Finger gymnastics in verse and finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is also that they instantly switch the baby’s attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and calm them down. This is a great activity when there are more children (for example, on the road or in line).

The influence of manual (manual) actions on the development of the human brain was known back in the 2nd century BC in China.

Experts argued that games involving hands and fingers, such as our “White-sided Magpie,” help to find harmony in the body-mind tandem and keep the brain systems in excellent condition. Based on similar reasoning, the Japanese doctor Namikoshi Tokujiro created a healing technique for influencing the hands. He argued that fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the human central nervous system. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, which can be massaged to influence internal organs, reflexively associated with them. In terms of saturation of acupuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot. For example, massaging the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain; the index finger has a positive effect on the stomach, the middle finger has a positive effect on the intestines, the ring finger has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger has a positive effect on the heart. And if you also diversify finger gymnastics with FINGER THEATER, then this will give you a lot of positive emotions!

Simple rules of the game

1. Try to involve all fingers in the games (especially the ring and little fingers - they are the laziest).
2. Be sure to alternate three types of movements:

How else to activate your fingers

1. Give a newspaper, sheets of paper - let him vomit (just be careful not to put these “bites” in his mouth).
2. Thread large buttons onto a strong thread and let them sort through them.
3. Give wooden beads, abacus, pyramids.
4. Draw faces on the plastic plugs and place them on your fingers. You will get a finger theater.

This is only a small fraction of the games and activities that can captivate a child and...

Several exercises finger gymnastics for children in verse!


I want to build a house
(Fold your hands like a house and raise them above your head)
So that there is a window in it,
(Join the fingers of both hands into a circle)
So that the house has a door,
(We connect the palms of our hands together vertically)
Nearby for a pine tree to grow.
(We raise one hand up and “spread” our fingers)
So that there is a fence around
The dog guarded the gate,
(We join our hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)
It was sunny, it was raining,
(First, we raise our hands up, fingers “spread”. Then we lower our fingers down, making “shaking” movements)
And the tulip bloomed in the garden!
(Put your palms together and slowly open your fingers - “tulip bud”)

Friends - gardeners

Thick and big finger
I went to the garden to pick plums.
(The palm is gathered into a “fist”. Bend the thumb, straighten it, then bend it halfway. Bend it again, and so on several times)
Index from the threshold
Showed him the way.
(We bend the index finger, then “bend and unbend”)
The middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks plums off the branch.
(We bend the middle finger, “bend and unbend” it. At the same time, you need to try not to bend the index and thumb)
Nameless picks up
(We also bend the ring finger, try not to move the previous fingers)
And the little finger is gentleman
Throws bones into the ground!
(Bend the little finger)


A boat is sailing along the river,
(Press the lower parts of the palms against each other, the upper parts are open - showing the “ship”)
He floats from afar
(Attach horizontally left hand to the eyes - “look into the distance”)
There are four very brave sailors on the boat.
(Show 4 fingers)
They have ears on top of their heads,
(Put both palms to your ears)
They have long tails
(We connect the fingertips of both hands together and then slowly spread our arms to the sides)
And only cats are scary to them, only cats and cats!
(We show two palms open from ourselves, then bend the fingers slightly - we get “claws”)
At the end of this game you can ask the child:
-What kind of sailors were on the ship?
Answer: mice


I will press two palms,
And I will sail across the sea.
(Press both palms together, without connecting your thumbs)
Two palms, friends, -
This is my boat.
(Make wave-like movements with your hands - “the boat floats”)
I'll raise the sails
(Hands joined together in a boat shape, raise your thumbs up)
I'll swim in the blue sea.
(Continue wave-like movements with your hands - “boat”)
And on the stormy waves
Fish swim here and there.
(Completely connect two palms to each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - “fish swim”)


The mouse snuck into the hole,
(We make sneaking movements with both handles)
It was locked with a padlock.
(Slightly wiggle your crossed fingers)
She's looking through the hole
(Make a ring with your fingers)
The cat is sitting on the fence!
(We put our hands to our heads like ears and move our fingers)


(Hand clenched into a fist)
We shared an orange.
(Turn your fist left and right)
There are many of us, but he is alone!
(With the other hand we extend the fingers folded into a fist, starting with the thumb)
This slice is for the hedgehog,
(Extend the index finger)
This slice is for the siskin,
(Extend the middle finger)
This slice is for ducklings
(We bend the ring finger)
This slice is for kittens
(We bend the little finger)
This slice is for the beaver,
(Turn the open palm left and right)
Well, for the wolf - the peel.
(We show the cleft palate with both hands)
He is angry with us - trouble!
(We fold our hands into a house)
We hide in the house - here!


(First, the fingers are folded into a lock. We begin to slowly move them apart)
Quickly inflate the balloon.
(The fingertips of both hands touch each other - the ball is inflated)
He's getting big.
(Palms touch each other completely)
Suddenly the balloon burst
the air has come out -
(Close fingers together)
He became thin and thin!

An owl was flying

(We wave our hands)
An owl was flying
Cheerful head.
Flew and flew,
(Place hands on head)
She sat on her head.
Sat down, sat down,
She turned her head
(We wave our hands again)
And she flew again.


(Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the right)
Piglet Piglet
Relax yourself!
(We get up, straighten up, raise our hands up - stretch)
Got to my feet
(We squat down and bend forward, holding our hands straight in front of us)
And then I sat down,
Bent over!
(We get up, do jumping in place. Hands on the belt, do walking in place)
And he jumped a little
And he walked on the spot.
(Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the left)
And then he lay down again, -
But on the left side!


(At the very beginning the fist is clenched)
A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts:
(Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
To my little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache...

Our family

(Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)
This big finger -
This is dad dear.
Next to dad is our mother.
Next to my mother is my eldest brother.
Following him, little sister -
Sweet girl.
And the smallest strong guy -
This is our sweet baby.

Winter walk

(Bend your fingers one at a time)
One two three four five
(“Walk” along the table with your index and middle fingers)
We came to the yard for a walk.
(We “make” a lump with two palms)
They sculpted a snow woman,
(Crushing movements with all fingers)
The birds were fed crumbs,
(Lead with your index finger right hand on the palm of the left hand)
Then we rode down the hill,
(Put your palms on the table, first one side, then the other)
And they were also lying in the snow.
(Shake off our palms)
Everyone came home covered in snow.
(Moves with an imaginary spoon, hands under cheeks)
We ate soup and went to bed.


(Hands are crossed. The fingers of each hand “run” along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)
A spider walked along a branch,
And the children followed him.
(Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement - rain.)
The rain suddenly fell from the sky,
(Clap your palms on the table/knees.)
The spiders were washed to the ground.
(Palms are pressed to each other by the sides, fingers are spread out, we shake our hands - the sun is shining.)
The sun began to warm up,
(We do the same movements as at the very beginning.)
The spider is crawling again
("Spiders" crawl on your head.)
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch.


(Smooth movement of the right hand to the side and up)
My birch, birch tree.
(The same, but with the left hand)
My curly birch.
(raise hands up, inhale)
You are standing there, little birch tree,
(Lower your hands, exhale)
In the middle of the valley,
(raise hands, inhale)
On you, birch tree,
(Lower your hands, exhale)
The leaves are green,
(Raise hands, inhale)
Below you, birch tree,
(Lower your hands, exhale)
Silk grass,
(Raise hands, inhale)
Around you, birch tree,
(Lower hands, long exhale)
Red girls
Wreaths are made, weaved...


(Palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.)
Five little fish were playing in the river
(Hands pressed against each other. Turn them from side to side.)
There was a large log lying on the sand,
(The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We perform a “diving” movement with them.)
And the fish said: “It’s easy to dive here!”
(Swing with closed palms (negative gesture).)
The second said: “It’s deep here.”
(Palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is sleeping.)
And the third said: “I feel sleepy!”
(Quickly shake our palms - trembling.)
The fourth began to freeze a little.
(The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect - the mouth.)
And the fifth shouted: “There’s a crocodile here!”
(Quick wave-like movements with closed palms - they float away.)
Get out of here so you don't swallow him!"

The cuckoo was walking

(We walk along the table with our index and middle fingers straightened, while the remaining fingers are tucked.)
A cuckoo walked past the market
(The palms are connected by a “bucket” - a basket.)
She had a basket
(We hit the table/knees with closed palms, separate our hands.)
And the basket hits the floor - boom!
(We spread our arms to the sides, moving our fingers - flies fly. The number of extended fingers corresponds to the text.)
Ten (nine, eight) flies flew!


(One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “beehive” is pressed to the “tree.”)
A small house on a Christmas tree,
A house for bees, where are the bees?
(We look into the "hive".)
We need to knock on the house,
(We clench our fists and knock them together.)
One two three four five.
I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,
Where, where are these bees?
(We knock our fists against each other, alternating hands.)
They suddenly began to fly out:
(We spread our hands, spread our fingers and move them, the bees fly.)
One two three four five!

Stay for a while

Russian game. Hands in front of the chest, palms closed. Little fingers are children, they speak in a thin voice. Ring fingers - mom, speaks in a normal voice. Middle fingers - dad, speaks in a low voice. Index fingers are soldiers and speak in a deep voice. Crossed thumbs - the threshold of the hut.
(It’s night, everyone is sleeping in the hut. There is a knock.)
Soldiers: Knock-knock! (Index fingers tap each other.)
Children: Who's there? (Little fingers tap each other.)
Soldiers: Two soldiers have come to spend the night! (Tap index fingers.)
Children: Let's ask mom. Mother! (Little fingers tap.)
Mom: What are the children? (Nameless people knock.)

Mom: Ask dad. (Nameless people knock.)
Children: Dad! (Little fingers tap.)
Dad: What, children? (Tapping middle fingers.)
Children: Two soldiers came to spend the night! (Little fingers tap.)
Dad: Let me in! (Tapping middle fingers.)
Children: Come in! (Little fingers tap.)
Soldiers: Oh, what a blessing that they let us spend the night! (The index fingers “dance” making cross movements.)
Soldiers: Let's go in! (Closed palms turn the fingers towards the chest. Then follows a quick half-turn of the hands so that the backs of the palms touch.)
(Arms stretch forward.)


(Children join their palms and spread their fingers.)
Two huge jellyfish
They stuck belly to belly.
(Then they tear their palms apart, arching their fingers, while the fingers of the left hand are pressed to the fingers of the right.)
Let's bend the tentacles stronger -
This is how we can bend!

Palms palms

(When playing this finger game, you can show your imagination. Perform the movements that the plot of the poem will tell you.)
We washed our hands with soap.
We washed our feet with soap.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!
We cooked some porridge
Stir with a spoon.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

We made palms
House for matryoshka.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

Little Hen Pestrushka
They crushed the crumbs.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

Hands clapping
Legs danced.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

Palms lay down
Rest a little.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

We hope these few exercises finger gymnastics for children in verse will help your child start chatting incessantly at one year 😉

P.S. If you liked our selection of finger games, also pay attention to the selection and.

The main motor achievement of a baby at this age is walking. The child began to walk independently. Freed hands allow you to experiment with surrounding objects, the skill of preferential use of the right or left hand is formed, and coordination of movements is improved. It is motor activity that contributes to the development of the baby’s cognitive abilities.

The influence of fine motor skills on child development

Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the connection intellectual development and finger motor skills. It has been established that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. Therefore, in order to teach a child to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulatory (speech) apparatus, but also to develop finger movements. Systematic finger training exercises are also a means of stimulating the activity of the cerebral cortex, which promotes the development of thinking and attention.

One of the important features of finger games is their accessibility. To play with your baby, no special devices or toys are required. All play material is the child’s hands and fingers. It is only important for mom to know a few special exercises and learn the lyrics to them. These games can be played at any time and anywhere: on a walk, in line at the clinic - wherever you need to keep your child occupied, distracted or interested.

Finger games for the child are selected taking into account his capabilities and gradually become more complex. These games provide good workout fingers, contribute to the development of the ability to listen and understand the content of poetry, teach to catch the rhythm of speech. When a baby recites poetry and simultaneously moves his fingers, his speech obeys the rhythm, is accompanied by movements, and becomes louder, clearer, and more emotional.

Folk nursery rhyme games provide good training. Mom first reads the nursery rhyme rhythmically, highlighting the semantic parts intonationally, accompanying the reading with playful movements. Then the baby is asked to repeat the movements, and at an older age - the words of the nursery rhyme.

When it is difficult for a child to perform one or another exercise, an adult should help by taking his hand in his own, helping him move his fingers, bend them and straighten them. This is how the necessary movements are taught, fine motor skills of the fingers are trained and, accordingly, speech development is stimulated.

Finger games for children up to one year old

Exploring our capabilities

Finger training can begin as early as two months of age. During this period, an important place is given to massage. Stroke your baby's hands in the direction from the fingertips to the wrist, take each finger individually, bend and straighten it.

Game “To Each His Own Name”

If you have never played finger games with your baby before, start with the basics - just look at the fingers, name each finger, stroke it gently. You can simply list the names of the fingers (thumb, index, middle, etc.), or you can give each finger its own name.

When calling “name”, bend and straighten each finger in turn:
Finger Antoshka - A little mischievous. (Bend and unbend thumb.)
Vlad's finger - Loves outfits. (Bend and unbend the index finger, etc.)
Finger Kolya Studying at school.
Timosh's finger - He's a good boy.
Thumb Irishka - Just a baby.

You can come up with your own names and poetic lines for them or pronounce the baby’s name in different ways: first the full name, then a diminutive, special, as one of the family members affectionately calls the baby, etc. Thus, the baby gets used to the sound of his own name and learns to distinguish it from the speech of adults.

Game "Pencil - Helper"

Take a ribbed pencil and roll it over your baby's palms and fingers. Another option for the exercise is to place a pencil between the baby’s palms and, pressing the palms tightly, make rubbing movements with them. The convex edges of the pencil massage the surface of the palms well, causing skin receptors to work.

You can massage your palms and fingers using a small ball (for example, a ping pong ball) or any other round object. The massage effect will be more noticeable if you use a special hedgehog ball with rubber “spines”. Roll it in your baby's palms, pressing them against the ball.

Master the famous folk finger games with your little one - “Magpie-Crow”, “Ladushki”, “Goat-Dereza”.

By 9-10 months of life it is recommended to train circular movements thumbs baby. The period when the thumb is opposed to the rest is of particular importance. From this moment on, the child becomes able to make fine movements of the fingers, and the baby masters tweezer grip (the ability to grasp objects with the thumb and forefinger).

Game "Tom Thumb"

Ask your child to open his palm and, helping him make movements, begin to recite the nursery rhyme:
Little Thumb, where have you been? (Make circular movements with your thumb.)
I went into the forest with this brother, (Bend the little finger one by one, first)
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother, (then ring finger etc.)
I sang songs with this brother,
I ate porridge with this brother,
That's why I got fat. ( Circular movements thumb.)

Game "Crane"

To play, you will need a plastic bucket and 6-7 small toys or objects (Kinder Surprise toys, large beads, walnuts, construction kit parts).

The baby's hand represents a crane: the thumb and forefinger of the right hand pick up the object and direct it straight into the bucket. First, slowly show your baby the sequence of actions, commenting on your movements along the way. Then ask the baby to repeat first with his right hand, then with his left.

Show your child gestures that replace words: “Goodbye, bye-bye!” - the baby unclenches his fingers and waves his palm, “Give it to me!” - the baby clenches and unclenches his fist several times, “You can’t do this!” - the child straightens the index finger, and presses the rest to the palm and shakes the handle. Teach your baby to clap his hands when he likes something. The baby quickly remembers these movements, and over time will learn to repeat them.

Finger games for children from 1 to 2 years old

We play and talk

At this time, the child’s independence in many actions increases. The baby also shows independence in performing exercises with his fingers. At this age, he can repeat some simple movements without the help of an adult, focusing on demonstrations and copying actions. Independence also manifests itself in speech. The child tries in his own way to pronounce sounds, words or phrases loudly and clearly when performing any part of the exercise.

Finger game "Spider"

The spider crawls, crawls, (The fingers clench and unclench, “walking” along the surface - on the table, arm, leg.)
He weaves a web.
The web is even thin,
Holds the moth tightly. (Rounded palms are folded one on top of the other.)
The moth sat and sat
Suddenly he took off and flew away! (We wave our arms in the air.)
Ask the baby to pronounce the ending words: “crawls,” “sat,” “flew away.”

Finger game "Family"

Ask your baby to straighten his palm. We begin to bend the little finger, ring finger and then towards the thumb:
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me.
All my family.

After saying the nursery rhyme several times, encourage your baby to repeat after you or complete the sentence he started. For example, you say: “This finger,” and the baby adds “grandmother,” etc. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Finger game "Piano"

Imitate playing the piano by tapping each finger in turn, then the entire palm with fingers spread out on the table surface:
We bought a piano
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.
We play with grandma
And the whole family dances.
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.

Game "Fingers say hello"

Sit with your baby at the table opposite each other, “say hello” with your fingers - touch the child’s fingers with each finger in turn, saying: “Hello, little finger,” “Glad to see you, ring finger,” “Good afternoon, middle finger,” “ Greetings, index finger", " Have a good day, thumbs up!”

Make sure that the baby extends just one finger to greet you, and not the entire palm. Help him separate his fingers if he has any difficulty. Simultaneously with finger training, the baby learns a variety of greeting phrases.

Games without speech accompaniment can also be used to train your fingers:

Game "Man". The index and middle fingers of the right hand “run” across the table (“little man”). The same movements must be made with the fingers of the left hand, of both hands at the same time.

Game "Trees". Raise both hands, palms facing you, fingers spread wide. Swing your arms left and right. At the beginning of each game, tell your child how to position his fingers correctly, show options for movements with his fingers and hands.

Game "Pull the String". Explain to the baby that now you will test which of you is the strongest. Explain the rules of the game: you need to pull the string to your side by taking it with your fingers or holding it in your fist. Place the rope, cord or handkerchief on the table. Give one end of the rope to the child, and grab the other yourself. On command, begin to pull towards yourself. Of course, the child must win this competition, but you should not give up right away - let the child train his fingers, develop their strength, trying to hold and pull the rope. Be sure to praise the baby for being the strongest and most dexterous.

Finger games for children from 2 to 3 years old

Obedient fingers

During this period, the child’s fingers and hands acquire good mobility and flexibility, and stiffness in movements gradually disappears.

If you notice that the child copes with the task easily, complicate it: add new movements, change their sequence, learn other, more intricate finger games. In the game, ask your baby to repeat whole sentences and quatrains after you. Encourage and praise him for completing the task correctly.

Finger game "Snail"

Say the nursery rhyme, showing your child all the actions. Ask him to repeat the movements after you:

Snail, snail! (The hand clenched into a fist “crawls” across the table.)
Stick your horns out! (Straighten the index and middle fingers - “horns” and quickly remove them.)
I'll give you a delicious pie! (We show open palms.)
I don’t need pie, (We twirl our clenched fists.)
Freedom is dear to me.
I'm crawling and crawling along the path,
If I want, I’ll stick out my horns (Straighten the index and middle fingers.)
And if you touch it a little...
The horns are being removed! (Fingers hide again - clench into a fist.)

Finger game “Ram and bagels”

Teach your baby to form rings with his fingers, alternately closing the thumb with the small, ring, middle, index and thumb:
Early in the morning early in the morning
I bought a sheep lamb. (We close the rings, starting with the small finger.)
And then for rubles
He bought bagels. (Close the rings with your fingers in the reverse order.)
One, two, three, four, five - (We bend our fingers one by one.)
I started counting bagels.
One, two, three, four, five - (In the reverse order, we straighten our fingers one by one.)
He started chewing bagels.
And he ate everything... (Show palms.)

Game "Magic Web"

For this game you will need a thin colored cord. Ask the baby to show his hand with his fingers outstretched. We braid the lace into rings around each of the baby’s fingers, and let him try to remove it from his fingers without using his free hand. You can play out this exercise with your little one: for example, tell him that the spider has woven its magic web around his fingers, and he needs to free himself. When your child manages to remove the lace, accompany his success with a surprise moment, for example: “Hurray! You are a wizard! I was able to free myself from the magic web! Well done!"

Finger theater for children

The finger theater is a great invention: light, convenient, mobile. You can purchase ready-made figurines that are put on your fingers, you can make characters for the finger theater yourself - for example, from felt, paper, knitted from yarn, or you can buy them in a store. This toy will delight your baby for a long time, training his fingers, improving speech, fantasy and imagination.

Organize joint performances, and the audience can be family, friends, and peers of the child.
The simplest option- make “actors” out of paper.

Wrap a sheet of paper 3-5 cm wide around your finger and glue it into a roll. If the puppeteer is a child, the roll should be thinner.

Next, we decorate the doll: paint it, draw the face, arms, and details of clothing. Be sure to do features character: the king - a crown, the grandfather - a beard and mustache, the grandmother - a handkerchief.
Such artists are suitable for fairy tales with a large number of characters. Each finger is a separate hero. So you can put the Russians folk tales: “Turnip”, “Wolf and seven kids”, “Teremok”, “Winter quarters of animals”.

Shadow theater for children

Fingers folded in a certain way under special lighting can turn into fairy tale characters. For lighting, use a small table lamp or night light.
Place the night light so that the light from it falls on the wall. Hands should be positioned away from the light source so that their shadow is reflected on the wall.

Before showing the fairy-tale action, you will have to practice together and master the techniques of correctly showing the character’s movements: how he moves his ears, opens and closes his mouth, etc.

We offer several games for shadow theater:

Game "Bunny". Elbows rest on the table. Extend the index and middle fingers of your right hand upward, and connect the tips of the ring and little fingers to the tip of the thumb. Make smooth rotational movements with the brush (the bunny moves). Perform the same exercise with the fingers of your left hand, with both hands at the same time.

Game “Chicken Drinks Water”. Elbows rest on the table, fingers folded in the form of a beak. Perform rhythmic bends of the arms forward and return to the starting position - “pecking the grains.” The kid can watch the shadow projection on the wall in fascination, and later he himself will be glad to take part in the performance.

Finger game "Animals at work." Read the poem to your child, simultaneously showing all the actions that the animals perform in it. Let the baby repeat the movements after you. You need to perform the movements with both hands at the same time:

Today is the whole day
All the animals are at work:
The fox-sister is hemming her fur coat, (Gather your fingers into a pinch and unclench.)
The gray bear, the old grandfather, knocks his boot, (We knock our fists against each other.)
And the white-sided magpie drives away flies. (Waving hands.)
Masha the bear cooks porridge for the children. (We make circular movements with our hands.)
A hare sweeps a broom under a tree. (We hit our palms against each other tangentially - we “shake off” our palms)

Child's finger trainer

Place a small thick elastic band (for example, for hair) on the baby’s thumb and index finger and ask him to stretch it several times. Let the baby try to stretch the elastic with only two fingers, without the help of a second hand. Then put the elastic band on your thumb and middle finger and so on until your little finger. This game allows you to strengthen the muscles of your fingers and improve the coordination of small movements. To make it more interesting for the baby, we can say that we hang a lock on his fingers and he needs to stretch it to free himself.

Simple and fun finger games For motor development Your baby. It is known that there is a direct connection between the development of fine motor skills and the development of a child’s thinking. The more dexterous the fingers, the more flexible the mind. A finger games They help in the development of fine motor skills of the little ones in the best possible way. U finger games There is another advantage - they help to establish stronger close contact between the parent and the child. After all, for a baby there is nothing better than a game, and finger games are very exciting and children like them. But if the baby does not want to repeat the movements of finger games after you, then just play yourself, sooner or later he will join you.



Finger games

Simple and fun finger games for motor developmentYour baby. It is known that there is a direct connection between the development of fine motor skills and the development of a child’s thinking. The more dexterous the fingers, the more flexible the mind. Afinger gamesThey help in the development of fine motor skills of the little ones in the best possible way. U finger games There is another advantage - they help to establish stronger close contact between the parent and the child. After all, for a baby there is nothing better than a game, and finger games are very exciting and children like them. But if the baby does not want to repeat the movements of finger games after you, then just play yourself, sooner or later he will join you.

An adult should pronounce the text of finger games as clearly and expressively as possible, and the movements should be performed parallel to the text. Finger games develop not only fine motor skills hands of a child, most finger games also carry an educational load. Some finger games are aimed at learning to count, others introduce the baby to the names of parts of the body and the fingers themselves. In some finger games, the baby must use both hands - this helps him better navigate in space, master concepts such as high - low, right - left.


We shared an orange
(left hand in a fist, right hand clasping it)
There are many of us - but he is one
This slice is for the hedgehog
(with our right hand we open the fingers of our left hand one by one)
This slice is for siskin
This slice is for kittens
This slice is for ducklings
This slice is for the beaver
And for the wolf - peel!
(shake both brushes)


The guests came running to Katya,
(we run our fingers along the table or floor)
Everyone shook hands.
Hello Zhora,
(connect thumb and index fingers)
Hello Zhanna, (large and medium)
Glad Seryozha, (big and nameless)
Rad Snezhana (thumb and little finger)
Would you like some pie? (put your palms together)
Maybe a shortbread (show 2 open palms)
Or a horn (we put 2 fists on top of each other)
Here's a jelly bean for you
(points finger into open palm)
You take a little bit
(bend your palms into fists several times)
Everyone quickly shook off the crumbs
And they clapped their hands!


We lived and were in a house (clench and unclench your fists)
Little gnomes:
Toki, Biki, Licky, Chicky, Mickey.
(bend your fingers, starting with the little finger)
One, two, three, four, five (extend fingers)
The gnomes began to wash (rub their fists against each other)
Taki - shirts, (bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)
Tiki - handkerchiefs,
Faces - pants,
Chiki - socks,
Mickey was smart
He brought water to everyone.


Knock-knock-knock, there is a knock somewhere.
The hammers are knocking, they are building a house for the little hares -
With a roof like this, (palms above your head)
With walls like these, (palms near cheeks)
With windows like these, (palms in front of face)
With a door like this, (one palm in front of the face)
And with such a castle! (hands clasped)


I'm walking in the yard (claps my hands on my knees with each hand alternately)
I see a house on the mountain (rhythmic clapping of hands)
I will climb the ladder (open your palms in front of you and, touching your fingertips one at a time, fold the ladder, starting with your thumbs)
And I'll knock on the window.
Knock, knock, knock, knock! (alternately knock with the fist of one hand on the palm of the other)

Hedgehog (the baby has a rubber prickly hedgehog in his hands)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, where are your needles?
(the baby rolls the hedgehog with his palms)
I need to sew a vest for the little squirrel
(baby rolls hedgehog on his tummy)
Fix the naughty bunny's panties (we roll on the legs)
The hedgehog snorted - move away and don’t cry, don’t ask
(rolling on the floor)
If I give you needles, the wolves will eat me!!!
(the hedgehog runs into the house, into a place in a box or on a shelf)


There is a lock on the door (hands in the lock)
Who could open it? (we pull our fingers without unclenching)
Pulled, (pulled)
Twisted, (rotate hands)
Knock (knock with the heels of your palms)
And - they opened it! (hands unclench)


We chop the cabbage, chop it (chop it with our palms)
We rub the cabbage, rub it (fists rub each other)
We salt the cabbage, salt it (salt it with a pinch)
We knead the cabbage, knead it (we clench and unclench our fingers)
Put it in a jar and try it.


A fly flies around the ear, buzz (move your finger around the ear)
Wasps are flying around your nose, ssss (move your finger around your nose)
A mosquito flies on the forehead - oops (we touch the forehead with our finger)
And we clap him (palm to forehead)
And to the ear, zzzz (clamp your fist, bring it to your ear)
Shall we release the mosquito? Let's go!
(we bring our fist to our mouth and blow on it, unclenching our palm)

cat (perform actions according to meaning)

The cat washes itself with its paw
Apparently he's going to visit
I washed my nose.
I washed my mouth.
I washed my ear.
Wiped it dry.


I was walking alone along the path (we show one finger)
My two legs walked with me (shows two fingers)
Suddenly three mice come along (show three fingers)
Oh, we saw a kitten! (slaps his hands on his cheeks and seems to shake his head with his hands)
He has four legs, (show four fingers)
There are sharp scratches on the paws (we scratch the surface of what is at hand with our nails)
One, two, three, four, five, (for each count we show the corresponding number of fingers)
We need to run away quickly! (with two fingers, index and middle, we run along the surface)


The chicken went out for a walk and nibbled some fresh grass.
(slap our hands on our knees)
And behind her are the boys - yellow chickens (we walk with our fingers)
Co-co-co, co-co-co, don't go far! (we shake our fingers)
Row with your paws (raking with your hands),
Look for grains (peck the grains with your fingers)
Ate a fat beetle, an earthworm
(we show with our hands how fat the beetle is)
We drank a full trough of water
(we show how we scoop up water and drink).


Palms up
Palms down
And now they're on the side
And squeezed into a fist.


(hands are lowered from top to bottom, palms are turned, depicting falling leaves)
Nice, naughty, naughty. Lick, lice, lice
(shuffle palm against palm)
Yellow leaves fly and rustle under your feet
Nice, naughty, naughty. Nice, naughty, naughty. (shuffle our feet)
Yellow leaves fly and rustle under your feet
Nice, naughty, naughty. Nice, naughty, naughty.
(index fingers shuffle against each other).


Bunnies came to the meadow,
Bear cubs, badgers,
Frogs and raccoon.
To the green meadow
Come too, my friend! (bend your fingers into a fist in the rhythm of the nursery rhyme, when listing animals, bend the fingers on both hands alternately, wave your palms on the last line)

My family

This finger is the grandfather (we unclench the fingers from the fist one by one, starting with the big one)
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family! (rotate with open palm)


Dressed up the legs (alternately stroke the other with one hand)
In new boots.
You walk, legs, (walk your toes on the table)
Right along the path.
You walk - stomp, (tapping with fingers)
Don’t splash in puddles (wag your finger)
Don't go into the mud
Don't tear your boots.


One, two, three, four, five (we bend our fingers)
We went for a walk in the yard
(use your index and middle fingers to “walk” along the table)
They made a snow woman (we roll a lump with our hands)
The birds were fed crumbs ("we feed the birds")
Then we rode down the hill
(run the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
And they were also lying in the snow
(put your palms on the table, first one side, then the other)
Everyone came home covered in snow (we shake off our palms)
We ate soup ("we eat soup"),
went to bed (palms under cheeks).


Here is a hive (showing a fist)
Bees live here.
So they appeared from the house,
(bend your fingers one by one)
One, two, three, four, five!
Z-z-z-z-z....." (tickle the child)


Fish lives in the lake
A fish swims in the lake
(palms are connected and make smooth movements)
The tail will suddenly hit
(separate your palms and hit your knees)
And we will hear - splash, splash!
(put your palms together at the base and clap)


Imitate the movements of a shoemaker hammering nails: the fingers of one hand hold the nails, the other holds the hammer.

Master, master,
Help -
Lost weight
Hit it harder
Nails -
We'll go today


One, two, three, four, (bend your fingers)
You and I made a snowball
(sculpt by changing the position of the palms)
Round, strong, very smooth.
(show a circle, stroke palms together)
Once - let's throw it up, ("toss it up", look up)
Two - we'll catch it. ("catch", squat)
Three – let’s drop (stand up, “drop”)
And... we'll break it! (stomp)


In the morning the sun rises higher, higher, (arms high up).
At night the sun will set lower, lower. (hands down).
Well, the sun is doing well,
(we make lanterns with pens)
And we live happily together with the sun
(clap our hands)


One two three four five -
(we open our fingers one by one from the fist)
The fingers went out for a walk.
One two three four five -
(clench your fingers into a fist)
They hid in the house again!


We kneaded the dough (we squeeze our hands)
We sculpted a pie (palms sculpt)
Slap, slap,
Slap, slap
We'll make a big pie! (we spread our hands)


I’ll cook porridge for the doll: (stir the porridge)
I’ll pour milk into a bowl, (pour milk)
I'll put the cereal there (pour the cereal)
And I'll put it on the stove. (Put it on the stove)
The porridge will be good! (clap)
Eat, doll, slowly. (threaten with finger)


One two three four five,
The worms went for a walk (the hands are on the table, palms down, we bend and straighten the fingers)
Suddenly, a crow runs out (fingers “run” across the table)
Croaks: "Here comes lunch"
(the index finger and thumb “croak.”)
Look (we raise our hands),
and there are no more worms (we clench our fingers into fists).


A turtle walked across the field (we walk with our fingers)
And she was shaking all over with fear (hands in fists, fists shaking)
Bite, bite, bite! Bite, bite, bite!
(thumb and index fingers “bite”)
I'm not afraid of anyone! (negation - with index finger)

Finger games for children preschool age

Mikhalenok Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Place of work: NDOU kindergarten No. 68 JSC Russian Railways, Bryansk
Description of material: I present to your attention a selection of finger games for preschool children. This material will be useful for educators, speech therapists and parents.
Target: Development of children's logorhythmic abilities.

What are finger games for?

To the famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky owns the saying: “The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers.” Today, all mothers and fathers, without exception, know that playing with fingers develops the child’s brain, stimulates the development of speech, creativity, and imagination of the baby. Simple movements help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds. In general, the better the fingers and the entire hand work, the better baby speaks. To determine the level of speech development, speech therapists have long developed the following method: the child is asked to show one finger, two fingers and three. Children who are able to make isolated finger movements are talking children. If the movements are tense, the fingers bend and straighten only together and cannot move separately from each other, then these are children with problems in speech development.

The fact is that the hand has the largest “representation” in the cerebral cortex, therefore the development of the hand plays an important role in the formation of the brain and the formation of speech. And that is why the child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of his fingers achieve sufficient accuracy. The child’s hands, as it were, prepare the ground for the subsequent development of speech. In addition, the goal of classes to develop dexterity and accuracy of the fingers is to develop the relationship between the hemispheres of the brain and the synchronization of their work. The fact is that in the right hemisphere of the brain we have various images objects and phenomena, and in the left they are verbalized, that is, they find verbal expression, and this process occurs thanks to the “bridge” between the right and left hemispheres. The stronger this bridge, the faster and more often nerve impulses travel along it, the more active the thought processes, more precisely the attention, the higher the abilities.

If you want your child to speak well, learn quickly and easily, and deftly perform any, even the most delicate work, - with early age start developing his arms: fingers and hands.

In China, exercises with stone and metal balls are common. Regular exercise with them improves memory, cardiovascular and digestive systems, eliminate emotional stress, develop coordination of movements, strength and dexterity, support vitality. And in Japan, exercises for palms and fingers with walnuts are widely used. Rolling a hexagonal pencil between your palms has an excellent effect.

Finger games have been common among a variety of peoples for a long time. So, from an early age, our children were taught to play “Ladushki”, “White-sided Magpie”, “Horned Goat”. Today, experts are reviving old games and inventing new ones.
I present to your attention finger games that I use in practice.

Autumn leaves.
There is silence in the forest,
Smooth hand movements.
You can barely hear the rustling of the forest
Raise your finger to your lips.
The wind will blow stronger
Hand movements left and right
The leaf will rustle more boldly Sh-Sh-Sh... Louder.
The wind will blow again, a leaf will fly off the branch:
Raise your arms above your head and gently lower them down, rotating your hands
He will dance and sing
And it will fall to the ground.
Place your hands on the table.


Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!
Alternately touch your fingertips to each other, starting with the thumb.
Hello, free breeze! Hello, little oak tree!
We live in the same region, I greet you all.
Close your fingers, open and close your fingers.


The tap was opened: chick-chick,
Rotational movements of the brush.
They washed their hands: chic, chic.
Rub your palms together.

Let the water run
Smooth movements of the palms.
We'll wash our face.
We rub our palms with soap,
Simulate hand washing.
Let's get wet with a towel.

Lightly patting each other's palms.

Here are clean palms,
Show palms.
We'll clap a little!


One day the mice came out
“Walking” with your fingers on the table.
See what time it is.
Tapping index
with the finger of the right hand on the back of the palm of the left hand.
One two three four
Bend the fingers on your right hand one at a time.
The mice pulled the weights.
Make both hands into a fist and lower.
Then a terrible ringing sound was heard -

Get out of here, mice!
Fingers are running away.


If only we want
Clench and unclench your fists.
Let's make everything out of snow! Kolya makes a bun, ,Make pies.
Tanya sculpts the tower,
Place your palms together.
Sveta sculpts different fish,
Press your palms together
make wave-like movements.

Sasha is sculpting a white mushroom.
Make a fist with one hand and cover it with the palm of the other hand.


The first drops fell
Tap the fingers of one on the palm of the other.
The spiders were scared.
Fingers are running away.
The rain began to pound harder
Light pops.
The birds disappeared among the branches.
Wave your arms.
The rain poured down like buckets,
Loud claps.
The kids ran away.
Lightning flashes in the sky,
P use your hand to lighten the lightning.
Thunder breaks the whole sky,
Knock your fists on the table.
And then the sun came out of the clouds
Raise your hands up, lower them and move your fingers at the same time.
He will look at us through the window again.

Magic palms.

Raise your palms higher
Raise your hands up and close
house above your head.

And close it over your head.
What happened? The roof came out
And under it you and I. Raise your palms higher
Place your hands in front of your chest
squeeze your fingers.

And close them in an arc.
What happened? The geese came out:
Here's one, and here's another.
Clench and unclench your fingers.
Raise your palms higher
Place your hands in front of your chest Touch each other with the tips of your straight fingers.
And close it in front of you.
What happened? A bridge has emerged, the bridge is strong and large.


That's what a cat is
Place your hands in front of your chest
lowering your hands down, shake your head.

Round face.
And on every paw
Place your palm around your face.
Scratchy claws.
Clench and unclench your fists.
The cat sharpens its claws
Scrape your fingers across the table.
They are very sharp.
And then he plays -
Fingers are running across the table.
The ball is catching up.

My family.

I know what I have
Clench and unclench your fists.
Friendly family at home:
This is mom, this is me,
Bend your fingers one by one.
This is my grandmother
This is dad, this is grandfather,
And we have no discord.
Clasp your hands.


There is a hut-house under the fungus,
Place your palms in front of you.
A cheerful gnome lives there.
We'll knock softly
Tap the fist of one hand on the palm of the other.
Let's ring the bell.
Shake your clenched fist.
The gnome will open the door for us,
He will invite you to a hut.
Inviting hand movements.
The house has a plank floor,
Press your palms together.
And on it is an oak table,
Clench one hand into a fist and cover it with the palm of the other hand.
Nearby is a chair with a high back,
Make a fist with your other hand
put your palm on it.

There is a plate with a fork on the table
Show the palm of one hand,
On the second, spread your fingers.

And there are mountains of pancakes -
Show the mountain.
Treats for the kids.
Place your hands in front of you
palms up.


Needle, needle,
Children turn their index finger left and right.
You are sharp and subtle.
Don't prick my finger
Wag your finger.
Shay sundress.
Simulate sewing movements
Needle, needle, Shay, don't be lazy! Mashenka, Mashenka,
Wag your finger.
Be careful not to inject yourself!

We decorate the Christmas tree.

We hung up the toys
From the stand to the top!
Raise your hands from bottom to top.
Colored balls,
Rotate your fists.
Wave-like movements of the hands.
Golden cockerels,
Place your hands on your head like a comb.
Multi-colored flags.
Squeeze four fingers together, place thumb perpendicular.
The firecracker slammed loudly -
Clap your hands. Bang! All the toys rang:
Rotation of brushes.


I chop wood with an ax,
Movement of the palms from top to bottom.
And then I cut with a saw,
Movement of palms back and forth.
I'll take them to grandma
Fingers are running across the table.
To bake pancakes.
,Bake pancakes.


Look softly cat
Clench and unclench your hands into fists.
Unclenches his claws
And squeezes them lightly
She scares the mouse so much.
Fingers are running across the table.


Can you count your fingers?
Bend the fingers on your right hand one by one.
On the other hand again -

One two three four five.
Ten fingers - a pair of hands,
Squeeze and unclench your hands into a lock.
Here is your wealth, friend!

We are building a house.

All day - here and there
Bang your fists against each other.
There is a loud knock.
We are building a house, a big house
Fold your hands into a house and raise them above your head.
And with a porch and a chimney.
Place your palms in front of you
horizontally, close, turn to vertical position

We'll decorate the house
Imitate brush movements.
We'll put a flag at the top,
Tap your fist on your palm.
We'll bring flowers
Spread your arms to the sides.
New home, meet the residents!
Place your hands on your chest, lightly
lean forward.

They will live in the house:
Bunny, with a bear and an elephant.
Alternately: put your hands to your head, spread them to the sides, make elephant ears.

Let's help mom.

One two three four,
Alternately bend your fingers
right hand.

We washed the dishes: Kettle, cup, ladle, spoon
Bend the fingers on your left hand one by one.
And a big ladle.
We washed the dishes
Imitate washing movements.
We just broke the cup.
Alternately touch your fingertips to each other.
The ladle also fell apart,
The teapot's nose was broken, we also broke the spoon -
This is how we helped mom.
Clench and unclench your fists.


The woodpeckers are knocking louder,
Knock on the fist with one hand
palm of the other.

The titmice began to sing.
Place your fingers in a pinch, squeeze and unclench.
The sun rises early
Raise your hands up, put your hands down
through the sides.

To warm our earth,
Streams run downhill,
Perform wave-like movements with your hands.
All the snow has melted
And from under the old grass
Fold your palms into a cup shape
The flower is already looking. The bell opened
Slowly open the cup''.
In the shade, where the pine tree is,
Ding-ding, rings softly,
Move your fingers.
Ding-ding, spring has come.


I'll cook porridge for the doll,
Imitate the movements of stirring porridge.
I'll pour milk into a bowl,
I'll put some cereal there,
Rub your fingers together.
And I'll put it on the stove.
Extend your hands, palms up,
stretch forward.

The porridge will be good
Eat, doll, slowly!
Wag your finger.


Finger games and exercises.

Finger game "Five Fingers".

(Rhythmically clench and unclench your fists. As you count, alternately bend the fingers on both hands.)

There are five fingers on my hand

Five grabbers, five holders.

To plan and to saw,

To take and to give.

One two three four five!

Finger game "Walk".

(We bend the fingers one by one, first on one hand, read the second time - we bend them on the other hand)

This finger went into the forest.
I found this finger - a mushroom.
This finger has taken its place.
This finger will fit tightly.
This finger has eaten a lot
That's why I got fat.

Finger game "Count fingers."

One two three four five.

One two three four five -

Ten fingers, a pair of hands -

Here is your wealth, friend.

Children count each finger separately, bending it.

Finger game "My funny fingers".

My fingers will tell

Everyone can do it, everyone will show it.

Five of them on my hand.

They can do everything

They will always help.

They play the pipe

The ball is thrown

Linen is washed

The floor is being swept

They think

They pinch, caress,

My fingers on my hand.

For the first two lines, raise your arms up and turn your palms in and out. Then clap your hands. Next, imitate movements that correspond to the content of the text.

Finger game "Four Brothers".

(Raise your hand, palm straight, fingers closed.)

The brothers sat in the hut.

(Move your little finger to the side strictly in the plane of your palm and hold it in this position for 2-3 seconds.)

The little one wanted to go for a walk

(The little finger sways slightly, then returns to its original position.)

It's boring for him to walk alone.

(Move two fingers pressed to each other to the side: the little finger and the ring finger; hold them in this position for 2-3 seconds.)

He invites his brother to go for a walk together.

(The little finger and ring finger sway slightly, then return to their original position.)

Yes, it’s boring for them to walk together.

(Move three fingers pressed to each other to the side: little finger, ring finger and middle finger. Hold them in this position for 2-3 seconds.)

They invite the three of us to go for a walk.

(The thumb and index fingers are joined at the tips four times.)

It’s sad for the elders to sit in the hut.

(All fingers join together in a pinch, the hand relaxes.)

They call their brothers home to them.

(When repeating the game, the other hand works. When the movements become familiar, you can try playing with both hands at the same time.)

Finger game “Building a house”.

We're building a wall

Higher, higher,
We hold our straight palms horizontally in front of us (the little finger of each is looking down, the thumb is up, the inner surface of the palms is facing the chest), alternately placing the “lower” palm on the “upper” one, imitating brickwork.
We've already reached the roof!
By the time these words are pronounced, the “wall” should “grow” approximately to the eyes. We form a gable roof from our palms: the ridge is the touching tips of the middle fingers, the slopes are the palms and forearms.
Whose roof is higher?

Higher, higher, higher!
The folded hands stretch, stretch, stretch upward! Adults, make sure your spine follows the length of your arms! (one girl even stood on a chair so that her roof would be higher!)
We cut a window

And a cat door

And a hole for the mouse:

The named holes are depicted as large and index fingers: large quadrangle, arch, small round hole. The lines about the mouse are spoken in a thin voice.

Finger game "Boat".

(For the first lines, connect two palms with a boat and perform wave-like movements with your hands. For the words “I will raise the sails,” raise your straightened palms up. Then imitate the movements of waves and fish.)

I will press two palms

And I will sail across the sea.

Two palms, friends, -

This is my boat.

I'll raise the sails

I'll swim in the blue sea.

And on the stormy waves

Fish swim here and there.

Finger game "We are playing."

My first finger cannot

The second finger will help me.

We play, we play, we tap on the keys,

My second finger can't

The third finger will help me.

We play again, tapping on the keys.

We play, we play, we tap on the keys,

My third finger cannot

So the fourth one will help me.

We play again, tapping on the keys.

We play, we play, we tap on the keys,

But my fourth one won’t be able to,

The fifth finger will help me.

We play again, tapping on the keys.

We play, we play, we tap on the keys,

If my fifth one can't,

That palm will help me.

We play again, tapping on the keys, tapping, tapping.

Place your palm on the table, knock on the table with all fingers in turn, starting with the thumb. Then hit the table with your palm.

Finger game "Helpers".

Here are my helpers,

Turn them any way you want.

One two three four five.

They don't sit well again.

Knocked, turned

And they didn’t want to work.

Children massage each one separately

finger of the right hand, pronouncing the words:

This finger wants to sleep.

This little finger jumped into the bed.

This one took a nap nearby.

This little finger is already asleep.

And the other one has been sleeping for a long time.

Who else is making noise here?

Hush, hush, don't make any noise.

Don't wake up your fingers.

The clear morning will come,

The red sun will rise.

The birds will begin to sing.

Your fingers will start to rise.

Wake up, kids!

It's time for your fingers to go to school!