Beautiful arches give the face freshness and enthusiasm. Unplucked eyebrows of an asymmetrical shape can not only make a woman look older, but also give an angry or frightened expression to the eyes. Therefore, you need to be able to properly pluck the hairs from above, giving them a house shape. Or, conversely, grow eyebrows after unsuccessful correction. In general, master all the intricacies of plucking and care at home.

Selection of tools for plucking eyebrows

To pluck your eyebrows straight or evenly, or to give them a different shape, you cannot use wax, a machine or depilatory cream. The question why is quite simple to answer. First, you need to give the arches a bend, and the sticky substance can pull out excess hairs. Secondly, you should not shave the hairs in front of your eyes, because you can not only injure the skin of your eyelids, but also get “chic” coarse stubble. This is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also difficult to eliminate. So it’s better to pluck your eyebrows with tweezers. As a last resort, you can use cotton thread. Thirdly, there is a possibility of a chemical burn.

So the instructions for beginners say that you need to pluck your eyebrows, or, if necessary, grow them after an unsuccessful correction.

When choosing tweezers, be guided by three arguments:

  • high-quality material (ideally, stainless steel);
  • beveled sharp tips (to better capture small hairs);
  • comfortable handle – the tool should not slip in your hands, so choose the right tip with an elastic band. You can buy scissor-shaped tweezers - they are very convenient for beginners.

In addition to this plucking equipment, you need to stock up on a large mirror, cotton pads, disinfectant lotion, Vaseline and make ice from a herbal decoction. Also, purchase castor oil or Burr oil with liquid retinol - suddenly you want to grow your eyebrows later. If you are going to pluck your hair for the first time in your life, it would be best to contact a specialist. Remember, you should not overuse the correction - you may be left completely without hair.

Choosing an eyebrow shape

To pluck your eyebrows correctly, you need to choose a shape that matches the outline of your face.

  • For a round face, you cannot make semicircular arches. It is better to choose a house bend. To do this, you need to pluck the hairs not only from below, but also from above.
  • The elongated outline will be suitable for stripes located evenly, without a break. Why? Because short stripes visually round out the face.
  • The classic oval eyebrows will be decorated with a house - you just have to grow the tips and adjust them a little so that they look at the middle of the ear.
  • If you have a square face, why not go for a rainbow shape. Such an outline will soften rough features. The same eyebrows can be used to decorate triangular face. But there is no need to pluck them from above - the arches can “fall” into your eyes and give you a frowning expression.

Girls who cannot decide on their own face shape can go to the salon for the first time. The specialist will not only be able to professionally pluck out excess hairs, but will also tell you how to properly grow them afterwards.

Plucking eyebrows at home

You can pluck your hair correctly at home. For some reason, professionals do not recommend correcting eyebrows from above. Like, it will make your eyes look heavier. But what if you want a house shape? You will have to get rid of vegetation along the top edge too. The main thing is not to overdo it with plucking.

Correction is a simple procedure. You just need to grab the hair at the very root with tweezers and with a sharp movement pull it out of the pore. Then the pain will decrease. If you are very afraid of pain, why not use ice to “freeze” it.

  1. First you need to form the “head” of the eyebrow. Take a pencil and mark the first point - it will be directly above the inner corner of the eye.
  2. The second point is the bend. It ends the “body” of the arc, equal in width to its “head”. The fracture should be located behind the pupil.
  3. And finally, the “tail” - it ends behind the outer edge of the eyelid. Make sure that the end of the arches does not bend down.

Once you have outlined the three main points and decided on the shape, you just need to outline the eyebrow with a white pencil, and then remove all excess hair with tweezers. Don't forget to repeat the correction at least once a week.

To understand how to properly pluck eyebrows at home, you need to learn a few nuances. To complete this task, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon; the procedure requires only a little attention and accuracy. The shape of the arches is selected individually for each person, thanks to the use of construction diagrams. It is important not to use stencils under any circumstances. Standard forms cannot suit all girls, because each face has its own features.

Necessary tools

There are many ways to correct eyebrows. Some girls prefer to use thread, others prefer tweezers, and still others even use a razor. The choice of method depends on individual preferences and the expected result. But the last option remains extreme and is not recommended to be used often. Shaved hairs may ingrown or grow thicker and faster than others. The most popular method is using tweezers.

Correction tools:

  • A wide mirror that captures the entire face.
  • Tweezers.
  • Disinfectants.

Plucking eyebrows at home requires skill. To make the process easier and not injure delicate skin, it is recommended to purchase two tweezers. The first is sharp, the second is flat.

The mild form makes minor corrections; it helps eliminate sparse fuzz and short hairs near the eyes. The basic shape is set with a sharp tool.

When purchasing a tool, you should pay attention Special attention looks like closed tweezers. The working surface should completely close, leaving no gaps. After purchasing, it must be thoroughly washed with dishwashing detergent and then placed in a disinfectant solution. For example, "Inkrasept A". It is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 and the instrument is kept inside the liquid for at least 15 minutes. Under no circumstances should you touch the liquid with unprotected hands - it may cause allergic reactions. After sterilization, the tweezers should be rinsed under running water and wiped dry.

Using small mirrors during arc correction can accidentally break symmetry. You can make arcs only in front of a wide mirror and with enough light. This is the only way to get a neat and beautiful result.

How to choose a shape based on your face type

To understand how to properly pluck eyebrows at home, you need to devote some time to studying the theory. All faces are original and have their own unique features. Therefore, the shape that suits a famous actress does not always look good on another person. The main selection criterion is the shape of the face.

Scheme of face types and suitable eyebrow shapes:

Before plucking your eyebrows, it is recommended to spend some time experimenting in front of the mirror. With help foundation you need to create the desired curves, and then fix the result with a cosmetic pencil. This approach will prevent the removal of excess hair and give you a chance to choose the desired look without compromising your appearance.

The meaning of individual traits

Not only the shape, but also the facial features matter when choosing the ideal arches. It is important to consider their size and proportions. To make this task easier to cope with, there is an auxiliary table.

Selection of shape according to facial features:

General correction formula

The main difficulty in correcting the shape of the eyebrows is how to correctly pluck the angular bend, the beginning and end of the arch . To learn how to perfectly place these intervals, you will need:

  • Ruler.
  • Cosmetic pencil.
  • Large mirror.

Procedure for finding control points:

You need to pull the hairs strictly in the direction of their growth.. Otherwise, they begin to grow into the skin. Very long hairs can be further trimmed using tweezers or manicure scissors. When making arcs, it is important not to overdo it, plucking excess at the borders and control points. After completing the procedure, the surface must be treated with an antiseptic and spread with a nourishing cream.

Plucking with thread

When figuring out how to pluck eyebrows without tweezers, you should keep in mind that the thread method is contraindicated for beginners. If the procedure is performed at home for the first time, you should carefully study the theory and first visit a specialist who uses this technique. The advantage of this step is that you can ask him to explain some of the nuances of the work, and by observing a professional, you will be able to avoid many mistakes when practicing on your own. However, such a procedure will cost more than the classical method.

Step by step guide:

Excess fluff above the arches must be pulled out very carefully so as not to injure the skin. At correct execution and having experience, correction using this technique is performed faster than using tweezers. It is important to do everything carefully and without haste, especially at first.

Not every girl knows how to pluck her eyebrows correctly, but this is one of the most simple ways quickly transform your appearance. If you remove unnecessary hairs according to all the rules, you can significantly facilitate the process, reduce pain, and get as a result perfect eyebrows.

Form selection

To pluck your eyebrows correctly, you need to choose their shape. The right choice will help highlight your strengths and hide your facial imperfections. Therefore, it is important to determine the shape of your face and boldly pluck your eyebrows, taking into account the nuances.

Hair removal methods

There are several ways to properly remove unwanted hair. In the cabin :

  • with tweezers - the master independently selects the correct shape and carefully plucks out unnecessary hairs;
  • thread - this type of depilation is more gentle, due to the fact that eyebrows are plucked faster, in whole rows at a time;
  • wax - quick way give the eyebrows the desired shape. Typically, wax strips are used to remove unnecessary hair in almost a couple of operations. There is a minus - you should choose a specialist with caution; if you move awkwardly, there is a chance of being left without an eyebrow;
  • laser - with this method, not only hairs are removed, but the hair follicles are destroyed, so the result is long-lasting. You cannot get rid of excess hair in a single procedure - they will need to be done 4-5 times for an ideal result. The downside is the significant price.

At home, you can pluck your eyebrows correctly:

  • with tweezers - with the right skill, you can quickly and accurately correct the shape of your eyebrows.
    Pros - it’s convenient to carry tweezers with you so you can correct your eyebrows on the go, low cost of the tool, pain decreases with each procedure;
  • thread - the procedure requires skill and practice, but the quick result is worth it;
  • wax - when depilating yourself using this method, you should be more careful. You need to carefully follow the instructions for the wax, glue the strips evenly, taking into account the desired shape of the eyebrows. But it is better to entrust the procedure to a professional.

How to properly pluck eyebrows with tweezers

To properly pluck your eyebrows you need to prepare:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly- do not neglect this advice, with clean hands there is less chance of infection in the wound;
  2. Treat tweezers and skin in the depilation area with an antiseptic- you can purchase the product at a pharmacy or cosmetic store;
  3. Choose a mirror for the procedure, turn on the light— under such conditions it is most convenient to carry out depilation. If the mirror stands/hangs, two hands will be free - as a result, it will be easier to pluck eyebrows. A bright light will help you see and remove the smallest hairs. After the procedure there are fewer defects, the eyebrows will turn out neater than if you perform depilation in the dark.

You can start plucking your eyebrows:

It is also permissible to pluck the hairs on top of the eyebrows. This should be done more carefully - if you remove too much, the look will become “scowling”, the eyebrows will hang over the eyes. If your forehead is short, this technique will help increase it.

How to pluck eyebrows with thread

To pluck your eyebrows correctly and beautifully with thread, you first need to choose a tool. Not every thread is suitable, it is better to use natural options: silk, cotton, ideal choice. It is theoretically possible to pluck eyebrows with a synthetic thread, but this will be more painful, not only for the skin of the face, but also for the hands. After the skein is selected you need to:

After completion, you can start plucking, but it would be correct to practice, for example, on your legs. First, you need to move the knot in the center of the thread from side to side: you need to spread the fingers of one hand, while moving the fingers on the other hand.

Depilation occurs with this movement. The thread should be positioned against the hair growth, the compression of the fingers should be sharp to remove the hairs. It is necessary to position the thread in such a way that the hand with unclenched fingers is on the side where the hair grows, then you should apply the thread to the skin of your face and remove a row of hairs by sharply squeezing your fingers. You can see how to properly pluck your eyebrows in the photo below.

Preparation before depilation with a thread should be carried out in the same way as when plucking with tweezers, with one difference - the thread does not need to be processed, because it needs to be used once and replaced during the next procedure.

It is useful to powder the skin/treat it with talcum powder, this will make the depilation process easier. By the way, you can not only pluck your eyebrows with a thread, but also remove vellus hair from your cheeks and above your upper lip.

How to reduce pain during plucking

There are several ways to reduce pain during plucking:

  1. Wipe the depilation area with an ice cube; for greater benefit, you can freeze herbal decoctions;
  2. Steam the skin - steam bath will open the pores, make the procedure easier, and reduce pain. The main thing is to wipe the skin dry after steaming;
  3. Apply special remedy- You can buy pain-relieving ointment at any pharmacy and use it before plucking.

Tricks for plucking eyebrows at home

To pluck your eyebrows correctly without harming your skin, you can use several tricks:

  • Sharp tweezers - do not skimp on the tool. If the tweezers are of high quality, with beveled edges, sharp, and comfortable, then you should not spare money. It is most convenient to pluck with tweezers;
  • Stretch the skin - if you work with two hands, one holds the tweezers, and the other stretches the skin at the site of hair removal, then the procedure will go faster. Painful sensations, by the way, will be less;
  • Magnifying mirror- if you pluck your eyebrows in front of such a mirror, you can perform the procedure more thoroughly, removing the smallest hairs.

When should you not pluck your eyebrows?

Many experts do not recommend plucking hairs that grow on top of the eyebrows. There is a good reason for this - each removed hair can radically change the expression of the face. The area above the eyebrow is a rather difficult place for depilation - if you do not have confidence in your own abilities, it is better to entrust the treatment of this area to a specialist.

Also, you should not pluck your eyebrows before leaving the house. It is better to carry out the procedure at night, when there is no need to go outside. If you pluck your eyebrows and then go for a walk, for example, the skin will turn red and look inflamed. And makeup applied on top will not help (redness will still be visible), and can cause harm - particles of shadows and foundation that get into the wounds after plucking can delay their healing, and the eyes will look unattractive for several more days.

After plucking

After depilation, you need to treat the skin with an antiseptic; it would even be right to let it rest for a couple of hours. You can apply the ice cube repeatedly to reduce pain. It is advisable not to touch the skin in the depilation area for the next couple of hours to avoid infection. Do not apply makeup, maximum care cream after a couple of hours.

Correctly pluck your eyebrows 1-2 times a week - during this time a sufficient number of hairs will grow and correction of the shape is possible.

To make your eyebrows beautiful and give them chic shape It is not enough to have the desire, you also need to have an idea of ​​how to do it. Thanks to the information in this article, you will surely cope with this difficult task and will be able to please yourself with beautiful eyebrows. In the information below, you will not only learn about the detailed eyebrow plucking technique, but also find supporting photos and videos.

Once upon a time, Faina Ranevskaya uttered the legendary phrase that beauty requires sacrifice, but we beg to differ with this famous statement. First of all, beauty requires constant care. Lovely ladies come up with everything they can to look stunning: new hairstyles, makeup, fashionable clothes, but many people forget about the little things, and they play the most important role.

Excess body hair has long been an unacceptable mistake for many women. And if many years ago the fair sex only worried about smooth legs, armpits and bikini area, today they are not limited to this. The fashion for beautifully plucked eyebrows also came to us quite a long time ago, but, of course, it reached the peak of its popularity relatively recently.

When deciding to do any eyebrow correction, the first thing you need to think about is their shape. When choosing your eyebrow shape, be guided by the shape of your face.

  • If nature has blessed you with an oval face shape, then so-called “horizontal” eyebrows will suit you. When shaping your eyebrows, don't raise them too high or make them wide. If you don't know what this form looks like and you want to make it yourself, use the Internet. Once you see this shape, it will be much easier for you to repeat it on your eyebrows.
  • Chubby girls are better off choosing a “broken” shape. The eyebrow may resemble a not very curved comma. Initially, the eyebrow is made wide, and towards the end it narrows. At the same time, the eyebrows themselves can be raised high. However, be careful not to make the shape too broken, and also refrain from using a round shape.
  • Arched eyebrows are perfect for those with square face. This shape should be done without sharp transitions, but you can get creative with the width of the eyebrows. You can also make your eyebrows round. Refrain from pointed and thin eyebrows; they are not suitable for this face shape.
  • If your face is diamond-shaped, then it is best to make regular classic eyebrows. You can also experiment with the width of the eyebrow.
  • It is much less common to see women with a face shape called “heart”. If you are lucky enough to become the owner of such a face, choose the usual “correct” shape. In this case, the eyebrows can be made quite wide, the main thing is not to make them straight, the bend must be present, another thing is that it must be smooth.

How to properly pluck eyebrows at home?

Having decided on the shape of the eyebrows, you can proceed directly to their correction. It is important to follow the procedure correctly; for this purpose we provide step by step instructions. For women who do this procedure on their own, and even for the first time, it can be very difficult, but you shouldn’t be afraid, take the advice of specialists and then everything will work out just fine.

So, you need to start by applying a contour, this process is very responsible, because it is after such manipulations that you can visually see what shape of eyebrow you will get and decide whether it suits you or not. To understand for ourselves where the upper boundary of the outline will be, we take a pencil and do the following:

  • The pencil must be applied to the nose so that one of its edges is located near the wing of the nose, and the second is directly looking at the forehead. We place a dot at the intersection of the pencil and the top of the eyebrow.
  • Now we leave one end of the pencil at the nose, and turn the other towards the temple. Again we put a dot at the point of contact.
  • And the final stage will be to determine the peak itself. We apply the pencil so that it goes through the middle of the eye - we put a dot.
  • We connect all the resulting points and get the upper boundary of the contour.
  • Our lower contour is the lower part of the eyebrow, we also highlight it with a pencil. Shade the entire outline with a pencil to get a complete picture.
  • Now evaluate the result and see if you like this shape. If not, adjust it. For example, you can make your eyebrows a little narrower.
  • Having completed all the necessary manipulations, making a shape with a pencil (by the way, this can be done in any way convenient for you), we proceed directly to the correction, that is, to plucking.

  • The simplest and most proven way to remove excess hairs is tweezers. The method of its use is probably familiar to every girl and woman.
  • You need to remove all the hairs that are outside the contour we applied. Do not forget to treat the instrument with any disinfectant before starting the procedure. So, take tweezers and grab the hair with it, and then pull it in the direction of growth. It is recommended to pluck eyebrows from the bottom edge.
  • After you finish plucking, treat “your beauty” with an antiseptic and “soothe” your eyebrows with some product that relieves pain and irritation. These can be all kinds of creams or oils.

There are also some tips regarding the tweezers themselves, of course you may think that this is absolutely not important information, however, the quality and time of the procedure depend on the quality of the instrument:

  1. When choosing tweezers, give preference to a tool made from good stuff. According to recommendations from experts and reviews from women, surgical steel is best suited. Such tweezers will serve you faithfully much longer than any other and will certainly please you with good results.
  2. There are also tweezers different shapes. For example, pointed, straight, beveled and even needle-shaped. Which form to choose is up to you to decide. When buying tweezers in a store, contact a consultant, he will be happy to choose the tool suitable for your eyebrows.

How to pluck eyebrows with thread?

You can remove excess hair and shape your eyebrows not only with tweezers and wax. Today, threading hair removal is a very relevant method. If we talk in simple words, then this is plucking eyebrows using regular thread. By the way, this method is quite ancient and originated in the East.

Plucking hairs with a thread has a number of advantages:

  1. Firstly, this method makes it possible to get rid of unwanted hair not only on the eyebrows, but also on other parts of the body: stomach, face.
  2. The procedure is much less painful than plucking with tweezers and even more so with wax.
  3. The thread allows you to remove barely noticeable hairs, which is not always possible with tweezers.
  4. The procedure does not take much time, because you can pluck several hairs at once.

How to pluck eyebrows step by step using thread? To do this, you should adhere to the following technique:

  • We will need a thread approximately 40-60 cm long; it is recommended to use silk, but in principle any thread will do.
  • Now we tie the ends of the thread together to make a circle. We take the resulting circle and put it on our hands. We put it on the index or middle fingers, leaving the thumbs free.
  • Now we twist the thread in our hands so that we get a figure in the form of a “figure eight” or an inverted letter “x”, twist it 5 times.
  • Now we hold the resulting figure with both hands, index and thumb. One of the loops should be slightly larger than the other.
  • We apply our “tool” to the skin so that it is located immediately above the excess hairs. The twisted part of the thread should be located under the hair. In this case, we place a ring above the hair, which is larger in size.
  • Now we must sharply spread the fingers of the hand that holds the small ring to the sides, thereby putting our device into action. The twisted part will move upward, pulling with it any hairs that are in the way.
  • That's all, this simple procedure will not take much time, and the result will be no worse than using tweezers.
  • After all manipulations, treat your eyebrows with a moisturizer or oil.

How to pluck your eyebrows beautifully?

The question regarding the beauty of plucked eyebrows worries, perhaps, all girls and women. However, the concept of beauty is very different for all people. That is why, when plucking your eyebrows and wanting to do it beautifully, first of all be guided by your own desires, preferences and tastes.

Speaking in general, then beautiful eyebrows can be obtained by following the following recommendations:

  1. Initially, choose the form that is suitable for you. Of course, very often by looking at movie stars, singers and any other people, we can see that very cherished eyebrow shape that we immediately want for ourselves. But take my word for it - there is no need to rush in this matter. What suits one person and creates a beautiful image, may not suit another at all and ruin the appearance.
  2. Therefore, before deciding on such a procedure, think carefully and weigh the pros and cons. Finally, remember the recommendations we wrote earlier - use a pencil, draw the desired shape and see if it suits you. If something still raises doubts, ask your family or friends for advice.
  3. The beauty of eyebrows depends on their accuracy, and this, in turn, comes with experience. Don’t be upset if you can’t create perfectly beautiful eyebrows the first time; after doing a similar procedure several times, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

The beauty of plucked eyebrows depends on many factors:

  • from the lighting in the room - if the procedure takes place in a poorly lit room, it is likely that you will not be able to pluck all the necessary hairs, since you simply will not see them, or, on the contrary, you will remove the extra ones;
  • from the instrument you use to perform the procedure. If you previously used tweezers and are now learning how to pluck with a thread, then it is quite possible that the results will be different;
  • from experience - as mentioned earlier, the more experience, the better the result.

How to pluck eyebrows without pain?

The procedure of plucking excess hairs - be it on the eyebrows or on any other parts of the body - is always accompanied by painful sensations. Of course, how much it will hurt you directly depends on your pain threshold, but even those for whom eyebrow plucking causes minimal discomfort still dream of making this procedure painless.

  • So, the first recommendation is to grab the hair directly near the root itself.
  • Do not pluck several hairs at once. Especially if you are doing this procedure for the first time.
  • You only need to pull out hairs in the direction of their growth. Also try to do this in one sharp movement, do not torment the skin.
  • If you prefer tweezers, then choose a tool with beveled edges; they grip the hairs best and prevent them from slipping out.

  • To reduce pain, you can pull out the hairs one at a time - first on one eyebrow, then on the other.
  • Women who have been doing this procedure for a long time claim that over time the pain goes away and their eyebrows seem to get used to such manipulations.
  • Do not test questionable methods on yourself, such as applying rich cream on the eyebrow or steaming the face and pores. All these methods will only worsen the process of removing excess vegetation and, moreover, can add even more pain.

How to pluck eyebrows without tweezers?

If for some reason you cannot use tweezers for this procedure, do not worry, the next method is especially for you.

  • You can also use a wax strip at home. This method is very common, however, and it has its drawbacks, which we will talk about a little later.
  • First we need to degrease the skin. Next, apply a little talcum powder to the already degreased skin and then apply wax. Do not forget that wax should be applied only in the direction of hair growth, this point is very important.

  • We press the wax well so that all unnecessary hairs stick, and wait a little until the stickiness of the wax disappears. Now remove the strip. We will do this naturally against hair growth, preferably in one sharp movement.
  • After the procedure, it is necessary to “calm” the skin by applying a cooling cream or some other special product.
  • The disadvantages of this procedure include pain, and also the fact that it is not always convenient for everyone to remove hairs with wax, because you can catch extra ones.

How to pluck eyebrows from above?

Experts do not recommend doing this procedure yourself. They are guided by the fact that it is quite difficult to pluck eyebrows from above beautifully and accurately, and, moreover, hair grows in this area much faster than in others, therefore, the more you pluck, the more it grows. However, we have come to the conclusion that these are just myths and are not supported by scientific evidence.

  • If you nevertheless decide to carry out such a procedure, then be extremely careful and careful. Think carefully in advance about what result you want to get and find out what needs to be done to achieve this.
  • It is worth plucking your eyebrows from above if you want to change the natural line of your eyebrows, for example, completely change your eyebrow shape, if you have very thick eyebrows or there is asymmetry.
  • Generally speaking, you can, of course, pluck your eyebrows from above.

  • There are no special features in carrying out this procedure; it can be done with the same tweezers, wax, thread and other devices.
  • The main thing is to remember to use a cosmetic pencil to draw borders. When all recommendations are followed, feel free to proceed with hair removal.
  • Try to sometimes take a break from the procedure and look in the mirror to notice in time if something goes wrong.

Cost of salon service for plucking eyebrows

Many women who doubt their strengths and abilities resort to the help of professionals, turning to hairdressers and beauty salons. Of course, this option is much more practical and convenient than doing the procedure yourself, however, as we all know, salon services are highly expensive.

So, here is an approximate price list for salon services:

  1. Eyebrow correction – 300-500 rubles
  2. Changing the shape of eyebrows – 400-600 rubles
  3. Eyebrow dyeing – 300-400 rubles
  4. Complex services – from 1000 rubles

It’s up to you to decide whether to give preference to a salon and hairdresser or to do everything yourself, but it’s worth remembering that the procedure done in a salon will be much better.

Eyebrow correction is a very necessary procedure. Thanks to the beautiful shape of the eyebrows, a woman’s face is transformed beyond recognition. When choosing a shape for your eyebrows, be guided not only by your preferences, but also by the advice of experts in order to get the most positive result. Take care of your eyebrows, give them the desired shape and then, looking in the mirror, you will definitely be pleased with your reflection.

Video: “Eyebrow correction: how to pluck eyebrows correctly?”

Properly plucked eyebrows are the key to an attractive face. The shape of the eyebrows allows you to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes and correct facial features, bringing it closer to an oval.

It is not difficult to learn how to correct yourself. First, to do this, you need to understand which shape is the most suitable (this will become clear through trial and error) or find out the basics of facial harmony and stick to this knowledge during the adjustment process.

Secondly, you need to get acquainted with plucking techniques and choose one that will allow you to make adjustments quickly and easily.

Form selection errors

  1. Heavily plucked eyebrows are the most unfortunate and irrelevant shape. If the eyebrows are too thin, the facial features become less harmonious. In addition, most girls who overdo it in the process of thickness correction note the problem of the impending eyelid. In fact, the cause of this problem is the shape of the eyebrows, and if you grow the hairs to the optimal thickness, the effect of drooping eyelids will disappear.
  2. Violation of the distance between the eyebrows is the second most popular mistake. The ideal distance is two fingers thick for a face with a classic set of features. But the distance may vary depending on the thickness of the tip of the nose: the farther the hairs begin to grow from each other, the narrower the tip of the nose appears. It is important that their growth from the bridge of the nose begins smoothly and looks natural.
  3. Plucking eyebrows at the top of their growth is the surest way to incorrectly shape them. Only single hairs that stray beyond the growth boundary can be removed in this area.
  4. Bending is a factor whose fashion changes regularly. A few years ago, a shape with a narrowing of thickness towards the highest point of the eyebrow was considered relevant. Today, trends in how to properly pluck eyebrows prescribe maintaining the thickness up to the bend and correcting only the “tail.”

Face shape

The main task of changing the shape of the eyebrows is to correct the shape and features of the face. Just a few movements with tweezers will help make a round face more elongated, and bring a narrow face closer to an oval shape.

Of course, it is difficult to identify rules on how to properly pluck eyebrows at home, which will equally decorate every girl. However, the list of recommendations described below, which form will be most suitable, will tell you in which direction to move.

  • on round face It is better to make the shape of the eyebrows graceful and tending towards the temples;
  • a narrow face requires expressive eyebrows; you need to create that horizontal line on the face that will visually round the face;
  • to correct a square face, you need to make the eyebrow line long, but the thickness should not be too wide;
  • A narrow chin or a triangular face requires arched eyebrows, the shape of which will balance out the facial features.

In order to understand how to pinch your eyebrows, you can experiment with a pencil, “trying it on” different lengths, thickness, color and shape. You can also resort to computer programs.

Once the decision on the exact shape of the eyebrows has been made, you can begin the plucking technique.


Before you pluck your eyebrows at home, you need to do some preparation. The instrument used to make the adjustment must be disinfected with any antiseptic. Moreover, this condition must be fulfilled even if the tweezers are an individual object of beauty.

It is also necessary to disinfect the skin. But you should not use alcohol for this purpose: it can get into your eyes or cause irritation to the skin of the eyelids. It is better to use the drug Miramistin.

After this, you need to comb the hairs with a brush. In order for this process to fully cope with the task, you must first comb your hair in the direction opposite to its growth, and then “smooth” it according to its growth.

Hairs must be removed one at a time, otherwise there is a risk of disturbing the intended shape. You need to pluck your hair, removing individual hairs that grow at a distance from the rest.

For correction, it is better to use two mirrors: one is small, with a magnifying effect, which will allow you to remove even barely noticeable hairs. The second is a large one, which reflects the entire face, which will make it possible to maintain the correct shape.

When removing hairs in places closest to the eyelid, it is necessary to stretch the eyelid with your fingers to avoid pain. If any discomfort occurs, you should immediately press the hair removal site with your fingertips: this will eliminate the discomfort.

After the adjustment is completed, you need to treat the skin again with an alcohol-free antiseptic composition. To ensure that no traces of irritation remain on the skin after correction, you need to lubricate your eyebrows with any cosmetic oil.

If the hairs are too long, you can trim them using scissors. To do this, you need to comb them upward with a brush, and then trim them with nail scissors so that the cut line is slightly higher than the line of the upper hair growth zone. After this, you need to give the hairs the correct shape with a brush.

Not only tweezers can be used as a plucking tool. The method of eyebrow correction using thread is popular. But in order for the process to be fast, skill and experience are needed. But you shouldn’t remove hair using wax or sugaring paste: there is a risk that the composition will get on the mucous membrane, which will not only bring discomfort, but can also be dangerous.