Spring is one of the four seasons, after winter and before summer. Consists of three months of March, April and May. Spring is a transitional season when there is a noticeable increase in daylight hours, temperature rises environment and the natural activity of living beings and plants is activated. In Russia and around the world, many poets write poems about this wonderful time of year. I want to introduce you to some works...

It’s not for nothing that winter is angry, its time has passed - Spring is knocking on the window and driving it out of the yard. And everything began to fuss, Everything forced Winter out - And the larks in the sky Already started ringing the bell. Winter is still busy and grumbling about Spring. She laughs in her eyes And only makes more noise... The evil witch went mad And, grabbing the snow, She let it run away into the beautiful child. Spring and grief are not enough: I washed my face in the snow, And only became blusher, In defiance of the enemy. Fedor Tyutchev

After the flood, the rains have passed, April is getting warmer, there is fog all night, and in the morning the spring air seems to grow fainter and turns blue with a soft haze in distant clearings in the forest. And the green forest quietly slumbers, And in the silver of the forest lakes Its columns are even slimmer, The crowns of pines are even fresher And the patterns of delicate larches! Ivan Bunin

Bird cherry The fragrant bird cherry blossomed in spring And the golden branches curled like curls. All around, honey dew Slides down the bark, Beneath it, spicy greenery Shines in silver. And nearby, by the thawed patch, in the grass, between the roots, a small Silver stream runs and flows. The fragrant bird cherry stands hanging, and the golden greenery burns in the sun. The stream pours over all the branches like a thunderous wave, and insinuatingly sings songs to Her under the steep slope. Sergey Yesenin

"About the time of year. A holiday of poetry."

The seasons are very different and they are all beautiful in their own way. Let's start with winter. Winter is a fun time of year! I am sure that absolutely all children love sledding, skiing and other winter equipment. Of course, winter is very cold and frosty, but it seems to me that winter still has something warm that children like. When it passes Cold winter- warm spring begins. There is a phrase “Spring is Red!” And it’s true! Spring is very beautiful! During the first days of spring, the snow melts and it becomes warm, young green grass grows in the middle, and in the end spring opens up and gives us the aroma of delicate flowers and the greenness of leaves that are still just like babies. After spring comes hot summer. Summer is a real favorite of both children and adults. In summer you can lie down under the warm rays of the sun, frolic in the water and just enjoy life! Unfortunately, summer passes quickly and autumn comes. Don't be scared!!! Autumn is a wonderful time of year! In autumn, you can rustle fallen leaves, make “rain” from leaves, and at the beginning of autumn, as everyone knows, all children go to school, and this begins the first path to knowledge or a new step towards improving their mind.

Many Russian writers and poets dedicated their works to the seasons.

Both in prose and in poetry, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin repeatedly wrote that autumn is his favorite time of year, the time of his inspiration, creative growth and literary works.


It's a sad time! Ouch charm!Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -I love the lush decay of nature,Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,And distant gray winter threats.

A. S. Pushkin

Afanasy Fet dedicated many of his poems to winter, describing winter natural phenomena in them.


Mother! look from the window -You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that there was a catWash your nose:There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,It has brightened, it has turned white -Apparently there is frost.

Not prickly, light blueFrost is hung along the branches -Just take a look!Like someoneFresh, white, plump cotton woolI removed all the bushes.

Now there will be no argument:Over the skids, and up the hillHave fun running!Really, mom? You won't refuseAnd you yourself will probably say:“Well, hurry up and go for a walk!”

A. Fet

Each of us knows Sergei Yesenin’s poems about spring well.


Bird cherry fragrantBloomed with springAnd golden branches,What curls, curled.Honey dew all aroundSlides along the barkSpicy greens underneathShines in silver.And nearby, by the thawed patch,In the grass, between the roots,The little one runs and flowsSilver stream.Bird cherry fragrantHaving hung himself, he stands,And the greenery is goldenIt's burning in the sun.The stream is like a thunderous waveAll branches are dousedAnd insinuatingly under the steepSings her songs.

S. Yesenin

Ivan Bunin wrote many poems in which he described summer.


The hotter the day, the sweeter it is in the forestBreathe in the dry, resinous aroma,And I had fun in the morningWander through these sunny chambers!

Shine everywhere, bright light everywhere,The sand is like silk... I’ll cling to the gnarled pineAnd I feel: I’m only ten years old,And the trunk is a giant, heavy, majestic.

The bark is rough, wrinkled, red,But how warm, how warm everything is warmed by the sun!And it seems that the smell is not pine,And the heat and dryness of a sunny summer.

I. Bunin

All seasons are beautiful. Everyone chooses their favorite time of year to their liking, their own mysterious and unique time!

Project on literary reading“Poetry Festival” Class: 3rd grade Program: “Russian School” Subject: literary reading Primary school teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution of Education and Science in the city of Spassk, Penza region: Prusakova E.V. 1 sheet – title page.  The top part of the sheet is the name of the educational institution (MBOUOOSH in Spassk, Penza region)  The central part is the name of the project. (Literary reading project “Poetry Festival”)  The bottom of the sheet contains information about the author of the project: last name, first name of the student and class. (The project was prepared by students of the 3rd “__” class ____________________) Please note that the names of the parts of the project are highlighted in blue. This is how you should sign every sheet in your work. 2 sheet Essay on the topic “Spring” (no more than 1 sheet) (it must contain 3 parts - 3 red lines) I recommend starting your essay with an epigraph - an excerpt from a poem by any author about spring (with the obligatory indication of the author of the poem). The epigraph is written on the right side of the page. You must determine the content of the essay yourself. Russian poets about spring 3 sheet Find and write down (at least 3 examples) any short poems (or excerpts) by Russian poets about spring (if it is possible to print or cut out and paste portraits of these poets). 4 sheet Find about spring and write down (at least three for each point): Spring in oral folk art  proverbs,  sayings,  folk signs spring holidays 5 sheet on A sheet 4 (landscape sheet) draw a picture on the theme “Spring” Creative page Have a successful and interesting work!

Project in literary reading on the topic of: "Spring. Festival of Poetry"

Completed by a student of grade 3 “B”

MBOU Buturlinovskaya Secondary School

Kochura Anna

Head Ustimenko Yu.A.

Objective of the project:

Get acquainted with the works of Russian poets about spring.

Project objectives:

Learn to independently find material in various sources

In Russia and the world, many poets write poems about this wonderful time of year. I want to introduce you to some of them.

Spring is a source of inspiration for a large number of poets, writers, and artists.

Spring is the beginning of nature's life

Spring is a wonderful time of year!

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Spring thunderstorm

I love the thunderstorm at the beginning of May, when the first thunder of spring, as if frolicking and playing, rumbles in the blue sky.

Young peals thunder, the rain splashes, the dust flies, rain pearls hang, and the sun gilds the threads.

A swift stream runs from the mountain, The din of birds does not remain silent in the forest, And the din of the forest and the noise of the mountains - Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder.


Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev

The snow is already melting, streams are running, Spring is blowing through the window... Soon the nightingales will whistle, And the forest will be dressed in leaves! The azure of the sky is pure, the sun has become warmer and brighter, the time of evil blizzards and storms has passed again for a long time. And my heart is beating so hard in my chest, as if it’s waiting for something, As if happiness is ahead And the winter has taken away my worries!

Bird cherry

The fragrant bird cherry blossomed in spring and the golden branches curled like curls. All around, honey dew Slides down the bark, Beneath it, spicy greenery Shines in silver. And nearby, by the thawed patch, in the grass, between the roots, a small Silver stream runs and flows. The fragrant bird cherry hangs and stands, And the golden greenery burns in the sun. The stream pours over all the branches like a thunderous wave, and insinuatingly sings songs to Her under the steep slope.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin


I learned about Russian poets who wrote about spring.

Literary reading project in 3rd grade on the topic "About the time of year. A holiday of poetry"

Objective of the project:
Get acquainted with the worksliterature about the seasons.
-Learn independently, find material in various sources, analyze and systematize it.
- Create a presentation based on selected materials
"About the Seasons"



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Literary reading project “About the time of year. Poetry Festival » Prepared by: Student 3 “B” class Forumyan Daria

Project goal: To get acquainted with works of literature about the seasons. Objectives: -Learn independently, find material in various sources, analyze and systematize it. - Based on the selected materials, create a presentation “About the Seasons”

Poems about spring

F.I. Tyutchev * * * It’s not for nothing that winter is angry, Its time has passed, - Spring is knocking on the window And driving it out of the yard. And everything began to fuss, Everything drives winter away - And the larks in the sky Already started ringing the bell. Winter is still busy And grumbles at spring, She laughs in her eyes And only makes more noise... The evil witch went mad And, grabbing the snow, She let it run away into a beautiful child... Spring and grief are not enough: She washed herself in the snow And only became blush In defiance of the enemy. S.D. Drozhzhin * * * The cold winter will pass, Spring days will come, The sun will melt with warmth, Fluffy snow like wax. The forests will turn green with emerald leaves, and fragrant flowers will spring up along with the velvet grass.

I.S. Nikitin * * * Admire, spring is coming, The cranes are flying in a caravan, The day is drowning in bright gold, And the streams in the ravines are noisy... Soon guests will gather to see you, How many nests they will build, look! What sounds, what songs will flow day after day from dawn to dusk! S.D. Drozhzhin SPRING KINGDOM The kingdom has returned spring days: The stream is ringing over the pebbles, the river is noisy, and with a cry a flock of cranes is already flying towards us. The forests smell like resin, the buds of the petals suddenly sighed, blushing, and the meadow was covered with millions of flowers.

Poems about summer

S.D. Drozhzhin * * * Everything has turned green... The sun is shining, The lark's song Flows and rings. Rain clouds roam in the sky, And the river quietly splashes on the shore. Having fun with a horse A young plowman rides out into the field, walks with a furrow. And above him the Sun rises higher and higher, the Lark sings a song of joy. A.N. Mike SUMMER RAIN “Gold, gold is falling from the sky!” - Children scream and run after the rain... “Come on, children, we will collect it, Only we will collect it with golden grain In barns full of fragrant bread!”

A.A. Fet * * * I came to you with greetings, To tell you that the sun has risen, That it fluttered with hot light across the sheets; Tell me that the forest has woken up, Has woken up all over, with every branch, with every bird, and is full of thirst in spring... N.A. Nekrasov END OF SUMMER All the garden vegetables have ripened: children are running around, some with turnips, some with carrots, sunflowers are peeling, and women are pulling beets, such good beets! Exactly red boots lying on the strip.

Poems about autumn

S.D. Drozhzhin * * * Summer has passed, The sun from behind the clouds With affectionate greetings Does not cast a ray; The leaves flew around Among the autumn blizzards, The birds flew away To the far south; In the yard, and in the field, And in the depths of the forests, You can no longer hear their sonorous voices. I.A. Bunin LEAF FALL The forest looks like a painted tower, Lilac, gold, crimson, A cheerful, motley wall Stands above a bright clearing. Birches with yellow carvings Shine in the blue azure, Like towers, fir trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue Here and there in the through foliage Clearances in the sky, like windows. The forest smells of oak and pine, Over the summer it has dried up from the sun, And Autumn, a quiet widow, Enters its motley mansion...

I.A. Bunin * * * Autumn. Thicket of the forest. Dry swamp moss. Lake Beleso. The sky is pale. The water lilies have faded, and the saffron has faded. The paths are broken, the forest is empty and bare. Only you are beautiful, Even though it has been dry for a long time, In the hummocks near the Old Alder Bay. You look femininely into the water, half asleep - and you will turn silver before everyone else by spring. S.D. Yeast * * * Yellow leaf after leaf Falls from the branches; From the sky the sun all around began to warm up colder. A wild wind rustles across the expansive fields, Dark autumn flies towards us like a black bird.

Poems about winter

I.A. Bunin FIRST SNOW The winter cold smelled on the fields and forests. The skies lit up bright purple before dawn. At night the storm raged, And with dawn, the village fell, The fields, the deserted garden fell with the first snow... And today, over the wide White tablecloth of the fields, We said goodbye to the belated String of geese. S.D. Drozhzhin * * * Snow flies and sparkles in the golden radiance of the day, as if covering all the valleys and fields with down... Everything in nature freezes: both the fields and the dark forest. Snow flies and sparkles, Quietly falling from the sky.

ON THE. Nekrasov MOROZ-VOIVODA (excerpt) It is not the wind that rages over the forest, It is not streams that run from the mountains, Frost the Voivode goes on patrol around his possessions, He looks to see if the snowstorms have covered the forest paths well, And if there are any cracks, crevices, And if there is bare ground anywhere ? Are the tops of the pines fluffy, Are the patterns on the oak trees beautiful? And are the ice floes tightly bound in the great and small waters?... A.S. Pushkin (from the novel “Eugene Onegin”) Here is the north, catching up with clouds, Breathed, howled - and here comes the sorceress winter herself. She came and fell apart; Hanged in clumps on the branches of oak trees; Lay down in wavy carpets Among the fields, around the hills; The river has leveled the river with a puffy veil; Frost flashed. And we are glad for the pranks of Mother Winter.

Sources of information used: “Wonderful Time” The best poems by Russian poets about nature – collection Internet – presentation template