Questionnaire for parents “Measure of care”

Goal: To help parents understand how correct their educational position is.

Instructions: Here are 15 statements. At first glance, it may seem that not all of them are related to education. However, against each phrase, mark the number of points corresponding to your judgment on this issue.

“I would not rush to agree with this” - 2 points.

“This is probably true” - 3 points.

“Exactly right, that’s exactly what I think” - 4 points.

1. Parents must anticipate all the child’s problems in order to help him overcome them.

2. For a good mother, communication only with her own family is enough.

Z. small child You should always hold it firmly while washing to prevent it from falling and getting hurt.

4. When a child does what he is supposed to do, he is on the right path and will be happy because of it.

5. It’s good if a child plays sports. But he should not engage in martial arts, as this is fraught with physical injuries and mental disorders.

6. Parenting is hard work.

7. A child should not have secrets from his parents.

8. If the mother fails to cope with her responsibilities towards the children, this most likely means that the father is poorly fulfilling his responsibilities to support the family.

9. Mother's love cannot be excessive: you cannot spoil a child with love.

10. Parents should protect their child from the negative aspects of life.

11. Don't yell at your child for routine homework so that he does not lose his desire for any work.

12. If the mother did not manage the house, husband, and children, everything would happen less organized.

13. In the family’s diet, everything that is delicious and healthy should first of all go to the child.

14. Best protection from infectious diseases - limit contact with others.

15. Parents should actively influence which of their peers the child chooses as friends.

Results of the test for parents “Measure of caring”

If you scored over 40 points , then your family can most likely be called child-centric. That is, the interests of the child are the main motive for your behavior. This position is worthy of approval. However, for you it is somewhat pointed. Psychologists call this overprotection. In such families, adults do everything for the child, strive to protect him from imaginary dangers, force him to follow his demands, judgments, and moods. As a result, the child develops passive dependence on his parents, which, as he grows older, increasingly impedes personal growth. You should trust your child more, believe in him, listen to his own interests, because it is rightly noted: “Raising children means teaching them to do without us.”

From 25 to 40 points . Your child is not in danger of becoming promiscuous and spoiled because you give him enough, but not excessive, attention. Try to maintain this level of relationship.

2.3 Questionnaire “Measure of Caring”

Many disorders in the behavior and development of a child are associated with insufficient or excessive attention from parents. This test will help you figure out how correct the educational position is.

Instructions: it is known that many violations in the behavior and development of a child are associated with insufficient attention from parents to him. However, according to psychologists, excessive care can be just as dangerous as its lack. This test will help you figure out how correct your educational position is. Here are 15 statements. At first glance, it may seem that not all of them are related to education. However, against each phrase, mark the number of points that correspond to your judgment on this issue.

“I would not rush to agree with this” - 2 points.

“This is probably true” - 3 points.

“Exactly right, that’s exactly what I think” - 4 points.

1. Parents must anticipate all the child’s problems in order to help him overcome them.

2. For a good mother, communication only with her own family is enough.

3. A small child should always be held firmly while washing to prevent him from falling and hurting himself.

4. When a child does what he is supposed to do, he is on the right path and will be happy because of it.

5. It’s good if a child plays sports. But he should not engage in martial arts, as this is fraught with physical injuries and mental disorders.

6. Parenting is hard work.

7. A child should not have secrets from his parents.

8. If the mother fails to cope with her responsibilities towards the children, this most likely means that the father is poorly fulfilling his responsibilities to support the family.

9. Mother's love cannot be excessive: you cannot spoil a child with love.

10. Parents should protect their child from the negative aspects of life.

11. You should not accustom your child to routine housework so that he does not lose the desire for any work.

12. If the mother did not manage the house, husband, and children, everything would happen less organized.

13. In the family’s diet, everything that is delicious and healthy should first of all go to the child.

14. The best protection against infectious diseases is limiting contact with others.

15. Parents should actively influence which of their peers the child chooses as friends.

Processing the results

If you scored over 40 points, then your family can most likely be called child-centric. That is, the interests of the child are the main motive for your behavior. This position is worthy of approval. However, for you it is somewhat pointed. Psychologists call this overprotection. In such families, adults do everything for the child, strive to protect him from imaginary dangers, force him to follow his demands, judgments, and moods. As a result, the child develops passive dependence on his parents, which, as he grows older, increasingly impedes personal growth. You should trust your child more, believe in him, listen to his own interests, because it is rightly noted: “Raising children means teaching them to do without us.”

From 25 to 40 points. Your child is not in danger of becoming promiscuous and spoiled because you give him enough, but not excessive, attention. Try to maintain this level of relationship.

If you scored less than 25 points, then you clearly underestimate yourself as a teacher and rely too much on chance and favorable circumstances. Problems in business and marital relationships often distract your attention from your child. And he has the right to expect great participation and care from you!


The family is one of the main institutions that ensures interaction between the individual and society, integration and prioritization of their interests and needs. It gives a person ideas about life goals and values, what you need to know and how to behave. In the family, the child receives the first practical skills in applying these ideas in relationships with other people, correlates his “I” with the “I” of other people, and learns the norms that regulate behavior in different situations everyday communication. The explanations and instructions of parents, their example, the whole way of life in the house, the family atmosphere develop in children behavioral habits and criteria for assessing good and evil, worthy and unworthy, fair and unfair.

However, raising children is not only a personal matter for parents; the whole society is interested in it. Family education is only a part of public education, but a very significant and unique part. Its uniqueness, firstly, lies in the fact that it gives the “first lessons of life”, which lay the foundation for guidance to actions and behavior in the future, and secondly, that family education is very effective, since it is carried out continuously and simultaneously covers everything sides of the developing personality. It is built on the basis of stable contacts and emotional relationships between children and parents. Moreover, we are not talking about natural feelings of love and trust, but also about children’s feelings of safety, security, the opportunity to share experiences, and receive help from adults.

Over the long history of the family, an extremely large number of observations have been accumulated on the upbringing of children. Important generalizations follow from these observations, which can be conditionally classified as general patterns of raising children in the family. And although they do not yet have all the signs of a natural connection, their status still stands above primary facts and simple conclusions. From them follow advice to parents, rules family education.

Rules are necessary for parents to check their actions against them from time to time; rules are necessary for teachers to provide productive and informed advice to parents, especially when they older in age.

Based on the assumption that human nature is unchangeable, we must conclude that children are no different from their parents. We will get a very accurate image of the child if we add up the sum of the advantages and disadvantages of both parents and divide it in half.


1. “Popular psychology for parents” p/r A.A. Bodaleva, M, 1988.

2. Azarov Yu.P. . "Family Pedagogy". M, 1985.

3. Antonov A.I., Borisov A.L. Family crisis and ways to overcome it. - M., 1990.

4. Zatsepin V.I. etc. Young family. - Kyiv, 1991.

5. Igoshvv K.E., Minkovsky GM Family, children, school. - M., 1989.

7. Korczak Ya. How to love children. - M., 1973.

8. Kulik L.A. , N.I. Berestov. "Family education" M, 1990.

9. Mantepcek Zdenjak. Parents and children. - M., 1992.

10. Mintoyan AL. Family consumer behavior. - M., 1990.

11. The wisdom of education: A book for parents - M., 1989. Nefedov V.I., Shcherban Yu.Yu. The art of family education. - Minsk, 1971.

12. Nikitin V.P., Nikitina L.A. We, our children and grandchildren. - M., 1989.

13. Father in the family: A book for parents. - M., 1970.

14. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy. Textbook for universities. M.. 2003

15. Proshchitskaya E.N. Choose a profession. - M., 1991.

16. Soloveichik SM. Pedagogy for everyone. - M., 1987.

17. Sukhomlinskip V.A. Parental pedagogy. - M„ 1977.

18. Tochin A.E. Labor education children in the family. - Minsk. 1962.

19. Flake-Hobson K. et al. Development of a child and his relationships with others / Trans. from English - M.. 1993.

20. Sheregi F.E., Kharcheva V.G., Serikov V.V. Sociology of education. - M., 1997.

The exchange of thoughts and feelings - all this dooms the Japanese to a certain isolation (if not personal, then group) and at the same time gives them a fear of being alone with themselves.17 3.2. Problems of family education in American pedagogy. The first American colonists were bearers of the traditions of different peoples, which was reflected in the family structure and principles of raising children. At the same time, their...

Educators and the educated, the organization of certain relationships between them, the development of the activity of the educated, leading to their assimilation of socially significant social experience. 1.3 A.S. Makarenko on the forms of raising children in the family As is known, the pedagogical interaction of people is not limited only to the framework of an educational institution. Its tasks are also solved by other public structures...

Questionnaire “Measure of Caring”

Many disorders in the behavior and development of a child are associated with insufficient or excessive attention from parents. This test will help you figure out how correct the educational position is.

Instructions: it is known that many violations in the behavior and development of a child are associated with insufficient attention from parents to him. However, according to psychologists, excessive care can be just as dangerous as its lack. This test will help you figure out how correct your educational position is.

Here are 15 statements. At first glance, it may seem that not all of them are related to education. However, against each phrase, mark the number of points that correspond to your judgment on this issue.

“I would not rush to agree with this” - 2 points.

“This is probably true” - 3 points.

“Exactly right, that’s exactly what I think” - 4 points.

  • 1. Parents must anticipate all the child’s problems in order to help him overcome them.
  • 2. For a good mother, communication only with her own family is enough.
  • 3. A small child should always be held firmly while washing to prevent him from falling and hurting himself.
  • 4. When a child does what he is supposed to do, he is on the right path and will be happy because of it.
  • 5. It’s good if a child plays sports. But he should not engage in martial arts, as this is fraught with physical injuries and mental disorders.
  • 6. Parenting is hard work.
  • 7. A child should not have secrets from his parents.
  • 8. If the mother fails to cope with her responsibilities towards the children, this most likely means that the father is poorly fulfilling his responsibilities to support the family.
  • 9. Mother's love cannot be excessive: you cannot spoil a child with love.
  • 10. Parents should protect their child from the negative aspects of life.
  • 11. You should not accustom your child to routine housework so that he does not lose the desire for any work.
  • 12. If the mother did not manage the house, husband, and children, everything would happen less organized.
  • 13. In the family’s diet, everything that is delicious and healthy should first of all go to the child.
  • 14. The best protection against infectious diseases is limiting contact with others.
  • 15. Parents should actively influence which of their peers the child chooses as friends.

Processing the results:

If you scored over 40 points, then your family can most likely be called child-centric. That is, the interests of the child are the main motive for your behavior. This position is worthy of approval. However, for you it is somewhat pointed. Psychologists call this overprotection. In such families, adults do everything for the child, strive to protect him from imaginary dangers, force him to follow his demands, judgments, and moods. As a result, the child develops passive dependence on his parents, which, as he grows older, increasingly impedes personal growth. You should trust your child more, believe in him, listen to his own interests, because it is rightly noted: “Raising children means teaching them to do without us.”

From 25 to 40 points. Your child is not in danger of becoming promiscuous and spoiled because you give him enough, but not excessive, attention. Try to maintain this level of relationship.

If you scored less than 25 points, then you clearly underestimate yourself as a teacher and rely too much on chance and favorable circumstances. Problems in business and marital relationships often distract your attention from your child. And he has the right to expect great participation and care from you! .

Instructions: It is known that many violations in the behavior and development of a child are associated with insufficient attention to him by parents. However, according to psychologists, excessive care can be just as dangerous as its lack. This test will help you figure out how correct your educational position is. Here are 15 statements. At first glance, it may seem that not all of them are related to education. However, against each phrase, mark the number of points that correspond to your judgment on this issue.
“Strongly disagree” – 1 point.
“I would not rush to agree with this” - 2 points.
“This is probably true” - 3 points.
“Exactly right, that’s exactly what I think” - 4 points.

  1. Parents must anticipate all the child's problems in order to help him overcome them.
  2. For a good mother, communication only with her own family is enough.
  3. A small child should always be held firmly while washing to prevent him from falling and hurting himself.
  4. When a child does what he is supposed to do, he is on the right path and will be happy because of it.
  5. It's good if a child plays sports. But he should not engage in martial arts, as this is fraught with physical injuries and mental disorders.
  6. Parenting is hard work.
  7. A child should not have secrets from his parents.
  8. If the mother fails to fulfill her responsibilities towards the children, this most likely means that the father is poorly fulfilling his responsibilities to support the family.
  9. Mother's love cannot be excessive: you cannot spoil a child with love.
  10. Parents should protect their child from the negative aspects of life.
  11. You should not accustom your child to routine housework so that he does not lose the desire for any work.
  12. If the mother did not manage the house, husband, and children, everything would happen less organized.
  13. In a family’s diet, everything that is delicious and healthy should first of all go to the child.
  14. The best protection against infectious diseases is limiting contact with others.
  15. Parents should actively influence which of their peers the child chooses as friends.

Processing the results
If you typed over 40 points, then your family can most likely be called child-centric. That is, the interests of the child are the main motive for your behavior. This position is worthy of approval. However, for you it is somewhat pointed. Psychologists call this overprotection. In such families, adults do everything for the child, strive to protect him from imaginary dangers, force him to follow his demands, judgments, and moods. As a result, the child develops passive dependence on his parents, which, as he grows older, increasingly impedes personal growth. You should trust your child more, believe in him, listen to his own interests, because it is rightly noted: “Raising children means teaching them to do without us.”
From 25 to 40 points. Your child is not in danger of becoming promiscuous and spoiled because you give him enough, but not excessive, attention. Try to maintain this level of relationship.
If you dialed less than 25 points, then you clearly underestimate yourself as a teacher, rely too much on chance and favorable circumstances. Problems in business and marital relationships often distract your attention from your child. And he has the right to expect great participation and care from you!

Another table that is appropriate for parents to fill out is an indicator of the verbal manifestation of positive emotions in the family towards the child. Such diagnostics are useful in preparing for a thematic consultation or a psychological and pedagogical consultation. It allows you to determine the cause of high anxiety in students. It is generally accepted that high levels of anxiety are associated with problems of adaptation. However, it's not just about adaptation. This is also due to the change in the child’s position in the family. “You used to be small, but now you’re big! I won't babysit With you, as before! - such statements demonstrate a change in the emotional perception of the child in the family, which is expressed in gestures, facial expressions, looks and, of course, in words.

Test “Measure of caring for a child”

To determine the degree of parental concern for their own child, you can ask parents to perform the following test.


You need to analyze 15 statements. Some of the statements leave the impression that they do not relate to education. However, you must express your opinion on each judgment and give your score.

Scale ratings

    It's hard for me to agree with this;

    Perhaps this is true;

    Absolutely right. I agree with this.

Statements test

1. Parents should anticipate all the problems that their child may encounter in order to help him overcome them.

2. To be a good mother, communication is enough. only with your own family.

3. A small child should always be kept with you to prevent falls and bruises.

    If a child does what he is supposed to do, he is on the right path in life.

    A child should not engage in those sports which can lead to physical injury.

6. Raising a child is hard and often thankless work.

7. A child should not have secrets from his parents.

    If the mother does not have time to devote time to raising children due to her own professional activities, then the father does not support the family financially.

    Parents' love cannot spoil a child.

10. Parents should protect their child from the negative aspects of real life.

11. The main thing a child should do is study. Parents can do everything else in the house.

12. Mother is the main person in the house,

13. The family should live by the motto: “All the best goes to the children!”

14. You can protect your child from any infection by limiting his contacts with others.

15. Parents should help their child determine his circle of friends and acquaintances.

40 Results points and above -

25-40 All your efforts are aimed at ensuring that the interests of your child are reliably protected. However, this may soon cause his protest. Your child is personally dependent on you, which does not contribute to the formation of his interests and self-esteem. He does not develop the ability to make decisions independently and bear his own burden of responsibility for them. points

- you have taken the right position in raising your child. He receives a sufficient amount of attention and care from his elders, but at the same time gets the opportunity to show his independence and adulthood. Less than 25 points~