm, additional knitting needle for braids

Changing the number of loops in a braid:

At the beginning there are 14 stitches, 8 stitches are added in the first row, you get 22 stitches of the braid. In the 8th, 28th and 48th row the loops are decreased/increased. Work rows 1-48, then repeat rows 9-48 throughout.

Knitting density

20 sts and 38 rows = 10 x 10 cm using 4.5 mm garter stitch needles

22 stitches of braid pattern = 8 cm wide.


The back and front parts are knitted crosswise.

Using 4.5 mm needles, cast on 112 (114 - 116) sts.

Knit the first row as follows: chrome, 7 stitches in garter stitch, 14 stitches in cable stitch, 30 stitches in garter stitch, 14 stitches in cable stitch, 45 (47-49) stitches in garter stitch, chrome.

On the third row, increase 8 stitches in cable where indicated in the diagram = 22 stitches in cable, for a total of 128 (130-132) stitches.

For a shoulder bevel from the right edge in the 5th (5th) row, increase 1 time x 1 stitch, then in every 4th row 7 times x 1 stitch (in every 6th row 7 times x 1 stitch - alternately in every 6th and 8th row 7 times x 1 stitch) = 136 (138-140) stitches (not taking into account adding/decreasing stitches in the braid). Knit the added loops in garter stitch.

A total of 194 rows: 1 time x 1st - 48th rows, 3 times x 9th - 48th rows, 1 time x 9th - 34th rows (total 214 rows: 1 time x 1st rows – 48th rows, 4 times x 9 – 48 rows, 1 time x 9 – 14 rows – 234 rows in total: 1 time x 1 – 48 rows, 4 times x 9th – 34th rows).

Knit the second shoulder slope, decreasing the loops, symmetrically to how you added them on the other side.

IN last row decrease 8 loops in the braid in the same way as they were added in the first row.

Close all loops.

Knit the same as the back

Using 4.5mm needles, cast on 52 stitches and knit in garter stitch. At a height of 17 cm from each edge, add 1 stitch 1 time, then every 12 rows 7 times 1 stitch and in every 10th row 2 times 1 stitch (in every 10th row 9 times 1 stitch and in each 8 -th row 2 times 1 stitch – in every 10th row 1 time 1 stitch and in every 8th row 12 times 1 stitch). When the sleeve height reaches 47 cm and the stitch count is 72 (76 -80) stitches, cast off all stitches.

Tie the second sleeve in the same way.

Moisten the pieces, place one piece on top of the other so that they match each other, straighten and let dry

Sew shoulder seams, each 9 (12 - 15) cm. Sew in the sleeves. Sew side seams and bottom sleeve seams.

Perhaps such a pullover with cross braids It hasn't been in our fall collection yet. This interesting pullover is knitted, diagram, pattern with knitting description. He literally asks to be on the high fashion catwalk.

Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42-44/46)

Data for sizes 40/42 and 44/46 are in parentheses. If only one number is given, it applies to all sizes.

You will need: 700 (750-800) g dark gray melange yarn Lana Grossa COOL WOOL BIG (100% wool, 120 m/50 g); straight knitting needles No. 4.5; aux. spoke.

Garter stitch: persons and out. R. - persons P.

Chrome: in persons and out. R. knit faces n. = nodular edge.

Scythe: first 14 p., then 22 p. Knit according to the pattern. With the exception of the 8th, 28th and 48th. The diagram shows only individuals. R.

In unmarked purl. R. knit loops according to the pattern or as indicated in symbols. 1-48th r. perform 1 time, then repeat 9-48th r.

Knitting density. Plat. knitting, knitting needles No. 4.5: 20 p. and 38 r. = 10 x 10 cm; 22 stitches of braid = 8 cm.

Attention! Knit the back and front crosswise.

Back: cast on 112 (114-116) sts on needles No. 4.5. On the 1st = persons R. distribute the loops as follows: chrome, 7 stitches of boards, knitting, 14 stitches of braids, 30 stitches of boards, knitting, 14 stitches of braids, 45 (47-49) stitches of boards, knitting, chrome.

From 3rd r. on the knitting needles, 22 sts of each braid = 128 (130-132) sts in total. For shoulder bevels, cast on on the right side in the 5th (5-7th) r. 1 x 1 p., then in every 4th p. dial on 7 x 1 p. (in every 6th row 7 x 1 p. - alternately in every 6th and 8th row 7x1 p.) = 136 (138-140) p.

The cast-on loops are knitted in a knitting pattern. In total, knit 194 rows: 1 x 1-48th row, 3 x 9-48th row, 1 x 9-34th row. (total knit 214 r. 1 x 1-48th r., 4 x 9-48th r., 1 x 9-14th r. - total knit 234 r.: 1 x 1-48th r. ., 4 x 9-48th row, 1 x 9-34th row).

2nd shoulder bevel perform symmetrically to the 1st shoulder bevel and in the penultimate persons. R. again decrease 8 stitches in each braid. Close the loops.

Before: knit like a back.

Sleeves: cast on 52 stitches on needles No. 4.5 and knit a scarf. viscous. After 17 cm from the start of work, dial on both sides for sleeve bevels 1 x 1 p., then in every 12th r. dial 7 x 1 p. and in every 10th p. 2 x 1 p. (in every 10th row 9 x 1 p. and in every 8th row 2 x 1 p. - in the next 10th row 1 x 1 p. and in every 8- m r. 12x1 l.) = 72 (76-80) p. After 47 cm from the start of work, close all loops.

Assembly: straighten the back and front so that the patterns match each other. Perform 9 (12-15) cm of shoulder on both sides. Sew 18 (19-20) cm on each side of the shoulder seam of the sleeve. Sew the side seams and sew the sleeves.

Source - KNITTING - YOUR HOBBY No. 9 2018

The most delicate pullover with short sleeve, knitted across from the finest mohair-silk yarn.

Dimensions: 36/38 }