Of course, the effect of water on the skin depends not only on the composition and temperature of the water itself, but also on the condition of the skin. Today we will look at the influence of certain temperatures on different kinds skin so that you can choose the best option for yourself.

Hot water

Washing with hot water degreases and often dries the skin. On the one hand, in this case, the owners oily skin It is better to use hot water for washing, because it effectively cleanses the face, washing away excess sebum from its surface. However, washing your face with hot water every day causes blood vessels to dilate, which can cause your nose and cheeks to become red. Moreover, hot water excessively relaxes the skin muscles, which can cause premature sagging of the skin. Therefore, no matter what skin type you have, it is enough to wash your face with hot water once a week, and then rinse it with water at a lower temperature.

Cold water

There is an opinion that washing with cold water hardens the skin, increasing local immunity. However, this is not a completely justified measure. The skin of the face is already periodically exposed to aggressive influences. environment, and if you also wash it daily with cold water, it will begin to dry out and peel. For dry skin types, cold water is completely contraindicated, as it will only aggravate the situation and can even lead to redness. If you have normal, oily or combination skin, then washing with cold water should be scheduled for the morning. This will pleasantly invigorate and awaken the skin. But in the evening it is better to avoid such a procedure, because it can cause an unwanted surge of energy and disrupt sleep.

Ice water

Let's start with the fact that washing with ice water is a very extreme measure. Effective skin care requires a reasonable approach to choosing the temperature of the water for washing. However, sometimes ice water can be beneficial if you have oily skin, for example. Ice water tightens pores and makes the skin glow. But don't overdo it. Wash your face with ice water no more than once a week after taking a warm shower and only during the warm season. Exposure to warm air after icy washing promotes blood flow to the skin and strengthens blood vessels.

Room temperature water

This water is optimal for washing for any skin type. Water that matches the temperature of the environment in which you live is gentle on the skin and does not injure it. You can also use specially prepared water for washing, softened by boiling or filtering.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

It would seem that what could be simpler than regular washing? However, there are many nuances here. On different skin Water temperature, frequency of washing, and the use of various skin cleansers have different effects.

Cold water hardens the body and our entire body, but if you constantly wash your face with it, it can even cause harm to it. Low temperature water causes temporary vasoconstriction and reduces blood supply. Constantly washing with cold water leads to deterioration of skin nutrition. If you systematically wash your face only with cold water, the skin develops first of all, paleness, then dryness, dullness, and finally the skin ages and becomes wrinkled.

It is not advisable to wash your face with low-temperature water, especially during the cold season. The air outside already not only cools, but also dries the skin. Washing your face with cold water in winter and spring only increases hypothermia of the facial skin, causing all kinds of irritation and even frostbite. To refresh your face in the morning, it is better to use water at room temperature. An hour before going outside, rinse your face and neck and apply to wet face. fat cream. After some time, the face should be blotted with a napkin to remove excess cream.

Using cold water, even without soap, prevents sebum secretion. Within reasonable limits, it is even useful for people with oily skin. If your skin is dry or prone to dryness, regular and prolonged washing with cold water will inevitably result in flaking. Systematic washing before going outside also contributes to dry skin.

Using cold water in the morning, even with ice, will refresh and strengthen any skin during the warm season. In summer and autumn, morning washing is accompanied by the influence of warm air, resulting in increased blood flow and improved skin nutrition.

It is not advisable to wash your face with cold water or apply ice at night - this can cause agitation and disrupt sleep. In this regard, it is better to leave contrast washes in the morning.

If you prefer hot water to cold water, then you need to know the following. Hot water doesn't just wash away dirt. It dilates pores and reduces skin resistance. Prolonged washing with hot water causes a persistent dilation of the superficial vessels of the skin, weakening their walls. Heat water helps first to relax and then weaken the superficial skin muscles; the skin becomes sagging, loses elasticity, and wrinkles appear.

When you wash your face with hot water and soap, the skin is severely degreased and dehydrated. Such washing, repeated day after day, leads to stagnation of blood in the skin, unpleasant redness of the nose and cheeks. It is enough to wash your face with hot water once a week, in the evening, after which you should definitely rinse your face with cool water.

Sometimes it is useful to wash your face with warm water alternately with cool water, causing contrast irritation. A rapid change in temperature has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and the nerve endings of the skin. Contrast washing serves as a kind of gymnastics for blood vessels and provides good nutrition to the skin. The denser the skin and the deeper the blood vessels are located in it, the more often contrast washing can be used. In this case, you should always finish the procedure with cool or cold water.

If your skin is very oily, rough, with large pores, then you can prolong the contrast wash by using cool water. But it is better to do this gradually, so that the prolongation of the procedure is pleasant and desirable for the skin.

Contrast washing can be used not only to effectively cleanse the skin. By frequently changing the temperature, the skin can be treated. To do this, you need to repeat the contrast wash every morning or one and a half to two hours before bedtime for 10-15 days.

“Washing with hot water and the use of sharp contrasting washes are strictly contraindicated for those who have dilated capillaries on the face (rosacea).”

The most reasonable thing is to wash your face with water at room temperature, soft (rain, snow) or softened.

To make the water soft, boil the water or add a small amount of borax or salt to it. Washing with soft water at room temperature causes a short-term constriction of the blood vessels, followed by their prolonged dilation. This promotes blood flow to the skin and improves its nutrition. In addition, washing with warm water (no higher than 35°C) calms the nervous system, relieves skin muscle tension, and prepares the body well for sleep. Everyone can wash their face with water at room temperature, regardless of age, properties and skin type.

Thus, the systematic use of both cold and hot water causes all kinds of skin irritations and is generally harmful to the skin.

It is also important to remember that when washing it is better not to use rough washcloths, brushes, or laundry soap- not a product that will please and suit your face. Using a rough towel after washing will also not give your face or you any pleasant moments.

In some cases, if there are comedones on the skin of the face, washing with a brush is, of course, acceptable. It can be carried out with the aim of strengthening and deeper cleansing of the skin. The neck can also be washed with a brush.

In order to really tighten the neck muscles, this procedure must be performed systematically and should preferably be started before you turn 25 years old.

Washing is only one way to cleanse the skin of the face and neck, but far from the only one. In the evening, in addition to washing your face, you need to do a more thorough cleansing of your face. And you need to do this every day.

How to wash your face properly? Weird question. We open the tap, and... we wash ourselves. Is there something wrong? Is there any other way to wash your face? It can and should be done differently. So let's figure out how to do it correctly and what water is best to wash with.

Washing with water is the fastest and most affordable way skin cleansing. Water cleanses our skin of sweat, dust, germs, and skin secretions. Water temperature is very important for facial skin. For washing, you can use hot water up to 45 degrees, warm - up to 37 degrees, cool - 25-28 degrees and cold - 15-20 degrees.

How to wash your face with hot water

Hot water causes a rush of blood to the skin of the face, it cleanses the skin well. But you can wash your face with water at this temperature when you are young and have oily skin. Its insidiousness lies in the fact that it dries the skin, reduces skin tone and, naturally, ages. How to wash your face correctly using hot water, you need to know and stick to one thing important rule: washing must be completed with cold water, and wash in this way no more than 3 times a week. You should wash your face in the evening, and overnight the skin will restore its natural oil balance on its own.

Warm water is beneficial for normal skin. But even such skin, if washed regularly with warm water (which is what we prefer), can be slightly “damaged” over time. After all, warm water relaxes the tone of the skin and muscles.

How to wash your face with cold water

But cool water and cold water, on the contrary, increase tone, strengthen the skin and make it more resilient. What does more resilient mean? Let me give you an example. One summer I happened to be on a train. The heat in the carriage was unbearable. And my compartment neighbor drank hot tea endlessly. Her face was constantly sweating, and she rubbed it mercilessly terry towel. I just looked sideways at her in surprise. If I had mocked my capricious and pampered skin like that, I would have immediately started to become irritated, and my face would have been covered with red spots that would sting, itch and cause a lot of problems. My skin cannot be called patient and resilient.

Washing with cold water causes a sharp constriction of blood vessels, and then their dilation. This is the skin's response to cooling. Regular washing with cold water is not advisable. Gradually it will lead not only to dry skin, but also to congestion and redness of the skin. Therefore, you can wash your face properly with cold water, using it only after hot water.

Contrast washing is very useful for the face. It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. In this case, you need to alternate between cool water and hot water. This “bathing” is especially useful for oily skin with enlarged pores. But if you have a network of dilated blood vessels on your face, then contrast washing will be harmful to you.

What water is better to wash your face with?

What water to use and how to wash properly? The fact is that not all water is suitable for washing. Moreover, tap water is not suitable at all. Calcium and magnesium salts are harmful to the skin, and even more so the chlorine contained in it. No matter how thoroughly we dry our face with a towel, after final drying, salts will remain on the skin, and especially in the pores. Yes Yes. The water will evaporate, and the salts will remain on the skin. Therefore, it is better to wash your face with boiled water, or add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter of water to soften.

And the last question that remains unclear is whether it is possible to wash your face with soap? With regular bar soap, which we have in our soap dish. The answer is clear: not advisable! To wash your face, you need to use special products, foams, gels, etc., which are specifically designed for this purpose and do not violate the natural protection of the facial skin.

Is all this troublesome? Is it easier to turn on the tap and wash your face as usual without any hassle? Well, keep up the good work, day after day, year after year. At least for the rest of my life. The result will gradually affect your face. But in this case, do not return to the question of how to wash your face properly so as not to harm your skin.

You don't drink tap water, do you? Most likely you have a household filter? Why should your skin suffer from that “wonderful” water that flows from your tap? Washing with such water leads to blockage of sweat and sebaceous glands with salts, dryness, irritation, loss of elasticity and premature aging skin. Do you need this?

So, best way for washing - this is boiled water, or softened with baking soda and left for 15 minutes. For a contrast wash, prepare 2 options: leave some of the water at room temperature, and slightly warm up some. And wash your face to your heart’s content, proud of yourself that you are not a lazy person, and are making such titanic efforts to maintain your appearance.

How to wash your face in winter?

And don’t forget one more thing: in winter you need to wash your face 30-40 minutes before going out into the cold and under no circumstances use moisturizers. Choose something from the winter series and do not use summer cream just because it is expensive and needs to be used completely. Change the cream and don't abuse your skin.

All moisturizing cosmetics can be applied to the face in the evening, and excess should be carefully removed before bed. Any evening cream is applied in a very thin layer. Otherwise, overnight it will do not so much good as harm.

Is it possible to wash your face with soap?

And the last recommendation, we remind you again: be sure to quit bad habit wash with soap if you have not already done so. Even if your skin tolerates it and does not protest in response with dryness and irritation. There is a huge arsenal on sale special means for washing. Choose something for your skin type and use it to your heart's content.


Thanks to K.I. Chukovsky, we have been familiar with the basic rule of hygiene since childhood: “you must, you must, wash your face in the mornings and evenings...” But not all of us know how to wash ourselves properly in the morning. Usually, after waking up, we rush to the bathroom, where we most often wash ourselves with cool water in order to finally wake up and invigorate ourselves. But is this right? Let's try to figure it out.

Skin types

It is known that facial skin is divided into:

  • normal,
  • fat,
  • dry.

Each of the above skin types has its own washing method:

  1. When normal skin You should wash your face morning and evening. When washing, it is recommended to use mild cleansers that allow you to remove oil accumulated overnight from the skin along with dead cells. After cleansing, the face is wiped with tonic and a day cream is applied (protecting and restoring skin balance).
  2. The second type of skin requires more attention, since in this case more oil and dirt accumulate in the pores. It is recommended to wash your face three times a day. To get rid of impurities, you need the help of cleansing gels, foams, and special scrubs.
  3. Particular delicacy is necessary for dry skin, because if not properly cared for, it begins to peel off and wrinkles immediately appear. You should wash your face with cool water without using commercial cosmetic cleansers, followed by applying a special cream designed to care for dry skin. In this case, washing with soap should be avoided.

Cold water

Undoubtedly, cold water has a positive effect on human health and helps to harden the body, but washing it too often does more harm than good. Long-term exposure to low temperatures on the skin certainly leads to a narrowing of blood vessels and, as a result, a decrease in blood supply. As a result of too frequent washing with cold water, the skin loses its attractiveness and elasticity, becoming flabby, dry and wrinkled.

Washing with cool water does not harm oily skin, since in this case cold water helps reduce the work of the sebaceous glands and the amount of oil secreted by the pores.

Hot water

The effect of hot water on the skin helps to expand the pores, while reducing its resistance to various adverse effects. With regular washing with hot water, the surfaces of skin vessels expand, and at the same time the permeability of the vessel walls increases.

Note! The influence of hot water has a negative impact on the face: muscles weaken, skin becomes flabby and wrinkled.

Room temperature water

For literally all people, water at room temperature is excellent for washing. It helps not only refresh the skin, but also tone it. At the end of the water procedure, women are advised to briefly apply a rich cream to moisturized facial skin. After a few minutes, the remaining cream should be removed with a cosmetic napkin.

This is the most optimal option for washing, which consists of alternating warm and cool water. Such a change in water temperature helps increase blood circulation, while improving skin nutrition and having a positive effect on nerve endings.

Note! You should start contrast washing with warm water and end with cool water.

You should first consult with your doctor, since such washing is not recommended for people with dilated capillaries.

Finally, a couple of important tips:

  • To prevent your skin from aging prematurely, do not dry your face with a towel in a downward motion. You need to carefully blot your face with a towel, then the skin will definitely not lose its elasticity.
  • After washing, you should not immediately go outside to protect your skin from chapping and drying out.


In addition to what you read, we suggest watching a video about evening washing:

I already wrote about that. Let's now see how beneficial cold water is for facial skin.

Our skin naturally protects and moisturizes itself; This happens mainly due to two things:

  1. Nutrients that come into the skin along with blood circulation.
  2. A protective oily film that forms on the surface of the skin.

Of course, the greasy film has to be washed off periodically, because... it accumulates dirt, but what we do with it directly affects the condition of our skin.

Hot water and soap effectively remove dirt, while leaving the skin defenseless for a while until the natural film is restored.

If at the end of washing, after hot water, you rinse your face with cool water, this will lead to the following effects:

  • The pores on the skin will narrow, the skin of the face will become more toned.
  • Cool water stimulates blood circulation in the skin, which speeds up its recovery and hydration. It literally “awakens” skin cells, stimulating their activity. Remember what happens when you come home from the cold in winter, and your hands and feet begin to warm up? You feel how the blood begins to run in them. About the same thing happens in the skin of the face after rinsing with cool water.
  • By increasing blood supply, toxins are removed from the skin faster, which rejuvenates the skin, giving it a more radiant appearance.

What water should I use?

You can wash off the dirt with warm water (room temperature or slightly higher).

Then rinse your face with cool water. Ice water should not be used, because... its effect will resemble hot (remember how they say that frost “burns”?), i.e. it will also dry out the skin. Although short-term exposure to cold water on the skin can be beneficial, because... will also stimulate blood circulation in it.