No master can answer this question over the phone or determine it from a photograph. To do this we need to see you live.

For extensions, hair is selected that suits you in color, structure, desired length and, of course, volume. It is precisely the volume that is difficult to estimate from the photo. Some will need 83 strands, some 115, and some 224. As a rule, on average you need 120-140 strands.

The same can be said for tapes, but on average you need 40-50 of them if the width of each tape is 4 cm, or 50-60 if the width is 3 cm. Of course, this is all individual, and some need more, and others -less, but in any case, the girl wants to at least roughly understand what she can expect. Therefore, we provide a more accurate scheme for calculating the required volume.

Data for calculation

We consider the strands on the capsules to be standard, the ribbons are 4 cm wide, the desired hair length is 45-50 cm.

SHORT HAIR from 5 cm to 10 cm

  • Small volume – 140 strands / 50 ribbons.
  • Average volume – 160 strands / 60 ribbons.
  • Thick hair – 200 strands / 80 ribbons.


  • Small volume – 120 strands / 40 ribbons.
  • Average volume – 150 strands / 60 ribbons.
  • Thick hair – 180 strands / 70 ribbons.


  • Small volume – 100 strands / 40 ribbons.
  • Average volume – 140 strands / 60 ribbons.
  • Thick hair – 170 strands / 70 ribbons.

If you have long hair and you just want to increase the volume, then 50 to 120 strands or 20-40 ribbons are enough. In this case, you can arrange the strands/ribbons so that it remains possible to create high ponytails and any other hairstyles.

Hair extensions are a popular method of achieving luxurious and thick hair. Salons offer hair extensions of various lengths in several ways. How much such a procedure costs will be discussed in our article.

Types of hair extensions

Each modern woman It is possible to add hair extensions using one of the following methods:

  1. Cold extension involves the use of metal clips or special glue.
  2. To fix strands using the hot extension method, resin or keratin is used.

On a note: the described methods have several varieties, which are named after the country where this or that fixing component was first used. Thus, salon specialists can offer you English, Italian, Spanish and other extension methods.

Cold and hot extensions have several subtypes.

  • Capsule method(hot method) - for this, masters use a keratin capsule, which is heated and “attached” to natural strands.
  • Non-capsule extension(cold method) - in this case, a special miniature sleeve is used, which is attached to natural curls.
  • Tress method(cold extension) consists of sewing artificial strands (tresses) to a braid braided on the head.
  • Tape extensions(cold method) involves gluing artificial strands to the roots of natural hair using double-sided tape.
  • For Japanese build-up (cold method) beads, clamps or clips are used to hold artificial curls.

How much does each type of extension cost?

Only the specialist to whom you entrusted hair extensions will tell you the exact cost of this procedure. The price for this type of service depends on the desired length of the renewed hair, the chosen extension method, the type of hair (this includes European, Slavic, Asian and South Slavic), the number of strands, as well as the reputation of the establishment and the qualifications of the specialist. Below we have given the average prices for hair extensions using the methods described above.

  1. When using the capsule method Extension of 100 strands of Slavic hair 45 cm long will cost from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

Note: the cost of the capsule extension procedure itself for 100 strands is estimated at an average of 5 thousand rubles (for 200 strands - 10 thousand rubles). The cost of the procedure also includes the price for donor strands. As a rule, one strand (45 cm) of Slavic hair costs 100 rubles (70 cm - 160-200 rubles).

  1. Non-capsule extension Slavic hair from 45 cm will cost approximately 10-15 thousand rubles.
  2. Afrogrowth(using tresses) will cost the client 5-10 thousand rubles, subject to medium-length Slavic hair extensions.
  3. Tape extensions 40 ribbons of European hair 45 cm long will cost approximately 10-20 thousand rubles.
  4. Japanese build-up Southern Russian hair (100 strands) 45 cm long will cost the client 12-20 thousand rubles.

Remember that after the extension procedure, your renewed hair will need regular correction. For each type of extension it has its own time frame.

  1. Thus, correction of hair extensions using the capsule method, should be carried out every 1-3 months. For adjusting 1 strand, the master asks 50 rubles (average price). Those. if you have extended 100 strands, the correction will cost 5 thousand rubles.
  2. Hair correction using the capsule-free method carried out once every 2-3 months. This procedure will cost 3-5 thousand rubles.
  3. Correction of the extensions fixed with tresses is necessary after 1-2 months. The cost of this service is in the range of 2-5 thousand rubles.
  4. Tape extensions undergo correction Once every 3 months. The average price for such a procedure is 4 thousand rubles (for 40 tapes).
  5. Correction of Japanese extensions is carried out after 2-3 months. The average cost of the described service is 4 thousand rubles.

Note! Hair extensions by any method involve proper care for donor strands. Don’t forget to check all the details of caring for your new hair with your hair stylist.


How many capsules do I need for hair extensions and got the best answer

Answer from Ekaterina Tarasenko[guru]
Hair extensions if you have short haircut(not shorter than 15-20cm).
To create volume, you will need to add at least 150 strands to make your hair look thick.
To increase the length to 40 cm, you will need to increase from 80 to 120 strands.
When cutting hair shorter than 15-20cm, the length of the hair strands in the parietal area is important, minimum 5-7cm. Here a gradual transition from short to long hair is applied. To achieve a natural look, from 120 to 170 strands and a special haircut are used.
Hair extensions for normal hair thickness.
With normal hair thickness, for full extensions you will need about 100 grams of hair for extensions or 100-125 strands ready for extensions. You can significantly increase the length of your hair and get great volume.
To increase volume without increasing length, you will need a smaller number of hair extensions, about 75 strands.
To increase the volume of your long hair, add 50 strands of extensions, depending on the desired effect.
Hair extensions if you have thick hair.
If you have thick hair, then for a full hair extension you will need 150-175 strands of hair extensions.

Answer from Irinaki[guru]
From 100 to 150

Answer from Alish[guru]
150 or more, depends on the thickness of the hair in the capsule

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How many capsules do I need for hair extensions?

Extension technologies

Eyelash extensions

Hair care

Hair types

Carefully! Not professional work!

Photo gallery

Price list

Hair extension specialists



100 strands - 6500 rub. (all inclusive)
Styling and contouring FOR FREE!!!


Get it DISCOUNT RUR 500 for a miracle strands 3 days before or after yourBirthday!!!


When purchasing two or more sets of miracle strands DISCOUNT 500 rub.

100 strands 50 cm

    If you are already on this site, then most likely you are already excited about the idea of ​​long hair. But you still have a lot of questions, doubts, pros and cons, scary stories from the Internet and much more. We will try to resolve all pressing issues regarding hair extensions. There shouldn’t be any problems with choosing a technology; they all have their disadvantages as well as their advantages, but in my opinion, it’s better to lengthen hair using capsule technologies. This gives you a guarantee of minimal visibility of donor hair attachment, as well as ease of use.

    The second question that may arise for a person encountering the topic for the first time hair extensions, how much hair should be not your own to give length to your own? Here the answer is even simpler. Standard measure of volume in extension is considered one volume. For Italian technology

E uro So Cap this is 100 strands, for tape hair extensions this is 40 tapes, for micro hair extensions Extend Magic This is 100 grams of hair per section. Therefore, from here you can easily calculate 1.5 or 2 volumes. notice, that 100 strands in Italian extensions This is not always pure 100 grams of hair, since a strand may weigh a little less + the weight of the keratin capsule itself.
D ale. We have decided on the volume, but what about the length? The most commonly used length for hair extensions is 50 cm. This optimal length looks very natural, almost like your own hair. Although hair is used more to add volume only short length. For those who are very tall or want to have very long hair, you can make extensions of 60 cm or more.

So, to summarize, for not very thick hair in capsule extensions, 1 volume would be ideal - 100 strands 50 cm length. This hairstyle will look very natural, is easy to style, and will also not cause any hassle in care.

There are two types of hair extensions: artificial and natural. The former are more short-lived and not every extension technology is suitable for them.

The second ones last from a year to several years, they are cared for in the same way as natural hair.

Artificial hair cannot be styled or applied to it. protective equipment, they may cause allergies in some women.

Let's talk about each type of hair in more detail.

Artificial strands

They are made from a material called kanekalon. Sometimes used to build up another artificial material– fiber.

Both types of synthetic hair were originally created for Afro hairstyles: African, zi-zi and pony. Their service life usually does not exceed 4-6 months.

For some women, when artificial strands come into contact with the skin of the face or head, they may experience allergic reaction. Kanekalon bears little resemblance to natural hair, and is usually noticeable during extensions, since the structure of your own strands and synthetic ones is very different.

Extensions using Kanekalon are usually done by weaving them into your own hair, or using glue. Sometimes such extensions are done on capsules.

Main characteristics artificial strands are:

  • short service life;
  • cannot be exposed to high temperatures;
  • most optimal for short hair extensions;
  • extension method - preferably braided into a short braid;
  • do not use balms or styling products on the strands;
  • can't be washed often;
  • may cause an allergic reaction.

Usually Kanekalon is chosen for extensions if you want to change your hairstyle for a short time. It is inexpensive; a full set of strands will cost from 1,400 to 2,000 rubles.

If you want to temporarily change your image, change it and do not have high demands on your hair, Kanekalon is a good choice.

You can also use it as a test to see how well it suits you long hair.

Artificial hair is represented in a rich palette of shades: from natural colors, to acidic, there is a colored ombre.

Natural strands

If you are planning a long-term image change, it is better buy natural. They differ in countries of origin, types of strands and extension method.

Natural hair can be bought by weight (cut), in strands, in ready-made capsules, in tress (for sew-in extensions or for shaping strands with your own hands), on ribbons.

All existing extension technologies are suitable for natural curls, except Afro braiding.

By country of origin they distinguish the following types of strands:

  1. European. Middle class, good quality, average price.
  2. Slavic. Elite high quality material. Price is medium to high.
  3. Brazilian. They do not lend themselves well to dyeing in light colors; they are suitable for brunettes with coarse and thick hair. They perform well when worn and last a long time. Average quality, luxury hair available. The price is reasonable.
  4. Asian. Suitable exclusively for brunettes with straight, thin, medium-coarse hair. Not durable to wear. They are of low quality. The price is usually low.
  5. Indian. Not very common on Russian market. Ideal for brunettes, the hair quality is usually high. They last a long time and are great for capsule extensions and ring extensions. The price is average.

Strands must be selected taking into account the structure and color of your own curls. If your hair is very long, then the strands are selected accordingly. At good care natural strands can be worn for several years. To give them their original appearance It is necessary to laminate once every 3-4 months and avoid frequent coloring.

Natural strands can be dyed any color, cut, curled, styled, straightened - they are absolutely identical to your own.

Hairdressing salons and special tailoring workshops collect the material.

Women sell their locks for various reasons, receiving payment for them depending on the quality of the strands. Next they are processed, selecting only suitable for hair extensions, prepared for sale and supplied to the Russian market.

You will learn how to distinguish natural strands from artificial ones from this video.

How many strands do you need for hair extensions?

Masters rarely use the word “strands”. Mainly "hair". So, how much hair do you need for extensions?

The required amount of material is calculated by volume. Extending hair strands of medium length and thickness – 120-140 strands – is called “full volume”. Thick hair extensions require one and a half to two volumes (in rare cases).

It should also be remembered that not all strands are sold individually. Strands in tresses or cut are sold by weight. How many grams of hair do you need for extensions? For a hairstyle of medium thickness you need from 80 to 120 grams of hair, for thick and heavy hair from 100 to 160 grams.

When purchasing strands on tapes (OneTouch) for this type of extension, you should remember that the kit can include from 20 to 40 strands.

Sets of 20 strands Usually sold to lengthen hairstyles in the bangs and temples, or add volume. Sets of 40 strands - directly for extensions. You need to purchase 60 or 80 strands. How many strands are needed for hair extensions? For medium hair thickness you will need an average of 60-65 strands, for thick hair - 75-80 strands.

If you buy Kanekalon, a full extension will require from 6 to 10 packs of material. It is always better to take a small supply of material. It often happens that a woman saves by taking fewer strands than necessary. As a result, the hairstyle loses volume because there is not enough material, and it looks like a rat's tail.

How to choose the right material for extensions? It is best to buy strands for extensions in special store.

This way you can evaluate the quality of the material with your own eyes and choose the most suitable curls for hair extensions, 100 strands of photos are attached below. At the same time, you need to thoroughly study all hair extensions.

Prices in retail stores are usually slightly higher than when buying strands in an online store. In the second case, a return is possible if you are not satisfied with the quality of the product. If you decide to get hair extensions, a photo of 100 strands is attached below.

Photo of 100 strands

How to choose the right hair?

Do right choice Video material will help you with hair extensions.

Now you can make a purchase

You can check the quality of the material by feeling the strand. If it is soft, shiny, the hair is elastic and does not tear from a careless touch - the material good quality, and you can buy it.

The strands should not be hard, dry in appearance, or without shine. This means that they are trying to sell you a low-quality product.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about how to extend the life of your extensions. Nourish them regularly with masks and oils, avoiding contact with the attachment site.

Do not overuse styling products and devices such as curling irons and hair dryers. And then your strands will serve you for a long time and delight you with their appearance.